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Joy of Satan Sites & Translations: STEADILY UPWARDS! - UPDATES, NEW SITES, CONTACT US [22nd August Progress 2022!]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Update 22 August 2022

JoS Arabia is being made.

JoS NL is being made.

Release of important site imminent.

All steps from August 8th and 30th are being proceeded with. There is stalling in some territories due to August vacations and closed registrars etc. This delays everything depending on the country.

Update 8th August 2022

JoS Dutch infrastructure being made.

JoS Lithuania Infrastructure being made.

JoS Hungary will officially move here, in forums, sites, everything. Infrastructure being made.

JoS Zimbabwe infrastructure being made.

JoS Member Projects is going to be founded.

A very important site we used to have will be restored in its entirety.

All sites from July 30th and all sites being worked on.

For issues and/or projects not done, please mail me at [email protected]

Update 30 July 2022

Joy of Satan Danish is done and we will proceed with more sites.

JoS Icelandic is being created in domain and infrastructure.

Joy of Satan Slovenia and Czech is now existing and is being translated more based on the previous translation of JoS members.

Update 26 July 2022

Greetings to all of our SS, more updates and expansion is happening.

1. JoS Icelandic will be added. Please email at [email protected] so we can begin the creation of the sites.

2. Any new or previous translations that have not received infrastructure or domains, PLEASE mail us to resolve it. VERY IMPORTANT!!!

3. Joy of Satan Danish is being finally restored and will have a dedicated forum, in our forums here.

4. Joy of Satan Romania will be moved to a secure server. Romanian translators team will be notified and will begin working when this is done.

Due to certain responsibilities, this might be 10 or 15 days so we can work this out. Site is currently working.

5. Our Joy of Satan Czech and Slovakian communities will have the same site, but their own exclusive domain due to languages being almost identical. Translation teams will be combined.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Update 20 July 2022

Many new sites and translations have began. Soon, the Czech and other translations will begin. To check the progress, please look below.

Members who have sent e-mails to be appointed to teams will be appointed to teams. Eventually, all teams will have been mailed and all projects will proceed.

Due to some being very far forward and others just starting, a lot of organization is needed, so please be patient. Everyone will receive e-mails and be put in the teams.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Update 16 July 2022


What is now taking place the collection and formation the translation teams. Those who have mailed showing interest, will be assigned to these teams and then on each respective language, people will be able to start translating new material.

Some will be mailed immediately [each country has different needs and the projects are on different levels]. For other Nations, it will take a while. For example, with the Romanian translation which is mostly complete on the main sites, we are moving them and doing some necessary work. When this is done, these teams will be notified.

I will personally notify the members who have shown interest through e-mails. This is all a huge workload.

To organize properly, this takes time. If you have sent an e-mail and it's not received, do not worry, we will assign you and contact you to join the projects soon as everyone who shown interest for a language is already in a translation team. Certain Nations have a lot of people working on them, so one will be there to do more translations besides the already existing sites.

Thanks to everyone, and please be a little patient.

I will constantly update this thread with new ongoing developments, which everyone can check below. Currently, three National teams have been assembled and more will be assembled.

JoSZulu and JoS Swahili, JoS Danish, etc have had their infrastructure made, in a few days at best, everyone will be given translation credentials.

Jos Philippines is next up, there is a long list of work that is being done. Some translation teams have been e-mailed already to start dividing the workload and to start working.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Original Post

First and foremost I want to thank every person who has participated, directly or indirectly, and giving the Truth power to expand. We are doing as I have related in another topic. We are steadfast and moving forward.

In this topic, there will be a list so that people can know what sites exist and how you can join.

None of this would be possible without those that work for this, directly or indirectly, and those who donate or do the necessary work for this - MAY THE GODS BLESS YOU ALL!


I am going to give a big gift to the community soon because of this. This also relieves me and gives me courage to do better work myself. Anything everyone does, I will give gladly back in knowledge and help in spiritual information, updates and all the rest which has already been the case.

The more we help the Gods, the more we will help ourselves and each other.

