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Let's talk some more about morality

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
The conversation is always about what should be ,could be but never about what is.

Humans on a mass scale don't have free will. This should be very clear with the successful corruption of western society by the jews over decades and especially the last three years.

If humans can be coerced by their governments through the fear of an invisible virus to take an experimental gene therapy and continue to be given three times ,each times Making their health worse and they keep doing it.

It doesn't matter your level of education or your IQ. There is simply a basic level of trained helplessness and the inability of thinking about yourself in people, even highly educated people who are top of their field.

This is the basis of the Malthusian Depopulationist idea Stated in the Georgia guidestones. As a person who has conscious awareness one can go two ways - either you accept humanity as it is and accept your role as a benefactor of humanity because of your conscious awareness. Or you due to your conscious awareness hate the common people for the way they are and accept the Malthusian idea.

The United States is a failed state and contrary to Nazi Germany people didn't start a war and defeat them. The United States was taken over by social engineering, the entertainment industry with the virus of the mind being able to manipulate the host population into doing what was going to cause their eventual collapse.

It's a prime example of how freedom doesn't work and has failed in all the forms it has been tried. It's time to accept reality.

Humans in the majority need direction and need to be told what to do by a benefactor to advance society as a whole. Laws that are made must advance the lives of the vast majority of people and sometimes some people will dislike them. It is what it is.

All of the social issues that were created were manufactured to be fixed by a Dictatorship in the future. The jews purposefully created Democracy to offer a solution of Dictatorship in a Hegelian Dialectic.

Klaus Swabb in his book Covid 19 The Great Reset says that Democracy has failed and that power must be given to corporations because they are more competent that anyone else and that they will decide every facet of your life.

Who can disagree with Scwabb that people need directions instead of freedom. I obviously hate Scwabb and his Jewish agenda but the concept of a meritrocratic aristocracy is the answer ,not some corporate head. That's what the SS were in Nazi Germany.

For people to be effective leaders they must be beyond greed and lust ,opposite of all these corporate heads who only care about money and more resources.

Smoking, drugs,chemicals in the food and water ,fast food etc should be banned by Law. People shouldn't even be able to choose to indulge in these things.

The last 100 years has just been jews trying to destroy society and then use the justification of
"Oh look when we give people freedom they eat fast food, take drugs ,and watch dopamine induced porn and web series. Humanity is broken. Now allow us to alter your DNA and put chips in your mind so that you can be free from your primitive human selves. You dont have to take decisions anymore because your so bad at it. Allow this AI to take the decisions for you."

Almost all the people who don't have conscious awareness will prefer to have their lives run by the AI.The Pfizer CEO literally said recently that humans were broken by design and that he was fixing us with the Gene Therapy. It's all rigged.

We have a very small window of opportunity after the economic collapse to restructure society like it was supposed to. A Benevolent Dictatorship. Or the jews impose their scientific Dictatorship and tear this planet apart further.

I decided this reply was a catalyst for more topics and necessary exposition of ideas rather than an analysis of Klaus solely, therefore it's necessary of me to create certain further topics, rather than merely going after this. For this reason I decided to delete my other post.

It should be also reminded that jews have put people in front of addictive and very false decision that border the line of literally violating free will. Addictions for example and easy access to these does not have to do much with free will, as mere experimentation can lead a person to ruin. There is no real "Free will" in any of these choices.

Looking forward to more of your views on what Jack said here. I agree almost fully with him. Maybe not banning drugs though since it seems it hasnt helped much in today's world but who knows maybe not having endless influences on tv and music promoting drugs in some way will make it actually work.

Main point I wouldn't agree with is that freedom doesn't work. It does. Just not with beings who operate on a a level lower than animals where even at times animal can be observed making rational choices that a lot of humans wouldn't make. It lead me to think about how ii read Greece had slaves but would grant them freedom after a time. I don't know too much of that but that's gist of it I think.

At that time where the world is already becoming influenced by jews and slavery is a thing now I can totally understand why this advanced society of its day did such. I doubt the worse of those people are as bad as the ones nowadays though.

As of now I still think we're way past the times of slaves. Period. Without getting too much into it I feel there's ways to go about it when it's time to rebuild, and I do have ideas as I have thought about this for a long time as my time as a SS and even a bit before finding this place I had similar thoughts of this topic.

