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Joy of Satan Must Succeed: A Look Into The Future Ahead

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to everyone in our Satanic family,

Most people overall have a fleeting mind and make overreaching assumptions, such as right now in regards to the "United States" and "Europe". The delusion that everything will "drag on forever" and that "we will be fine forever" is a lingering delusion, that without being backed up by real efforts and doing what is necessary, is nothing of a reality.

Other nations are rising in this world, Nations that don't really respect any rights. This human rights to "belief", "freedom", what have you, don't exist in most places of the world. People there still live and exist regardless. Technology and other types of tools that can be used to restrain human beings, and enslave easily, or easily crush any form of dissent, are also rising.

Christianity at this point is a dead animal [not that we won't fight to make it so] but I have to bring your attention to another thing that is growing rampantly: That is Islam. In Islam, unlike here, and unlike what most people conceive, we must understand that Islam recruits people like pigs, and they bring them in in droves.

The way Islamics are positioning themselves, and affinity to the dark ages behavioral patterns, is powerfully present. Of course, these things seem rather distant for the time being, yet they are brewing and they are here. Christians and their half assed semitic values are not going to be able to withstand this torrent.

I will not sit as much on literal and non literal hair splitting that many "Europeans" are doing, or what other "Whites" are doing. We still have literal hair splitters and idiots in our midst, which doesn't give testament to a great perception about reality either; a major disadvantage that should be obvious.

The statistics and numbers are speaking for themselves. Some people are nowadays just busy wasting our time still, thinking they are in 1880, where such matters are debatable from a leadership standpoint. Things have changed. You don't want to adapt, that is your problem; I have to work with what is on my hands and the reality in front of me, right now. You can debate "history" all day.

The reality is that right now we are not in 1880. Good news are also that we are not in 1470 either; but we are in a similar case like 1776. Many people ease out when they see that certain things take a few steps back, the reality is however, until certain elements are wiped out [like Islam and so on] they will eventually, due to stupidity and repression, eventually keep taking ground.

While I remain overwhelmingly optimistic for the future, I am not foolish about it. I know we are integral to any future that is of an optimistic nature. Optimism has to have a realistic basis about it.

The Joy of Satan is on a Divine Mission by the Gods to both stop this and counter these enemy movements. Personal liberation and Godhead are one reason; the second are to actually give a better future to humanity. If anyone has no clue in regards to how it's going to be, read about Communism, Middle Ages, and about life in modern Islamic countries.

Most people focus on themselves, but "yourself" or our future generations cannot really exist in this impending future that is coming. Of course, that is easier to deny, than it is to address. The sole and singular focus on the "self", is a major delusion, that doesn't last a very long time.

One must be both focused on themselves, but also have a part of their existence working for the improvement of a greater purpose like that one we have here.

Christianity, or what remains of that garbage "religion", is actually going down. In a few decades, it will be history. A gap will be created, and technology or Netflix progress, or Meta-verse progress, will not necessarily stop anything, nor the "Era of Aquarius" will save us by itself. We are actual players into this whole act, and we must act.

The above is anything but a call to doom or a call to the hills. It's just a reminder. There is a very great potential future ahead, but left to it's own, something which historically when has happened, has never yielded positive results, is a death sentence at this point. Distractions and other delusions that bring satisfaction, do not account for salvation or progress in this world.

Generations of people before us, didn't sit idle with crossed hands doing nothing at all. Crossing your hands won't invite any extra salvation. We must all devote a part of our lives into a better world, and to combating the enemy. If the enemy is currently in a state of popular denial and collapse, it's because people actually did this.

The forces the enemy represents do represent compulsion and are based on popular stupidity, a rather powerful force.

In our case, we represent Truth and freedom, but we must be vigilant and active. Inactivity comes at a non affordable price right now. That requires active hands, open minds, consciousness and efforts.

We must succeed; that is not a question on when, or if, as much as it is if we do what we can, no matter what it is that we can do.

I have ultimate faith in victory and in the fact that humanity will do better and improve. This faith is reflected upon ourselves. We have strive onwards to both personal and collective liberation and empowerment for our species.

Let's do our part while simultaneously we do the best for our lives and our future, so that we can be proponents and bringers of freedom to mankind and ourselves. The Gods are watching.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Islam, unlike here, and unlike what most people conceive, we must understand that Islam recruits people like pigs, and they bring them in in droves.

