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Jan 5, 2011
Dates: Saturday, 23rd July and Sunday, 23rd July

Time: Hour of Saturn and Hour of the Sun. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location:

Target and outcome: Destruction of jewish stranglehold over Humanity- Binding the jews into Destruction and removing the jewish bind over Gentiles.

Ritual Affirmations: "The jewish race is bound into Destruction", "The Gentile Races are free."

Sanskrit Mantra: "AUM Svatantrata" (Svatantrata is freedom in Sanskrit- note SvATANtrata)

- Ansuz
- Sauil
& 2 Sigils

Link to Sigils:

http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... onjuly.jpg
http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... iljuly.jpg

The kikes are falling throughout the world and many thousands of Gentiles are beginning to wake up to the Truth. People are angry and want answers, they are looking for the Truth and they are finding it. The kikes are done- we just need to keep up our Spiritual Warfare and ensure their total destruction.

This Ritual is going to be done in two parts, but it is nothing complicated and should not take longer than half an hour for each day. One Sigil focuses on binding the kikes into destruction and the other on unbinding and freeing the Gentile Races.

The Four Steps:
1- Begin Ritual
2- Read and Burn Ritual Prayer
3- Runic and Sanskrit Vibrations whilst focusing on Sigil
4- Write Affirmation onto Sigil and Burn it

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. Visualize the Energy as red-grey in colour for the destruction Sigil and Gold for the freedom Sigil.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://ageofsatan.co.cc/grand_satanic_r ... aghie.html

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome. See the destruction of the filthy kikes on Saturday, and see the beautiful freedom of our Gentile People on Sunday. Feel these emotions strongly, know that it IS happening.

(You can also use a small amount of blood for the freedom Sigil if you wish, but this is not compulsory, it is just something that can add some extra Energy to the Ritual.)

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.


Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalaz are continuously working to destroy the jews in every way", focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Isa:
"IIIIIZZZZAAAA" ("I" is pronounced like "sit")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Isa lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Isa are continuously working to bind the jews into destruction." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.


Begin with Ansuz:
"AAAANNNNZZZZUUUUZZZZ" (U is pronounced like the u in "pull")
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Ansuz lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Ansuz are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Sauil:
"SSSSAAAAUUUUIIIILLLL" ( The i is pronounced like the i in sit)
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Sauil lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Sauil are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Now move on to the Sanskrit Mantra:
"AUM SSSSVVVVAAAATAAAANNNNNTRRRRAAAATAAAA" (R must be rolled, As are pronounced like the A in "Father". Open your throat when you are vibrating.)
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Sanskrit lettering lighting up in brilliant golden light. As you inhale, repeat the Ritual Affirmation, focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Mantra.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Step 4:
Writing the Affirmation and Burning the Sigil.

With a pen or pencil, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the back of the Sigil, focusing on the outcome.
For Saturday, Repeat the Ritual Affirmation 9 times, focusing on the Destruction of the kikes. For Sunday, repeat the Affirmation 16 times while focusing on the Freedom of our Gentile People.

Now, light the Sigil in the flame of the candle. Place it into the Burning Bowl and as it burns, visualize and focus intently on the outcome.

Once it has burned completely, repeat the Ritual Affirmation for the final time and close the Ritual as usual with "HAIL SATAN!! SO MOTE IT BE!"
Ritual Prayer:

(It is the same for both days)

HAIL SATAN! HAIL BEELZEBUB! HAIL ASTAROTH! HAIL AZAEL! Hail to the Four Crows of Hell, our True and Original Gods. The True Gods of the Gentiles and the Gentiles alone. We have been deceived by a vile enemy, our People have been mislead and fooled into enslavement under a fictitious jewish lie, but their time has come to an end and their stranglehold over us is broken! Our People are awakened and Satan's Truth rings loud throughout the world once again. For Asmodeus told Solomon and we remember, "SO ASK ME NOT MANY THINGS, FOR THY KINGDOM ALSO AFTER A LITTLE TIME IS TO BE DISRUPTED AND THY GLORY IS BUT FOR A SEASON, AND SHORT WILL BE THY TYRANNY OVER US." Short indeed has been their tyranny! Hail Asmodeus! The Truth is in His Mighty Words! Our Gods, once bound, are FREE! The jews cower at the sound of their sacred Names. This is the end for the jewish lie, this is the beginning of Gentile Freedom!

We as Brothers and Sisters in Satan stand together and together, with Hell, we hold the sword that is bringing them and their lies down. In Satan's Name, we declare that it is so! In the Name of all the Gods of Hell, we declare that it is so! Now, and for all eternity!

Destruction to the filthy jews!
Freedom to our Gentile People!!





*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/severing_the_link.html (Remember, severing this link cuts off their energy supply. It is recommended that you do this regularly.)

Hail Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Sweetest destruction ritual ever!24th,sunday is my birthday 83

On Thu, 21 Jul 2011 02:34 PDT High Priestess Zildar Raasi wrote:

Dates: Saturday, 23rd July and Sunday, 23rd July

Time: Hour of Saturn and Hour of the Sun. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location:

Target and outcome: Destruction of jewish stranglehold over Humanity- Binding the jews into Destruction and removing the jewish bind over Gentiles.

Ritual Affirmations: "The jewish race is bound into Destruction", "The Gentile Races are free."

Sanskrit Mantra: "AUM Svatantrata" (Svatantrata is freedom in Sanskrit- note SvATANtrata)

- Ansuz
- Sauil
& 2 Sigils

Link to Sigils:

http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... onjuly.jpg
http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... iljuly.jpg

The kikes are falling throughout the world and many thousands of Gentiles are beginning to wake up to the Truth. People are angry and want answers, they are looking for the Truth and they are finding it. The kikes are done- we just need to keep up our Spiritual Warfare and ensure their total destruction.

This Ritual is going to be done in two parts, but it is nothing complicated and should not take longer than half an hour for each day. One Sigil focuses on binding the kikes into destruction and the other on unbinding and freeing the Gentile Races.

The Four Steps:
1- Begin Ritual
2- Read and Burn Ritual Prayer
3- Runic and Sanskrit Vibrations whilst focusing on Sigil
4- Write Affirmation onto Sigil and Burn it

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. Visualize the Energy as red-grey in colour for the destruction Sigil and Gold for the freedom Sigil.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://ageofsatan.co.cc/grand_satanic_r ... aghie.html

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome. See the destruction of the filthy kikes on Saturday, and see the beautiful freedom of our Gentile People on Sunday. Feel these emotions strongly, know that it IS happening.

(You can also use a small amount of blood for the freedom Sigil if you wish, but this is not compulsory, it is just something that can add some extra Energy to the Ritual.)

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.


Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalaz are continuously working to destroy the jews in every way", focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Isa:
"IIIIIZZZZAAAA" ("I" is pronounced like "sit")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Isa lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Isa are continuously working to bind the jews into destruction." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.


