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JOY OF SATAN MAGICK UPDATES: Divination By The Elements

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

This is one of the numerous updates that are going to happen on the site, these methods are advanced, because they relate to the elements. The elements are on the advanced section and familiarity is needed to work these.

These are tested and will lead you to the desired ends with proper practice. I wrote these methods and they are a product of working with Beelzebul.

More will be written soon, on other forms of Divination, Magick etc.

Using the Elements For Divination Purposes

It is imperative one has at least some experience with invoking the elements for working this type of divination successfully.

A generally high level of advancement is required to divine properly through the elements. The four main elements can be used to this in order to divine properly.

These methods are heavily related to one's general level of advancement, and one's own level of psychic capacity. The elements are used as focusing points and as contact with the actual element. The chance of failure can be high or to the point of deception and/or no answer received if one does not have proper advancement on the elements.

These methods are advanced and one is warned strongly to return to other forms of divination until the other ones are perfected, to have better results with these.

Water remains the best element for divination, as the natural ruler of divination of all the elements.


To divine through the use of fire, generally fire is not the most empathetic element, yet divination through fire will work for people who are closer to this element. The technique is as following:

1. Sit comfortably in front of a fire, such as a brazier or a fireplace, that has a sufficient amount of fire. Invoke in one or two breaths the element of fire.

2. One has to be experienced into putting themselves in a trance, but in this case, with one's eyes open or slightly open.

3. While gazing at the fire in a comfortable position, start asking your questions. You can even only put your mind to think of the questions. Take relaxing breaths.

4. Gazing on the fire, remain open to see visions, images, or, depending on the capability for trance and talent for divination, whole visions. For the fire itself, one must pay attention on the fire itself: If it grows on a question, it can be a yes. If it shrinks, it can be a no. One has to develop experience with reading the fire.

5. Connection here is everything and one's intuition will be able to decide whether or not information perceived is accurate.

6. After one divination session, to avoid meddling of the energies, the fire is to be put out and the ashes disposed.


To divine through the use of water, you can fill a bowl [the color could be black or white], or a small pool of water [where you can see your reflection]. You can sit slightly above this pool, and you should not get into it as the sensation of running water might interefere with the focus. The technique to divine with water is as following:

1. Sit comfortably in front of a poor or bowl of water [to where you can see your reflection] think intently of your questions or say them in a silent voice. Invoke in one or two breaths the element of water.

2. One has to be experienced into putting themselves in a trance, but in this case, with one's eyes open or slightly open.

3. At this state, gazing into the bowl or pool, ask your questions mentally or with a low voice. Take relaxing breaths.

4. While gazing on the bowl or pool of water, remain open to see any visions, images, or, depending on the capability for trance and talent for divination, whole visions. These will appear on the water. If the water is alive and outside, getting moved by air, the ripples may be more revealing of information. The water might appear to be ripping on it's own.

5. An example of using water divination, is by also using oil. As you ask the question as in step 4, but at the same time, dropping the drops of oil into the water. An example: "Will X and X separate [about a romantic relationship"? If the drops of oil separate far, the couple might separate. If the oil remains all in one position, the couple may not separate.

6. The water on the bowl is to be discarded, and you must never divine with dirty or putrid water.


This one is tricky as the Earth element is not the most psychic of elements. But there is a method to divination with the Earth element also. The technique to divine with Earth is as following:

1. Fill a cart or a bowl with soil, preferably wild and living soil that is used in gardening or already present in forests. Ideally, this should be after it has rained. It should be sufficient enough for you to be able to run your hands through it. It should be plenty, but not too much.

2. One has to be experienced into putting themselves in a trance, but in this case, with one's eyes open or slightly open. Invoke in one or two breaths the element of earth.

3. At this state, gazing into the soil, and run your hands through the soil to get a feeling for it.

4. While running your hands through the soil, ask your question silently and raise some soil with your palms. As you have asked the question, throw it on the rest of the soil. The soil on top that was thrown will create shapes that are to be analyzed and meditated upon for images, visions, shapes and so on.

5. Another way to do this is to dip your own hands inside the soil. Ask questions as you move them around the soil. If you feel there is resistence, or change of temperature, this can be indicated as a no. For example, is "X going to divorce X?". If you get a cold sensation on the hands, it may mean that their marriage is cold. If you run on pieces of wood within the soil, this might mean obstacles.


This one is also quite tricky, and has a high chance of the messages being misunderstood, so it has the highest chance of failure because of how many things can affect it. The technique to divine with Air.

1. Find an open space and a time where the air clean and blowing. This could be during a windy day.

2. Sitting on this, meditate strongly on the air around you. Invoke in one or two breaths the element of air.

2. One has to be experienced into putting themselves in a trance, but in this case, with one's eyes open or slightly open.

