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Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

Guys. ENOUGH!!!




I have but one quesion, is the Goal here to invite the wrath of Satan and Beezlebub?  This is nonsense and in the name of Satan that is more than enough,  The clergy do what Satan commands them to do as should we all, and what does Satan Command about inner fighting? What would our Fuer say if he were standing here right now observing this behavior? It is written right inside the kike book that this is what The Enemy wants us to do.   
"And if Satan riseth up against himself he cannot stand but hath an end" Mark 3:26 of that filthy book.  Now I ask everyone here are you going to do what Satan Has commanded? Or what the enemy has written?
Who is right in argument does not matter , the inner fighting must cease, what DOES matter more than ANYTHING else is that we are Brothers and Sisters in SATAN and together we must Stand, by our unbreakable will, strength and tenacity, we must Prevail, we must push on.
Brothers and Sisters stray not apart from each other it breaks our Fathers heart to see this, we must uplift one another and put personal differences aside because we are Brothers and Sisters in Volk! In Satan! We must not threaten and fight amongst ourselves for this leaves one defenseless to attack from those who truely seek our destruction. Together and United  we stand strong in our Father Satan's Honor! I mean offense to no one here, I know not what has happened between you all, I love each and everyone of you, as my Brothers and Sisters in our Father Satan and almost all of you here have given me some kind of advice that has helped me in amazing ways,  in which I am truely grateful for.  I  hope you love me back but if not, that is okay, if anyone is angry for what I speak that is okay to,  I simply send this message as a reminder from Father Satan that we must unite and come closer now than ever before if we are to defeat this kikeish Parasite once and for all.  And I am sure for those who are old timers here will understand that Satan's wrath is not one to invite nor the wrath of Beezlebub.
Forget not what our Father has written  in the Al-Jilwah "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature but he that opposes me will regret it sorely"  

On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 8:21 PM, taolvanswd@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Guys. ENOUGH!!!




 I'm Sorry Taol are you a moderator? :)
 I am doing 432 Sun Chants a day so that would be quite hard for me. 
 No, What we have here is someone who was Banned. Not told they could come back and matter of fact never asked to be able too. That makes this person a INFILTRATOR. 
  What did they do coming under a fake guise like John Doe? Insult everyone and then turn around and whine when people didn't like it. Try to act like they apologized when they most certainly didn't. Then Claim WE are all bad and they need to be let loose to do whatever they want. I don't think so. Not in a million years is this going to be tolerated. 
  Now this is the whole premise of where I stand. I will not let someone who is Banned and then come back and cause trouble as soon they step foot in the door, not apologize and own up. If He wishes to end this all he has to do is apologize. That is literally it. But he cannot accept fault and responsibility for his own actions. Once he can do that, it will surely be put to rest. 
  Other then that I could care less about Ego Battles. His comments about Alldick and Tampons made me laugh my ass off. Although his Delivery was Horrendous. 
   May I Do A little Roasting to myself? To show how the Master does it? 
   No? Fuck it I am doing it anyway. 

   Aww, Hello There Aldrick. I heard you got a new job. I can't help but notice you said you sell cigarettes? Now is that Individually for a Dollar? At the Truck Stop after servicing the Truckers? You know I think I might just send you some Tampons for that Bleeding Ass of yours, maybe then you will sound less like a whiny Bitch in your posts. 
  See, now that is skill. If someone could insult me with THAT kind of level, now that would be down right Hilarious. Until then I guess I will have to giggle at shy little boys and their stuttering Slanders of I fucked your Mother or something. Whatever Small Minds these days such as John Do littler can produce. 
  Many think I am egotistical. While that may be the case. It is much worse due to the fact that I do not hold Sensitivity or Insecurity. In other words I can take it better then I can dish it. Especially at the truck stop, gotta pay them billz somehow. 
  So believe me when I say this post is nothing about Ego On my part. It is simply about playing with this Infiltrator. Who I would love to allow back in the groups without Problem. But He WILL NOT just own up to the situation. As Far as I am concerned If the people that own the group, Ban you. Why does anyone think he has a right to just make another name and be here? Doesn't that kinda defeat the whole purpose of banning someone? lol 
  He should be thankful the Clergy have tolerated him showing back up. But does he? Absolutely not. And idiots like you want to tell us, to just let in someone like this, Without as much as batting an eye? You must be out of your damned mind. 
    No Admittance by clergy back in? No apology for doing whatever you did to be banned? Just let back any motherfucker who gets banned immediately? Then why not just take the Moderation off all together and we can have a truly chaotic group. 
  Once this person gives an apology, it wont even be up to ME to accept him back. But rather the Clergy that Banned him in the first place. But at the very least he can do THAT. Until he does I will treat him as a kike and not a Brother. Honestly I do not personally feel a Brother would act like this. Daily I am starting to believe this IS a Kike. 
  So NO. I will not let UP. I am having to much fun anyway. 
  Just as YOU would not accept my apology for ignoring you and had to much fun playing Emotional Black mail with me as a means for Dominance. Unfortunately as you have no doubt noticed, I am done playing that game. That is why I have NO respect for YOU and will NOT be nice to you pretty much ever again. You played your little game to its conclusion. The Conclusion of which, is that if you ever actually wanted me as a friend, you can bet that is long gone. 
  Which I am sure your Reply would be something like I don't care and was picking that stance anyway, which tells me you didn't really want me as a friend in the first place. So coming from someone who plays games like that, its really funny hearing from you about dropping something. Oh that's right You are playing the blame your enemy for what you are game! Just like John Do Litter! 
  I however do NOT believe you are a kike and do believe you love Father Satan. It is just a last ditch effort that people like to use in situations like these. I'm rubber your glue! Anything you say bounces off me and sticks to you! 
  OH before I forget thank you for the asking people to do more Aura of Protection though. That was very nice and thoughtful of you. Good Advice. 