Begin with Ansuz:
"AAAANNNNZZZZUUUUZZZZ" (U is pronounced like the u in "pull")
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Ansuz lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Ansuz are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Sauil:
"SSSSAAAAUUUUIIIILLLL" ( The i is pronounced like the i in sit)
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Sauil lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Sauil are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Now move on to the Sanskrit Mantra:
"AUM SSSSVVVVAAAATAAAANNNNNTRRRRAAAATAAAA" (R must be rolled, As are pronounced like the A in "Father". Open your throat when you are vibrating.)
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Sanskrit lettering lighting up in brilliant golden light. As you inhale, repeat the Ritual Affirmation, focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Mantra.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Step 4:
Writing the Affirmation and Burning the Sigil.

With a pen or pencil, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the back of the Sigil, focusing on the outcome.
For Saturday, Repeat the Ritual Affirmation 9 times, focusing on the Destruction of the kikes. For Sunday, repeat the Affirmation 16 times while focusing on the Freedom of our Gentile People.

Now, light the Sigil in the flame of the candle. Place it into the Burning Bowl and as it burns, visualize and focus intently on the outcome.

Once it has burned completely, repeat the Ritual Affirmation for the final time and close the Ritual as usual with "HAIL SATAN!! SO MOTE IT BE!"
Ritual Prayer:

(It is the same for both days)

HAIL SATAN! HAIL BEELZEBUB! HAIL ASTAROTH! HAIL AZAEL! Hail to the Four Crows of Hell, our True and Original Gods. The True Gods of the Gentiles and the Gentiles alone. We have been deceived by a vile enemy, our People have been mislead and fooled into enslavement under a fictitious jewish lie, but their time has come to an end and their stranglehold over us is broken! Our People are awakened and Satan's Truth rings loud throughout the world once again. For Asmodeus told Solomon and we remember, "SO ASK ME NOT MANY THINGS, FOR THY KINGDOM ALSO AFTER A LITTLE TIME IS TO BE DISRUPTED AND THY GLORY IS BUT FOR A SEASON, AND SHORT WILL BE THY TYRANNY OVER US." Short indeed has been their tyranny! Hail Asmodeus! The Truth is in His Mighty Words! Our Gods, once bound, are FREE! The jews cower at the sound of their sacred Names. This is the end for the jewish lie, this is the beginning of Gentile Freedom!

We as Brothers and Sisters in Satan stand together and together, with Hell, we hold the sword that is bringing them and their lies down. In Satan's Name, we declare that it is so! In the Name of all the Gods of Hell, we declare that it is so! Now, and for all eternity!

Destruction to the filthy jews!
Freedom to our Gentile People!!





*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/severing_the_link.html (Remember, severing this link cuts off their energy supply. It is recommended that you do this regularly.)

Hail Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Sweetest destruction ritual ever!24th,sunday is my birthday 83

On Thu, 21 Jul 2011 02:34 PDT High Priestess Zildar Raasi wrote:

Dates: Saturday, 23rd July and Sunday, 23rd July

Time: Hour of Saturn and Hour of the Sun. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location:

Target and outcome: Destruction of jewish stranglehold over Humanity- Binding the jews into Destruction and removing the jewish bind over Gentiles.

Ritual Affirmations: "The jewish race is bound into Destruction", "The Gentile Races are free."

Sanskrit Mantra: "AUM Svatantrata" (Svatantrata is freedom in Sanskrit- note SvATANtrata)

- Ansuz
- Sauil
& 2 Sigils

Link to Sigils:

http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... onjuly.jpg
http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... iljuly.jpg

The kikes are falling throughout the world and many thousands of Gentiles are beginning to wake up to the Truth. People are angry and want answers, they are looking for the Truth and they are finding it. The kikes are done- we just need to keep up our Spiritual Warfare and ensure their total destruction.

This Ritual is going to be done in two parts, but it is nothing complicated and should not take longer than half an hour for each day. One Sigil focuses on binding the kikes into destruction and the other on unbinding and freeing the Gentile Races.

The Four Steps:
1- Begin Ritual
2- Read and Burn Ritual Prayer
3- Runic and Sanskrit Vibrations whilst focusing on Sigil
4- Write Affirmation onto Sigil and Burn it

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. Visualize the Energy as red-grey in colour for the destruction Sigil and Gold for the freedom Sigil.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://ageofsatan.co.cc/grand_satanic_r ... aghie.html

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome. See the destruction of the filthy kikes on Saturday, and see the beautiful freedom of our Gentile People on Sunday. Feel these emotions strongly, know that it IS happening.

(You can also use a small amount of blood for the freedom Sigil if you wish, but this is not compulsory, it is just something that can add some extra Energy to the Ritual.)

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.


Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalaz are continuously working to destroy the jews in every way", focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Isa:
"IIIIIZZZZAAAA" ("I" is pronounced like "sit")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Isa lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Isa are continuously working to bind the jews into destruction." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.


Begin with Ansuz:
"AAAANNNNZZZZUUUUZZZZ" (U is pronounced like the u in "pull")
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Ansuz lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Ansuz are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Sauil:
"SSSSAAAAUUUUIIIILLLL" ( The i is pronounced like the i in sit)
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Sauil lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Sauil are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Now move on to the Sanskrit Mantra:
"AUM SSSSVVVVAAAATAAAANNNNNTRRRRAAAATAAAA" (R must be rolled, As are pronounced like the A in "Father". Open your throat when you are vibrating.)
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Sanskrit lettering lighting up in brilliant golden light. As you inhale, repeat the Ritual Affirmation, focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Mantra.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Step 4:
Writing the Affirmation and Burning the Sigil.

With a pen or pencil, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the back of the Sigil, focusing on the outcome.
For Saturday, Repeat the Ritual Affirmation 9 times, focusing on the Destruction of the kikes. For Sunday, repeat the Affirmation 16 times while focusing on the Freedom of our Gentile People.

Now, light the Sigil in the flame of the candle. Place it into the Burning Bowl and as it burns, visualize and focus intently on the outcome.

Once it has burned completely, repeat the Ritual Affirmation for the final time and close the Ritual as usual with "HAIL SATAN!! SO MOTE IT BE!"
Ritual Prayer:

(It is the same for both days)

HAIL SATAN! HAIL BEELZEBUB! HAIL ASTAROTH! HAIL AZAEL! Hail to the Four Crows of Hell, our True and Original Gods. The True Gods of the Gentiles and the Gentiles alone. We have been deceived by a vile enemy, our People have been mislead and fooled into enslavement under a fictitious jewish lie, but their time has come to an end and their stranglehold over us is broken! Our People are awakened and Satan's Truth rings loud throughout the world once again. For Asmodeus told Solomon and we remember, "SO ASK ME NOT MANY THINGS, FOR THY KINGDOM ALSO AFTER A LITTLE TIME IS TO BE DISRUPTED AND THY GLORY IS BUT FOR A SEASON, AND SHORT WILL BE THY TYRANNY OVER US." Short indeed has been their tyranny! Hail Asmodeus! The Truth is in His Mighty Words! Our Gods, once bound, are FREE! The jews cower at the sound of their sacred Names. This is the end for the jewish lie, this is the beginning of Gentile Freedom!

