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Jews In Satanism And Satan

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Sun said:
I don't understand why jews even want to worship these damned things and why most jews haven't tried to come to Satan by now.

Over the years it has been stated that the jews are a pariah and an abomination to Satan, an ultimate enemy, and the same goes to all of our Pagan Gods. After all, while Satan in Sanskrit means Eternal Truth, in Hebrew, it means The Adversary of the jewish people.

In the general, and very typical hatred of jews, and their supremacy against the Goyim, we are pointed the finger by other "Satanic" denominations to drop the Sanskrit meaning, ignore historical truth, and just take the jewish take on this on the platter, as if by force. The jew midget feels at power to dictate. That is obviously inaccurate and false, and burn all history before the jewish lies and ignore it, and somehow, take it that Satan is just some jewish mythological figure.

This is obviously not the case anymore than the Rabbi that claimed that the jew was the first inventor of law and civilization. Historical lying doesn't strike as quite a "Satanic" quality, unless one of course - how stereotypical here - is just a jew seeking to deceive. What do the 10 laws of Moses mean compared to Ancient Greek or Roman Law, or the code of Hamurrabi, or the Egyptian Legal system?

The only way one would accept such lies is either a) One is ignorant to the bone or lacks any form of education b) One is a jew promoting an agenda no different than the historical falsity of the bible, despite evidence. There is truly no middle line here, and in accepting any of these statements.

However, we have to look into something that in particular analyzes jewish psychology deeper than this.

As a parasitic virus seeks a cell to infect in order to promote it's agenda of living, a situation which it has no control over, so do the jews always seek to infiltrate and subvert from the inside whatever is existentially dangerous to them.

Unlike the Aryans or other people who are more upright and declare wars in the "open", the jew is a strange creature in that it always, all of these centuries, operated from the shadows, by subversion, terrorism, and infiltration. This is because by definition a virus is not capable of subverting a powerful system that is ready for war, but only to infiltrate it.

How does this infiltration happen? Feigning interest, and pretending whatever they have to pretend to get in.

Like a literal virus, they also latch onto a cell which is susceptible and open to them (this is why I say, be careful which people you associate yourselves in these forums and I scorn misplaced compassion) which are used as "Friends" and as a "Group" for the infiltration of theirs to begin. Then, they proceed to go into a cell and make their circle of "Friends" or carriers "Bigger", and this is why every cult of jokes and bullshit that has been created around here, was most of the time either run by jews or infested by them. A jew is always at the handle and this cannot be a coincidence, for obvious reasons.

People say that the jews cannot be "Satanists" but that is only a half truth. The jews will definitely try, simulate, and of course pretend to be a Satanist, as they pretend to be Egyptian a very long time ago, pretended to be Greek or Babylonian or Assyrian before this. They obsessively and compulsively tried and tried, until they got in, that is, within the midst of the people themselves.

This has nothing to do with any acceptance from the Gods, but rather, the foolishness or needs of inferior men. To the Gods, they are eternal abominations and eternally unwanted, and this is verified by the war the conscious jews have waged against the wars.

Indeed, looking at jewish history, one sees that they have been emotionally ruined by their strange fate of being a slave race to the reptilians, and trying to beg Satan to accept him (only insofar to backstab him, their parasite nature is incompatible) and being spitefully hateful of Satan for not accepting them.

They may even go as far as to do dedications, or rites, or lurk around for years. On their side of the deal, this behavior is extremely important for hijacking and fooling their hosts into acceptance. Jews are also clever and they can read things and get the 'hang' of a place, for better infiltration purposes, and this is nothing hard to them.

The reality is that Satan and the Gods hate them and do not accept them for very obvious reasons, not only on a genetic and soul bases being the main reasons, but also others, such as that they defamed them and attacked them and their world for thousands of years. But still to this day because the jews are a mere slave race, they imagine and some even want to be "With the Gods", but their alien nature cannot allow this. This is no different than an ant imagining it will one day live among the lions, it simply will not.

