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Joy of Satan Musical Anthem - Looking For Talent

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=435058 time=1680884509 user_id=1057]
I was wondering for a while, if JoS had an anthem or a representative song, what or which one would be in your opinions?

We currently do not, but there are many unofficial songs that our community likes.

I am going to need a composer so we can compose this. I have written the words for it, but we might likely need a non-vocalized version, too.

Our composer must be of classical music or a related genre, such as orchestral and so on. Other talent of other genres is also welcome.

For this, please contact me at [email protected]

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a great idea. It would certainly be a fun project. I will make an effort to pick up my guitar more often, maybe something will become of it.

I encourage others to do the same, if you have the right instruments. It can be difficult at first but you might surprise yourself.
It's wonderful. If we had an anthem, it would really be a great way to express our heartfelt feelings. Just the thought of it excites me.
Paganini's pieces have always been my favourites. I think classical, light music like that would suit the nobility of this place.
an immense positive affirmation and reinforcement for the growth of US and the growth of the SELF together, it must be very cool in a melodic way, that stays in the mind
krydros said:
Paganini's pieces have always been my favourites. I think classical, light music like that would suit the nobility of this place.

Paganini was called the Devil's Violinist for a reason, he was just that great. I love that people were aware of how something so amazing could only come from Satan.

I recommend this album called Enjoy Eternal Bliss by Yndi Halda. It's modernized classical music and it sounds like a bad idea but it's absolutely worth the listen. The violin is blissful, nothing like Paganini or the Devil's Trill but still a great piece of music.
This is great!

Although other songs may have pleasant music and lyrics, none of them can fully embody the essence of the JoS. Only a composition created by an actual Satanist could ever convey the mystical and profound nature of the JoS and showcase the divine beauty of it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=435058 time=1680884509 user_id=1057]
I was wondering for a while, if JoS had an anthem or a representative song, what or which one would be in your opinions?

We currently do not, but there are many unofficial songs that our community likes.

I am going to need a composer so we can compose this. I have written the words for it, but we might likely need a non-vocalized version, too.

Our composer must be of classical music or a related genre, such as orchestral and so on. Other talent of other genres is also welcome.

For this, please contact me at [email protected]

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
That's pretty cool I always considered fear not this night as my anthem as a Satanist good song fear not this night you will not go a stray though shadows fall the stars still find their way and you can always be strong lift your voice with the first light of dawn
Dawns just a heart beat away
Hope is just a sunrise away.

Pretty good song I like listening to it when I do the Astarte ritual especially.
We could use musicians as well as people from animations and vfx and post all of them on the forums or on JoyOfSatan sites... I do not belong to any of these... But won't it be awesome if someone animates all of the JoS pages for visualization purposes... Musicians must come forward 🙂🙂🙂
Charlotte61903 said:
Paganini was called the Devil's Violinist for a reason, he was just that great. I love that people were aware of how something so amazing could only come from Satan.

I recommend this album called Enjoy Eternal Bliss by Yndi Halda. It's modernized classical music and it sounds like a bad idea but it's absolutely worth the listen. The violin is blissful, nothing like Paganini or the Devil's Trill but still a great piece of music.

It is peaceful, it gives me the feeling that I have been somewhere before and I have relaxed and I have forgotten the beauty of that place and I remember it again. Thanks for the recommendation.
I think that is going to be awesome! I would love to hear the musical anthem of the joy of Satan I am curious to see how that is going to turn out! And I can't wait to listen to it and get a recording of it so I can play it for myself what I want to be uplifted on those days where I need that extra boost to encourage myself to keep going! ❤️ there is nothing more beautiful than music! There is nothing more peaceful and soul lifting the music! I think it is the most beautiful thing that was ever created and the best thing that was ever created and invented since sliced bread! Music is the soul and it heals the soul from the inside out! It is the most magical and the most beautiful thing that anybody can think of! Nothing can speak Freedom more than music especially somebody who can express their emotions and their feelings through music and words! Putting it together and creating magic for the ears! That is healing to the body in the mind from the inside out! Something that makes you feel proud of who and what you are something that makes you want to get up and dance and have fun and party! And something that encourages you and Build You Up on your bad days! Something is going to Enlighten you and encourage you to keep going and keep going strong! :D whoever can come up with an anthem! And the words that are fitting not only to this website and to who and what we are as a spiritual Satanist but also to honor and represent father Satan and his gods and demons and who and what we are as Satan's soldiers and students! I THINK THIS IS AWESOME!!! HAIL SATAN ❤️
Hmm I think we need something that gives that feeling that we belong together, like if we alwas have been together and helping each other like a family, not just the lyrics but the melody too.
Could these features do the trick(?) :
-big pitch range (manly for the instruments)
-slower and faster parts ( the (background) instrument(s)) could speed up sometimes (while like a violin is slow).
-Would like some "pagan" instruments not just only violin and piano.
-at some parts sing in a choir
-And idk I just already want to cry while listening to it :D

