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Life versus serious spiritual advancement


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Do you really like this career you have? Have you followed your heart in pursuing your career? Working 11 hours a day is jut being a slave...
NoctiLucent84 said:
Hi All,

I have some questions that I'm pretty sure are relevant to some people here.

To highlight the situation, let me describe it in a nutshell:
After I dedicated my soul to Satan many years ago, I was full of curiosity, I was motivated, and I had quite a lot of time (I was in college back then, and most of the time I managed to create a schedule that allowed me to stay home a lot) to do yoga and mediations, and participate in all of the rituals against the enemy. I was thirsty for knowledge, and Satanism was in the center of my lie. I really felt that I'm advancing, that my soul is getting stronger, that I'm more sensitive to the energies arounf me etc.

After this period, came some rough times, and my advancement stopped almost completely. After these times were over, I could not really start where I left off. I graduated and started working 40 hours a week, and that's where I am now.
I don't have enough time for serious advancement. To be precise, about 10-11 hours of a day is spent on work and travelling to work. I sleep about 6 hours, that's 17 so far. From the 7 left I spend around 2 hours getting ready for work, tending to my basic needs, housekeeping etc.

I'm left with 5 hours a day into which I should cram all the rest of my life: yoga, meditation, rituals, reading and researching,physical exercise, social life, relaxing, having fun, spending time on my hobbies etc. How is that even possible? On top of the little time, I'm so unfocused and exhausted all the time, that I can't really keep a routine (not just in the area of spiritual advancement, but everywhere else). My curiosity is nowhere near as great as back then, I'm not motivated enough, and I had a hard time doing the rituals daily (when we had 5-6 rituals every day).

My thinking has also changed a lot since the start. Its core now is the thought that we are all sitting on a jewish conveyor belt that is leading from the maternity ward to the grave. Only the scenery changes: nursery, school, work, old age, death. And it repeats in every subsequent life. The only thing that can save us from this, is completing the Magnum Opus, and becoming Immortal.
See the problem here? I must have time, dedication, curiosity and motivation to raise my Serpent, then complete the Magnum Opus. But first, I have to break out of this life and find all my lost curiosity, motivation and whatnot so I can succeed. I also read somewhere that after one reaches the age of 40, his or her body is not strong enough anymore to handle the ascension of the Kundalini Serpent. If that is the case, I still have about a decade left, but considering all the things I described above, it's not a lot. And I feel that if I don't become Immortal or at least raise my Serpent in my present life, then I just wasted it. Who wants to start all over again?

My questions are directed at the more advanced people here, although any advice is appreciated:

How do you advance spiritually in a serious and efficient way, while also taking care of your life?
What is the best mindset for this?
What is wrong with my thinking (see above)?

I hope you can offer some advice.

First of all I don't think what you read about Kundalini is true but I am not sure :? Secondly I am really sorry about what happens to you right now :( !The only advice I can give you is to stop care about your social life and use the time you spend to it for meditations and the rest!Talk to your guardian demon to help you find a little more free time!If you don't have a Guardian demon ask father Satan to help you!I remember I have read there is a god thatI helps someone find a good job !Look at the site:
For help with specific problems list withthe name of gods(or something like that)(als8 sorry I can't post the link)!I hope my advises will help you !Again I am really sorry about your situation!!!
I think your concerns are completely legitimate. And I can relate to much of what you wrote.

There have been periods where I had to do all my vibrations out of doors in the cold, rain and snow etc. because I lived in a cardboard box apartment and I couldn't be too noisy. We're talking 1-2 hours of vibrations, including RTRs, plus time to and from my spot out of doors. There was also a period where I had to get up at 4 in the morning to be able to do my meditations. This lasted a while.

All I can say is stick with it, and you can make thigs better. For you, time sounds like a huge factor. Your current way of life may seem like the only one that's possible, but you may be overlooking certain alternative possibilities. The hamster wheel way of life works to prevent people from studying the truth and empowering themselves. Because people are exhausted all the time. Total communism.

