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JoyOfSatan.Org RESTORED - JoS Online Activism OPEN

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors.

As many of you know, Angelfire just arbitrarily shut down our website in a typically yid terrorist attack where something disappears as per usual one sweet morning without any explanation, or reasoning, or anything related. This is typical of how the enemy thinks and operates, they only know rogue warfare, in particular also against people that they have lost.

The accusation here was more the shady new Wrongtalk and Wrongthink 1984, legally nonsensical and murky term "Hate Speech", ie, Gentiles having their own root religion re-discovered and ditching Abrahamic programs, which is inconceivable to the enemy. There was no word of hatred hosted under this particular site, but you know, a communist purge is a communist purge. It can't be else in 1984 world.

A milestone has been reached with very, very hard work. To start, we have regained after repeated attempts our domain which is http://www.joyofsatan.org . We were aware of how to retrieve this, but without going into many details, due to the nature of the situations around this whole problematic incident, it required harder pressure to get this back than normal procedures.

Typical religious discrimination is here. If we wore Hijab and we were preaching universal Jihad, not only we would be left alone, but universally helped, accepted, maybe even have our mayor in London, named Sadiq. Abrahamic cults and all sorts of terrorist in the present century are treated way better and in more humane manners than people who just oppose or think differently of the status quo, this is what this world is coming too.

This is therefore Information War.

As a result, both the .com and the .org on this domain are now operational. There is still chance there can be some broken pages as one can understand this is a huge work to fix everything but it will eventually be fine.

We also do have a Portal as everyone knows which is http://www.SatanIsGod.Org, where many of our other sites are contained. We also do possess another Mirror website which will host more mirrors of already existing webpages and translated pages a new domain that will soon be up. All sites will be put there so they cannot be taken down, and/or for backup reasons.

The management and work put in all of these is just beyond comprehension. I had no life when I was working on all of these for months, this was an insane work, creating a huge milestone for us and safeguarding our websites and keeping the truth alive. Needless to say a lot of pride has went into this work. I want to also thank the people that were waiting and co-operating with their patience during this time, as this was a brutal amount of work.

Last but not least, the JoS Activism is now open so we can progressively organize spreading information on the internet.

Below you can join and start working on this forum. The idea is also we may have monthly or weekly assignments. We will co-ordinate this as time goes, and this will also include members who are doing well in this and delivering results. This is most important to maintain the truth and also fight in the face of brutal censorship and the general unpersoning of the borg world that we are living into today.

There is no capitulation or option here. We fight for the future of our world, our children, our races, and our core spiritual culture, our VERY existence, spiritually and materially. No compromise, hard work, and doing what we have to do is mandatory.

Our enemy has AI's, media rule, infinite funding and buildings filled with cheap mexican labor to shape "public opinion", large platforms, internet "force" that they use to deceive and disinform Gentiles on a consistent basis, censorship, fake moral signalling, the usual use of violence and terror that is very frequent of them to do on their enemies and so forth.

And even at this height of all tools, they have just flipped out at popular awakening. They own the world and they cannot contain the awakening of people. Why?

Because the awakening is Truth based, while they are lies and deception based. Anything founded upon lies and deception is bound to collapse.

Satan's name is Truth and He brings us freedom and peace by awakening us.

Freedom must be fought for actively, lest it's gone, especially on threatening times such as this.

Joy Activism Link: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=27

http://www.joyofsatan.org - Operational
http://www.joyofsatan.com - Operational
http://www.satanisgod.org - Operational
http://www.exposinchristianity.com - Operational
http://www.evilgoy.com - Operational
You might add a note in the header on all pages if you can do that from one panel instead of going onto each page individually to do it, or just at the top of the front page, to say that the site is being restored after being deleted by the previous host.

Excellent work!
Some of the pages and links on the site are still broken, like the chakra page that gives info on each of the chakras, its a broken link in the Opening The Chakras page, but the Opening the Chakras links for each of the chakras are all fine.
That's the only broken link ive found so far.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We must keep backups of our information. Not only, digitally, on paper, etc., ... if it is possible, to have backups of our information astrally, in the astral ... under the protection of our Gods. Our information is infinitely important. I don't know exactly how to explain my idea ... the idea is to have a form of Backup of our information in the astral, in energetic form. This would be very useful. Whether to keep our information totally safe or safe, in the event of an attack by the enemy ... to quickly and easily restore our information. Thank you HP Hooded Cobra 666
Master Darkness said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We must keep backups of our information. Not only, digitally, on paper, etc., ... if it is possible, to have backups of our information astrally, in the astral ... under the protection of our Gods. Our information is infinitely important. I don't know exactly how to explain my idea ... the idea is to have a form of Backup of our information in the astral, in energetic form. This would be very useful. Whether to keep our information totally safe or safe, in the event of an attack by the enemy ... to quickly and easily restore our information. Thank you HP Hooded Cobra 666

Yea I have an astral ipad with all the information in it. Need be, I will get it from the astral here. Wtf...

