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kundalini bringing up lots of negative effects in mind.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2017
Hello everyone, I have been having this issue with the kundalini for awhile, I've read before about how it can be normal, and the kundalini can bring up alot of things in the mind.

To make a long story short im far along in circulating the energy, not going to say exactly where I'm at in the process for safety reasons, but basically I'm just looking for some advice for when these negative thoughts, and self destructive thoughts, tendencies may cease.

I am still in good shape mentally, physically, just that it wears on me at times, as it has been a very long term thing that keeps resurfacing.

Hail Satan
It’s the dross from your soul, you must clean that before you can advance further. Check the new calendar, and pick the date to start on freeing the soul.
serpentwalker666 said:
Hello everyone, I have been having this issue with the kundalini for awhile, I've read before about how it can be normal, and the kundalini can bring up alot of things in the mind.

To make a long story short im far along in circulating the energy, not going to say exactly where I'm at in the process for safety reasons, but basically I'm just looking for some advice for when these negative thoughts, and self destructive thoughts, tendencies may cease.

I am still in good shape mentally, physically, just that it wears on me at times, as it has been a very long term thing that keeps resurfacing.

Hail Satan

This sounds extremely legit. You are the first one I really believe right away that he is actually experiencing the kundalini and not a troll :D

Unfortunately we all here can not really help you.
Ask Satan for help. Ask your guardian. They are really able to help you, you are one of their people after all :)

They are our true family :)
Look, Kundalini amplifies. This means backing of and clean. If you proceeds use the the fire of the serpent and clean everytime it gets aroused or your being clouded with negativity. Participate actively always to clean and not only passive by witnessing.

As well the Serpent can show you the future to a degree of not being able to differentiate the present reality as in perception of senses with that of the visions. So in this case you have to do protection and healing along with cleaning.

Experience makes you discern better. Everytime the Serpent interacts with the Consciousness, at least symbolism is shown embedded to the vision, up to more revealing revelations
You can use SaTaNaMa mantra for any mental issues vibrating it 54x or more use also mudras
When you vibrate Sa press lightly the thumb and index finger togheter then Ta thumb and midle finger, Na thumb and ring finger and Ma thumb and pinky finger do this on both hands
Vibrate it in your whole body visualizing a bright white-gold light then when finished state an affirmation suited for the specific issue
add also that it does it "in a healthy and pozitive way for me" clean your entire being before you start the magic, Align your chakras.[/quote]
and don't start it when the moon is in void of course, do it wednesday in the hour of mercury or sundays in the hour of the sun
Use chronos xp program for the planetary hours, note that the best time to do the magic for healing is when the moon is in virgo.
The Kundalini amplifies anything that is already there so it takes time to cleanse the soul. Be aware of any kind of programming you kind of have to deal with this. It won't go away unless its bought to the surface. Maybe Wunjo can help with some affirmation about mental healing. That rune often makes people feel better. Also if you can identify where any of this programming is coming from you can do a freeing the soul working for 40 days. Such as is it xtian programming or whatever.

Also remember some of it can be enemy attack sometimes to not just stuff coming to the surface. Be aware of what is around you and any thoughtforms or entities and banish them if need be. I am sure you can if your at this level.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