For the lyrics It would be nice if it wasn't like that: Satan give us freedom, help us destroy these fuckers.
But more like allegories, and soft but clear for those who know like the below:

Sanat our lord shall lead us forward,
Thus they may see our beauty at all.
You made us be the gold for all,
grey, and coal shall must begone.

(If I remember correcly the element of a Non divine one's astral body, is coal.

IM NOT AN ARTIST! but hey thats actually good isn't it? :lol: I know there are different tipes of rules of the rithm (like pentameter, hexameter) I just can't find it how you say it in english, however I didn't pay attention to that here.
Some of the most beautiful music I've ever heard in my life has been by a greek group called daemonia nymphe.



The ethereal sound, instruments and beauty in their voices is amplified heavily by the Greek language, and it's like you almost hear the Gods vibrate though these musical pieces.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=435058 time=1680884509 user_id=1057]

Maybe you have already seen this thread, but perhaps Agni could be of use for this: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=422957#p422957

agni said:
Greetings to all!
I hope I posted in the right thread.

Yesterday, after the ritual, while meditating on the sigil of Andras, I came up with a melody that I wanted to write. I had never done music writing through a program before, but I felt that this was exactly what I should do. The form of the musical composition turned out to be quite simple, cyclic, and quite short in duration, but I tried to make it as lively as possible.

The name of this composition is "The Procession of Andras".


I hope you enjoy listening to this music and feel the energy of the greatness of our god Andras while listening.

Hail Andras!

krydros said:
GakunGak said:
You've just triggered my Fourth Echelon....


Now, speaking of good music, getting addicted to Too Many Zooz lately.

Would definitely love something like Old Germany used to have, those patriotic things like Erika and stuff.

You've got good taste, bro.

I think this would be my favourite one from Too Many Zooz.


Thank you, indeed.

By the way, while we wait for our Paganini, perhaps everyone could make some samples based on text provided [if any] and construct such music to fit.

I mean, for why we have AI these days?

That is an amazing idea. A Joy of Satan anthem would be such a beautiful thing to hear! I have some songs, maybe they can help:


This song is old, many may know it. The choir is beautiful, the voices together remind me of the JoS union. There are many songs from Peter Gundry's "Goëtia" Album, which are beautiful and appeal to me.


- Monstrance Clock, Ghost. A version of the song, which is very harmonious and with great vocals, the rhythm is also nice.
It needs to sound like lightning, instantly powerful, recognisable. We can't accept anything less. There are rock songs with literal gibberish lyrics about random obscure silent movies, that have that quality.

The most recognisable classical music it has to be in the same league with, but it also has to speak from our time to. Ideally any song attributed to the JoS has to pioneer some new form of musical innovation in the classical format, if not another. That is a massive Satanic characteristic of all music: "ahead-of-time-ness" or at the "centre" of the current time.


Regardless how much they are of Satan, these songs have the lightning quality

Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JE-dqW4uBEE&pp=ygUhdmlvbGVudCBmZW1tZXMgYmxpc3RlciBpbiB0aGUgc3Vu (also Add It Up, both songs are instantly recognisable and powerful, yet weird and unlikely - they're just about sexual frustration)

2 other songs which were literally the start of a mass cultural shift regardless for the better or worse , Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit/Somebody to Love - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tKtJ0XTwgTE

Its an energetic signature that is connected to this intense ubiquitous feeling, that these sounds were just 'supposed' to happen- not just playing away. Like it comes from somewhere beyond, but also makes *COMPLETE* sense musically too. You will find songs like this where you listen the first time and it feels like you have heard it before somehow, whether you were a child or it could only be a past life or even deeper.

I don't know whether its relative to me or if other people understand what I mean by this. But its these songs like House of the Rising Sun, Luke kelly's Dirty Old Town? They have this lasting power that in a musical sense I've treasured and envied ever since I was aware of it.