This is even in the Torah and the Talmud where the jews are constantly siccing onto the Gentiles, trying to worship the "Golden Calf", and try to be accepted or brought "In" with the Gods. A lot of the Torah is about curses on the jews which concern themselves and try to jump a fence over in trying to be saved from the general fate of the jewish race.

All of Deuteronomy in the bible is filled with curses for them going to the Pagan Gods and practicing "idolatry" for jews. This is because the wise of the jews know that by the way things are run and their reptilian system, their own may try to run away, but they also know that they are owned and controlled on the soul and a level of totality, so there is no really free will. They even know that many of the jews will actually try to go to their enemies - but what they try to ensure is that while they are there they will ruin their enemies.

Of course this also works as reverse psychology for jews to go and seek the "Idols" and infiltrate their enemies. If one pays attention, all of "Paganism" and "Satanism" was jew infested, filled with jewish hybris and Talmudic crap. This is because jews want to rule the religions of non-jews and also fill them with ridicule, turn them useless.

As for if the jews do not have obsession as a criminal does with their victims, with the Gods, rethink that too. The jews are obsessed like criminals with the Gods. They have built a culture of hatred against them in attempts to get their attention, and only due to mere rapist kind of hatred towards their creation, the Gentiles. The have an unending amount of resentment, jealousy, and spitefulness towards the Gods and the things that they create, and a deep resounding jealousy of the Gentiles who are affiliated to them and have a decent existence and life - this is something jews will never by any means possibly have.

Being all of this the case, the jews are also extremely cowardly, and they constantly try to play "In Satan's line" but also out of it at the same time, as if trying to amend for their mistakes, but of course it's all a big feign.

It is not a mystery while they are constantly trying to ruin everything the great people of this earth create, and keep all Gentiles from being creative. That is totally their job.

This is why you have so many "Satanic" and "Pagan" authors writing endless, useless, confusing, and downright pointless shit. Indeed, it's hard to find ugly material that doesn't trace itself in jews or judaism.

What one also has to keep in mind is that Judaism and therefore Islam and Christianity, are nothing more than jewish programs and cultural reactions to the smallness, insignificance, and uselessness this jewish race of alien beings experienced when it was on this earth. What made this earth beautiful and vibrant, because it excommunicated them, they hated, and they hated it deeply.

In an allegiance with other trash humans that felt the same, they conspired and still conspire to this day to destroy everything of value and beauty on this planet, permanently.

A long time ago I requested for the Gods to please explain to me why the jews are such abominations, and the reply was that if they were not, there is no possible way they would espouse all this hatred, unceasingly, and for so long, to carry out their ordained mission. They were created as they are by their very design, and from this there is no escape.

The above is a necessity for hijacking and ridicule of a particular faith or a place, and they may even do this unconsciously without really having a plan laid out. As one spider falls in love with the mate she will later murder, so do jews try to constantly hijack and own the religions of their enemies and lead them to crime, terrorism, lunacy, or basically whatever else will make them detestable and in the end result in their destruction. This includes this place here or any other place - none of it is excluded from this either.

Gentiles who are deluded are far different from jews in that jews have a natural disposition of hatred and seeing the Gods as tools, servitors, filling their religions and worship with profanity, and above all, jewish insanity. Jews constantly make a mockery of the Gods, and that is very natural to them.

The jews themselves in their own 'culture' do all sorts of trash stuff and useless psycho stuff because they are just alien and psycho, and that is projected. For example, some jews will join a "Pagan" place and conduct a crime, and then will run a full Satanic Panic for 20 or more years in the jew owned media. This is in full alignment with their racial mission to subvert, destroy, or ruin the progress of their enemies, and this is why some jews have "Dabbled" with "Satanism" and the "Occult" but always leave behind their eggs of mortality to hatch on the midst of their enemies. The majority of "Pagan" authors who talk about animal sacrifices and related, are jews, and the same thing goes in any ideology that is against the jews.

The jews come from a background of an extremely sick, perverted, and oppressive culture. This makes them revolt and hate their own 'masters', but little do they know that even this revolt is programmed with them going into "Goyim" ideologies, countries, and in the midst of their enemies, to hijack them and hatch their jewish eggs into their midst to ruin them.