Isn't the claim that Islam is "the fastest growing religion" just a debunked myth? I mean, their only way of increasing is via birthrates.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If anyone has no clue in regards to how it's going to be, read about Communism, Middle Ages, and about life in modern Islamic countries.

Unfortunately, the Jews have managed to romanticize the Dark Ages via (((historians))), so its very hard nowadays finding anything that shows the Middle Ages for what they really were.

Anyway, like you said, we have only two options: Winning or Winning. There is no Middle Way nor pacifism. And, like the Havamal said: You cannot forever avoid all battles. That's why I'm doing everything to improve myself even tough I'm still in a lower state.

Hail Satan and the Gods! Lead us to victory!
Nimrod33 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Islam, unlike here, and unlike what most people conceive, we must understand that Islam recruits people like pigs, and they bring them in in droves.

Isn't the claim that Islam is "the fastest growing religion" just a debunked myth? I mean, their only way of increasing is via birthrates.

They are increasing, while follower "retention" is debatable. Still, the underlying factors are that the sheer numbers will in the very least have major reforming effects.

One hasn't got to stick on the "claims", since the reality speaks for itself only based on population standards and behavioral ones. Whether or not this is "a debunked myth", the danger is viable as it ever has been. A visit to the local European capital will cure any forms of doubts, and the "but it could be a myth" won't replace certain tragic mistakes.

Whether they grow or sink, the external antagonism is one issue. We have all sorts of other issues that we must actively work on, which we are. Yet, reminders are necessary.

Nimrod33 said:

Anyway, like you said, we have only two options: Winning or Winning. There is no Middle Way nor pacifism. And, like the Havamal said: You cannot forever avoid all battles. That's why I'm doing everything to improve myself even tough I'm still in a lower state.

Hail Satan and the Gods! Lead us to victory!

Exactly. That is unavoidable. It's our challenge of the century.

then rituals for islam should come. because in the future they will be not only the murderer of humanity but also the murderer of the Earth. We must crush this Islam reptile before it grows bigger. Because I've had enough of Islam. :evil:
I just completed my three parts of the RTR's. And when I refreshed it the josrituals site only had the Demons Blessings rituals.
I to have noticed Islam is growing at an Alarming rate I've even seen some of these insane nut jobs in comment sections on the internet bragging about bringing back the ottoman empire, that is a terrifying thought, just thinking about such a evil regime coming back I am also very positive about the future I believe things will much worse before it gets any better
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you HP:)
Islam can turn the most beautiful places into shitholes.
Unless people in non muslim countries fix their family unit and make children ,it may take their countries away.
They spread like virus,mark their own women with hijab and rape or throw acid at non marked (non muslim) women.

Good thing about it is that people in islamic countries are leaving islam and according to data muslim converts too leave islam after almost 5 years.
It can be defeated if people fight it with criticism and at the same time if necessary violence(they are violent)
If I look at History you can sort of see a pattern; The enemy gets weakened, yet they come back even stronger, or nearly as strong.
It's seems like that they are weakened now, or will be weakened in the close future, and that's when comes the catastrophic events? What could we even do to prevent this? Creating a mass thoughtform? I haven't seen this idea, maybe it's stupid, but it could sort of keep us in a linear advancing without major downfalls like around 1945.

Are the gods rituals making a thoughtform?
AFODO said:
If I look at History you can sort of see a pattern; The enemy gets weakened, yet they come back even stronger, or nearly as strong.
It's seems like that they are weakened now, or will be weakened in the close future, and that's when comes the catastrophic events? What could we even do to prevent this? Creating a mass thoughtform? I haven't seen this idea, maybe it's stupid, but it could sort of keep us in a linear advancing without major downfalls like around 1945.

Are the gods rituals making a thoughtform?

Is this true really? Well at least this time we got JoS.
So, we have as a perspective a dystopian world, in our context we have to play by the rules of the enemy's "game," I am told that the thought that one day everything will be all right and we will be affixed forever is a disappointment, but at the same time you are 100% convinced of the defeat of the enemy because "muh! I have faith in the gods." or "the stupidity of the enemy will cause it to collapse."

You have to be realistic, how will victory come? Describe concrete contexts for this to happen.

The most obvious idea, is that at some point, someone, more specifically an armed group will take control of the nations and eliminate the problem.

But people are so afraid to even talk about spilling blood or doing an extermination, that's how you create your own "game" where you dictate the rules.

At this point people start to get into pathetic moral problems, but you have to be direct and I don't see any other concrete solutions at the moment, so this is my belief.