We have an amazing family and we are showing this clearly. We have a lot of beautiful and constructive work ahead of us, and we will succeed at it. The world will be at benefit from this, and we ourselves will be rewarded in the eyes of the Gods for all we do, no matter how little or how small - because it all matters extremely much.

Some translation projects, are under dangerous territories where censorship is rampant. Everyone who contributes and helps to JoS must know that we are taking all necessary measures to protect our Brothers and Sisters who do work from suppressed Nations.

We provide everything necessary and possible to help another SS in this troubled region through a VPN and so on, protecting them and their location, anonymity and so on. We handle everything for the maximum safety of those who bring light into these dark regions of the world.

For those who might be worried about certain places in this world: you should not be afraid. Certain regions like Iran and China also do desperately need the Truth.

We cannot move back from this because these Governments are terrorists against their own people. There are many people in these Nations who are helplessly waiting for a solution for living in a spiritual prison, that only if we translate and fight this war, we will be able to provide them.

WE are the people of Father Satan and the Gods, and we will be those who will be the Lightbringers to the Nations and the people must know the Truth.

The Joy of Satan will fight for the right of all people worldwide to know the Truth, how to meditate, and to advance spiritually and know the Gods. It is the right of all human beings to know these Truths and no government can alienate them from this right.

Translators from enemy regions are doing a very important task, the Joy of Satan will make sure you do the least and work simply and carefree, while you give the most to your people, and we handle the rest which is the dangerous things.

In regards to some translation projects that you think you can participate, please do mail at [email protected].

If I have told you you will be contacted and you have not been, please contact again [too many e-mails, doing my best to be 100% effective].

Some translations teams are ready, but others will be ready soon, others are formed, so one can join. Everyone can work in accordance to their pace.

Some languages have not been accommodated yet into sites and infrastructure for doing this work [see end of this post]. These listed are being made now. Others listed on the upper section are now done.

Contact me so that we can make this happen, and one can start spreading the Truth to their people.



Anything one needs will be given - all you have to do is merely take the initiative to translate and act as a lightbringer for your Nation, or join the already existing teams.

All of this rests on the hands of our community to achieve. We must bring our own people to the Truth. We will not stop until all of this is achieved. The Joy of Satan on a leadership and guidance level will do everything that we can, but we must work collectively on a community level to accomplish the vision that the Gods have set up for us.

As I related in another post, this is a wonderful opportunity. Just think that by the work of our own hands, little by little, we will change everything and manifest their vision.

We all must simply do our part and distribute our responsibilities, until we create this joyous world where the Gods will be known everywhere once again.

Please bear with us as we make all of this. If there have been any unanswered e-mails, or requests, please contact me again: [email protected].

If you are a translator and are stuck/experiencing problems or need any other help, let us know too. We will do our best to help.

General Purpose sites:

https://www.joyofsatan.org / www.satanisgod.org - The regular JoS sites, which include more sites.
https://www.ancient-forums.com / www.ancient-forums.co - Our forums
https://satanslibrary.org/index.html - Joy of Satan Library
https://www.groups-archive.com - Pending restoration
https://www.jos-astro.com - The dedicated astrology portal for Calendars and Joy of Satan Astrology
https://holocaustexposed.org - Dedicated to debunking enemy lies
https://evilgoy.com - RTR Timer

Two other projects which will be announced soon are also pending and worked on the back end.

About translations:

TN = More Translators Needed
BT = Big team, more translators welcome.
TC = Translations Complete - More translators needed for more sites [Kabbalah exposed, library, forum posts etc etc]