I think I posted this one here before on the older forum, the Flower of Magherally - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MYfbL6ZV9Rw

A good deal of Irish folk music has similarities with Ancient Egyptian music in terms of the time signatures and whatnot. It must have taken a lot out of the people who wrote that music at the time and place they were in. So it should here too, of all places!
I've emailed you. This is right up my alley. I've emailed you. I just got mandated for overtime this weekend, so time will be even more strained than usual, but eventually I'll deliver. I've had the idea to compose music for JoS for a long time, and I have old projects that have collected dust, but now that there is a sudden time crunch and demand, I'll try to scrounge whatever time and energy I can manage to put something together.
I suggest that we take some musical inspiration from Japan, or at least some eastern feel as this does strongly reflect much of the content one reads on the Joy of Satan and practices. Maybe some animes like DBZ or Jojo? Maybe some Folk religious inspiration? Something that unites us as a community would be greater as an anthem than a more distant emotional piece.
This sounds like good fun, I'm eager to hear what everyone comes up with.

Abyssos said:
I've emailed you. This is right up my alley. I've emailed you. I just got mandated for overtime this weekend, so time will be even more strained than usual, but eventually I'll deliver.

sounds like a free time working is in order.
https://youtu.be/lDQ7hXMLxGc something like this, only the EXACT OPPOSITE in lyrics and all, JUST the melody :lol:

Or this https://youtu.be/UsnRQJxanVM
It has to be something epic of course.

Maybe inspiration from 1 of the "2 steps from Hell" groups songs
I know 2 or 3 Brothers who will most likely present with most noble involvement. I personally am not good at this yet it's amazing how proficient our community is in everything, as a whole.
You can definitely tell I'm in a rush because I didn't bother taking the time to notice that I typed "I've emailed you" twice.
Completely agree that the Satanic Anthem should be very classical (with a powerful orchestra). I can't compose so I can't help at all here, but I guess it should sound like or like it was made by someone who has written music after actually hearing Father Satan's playing it first, like Giuseppe Tartini with the super famous "Devil's Trill Sonata".

One of my favourite pieces (that I think represents us a lot too) is "Night On Bald Mountain" from Modest Mussorgsky.
It's some of the most powerful music I know of, and the ending was apparently changed because damned xians complained about it sounding "too Satanic", which forced Mussorgsky to replace the ending with a "church bell" in order for the music to be heard in the future.

Not that anyone remembers the fucking church bell, we all love the beginning and body of it, feeling the obvious power surge when thoroughly enjoying this amazing piece.

What a wonderful idea! :D

I look forward to listening to it in the future.
I wish I could make music myself >,<
Death In Vegas All Lyrics
Scorpio Rising Lyrics & Songs
When you kiss the base of my spine
Make my body into your shrine
You give me this feeling deep inside
One that I can no longer disguise
While other snakes just shed their skins
Fucked holes pointing out my sins
Even though I realise that history’s not on my side
Even though I realise the pioneer skin still curls up in my eyes

If I don’t go crazy, I’ll lose my mind
I saw a life before me but now I’m blind
I wanna go to heaven, never been there before
I wanna go to heaven, so you give me some more

Flying high upon the gallows
Too messed up to step out of the shadows
A drugged up heart that knows no sorrow
Rescued from this deep dark hole
Stick on these boots and sharpen the nails
Time is nigh for you leather girls
Maybe we should end this race
Vanish while we cannot leave no trace

If I don’t go crazy, I’ll lose my mind
I saw a life before me, but now I’m blind
See one-arm film stars on alien beaches
Potted gold and tattooed faces
Harrison murals on the corner, tupperware boxes full of hops
Diazepam dreams there catching streams
Paper dinosaurs flash blue and green
Still I’ve got a flash-bulb head
Still I’ve got a flash-bulb head

If I don’t go crazy, I’ll lose my mind
I saw a life before me but now I’m blind
I wanna go to heaven, never been there before
I wanna go to heaven, so you give me some more

Come along nice, come along dead
Scorpio rising, and paint it red
A psychic equalizer in your head
Come along nice, come along dead
Scorpio rising, and paint it red
A psychic equalizer in your head (repeat all)
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=435914 time=1681245349 user_id=21286]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=435058 time=1680884509 user_id=1057]

Maybe you have already seen this thread, but perhaps Agni could be of use for this: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=422957#p422957

agni said:
Greetings to all!
I hope I posted in the right thread.

Yesterday, after the ritual, while meditating on the sigil of Andras, I came up with a melody that I wanted to write. I had never done music writing through a program before, but I felt that this was exactly what I should do. The form of the musical composition turned out to be quite simple, cyclic, and quite short in duration, but I tried to make it as lively as possible.