  Aldrick Strickland   Hail Father Satan Forever 

Should've never posted this. Should've emailed one of the HPs to get an answer. The clergy aren't Bronies they are big masculine men, I heard if you piss one off you'll instantly begin to cry like a bitch for no reason, I heard this lasts for 12-36hr. Anymore than that and you will die of dehydration. 
I haven't cried yet so I really don't think they are pissed man, just laughing at how stupid this is
I point out what I see as the truth, I don't want your sympathy I'm just stating facts, doesn't mean I'm acting like a Jew. That's like a feminist calling me a woman hater because I left the toilet seat up. Yea I'm not backing down either, this is evident from this 2week fucking long bullshit. No that dickhead one was abit weak I'll admit, I said you're a nagging old woman and you need all the tampons you can get, that pissed you off lol I liked that one. You proceeded to call me a little bitch and some other crap. Good times... But yea, either accept the apology or don't. 
-Deviant SageHAIL SATAN!
I think this can't be let go. I might not be the most knowledgeable person around or one that has a lot of experience but I know that it's important to respect the clergy for all that they have done. And to SS I think that respect comes naturally because we see how amazing they are and how much they have done for us and humanity as a whole. Now my question is how we can truly trust a person to be a dedicated satanist if he ridicules the most hardworking people that are working for our cause. This looks kike af because as I said respect and amazement of our clergy comes naturally for those who are satanists. An apology is a must in this situation because otherwise I don't see how we could trust him.
Hail Father Satan!
Taol, please...

You say all that while you yourself treathened that you would "kill" aldric if your path was ever to cross?

I may not have seen your personal discussion with Aldric, but I can say that I trust his word a whole lot more than yours and he does not make up lies about such things.

If your words were to apply you should be banned, we are here trying to create unity through respect and decent acting towards each other. If one goes overboard and expects us all to just let said person do as he/she pleases without taking responsibility then said person is creating disunity here.

We aren't taking out our frustration or anger on any of you, trust me, just because we are setting you straight doesn't mean we are any less angry at the jews or do any less work for Satan.

There is a difference between putting someone down or setting someone straight. Like it or not, we aren't putting anyone down here, we are simply making sure everyone is on the same line here.

Like I said before aready, don't blame us or try to shift blame on us. You are responsible for yourself.

You think I would act like a crazy idiot if I got banned of the groups for some reason? Or if some more advanced SS than myself would set me straight when I cross a boundary, or gives me a piece of reality?

If you cannot handle reality then you might as well give up yourself now. You need to be strong on all levels, especially mentally. Taking responsibility and not walking away from your mistakes or from any difficulties is part of that.

It seems to me you are having severe problems of some kind Taol that are unrelated to Aldric, but you seem to have such difficulty dealing with them you decide to shift them onto aldric in order to escape the reality that you need to face your own problems instead of blaming them on someone else.

Try to do a Munka working, or perhaps an Ansuz working. Do some breathing exercises, some Yoga or Qi gong, which ever you enjoy more and try to relax your mind with void meditation, then try to look within yourself to find a way to overcome what you are dealing with.