There are people who talk the talk and want to play at being "bad" and "evil." These people are intent on going on about how "evil" Satan is, yet they don't know him, nor do they have any idea of what real Satanism is. Their ideas of so-called evil are nothing more than cultural concepts. Few have understanding of the meaning of the word “evil” and are simplistic in their thinking. Satan transcends "good" and "evil." What is perceived as “evil” in one culture may be considered favorable in another.

These individuals firmly adhere to the Christian teachings concerning Satan. Deep down, they are really Christians, not Satanists, as they follow the teachings of Christianity. They rigidly live their lives according to their own specific cultural taboos. True Satanism is freedom, Satanism is not living according to the restrictions of the Christian teachings of what is *supposed* to be evil. People who are deceived into believing Satan is evil lack perspective and understanding.

Satanism is deep, transforming spirituality that transcends the human concepts of good and evil. People who are hung up on Halloween, the boogey man, spooks, corpses and monsters have no understanding of Satan or true Satanism.

In order to be free, one must deprogram one’s mind. Only when one is able to see life through one’s own eyes, can one ascend to a higher level of understanding. Too many people are still carrying around the values society has programmed into them rather than seeing things through their own eyes and being their own person.

When we give our souls to Satan [for those of us who choose to do this], a door is opened. This is a major step beyond the conformity that has been heaped upon us by society. This is where we transcend the black and white simplistic thinking and begin to see things through our own eyes.
hailourtruegod said:
Maybe not banning drugs though since it seems it hasnt helped much in today's world but who knows maybe not having endless influences on tv and music promoting drugs in some way will make it actually work.
The problem is that while recreational drug usage, distribution and such are mainly prohibited, at the same time there are govermental agencies doing just that, pushing drugs. On the other hand media influences are telling people that it's okay while in reality anything beyond reasonable medical purpose is not okay. Then there is the fact that antidepressants and other mood stabilizers are prescribed like candy, which again, makes this whole problem worse. This is something that needs addressing, and the right way to go would be to find non-psychoactive alternatives as much as possible.

So, drugs and their 'recreational' usage should remain always prohibited to the max. Those things do not serve wellbeing of anyone in any way.
Henu the Great said:
hailourtruegod said:
Maybe not banning drugs though since it seems it hasnt helped much in today's world but who knows maybe not having endless influences on tv and music promoting drugs in some way will make it actually work.
The problem is that while recreational drug usage, distribution and such are mainly prohibited, at the same time there are govermental agencies doing just that, pushing drugs. On the other hand media influences are telling people that it's okay while in reality anything beyond reasonable medical purpose is not okay. Then there is the fact that antidepressants and other mood stabilizers are prescribed like candy, which again, makes this whole problem worse. This is something that needs addressing, and the right way to go would be to find non-psychoactive alternatives as much as possible.

So, drugs and their 'recreational' usage should remain always prohibited to the max. Those things do not serve wellbeing of anyone in any way.

I'm inclined to agree with you. People will still get it from their underground dealers, but having it not be prohibited, condoned, and even encouraged is just increasing the problem exponentially, and this should never bleed into a culture like it has. Influencers like Snoop Dog should be held accountable for making destructive lifestyles popular, if you ask me.

I tell you, Henu... there's not much I hate more than the smell of a neighbor's weed in the apartment. That skunk crap is disgusting.
Master said:
I tell you the value of prevention. The wise men of old, but also the wise men of today, say that it is always better to prevent than to have to deal with, this applies to many things.

With justice what you do is make the criminal pay and prevent to a certain extent, of course you need to do further things to ensure prevention. With prevention what you do is to avoid losses. A similar example is disease prevention.

The best prevention is to make each contry racialy pure again, then establish a bond between people based on race/common goal, like a tribe but bigger, the more you like someone else the less you will comit crimes against him/her. Or in other words the need for crime does dissolve on it´s own, if everybody does try to help the persons around them. After enemy influences are removed permanently.
jrvan said:
Henu the Great said:
hailourtruegod said:
Maybe not banning drugs though since it seems it hasnt helped much in today's world but who knows maybe not having endless influences on tv and music promoting drugs in some way will make it actually work.
The problem is that while recreational drug usage, distribution and such are mainly prohibited, at the same time there are govermental agencies doing just that, pushing drugs. On the other hand media influences are telling people that it's okay while in reality anything beyond reasonable medical purpose is not okay. Then there is the fact that antidepressants and other mood stabilizers are prescribed like candy, which again, makes this whole problem worse. This is something that needs addressing, and the right way to go would be to find non-psychoactive alternatives as much as possible.