The name of this composition is "The Procession of Andras".


I hope you enjoy listening to this music and feel the energy of the greatness of our god Andras while listening.

Hail Andras!


This is a great idea! If I can be of any use, I will do my best.
TerKorian666 said:
Lightning-wings is talented in singing.

Sorry to say here, but Lightning wings voice doesn't sound properly supported in the audio.

I understand that singing a whole song through is hard and that there are parts that aren't going to be great compared to others.. there were some good points..

but to me personally it was a turn off, or maybe I am just too spoiled.

But this begs for a question Ive been wanting to ask, but didnt since this topic was about instrumentals..

Who is going to do vocals? or is that a question for later?

Lightning-Wings said:
I dont like talking about someone behind ppls back.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
TerKorian666 said:
Lightning-wings is talented in singing.

Sorry to say here, but Lightning wings voice doesn't sound properly supported in the audio.

I understand that singing a whole song through is hard and that there are parts that aren't going to be great compared to others.. there were some good points..

but to me personally it was a turn off, or maybe I am just too spoiled.

But this begs for a question Ive been wanting to ask, but didnt since this topic was about instrumentals..

Who is going to do vocals? or is that a question for later?

Lightning-Wings said:
I dont like talking about someone behind ppls back.

You're fine!!

Like I said, I'm not a professional singer, I'm self taught. It's alright if somebody doesn't like my singing or whatever, I just wanted to put it out there, so others who might need it can find comfort in it.

I thank you for telling me tho!
I don't play any instruments either, perhaps one day I'll be worthy to a larger audience, but yeah. Thanks! :D
Lunar Dance 666 said:
TerKorian666 said:
Lightning-wings is talented in singing.

Sorry to say here, but Lightning wings voice doesn't sound properly supported in the audio.

I understand that singing a whole song through is hard and that there are parts that aren't going to be great compared to others.. there were some good points..

but to me personally it was a turn off, or maybe I am just too spoiled.

But this begs for a question Ive been wanting to ask, but didnt since this topic was about instrumentals..

Who is going to do vocals? or is that a question for later?

Lightning-Wings said:
I dont like talking about someone behind ppls back.

Forgot to add, that SapphireDragon https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=429936#p429936
Is most talented!! She seems to both sing and create music herself, so I'd recommend her!! :)

And if anything, there are far more talented people out there, like SapphireDragon being one, and so on.
I'm no where near as being professional, haha. But yeah.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
TerKorian666 said:
Lightning-wings is talented in singing.

Sorry to say here, but Lightning wings voice doesn't sound properly supported in the audio.

I understand that singing a whole song through is hard and that there are parts that aren't going to be great compared to others.. there were some good points..

but to me personally it was a turn off, or maybe I am just too spoiled.

But this begs for a question Ive been wanting to ask, but didnt since this topic was about instrumentals..

Who is going to do vocals? or is that a question for later?

Lightning-Wings said:
I dont like talking about someone behind ppls back.
I can sing actually. Lyric Bass Singer here
For the most part, I think that we can all conclude that something with a violin/classical tone would be most befitting for the theme.

"Kai Engel - Low Horizon" Composed of 2 parts, 2nd starts at 1:35
Here's a beautiful soundtrack, which when I listen to, makes me think of the gods. Perhaps it would even suit as a perfect soundtrack if anyone ever wanted to make a video describing the Crowned Princes of Hell.

"Aqua - My oh my"
A song I recently stumbled upon, and absolutely fell in love with or probably because I'm a sucker for the pirate theme of its music video. However, if you listen carefully, there's a very strong implication of Shakti serpent in the lyrics, as well as the general theme of the music video of the pirate life - living life in freedom - which we absolutely can correlate to the Satanic path. Especially having deprogrammed and have gotten rid of ones conscience of a supposed "eternal lake of fire" for not living up to the standards of a made up kike on a stick.

For me, it also makes me think about the "normie" lifestyle I'm trying to put aside to pursue my Satanic endeavours, like it was my serpent who was singing me this song.
If you were my king, I would be your queen.

If not blatant enough, in the end of the video the princess re-unites with her "prince/king", and the old man is holding a snake in place of the princess he was just holding.

I'm thinking if a song/music can be made with a similar kind of vibe that truly would be wonderful, if not to the least an official JoS song list.

Like a good song or music, as a good wine, should be shared to enjoy the best of it :mrgreen:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