Joy of Satan India: https://www.joyofsatan.in TN [JOS INDIA TEAM HAS BEEN MAILED]
Joy of Satan for Persia and Iran: https://www.jospersia.com TN [JOS IRAN TEAM HAS BEEN MAILED]
Joy of Satan Poland: https://satanjestbogiem.pl/ - TN [JOS POLAND TEAM HAS BEEN MAILED]
Joy of Satan France: https://joyofsatan.fr / www.josfrance.com TN
Joy of Satan Japan: https://joyofsatan.jp TN
Joy of Satan Greece: https://satanismos.gr BT [JOS GREECE TEAM HAS BEEN MAILED]
Joy of Satan Spanish: https://www.alegriadeenki.com -
Joy of Satan Brasil: https://www.josbrasil.org and www.josbrazil.org TC [site will redirect to Portuguese]
Joy of Satan Bulgaria: https://satanizum.org BT
Joy of Satan China: https://joschina.org - more translators needed! TN [JOS CHINA TEAM HAS BEEN MAILED]
Joy of Satan Finland: https://joyofsatan.fi - We need loyal translators to begin the project, more translators are needed. TN
Joy of Satan Sweden: https://joyofsatan.se - We need loyal translators to begin the project, more translators are needed. TN
Joy of Satan For Africa: https://joyofsatan.africa - - Pending Move, Might expand on the website, it's in English - More commentary or posts welcome!
Joy of Satan Croatia: https://radostsatane.com TN [Serbia/Croatia TEAM HAS BEEN MAILED]
Joy of Satan Serbia: https://radostsatane.com TN [Serbia/Croatia TEAM HAS BEEN MAILED]
Joy of Satan Bosnia & Hercegovina, Montenegro: [Same as above, feel free to join the translation team!]
Joy of Satan Bangla: https://satyabangla.com - TN
Joy of Satan Russia: https://www.deathofcommunism.com/ru/ - BT
Joy of Satan Slovenia: https://joyofsatan.si - We need translators TN [JOS SLOVENIA TEAM HAS BEEN MAILED]
Joy of Satan in Portuguese: https://paisatan.deathofcommunism.com [Will be moved to exclusive JoS Domain soon]
Joy of Satan Italy: https://josita.org/ - https://josita.net BT
Joy of Satan Germany: https://www.joyofsatan.de [we have many more backup domains - will translate more sites soon - e-mail me to join the team!] BT
Joy of Satan Romania: https://bucurialuisatan.com/ Site will be moved to further fortify, but everything is working perfectly BT
Joy of Satan Turkey: http://spirituelsatanizm.org/ BT
Joy of Satan Nepal: https://satankoananda.org/ TN
Joy of Satan Estonia: https://josestonia.org TN
Joy of Satan Swahili - Furahayashetani.org - Infrastructure will be ready soon - TN [Team Mailed & Assembled, infrastructure almost ready]
Joy of Satan Zulu: joszulu.org - [Translation has started - More Translators needed]
Joy of Satan Ethiopian: https://yeseytandesta.org - TN [Translation has started, More Translators needed]
Joy of Satan Denmark: https://joyofsatan.dk - Site is being restored. - TN
Joy of Satan Philippines: https://kagalakannisatanas.org - TN [Team Mailed, project started]
Joy of Satan Czechia: https://satanovaradost.cz/- TN [Team Mailed, project started]

Languages that will be ready soon / Pending Creation / Infrastructure:

Joy of Satan Zimbabwe: Infrastructure being made - TN
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
First and foremost I want to thank every person who has participated, directly or indirectly, and giving the Truth power to expand. We are doing as I have related in another topic. We are steadfast and moving forward.

In this topic, there will be a list so that people can know what sites exist and how you can join.

None of this would be possible without those that work for this, directly or indirectly, and those who donate or do the necessary work for this - MAY THE GODS BLESS YOU ALL!


I am going to give a big gift to the community soon because of this. This also relieves me and gives me courage to do better work myself. Anything everyone does, I will give gladly back in knowledge and help in spiritual information, updates and all the rest which has already been the case.

The more we help the Gods, the more we will help ourselves and each other.

We have an amazing family and we are showing this clearly. We have a lot of beautiful and constructive work ahead of us, and we will succeed at it. The world will be at benefit from this, and we ourselves will be rewarded in the eyes of the Gods for all we do, no matter how little or how small - because it all matters extremely much.

Wow, it's amazing how much this community has grown.

I have done non-"professional" Spanish translations on my own and I have also gathered those of others to have the entire JOS arsenal together.

You can find it in my signature.
Thank you to all the translators for their awesome work. This is one of the greatest contributions to getting the knowledge of the Gods out there!