I strongly doubt the Gods would mind if you asked for advice and pointers on this. Because it relates directly to your advancement. Good luck!
NoctiLucent84 said:
I also read somewhere that after one reaches the age of 40, his or her body is not strong enough anymore to handle the ascension of the Kundalini Serpent. If that is the case, I still have about a decade left, but considering all the things I described above, it's not a lot. And I feel that if I don't become Immortal or at least raise my Serpent in my present life, then I just wasted it. Who wants to start all over again?
I'm not sure if that's true about the Kundalini Serpent, but I do know you can still advance even after the age of 40. Even if you die, your soul will carry every bit of spiritual progress along into your next life. Satan makes sure that every dedicated Satanist is reincarnated until they complete the Magnum Opus. You don't start all over. You build on your past lives.

I may not be a super-enlightened high priest, but I can offer a suggestion: Don't worry too much. Just do your best to balance spiritual advancement with physical needs. Even 10 minutes of meditation a day counts for something. ;)
i am responding but i am not defining myself as an "advanced people" :) just giving my opinion :

I don't have enough time for serious advancement. To be precise, about 10-11 hours of a day is spent on work and travelling to work. I sleep about 6 hours, that's 17 so far. From the 7 left I spend around 2 hours getting ready for work, tending to my basic needs, housekeeping etc.

So here is the problem .

I know this is better said than done but , if we put survival logic it goes like this :

If you don't have food you will have to do whatever it takes to have food , so if you don't have time enough for advancement you will have to find a way (whatever it is ) to have the time,

about the motivational part ,i completely understand when you have a demanding job you're drained , so in order to have you mind clear , i would say take some vacation , relax ( maybe do some travel ) once your mind is clear ( without nervous fatigue ) find a way to get the time ( like changing the job... ? ) and then execute.

for the spiritual part an other tactic would be to sleep earlier , and wake up earlier and do the spiritual working(s) , with you mind clear.

it's not like you have a lot of option anyway.
Sa ta na ma slows aging from what i read at least a not sure how much. One of the hps mentioned this in a sermon years ago i believe and google shows some results to this effect. You can do that mantra for at least 15 minutes a day or more and affirm something to this effect. I affirm "im eternally young" after it 9 times (though im for sure i need to complete the magnum opes for that i still think its a good affirmation) I This will give you more time although im not sure age is an issue in raising kundalini. Im 30 so I guess i will work harder and try to do this sooner if thats the case. I think my Sa ta na ma chant gives me more time on this earth though and it will for you too. If you have some privacy at work or are able you can do void meditation or even mantras or the viaualization meditations at work while you work. You can ask one of the Gods advice if your open enough. Also that sounds too much work. Surely you can look into reducing hours or finding a different job that is if you want. You need to be able to enjoy life and advance along with gaining money. Do the rtr at least once every day or and i always love doing enochian keys too but thats your choice. though the rtr is most important and needs to be done daily by everyone here it empowers the soul too. I learned the hard way years ago Satan will not help those who dont take Satanism seriously btw so if thats the only thing you can do some days do it. Good luck i hope you work this out.
Hail Satan
NoctiLucent84 said:
Hi All,

I have some questions that I'm pretty sure are relevant to some people here.

To highlight the situation, let me describe it in a nutshell:
After I dedicated my soul to Satan many years ago, I was full of curiosity, I was motivated, and I had quite a lot of time (I was in college back then, and most of the time I managed to create a schedule that allowed me to stay home a lot) to do yoga and mediations, and participate in all of the rituals against the enemy. I was thirsty for knowledge, and Satanism was in the center of my lie. I really felt that I'm advancing, that my soul is getting stronger, that I'm more sensitive to the energies arounf me etc.

After this period, came some rough times, and my advancement stopped almost completely. After these times were over, I could not really start where I left off. I graduated and started working 40 hours a week, and that's where I am now.
I don't have enough time for serious advancement. To be precise, about 10-11 hours of a day is spent on work and travelling to work. I sleep about 6 hours, that's 17 so far. From the 7 left I spend around 2 hours getting ready for work, tending to my basic needs, housekeeping etc.