An AoP is not going to solve ongoing problems by itself, it will protect you from further harm, but if harm is already done then that needs to be cleaned up as an AoP doesn't do this, it simply protects you.

The new AoP Maxine rrecently posted does clean your soul up aswell, but for more deeply rooted things you should do extra workings, such as a Munka one or a Runic working. I'm sure you already knew this, but perhaps you needed a reminder.

Good luck Taol, please take care of yourself...

Hail Satan!
Holy shit!
I don't mean to bring this post to the surface... but holy shit!! What the fuck! In all honesty, I am appalled! I am shocked!

I read some of the messages here (not all-all of them) but... wow!

I want to say a couple of things as a complete outsider. As a... teacher if you'd like.

To the person who created this topic:
You need to learn (and you will, hopefully, if you're a Gentile and keep doing the joS meditations) to express yourself without insulting others that easily.
Even if something crazy unfair happened to you, *insulting* doesn't help in the least, and it actually makes you (even if you were on the right) to look like "the bad party", like the one who's wrong here.
I'm seeing this also in grown ups, who argue like retards. I'm seeing this in relatives, dear god, it's very embarrassing to watch (hear/read). Don't use insults to prove that you're right, or to let out your anger towards the joyofSatan Clergy (who are very important people, as thanks to them and their hard work, we're all here today, and advancing, and fighting for Satan), and towards the rest of your Brothers and Sisters.

Before I started meditating, and even after I started meditating (I actually needed a couple of years to get rid of the jewish, liberalistic retarded xtian mindset; and I'm still getting rid of it, to this day), I was very easily"butt-hurt" and had an inability to the point of retardation, in regards to arguing with others, and trying to prove my points.
I've done countless embarrassing mistakes, I've acted, countless times, in a way I shouldn't have. I now recognize these mistakes, and I do my best to not repeat them again. I THINK before I act (or re-act, most of the cases).

Moreover, if you are being so overwhelmed by your emotions, then you completely lose your points and your "right".

Your response towards Aldrick here:
"Hey aldrich, you fuck, dont confuse me with a goddamn brony...My name was DefiantSage Not DeviantSage or whatever the fuck you came up with."
was... wow.... I really take off my hat, for our Brother Aldrick, who wasn't fazed at all by these words of yours. Personally, my first (emotional) response towards you was immense fury, for you had just insulted, in a horribly immature and honestly NEEDLESS way, a Brother who responded to your question.

No, not every person is going to pat your head and say "it's alright", and not everyone will respond to you the same way (or the way you expect them to do). Some may use sarcasm, others may joke a bit, others may try to explain to you something through a metaphor, and you may misunderstand it completely.

Nevertheless, the way you even wrote this topic, and said that the Clergy has "like brony level of sensitivity here".... dude... this is so immature. Why? :[

You and some other people (I'm talking in general) need to learn to properly react to situations, to properly converse with others, and to use the proper words. Making the other party "angry" is not the point! It never is! You are supposed to find a common solution for a specific problem, or, in any way, come to an understanding with the other person.

If you were mistaken by Aldrick, to be another member (the username), then explain this calmly! Don't call him "you fuck" and all the rest of the things you said! You really don't even know to WHOM you're talking to (especially if you're new). A person here (Aldrick, me, or whoever) could be active for many years in this group, and may have offered lots of help and guidance to the newest members (by responding to their questions etc etc). Why would you respond in such a way?
You need to learn to respect the other person; ESPECIALLY if you don't know anything about them; show them the proper respect that a stranger would show you, if you asked for directions (for example), on the street. They wouldn't say "you go that way, you fuck, you retard" they would sit calmly and explain to you (if they're not in a hurry to go to their jobs).

Likewise, people need to fucking learn to communicate with one another. What is the purpose of insulting the other and LITERALLY trying to make them angry?! What's the point!!

NOTE: I'm not talking about conversing with jewish fucks (avoid that) or with deluded xtians (also avoid it) or with fucking communists (again... avoid it, if possible). These people will only drain your energy and THEY will make you furious... It is totally understandable if you want to call these people retards, and wish for their death (because they've made you that angry, and they really ruin this world).
Avoid retards like that.
But right now, (when you are reading and writing in this group) you are NOT talking to said retards... You are talking to Dedicated Warriors, women and men, of Satan. Satan's Children. Your Brothers and Sisters.
Show them respect, and you will receive it back.
If you don't, it's most likely because some of the members here are still early in their spiritual journey (like you, for example), or they are jews/infiltrators (these people also exist, obviously), and they WANT to make you angry, they want to make you lose control of your emotions and start arguing with them, and turning this group into an absolute chaos.