Your incoherence and trolling is starting to stoop very low.

Energetically Satanism is "out there" in the astral. It's obvious.
Sun said:
Some of the pages and links on the site are still broken, like the chakra page that gives info on each of the chakras, its a broken link in the Opening The Chakras page, but the Opening the Chakras links for each of the chakras are all fine.
That's the only broken link ive found so far.

If anything is found, please report this, and it will be fixed wherever it appears. Thank you. I'll keep a log of what needs to be corrected and what links need to be fixed. It's not possible to keep track of them at once, they are more than 800 or so.
Awesome work, may you and all hardworking Satanists be blessed forever.
Of all clergy HP HoodedCobra, you inspire me the most these days with your tireless and phenomenal dedication to the forums and keeping things organized and orderly here, along with maintenance of our sites and working hard to coordinate our efforts, and in general, the cause of Satan. There is no better officer to have in the ranks than one who is unafraid to fight alongside the rest of the fighters, that is what makes the most successful leaders, as Satan and Hitler themselves proved time and time again. Many thanks to you and every other member of clergy who has worked endless hours to get things back up and finally put an end to the enemy's disgusting shutdown of our website.

The Joy of Satan is unstoppable, we cannot be silenced, we will not be intimidated, and no one will prevent us from carrying out the will of the Gods. Other Satanists may choose to join us or get out of the way,

Hail Satan forever!
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
- Will we only be doing activism specifically as stated/posted, or can those of us who are able to use our unique abilities to do more than first anticipated on top of the rest of it?

The idea is to try to combine both and bring all the methods for such in plain sight for people to follow + some given tasks.

The more, the better.

It's also supposed to be fun that way, people doing stuff together and having actual fun.

6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
- Are non-clergy allowed/later could be allowed to head any online offensives? I'm dying to fight over here, chomping at the bit if you will. Where do I sign up lol

Yes, within parameters that people stay focused on the job and not to create worthless rumors, persona cultism, and bs time wasting, yes, that is totally plausible and fine. Whomever is ambitious this is chance to give it a go. It's a forum specifically cause it's supposed to be mature.
BEYOND appreciated Hp Cobra. My words are thank you soo so much, my actions will be even more! Thank you!
Sun said:

I also noticed Satan'sLibrary is kinda messed up, it's missing the total audio file of Mein Kampf, not the broken up version that is around 2 hours or so in total. Not missing but more like the link doesn't let you download it.

But other files like the main JoS file information is missing. Like for example the sexy, sounding girl there were audio files on with her voice based on JoS information connected on the site.

The last update for SL, was 2018, but I clearly remember months back downloading a audio file and playing it. But those audio file are missing. Like for example the Demons section and sub-files of pages. All missing they used to be there.
Immensely grateful for all the hard work HP, really excited about this. Mass degolemization is near.

Thank you Mr. Hoodedcobra, very cool!

On a more serious note, the amount of time and effort you, the clergy, put in for our cause only motivate us to do more.
Thank you HP Hooded Cobra and anyone else involved. I was with years of joy reading this. Another one for books!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
http://www.exposingchristianity.com - Operational

Small mistake missing g, exposing not exposin. Other than that typing it in properly, works as advertised.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
http://www.evilgoy.com - Operational

Isn't this kinda playing with fire? Labeling ourselves "evilgoy"; doesn't that give the wrong impression?

Might I suggest some new website links suggestions.

Like amalek.com/.org, amalekwarrior.com/.org, amalek-warrior.com/.org.

Seems a bit more reasonable than "evilgoy" after all we are not an evil organization.
It's just me or they begin to attack JOS more often now? Damn, we are even closer toward the climax, i wonder how all of this will end.. revolutions, civil wars?
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
http://www.exposingchristianity.com - Operational

Small mistake missing g, exposing not exposin. Other than that typing it in properly, works as advertised.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
http://www.evilgoy.com - Operational

Isn't this kinda playing with fire? Labeling ourselves "evilgoy"; doesn't that give the wrong impression?

Might I suggest some new website links suggestions.

Like amalek.com/.org, amalekwarrior.com/.org, amalek-warrior.com/.org.

Seems a bit more reasonable than "evilgoy" after all we are not an evil organization.

I will not debate a lack of humor as it is impossible to defeat.

We might as well name our website Conservatism or Democratic Cucks or something to be good at this. After all Satan is the ultimate moral evil...isn't this.

You are correct we need to make a website called "kiss jew ass but still die cause talmud says so.com" so that we are taken for good goys instead and not evil ones.

A good goy is a xian and a slave. The evil goy is a pagan and who is awake. It is wordplay for the foulness of jewish morality.