I'm left with 5 hours a day into which I should cram all the rest of my life: yoga, meditation, rituals, reading and researching,physical exercise, social life, relaxing, having fun, spending time on my hobbies etc. How is that even possible? On top of the little time, I'm so unfocused and exhausted all the time, that I can't really keep a routine (not just in the area of spiritual advancement, but everywhere else). My curiosity is nowhere near as great as back then, I'm not motivated enough, and I had a hard time doing the rituals daily (when we had 5-6 rituals every day).

My thinking has also changed a lot since the start. Its core now is the thought that we are all sitting on a jewish conveyor belt that is leading from the maternity ward to the grave. Only the scenery changes: nursery, school, work, old age, death. And it repeats in every subsequent life. The only thing that can save us from this, is completing the Magnum Opus, and becoming Immortal.
See the problem here? I must have time, dedication, curiosity and motivation to raise my Serpent, then complete the Magnum Opus. But first, I have to break out of this life and find all my lost curiosity, motivation and whatnot so I can succeed. I also read somewhere that after one reaches the age of 40, his or her body is not strong enough anymore to handle the ascension of the Kundalini Serpent. If that is the case, I still have about a decade left, but considering all the things I described above, it's not a lot. And I feel that if I don't become Immortal or at least raise my Serpent in my present life, then I just wasted it. Who wants to start all over again?

My questions are directed at the more advanced people here, although any advice is appreciated:

How do you advance spiritually in a serious and efficient way, while also taking care of your life?
What is the best mindset for this?
What is wrong with my thinking (see above)?

I hope you can offer some advice.


The most powerful way of empowering yourself is mantra work. It's a quick and effective way of still advancing yourself spiritually while keeping up with the flow of life. Vibrating the words of power letter by letter is extremely powerful, like the Satan mantras. You only really need some basic yoga stretches to keep your energy flowing properly, the real power is in the vibration. I'd say a maximum of 30 minutes a day for spiritual empowerment through stretching and vibrations is plenty.

Make advancement part of your life for your whole life. Don't make advancement your whole life. Circumstances change all the time.

You probably just hit a snag and are having trouble adjusting to your changed situation in a way where you can continue with what you were doing before. I had this issue as well when my life circumstances changed but I managed to work things around to where I have time to do everything.

I'd say imprint your desire for change into your soul (by 'wishing' it) and let your higher self sort it out. You'll find things usually come around the way you want when you have advanced somewhat with no hangups. This is the power of the soul.
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
NoctiLucent84 said:
Hi All,

I have some questions that I'm pretty sure are relevant to some people here.

To highlight the situation, let me describe it in a nutshell:
After I dedicated my soul to Satan many years ago, I was full of curiosity, I was motivated, and I had quite a lot of time (I was in college back then, and most of the time I managed to create a schedule that allowed me to stay home a lot) to do yoga and mediations, and participate in all of the rituals against the enemy. I was thirsty for knowledge, and Satanism was in the center of my lie. I really felt that I'm advancing, that my soul is getting stronger, that I'm more sensitive to the energies arounf me etc.

After this period, came some rough times, and my advancement stopped almost completely. After these times were over, I could not really start where I left off. I graduated and started working 40 hours a week, and that's where I am now.
I don't have enough time for serious advancement. To be precise, about 10-11 hours of a day is spent on work and travelling to work. I sleep about 6 hours, that's 17 so far. From the 7 left I spend around 2 hours getting ready for work, tending to my basic needs, housekeeping etc.

I'm left with 5 hours a day into which I should cram all the rest of my life: yoga, meditation, rituals, reading and researching,physical exercise, social life, relaxing, having fun, spending time on my hobbies etc. How is that even possible? On top of the little time, I'm so unfocused and exhausted all the time, that I can't really keep a routine (not just in the area of spiritual advancement, but everywhere else). My curiosity is nowhere near as great as back then, I'm not motivated enough, and I had a hard time doing the rituals daily (when we had 5-6 rituals every day).