Don't do that, damnit.
Fuck it, ignore these people, don't respond to them (or respond the way Aldrick did to you.. :p Emotionless, and using common sense; or being humorous and trying to just laugh it off, without letting these people or situations affect you).

This is all I had to say to you. I hope you took something out of this message. I didn't mean to insult you, or make you feel "bad" or whatever. I just want you to understand; there's no reason for chaos to arise out of every situation. Learn to control yourself and your words; and you will see how easier it will be for your point to come across to the other person, without any drama and bullshit.

As for WHY you got banned from the forums, I assume it must have been because you said something that showed an intense lack of respect.

I was... also banned once... x'D
I had another email address and I had asked something about Hitler. However my question was a very basic, immature and disrespectful one, which could VERY easily be answered if I had spent some time and read the joyofSatan (and the rest http://666blacksun.com/ websites).
At that time (that I had gotten banned), I did have an instant "they're bad people!" reaction (lol), but now I can totally understand why they did it.

If you have a sacred house, where you welcome others to stay, and you are willing to offer them guidance and advice (and also the other people who stay in this house are willing to co-operate for a higher purpose), you don't really want a person with an absolute lack of respect, to show up and turn this house into a slaughterhouse. (because when we argue with one another by insulting and disrespect one another, it's like we're cutting off our ties in this chain we have created)
The moderators DO accept people without knowledge (after all, most of the people who come here were not born by Satanist parents :p) but being disrespectful, and many times "demanding" an answer, makes you an unwelcomed guest to anyone's house; not just to the house of Satan.

Reading this Sermon by HP HoodedCobra: josministries.prophpbb.com/post59570.html always makes me see things differently in regards to these groups; see the higher goal, our purpose here.
I can't help but have respect and infinite love for this place.
Why would anyone (but the enemy) want to ruin it? :)

With that in mind, I would ask you to approach this place with a different mindset.
DefiantSage, very interesting. I suppose thousands have to hear your drama and crap. Because you are DefiantSage, and your post has been banned. Wow. Indeed a large crime. You had to let everyone know about it. Of course, others aren't the tough. You are the extremely tough one, acting like an attention seeking snowflake because you got banned.

You also shared your little world shattering from this banned post, that, who know what crap and slander it was.

Additionally, you are nothing but a loudmouth. Either grow up, or just get along and exit the group. It's really that easy. I just approved all of your messages to see that there is absolutely no issue but you acting like an idiot.

Like a five year old, you literally speak of yourself as if you were a third person. Talk others down based on zero grounds, and then trying to come on top. When you are making yourself an idiot in front of anyone. Then somehow you get expected to be respected or even given a shit about. Then people give you what you deserve and you keep going. You are fighting no "Clergy" here, and you are just fighting your own paranoia mate.

Who do you honestly think, does "Care" about your opinion? What is your "opinion" if it has no backup, and is literally just smearing? Your first and only post that is here was a JoS smear, that's all.

Do you do this to a church or synagogue, or a muslim prayer space? No. Because they will stone you. No stones here, just you doing yourself an idiot. Here you are banned and you experience your own WW3. Everyone has to look at you and do whatever.

A random account made under a random name, generating random attention over random bans, that probably resulted from equally random material as with the crap you write here. What's new...

As for being a jew, your entitlement over nothing, syndrome, proves a lot about you.

Now here's a second ban, just don't think it was done for any other way.

Please move on and don't feed the troll attention.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Just keep this post for future reference to see how a troll tries to get the legit people who do work for Satan, to get in beefs between them. Because of the trolls, lies, and jewtalk of some troll. Every now and then it seems necessary to post a reminder. Trolls are after your time and the brotherhood  bonds of the group, same as integrity between members and clergy. Its always the same case.

Their milk spills because they have some inner hatred or their friend abused them in a video game, then therefore they hate 'authority', and somehow, we nailed them on the cross by crossing one worthless post out. Because it was worthless more than likely and a time waster. Who knows, maybe the post even disappeared.

But its another holocaust isn't it, everytime, one "Wrongs" a jew? "Wrongs" as in per se, not bowing down to them, and their "From nowhere" lazy ass, never did anything, authority. Why don't all of you bow to a random idiot who comes to insult the Clergy guys? Are you insane? We have a Chosen here.