We as Brothers and Sisters in Satan stand together and together, with Hell, we hold the sword that is bringing them and their lies down. In Satan's Name, we declare that it is so! In the Name of all the Gods of Hell, we declare that it is so! Now, and for all eternity!

Destruction to the filthy jews!
Freedom to our Gentile People!!





*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/severing_the_link.html (Remember, severing this link cuts off their energy supply. It is recommended that you do this regularly.)

Hail Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Sweetest destruction ritual ever!24th,sunday is my birthday 83

On Thu, 21 Jul 2011 02:34 PDT High Priestess Zildar Raasi wrote:

Dates: Saturday, 23rd July and Sunday, 23rd July

Time: Hour of Saturn and Hour of the Sun. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location:

Target and outcome: Destruction of jewish stranglehold over Humanity- Binding the jews into Destruction and removing the jewish bind over Gentiles.

Ritual Affirmations: "The jewish race is bound into Destruction", "The Gentile Races are free."

Sanskrit Mantra: "AUM Svatantrata" (Svatantrata is freedom in Sanskrit- note SvATANtrata)

- Ansuz
- Sauil
& 2 Sigils

Link to Sigils:

http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... onjuly.jpg
http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... iljuly.jpg

The kikes are falling throughout the world and many thousands of Gentiles are beginning to wake up to the Truth. People are angry and want answers, they are looking for the Truth and they are finding it. The kikes are done- we just need to keep up our Spiritual Warfare and ensure their total destruction.

This Ritual is going to be done in two parts, but it is nothing complicated and should not take longer than half an hour for each day. One Sigil focuses on binding the kikes into destruction and the other on unbinding and freeing the Gentile Races.

The Four Steps:
1- Begin Ritual
2- Read and Burn Ritual Prayer
3- Runic and Sanskrit Vibrations whilst focusing on Sigil
4- Write Affirmation onto Sigil and Burn it

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. Visualize the Energy as red-grey in colour for the destruction Sigil and Gold for the freedom Sigil.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://ageofsatan.co.cc/grand_satanic_r ... aghie.html

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome. See the destruction of the filthy kikes on Saturday, and see the beautiful freedom of our Gentile People on Sunday. Feel these emotions strongly, know that it IS happening.

(You can also use a small amount of blood for the freedom Sigil if you wish, but this is not compulsory, it is just something that can add some extra Energy to the Ritual.)

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.


Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalaz are continuously working to destroy the jews in every way", focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Isa:
"IIIIIZZZZAAAA" ("I" is pronounced like "sit")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Isa lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Isa are continuously working to bind the jews into destruction." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.


Begin with Ansuz:
"AAAANNNNZZZZUUUUZZZZ" (U is pronounced like the u in "pull")
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Ansuz lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Ansuz are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Sauil:
"SSSSAAAAUUUUIIIILLLL" ( The i is pronounced like the i in sit)
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Sauil lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Sauil are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Now move on to the Sanskrit Mantra:
"AUM SSSSVVVVAAAATAAAANNNNNTRRRRAAAATAAAA" (R must be rolled, As are pronounced like the A in "Father". Open your throat when you are vibrating.)
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Sanskrit lettering lighting up in brilliant golden light. As you inhale, repeat the Ritual Affirmation, focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Mantra.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Step 4:
Writing the Affirmation and Burning the Sigil.

With a pen or pencil, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the back of the Sigil, focusing on the outcome.
For Saturday, Repeat the Ritual Affirmation 9 times, focusing on the Destruction of the kikes. For Sunday, repeat the Affirmation 16 times while focusing on the Freedom of our Gentile People.

Now, light the Sigil in the flame of the candle. Place it into the Burning Bowl and as it burns, visualize and focus intently on the outcome.

Once it has burned completely, repeat the Ritual Affirmation for the final time and close the Ritual as usual with "HAIL SATAN!! SO MOTE IT BE!"
Ritual Prayer:

(It is the same for both days)

HAIL SATAN! HAIL BEELZEBUB! HAIL ASTAROTH! HAIL AZAEL! Hail to the Four Crows of Hell, our True and Original Gods. The True Gods of the Gentiles and the Gentiles alone. We have been deceived by a vile enemy, our People have been mislead and fooled into enslavement under a fictitious jewish lie, but their time has come to an end and their stranglehold over us is broken! Our People are awakened and Satan's Truth rings loud throughout the world once again. For Asmodeus told Solomon and we remember, "SO ASK ME NOT MANY THINGS, FOR THY KINGDOM ALSO AFTER A LITTLE TIME IS TO BE DISRUPTED AND THY GLORY IS BUT FOR A SEASON, AND SHORT WILL BE THY TYRANNY OVER US." Short indeed has been their tyranny! Hail Asmodeus! The Truth is in His Mighty Words! Our Gods, once bound, are FREE! The jews cower at the sound of their sacred Names. This is the end for the jewish lie, this is the beginning of Gentile Freedom!

We as Brothers and Sisters in Satan stand together and together, with Hell, we hold the sword that is bringing them and their lies down. In Satan's Name, we declare that it is so! In the Name of all the Gods of Hell, we declare that it is so! Now, and for all eternity!

Destruction to the filthy jews!
Freedom to our Gentile People!!





*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/severing_the_link.html (Remember, severing this link cuts off their energy supply. It is recommended that you do this regularly.)

Hail Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Lets do this bring down the filth all of us should join in think of the impact.
Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Catlovers Foreva <catloversforeva@... wrote:

Sweetest destruction ritual ever!24th,sunday is my birthday 83

On Thu, 21 Jul 2011 02:34 PDT High Priestess Zildar Raasi wrote:

Dates: Saturday, 23rd July and Sunday, 23rd July

Time: Hour of Saturn and Hour of the Sun. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location:

Target and outcome: Destruction of jewish stranglehold over Humanity- Binding the jews into Destruction and removing the jewish bind over Gentiles.

Ritual Affirmations: "The jewish race is bound into Destruction", "The Gentile Races are free."

Sanskrit Mantra: "AUM Svatantrata" (Svatantrata is freedom in Sanskrit- note SvATANtrata)

- Ansuz
- Sauil
& 2 Sigils

Link to Sigils:

http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... onjuly.jpg
http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... iljuly.jpg

The kikes are falling throughout the world and many thousands of Gentiles are beginning to wake up to the Truth. People are angry and want answers, they are looking for the Truth and they are finding it. The kikes are done- we just need to keep up our Spiritual Warfare and ensure their total destruction.

This Ritual is going to be done in two parts, but it is nothing complicated and should not take longer than half an hour for each day. One Sigil focuses on binding the kikes into destruction and the other on unbinding and freeing the Gentile Races.

