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Jews Know They Are Alien Souls

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Jews Know They Are Alien Souls

Isaac Luria, one of the most important Jewish Rabbi's in history states:

"Israel possesses the three levels of soul nefesh, ruach, neshama – from holiness…The gentiles, however, possess only the level of nefesh from the feminine side of the shells…for the souls of the nations,[my note the Goyim] which come from the klipot [shells], are called evil and not 'good' since they are created without knowledge (daat). The animal soul of man [my note Jews only] is the good and evil inclination. The soul of the gentiles comes from the three shells: wind, cloud, and fire, all of them evil. So is the case with impure animals, beasts, and birds...- Isaac Luria: Etz Chaim on the Souls of Gentiles (c. 1570 CE)

Here the Jewish race is calling Gentiles animals. The Jews claim that Gentiles only have what they call a nefesh, which is what is called the Pranic kosha in Hinduism. The vital body the life force or bio-energy, that animates you and keeps your body alive. Hence when we die its over, the Jews falsely teach that the astral appearance of a ghost is nothing more then an empty shell, the projection of the nefesh, like a hologram, and not a conscious soul. The neshama is the actual soul the Jews teach, that goes to some after life in their heaven with their god and its that which makes a person human. And only Jews have this, hence Jews state they are the only humans.

"Jews Are Called — Man" as Rabbi David Bar Chaim, and all other Rabbi's point out right from the Talmud. Isaac Luria as well, this teaching is the fundamental core of all Jewishness.

The revealing thing is what Luria states is the "good and evil inclination" only Jews have such, this is a metaphor and teaching that the Jewish god states of its own self, in the book of Isaiah. This is simply stating that only the Jewish race is the creation of their personal racial god, YHVH in its image with its soul. Not the Gentiles, we didn't come from the Jewish god. The Jews state only they come from the blood of Yahweh not the Gentiles. You will always hear the Jews referencing "the Jewish soul." Luria is stating the Gentile is not made in the image of the Jewish god. Which is the teaching of the Jews.

What the Jewish occult adepts are stating is that Jews are an alien soul, the Jew does not have the same soul as the Gentile. They consider this obviously to make them superior and such, but that is their own opinions based on them being Jewish. What is YHVH then? The high level occult adepts of the Jewish race state its a collection of reptilian extra terrestrials, this is where their soul comes from and is connected into.

Now remember this the next time you witness all the Jewish leaders of the neo-atheist movements that promote Jewish materialism [materialism being the lack of anything spiritual or to do with the soul, by definition] these are all Jewish people and Jewish made doctrines who literally are teaching you don't have a soul, spirit or any higher consciousness. What do the Jewish run atheist movements and their Jewish doctrines tell the Gentile public? We are just nothing more then animals and when we physically pass on, that's it, no soul or after life for us. While they then go to their synagogues and put on their yarmulke and pray to their god which is the image of themselves and their alien soul, and believe they have a soul, spirit and higher consciousness and are the only human beings, not animals.

The Jewish song of "your all one" is only stating "you're all Goyim, and only we Jews are human."

The teachings of the Jewish neo-atheist movement and Jewish material scientism that of Jewish materialism are nothing more then the strange alien teachings of the Jewish Talmud and Kabbalah. Everything the Jew does is just inject its own alien soul consciousness into our societies and pass it off as some kind of supreme religion, truthful science or supreme philosophy. When their just passing a kosher turd onto the sidewalk. Which is what their modern art is.

Remember when the Jews talk about the "Rights of Man" they are just talking about themselves. Remember the "People Republic's" of the Communist nations the Jews created and run. Jews are the only people in their alien religion. Its the Jewish Republic.

The other deception is the Jews tell us Gentiles that either we came here from their god [to be animals to serve them] or we just sprang into existence as monkey men, animals, same thing we are just Goyim. However in their own occult texts they frequently mention the Gentiles are from the "strange Gods" which means alien to the Jewish race. And that we come from the blood lines of such. They reference we are from the Satanic blood line of such Gods. And are alien to the Jew, totally.

With the Gentile soul, which is superior to the Jewish alien soul, the ghost or spirit on the astral is the actual person and their living being. When a person leaves the physical body the physical part and the pranic kosha are over, but the astral, emotional, mental, bodies of the soul are still together. In time the Atman the aspect that is considered eternal soul consciousness, reincarnates.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