Since you are convinced of victory, I ask you: what are the concrete facts that make you confident?
Missrainbow1 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you HP:)
Islam can turn the most beautiful places into shitholes.
Unless people in non muslim countries fix their family unit and make children ,it may take their countries away.
They spread like virus,mark their own women with hijab and rape or throw acid at non marked (non muslim) women.

Good thing about it is that people in islamic countries are leaving islam and according to data muslim converts too leave islam after almost 5 years.
It can be defeated if people fight it with criticism and at the same time if necessary violence(they are violent)

Some good news in regards to this, is that the more "Muslims" are coming in contact with the West or in general anyone else, they are slowly changing. The situation is how much they will sustain these neolithic practices.

And the situation is truly that yes, if they are allowed to escalate this too much, events like those that transpired in Europe might be unavoidable in the future. Currently we are not on that state, and likely far from it. But Europe stopped Islam by the power of violence before, as it had reached a dangerous peak.

There is no reason why this won't happen again, but a key takeaway is that it's always best to have to avoid going to this level, and that those who seek preservation of their existence, must always be ready for that scenario too.

Vira_ said:
So, we have as a perspective a dystopian world, in our context we have to play by the rules of the enemy's "game," I am told that the thought that one day everything will be all right and we will be affixed forever is a disappointment, but at the same time you are 100% convinced of the defeat of the enemy because "muh! I have faith in the gods." or "the stupidity of the enemy will cause it to collapse."


There is no perspective of a dystopian world, however, certain forces left to their own, rather end in dystopian situations. Dystopian scenarios are not necessary to go through transitional periods, like from the Kali Yuga to the Sat Yuga. How dystopian things will turn or might not, has to do with the quality of the beings that inhabit these times and how these beings behave, and what they choose to do.

That is not a matter of perspective, it's about practical reality and where abuse can go if left unattended in plain words. Things can change either when they reach a peak, or if enough people resist the dystopian scenarios that things like the enemy try to constantly promote. The sooner, the less dystopian things, and the less bloodshed will be of outcome.

Read history for context, because without it, you will certainly feel lost or likely alienated from what makes all of these things possible even in the guise of impossible circumstances. There have been times hundredfold worse than now.

Faith in the Gods is not a "Muh" situation, and it's based on belief in retrospect in regards to their activity as this is manifested by individuals, races, the cycle of history and time. Individuals, groups, but above all, thoughts and beliefs is what motivates the flow of history.

Speaking about "spilling blood" and all of these things don't necessarily bring the outcomes one thinks. There is nothing about spilling blood in the case of the American revolution or anything else, people didn't write boastfully about going to spill blood, they wanted Freedom and other things to be brought into reality.

Certain "declarations" which people think matter a lot, don't matter as much as people think. These don't really move anything as much, they are more like consequences.

A most concrete fact is the progression and outwards moment since the all time low of humanity, which has manifest in the Middle Ages or the advent of far darker times, such as Christianity in the late centuries after we have branded "year zero".

In regards to how you create the game, many apes and people of "the blood" have actually tried again and again to impose a historical law or ultimatum, but they generally haven't lasted. The Aryan culture however, has done so, since the dawn of time.

I won't sit here to question anything when I know factually that the Gods have had a presence here for 80,000 years or more. The question is more like when, not an "if". Whether or not the means will resemble imagery from popular movies, or imagined brutality that people consider 'necessary', is something that is open in the flow of the timeline of the present.

Lastly, people of our side, or those that we collectively refer to as "Aryan people", same as a few other races of the planet, are not the boastful ones when it comes to blood and bloodshed, but they are very capable to spill it all over the world if they are forced in the corner. History has shown until this point that the "boastful ones" don't have much to show in many aspects when push comes to shove.

The enemy knows this very much as well.

AFODO said:

Are the gods rituals making a thoughtform?

Thoughtforms are dumb things that exist in lower domains, and no, the Rituals are not working on these domains, the aims are higher. These work on higher levels than "Thoughtforms". Gods, except of beings, are too cosmological forces.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Where is the anti Islam rituals i was promised a few months ago?

If now is the time to act then let me at em
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are actual players into this whole act, and we must act.

I beg of you, High Priest. We MUST have those anti islam rituals you have mentioned a few months ago asap.

These filthy maggots and their disgusting religion which literally means "surrender" in definition, must be eternally wiped clean from the slate of our earth.

