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JoS E-Groups 9/2/13

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
    It appears the enemy has made a total mess of the JoS e-groups, changing the home page photos to xian filth and creating other problems. They can't shut us down, so they try to do other disruptive things to harass us. The only thing I can say here is for members to complain to yahoo. We DO have the strength in numbers. If yahoo receives enough complaints, they will fix this. In the mean time, just ignore the xian filth they put up on the front page of our Teen group.   I know since exposing their bible as a book of jewish witchcraft [which it certainly is], this really rattled their cages. Always remember...the jews are extremely clever and they take control of both sides; both opposing sides, which they pretend to be fighting each other, but underneath it all, they are working for their agenda of world enslavement. Just as many xian churches, particularly the Vatican, pretend to be against and fighting communism, unbeknownst to the populace, they are working FOR communism, the nazarene taught nothing but communism, his sermons, and even his life- quite like Karl Marx himself- lazy, and lived off of the charity of others like a parasite. The USSR made a show of persecuting a number of jews [they scream the loudest], when millions of innocent Gentiles were tortured to death, but this jewish persecution is only for show and they do not care if they have to sacrifice some of their own to reach their goal of world enslavement and domination. For example, Josef Stalin [real name Josef Dugasvilli, the meaning of the Georgian surname Dugasvilli is "son of a jew" ], claimed to be anti-Semitic, but given his second wife was also a jew [as were his children] and his communist heroes such as Vladimir Lenin and the other scum he was directly involved with, any idiot can see through these lies, which again, are there only to fool the masses. Nearly all of the entire communist leadership and KGB were jews and/or married to jews and lived extremely well while the working classes were brutalized beyond the imagination. This did not just include the USSR, but all other communist countries as well. Prior to the fall of the “Iron Curtain” the USSR would also publicly support any country that was against Israel; pretending to be enemies with Israel, which beneath it all, is not the case, as both work together for the same agenda. KNOW THIS AND BE ONTO THEIR TACTICS- NEVER LET THEM FOOL YOU!   As I have state before and will again... just how can xianity really be at odds with the jews, when every single page of that stinking bible has the word "jew" "jews" Israel" and other kosher crap on it and above al, the nazarene is jewish from birth to death. Given the spiritual energies put into xianity by the ignorant followers, for centuries, the jews have an endless supply to do as they please with. This is their bulwark and their root. This is why the bible is so full of numbers, specific verses [which vibrated in Hebrew are their mantras] and given the bible is planted in nearly every home in the world, xianity is relentlessly pushed and coerced onto people [love jewsus or burn for eternity], the bible acts as a subliminal medium; a receiver for their workings. Bible verses are memorized by many xians. What this does further, is it creates a very powerful link in the minds of many for which the jews work their curses and their spells for attracting copious amounts of wealth. Even their bible states regarding the jews “Thou shalt prosper.” YOU PAY AND SACRIFICE FOR THIS!   Yes, they want to shut me and the other JoS Ministry the fuck up. We are onto their scheme and are working to reveal more and more. Always remember...these groups are here for YOU. We put in our time studying and moderating so we can reach as many people as possible; so you all can learn the truth and be able to also search these truths out on your own. We are a deadly threat to the enemy. If you want to keep these groups open and free, please complain to yahoo. We are in the tens of thousands, numbering members. Complain...complain...complain... If you say nothing, the enemy will win. If they try to give you a run around in replying that the moderator is the one to do the complaining, know that this is total crap and that as a member, you have the right to complain regarding changes that are made that are directly affecting your groups.   They have tried to put up domes of St. Basil’s xian cathedral in Moscow on the front pages of the JoS e-groups [this appears to have come from inside yahoo]. Now, given Moscow is the capital of the USSR, isn’t this rather blatant? In addition, it serves as a link, as I mentioned in the above for their subliminal shit. This is no different from having a bible in your home. This creates a subliminal tie in. I do know since my last post “the holy bible, a book of jewish witchcraft”; I was very aware of the magnitude of this post and given it hits at their most sensitive secrets, root and their total bulwark, there would be attacks and I was correct. I also know these attacks are not yet over with. The photo of the cathedral in Moscow says it all, in regards to just how rattled they are that through Satan, we have exposed them.   