Jews follow rules and regulations that turn them morbidly insane, and this insanity they seek to escape from, as it's unbearable for anyone living - then, they have their "freedom party" in lands of Gentiles, wrecking them financially, with amoralism, and with degeneracy, until nothing remains.

The jews have a spiritual concept of this and this is the "exiles". The "exiles" are the jews who are kicked out of the midst of the jews, but remaining in soul, mind and spirit perfectly jewish, try go into the "Full mode of sin" in order to hijack and ruin the midst of their enemies, their culture, their soul, and everything their enemies stand for. This is part of the jewish mode of dualism.

By no mystery it is for example that jews, a race sworn to celibacy and marrying properly at home in Israel, also rules the strange boundless sexual norms, advocating virulently for criminal sexual rights such as pedophilia, and owns virtually all of the porn industry, while at the same time procures cancers in how people unnaturally identify themselves, or ideologies such as the marxist sexual "Revolution".

Judaism here created the perfect conditions of pure insanity into its own "Exiled" children, driving them into Gentile lands, where they exhume their pure cultural insanity, effectively ruining the Gentiles as a result. This is a win-win situation. After they are done exhuming their cancer on other people, they are again reincarnated into Israel to start amending for their so called "Sins" against "God", and they help their tribe from this side of the fence this time.

Reasons like that are why Madonna is essentially a dumb prostitute while her so called "Judaism" is based on the image of a pious, family woman with children. Madonna was a necessity to teach boundless slutdom to the Goyim, as was the creators of feminism, and she served the jews very well in ruining the minds of young women with massive force, creating cultural destabilization. In the end of the day, "Madonna the niddah (unclean in hebrew) whore", served the largest jewish agenda in a very perfect and calculated manner.

The jews in the their torah are basically constantly going and attempting, despite of being ruined, to worship the "Heathen Gods", as this is an absolute necessity to them. It is not a historical secret that the jews have basically hijacked, prior to the creation of christianity, the Pagans in full, and they were around all sorts of people where they kept stealing spiritual knowledge that they were building up, and publicizing their secrets of their enemies, while at the same time creating spiritual weapons and concoctions to rule them. The jews do not have a single thing of their own, all the way from language, to their very...genetics.

Even the genetics of the jews are for a large part, and this does not make them any less jewish, are a mass of genetics from all people of the planet, which Rabbi Laitman calls the "stealing of the form". As he added in order for them to work as 'secret agents' for their own, they had to do this, appear as their enemies, and be entirely different on the inside, and it is not a coincidence or strange on how they always managed to fool a large portion of the population, especially when they live on it's midst hidden and without being clearly 'jewish'.

Behind all the guise and game of forms however, the jews remain inherently jewish, and jewishness cannot be removed nor there is a question of a material, educational, or solely spiritual reason. There is a combination of factors, but for the sake of simplicity, jewishness is first and foremost in the soul.

It is only for others that jews are confusing, not for themselves. This may be hard to understand, but as in how an agent goes into a bank to do a heist, and he knows exactly the reasons he is there for, so is the jew aware on some level of his own mission to do the same. This level may not be conscious, but it is there.

Jewish lore created on jewish psychopathology by using Pagan Gods as symbols of blasphemy for everything existentially evil, another expression of jewish hatred, is not a source of Satanism, nor a viable source of Satan's origins, unless of course, one is a total jew themselves, and believes like so many jews do, that dumb jews are to be listened on everything.

Jewish lore later become "Religion" and replaced the native religions of the Gentiles, who praised these Gods, who were positive and benevolent to us. This reversal of understanding lasts to this day thanks to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. And this is why Satan has the statement of "Three Things Are Against Me, And I Hate Three Things".

Except of jewish insanity and what followed later, and hearsay, we have really no Gentiles who ever wrote anything negative about the Gods. We built and honored them in all things, in love and bonding, and in all works, and in every step in our development.