I wish I had some real help with the Dutch translations. Although I got feedback that the translator program would render articles that were incoherent and tough to figure out. I honestly think it varies. I was given feedback also that my handwritten translations were subpar (it's my second language but it's not too perfect), which was why I relied on the translation software.

If there are any volunteers in the future ill be happy to work with them, honestly I would need an honest critique about how the translations come out of the software, as my Dutch isn't 100 percent, although I wanted to give it a try. There are sites that have already been translated completely, so if anyone wants to review them and has Dutch as their native language (and work consistently), let me know, I'm not ready to give up yet, But I am stuck without native speakers.
Wow, it's amazing and very beautiful. Congratulations 🎉

Joy of Satan India: https://www.joyofsatan.in TN
I also tried to help them but now I know I am not made for translations :roll:

BTW, good job Indian translators aka Satanama and team. Hope I'll be able to help someday in some other way...

( Really, this kind of stuff is not for me lol 😂 )

Awesome!!!🌹🔥❤ Hail The Joy of Satan!!! Hail Satan!!!! 🐍🔥🌹⚡ Thank you!!!❤
This post has given me more strength and motivation to work hard more. Thank you Sir Cobra 666

I promise to Gods and to Jos ministries that I will complete my translate mission as soon as possible. Everyday I translaI will be merciless to the energy in 2024 .
Joy Bangla!!!!!!!
Joy Satya !!!!!!!
This is wonderful to see our Family growing like this.
May the Gods bless all those who participated in this.

Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thanks to all those who daily works for multiple translations in all languages ​​and are involved in enriching the world with all those useful informations about the Gods and true National Socialism, this community is becoming bigger and deeper thanks to the passion of these special people and, above all, of our dearest and esteemed High Priests. 🔥
:D I'm so excited JosZulu .I'm a proudly zulu .Great work HC hooded and your team may Satan and the gods bless you abudantly
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Joy of Satan Russia: https://www.deathofcommunism.com/ru/ - BT

Sorry, the website you gave link to is Russian section of Death of Communism.

If you tried to link Joy of Satan website in Russian, it is:


deathofcommunism.com is a domain connected directly to Death of Communism website, all other Russian websites are on subdomains:

JoS https://joyofsatan.deathofcommunism.com/
Exposing xianity http://seethetruth.ucoz.ru/
Exposing the lie of islam https://exposingthelieofislam.deathofcommunism.com/
Death of communism https://deathofcommunism.com/
Third Reich and Satanism https://thirdreich666.deathofcommunism.com/
Real holocaust http://blacksun666.ucoz.ru/
Exposing kabbalah https://kabbalahexposed.deathofcommunism.com/
Black Sun 666 https://blacksun666.deathofcommunism.com/
Satanic portal https://blacksun.deathofcommunism.com/
Satan's Library https://blacksun.deathofcommunism.com/%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D1%81%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%8B/
White Death of islam https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/
Third Sex 666 https://thirdsex666.deathofcommunism.com/
TS Thule Society 666 https://thule666.deathofcommunism.com/
Ancient Nordic Culture [new project under construction] https://nordicculture.deathofcommunism.com/
Shadowcat said:
Thank you to all the translators for their awesome work. This is one of the greatest contributions to getting the knowledge of the Gods out there!

I wish I had some real help with the Dutch translations. Although I got feedback that the translator program would render articles that were incoherent and tough to figure out. I honestly think it varies. I was given feedback also that my handwritten translations were subpar (it's my second language but it's not too perfect), which was why I relied on the translation software.

If there are any volunteers in the future ill be happy to work with them, honestly I would need an honest critique about how the translations come out of the software, as my Dutch isn't 100 percent, although I wanted to give it a try. There are sites that have already been translated completely, so if anyone wants to review them and has Dutch as their native language (and work consistently), let me know, I'm not ready to give up yet, But I am stuck without native speakers.

Where may I contact you?

I may not be able to work consistently, due to other large demanding projects in my normal life, but I may be able to check & rectify any software-translated text you produce through the translation program. Only just once every so often, though, but I hope I may be able to assist just a little.