3. At this state, trying to feel the air, ask your questions mentally or with a low voice. Take relaxing breaths.

4. Generally on air divination, there will be no elaborate visions or anything of the sort. The results should be analyzed by the air itself.

5. Questions such as "Will X and X divorce", might be answered by a strong gust of angry wind. This can indicate that yes, they might divorce. Alternatively, there may be a soft breeze, indicating the couple will remain together.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


© Copyright 2002 - 2021 Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Awesome update!!! cant wait for the rest. Something just spoke to me when i was reading this thought specifically about the element of water. i could be wrong about this but i got "living water is best" basically water that is unpolluted with chemicals and properly balanced with the right minerals. This would seem to make sense as the elements in their purest and highest functional form can show things clearly with things such as this, just as the soul needs to be clean, in its purest form free of dross,to feel things on the astral and for proper telepathy.

What about clouds? would they fall under the element of air? My mother and I used to see messages in the clouds, words and numbers. these things led us to find out about the microchip agenda. She saw words like "free energy" and "cybernetic". this was back when i was a teen. I recalled a set of numbers to her that i saw once that she said she already wrote down. My brother is also still sensitive to this as he has told me recently.

Lastly when you say the element one is closest to, do you mean the one they are drawn to the most or what they are made up of the most astrologically?
Hopefully someday you will add my freezer spell to the site too.

Or something similar.

I think a lot of people on here could benefit from it.

I know I have.

It's saved my ass many times.

Just a thought.

Oh yes,

Thank you for your never ending hard work CC.

And someday hopefully someday you will release a new film.

As the truth can be addicting.

666 14/88
Hail Satan!!😃 Thank you!!!🔥
Thank you, HP HC.

I myself won't try just yet as I'm still perfecting the beginner's portion, but I'll keep this in mind once I am ready.
The definition of divination is said to be the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means, but we know for the most part the process to be dependent on ones own subconsciousness. Sorta like divination through tarot cards. This is for anyone knew who're beginning to understand like me. These are perfect ways to utilize this.
Thanks HP! We all been waiting for new updates to the site.

Also i wanted to ask, can we do the same with akasha? Like;

3-Invoke 1-2 breaths
4-Ask the question
5-Sense the changes around you.

I guess it would have a higher chance to be misunderstood but unlike others it doesn't need any preparation. What's your thoughts?

Hail Satan!
I used to do Fire divination for years, it is the easiest. Earth as well, also by the element earth, anything that came from earth as a plant or produce can be used.

Water, ironic, is hardest to use for this for me. Air is too uncertain and either you have great session and good timing or not. It is easier an funnier to make it rain.
AWESOME. I've done one of these a lot in a past life, and had the vision of me there then. I always felt drawn to it as a child but never actually understood it fully until reading this. Another also feels familiar. Thank you for this, HP.

Btw for those who can't trance, simply practice and affirm to yourself that trance is easy and natural for you, and you can trance at will. Do this daily and you will see a difference.

Hail Satan
This is awesome :) I use tarot for divination and from what I always understood is that its through your own intuition/psychic abilities these methods works. I guess the invocation of the element would make it stronger and advanced.
Hermit of 13 Swords said:
Thanks HP! We all been waiting for new updates to the site.

Also i wanted to ask, can we do the same with akasha? Like;

3-Invoke 1-2 breaths
4-Ask the question
5-Sense the changes around you.

I guess it would have a higher chance to be misunderstood but unlike others it doesn't need any preparation. What's your thoughts?

Hail Satan!

This would need no physical medium and the way of doing something like this is only the intuition itself.

The closest method would be the black mirror.
That's so cool. Thanks for this :)

To make the Air Divination less tricky, I have an idea.
You know when you are in the bedroom and a sunray enter from the window and you can see the dust flowing in the air, isn't a good way to divine with air gazing at that dust as it moves (literally looking at the air)?
Hope I explained myself to you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hermit of 13 Swords said:
Thanks HP! We all been waiting for new updates to the site.

Also i wanted to ask, can we do the same with akasha? Like;

3-Invoke 1-2 breaths
4-Ask the question
5-Sense the changes around you.

I guess it would have a higher chance to be misunderstood but unlike others it doesn't need any preparation. What's your thoughts?

Hail Satan!

This would need no physical medium and the way of doing something like this is only the intuition itself.

The closest method would be the black mirror.

But in the Gods of Hell section on the JoS main website, there are many gods who are said to be proficient in elemental divination. In other words, higher levels of mastery and accuracy with these can be achieved right?
Awesome update!
When you find out you’ve been attempting these on a whim for years without knowing what elemental divination was.
Lydia said:
Btw for those who can't trance, simply practice and affirm to yourself that trance is easy and natural for you, and you can trance at will. Do this daily and you will see a difference.

Hail Satan

While I am no where near the levels discussed on this topic, I found this advice relevant. I will need to remember to do this, ty Lydia.
This is great Master Cobra!