So, drugs and their 'recreational' usage should remain always prohibited to the max. Those things do not serve wellbeing of anyone in any way.

I'm inclined to agree with you. People will still get it from their underground dealers, but having it not be prohibited, condoned, and even encouraged is just increasing the problem exponentially, and this should never bleed into a culture like it has. Influencers like Snoop Dog should be held accountable for making destructive lifestyles popular, if you ask me.

I tell you, Henu... there's not much I hate more than the smell of a neighbor's weed in the apartment. That skunk crap is disgusting.
Some drugs are easier to get rid of from circulation than others. Synthetic drugs go through a process unlike weed, making it easier to cease their production than people growing weed in their homes. Having hard crackdowns unlike now would help. I mean something along the lines of not only busting down doors, but utilising every feasible technological and manpower resource to keep people under surveillance, not just for some time, but for many years. Utilising surveillance for something worthwhile, like having tabs on known druggies and dealers and everyone involved would make it nearly impossible to make any sorts of deals. Couple these with education that would direct people to healthy lifestyle across the board, removal of marxist values if you will, and then we have a pretty good package. This is the worst nightmare of every hippie and communist, and that is what makes it even better.

The problem nowadays is that attitudes towards drugs are too lenient, and once the court orders cease and case is closed, new things pop up. The cycle is never ending under current circumstances. We definitely can eradicate such pestilence from this earth, it's just a matter of willpower and co-ordination.
Fuchs said:
Master said:
I tell you the value of prevention. The wise men of old, but also the wise men of today, say that it is always better to prevent than to have to deal with, this applies to many things.

With justice what you do is make the criminal pay and prevent to a certain extent, of course you need to do further things to ensure prevention. With prevention what you do is to avoid losses. A similar example is disease prevention.

The best prevention is to make each contry racialy pure again, then establish a bond between people based on race/common goal, like a tribe but bigger, the more you like someone else the less you will comit crimes against him/her. Or in other words the need for crime does dissolve on it´s own, if everybody does try to help the persons around them. After enemy influences are removed permanently.

I think problems will always exist but we can improve things a lot. Many problems are caused by the enemy, others are caused by the low level of advancement, especially spiritual advancement. It is also a problem indirectly caused by the enemy and so yes, the enemy has caused most of humanity's problems.
jrvan said:
Master said:
jrvan said:
It's not like I don't agree with you, (I've voiced my support for things like Satanic oligarchy, fascism, etc...) but the conversation I was trying to start isn't about political leadership. It's my attempt to convey the futility and pointlessness of trying to enforce a unified group morality in the JoS forums here, and telling people what's "right" and "wrong" in regards to their own personal magick pracice. There's literally no point. Pointing out when something is not effective for them, or not conducive to what they really want or need, is all well and good... but arguments over the morality of certain magick acts is just useless bickering, and people need to stop wasting their time with it and just accept that every SS is going to have a different place where they draw the line for what they will and won't do. The High Priest isn't establishing group morality rules for magick so no one else has the right to do so and attempt to impose these restrictions for magick on other forum members. The only "rule" for our magick practices is "responsibility to the responsible." As in, we commit an act and we are SOLELY responsible for the outcome and consequences, and this will never be the responsibility of the JoS for what people do with knowledge.

I'm sure some sneaky jew could try to say "Well that's like the JoS arming immoral criminals with a gun and not taking responsibility." Well, my preemptive response to such nonsense is that this spiritual knowledge rightfully belongs to ALL GENTILES! They cannot and will not take it away from us again. What the JoS has done is dig up all the buried knowledge that the jews tried to hide from us, and now people can do what they want with it. You can learn how to combine dangerous chemicals by reading books in a library, and that doesn't make it the library's fault for what the would-be bomber does with the knowledge gained.

The same morality that is in the world applies to JoS. JoS is for justice and works for the good of humanity, not like the Jews who do endless crimes against humanity and work to enslave and destroy it.

We cannot maintain an order that has not yet been established. So, if you want you can be unjust in your private life but be careful, at the moment it is not possible for the police to punish you for murders with spiritual powers but revenge is possible from the victims or their children, they may advance and you or your children may have problems. So think carefully about the things you want to do. Pay particular attention to completeness and not leaving traces.