I am an Evil Goy and I rub my hands until they catch fire by all the Pagan scheming. Call me evil if you want, I do not care.
goldenage666 said:
Immensely grateful for all the hard work HP, really excited about this. Mass degolemization is near.


Oy vey extreme antisemitism in that post.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am an Evil Goy and I rub my hands until they catch fire by all the Pagan scheming. Call me evil if you want, I do not care.

Okay, you got me there. I see your point. :evil:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
..hand rubbing...

I posted this on Meme warfare, actually twice. But where to buy a *Hitler rubbing hands* memetic enforcement picture. Are you in contact with any meme makers and posting this. Seems strange Godwin's law isn't applied yet to this. If )))we((( have a picture of (((them))) rubbing hands, why can't we have our own hand rubbing picture.

I know it's to expose them but well the King of exposing, aught to have his own memetics as well.

Just a suggestion.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am an Evil Goy and I rub my hands until they catch fire by all the Pagan scheming. Call me evil if you want, I do not care.

Okay, you got me there. I see your point. :evil:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
..hand rubbing...

I posted this on Meme warfare, actually twice. But where to buy a *Hitler rubbing hands* memetic enforcement picture. Are you in contact with any meme makers and posting this. Seems strange Godwin's law isn't applied yet to this. If )))we((( have a picture of (((them))) rubbing hands, why can't we have our own hand rubbing picture.

I know it's to expose them but well the King of exposing, aught to have his own memetics as well.

Just a suggestion.

I was like the one to start the rubbing hands for Gentiles meme, I think it was a jew exclusive meme before it was stolen and it was made cool.

If jews think they can rub hands then so can we, and at extreme speeds and better quality than they.

For example memes like honk world and # are just Gentile hand rubbing intensifying. Causes seizures to enemies, they fall vertical on the ground from this. Annuda Shoa
Jews rub their hands when stuff like mass invasion of Europe happens, you also got to rub some hands when you see stuff like that jewtube has to just crackdown on everything cause levels of awakening are too high.

Each to their own.
Not sure if anyone else has made note of this but the Yahoo Groups archive seems dead. Going to it prompts you for a username/password and you're denied entry if you enter nothing.
Arcadia said:
Not sure if anyone else has made note of this but the Yahoo Groups archive seems dead. Going to it prompts you for a username/password and you're denied entry if you enter nothing.

There is work being done on this and it is on maintenance. It is not dead. Not exactly sure when we will be done as always something crops up and the end is always the same, more work and unfinished tasks. It will be back. It has some issues and it needed to be all put back up again.
I'm having an issue concerning the Marketplace which seems appropriate to post here:

I'm trying to purchase the Joy of Satan Basic Books app. I click on "Download for Android" and it takes me to a screen saying "Guest Area" and to enter a password. There's no way for me to get past this. I would post the screenshot to this post, but I don't know how
When I go to https://www.joyofsatan.com/ it gives me this:

Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to www.joyofsatan.com. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.

What can you do about it?

The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem.
Hearsync said:
When I go to https://www.joyofsatan.com/ it gives me this:

Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to http://www.joyofsatan.com. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.

What can you do about it?

The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem.
That warning is not true. They put that up to try to scare people away. It's a way of trying to censor the website by tricking people to not click on it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
That warning is not true. They put that up to try to scare people away. It's a way of trying to censor the website by tricking people to not click on it.
Maybe a SSL cert mismatch or smth? I don't get this warning, not in firefox, not in iexplore, not on mobile. You never know when they have enforced regional restrictions and/or warnings (like jewtube), though.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Hearsync said:
When I go to https://www.joyofsatan.com/ it gives me this:

Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to http://www.joyofsatan.com. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.

What can you do about it?

The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem.
That warning is not true. They put that up to try to scare people away. It's a way of trying to censor the website by tricking people to not click on it.
WOW same error to me. Fucking disgusting kikes.
Apprentice said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
That warning is not true. They put that up to try to scare people away. It's a way of trying to censor the website by tricking people to not click on it.
Maybe a SSL cert mismatch or smth? I don't get this warning, not in firefox, not in iexplore, not on mobile. You never know when they have enforced regional restrictions and/or warnings (like jewtube), though.
Yeah I never get that warning, but I have gotten it before. It doesn't mean anything true they just want to scare you away. Might be some regional thing.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Yeah I never get that warning, but I have gotten it before. It doesn't mean anything true they just want to scare you away. Might be some regional thing.
I'd guess this is just a security warning for pyjama people. I checked my browser and it actually displays it.
Here's a screenshot.
Apprentice said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Yeah I never get that warning, but I have gotten it before. It doesn't mean anything true they just want to scare you away. Might be some regional thing.
I'd guess this is just a security warning for pyjama people. I checked my browser and it actually displays it.
Here's a screenshot.
I have no problem on pc chrome and on phone default samsung browser.
Whoa the site is back??? I didn't expect that. Thanks you so much for your hard work!

Looking forward to participate in the activism.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