Please... i know you are already very much busy, but as you said it yourself, their disgusting powers are growing. And although FRTR is the most powerful ritual ever, i believe the anti islam rituals will have much more focus and deliberate damage to these disgusting fools who sacrifice animals like its nothing...
I'm not sure if this is mentioned before but Islam is the thing that done the worst damage to human genom, ever.

Think about it, young men and women are banned from getting know to each other and flirting, the only opposite gender they can get to know are their relatives. Moreover it is religiously acceptable to marry your cousins in Islam. What do you think will happen? Research shows that the rate of in-family marriages that Afghans who are flocking in Turkey and through Turkey to Europe is 1/2. This is just disgusting. Half of them are inbred.

Would you like to know what is worse? Polygamy with no reasoning produces half sibling and half cousins all over the place that makes a boom in genetic diseases over generations. Not only that but, sickeningly commonly, those children are born from other children whose body is not yet developed to give birth to healthy babies and old men whose sperm quality is trash. This can ''have a profound impact on both growth and disease risk of the subsequent child.''

Then it gets worse because Muslims in Arabian peninsula are mixed with African people that they took as slaves and sex slaves or just regular black people and they have been doing this since Islam first appeared. According to Islamic teachings pedophile prophet Muhammed forced a father to marry his daughter to a black person, even though the father was furious at first he had to back down so Allah would not punish him (case of Amr bin Vehb, Sa'd bin Muaz). This is encouraged. They are destroying their race and every nation that they find a way into.

They have been doing all of the above for centuries. Can you imagine the damage?

Islam is destroying gentiles. It is destroying our DNA. It is destroying human genom.
>An entire topic devoted to many of my talking points, stressing many things I've been warning about for months.

I'm encouraged to see this new direction, although I won't hold my breath for an intensification of these sentiments and the additional necessary recognitions. I will continue working on the endeavors I've mentioned before. The developments are getting exciting. With enough work, I will become capable of reaching and recruiting dozens if not hundreds of hardened, intelligent and determined White Men to Satanism who are fully aware of the real world threats that we face as a Folk. My expansion thus far has turned out much better than I had expected, and it's only going to get better. I have proven to myself yet again that I'm easily capable of effectively communicating with other White Nationalists about Satanism in a way that appeals to them, and fosters the growth of our best and brightest.

Victory is inevitable at this rate.

Islam is flooding the West. Some cities in N.America are like 10% muslim already. Imagine if they all got the word to do their suicide bombings, the entire city would be dead. One suicide bomber can take out 10 people easily.

The God Rituals, their influence will be stronger here. There's no need for anyone to worry, just keep advancing, keep strong in our Gods. A strong Satanic influence will be here on Earth, and islam will crumble. Filth never stands for long.
TheWhiteGiant said:

I beg of you, High Priest. We MUST have those anti islam rituals you have mentioned a few months ago asap.

These filthy maggots and their disgusting religion which literally means "surrender" in definition, must be eternally wiped clean from the slate of our earth.

Please... i know you are already very much busy, but as you said it yourself, their disgusting powers are growing. And although FRTR is the most powerful ritual ever, i believe the anti islam rituals will have much more focus and deliberate damage to these disgusting fools who sacrifice animals like its nothing...

The God Rituals are the highest priority and the most effective ones. Direct Rituals against Islam will arrive, but the situation is, one has to know what is fighting against and what is most valuable to encounter at any given rate. Panic or worry do not decide that rate, only what will produce the necessary effects. Islam works in a different way than the other established hoaxes, so the analogy here is that you don't approach a fully armed person in the same manner. Direct energy warfare with them is not going to be as fruitful, yet. Only when the Gods give the forward going light this will be done in this manner, it cannot happen before.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:

I beg of you, High Priest. We MUST have those anti islam rituals you have mentioned a few months ago asap.

These filthy maggots and their disgusting religion which literally means "surrender" in definition, must be eternally wiped clean from the slate of our earth.

Please... i know you are already very much busy, but as you said it yourself, their disgusting powers are growing. And although FRTR is the most powerful ritual ever, i believe the anti islam rituals will have much more focus and deliberate damage to these disgusting fools who sacrifice animals like its nothing...

The God Rituals are the highest priority and the most effective ones. Direct Rituals against Islam will arrive, but the situation is, one has to know what is fighting against and what is most valuable to encounter at any given rate. Panic or worry do not decide that rate, only what will produce the necessary effects. Islam works in a different way than the other established hoaxes, so the analogy here is that you don't approach a fully armed person in the same manner. Direct energy warfare with them is not going to be as fruitful, yet. Only when the Gods give the forward going light this will be done in this manner, it cannot happen before.