I would have thought that there was already enough translation for this language, given the abundance of Dutch people on the Internet (partially joking). Have you already contacted Lunar Dance 666 and VoiceofEnki for assistance yet?

Even if I can only help a small bit, I sincerely wish to contribute to the cause.

My current Protonmail is [email protected] (I was locked out of my last 2 Protonmail addresses gdi)
Thank you to all the translators! Your work is appreciated. We're one large step closer to spreading this valuable knowledge to those who need it most.
Hail Satan! So proud to serve the Gods of my ancestors and free their souls through me. JOS has given me the ability to communicate with a passed grandfather who has advised and spoken to me through others.
I'm excited to see the world after our influence topples the JWO.
Hail all who do the Gods work! Hail our true Aryan Gods.
OhNoItsMook said:
Shadowcat said:
Thank you to all the translators for their awesome work. This is one of the greatest contributions to getting the knowledge of the Gods out there!

I wish I had some real help with the Dutch translations. Although I got feedback that the translator program would render articles that were incoherent and tough to figure out. I honestly think it varies. I was given feedback also that my handwritten translations were subpar (it's my second language but it's not too perfect), which was why I relied on the translation software.

If there are any volunteers in the future ill be happy to work with them, honestly I would need an honest critique about how the translations come out of the software, as my Dutch isn't 100 percent, although I wanted to give it a try. There are sites that have already been translated completely, so if anyone wants to review them and has Dutch as their native language (and work consistently), let me know, I'm not ready to give up yet, But I am stuck without native speakers.

Where may I contact you?

I may not be able to work consistently, due to other large demanding projects in my normal life, but I may be able to check & rectify any software-translated text you produce through the translation program. Only just once every so often, though, but I hope I may be able to assist just a little.

I would have thought that there was already enough translation for this language, given the abundance of Dutch people on the Internet (partially joking). Have you already contacted Lunar Dance 666 and VoiceofEnki for assistance yet?

Even if I can only help a small bit, I sincerely wish to contribute to the cause.

My current Protonmail is [email protected] (I was locked out of my last 2 Protonmail addresses gdi)

Protonmail for some retarded reason decided to take a shit at just the right time...
I will mail you when the server is functioning again. I would like to send one translated page for critique on how this looks coming out of the DeepL Software.
I would like to translate in Sanskrit. Let me know if you have a position.
Shadowcat said:
Thank you to all the translators for their awesome work. This is one of the greatest contributions to getting the knowledge of the Gods out there!

I wish I had some real help with the Dutch translations. Although I got feedback that the translator program would render articles that were incoherent and tough to figure out. I honestly think it varies. I was given feedback also that my handwritten translations were subpar (it's my second language but it's not too perfect), which was why I relied on the translation software.

If there are any volunteers in the future ill be happy to work with them, honestly I would need an honest critique about how the translations come out of the software, as my Dutch isn't 100 percent, although I wanted to give it a try. There are sites that have already been translated completely, so if anyone wants to review them and has Dutch as their native language (and work consistently), let me know, I'm not ready to give up yet, But I am stuck without native speakers.
I've wanted to apologize to you for being unhelpful when I was on the team. I regret how I handled it. Translating from scratch was far more difficult than I expected (often a direct translation wasn't possible, and I couldn't decide whether I should be overly verbose or less accurate), and I couldn't figure out a way to utilise your manual/machine translations either. I felt embarrassed and was reluctant to give up, but in hindsight I should've admitted that I was struggling and communicated more clearly about my inability to help. I think I overestimated myself, and that I'm just not cut out to do translation work after all.

I'm sorry, and I hope you find someone who is more capable of helping.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Team Satan is going worldwide :twisted:
Yeah, definitely.
After the release of FRTR and the liberation of heir to 4 thrones Hell(Astarte,Satan,Beelzebub,Azazel), things are going pretty well.
:twisted: :twisted: :D :D :cool: :cool:
Things are not only visibly going well, but the energy is also better in everyday life,and Spiritual development is easier and more effective,etc. :) :)
I would like to thank everyone who contributes to translation projects, your work will help current and future generations, you and your work will be praised in the future.
Wow, this is huge. Amazing.