My thinking has also changed a lot since the start. Its core now is the thought that we are all sitting on a jewish conveyor belt that is leading from the maternity ward to the grave. Only the scenery changes: nursery, school, work, old age, death. And it repeats in every subsequent life. The only thing that can save us from this, is completing the Magnum Opus, and becoming Immortal.
See the problem here? I must have time, dedication, curiosity and motivation to raise my Serpent, then complete the Magnum Opus. But first, I have to break out of this life and find all my lost curiosity, motivation and whatnot so I can succeed. I also read somewhere that after one reaches the age of 40, his or her body is not strong enough anymore to handle the ascension of the Kundalini Serpent. If that is the case, I still have about a decade left, but considering all the things I described above, it's not a lot. And I feel that if I don't become Immortal or at least raise my Serpent in my present life, then I just wasted it. Who wants to start all over again?

My questions are directed at the more advanced people here, although any advice is appreciated:

How do you advance spiritually in a serious and efficient way, while also taking care of your life?
What is the best mindset for this?
What is wrong with my thinking (see above)?

I hope you can offer some advice.


The most powerful way of empowering yourself is mantra work. It's a quick and effective way of still advancing yourself spiritually while keeping up with the flow of life. Vibrating the words of power letter by letter is extremely powerful, like the Satan mantras. You only really need some basic yoga stretches to keep your energy flowing properly, the real power is in the vibration. I'd say a maximum of 30 minutes a day for spiritual empowerment through stretching and vibrations is plenty.

Make advancement part of your life for your whole life. Don't make advancement your whole life. Circumstances change all the time.

You probably just hit a snag and are having trouble adjusting to your changed situation in a way where you can continue with what you were doing before. I had this issue as well when my life circumstances changed but I managed to work things around to where I have time to do everything.

I'd say imprint your desire for change into your soul (by 'wishing' it) and let your higher self sort it out. You'll find things usually come around the way you want when you have advanced somewhat with no hangups. This is the power of the soul.

I have even less time to myself and find I would like to ask you which mantras in particular you are talking about and if you would kindly cite two different mantras. I do kundalini yoga daily but feel something is missing. Im not sure what the Satan mantras are. I know SATANAS but thats it.
I know how you’re feeling man. I work and study simultaneously this leaves little chance for anything else, but you’re NOT stuck. Never think “I have too many demands at the moment to be focused on advancing,” or “I’m too tired or drained.” Rather think, “how can I break out of this?” “How can I find more time to advance?” It all starts with your thinking.

Between working, studying, exercising and getting healthy amounts of sleep I still find time for leisure and meditation. I work in the restaurant industry as a waiter, I’ve bound my manager to always give me the shifts I want and need.

So, if I don’t want or need to go into work, I just tell him and he ALWAYS lets me stay home. I’ve never given him an excuse as to why, I usually tell him something like “it’s going to be dead, I don’t think I’ll be needed tonight” and he lets me stay. Your situation is probably completely different, but the above is only an example of using your powers to get what you want.

Money? Not an issue. I’m never broke. I never allow myself to be backed up into a corner where I start feeling a financial crunch. I worked a day shift two days ago and I made 1 grand. That’s off one shift. You need to program your soul to attract the finances you need.

Cool. So, next thing empowering your soul to attract the things you need. You don’t need much time at first, you just need a few minutes. In the beginning when I was crunched for time there were quick meditations I would do..

In the morning I’d do a few sun salutations. I’d limit that to 5 min and I’d clean my aura in while I was showering (I’d visualize the water washing away dirt from my aura and chakras while seeing myself grow brighter and brighter.)

On work breaks I’d do a few breathing exercises in the bathroom. When I got home from work (usually around 10pm) id breathe energy into each chakra, clean my aura and do an aura of protection. No meditation would be extremely lengthy, but it would be JUST bare minimum.

Within a few weeks, I realised I couldnt keep living like that, so I set out a goal to change my life. I started with 20 affirmations after my breathing exercises to change my circumstances, I can’t remember the affirmation it was a few years ago, but it was something along the lines of, “I now have the time I need to advance spiritually in a way that doesn’t hinder my education or financial progression”

Eventually I started getting more cash from work (in tips) which allowed me to work less and less and focus more on my spiritual advancement.