So you are saying that the general energy of the enemy which we are battling with using FRTR and God rituals, are more managable in comparison to the energy created by islam?

Or, could it be that you mean if we exclusively focus on anti islam rituals for now, we will lose focus on the greater energy that needs to be dealt with first, and we would just end up nitpicking on only a particular energy abd lose the big picture?
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=457273 time=1691403869 user_id=57]
Islam is flooding the West. Some cities in N.America are like 10% muslim already. Imagine if they all got the word to do their suicide bombings, the entire city would be dead. One suicide bomber can take out 10 people easily.

The God Rituals, their influence will be stronger here. There's no need for anyone to worry, just keep advancing, keep strong in our Gods. A strong Satanic influence will be here on Earth, and islam will crumble. Filth never stands for long.

In some rural areas and villages where I live the percentage of islamic immigrants already reaches 30% or 40% is really disturbing.
Personal Growth said:
I just completed my three parts of the RTR's. And when I refreshed it the josrituals site only had the Demons Blessings rituals.

Here's a link that still has the three part rituals I'm them:

You don't need to do that anymore. You can use the Create Flow system on the updated site.

Here is the link to the flow, including all 3 main RTRs:

You can also click to switch between the 4 tabs to access all rituals in the 4 categories.
Sorry to father Satan sorry for the gods sorry for HP Maxine sorry for HPHC sorry for the JOS.

I didn't do FRTR ritual in the last 90 days, I used to do it everyday one or twice for months, I focus on my self all what I do in this 90 days is power rituals for the gods everyday squares meditation and runes work and AOP.

How fool I am after seeing the truth about how much the FRTR is a powerful weapon I reduce its value by stoping doing it

The good thing is that I did the FRTR tonight and I will be doing it for the last day of my life if needed.

I am also stunned because all the time when I think of something HPHC wrote about it, I love you man thank you for the reminding .

Yes we will be victorious and the Jews matter will come to an end.
Spine said:
You don't need to do that anymore. You can use the Create Flow system on the updated site.

Here is the link to the flow, including all 3 main RTRs:

You can also click to switch between the 4 tabs to access all rituals in the 4 categories.

Okay but with your link I still just see a blank page.

What it is this I-phone is archaic and well over ten years. Which means it doesn't have the upgrades and doesn't do upgrades anymore.

So there are things my old phone won't pick up for me.

Thanks anyway
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Off topic but, the update for the war room, while cool, has some issues.
1: the killing tetragramaton and shattering jewish soul protection tends to wobble all over the place when trying to blot it out. The blotting ink also doesn't blot the letter fully.
2: though I like the 3 separate, if you could put it back together and have an option to keep it separate would be cool. The ritual flow feature is fucking cool NGL.
That's really it. If you fix these issues that would be great. Thank you for all you do and hail satan.
Wotanwarrior said:
In some rural areas and villages where I live the percentage of islamic immigrants already reaches 30% or 40% is really disturbing.
After I wrote my previous reply, I coincidentally watched the news and saw so much relating to this. It's astounding. They're taking over everywhere, like a virus.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone in our Satanic family,

I have difficulties to feel the bond of true friendship as in this Sermon here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=88437 but I know it exists in my deep Soul, I feel I am part of something bigger every day more.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Christianity, or what remains of that garbage "religion", is actually going down. In a few decades, it will be history. A gap will be created, and technology or Netflix progress, or Meta-verse progress, will not necessarily stop anything, nor the "Era of Aquarius" will save us by itself. We are actual players into this whole act, and we must act.

Those words are rewarding for me and for all the Brothers and Sisters who worked and are working for the fall of Xianity, to which HPs Maxine dedicated all of herself in the front line.
I get even more inspired to be present as "friend" of the JoS - even if I am rarely present on the forum - with physical and spiritual actions.
Thank you for your feedback.

Can you tell me the model of the device you are painting with? So I can understand why the pen size is too small for your resolution.