Satan has protected me. If he hadn’t, myself along with others who are working very hard, would already be dead. We are working for a higher purpose; for a better world through Satan. We have identified and exposed the problems. As for myself, I will fight to the death and work to expose this vermin in every way possible. I have lived a full life, I am old and have nothing left to lose, and death does not frighten me. As I also stated in another recent sermon, regarding freedom, if you do not fight for this, you will lose it. The enemy works relentlessly to destroy our civil rights and freedoms so that they can enslave us all. Jewish greed knows no bounds. Few Americans here know just how brutal life is and has been in many other countries. The jews are working very hard to change this. In the early 1990’s, after the fall of the USSR, many cutthroat jewish communists emigrated to the USA and have been working for the destruction of our country ever since and this can be blatantly seen in the many open violations of our constitution and how our legal system has been rapidly deteriorating. The USA is the last power on this earth that still has some laws protecting freedom of speech and the press, though these are very insecure and many of us are suppressed and harassed, such as what is now happening in the JoS e-groups. The USA goes and any smaller countries that are somewhat free will also go down and be under the yoke of communist control. Many of you know it is a felony crime to deny or question the jewish holoco$t in many countries...resulting in an automatic prison sentence. Everything the jew is and does, they blame on Gentiles. This creates confusion, and makes for an effective diversion and distraction. The same is with Satan...everything their xian “god” is and does, they heap the blame on Satan and the Powers of Hell. Even though the truth is before them in the “holy bible” and one can see that jewhova was a “murderer and a liar from  the beginning”  one only needs to look through the old testament and also that foul nazarene ordering his followers to commit both theft and murder: Luke 19:27; Luke 6: 1-5; Luke 19: 29-35; and break other commandments: Matthew 10: 34-36.   Xians and others cannot see this, as they have been deluded under a powerful spell.   Satan, himself told me some time ago how horribly Gentiles have suffered under jewish communism. I have written several articles regarding the slave labor situation in Red China. This brutality is what jewish communism is all about. Please read through and download the following PDFs. The first one is very large, but the second pdf [the one exposing the phony holoco$t] can be downloaded and easily distributed through copy & paste, uploading it to your website, distributing it through personal e-mails to people you know who may be interested, and through copying it to disc.   http://gblt.webs.com/SlaveLaborInSovietRussia.pdf   http://666moon.webs.com/THE%20REAL%20HOLOCAUST.pdf   We are obviously doing the enemy plenty of damage, as they would not go to such lengths to attack as they have been. My personal aims are to get the truth out to and to reach as many people as possible. There is strength in numbers. Unless each and every one of us fights for our freedoms, they will all be taken away. As with the first pdf, on the Soviet slave labor, one can see the same identical thing occurring in Red China and in other parts of the world- disposable human beings; systematically broken, worked to death and replaced by more Gentiles. Even a little research blatantly reveals the jews are and have always been behind this and that the bible is nothing more than a blueprint for jewish communism in its teachings and indoctrinations [both the old and new testaments], along with the all important purpose of working powerful spells for the jews to profit tremendously. Satan pulls off the drapes in our minds and wakes us up to the truth so we are aware and can see. The xians and related ignorant masses are under a most powerful spell. That spell must be broken.   High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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I just want to make a mention, as this is important and many people are clueless to what is going on. Read history and about the Gulags. Satan made me understand through visions that were quite personal, how uttmostly horrible the working conditions were there. Beyond imagination- I was given the vision of people working in the Gulag camps, until they had no more energy and could barely move. As they died from hunger/dehydration, they were disposed in plastic bags, no different than an object. This is nothing but something simple as far as the criminal USSR has went.
This is jewish perversion and the jewish psyche all in itself. It can be observed in televisions and everywhere else where jews dominate. At the same time, Germans were invading Russia and were treated like heroes there, as they freed villages and half Russia from this jewish grasp. Things were uttmostly horrible and unimaginably dirty. While at the same time, idiots and born people of lies claim how Communism was about Equality, supposedly, if one studies the Communist Manifesto they will see it clearly, that its the most unjust system being existing on this Earth. Men are nothing but products and animals of a low level, owned by jews who sit at the top- inequality at its greatest.