So my answer is, do what you can and affirm yourself out of this bullshit.
Aquarius said:
Do you really like this career you have? Have you followed your heart in pursuing your career? Working 11 hours a day is jut being a slave...

I can add, some people are naturally prone to work more that the average person. The Japanese people are a hard-working people and they do possess a high Spiritual level as their society is based on respect, they have low crime rates, respect women, keep alive old Spiritual insights despite the world rotting etc. On the opposite being a lazy fatass working very few hours in a stupid job won't help to grow Spiritually in many cases.

Working too many hours in general is not good for a Satanist willing to develop his Soul, but if your hard work is rewarding and you also possibly work for the advancement of something for the better, and your job does not feed jewish ideals, but Gentile natural ideals, that would not be necessarily a slave labor. Your Soul could also grow thanks to some experiences in your job fixing some kind of issue or hangup you may have in your Soul due to interaction with physical world.

Finding if your Natal Chart is the cause of excess work (Pluto on career/work houses or Saturn, Mars aspects, etc.) may help to better your job and transform it in a Spiritual mean to develop will power, train the logical mind, etc. In accordance with your Planers.

Having lunch break or pauses alone in a park will suprisigly find some extra time for Meditation.
Driving or travelling by Bus and Meditating can be possible if your Mercury allows your mind, if you have few time.

If the cause of extra-work is the enemy who chained your Soul to the negative vortex of slave labor in a meaningless job with no aim, then a change is needed. This car require some months to break the enemy resiatance, but is worth the effort.
It's like the slave Chinese people getting free.
returner said:
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
NoctiLucent84 said:
Hi All,

I have some questions that I'm pretty sure are relevant to some people here.

To highlight the situation, let me describe it in a nutshell:
After I dedicated my soul to Satan many years ago, I was full of curiosity, I was motivated, and I had quite a lot of time (I was in college back then, and most of the time I managed to create a schedule that allowed me to stay home a lot) to do yoga and mediations, and participate in all of the rituals against the enemy. I was thirsty for knowledge, and Satanism was in the center of my lie. I really felt that I'm advancing, that my soul is getting stronger, that I'm more sensitive to the energies arounf me etc.

After this period, came some rough times, and my advancement stopped almost completely. After these times were over, I could not really start where I left off. I graduated and started working 40 hours a week, and that's where I am now.
I don't have enough time for serious advancement. To be precise, about 10-11 hours of a day is spent on work and travelling to work. I sleep about 6 hours, that's 17 so far. From the 7 left I spend around 2 hours getting ready for work, tending to my basic needs, housekeeping etc.

I'm left with 5 hours a day into which I should cram all the rest of my life: yoga, meditation, rituals, reading and researching,physical exercise, social life, relaxing, having fun, spending time on my hobbies etc. How is that even possible? On top of the little time, I'm so unfocused and exhausted all the time, that I can't really keep a routine (not just in the area of spiritual advancement, but everywhere else). My curiosity is nowhere near as great as back then, I'm not motivated enough, and I had a hard time doing the rituals daily (when we had 5-6 rituals every day).

My thinking has also changed a lot since the start. Its core now is the thought that we are all sitting on a jewish conveyor belt that is leading from the maternity ward to the grave. Only the scenery changes: nursery, school, work, old age, death. And it repeats in every subsequent life. The only thing that can save us from this, is completing the Magnum Opus, and becoming Immortal.
See the problem here? I must have time, dedication, curiosity and motivation to raise my Serpent, then complete the Magnum Opus. But first, I have to break out of this life and find all my lost curiosity, motivation and whatnot so I can succeed. I also read somewhere that after one reaches the age of 40, his or her body is not strong enough anymore to handle the ascension of the Kundalini Serpent. If that is the case, I still have about a decade left, but considering all the things I described above, it's not a lot. And I feel that if I don't become Immortal or at least raise my Serpent in my present life, then I just wasted it. Who wants to start all over again?