The Four Steps:
1- Begin Ritual
2- Read and Burn Ritual Prayer
3- Runic and Sanskrit Vibrations whilst focusing on Sigil
4- Write Affirmation onto Sigil and Burn it

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. Visualize the Energy as red-grey in colour for the destruction Sigil and Gold for the freedom Sigil.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://ageofsatan.co.cc/grand_satanic_r ... aghie.html

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome. See the destruction of the filthy kikes on Saturday, and see the beautiful freedom of our Gentile People on Sunday. Feel these emotions strongly, know that it IS happening.

(You can also use a small amount of blood for the freedom Sigil if you wish, but this is not compulsory, it is just something that can add some extra Energy to the Ritual.)

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.


Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalaz are continuously working to destroy the jews in every way", focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Isa:
"IIIIIZZZZAAAA" ("I" is pronounced like "sit")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Isa lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Isa are continuously working to bind the jews into destruction." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.


Begin with Ansuz:
"AAAANNNNZZZZUUUUZZZZ" (U is pronounced like the u in "pull")
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Ansuz lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Ansuz are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Sauil:
"SSSSAAAAUUUUIIIILLLL" ( The i is pronounced like the i in sit)
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Sauil lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Sauil are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Now move on to the Sanskrit Mantra:
"AUM SSSSVVVVAAAATAAAANNNNNTRRRRAAAATAAAA" (R must be rolled, As are pronounced like the A in "Father". Open your throat when you are vibrating.)
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Sanskrit lettering lighting up in brilliant golden light. As you inhale, repeat the Ritual Affirmation, focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Mantra.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Step 4:
Writing the Affirmation and Burning the Sigil.

With a pen or pencil, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the back of the Sigil, focusing on the outcome.
For Saturday, Repeat the Ritual Affirmation 9 times, focusing on the Destruction of the kikes. For Sunday, repeat the Affirmation 16 times while focusing on the Freedom of our Gentile People.

Now, light the Sigil in the flame of the candle. Place it into the Burning Bowl and as it burns, visualize and focus intently on the outcome.

Once it has burned completely, repeat the Ritual Affirmation for the final time and close the Ritual as usual with "HAIL SATAN!! SO MOTE IT BE!"
Ritual Prayer:

(It is the same for both days)

HAIL SATAN! HAIL BEELZEBUB! HAIL ASTAROTH! HAIL AZAEL! Hail to the Four Crows of Hell, our True and Original Gods. The True Gods of the Gentiles and the Gentiles alone. We have been deceived by a vile enemy, our People have been mislead and fooled into enslavement under a fictitious jewish lie, but their time has come to an end and their stranglehold over us is broken! Our People are awakened and Satan's Truth rings loud throughout the world once again. For Asmodeus told Solomon and we remember, "SO ASK ME NOT MANY THINGS, FOR THY KINGDOM ALSO AFTER A LITTLE TIME IS TO BE DISRUPTED AND THY GLORY IS BUT FOR A SEASON, AND SHORT WILL BE THY TYRANNY OVER US." Short indeed has been their tyranny! Hail Asmodeus! The Truth is in His Mighty Words! Our Gods, once bound, are FREE! The jews cower at the sound of their sacred Names. This is the end for the jewish lie, this is the beginning of Gentile Freedom!

We as Brothers and Sisters in Satan stand together and together, with Hell, we hold the sword that is bringing them and their lies down. In Satan's Name, we declare that it is so! In the Name of all the Gods of Hell, we declare that it is so! Now, and for all eternity!

Destruction to the filthy jews!
Freedom to our Gentile People!!





*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/severing_the_link.html (Remember, severing this link cuts off their energy supply. It is recommended that you do this regularly.)

Hail Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
this may sound stupid but can i do it on either the hour of saturn or the hour of the sun because saturn i simply cannot do

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

Dates: Saturday, 23rd July and Sunday, 23rd July

Time: Hour of Saturn and Hour of the Sun. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location:

Target and outcome: Destruction of jewish stranglehold over Humanity- Binding the jews into Destruction and removing the jewish bind over Gentiles.

Ritual Affirmations: "The jewish race is bound into Destruction", "The Gentile Races are free."

Sanskrit Mantra: "AUM Svatantrata" (Svatantrata is freedom in Sanskrit- note SvATANtrata)

- Ansuz
- Sauil
& 2 Sigils

Link to Sigils:

http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... onjuly.jpg
http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... iljuly.jpg

The kikes are falling throughout the world and many thousands of Gentiles are beginning to wake up to the Truth. People are angry and want answers, they are looking for the Truth and they are finding it. The kikes are done- we just need to keep up our Spiritual Warfare and ensure their total destruction.

This Ritual is going to be done in two parts, but it is nothing complicated and should not take longer than half an hour for each day. One Sigil focuses on binding the kikes into destruction and the other on unbinding and freeing the Gentile Races.

The Four Steps:
1- Begin Ritual
2- Read and Burn Ritual Prayer
3- Runic and Sanskrit Vibrations whilst focusing on Sigil
4- Write Affirmation onto Sigil and Burn it

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. Visualize the Energy as red-grey in colour for the destruction Sigil and Gold for the freedom Sigil.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://ageofsatan.co.cc/grand_satanic_r ... aghie.html

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome. See the destruction of the filthy kikes on Saturday, and see the beautiful freedom of our Gentile People on Sunday. Feel these emotions strongly, know that it IS happening.

(You can also use a small amount of blood for the freedom Sigil if you wish, but this is not compulsory, it is just something that can add some extra Energy to the Ritual.)

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.


Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalaz are continuously working to destroy the jews in every way", focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Isa:
"IIIIIZZZZAAAA" ("I" is pronounced like "sit")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Isa lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Isa are continuously working to bind the jews into destruction." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.


Begin with Ansuz:
"AAAANNNNZZZZUUUUZZZZ" (U is pronounced like the u in "pull")
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Ansuz lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Ansuz are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Sauil:
"SSSSAAAAUUUUIIIILLLL" ( The i is pronounced like the i in sit)
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Sauil lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Sauil are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Now move on to the Sanskrit Mantra:
"AUM SSSSVVVVAAAATAAAANNNNNTRRRRAAAATAAAA" (R must be rolled, As are pronounced like the A in "Father". Open your throat when you are vibrating.)
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Sanskrit lettering lighting up in brilliant golden light. As you inhale, repeat the Ritual Affirmation, focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Mantra.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Step 4:
Writing the Affirmation and Burning the Sigil.

With a pen or pencil, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the back of the Sigil, focusing on the outcome.
For Saturday, Repeat the Ritual Affirmation 9 times, focusing on the Destruction of the kikes. For Sunday, repeat the Affirmation 16 times while focusing on the Freedom of our Gentile People.

Now, light the Sigil in the flame of the candle. Place it into the Burning Bowl and as it burns, visualize and focus intently on the outcome.