If anybody needs me, I will help as much as I can. Just mail me.
Ferret Meister said:
I would like to translate in Sanskrit. Let me know if you have a position.

Mail me at [email protected] so that we begin effective immediately. Thank you.
Joy of Satan is giant. I found JOS through Italian site. Famous where I live...

Fred ***
SOL/LUNA said:
Hypatia666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
First and foremost I want to thank every person who has participated, directly or indirectly, and giving the Truth power to expand. We are doing as I have related in another topic. We are steadfast and moving forward.

In this topic, there will be a list so that people can know what sites exist and how you can join.

None of this would be possible without those that work for this, directly or indirectly, and those who donate or do the necessary work for this - MAY THE GODS BLESS YOU ALL!


I am going to give a big gift to the community soon because of this. This also relieves me and gives me courage to do better work myself. Anything everyone does, I will give gladly back in knowledge and help in spiritual information, updates and all the rest which has already been the case.

The more we help the Gods, the more we will help ourselves and each other.

We have an amazing family and we are showing this clearly. We have a lot of beautiful and constructive work ahead of us, and we will succeed at it. The world will be at benefit from this, and we ourselves will be rewarded in the eyes of the Gods for all we do, no matter how little or how small - because it all matters extremely much.

Wow, it's amazing how much this community has grown.

I have done non-"professional" Spanish translations on my own and I have also gathered those of others to have the entire JOS arsenal together.

You can find it in my signature.

Fíjese que el audio del mantra MUNKA hecho por una SS portuguesa es incorrecto.
Ya lo confirmaron,tanto Lidia, como Guerra Relámpago.

Este es el correcto creado por otro SS y bajado a Youtube por Serbon


Cualquier duda lea aquí:


Hace mucho que quería compartir esto pero parece que te puedo contactar solo por acá.

It is curious, very curious.

Should I thank you or the Gods? I thank you both. It's very curious, because I'm in the middle of a job with munka. My only mistake was separating the 'YA'.

OhNoItsMook said:
Shadowcat said:
Thank you to all the translators for their awesome work. This is one of the greatest contributions to getting the knowledge of the Gods out there!

I wish I had some real help with the Dutch translations. Although I got feedback that the translator program would render articles that were incoherent and tough to figure out. I honestly think it varies. I was given feedback also that my handwritten translations were subpar (it's my second language but it's not too perfect), which was why I relied on the translation software.

If there are any volunteers in the future ill be happy to work with them, honestly I would need an honest critique about how the translations come out of the software, as my Dutch isn't 100 percent, although I wanted to give it a try. There are sites that have already been translated completely, so if anyone wants to review them and has Dutch as their native language (and work consistently), let me know, I'm not ready to give up yet, But I am stuck without native speakers.

Where may I contact you?

I may not be able to work consistently, due to other large demanding projects in my normal life, but I may be able to check & rectify any software-translated text you produce through the translation program. Only just once every so often, though, but I hope I may be able to assist just a little.

I would have thought that there was already enough translation for this language, given the abundance of Dutch people on the Internet (partially joking). Have you already contacted Lunar Dance 666 and VoiceofEnki for assistance yet?

Even if I can only help a small bit, I sincerely wish to contribute to the cause.

My current Protonmail is [email protected] (I was locked out of my last 2 Protonmail addresses gdi)

I was on the team and I said I would help.

However, I ended up moving living places. That along with a job change and the fact that I had been busy without having a proper rest for over a year lead to me having almost a complete burnout from pure exhaustion aka doing too much for too long.
I saw that I couldn't go on and had to cancel a lot of things.

I know it is important to have a proper translation into dutch. But I can't do the physically impossible.
I want to express my deep happiness when I see the JoS is ultimately growing!
Though I cannot be of physical help here, I increased my energy workings and rituals to support the JoS and Clergy by devoting positive energies there, on daily basis.
I support as I can, proudly.
I wish to all people working to this purpose, a great future on a better Earth and many rewards from this work!
DarkShadow said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ferret Meister said:
I would like to translate in Sanskrit. Let me know if you have a position.

Mail me at [email protected] so that we begin effective immediately. Thank you.