My questions are directed at the more advanced people here, although any advice is appreciated:

How do you advance spiritually in a serious and efficient way, while also taking care of your life?
What is the best mindset for this?
What is wrong with my thinking (see above)?

I hope you can offer some advice.


The most powerful way of empowering yourself is mantra work. It's a quick and effective way of still advancing yourself spiritually while keeping up with the flow of life. Vibrating the words of power letter by letter is extremely powerful, like the Satan mantras. You only really need some basic yoga stretches to keep your energy flowing properly, the real power is in the vibration. I'd say a maximum of 30 minutes a day for spiritual empowerment through stretching and vibrations is plenty.

Make advancement part of your life for your whole life. Don't make advancement your whole life. Circumstances change all the time.

You probably just hit a snag and are having trouble adjusting to your changed situation in a way where you can continue with what you were doing before. I had this issue as well when my life circumstances changed but I managed to work things around to where I have time to do everything.

I'd say imprint your desire for change into your soul (by 'wishing' it) and let your higher self sort it out. You'll find things usually come around the way you want when you have advanced somewhat with no hangups. This is the power of the soul.

I have even less time to myself and find I would like to ask you which mantras in particular you are talking about and if you would kindly cite two different mantras. I do kundalini yoga daily but feel something is missing. Im not sure what the Satan mantras are. I know SATANAS but thats it.

Any of them. I personally work with fire mantras due to their purifying nature. What's important is vibrating the mantras one letter at a time as this is the proper way of vibrating them. Satan mantras as in Sat Nam, Satan, Satanama, Satanas etc.
Here's my (edited) daily schedule, I don't know how much time you have, but the entire schedule usually takes me roughly 2 hours:

- AoC

- AoP

- Void Meditation (2 - 5 minutes)

- Kundalini Yoga - 35~ minutes

- Hatha Yoga - 30 minutes

- 10 minutes trance training ( I typically do this the last 10 minutes of Kundalini Yoga)

- Foundation meditation

- RTRs (20 to 30 minutes)

- RAUM meditation (20 minutes tops)

- Void meditation (2 - 5 minutes)

- AoC

- AoP

I hope this has helped :) Or at the least, given you a base for setting up a spiritual advancement plan.
I don't know how well this might suit your schedule, but you might have little opportunities here and there to get some meditation in throughout your day.

For example, in my case, I was employed at a library up until recently (Time to go all in for school.), and at our library we have "desk slots" where we are meant to be at the front desk for half-hour intervals. Thus ensuring that there's always at least one person at the desk to help patrons. During such times when I'd just be sitting there, or pacing as I often do, I would get some meditating in since I'd otherwise have my thumb firmly up my ass. Sometimes we'd be slow enough that I could get a decent number of affirmations in to build my AoP, or stimulate my pineal gland or whatever it is that I'd be doing. With college starting up again, I've already found opportunities where if I start to zone out, I silently meditate instead. The time between classes is especially good for this, since such time is often filled with just sitting in the classroom and awaiting the professor's arrival.

Hopefully in your case, you may have little opportunities like these as well, where you can at least get something in for the day. I relate very much to what you had to say in your post, especially in regards to the physical exhaustion - I fell asleep once halfway through the final RTR. Remember always that you have kindred spirits in your struggles and even though we cannot see each other, we and many others are fighting shoulder-to-shoulder in the same struggle and against the same daunting obstacles. We'll drag each other across the finish line if need be.
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
returner said:
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
Any of them. I personally work with fire mantras due to their purifying nature. What's important is vibrating the mantras one letter at a time as this is the proper way of vibrating them. Satan mantras as in Sat Nam, Satan, Satanama, Satanas etc.

What are these fire mantras?
A good way to do meditations such as the Aura empowering meditation which takes very much time to complete it is to use runes !See what I mean:

Breath white gold energy to your entire aura and then vibrate Sowilo and Fehu 16 times then use an affirmation like that for 16 times:The energies of runes Sowilo and Fehu are empowering my!