Additionally you can use the flow system to create ritual combinations, here are the 3 main RTRs:

We have to be bold! And we have to be persistent! Because persistence pushes you through the most difficult of all task and Enlighten you with courage and strength! Along the way! Also being able to enjoy yourself and coming up with new ideas to express who and what you are as a spiritual Satanist Andy get more and more people to open up and listen to who we are and what we are all about! People out there still need to know the difference between what spiritual Satanism is and this Hollywood variation? That the enemy seem to push out their more and more confusing people all the more! And we need to be bold and we need to be more direct at explaining the difference between spiritual Satanism and the education and what is all about compared to all of the garbage a lot of people soon to get mixed up in not even knowing which direction they're going! And take the time to explain things to some of these people where they're going wrong and what they need to do to find the truth!
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=457411 time=1691471085 user_id=57]
Wotanwarrior said:
In some rural areas and villages where I live the percentage of islamic immigrants already reaches 30% or 40% is really disturbing.
After I wrote my previous reply, I coincidentally watched the news and saw so much relating to this. It's astounding. They're taking over everywhere, like a virus.

I spoke to someone who converted to islam here. Aside from not being allowed to study the koran as a woman ... she said that she decided to convert because of the social gathering.
The sense of community. Women hang out together.

Which to me also says a lot about how we interact with each other, that that is not going well at all.

Its unfortunate that people that leave xianity also fall for the same kind of program again, and convert to islam.
Abyssos said:

More resources:



Spine said:
Thank you for your feedback.

Can you tell me the model of the device you are painting with? So I can understand why the pen size is too small for your resolution.

Additionally you can use the flow system to create ritual combinations, here are the 3 main RTRs:


Sorry for the extremely late reply: I will have a new phone soon. I use my tablet,which is Samsung SM-T290. My current phone is a moto 5g. I use my finger, not a pen. If you can resolve this I would truly appreciate it. Until then, I'll just go on the rtrs page on jos.
Thank you.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=457411 time=1691471085 user_id=57]
Wotanwarrior said:
In some rural areas and villages where I live the percentage of islamic immigrants already reaches 30% or 40% is really disturbing.
After I wrote my previous reply, I coincidentally watched the news and saw so much relating to this. It's astounding. They're taking over everywhere, like a virus.

I spoke to someone who converted to islam here. Aside from not being allowed to study the koran as a woman ... she said that she decided to convert because of the social gathering.
The sense of community. Women hang out together.

Which to me also says a lot about how we interact with each other, that that is not going well at all.

Its unfortunate that people that leave xianity also fall for the same kind of program again, and convert to islam.

That reminds me also when people do not know how to get out of the deception of the political left and the political right which are the two sides of the same jewish coin.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=457918 time=1691720949 user_id=21286]
Abyssos said:

More resources:



Thanks for the links. I already know about them, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded of them. While I've made abundantly clear that I'm not politically compatible with JoS for the reasons I've stated...not that anyone can see them, since they're gone, particularly my best posts that fully explain my REAL positions...I still mostly trust the Spiritual Doctrines of JoS. When I see more political incompetency, that trust erodes. How can I trust that an organization is telling the truth about spirituality when it doesn't tell the truth about political doctrine? I am now in the position where I will have to personally verify everything that is said by JoS.

The spiritual doctrines of JoS are at best now my default that I strongly lean towards. I am still committed though, and will operate under the assumption that every last word that JoS has said regarding spirituality...and STRICTLY spirituality...is 100% true.

My intent will be to further my studies in the texts cited by JoS and how they fit with all the sermons, as well as continue my efforts to make a mystic breakthrough and get to Satan and the Gods directly. I will have a ton of visceral questions to ask them.

With all that being said, I consider any fight on my part to get through to JoS regarding political doctrine to be a lost cause, and I will need to refrain from any further salvaging attempts. I have made my position abundantly clear, and I disavow nothing I have said, but I rigidly maintain my stance. Later on, perhaps in a few weeks, I will have gathered a large list of detailed questions regarding the finer points of the JoS spiritual and historical doctrines. I hope people here aren't as rusty as I fear they are regarding the old school knowledge. The questions my comrades and I are going to have will be tough, and I have no intentions of holding back in putting JoS to the test.

There's one thing I should have said regarding being White-Pilled in my talks with my circle. The real White Pill is not my own ability to relate to hardy, vital and intelligent White men. The real White Pill is the fact that these White Men have proven to me yet again that they are highly capable of being open minded to blunt Satanic terminology, and spiritual matters, even the schizo stuff. They are studying the JoS materials I'm giving them with rigor. The more my efforts come to fruition, and the more numbers I gain, the greater will be the hope for a powerful Satanic Revival on Earth, comprised of competent, intelligent, observant, based, conscious, nuanced, sophisticated and doctrinaire White Men. They are the ones that will make my dreams possible.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