Sanskrit !! Why ?

I don't know if I remember accurately but when the Gods come, Sanskrit will be the language of the Earth?
Hello HPHC,
your post is great, really. The sites are translated in many languages what is absolutely positive to reach more and more people worldwide. I am also glad that the sites are translated into european languages to spred SS among european nations/people, especialy in Center or East Europe.

But I do not see the site translated to Hungarian.
There was a site called Spirits of Eridu, what was in Hungarian language, this site was the one what introduced me Satanism.
The site couple of months ago just disappeared, can not be reached anymore. There are alternative pages but far not that good as the original website Spirits of Eridu. The alternative pages include only PDF files whioch is also great but no updates at all.

Can you tell me HP Cobra that the above mentioned webpage was terminated by the enemy workings??

Is the JoS website will be translated to Hungarian language ?? /if ones it was/
I have sent you an email via Proton about a couple of projects you might be interested in, High Priest, please take a look when you have time.
DarkShadow said:
Wow, it's amazing and very beautiful. Congratulations 🎉

Joy of Satan India: https://www.joyofsatan.in TN
I also tried to help them but now I know I am not made for translations :roll:

BTW, good job Indian translators aka Satanama and team. Hope I'll be able to help someday in some other way...

( Really, this kind of stuff is not for me lol 😂 )

How many Indian languages has jos India been translated to?Hindi translation looks very professional.
BabySatan said:
DarkShadow said:
Wow, it's amazing and very beautiful. Congratulations 🎉

Joy of Satan India: https://www.joyofsatan.in TN
I also tried to help them but now I know I am not made for translations :roll:

BTW, good job Indian translators aka Satanama and team. Hope I'll be able to help someday in some other way...

( Really, this kind of stuff is not for me lol 😂 )

How many Indian languages has jos India been translated to?Hindi translation looks very professional.

Yep, it's very good.😚
Maybe only in Hindi language.

They haven't been active on forums so we don't know. 🥀
I have sent an email about the Dutch translations. I am hoping the Jos main site will be finished soon, and have someone helping. Please let me know if you would like to make a domain for this language as well. Other sites have also been fully translated but need to be proofread.

With that being said if anyone else wants to volunteer who speaks and reads fluent Dutch please ping.
DarkShadow said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ferret Meister said:
I would like to translate in Sanskrit. Let me know if you have a position.

Mail me at [email protected] so that we begin effective immediately. Thank you.

Sanskrit !! Why ?

Sanskrit is important if not one of the most important. Look at our planetary squares and chakra mantras and the roots of Father Satan's name. These are all Sanskrit :)
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
I don't know if I remember accurately but when the Gods come, Sanskrit will be the language of the Earth?

Hopefully. Specifically Vedic Sanskrit, rather than the Classical Sanskrit that is used modernly. Vedic Sanskrit is the most perfect language, the most spiritual language, and the mother of all human languages. No other language can express the breadth and complexity of concepts Vedic Sanskrit can. Take for example English. Very limited, quite corrupted in many expression, unable to fully express the meaning of many abstract concepts. Ancient Greek and Ancient Egyptian are much better than English, German, and so on, but still not quite as capable as Vedic Sanskrit. Vedic Sanskrit grammar is ridiculously difficult to learn, and nobody on Earth speaks it anymore.

But, anyway, the translation project is about Classical Sanskrit, which is still spoken today.
Update 26 July 2022

Greetings to all of our SS, more updates and expansion is happening.

1. JoS Icelandic will be added. Please email at [email protected] so we can begin the creation of the sites.

2. Any new or previous translations that have not received infrastructure or domains, PLEASE mail us to resolve it. VERY IMPORTANT!!!

3. Joy of Satan Danish is being finally restored and will have a dedicated forum, in our forums here.

4. Joy of Satan Romania will be moved to a secure server. Romanian translators team will be notified and will begin working when this is done.

Due to certain responsibilities, this might be 10 or 15 days so we can work this out. Site is currently working.

5. Our Joy of Satan Czech and Slovakian communities will have the same site, but their own exclusive domain due to languages being almost identical. Translation teams will be combined.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