This needs to be dealt with.

I have came across 'Satanists' who are supposedly 'Satanists' but still clinging on types of consciousness that are spawns of our enemies and these include all horrendous ideologies and other filth. These people are not Satanist. Dedication all in itself is a step, meditation is another one, but to really be an Elite SS- one needs to have opened their mind in Satan's Truth; something many people never do, thus they never reap all they could from our most wonderful religion. On top of that, this destroys their own mind and wellbeing. Study the NS Ideology and you will all understand, Satan and the Gods are the creators of our ideology.

--- In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

    It appears the enemy has made a total mess of the JoS e-groups, changing the home page photos to xian filth and creating other problems. They can't shut us down, so they try to do other disruptive things to harass us. The only thing I can say here is for members to complain to yahoo. We DO have the strength in numbers. If yahoo receives enough complaints, they will fix this. In the mean time, just ignore the xian filth they put up on the front page of our Teen group.   I know since exposing their bible as a book of jewish witchcraft [which it certainly is], this really rattled their cages. Always remember...the jews are extremely clever and they take control of both sides; both opposing sides, which they pretend to be fighting each other, but underneath it all, they are working for their agenda of world enslavement. Just as many xian churches, particularly the Vatican, pretend to be against and fighting communism, unbeknownst to the populace, they are working FOR communism, the nazarene taught nothing but communism, his sermons, and even his life- quite like Karl Marx himself- lazy, and lived off of the charity of others like a parasite. The USSR made a show of persecuting a number of jews [they scream the loudest], when millions of innocent Gentiles were tortured to death, but this jewish persecution is only for show and they do not care if they have to sacrifice some of their own to reach their goal of world enslavement and domination. For example, Josef Stalin [real name Josef Dugasvilli, the meaning of the Georgian surname Dugasvilli is "son of a jew" ], claimed to be anti-Semitic, but given his second wife was also a jew [as were his children] and his communist heroes such as Vladimir Lenin and the other scum he was directly involved with, any idiot can see through these lies, which again, are there only to fool the masses. Nearly all of the entire communist leadership and KGB were jews and/or married to jews and lived extremely well while the working classes were brutalized beyond the imagination. This did not just include the USSR, but all other communist countries as well. Prior to the fall of the “Iron Curtain” the USSR would also publicly support any country that was against Israel; pretending to be enemies with Israel, which beneath it all, is not the case, as both work together for the same agenda. KNOW THIS AND BE ONTO THEIR TACTICS- NEVER LET THEM FOOL YOU!   As I have state before and will again... just how can xianity really be at odds with the jews, when every single page of that stinking bible has the word "jew" "jews" Israel" and other kosher crap on it and above al, the nazarene is jewish from birth to death. Given the spiritual energies put into xianity by the ignorant followers, for centuries, the jews have an endless supply to do as they please with. This is their bulwark and their root. This is why the bible is so full of numbers, specific verses [which vibrated in Hebrew are their mantras] and given the bible is planted in nearly every home in the world, xianity is relentlessly pushed and coerced onto people [love jewsus or burn for eternity], the bible acts as a subliminal medium; a receiver for their workings. Bible verses are memorized by many xians. What this does further, is it creates a very powerful link in the minds of many for which the jews work their curses and their spells for attracting copious amounts of wealth. Even their bible states regarding the jews “Thou shalt prosper.” YOU PAY AND SACRIFICE FOR THIS!   Yes, they want to shut me and the other JoS Ministry the fuck up. We are onto their scheme and are working to reveal more and more. Always remember...these groups are here for YOU. We put in our time studying and moderating so we can reach as many people as possible; so you all can learn the truth and be able to also search these truths out on your own. We are a deadly threat to the enemy. If you want to keep these groups open and free, please complain to yahoo. We are in the tens of thousands, numbering members. Complain...complain...complain... If you say nothing, the enemy will win. If they try to give you a run around in replying that the moderator is the one to do the complaining, know that this is total crap and that as a member, you have the right to complain regarding changes that are made that are directly affecting your groups.   