About the chakra meditations which also takes very much time use Sansristik Vibrations

Base chakra:LLAHHH-UUU-MMM(Laum)
Sacral chakra:VAHHH-UUU-MMM(Vaum)
Solar plexus chakra:RAHHH-UUU-MMM(Raum)
heart chakra:YYAHHH-UUU-MMM(Yaum)
Throat chakra:HAHHH-UUU-MMM(Haum)
Sixth chakra:AHHH-UUU-MMM(Aum)
Seventh chakra:MMAHHH-UUU-MMM(Maum)
Do those vibrations for whatever repetitions!Personally am doing it for 80 repetitions!

About chakras such as the shoulder chakras(8th and 9th),The temple chakras (10th and 11th),the Hip chakras(12th and 13th),the hand and feet chakras that has not Sansristik Vibrations use runes!
Breathe white gold energy to the pair of chakras(for example 8th and 9th together) you want to empower and after vibrate Sowilo and fehu 16 times and after use an affirmation like that for 16 times:The energies of the runes Sowilo and Fehu are empowering my 8th and 9th chakras(this is an example you can use it for whatever chakra you want!)

About aura cleaning and aura of protection I can give you a shorter way to do them but about the aura cleaning use the mantra AumSuryae while doing so it will be more effective and it won't take you even a second more!
Those are my suggestions I hope they will help!!!Let me know how it goes!
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
returner said:
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
The most powerful way of empowering yourself is mantra work. It's a quick and effective way of still advancing yourself spiritually while keeping up with the flow of life. Vibrating the words of power letter by letter is extremely powerful, like the Satan mantras. You only really need some basic yoga stretches to keep your energy flowing properly, the real power is in the vibration. I'd say a maximum of 30 minutes a day for spiritual empowerment through stretching and vibrations is plenty.

Make advancement part of your life for your whole life. Don't make advancement your whole life. Circumstances change all the time.

You probably just hit a snag and are having trouble adjusting to your changed situation in a way where you can continue with what you were doing before. I had this issue as well when my life circumstances changed but I managed to work things around to where I have time to do everything.

I'd say imprint your desire for change into your soul (by 'wishing' it) and let your higher self sort it out. You'll find things usually come around the way you want when you have advanced somewhat with no hangups. This is the power of the soul.

I have even less time to myself and find I would like to ask you which mantras in particular you are talking about and if you would kindly cite two different mantras. I do kundalini yoga daily but feel something is missing. Im not sure what the Satan mantras are. I know SATANAS but thats it.

Any of them. I personally work with fire mantras due to their purifying nature. What's important is vibrating the mantras one letter at a time as this is the proper way of vibrating them. Satan mantras as in Sat Nam, Satan, Satanama, Satanas etc.

So it would go like this?
1.My kundalini yoga and rest for 10 to 15 minutes on my back.

2.When Im done resting then with one breath between each individual letter of the word I need to vibrate SSSS(hissing sound right)-AAAAHHHHH-ZZZZ(kind of a Z and th sound)-AAAAHHHH-NNNNN to vibrate Satan? While feeling it in my aura.

3.And affirm to direct it?

If I do this x108 is this more powerful than vibrating Sowilo x108?
Poweredbythesun said:
Here's my (edited) daily schedule, I don't know how much time you have, but the entire schedule usually takes me roughly 2 hours:

- AoC

- AoP

- Void Meditation (2 - 5 minutes)

- Kundalini Yoga - 35~ minutes

- Hatha Yoga - 30 minutes

- 10 minutes trance training ( I typically do this the last 10 minutes of Kundalini Yoga)

- Foundation meditation

- RTRs (20 to 30 minutes)

- RAUM meditation (20 minutes tops)

- Void meditation (2 - 5 minutes)

- AoC

- AoP

I hope this has helped :) Or at the least, given you a base for setting up a spiritual advancement plan.