Once it has burned completely, repeat the Ritual Affirmation for the final time and close the Ritual as usual with "HAIL SATAN!! SO MOTE IT BE!"
Ritual Prayer:

(It is the same for both days)

HAIL SATAN! HAIL BEELZEBUB! HAIL ASTAROTH! HAIL AZAEL! Hail to the Four Crows of Hell, our True and Original Gods. The True Gods of the Gentiles and the Gentiles alone. We have been deceived by a vile enemy, our People have been mislead and fooled into enslavement under a fictitious jewish lie, but their time has come to an end and their stranglehold over us is broken! Our People are awakened and Satan's Truth rings loud throughout the world once again. For Asmodeus told Solomon and we remember, "SO ASK ME NOT MANY THINGS, FOR THY KINGDOM ALSO AFTER A LITTLE TIME IS TO BE DISRUPTED AND THY GLORY IS BUT FOR A SEASON, AND SHORT WILL BE THY TYRANNY OVER US." Short indeed has been their tyranny! Hail Asmodeus! The Truth is in His Mighty Words! Our Gods, once bound, are FREE! The jews cower at the sound of their sacred Names. This is the end for the jewish lie, this is the beginning of Gentile Freedom!

We as Brothers and Sisters in Satan stand together and together, with Hell, we hold the sword that is bringing them and their lies down. In Satan's Name, we declare that it is so! In the Name of all the Gods of Hell, we declare that it is so! Now, and for all eternity!

Destruction to the filthy jews!
Freedom to our Gentile People!!





*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/severing_the_link.html (Remember, severing this link cuts off their energy supply. It is recommended that you do this regularly.)

Hail Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Date: Tuesday, 31st July

Time: Hour of Mars. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

The Moon is going to be in the sign of Capricorn, a good time for turning our Gentile People against the enemy. Capricorn also offers the benefit of permanence with workings.

***NOTE: The Moon is going to go Void after 7:30pm USA time, so ensure to perform the Ritual before this time if possible. If not possible, you may perform the Ritual on another day during the hours of Mars. The time given is, however, ideal due to the Moon Sign and anyone who is able should perform it on this day!***

Target and Outcome: Raising hatred and anger against the jews.

Ritual Affirmation: "Our Gentile People despise the jews".

Using: Runes
-Odhal &

Link to Sigil: http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... ly2012.jpg

The Four Steps:
1- Open the Ritual
2- Read and burn the Ritual Prayer
3- Vibrate the Runes and Empower the Sigil
4- Burn the Sigil

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. See the Runes on the Sigil vibrating with the Energy, performing its task. See the Energy encompassing and impregnating the Sigil.

Now is an exceptionally important time for all of our Brothers and Sisters to be engaging in Spiritual Warfare. The enemy is falling fast and is doing everything they possibly can to stay in power.
It has been all over the news recently that they have been desperately trying to come up with ways in which to curb the recent rise in "anti-semitism" (Truth). Mitt Romney is currently over kissing israel's ass and swearing to defend the jews against our Gentile People in Iran. The disgusting abuse of our Palestinian Gentile People is continuing and more and more people are beginning to become aware of it. It is obvious that the enemy is desperate- therefore, WE WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT THEM AND HIT THEM IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. We must be relentless! Especially when it comes to Spiritual Warfare. Every single one of us needs to be doing our bit.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual): http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -of-satan/

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent.

If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -elements/

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome.
Feel the hatred rising. Raise as much hate as you possible can and infuse the prayer with it. Think of all of the pain and suffering our People have felt at the hands of the kikes. Think of the Destruction and Desecration of our Ancient sites and artefacts, of our Sacred Knowledge given to us by our True Father Satan. THINK OF THE BLASPHEMY AGAINST OUR GODS, and especially against our God Satan! All of this at the hands of the kikes.
See our Gentile People turning against them.

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.

Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalz are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Fehu:
"FFFFEEEEHHHHOOOO" –The e is pronounced like the e in "set"
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Fehu lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Fehu are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Ödhal:
"ÖÖÖÖTHHHHHAAAALLLL" (Ö is pronounced like the "u" in "fur").
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Odhal Rune lighting up in a searing red colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Odhal are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

With a pen, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the Sigil while focusing on the outcome.

Light the Sigil in the flame of the candle and place it in the Burning Bowl. While the Sigil Burns, affirm that the fire is releasing the Energy onto the Astral to perform its job. Visualize the outcome.

Close the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN!! So Mote it Be!"


Ritual Prayer:
"We are the Sons and Daughters of the Mighty God Satan! By our DNA we are linked eternally to Him, and by our Souls, His Creations, we are His Children! We Stand Together tonight, united under Hell's banner, to call back our Gentile People! To awaken them to the Truth! May their anger and hatred for the enslavement that has been inflicted by the enemy be unleashed! May it sweep the Earth like a raging storm, bringing destruction to the culprits! Death to the enemies of Satan!! We declare that it is so, in His Sacred Name!!




*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important:
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-serm ... -emotions/

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Hi:) I was wondering if someone knows when the Moon is going to go Void Tuesday 31st July in Norway or Scandinavia?
I did some research but didn't find informasjon about it.
In advance Thanks.

Hail Father Satan!!
which sigil is to be used?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

Date: Tuesday, 31st July

Time: Hour of Mars. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

The Moon is going to be in the sign of Capricorn, a good time for turning our Gentile People against the enemy. Capricorn also offers the benefit of permanence with workings.

***NOTE: The Moon is going to go Void after 7:30pm USA time, so ensure to perform the Ritual before this time if possible. If not possible, you may perform the Ritual on another day during the hours of Mars. The time given is, however, ideal due to the Moon Sign and anyone who is able should perform it on this day!***

Target and Outcome: Raising hatred and anger against the jews.

Ritual Affirmation: "Our Gentile People despise the jews".

Using: Runes
-Odhal &

Link to Sigil: http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... ly2012.jpg

The Four Steps:
1- Open the Ritual
2- Read and burn the Ritual Prayer
3- Vibrate the Runes and Empower the Sigil
4- Burn the Sigil

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. See the Runes on the Sigil vibrating with the Energy, performing its task. See the Energy encompassing and impregnating the Sigil.

Now is an exceptionally important time for all of our Brothers and Sisters to be engaging in Spiritual Warfare. The enemy is falling fast and is doing everything they possibly can to stay in power.
It has been all over the news recently that they have been desperately trying to come up with ways in which to curb the recent rise in "anti-semitism" (Truth). Mitt Romney is currently over kissing israel's ass and swearing to defend the jews against our Gentile People in Iran. The disgusting abuse of our Palestinian Gentile People is continuing and more and more people are beginning to become aware of it. It is obvious that the enemy is desperate- therefore, WE WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT THEM AND HIT THEM IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. We must be relentless! Especially when it comes to Spiritual Warfare. Every single one of us needs to be doing our bit.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual): http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -of-satan/

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent.