I see this like another reward from the Gods for our efforts. :D and I am grateful for this.
Hail Enlil/Beelzebub ❤️. He’s definitely an awesome God. He’s assisted me with something recently.

Thanks for sharing HP Hoodedcobra.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell whom are the True and Original Gods.
Can you use the sanskrit words for the elements example Vayu or Agni etc to invoke the elements or invoke the elements into others souls. Instead of the regular meditations.

Affirmation example "the Earth Element is filling my soul correcting any elemental imbalance in my soul" or "the fire element is filling _______s soul correcting the elemental imbalance in his soul"

Just example. I wondered about this had a little success with it but not sure if it's valid or not.

If so how many affirmations I was using 18 or 27.
Just to point out you updated this to one JoS mirror link not the entire network.

https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Magick.html <- Updated

https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Magick.html <- Not updated

Just to point out as it's better to go through SiG.org rather than JoS.org. That way people see the other websites at the index rather than hunting down our websites. It happens a lot on the forums as people come on to the forums and believe we are a forums only organization or don't comprehend we have more websites to boot.

BTW without sounding negative I hope you update everything soon to all JoS nodes. Because Mercury Rx is about to exit and return to normal if your wanting to update during the Rx(for the benefit of increasing the permanence of information) we still got till the 22nd. I guess the next update time period would be the Solstice on Monday so there is that, I assume Solstice is the date your getting at for not just update but rituals as well IF we are doing another ritual schedule.
slyscorpion said:
Can you use the sanskrit words for the elements example Vayu or Agni etc to invoke the elements or invoke the elements into others souls. Instead of the regular meditations.

Affirmation example "the Earth Element is filling my soul correcting any elemental imbalance in my soul" or "the fire element is filling _______s soul correcting the elemental imbalance in his soul"

Just example. I wondered about this had a little success with it but not sure if it's valid or not.

If so how many affirmations I was using 18 or 27.

It might help to do so, but only some people. Generally, to divine, you don't necessarily need to vibrate in this case the elemental mantras.

I had little to no success using the so called core mantras of the elements from Sanskrit, personally. I cannot advise this as a viable improvement method, especially on the task of divination.
Big Dipper said:
i cant wait for the "demons" section to be updated. excitement

Yes, or the astrology section. More in detail in how to read a chart, or on the planetary placements. It changes the way you look at life.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Can you use the sanskrit words for the elements example Vayu or Agni etc to invoke the elements or invoke the elements into others souls. Instead of the regular meditations.

Affirmation example "the Earth Element is filling my soul correcting any elemental imbalance in my soul" or "the fire element is filling _______s soul correcting the elemental imbalance in his soul"

Just example. I wondered about this had a little success with it but not sure if it's valid or not.

If so how many affirmations I was using 18 or 27.

It might help to do so, but only some people. Generally, to divine, you don't necessarily need to vibrate in this case the elemental mantras.

I had little to no success using the so called core mantras of the elements from Sanskrit, personally. I cannot advise this as a viable improvement method, especially on the task of divination.
What about using the akasha to balance the elements instead to invoke each elements? I've used the elements mantra's that are on Jos but I never felt each of the elements that much with those.
tabby said:
When you find out you’ve been attempting these on a whim for years without knowing what elemental divination was.

When I was young I also asked the wind.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Can you use the sanskrit words for the elements example Vayu or Agni etc to invoke the elements or invoke the elements into others souls. Instead of the regular meditations.

Affirmation example "the Earth Element is filling my soul correcting any elemental imbalance in my soul" or "the fire element is filling _______s soul correcting the elemental imbalance in his soul"

Just example. I wondered about this had a little success with it but not sure if it's valid or not.

If so how many affirmations I was using 18 or 27.

It might help to do so, but only some people. Generally, to divine, you don't necessarily need to vibrate in this case the elemental mantras.

I had little to no success using the so called core mantras of the elements from Sanskrit, personally. I cannot advise this as a viable improvement method, especially on the task of divination.
What about using the akasha to balance the elements instead to invoke each elements? I've used the elements mantra's that are on Jos but I never felt each of the elements that much with those.

The major key to the elements is your attention, first and foremost, and feeling them.

You can use the Akasha for sure for all these uses. Each element however, even if part of the Akasha [as everything is part of it] is also not part of it and remains separate.
Hey Lydia can you check your proton mail email . I have sent a inquiry about an order I placed on Lydia astrology I look forward to hearing from you soon.
NinRick said:
tabby said:
When you find out you’ve been attempting these on a whim for years without knowing what elemental divination was.

When I was young I also asked the wind.

I never really tried asking questions to the wind directly.

If I had the house to myself, I’d sit outside talking to the trees like a person and take comfort in them, thinking the way the trees would sway in the wind was like them answering back or something, especially if I was feeling lonely.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