I'll be long dead by the time anyone would ever decide to punish spiritual crimes in society, if they do. If they want to hunt my soul down then that's their business, and they're free to waste their time doing so. My same stance applies - if they can overpower me then that's that. I'm focused on the here and now, and getting by in this world the way it currently is. I'm helping to build towards a better tomorrow, but I still have the right to make my own judgments and choices with my own magick. My actions in my personal life do not reflect on the JoS.

Also it's a bold stance to say that the morality of the world applies to the JoS. You don't speak for this organization, and you should consider a more neutral position.

I did not mean to include anything of the morality that is in the world, such as inaccurate or worse, Jewish things of slavery and ruin. I meant a general sense of justice. JoS is for justice, truth and freedom and I have no doubt about that.
Stormblood said:
Master said:
jrvan said:
It's not like I don't agree with you, (I've voiced my support for things like Satanic oligarchy, fascism, etc...) but the conversation I was trying to start isn't about political leadership. It's my attempt to convey the futility and pointlessness of trying to enforce a unified group morality in the JoS forums here, and telling people what's "right" and "wrong" in regards to their own personal magick pracice. There's literally no point. Pointing out when something is not effective for them, or not conducive to what they really want or need, is all well and good... but arguments over the morality of certain magick acts is just useless bickering, and people need to stop wasting their time with it and just accept that every SS is going to have a different place where they draw the line for what they will and won't do. The High Priest isn't establishing group morality rules for magick so no one else has the right to do so and attempt to impose these restrictions for magick on other forum members. The only "rule" for our magick practices is "responsibility to the responsible." As in, we commit an act and we are SOLELY responsible for the outcome and consequences, and this will never be the responsibility of the JoS for what people do with knowledge.

I'm sure some sneaky jew could try to say "Well that's like the JoS arming immoral criminals with a gun and not taking responsibility." Well, my preemptive response to such nonsense is that this spiritual knowledge rightfully belongs to ALL GENTILES! They cannot and will not take it away from us again. What the JoS has done is dig up all the buried knowledge that the jews tried to hide from us, and now people can do what they want with it. You can learn how to combine dangerous chemicals by reading books in a library, and that doesn't make it the library's fault for what the would-be bomber does with the knowledge gained.

The same morality that is in the world applies to JoS. JoS is for justice and works for the good of humanity, not like the Jews who do endless crimes against humanity and work to enslave and destroy it.

We cannot maintain an order that has not yet been established. So, if you want you can be unjust in your private life but be careful, at the moment it is not possible for the police to punish you for murders with spiritual powers but revenge is possible from the victims or their children, they may advance and you or your children may have problems. So think carefully about the things you want to do. Pay particular attention to completeness and not leaving traces.

One should also be careful of the narrative "I never do it to another SS". They should ask themselves "How do I know if X person is not SS?". It's not like we lounge around with a headband saying "I am SS. Don't curse me". It's clear the majority of us is not psychic enough to acquire this information on their own. The morality argument in identifying another SS also does not apply, because we are all at different levels of morality. Those who are at a lower level may misunderstand someone at a higher level, and vice versa. Even between people around the same level it's tricky because they may still hold different beliefs because we are considering the overall level, not specific level for every single area, sub-area and nuance.

In other words, an SS may do things that you personally deem wrong, yet that doesn't make them of the enemy. They may actually be right and you may be at a lower level and don't understand they are right, or they may be wrong and not realise it yet.

In fact, a clash between the SS, conscious or not, is not impossible. It is highly recommended that we create good relations with the Gods and work with them for greater safety and efficiency for our war to free humanity and for our personal advancement.
The Outlaw Torn said:
You didn’t understand what I said at all but thanks for the tips.

He explained it well, that's why I didn't answer. But since you didn't understand, I'll explain it to you with an example.
The Outlaw Torn said:
Master said:
So you reject the will of the best and accept the will of an uncivilised savage who is stronger than you. Do you really think you have the right to harm an innocent person?

Surely there are people so uncivilised that they would like to live in such a horror but 99.9% of civilised people would never accept such a life.
What decides who the “best” is? If this savage is stronger than you he must be “better”.

Skills and qualities decide this. An example of this is the authority of the Gods and the authority of the enemy. In this case by seeing what you get and where you go you can see who is the best.

Similarly, the pagans were and are better than the Jews, but the Jews were stronger centuries ago. Do the Jews deserve to rule the world?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