As for those who are stupid and cannot look past the dialectic of the - of course - Jewish lore about Satan, they remain blind and oblivious to a very obvious fact. Nobody hides this. The Gods don't hide this even in the bible where they smite jews, and jews do not hide it in all their lore and texts where they are instructed to stay away from them at all costs for their safety.

Jews hate Satan and Satan likewise detests them to the fullest, and this is a fundamental reality. Jews are unwelcome in Satanism, this will never change, and they know it too, at least those who are aware of it.

Satanism is by definition a true, ancient, and deep resistance to the counter-culture of the jews, not centered against them, but as the original reclaiming its own ground, against a species that only knows to lie and to revile.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Nice Sermon.

This actually sums up a recent period that happened in my life where a bunch of Jews suddenly appeared and just wanted to be "friends".

During this time I was getting a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses and what needs to be done to advance spiritually. I was also doing a bit of online warfare as well.

These Jews weren't honest at all. They'd tell very few truths if not straight lies. Some even went as far as to having a "romantic and sexual" interest in me that turned out to be very perverted to the point where it's just more gross than gross itself.

For reasons that I'm aware of, they still pop out of nowhere to either be my "friend" or a potential intimate partner. Oddly enough, they always back off from me just as quickly as they came out to "get close to me" :cool:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
. To the Gods, they are eternal abominations and eternally unwanted..

The reality is that Satan and the Gods hate them and do not accept them
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Apologies if this is an ignorant question, but how does one truly know if they aren't a Jew?
I don't feel jewish. None of my family line, looking at my family tree, seems to be jewish. None of my family has ever practiced judaism. I don't look remotely jewish. But at the same time, how does one truly know?
I've been practicing power meditation for over a year now, I've been doing RTRs for that same amount of time. I do the Final RTR multiple times a day. I've dedicated, and I feel as if I've had numerous multiple interactions with the Gods through them manifesting signs in my life and guiding me.
At the same time, I still occasionally have this nagging thought that doesn't leave. And judging by the forums, I'm far from the only one who has the occasional paranoia.
The question is I guess, is what I've done enough proof for me to truly know I am a gentile? I can feel it in my heart, I love the Gods, truly. I don't think I'd feel the urge to have fought through the attacks and continue doing the RTR daily if I was, but it's hard to feel truly rested and sure.
I've been trying to think of a way for good that I can truly feel just, absolutely sure, 110%, that I am what I am. And I figured it'd be best just to ask. Would this much spiritual practice and progress exposed such a thing by now? Can I truly be content in knowing that my daily RTR efforts are proof enough?
Thanks for any response, I've been wanting to totally kill off this attack for good for a while now.
This was beautiful. Thank you for this sermon. I will have to bookmark this
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sun said:
I don't understand why jews even want to worship these damned things and why most jews haven't tried to come to Satan by now.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

We shall root them all out! By Satan we will destroy them all! Fuck what our enemies tell us. Sat An is Truth! No more of this nonsense of Satan as a spook or part of our mind. He is a physical God! These idiots that pandered their shit all these years will get to meet him face to face.

On that day these fools will no longer be laughing.
Zephyrus said:
Apologies if this is an ignorant question, but how does one truly know if they aren't a Jew?
I don't feel jewish. None of my family line, looking at my family tree, seems to be jewish. None of my family has ever practiced judaism. I don't look remotely jewish. But at the same time, how does one truly know?
I've been practicing power meditation for over a year now, I've been doing RTRs for that same amount of time. I do the Final RTR multiple times a day. I've dedicated, and I feel as if I've had numerous multiple interactions with the Gods through them manifesting signs in my life and guiding me.
At the same time, I still occasionally have this nagging thought that doesn't leave. And judging by the forums, I'm far from the only one who has the occasional paranoia.
The question is I guess, is what I've done enough proof for me to truly know I am a gentile? I can feel it in my heart, I love the Gods, truly. I don't think I'd feel the urge to have fought through the attacks and continue doing the RTR daily if I was, but it's hard to feel truly rested and sure.
I've been trying to think of a way for good that I can truly feel just, absolutely sure, 110%, that I am what I am. And I figured it'd be best just to ask. Would this much spiritual practice and progress exposed such a thing by now? Can I truly be content in knowing that my daily RTR efforts are proof enough?
Thanks for any response, I've been wanting to totally kill off this attack for good for a while now.