When do you do this? Do you do the whole thing in one go, or do you split it up into parts?
Aconite said:
Poweredbythesun said:
Here's my (edited) daily schedule, I don't know how much time you have, but the entire schedule usually takes me roughly 2 hours:

- AoC

- AoP

- Void Meditation (2 - 5 minutes)

- Kundalini Yoga - 35~ minutes

- Hatha Yoga - 30 minutes

- 10 minutes trance training ( I typically do this the last 10 minutes of Kundalini Yoga)

- Foundation meditation

- RTRs (20 to 30 minutes)

- RAUM meditation (20 minutes tops)

- Void meditation (2 - 5 minutes)

- AoC

- AoP

I hope this has helped :) Or at the least, given you a base for setting up a spiritual advancement plan.

When do you do this? Do you do the whole thing in one go, or do you split it up into parts?

I have work 1st thing in the morning, so I do my AoC, AoP, and void meditation if I have time. Then I go to work, and when I get home I do everything else as I go. Usually I try and avoid yoga immediately after dinner though, as I don't want to make myself sick.

I also use a hard copy of this schedule (in a plastic cover) for reference during the day. And I cross out the things I've done with dry erase marker
I recall Vovim Baghie a former HP, rose his serpent while living a busy lifestyle. I do know that we are warned on the JoS, not to go the monk route of total seclusion and isolation, as the serpent is about freedom. But with how many of us are, it seems to be non-optional to live this kind of lifestyle and the more you grow spiritually and do RTRs the less people you can relate to naturally, as those without will tend to be tools for the enemy and drag you down.

As for my own advice on your situation. A solution can be simply doing a 40 day working to get more time for spiritual advancement. As for specific details I will add more input later(going to work).
On having a busy schedule and advancing..

I have a 40 hour a week job.. Sometimes I work up to 50 hours in a week including occasional overnight shift.

I enjoy my work. It is productive and teaches many things about interacting with people and how the world works.. I also self created my position in my job so the financial security that it brings to my family is part of my own magical doing.

I have three natural children and three step children.. There is never less than four children to care for, clothe and feed.

I am studying, at least 6 hours per week attending and whatever else outside that time reading, writing assignments etc.

I am very active, often going for 2-3 hour bicycle rides outside the house of a nighttime or early morning.

I meditate and RTR and whatever else I feel needs doing:

- in the car when driving to work or taking kids to school,
- when driving between sites at work (which is frequently),
- when sitting at my desk doing mundane thoughtless tasks,
- when sitting having my morning coffee,
- whilst on lunch break at work.

I rarely sit and have a meditation session which consists entirely of just that and what it has taught my brain to do is be able to meditate under pressure which allows me to call upon the movement of energy under any situation, including personal threat (which is also a part of my job) resulting in far better outcomes and a continued spiritual advancement even upon the backdrop of a busy, even hectic lifestyle.
Essentially, do what you feel needs done. If you are busy and cannot do something, do not worry too much for you can pick it up where you left off in most cases.

Of course this does not mean it is good to be lazy, as this leads to spiritual stagnation. . But of course we all have limits on what we are willing to do at any given time.

A good example of this concept of doing what you feel needs done is what happened to me yesterday; I got home from my job, went to talk to some people about business, had dinner, and immediately jumped into my routine. And by bed time I still had an hour of Yoga left to do, but I tired and went to bed feeling fulfilled and I dozed off feeling my high bio electricity levels coursing through me. I could have easily done my yoga, put on my gold ring (to add to my willpower), or even took a cold shower to wake up. But I didn't need to.

I don't remember the exact quote from HP Hooded Cobra, but he mentioned not too long ago that the meditations and yoga are about balance. And that you do them when you need to (although it is always good to do them daily just in case).

We're all SS (well, most of us are *squints at infiltrators*), and SS is about freedom. Nobody is forcing you to advance, or do the RTRs, or even dedicate. But to those who do the RTRs, advance, and dedicate; Those of us are on the path to becoming gods, and helping humanity restore itself to full potential.

That all being said, take HP Mageson's advice: Progress steadily and reliably, do what you can, and what you have time for. Whatever you decide will be your daily schedule though, remember that AoC, AoP, and Void Meditation are MUST DO's daily.

I hope this has helped :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