If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -elements/

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome.
Feel the hatred rising. Raise as much hate as you possible can and infuse the prayer with it. Think of all of the pain and suffering our People have felt at the hands of the kikes. Think of the Destruction and Desecration of our Ancient sites and artefacts, of our Sacred Knowledge given to us by our True Father Satan. THINK OF THE BLASPHEMY AGAINST OUR GODS, and especially against our God Satan! All of this at the hands of the kikes.
See our Gentile People turning against them.

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.

Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalz are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Fehu:
"FFFFEEEEHHHHOOOO" –The e is pronounced like the e in "set"
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Fehu lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Fehu are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Ödhal:
"ÖÖÖÖTHHHHHAAAALLLL" (Ö is pronounced like the "u" in "fur").
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Odhal Rune lighting up in a searing red colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Odhal are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

With a pen, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the Sigil while focusing on the outcome.

Light the Sigil in the flame of the candle and place it in the Burning Bowl. While the Sigil Burns, affirm that the fire is releasing the Energy onto the Astral to perform its job. Visualize the outcome.

Close the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN!! So Mote it Be!"


Ritual Prayer:
"We are the Sons and Daughters of the Mighty God Satan! By our DNA we are linked eternally to Him, and by our Souls, His Creations, we are His Children! We Stand Together tonight, united under Hell's banner, to call back our Gentile People! To awaken them to the Truth! May their anger and hatred for the enslavement that has been inflicted by the enemy be unleashed! May it sweep the Earth like a raging storm, bringing destruction to the culprits! Death to the enemies of Satan!! We declare that it is so, in His Sacred Name!!




*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important:
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-serm ... -emotions/

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
forget the sigil question i just asked.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

Date: Tuesday, 31st July

Time: Hour of Mars. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

The Moon is going to be in the sign of Capricorn, a good time for turning our Gentile People against the enemy. Capricorn also offers the benefit of permanence with workings.

***NOTE: The Moon is going to go Void after 7:30pm USA time, so ensure to perform the Ritual before this time if possible. If not possible, you may perform the Ritual on another day during the hours of Mars. The time given is, however, ideal due to the Moon Sign and anyone who is able should perform it on this day!***

Target and Outcome: Raising hatred and anger against the jews.

Ritual Affirmation: "Our Gentile People despise the jews".

Using: Runes
-Odhal &

Link to Sigil: http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... ly2012.jpg

The Four Steps:
1- Open the Ritual
2- Read and burn the Ritual Prayer
3- Vibrate the Runes and Empower the Sigil
4- Burn the Sigil

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. See the Runes on the Sigil vibrating with the Energy, performing its task. See the Energy encompassing and impregnating the Sigil.

Now is an exceptionally important time for all of our Brothers and Sisters to be engaging in Spiritual Warfare. The enemy is falling fast and is doing everything they possibly can to stay in power.
It has been all over the news recently that they have been desperately trying to come up with ways in which to curb the recent rise in "anti-semitism" (Truth). Mitt Romney is currently over kissing israel's ass and swearing to defend the jews against our Gentile People in Iran. The disgusting abuse of our Palestinian Gentile People is continuing and more and more people are beginning to become aware of it. It is obvious that the enemy is desperate- therefore, WE WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT THEM AND HIT THEM IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. We must be relentless! Especially when it comes to Spiritual Warfare. Every single one of us needs to be doing our bit.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual): http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -of-satan/

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent.

If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -elements/

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome.
Feel the hatred rising. Raise as much hate as you possible can and infuse the prayer with it. Think of all of the pain and suffering our People have felt at the hands of the kikes. Think of the Destruction and Desecration of our Ancient sites and artefacts, of our Sacred Knowledge given to us by our True Father Satan. THINK OF THE BLASPHEMY AGAINST OUR GODS, and especially against our God Satan! All of this at the hands of the kikes.
See our Gentile People turning against them.

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.

Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalz are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Fehu:
"FFFFEEEEHHHHOOOO" –The e is pronounced like the e in "set"
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Fehu lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Fehu are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Ödhal:
"ÖÖÖÖTHHHHHAAAALLLL" (Ö is pronounced like the "u" in "fur").
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Odhal Rune lighting up in a searing red colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Odhal are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

With a pen, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the Sigil while focusing on the outcome.

Light the Sigil in the flame of the candle and place it in the Burning Bowl. While the Sigil Burns, affirm that the fire is releasing the Energy onto the Astral to perform its job. Visualize the outcome.

Close the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN!! So Mote it Be!"


Ritual Prayer:
"We are the Sons and Daughters of the Mighty God Satan! By our DNA we are linked eternally to Him, and by our Souls, His Creations, we are His Children! We Stand Together tonight, united under Hell's banner, to call back our Gentile People! To awaken them to the Truth! May their anger and hatred for the enslavement that has been inflicted by the enemy be unleashed! May it sweep the Earth like a raging storm, bringing destruction to the culprits! Death to the enemies of Satan!! We declare that it is so, in His Sacred Name!!




*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important:
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-serm ... -emotions/

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Do i have to take the print of Sigil in color or is it ok to have a black and white one ????

Hail Farther Satan
Hail Lord Sorath
Hail The Gods of Hell
Hail Hitler

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 11:54 PM, High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:
  Date: Tuesday, 31st July

Time: Hour of Mars. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

The Moon is going to be in the sign of Capricorn, a good time for turning our Gentile People against the enemy. Capricorn also offers the benefit of permanence with workings.

***NOTE: The Moon is going to go Void after 7:30pm USA time, so ensure to perform the Ritual before this time if possible. If not possible, you may perform the Ritual on another day during the hours of Mars. The time given is, however, ideal due to the Moon Sign and anyone who is able should perform it on this day!***

Target and Outcome: Raising hatred and anger against the jews.

Ritual Affirmation: "Our Gentile People despise the jews".

Using: Runes
-Odhal &

Link to Sigil: http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... ly2012.jpg

The Four Steps:
1- Open the Ritual
2- Read and burn the Ritual Prayer
3- Vibrate the Runes and Empower the Sigil
4- Burn the Sigil

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. See the Runes on the Sigil vibrating with the Energy, performing its task. See the Energy encompassing and impregnating the Sigil.

Now is an exceptionally important time for all of our Brothers and Sisters to be engaging in Spiritual Warfare. The enemy is falling fast and is doing everything they possibly can to stay in power.
It has been all over the news recently that they have been desperately trying to come up with ways in which to curb the recent rise in "anti-semitism" (Truth). Mitt Romney is currently over kissing israel's ass and swearing to defend the jews against our Gentile People in Iran. The disgusting abuse of our Palestinian Gentile People is continuing and more and more people are beginning to become aware of it. It is obvious that the enemy is desperate- therefore, WE WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT THEM AND HIT THEM IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. We must be relentless! Especially when it comes to Spiritual Warfare. Every single one of us needs to be doing our bit.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual): http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -of-satan/

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent.