They have tried to put up domes of St. Basil’s xian cathedral in Moscow on the front pages of the JoS e-groups [this appears to have come from inside yahoo]. Now, given Moscow is the capital of the USSR, isn’t this rather blatant? In addition, it serves as a link, as I mentioned in the above for their subliminal shit. This is no different from having a bible in your home. This creates a subliminal tie in. I do know since my last post “the holy bible, a book of jewish witchcraft”; I was very aware of the magnitude of this post and given it hits at their most sensitive secrets, root and their total bulwark, there would be attacks and I was correct. I also know these attacks are not yet over with. The photo of the cathedral in Moscow says it all, in regards to just how rattled they are that through Satan, we have exposed them.   Satan has protected me. If he hadn’t, myself along with others who are working very hard, would already be dead. We are working for a higher purpose; for a better world through Satan. We have identified and exposed the problems. As for myself, I will fight to the death and work to expose this vermin in every way possible. I have lived a full life, I am old and have nothing left to lose, and death does not frighten me. As I also stated in another recent sermon, regarding freedom, if you do not fight for this, you will lose it. The enemy works relentlessly to destroy our civil rights and freedoms so that they can enslave us all. Jewish greed knows no bounds. Few Americans here know just how brutal life is and has been in many other countries. The jews are working very hard to change this. In the early 1990’s, after the fall of the USSR, many cutthroat jewish communists emigrated to the USA and have been working for the destruction of our country ever since and this can be blatantly seen in the many open violations of our constitution and how our legal system has been rapidly deteriorating. The USA is the last power on this earth that still has some laws protecting freedom of speech and the press, though these are very insecure and many of us are suppressed and harassed, such as what is now happening in the JoS e-groups. The USA goes and any smaller countries that are somewhat free will also go down and be under the yoke of communist control. Many of you know it is a felony crime to deny or question the jewish holoco$t in many countries...resulting in an automatic prison sentence. Everything the jew is and does, they blame on Gentiles. This creates confusion, and makes for an effective diversion and distraction. The same is with Satan...everything their xian “god” is and does, they heap the blame on Satan and the Powers of Hell. Even though the truth is before them in the “holy bible” and one can see that jewhova was a “murderer and a liar from  the beginning”  one only needs to look through the old testament and also that foul nazarene ordering his followers to commit both theft and murder: Luke 19:27; Luke 6: 1-5; Luke 19: 29-35; and break other commandments: Matthew 10: 34-36.   Xians and others cannot see this, as they have been deluded under a powerful spell.   Satan, himself told me some time ago how horribly Gentiles have suffered under jewish communism. I have written several articles regarding the slave labor situation in Red China. This brutality is what jewish communism is all about. Please read through and download the following PDFs. The first one is very large, but the second pdf [the one exposing the phony holoco$t] can be downloaded and easily distributed through copy & paste, uploading it to your website, distributing it through personal e-mails to people you know who may be interested, and through copying it to disc.   http://gblt.webs.com/SlaveLaborInSovietRussia.pdf   http://666moon.webs.com/THE%20REAL%20HOLOCAUST.pdf   We are obviously doing the enemy plenty of damage, as they would not go to such lengths to attack as they have been. My personal aims are to get the truth out to and to reach as many people as possible. There is strength in numbers. Unless each and every one of us fights for our freedoms, they will all be taken away. As with the first pdf, on the Soviet slave labor, one can see the same identical thing occurring in Red China and in other parts of the world- disposable human beings; systematically broken, worked to death and replaced by more Gentiles. Even a little research blatantly reveals the jews are and have always been behind this and that the bible is nothing more than a blueprint for jewish communism in its teachings and indoctrinations [both the old and new testaments], along with the all important purpose of working powerful spells for the jews to profit tremendously. Satan pulls off the drapes in our minds and wakes us up to the truth so we are aware and can see. The xians and related ignorant masses are under a most powerful spell. That spell must be broken.   High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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Dear Maxine, thanks for you post. I want to commit more to satans cause. I already made a dedication ritual ,long time ago, should I do it again. could you check about me, whats going on in my life, my mother is xtian, and she has changed a lot, all my biological relatives as well, sometimes I feel I dont have their support, but I dont care, I feel father satan close to me. could you ask him about me please I am a journalist and publicist now, I want to use this knowledge for the cause. in other hand, are free mason satanist?? this is really important for me to know, I hope that you write back soon to me  please, Heil Satan!!!