Come on dude, you already know your answer. Just move ahead with everything, stop being paranoid.
Zephyrus said:
Apologies if this is an ignorant question, but how does one truly know if they aren't a Jew?
I don't feel jewish. None of my family line, looking at my family tree, seems to be jewish. None of my family has ever practiced judaism. I don't look remotely jewish. But at the same time, how does one truly know?
I've been practicing power meditation for over a year now, I've been doing RTRs for that same amount of time. I do the Final RTR multiple times a day. I've dedicated, and I feel as if I've had numerous multiple interactions with the Gods through them manifesting signs in my life and guiding me.
At the same time, I still occasionally have this nagging thought that doesn't leave. And judging by the forums, I'm far from the only one who has the occasional paranoia.
The question is I guess, is what I've done enough proof for me to truly know I am a gentile? I can feel it in my heart, I love the Gods, truly. I don't think I'd feel the urge to have fought through the attacks and continue doing the RTR daily if I was, but it's hard to feel truly rested and sure.
I've been trying to think of a way for good that I can truly feel just, absolutely sure, 110%, that I am what I am. And I figured it'd be best just to ask. Would this much spiritual practice and progress exposed such a thing by now? Can I truly be content in knowing that my daily RTR efforts are proof enough?
Thanks for any response, I've been wanting to totally kill off this attack for good for a while now.

Don't worry about this kind of thing, its just an attack to make you think you might be jewish. So many members have posted about this kind of thing and its one of the most common enemy attacks against us and especially against people who are new.
A long time ago when I first came to JoS I had this attack happen to me and it stressed me out and paranoid the fuck out of me. I eventually found out who my guardian demon was, and it made me happy and with help from other members I finally got rid of that paranoid feeling.
For the majority of us here who are dedicated and are advancing spiritually, we were not led to JoS by mistake. The gods guide Satanic souls here to learn the truth about Satan and to advance ourselves. If your doing RTRs and the meditations and are dedicated, theres nothing to worry about. If a jew would try the same thing, it would probably die or suffer horribly. The meditations and things that we do are obviously satanic and tie into satanic energies. A jew couldn't do these things because its soul wouldn't allow it to.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Zephyrus said:
Apologies if this is an ignorant question, but how does one truly know if they aren't a Jew?
I don't feel jewish. None of my family line, looking at my family tree, seems to be jewish. None of my family has ever practiced judaism. I don't look remotely jewish. But at the same time, how does one truly know?
I've been practicing power meditation for over a year now, I've been doing RTRs for that same amount of time. I do the Final RTR multiple times a day. I've dedicated, and I feel as if I've had numerous multiple interactions with the Gods through them manifesting signs in my life and guiding me.
At the same time, I still occasionally have this nagging thought that doesn't leave. And judging by the forums, I'm far from the only one who has the occasional paranoia.
The question is I guess, is what I've done enough proof for me to truly know I am a gentile? I can feel it in my heart, I love the Gods, truly. I don't think I'd feel the urge to have fought through the attacks and continue doing the RTR daily if I was, but it's hard to feel truly rested and sure.
I've been trying to think of a way for good that I can truly feel just, absolutely sure, 110%, that I am what I am. And I figured it'd be best just to ask. Would this much spiritual practice and progress exposed such a thing by now? Can I truly be content in knowing that my daily RTR efforts are proof enough?
Thanks for any response, I've been wanting to totally kill off this attack for good for a while now.

Come on dude, you already know your answer. Just move ahead with everything, stop being paranoid.

Even if, on the Georgia Guidestones they (NWO leader) have written they want to MAINTAIN HUMANITY UNDER 500.000.000 people.
Someone said there are 3.500.000 jews worldwide. In there talmud they also stated there goal is every jew get 2.800 slaves.