If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-magi ... -elements/

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome.
Feel the hatred rising. Raise as much hate as you possible can and infuse the prayer with it. Think of all of the pain and suffering our People have felt at the hands of the kikes. Think of the Destruction and Desecration of our Ancient sites and artefacts, of our Sacred Knowledge given to us by our True Father Satan. THINK OF THE BLASPHEMY AGAINST OUR GODS, and especially against our God Satan! All of this at the hands of the kikes.
See our Gentile People turning against them.

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.

Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalz are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Fehu:
"FFFFEEEEHHHHOOOO" –The e is pronounced like the e in "set"
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Fehu lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Fehu are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Ödhal:
"ÖÖÖÖTHHHHHAAAALLLL" (Ö is pronounced like the "u" in "fur").
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Odhal Rune lighting up in a searing red colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Odhal are working to raise hatred and anger in our Gentile People towards the jews." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

With a pen, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the Sigil while focusing on the outcome.

Light the Sigil in the flame of the candle and place it in the Burning Bowl. While the Sigil Burns, affirm that the fire is releasing the Energy onto the Astral to perform its job. Visualize the outcome.

Close the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN!! So Mote it Be!"


Ritual Prayer:
"We are the Sons and Daughters of the Mighty God Satan! By our DNA we are linked eternally to Him, and by our Souls, His Creations, we are His Children! We Stand Together tonight, united under Hell's banner, to call back our Gentile People! To awaken them to the Truth! May their anger and hatred for the enslavement that has been inflicted by the enemy be unleashed! May it sweep the Earth like a raging storm, bringing destruction to the culprits! Death to the enemies of Satan!! We declare that it is so, in His Sacred Name!!




*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important:
http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-serm ... -emotions/

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Do a google search the program called "lunabar". It is invaluable for timing Magick. You set the coordinates for your exact location (use google earth. google maps might have coordinates too but i'm not sure) and it tells you exactly what the moon is up to. Also get "ChronosXP" if you don't have it as this gives you the planetary hours for each day down to the second they start and end. You set your exact coordinates in that too.
I did the runic vibrations. For the first time, I could witness my own personal anger expanded in an insane manner. I know all our people will fucking aweaken and SHRED THEM. I was literally talking the prayer out loud. I know I am heard by the Gods. KILL THESE FUCKING ROTTEN SCUMS WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT. FUCKING STRAIGHT.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

Dates: Saturday, 23rd July and Sunday, 23rd July

Time: Hour of Saturn and Hour of the Sun. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location:

Target and outcome: Destruction of jewish stranglehold over Humanity- Binding the jews into Destruction and removing the jewish bind over Gentiles.

Ritual Affirmations: "The jewish race is bound into Destruction", "The Gentile Races are free."

Sanskrit Mantra: "AUM Svatantrata" (Svatantrata is freedom in Sanskrit- note SvATANtrata)

- Ansuz
- Sauil
& 2 Sigils

Link to Sigils:

http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... onjuly.jpg
http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... iljuly.jpg

The kikes are falling throughout the world and many thousands of Gentiles are beginning to wake up to the Truth. People are angry and want answers, they are looking for the Truth and they are finding it. The kikes are done- we just need to keep up our Spiritual Warfare and ensure their total destruction.

This Ritual is going to be done in two parts, but it is nothing complicated and should not take longer than half an hour for each day. One Sigil focuses on binding the kikes into destruction and the other on unbinding and freeing the Gentile Races.

The Four Steps:
1- Begin Ritual
2- Read and Burn Ritual Prayer
3- Runic and Sanskrit Vibrations whilst focusing on Sigil
4- Write Affirmation onto Sigil and Burn it

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. Visualize the Energy as red-grey in colour for the destruction Sigil and Gold for the freedom Sigil.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://ageofsatan.co.cc/grand_satanic_r ... aghie.html

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome. See the destruction of the filthy kikes on Saturday, and see the beautiful freedom of our Gentile People on Sunday. Feel these emotions strongly, know that it IS happening.

(You can also use a small amount of blood for the freedom Sigil if you wish, but this is not compulsory, it is just something that can add some extra Energy to the Ritual.)

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.


Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalaz are continuously working to destroy the jews in every way", focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Isa:
"IIIIIZZZZAAAA" ("I" is pronounced like "sit")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Isa lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Isa are continuously working to bind the jews into destruction." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.


Begin with Ansuz:
"AAAANNNNZZZZUUUUZZZZ" (U is pronounced like the u in "pull")
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Ansuz lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Ansuz are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Sauil:
"SSSSAAAAUUUUIIIILLLL" ( The i is pronounced like the i in sit)
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Sauil lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Sauil are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Now move on to the Sanskrit Mantra:
"AUM SSSSVVVVAAAATAAAANNNNNTRRRRAAAATAAAA" (R must be rolled, As are pronounced like the A in "Father". Open your throat when you are vibrating.)
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Sanskrit lettering lighting up in brilliant golden light. As you inhale, repeat the Ritual Affirmation, focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Mantra.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Step 4:
Writing the Affirmation and Burning the Sigil.

With a pen or pencil, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the back of the Sigil, focusing on the outcome.
For Saturday, Repeat the Ritual Affirmation 9 times, focusing on the Destruction of the kikes. For Sunday, repeat the Affirmation 16 times while focusing on the Freedom of our Gentile People.

Now, light the Sigil in the flame of the candle. Place it into the Burning Bowl and as it burns, visualize and focus intently on the outcome.

Once it has burned completely, repeat the Ritual Affirmation for the final time and close the Ritual as usual with "HAIL SATAN!! SO MOTE IT BE!"
Ritual Prayer:

(It is the same for both days)

HAIL SATAN! HAIL BEELZEBUB! HAIL ASTAROTH! HAIL AZAEL! Hail to the Four Crows of Hell, our True and Original Gods. The True Gods of the Gentiles and the Gentiles alone. We have been deceived by a vile enemy, our People have been mislead and fooled into enslavement under a fictitious jewish lie, but their time has come to an end and their stranglehold over us is broken! Our People are awakened and Satan's Truth rings loud throughout the world once again. For Asmodeus told Solomon and we remember, "SO ASK ME NOT MANY THINGS, FOR THY KINGDOM ALSO AFTER A LITTLE TIME IS TO BE DISRUPTED AND THY GLORY IS BUT FOR A SEASON, AND SHORT WILL BE THY TYRANNY OVER US." Short indeed has been their tyranny! Hail Asmodeus! The Truth is in His Mighty Words! Our Gods, once bound, are FREE! The jews cower at the sound of their sacred Names. This is the end for the jewish lie, this is the beginning of Gentile Freedom!

We as Brothers and Sisters in Satan stand together and together, with Hell, we hold the sword that is bringing them and their lies down. In Satan's Name, we declare that it is so! In the Name of all the Gods of Hell, we declare that it is so! Now, and for all eternity!

Destruction to the filthy jews!
Freedom to our Gentile People!!