To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
From: maxine.dietrich666@...
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 11:27:00 -0500
Subject: [HellsArmy666] JoS E-Groups 9/2/13

    It appears the enemy has made a total mess of the JoS e-groups, changing the home page photos to xian filth and creating other problems. They can't shut us down, so they try to do other disruptive things to harass us. The only thing I can say here is for members to complain to yahoo. We DO have the strength in numbers. If yahoo receives enough complaints, they will fix this. In the mean time, just ignore the xian filth they put up on the front page of our Teen group.   I know since exposing their bible as a book of jewish witchcraft [which it certainly is], this really rattled their cages. Always remember...the jews are extremely clever and they take control of both sides; both opposing sides, which they pretend to be fighting each other, but underneath it all, they are working for their agenda of world enslavement. Just as many xian churches, particularly the Vatican, pretend to be against and fighting communism, unbeknownst to the populace, they are working FOR communism, the nazarene taught nothing but communism, his sermons, and even his life- quite like Karl Marx himself- lazy, and lived off of the charity of others like a parasite. The USSR made a show of persecuting a number of jews [they scream the loudest], when millions of innocent Gentiles were tortured to death, but this jewish persecution is only for show and they do not care if they have to sacrifice some of their own to reach their goal of world enslavement and domination. For example, Josef Stalin [real name Josef Dugasvilli, the meaning of the Georgian surname Dugasvilli is "son of a jew" ], claimed to be anti-Semitic, but given his second wife was also a jew [as were his children] and his communist heroes such as Vladimir Lenin and the other scum he was directly involved with, any idiot can see through these lies, which again, are there only to fool the masses. Nearly all of the entire communist leadership and KGB were jews and/or married to jews and lived extremely well while the working classes were brutalized beyond the imagination. This did not just include the USSR, but all other communist countries as well. Prior to the fall of the “Iron Curtain” the USSR would also publicly support any country that was against Israel; pretending to be enemies with Israel, which beneath it all, is not the case, as both work together for the same agenda. KNOW THIS AND BE ONTO THEIR TACTICS- NEVER LET THEM FOOL YOU!   As I have state before and will again... just how can xianity really be at odds with the jews, when every single page of that stinking bible has the word "jew" "jews" Israel" and other kosher crap on it and above al, the nazarene is jewish from birth to death. Given the spiritual energies put into xianity by the ignorant followers, for centuries, the jews have an endless supply to do as they please with. This is their bulwark and their root. This is why the bible is so full of numbers, specific verses [which vibrated in Hebrew are their mantras] and given the bible is planted in nearly every home in the world, xianity is relentlessly pushed and coerced onto people [love jewsus or burn for eternity], the bible acts as a subliminal medium; a receiver for their workings. Bible verses are memorized by many xians. What this does further, is it creates a very powerful link in the minds of many for which the jews work their curses and their spells for attracting copious amounts of wealth. Even their bible states regarding the jews “Thou shalt prosper.” YOU PAY AND SACRIFICE FOR THIS!   Yes, they want to shut me and the other JoS Ministry the fuck up. We are onto their scheme and are working to reveal more and more. Always remember...these groups are here for YOU. We put in our time studying and moderating so we can reach as many people as possible; so you all can learn the truth and be able to also search these truths out on your own. We are a deadly threat to the enemy. If you want to keep these groups open and free, please complain to yahoo. We are in the tens of thousands, numbering members. Complain...complain...complain... If you say nothing, the enemy will win. If they try to give you a run around in replying that the moderator is the one to do the complaining, know that this is total crap and that as a member, you have the right to complain regarding changes that are made that are directly affecting your groups.   