500.000.000 people / 2.801 slaves+owner jew = 178.507 jews. 3.500.000 - 178.507 = 3.321.493 dead jews. (maybe some jews don´t count as jews and get enslaved as like the gentiles 24/7 slaving). 3.321.493/3.500.000 = 94% of all jews on earth will not benefit from thear leaders action.

I don´t know what the gods will do with them, but I think they will be way better then thear reptilien creators.

Corncerning the 94% could a jew destroy the hebrew alphabet with the Final RTR or do they make the letters stronger(even if done right) ? (if the question could create havok / people stop doing final rtr, because of you are jew attack please delete the question)
I guess its best to let them rot in Israel while we advance and become gods. Obviously when the gods come back, most of them are going to try to side with Satan, and they'll be denied because of all the shit they put us through and all the bullshit lies they told about Satan and the Gods.
Personally, I hope they all die horribly because of the horrible things they have done and the bullshit that I see everyday about these money hoarding lizards that are destroying the lives of gentiles with poverty and Xianity.
I have lived a life in poverty and because of that, it kind of woke me a bit before I even came to Satanism. Its hard to explain.
Its hard to deprogram your soul from poverty and the subconscious mind from poverty, and its hard to make money because its something that everybody wants and everyone is constantly thinking about making money, and it causes this kind of huge astral struggle where everyone's psychic energy is fighting over bringing them money.

Every now and then i'll sit down and try to focus on my soul and clean the poverty out of it and think of myself being rich and happy. The sun square that's coming up in a few weeks will be when I really focus on starting a career and making money and being successful.
I keep seeing these jewish billionaires and these jewish celebrities and all those type of fuckers with more money that they will ever spend in their lives, while I have to sit here with almost nothing and nothing of luxury or happiness.
So yeah, let them rot and suffer and lose everything. Its payback for all the bullshit they have caused to us.
I hope Sun has found the answer they were looking for in your sermon, HP.

Knowledge truly is powerful. Before I came here I was ignorant in believing that maybe people of partial jew descent were different from full blood jews. I also had no idea that everything that was wrong with them and not being compatible with Satanism was on a soul level. The kike I thought was my friend had never even alluded to that fact. But in the end it didn’t matter. Whether he was ignorant to that himself or not, do you think he would’ve wanted me to know about any of it? Absolutely not. If I had let him stick around any longer my life would’ve totally been ruined. I didn’t come out of it unscathed though; I still have some cleaning up to do because of the mess I so stupidly allowed him to make.

But now, I’ve learned so much more about Satanism after I removed him from my life. Best decision anyone could’ve ever made.

Now last I heard about the kike (because he’s tried contacting me and my family some time ago) is that he wants to “make things right” if we just talk to him. He no longer has hosts to feed off of, that’s why he wants to be a part of our lives again. Sounds exactly like all those times ancient jews were banned from everywhere they went and kept trying to sneak back in after a certain period of time. Lol but that’s not happening.

This goal of theirs to infiltrate and destroy couldn’t be any more true. So to fellow member Sun, always remember that. It could be these kikes calling themselves Satanists, or going from country to country to marry us Gentiles and mate with us, or pretending to be sincere and have everyone’s best interests at heart, it’s all lies to get our guard down. That’s exactly what that kike wanted too. Even he knew in Satanism that we don’t race mix, yet he thought he was exempt because he believed he had such powerful genes, that he was already a god, that he could afford to go from country to country and have babies to populate the earth. I’ve learned that’s what they do. It’s disgusting.

Jews are not like us, they will never be. Some could even claim to hate other jews and want to be on our side, claim they love Satan and the other gods. They can say these things all they want to. Just remember don’t ever fall for it. If we keep up the RTRs, the sooner we can permanently rid ourselves of these parasites.
Fuchs said:

Jews who do the RTR are just jews who do the RTR. Ironically, yes, it acts to destroy it even if they do it. But the assumption that many jews would even be interested to do that is just erroneous.

You cannot empower anything while you do something that kills it. The reversal of something is like holding the breath until something is dead, and sucking off the life out of it, it's a process of reversing it's creation and killing it.