Anyway, just learn this pattern and let these fools go. If by any chance these people are decent, they will return and they will have grown insight by then. If not, it will always be the same case, and the ban button is always handy.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

 Oh Yeah Defiant Sage, the Tampon Joke pissed me off soooo much. If you want to believe that, you go right ahead. At this point I don't think very highly of your intelligence, so Go ahead think what you want. 
  Okay now some Things need to be addressed. 
  1. Beelzebub is going to come out of the sky and kill us all
  Okay, People really need to understand what is INFIGHTING and what is not. We are not Christians, we can defend ourselves against are own. Or how do we even know he is one of our own? It is one thing to be needlessly fighting about something, this is not one of those situations. If a Satanist came after you with a knife, do you just lay down and die? Going There is nothing I can do, Beelzebub it is in your hands. 
   Alot of people here, obviously still have ties with Christianity and they need to get this out of their head. This person was banned and does NOT belong here in the first place. 

   2. What Apology?
  You just said I either accept the apology or don't. But again you never apologized for shit! Where did you apologize? Is an apology just an empty formality to you? 
  Yeah the Clergy are so scary. I would die. There is my apology...

  3. Disrespect yet again 
     If anyone is stupid enough to take this so called apology for real, they need a CT scan. We do NOT fear our Clergy here. That is the only thing you advocated. 
     4. We Are SATANISTS 

   We are Satanists people or have you forgot? This person is coming on here, doing nothing but starting shit. We do NOT turn the other cheek. We don't just do ten Hail Satan's, recite our rosaries and then put it in Gods hands.  If we were fighting about Something Unimportant and just tearing unity for no reason, then that would be infighting. This person was Banned and does not belong here. 

    To Defiant Sage, Your sad attempts at trying to provoke me are laughable. I already made a Roast against myself that was way better then your little Tampon Joke. I am not Fighting out of an Ego Drive, Rather I am just not standing for your shit. Its not about calling the clergy names. Its the fact you do not belong here. You think you can just walk back in after being banned. Were just suppose to fall over and accept you. 
   Or like you can just email the clergy. Hey I am coming back. DONT do that again. Hey guys I'm back! That stupid clergy causing infighting for banning me! Where were we!?    THIS is the whole premise of this problem. But Honestly I am done talking common Sense. Because You think you are going to play this little game. Those who read this and understand this, are of average Intelligence or above. Those who cannot get this. 

   Well honestly you can add your reply to this topic and whine like a christian Bitch. But you are also going to see how futile it is. When we laugh at you and continue. 

  Aldrick Strickland   Hail Father Satan Forever 

@tapapa thanks for the advice, always looking to improve and learn @...666...nice username @diablo Even if there are disagreements this will always be my spiritual family, this is just how I feel. Sorry for stirring the pot. Shouldn't have posted this message to begin with@sable I'm not a troll or a jew just an asshole apparently@taol chill out brah@aldrick yes I am learning the art of the insult now thank you master *bows*, I tend to go for the jugular. I need to take my time with it, like the truckers do with you... hehehe. 
@everyone Sorry for being an asshole@clergy You rock, sorry for being an asshole. Keep doing what you have to, I screwed up on the forums
-Ass Sage

Hail Satan!Hail Beelzebub!
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank YOU, awesome now I know when my msgz pop up it won't this Defiant crap...

Hail Enki
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

Being a new member here, I am very grateful for this example of disrespectful behavior, and how it is treated by the Family. I will be taking extra consideration to act with reverence and respect, because it is obvious many here are highly intelligent, dedicated individuals. Thank you for a most entertaining read, and i look forward to more engaging conversations with those of you dwelling in the proud smile of our Lord Lucifer.

Hail Satan!

-Goosha Soosha
The Conclusion of which, is that if you ever actually wanted me as a friend, you can bet that is long gone.

I thought that was crystal clear months ago. Maybe I dreamt it.

Anyway I have a proposal to make. Which is. I dont speak to you and you dont speak to me. Ever. Can you live with that and do you agree?

 Aww poor little Taol. Still Peddling your nonsense? It looks like you make a perfect shield for jews to hide behind, good job with that. 
  I am not going anywhere. You should have kept your mouth shut. But now it looks like your stuck with me. :)
 Don't worry we are going to have sooo Much fun together. You tried to spread misinformation about me, tried to tell people I was so horrible. Now that Kikey boy was banned, you want to run away? Hahhaa. 
  There There you don't have to cry anymore, because I will never make the mistake of ignoring you again. 


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