*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/severing_the_link.html (Remember, severing this link cuts off their energy supply. It is recommended that you do this regularly.)

Hail Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
i bet it feels nice to feel and see your own anger..... I would but my family is a damn Xian family....
From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 1:41 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: JULY DESTRUCTION RITUAL

  I did the runic vibrations. For the first time, I could witness my own personal anger expanded in an insane manner. I know all our people will fucking aweaken and SHRED THEM. I was literally talking the prayer out loud. I know I am heard by the Gods. KILL THESE FUCKING ROTTEN SCUMS WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT. FUCKING STRAIGHT.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

Dates: Saturday, 23rd July and Sunday, 23rd July

Time: Hour of Saturn and Hour of the Sun. You can use ChronosXP to work out the correct time for your specific location:

Target and outcome: Destruction of jewish stranglehold over Humanity- Binding the jews into Destruction and removing the jewish bind over Gentiles.

Ritual Affirmations: "The jewish race is bound into Destruction", "The Gentile Races are free."

Sanskrit Mantra: "AUM Svatantrata" (Svatantrata is freedom in Sanskrit- note SvATANtrata)

- Ansuz
- Sauil
& 2 Sigils

Link to Sigils:

http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... onjuly.jpg
http://exposingthelieofislam.files.word ... iljuly.jpg

The kikes are falling throughout the world and many thousands of Gentiles are beginning to wake up to the Truth. People are angry and want answers, they are looking for the Truth and they are finding it. The kikes are done- we just need to keep up our Spiritual Warfare and ensure their total destruction.

This Ritual is going to be done in two parts, but it is nothing complicated and should not take longer than half an hour for each day. One Sigil focuses on binding the kikes into destruction and the other on unbinding and freeing the Gentile Races.

The Four Steps:
1- Begin Ritual
2- Read and Burn Ritual Prayer
3- Runic and Sanskrit Vibrations whilst focusing on Sigil
4- Write Affirmation onto Sigil and Burn it

As you vibrate the Runes and Sigil, you are going to direct the Energy raised into the Sigil to Empower it. The Energy will be programmed by the Affirmation. Visualize the Energy as red-grey in colour for the destruction Sigil and Gold for the freedom Sigil.

Step 1:
Begin Ritual

(Use either the Standard Ritual Format or the Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
http://ageofsatan.co.cc/grand_satanic_r ... aghie.html

Step 2:
Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer.

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. If you wish and something that is a very good idea to add Energy to this working, you can also empower the Ritual Prayer prior to the Ritual as explained by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the Flame of one of the Candles and place it in the Burning Bowl. For the duration of the Burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation while visualizing the outcome. See the destruction of the filthy kikes on Saturday, and see the beautiful freedom of our Gentile People on Sunday. Feel these emotions strongly, know that it IS happening.

(You can also use a small amount of blood for the freedom Sigil if you wish, but this is not compulsory, it is just something that can add some extra Energy to the Ritual.)

Step 3:
Runic Vibrations

Once the Prayer has burned fully, place the Sigil on your Altar.


Begin the Runic Vibrations, starting with Hagalaz:
"HHHHAAAAGGGGAAAALLLLAAAAATTSS" (The G is guttural and the TS like in "Pizza")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Hagalaz lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagalaz are continuously working to destroy the jews in every way", focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Isa:
"IIIIIZZZZAAAA" ("I" is pronounced like "sit")
Vibrate a total of 9 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Isa lighting up in a dirty red-grey colour. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Isa are continuously working to bind the jews into destruction." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.


Begin with Ansuz:
"AAAANNNNZZZZUUUUZZZZ" (U is pronounced like the u in "pull")
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Ansuz lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Ansuz are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Move on to Sauil:
"SSSSAAAAUUUUIIIILLLL" ( The i is pronounced like the i in sit)
Vibrate a total of 16 times.
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing Sauil lighting up in a vibrant golden colour, shining like the Sun. As you inhale, repeat the Runic Affirmation: "The Energies of Sauil are continuously working to free our Gentile People of jewish suppression." focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Rune.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Now move on to the Sanskrit Mantra:
"AUM SSSSVVVVAAAATAAAANNNNNTRRRRAAAATAAAA" (R must be rolled, As are pronounced like the A in "Father". Open your throat when you are vibrating.)
Direct the Energy raised by the Vibration into the Sigil by focusing on the Sigil and visualizing the Sanskrit lettering lighting up in brilliant golden light. As you inhale, repeat the Ritual Affirmation, focusing on the Sigil and directing the affirmation into the Sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the Mantra.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation with intent.

Step 4:
Writing the Affirmation and Burning the Sigil.

With a pen or pencil, write the Ritual Affirmation onto the back of the Sigil, focusing on the outcome.
For Saturday, Repeat the Ritual Affirmation 9 times, focusing on the Destruction of the kikes. For Sunday, repeat the Affirmation 16 times while focusing on the Freedom of our Gentile People.

Now, light the Sigil in the flame of the candle. Place it into the Burning Bowl and as it burns, visualize and focus intently on the outcome.

Once it has burned completely, repeat the Ritual Affirmation for the final time and close the Ritual as usual with "HAIL SATAN!! SO MOTE IT BE!"
Ritual Prayer:

(It is the same for both days)

HAIL SATAN! HAIL BEELZEBUB! HAIL ASTAROTH! HAIL AZAEL! Hail to the Four Crows of Hell, our True and Original Gods. The True Gods of the Gentiles and the Gentiles alone. We have been deceived by a vile enemy, our People have been mislead and fooled into enslavement under a fictitious jewish lie, but their time has come to an end and their stranglehold over us is broken! Our People are awakened and Satan's Truth rings loud throughout the world once again. For Asmodeus told Solomon and we remember, "SO ASK ME NOT MANY THINGS, FOR THY KINGDOM ALSO AFTER A LITTLE TIME IS TO BE DISRUPTED AND THY GLORY IS BUT FOR A SEASON, AND SHORT WILL BE THY TYRANNY OVER US." Short indeed has been their tyranny! Hail Asmodeus! The Truth is in His Mighty Words! Our Gods, once bound, are FREE! The jews cower at the sound of their sacred Names. This is the end for the jewish lie, this is the beginning of Gentile Freedom!

We as Brothers and Sisters in Satan stand together and together, with Hell, we hold the sword that is bringing them and their lies down. In Satan's Name, we declare that it is so! In the Name of all the Gods of Hell, we declare that it is so! Now, and for all eternity!

Destruction to the filthy jews!
Freedom to our Gentile People!!





*Do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your Aura and Chakras once you are done with the Ritual. It is also a good idea to regularly cleanse your Ritual Space and banish any negative Energies. The Satanic Blue Flames instantly banish any enemy energies and thought forms. Severing the Link as stated by High Priest Vovim Baghie is also important: http://www.vovimbaghie.cz.cc/severing_the_link.html (Remember, severing this link cuts off their energy supply. It is recommended that you do this regularly.)

Hail Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