Defamation of this is part of this fear the jews have, and this is why some jews have went into rants about the RTR before as it's merely harmful for them as a whole. The amount of shitposting I have seen from jews who obviously don't even bother to do such is insane, and this includes infiltrators. They really hate this for obvious reasons.

Normally, if one cowers and is not invested in this, they would at least shut up and if a Gentile contemplates one will see that not doing anything against the enemy on a daily basis to inform or spiritually fight, is a very bad and stupid thing to do for all of the world at this point. Infiltrator jews however need to stop these advances and constantly poison them with doubt, lest the goyim prevail against them or take a stand.

A couple well known infiltrators and jews are so bitter over this because the "Goyim" are for once fighting them back with the same weaponry they have ruined humanity for centuries, ie, spiritual resistance. Tantrums never seen before.

When it was all just sit and complain about the "Evil Jew", nobody had a problem, but now that the "Goyim" are starting to act more like Gentiles and take the situation head on with spiritual influence, as the enemy has done for centuries, Oy VEY, the jews flip out so heavily.
"Jews in Satanism"

........they don't exist.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:

Even if the jews would ''practice'' satanism it always find a method to corrupt it.
Like in the forum of my country there was someone who was very ''dedicated'' and made even a site promoting JOS but in private he shown his true face promoting drugs to begginers who dont know too much and into a facebook chat he said that he is drinking blood and is nothing wrong with it.
NightKiss666 said:
Nice Sermon.

This actually sums up a recent period that happened in my life where a bunch of Jews suddenly appeared and just wanted to be "friends".

During this time I was getting a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses and what needs to be done to advance spiritually. I was also doing a bit of online warfare as well.

These Jews weren't honest at all. They'd tell very few truths if not straight lies. Some even went as far as to having a "romantic and sexual" interest in me that turned out to be very perverted to the point where it's just more gross than gross itself.

For reasons that I'm aware of, they still pop out of nowhere to either be my "friend" or a potential intimate partner. Oddly enough, they always back off from me just as quickly as they came out to "get close to me" :cool:
Try to the the final rtr to the est,this happend to me once too .Or they just want you dead for your blood. They are stupid shoot with 0 blood cells and inable to produce it,that's the reason why they are living in the desert and the reason why they are scared of Satan.They are parasites on every domain ,food,air,blood,everything.The only reason they still living is that they married to other womans or married to other men and their undecorver cousins parasites gets actually money for them. If you cut a Satanist leg or a man in general it will probably survive,but if you cut a jew he is dead =)) . Excepting the case they are undercover parasites in Russia cause there is cold as shit .But they are trained to be parasites from years,so it won't change to much if he or she marry to a gentle.That's the reason the communism starts and other shits against "his own human nation" . The jews must live in exile,to antartica, lol .
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
but now that the "Goyim" are starting to act more like Gentiles and take the situation head on with spiritual influence, as the enemy has done for centuries, Oy VEY, the jews flip out so heavily.
These breakdowns of them filthy jewses must be a pleasing read, a sign of us hitting where it hurts.

/intense RTR handrubbing and evil laughter/
Sun said:
I guess its best to let them rot in Israel while we advance and become gods. Obviously when the gods come back, most of them are going to try to side with Satan, and they'll be denied because of all the shit they put us through and all the bullshit lies they told about Satan and the Gods.
Personally, I hope they all die horribly because of the horrible things they have done and the bullshit that I see everyday about these money hoarding lizards that are destroying the lives of gentiles with poverty and Xianity.
I have lived a life in poverty and because of that, it kind of woke me a bit before I even came to Satanism. Its hard to explain.
Its hard to deprogram your soul from poverty and the subconscious mind from poverty, and its hard to make money because its something that everybody wants and everyone is constantly thinking about making money, and it causes this kind of huge astral struggle where everyone's psychic energy is fighting over bringing them money.