They have tried to put up domes of St. Basil’s xian cathedral in Moscow on the front pages of the JoS e-groups [this appears to have come from inside yahoo]. Now, given Moscow is the capital of the USSR, isn’t this rather blatant? In addition, it serves as a link, as I mentioned in the above for their subliminal shit. This is no different from having a bible in your home. This creates a subliminal tie in. I do know since my last post “the holy bible, a book of jewish witchcraft”; I was very aware of the magnitude of this post and given it hits at their most sensitive secrets, root and their total bulwark, there would be attacks and I was correct. I also know these attacks are not yet over with. The photo of the cathedral in Moscow says it all, in regards to just how rattled they are that through Satan, we have exposed them.   Satan has protected me. If he hadn’t, myself along with others who are working very hard, would already be dead. We are working for a higher purpose; for a better world through Satan. We have identified and exposed the problems. As for myself, I will fight to the death and work to expose this vermin in every way possible. I have lived a full life, I am old and have nothing left to lose, and death does not frighten me. As I also stated in another recent sermon, regarding freedom, if you do not fight for this, you will lose it. The enemy works relentlessly to destroy our civil rights and freedoms so that they can enslave us all. Jewish greed knows no bounds. Few Americans here know just how brutal life is and has been in many other countries. The jews are working very hard to change this. In the early 1990’s, after the fall of the USSR, many cutthroat jewish communists emigrated to the USA and have been working for the destruction of our country ever since and this can be blatantly seen in the many open violations of our constitution and how our legal system has been rapidly deteriorating. The USA is the last power on this earth that still has some laws protecting freedom of speech and the press, though these are very insecure and many of us are suppressed and harassed, such as what is now happening in the JoS e-groups. The USA goes and any smaller countries that are somewhat free will also go down and be under the yoke of communist control. Many of you know it is a felony crime to deny or question the jewish holoco$t in many countries...resulting in an automatic prison sentence. Everything the jew is and does, they blame on Gentiles. This creates confusion, and makes for an effective diversion and distraction. The same is with Satan...everything their xian “god” is and does, they heap the blame on Satan and the Powers of Hell. Even though the truth is before them in the “holy bible” and one can see that jewhova was a “murderer and a liar from  the beginning”  one only needs to look through the old testament and also that foul nazarene ordering his followers to commit both theft and murder: Luke 19:27; Luke 6: 1-5; Luke 19: 29-35; and break other commandments: Matthew 10: 34-36.   Xians and others cannot see this, as they have been deluded under a powerful spell.   Satan, himself told me some time ago how horribly Gentiles have suffered under jewish communism. I have written several articles regarding the slave labor situation in Red China. This brutality is what jewish communism is all about. Please read through and download the following PDFs. The first one is very large, but the second pdf [the one exposing the phony holoco$t] can be downloaded and easily distributed through copy & paste, uploading it to your website, distributing it through personal e-mails to people you know who may be interested, and through copying it to disc.   http://gblt.webs.com/SlaveLaborInSovietRussia.pdf   http://666moon.webs.com/THE%20REAL%20HOLOCAUST.pdf   We are obviously doing the enemy plenty of damage, as they would not go to such lengths to attack as they have been. My personal aims are to get the truth out to and to reach as many people as possible. There is strength in numbers. Unless each and every one of us fights for our freedoms, they will all be taken away. As with the first pdf, on the Soviet slave labor, one can see the same identical thing occurring in Red China and in other parts of the world- disposable human beings; systematically broken, worked to death and replaced by more Gentiles. Even a little research blatantly reveals the jews are and have always been behind this and that the bible is nothing more than a blueprint for jewish communism in its teachings and indoctrinations [both the old and new testaments], along with the all important purpose of working powerful spells for the jews to profit tremendously. Satan pulls off the drapes in our minds and wakes us up to the truth so we are aware and can see. The xians and related ignorant masses are under a most powerful spell. That spell must be broken.   High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
