Holy shit!
I don't mean to bring this post to the surface... but holy shit!! What the fuck! In all honesty, I am appalled! I am shocked!
I read some of the messages here (not all-all of them) but... wow!
I want to say a couple of things as a complete outsider. As a... teacher if you'd like.
To the person who created this topic:
You need to learn (and you will, hopefully, if you're a Gentile and keep doing the joS meditations) to express yourself without insulting others that easily.
Even if something crazy unfair happened to you, *insulting* doesn't help in the least, and it actually makes you (even if you were on the right) to look like "the bad party", like the one who's wrong here.
I'm seeing this also in grown ups, who argue like retards. I'm seeing this in relatives, dear god, it's very embarrassing to watch (hear/read). Don't use insults to prove that you're right, or to let out your anger towards the joyofSatan Clergy (who are very important people, as thanks to them and their hard work, we're all here today, and advancing, and fighting for Satan), and towards the rest of your Brothers and Sisters.
Before I started meditating, and even after I started meditating (I actually needed a couple of years to get rid of the jewish, liberalistic retarded xtian mindset; and I'm still getting rid of it, to this day), I was very easily"butt-hurt" and had an inability to the point of retardation, in regards to arguing with others, and trying to prove my points.
I've done countless embarrassing mistakes, I've acted, countless times, in a way I shouldn't have. I now recognize these mistakes, and I do my best to not repeat them again. I THINK before I act (or re-act, most of the cases).
Moreover, if you are being so overwhelmed by your emotions, then you completely lose your points and your "right".
Your response towards Aldrick here:
"Hey aldrich, you fuck, dont confuse me with a goddamn brony...My name was DefiantSage Not DeviantSage or whatever the fuck you came up with."
was... wow.... I really take off my hat, for our Brother Aldrick, who wasn't fazed at all by these words of yours. Personally, my first (emotional) response towards you was immense fury, for you had just insulted, in a horribly immature and honestly NEEDLESS way, a Brother who responded to your question.
No, not every person is going to pat your head and say "it's alright", and not everyone will respond to you the same way (or the way you expect them to do). Some may use sarcasm, others may joke a bit, others may try to explain to you something through a metaphor, and you may misunderstand it completely.
Nevertheless, the way you even wrote this topic, and said that the Clergy has "like brony level of sensitivity here".... dude... this is so immature. Why? :[
You and some other people (I'm talking in general) need to learn to properly react to situations, to properly converse with others, and to use the proper words. Making the other party "angry" is not the point! It never is! You are supposed to find a common solution for a specific problem, or, in any way, come to an understanding with the other person.
If you were mistaken by Aldrick, to be another member (the username), then explain this calmly! Don't call him "you fuck" and all the rest of the things you said! You really don't even know to WHOM you're talking to (especially if you're new). A person here (Aldrick, me, or whoever) could be active for many years in this group, and may have offered lots of help and guidance to the newest members (by responding to their questions etc etc). Why would you respond in such a way?
You need to learn to respect the other person; ESPECIALLY if you don't know anything about them; show them the proper respect that a stranger would show you, if you asked for directions (for example), on the street. They wouldn't say "you go that way, you fuck, you retard" they would sit calmly and explain to you (if they're not in a hurry to go to their jobs).
Likewise, people need to fucking learn to communicate with one another. What is the purpose of insulting the other and LITERALLY trying to make them angry?! What's the point!!
NOTE: I'm not talking about conversing with jewish fucks (avoid that) or with deluded xtians (also avoid it) or with fucking communists (again... avoid it, if possible). These people will only drain your energy and THEY will make you furious... It is totally understandable if you want to call these people retards, and wish for their death (because they've made you that angry, and they really ruin this world).
Avoid retards like that.
But right now, (when you are reading and writing in this group) you are NOT talking to said retards... You are talking to Dedicated Warriors, women and men, of Satan. Satan's Children. Your Brothers and Sisters.
Show them respect, and you will receive it back.
If you don't, it's most likely because some of the members here are still early in their spiritual journey (like you, for example), or they are jews/infiltrators (these people also exist, obviously), and they WANT to make you angry, they want to make you lose control of your emotions and start arguing with them, and turning this group into an absolute chaos.
Don't do that, damnit.
Fuck it, ignore these people, don't respond to them (or respond the way Aldrick did to you..
Emotionless, and using common sense; or being humorous and trying to just laugh it off, without letting these people or situations affect you).
This is all I had to say to you. I hope you took something out of this message. I didn't mean to insult you, or make you feel "bad" or whatever. I just want you to understand; there's no reason for chaos to arise out of every situation. Learn to control yourself and your words; and you will see how easier it will be for your point to come across to the other person, without any drama and bullshit.
As for WHY you got banned from the forums, I assume it must have been because you said something that showed an intense lack of respect.
I was... also banned once... x'D
I had another email address and I had asked something about Hitler. However my question was a very basic, immature and disrespectful one, which could VERY easily be answered if I had spent some time and read the joyofSatan (and the rest
http://666blacksun.com/ websites).
At that time (that I had gotten banned), I did have an instant "they're bad people!" reaction (lol), but now I can totally understand why they did it.
If you have a sacred house, where you welcome others to stay, and you are willing to offer them guidance and advice (and also the other people who stay in this house are willing to co-operate for a higher purpose), you don't really want a person with an absolute lack of respect, to show up and turn this house into a slaughterhouse. (because when we argue with one another by insulting and disrespect one another, it's like we're cutting off our ties in this chain we have created)
The moderators DO accept people without knowledge (after all, most of the people who come here were not born by Satanist parents
) but being disrespectful, and many times "demanding" an answer, makes you an unwelcomed guest to anyone's house; not just to the house of Satan.
Reading this Sermon by HP HoodedCobra: josministries.prophpbb.com/post59570.html always makes me see things differently in regards to these groups; see the higher goal, our purpose here.
I can't help but have respect and infinite love for this place.
Why would anyone (but the enemy) want to ruin it?
With that in mind, I would ask you to approach this place with a different mindset.