Every now and then i'll sit down and try to focus on my soul and clean the poverty out of it and think of myself being rich and happy. The sun square that's coming up in a few weeks will be when I really focus on starting a career and making money and being successful.
I keep seeing these jewish billionaires and these jewish celebrities and all those type of fuckers with more money that they will ever spend in their lives, while I have to sit here with almost nothing and nothing of luxury or happiness.
So yeah, let them rot and suffer and lose everything. Its payback for all the bullshit they have caused to us.

I do not believe Gods will go easy on jews.

If I know one thing is that from reading about God’s actions in the past, when one deserved the judgment for their action, Gods were always sure that they get it. No one ever got mercy if one was undeserving of it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:

Jews who do the RTR are just jews who do the RTR. Ironically, yes, it acts to destroy it even if they do it. But the assumption that many jews would even be interested to do that is just erroneous.

You cannot empower anything while you do something that kills it. The reversal of something is like holding the breath until something is dead, and sucking off the life out of it, it's a process of reversing it's creation and killing it.

Defamation of this is part of this fear the jews have, and this is why some jews have went into rants about the RTR before as it's merely harmful for them as a whole. The amount of shitposting I have seen from jews who obviously don't even bother to do such is insane, and this includes infiltrators. They really hate this for obvious reasons.

Normally, if one cowers and is not invested in this, they would at least shut up and if a Gentile contemplates one will see that not doing anything against the enemy on a daily basis to inform or spiritually fight, is a very bad and stupid thing to do for all of the world at this point. Infiltrator jews however need to stop these advances and constantly poison them with doubt, lest the goyim prevail against them or take a stand.

A couple well known infiltrators and jews are so bitter over this because the "Goyim" are for once fighting them back with the same weaponry they have ruined humanity for centuries, ie, spiritual resistance. Tantrums never seen before.

When it was all just sit and complain about the "Evil Jew", nobody had a problem, but now that the "Goyim" are starting to act more like Gentiles and take the situation head on with spiritual influence, as the enemy has done for centuries, Oy VEY, the jews flip out so heavily.

Much thanks for your reply HP.Hoodedcobra666, I agree on everything you said, I didn´t intent to imply the 94% probably doomed jews would join us. I stated it to kill once and for all the you are jew attack. Which should now be gone. Because even if someone would be a jew he could do the final rtr. A person who does not know he is jewish from birth, is much likely one of the 94% which will perish/get enslaved if the reptilians win. And even if the total reversion of the jewish alphabet would kill all jews they had at least spit with this action in the face of thear evil creators (not sure about your sentence here:"You cannot empower anything while you do something that kills it. The reversal of something is like holding the breath until something is dead, and sucking off the life out of it, it's a process of reversing it's creation and killing it. ")

In a other post you or HP.Magesan666 did state if the jewish letters did loose all thear power / jew-god-form vanishes, the average jew would loose the abylity to do anything, which implys they don´t die all if we succeed. Can´t find the post sry.)


at some point I would like to cover the "Satanism" that the Hollywood and the jew "Elite" crowd engages in...which is basically the methodical torture of our Gentile children using our own symbolism ( I call it ritual Blasphemy ). I keep running across it with the Jeffrey Epstein crowd and it makes me sick to my stomach to realize what they are doing.
Weassel said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:

Even if the jews would ''practice'' satanism it always find a method to corrupt it.
Like in the forum of my country there was someone who was very ''dedicated'' and made even a site promoting JOS but in private he shown his true face promoting drugs to begginers who dont know too much and into a facebook chat he said that he is drinking blood and is nothing wrong with it.

This is why people are advised to just not waste their time around these dens. They are just ghouls.

People do it anyway in false ideas of things like "friendship" and then these jews specialize in ruining them. Endless time lost, and dangerous.

Jews cannot practice Satanism properly by any means of imagination.

We do not talk about doing and falling on mostakes which is perfectly normal. We are talking about ruining things.
atmos said:
I infiltrate the infiltrators. hail satan

Look at Levi (he said it) aka Occultpadiem or something here for example. He has just been pushed out a hundred times and here he goes again repeating and repeating.

Does he know? Of course. Does he care? Of course not. Goyim places are idiots he thinks and for the infiltrating. He also said something to the effect of sending money to just stay in and not be banned.

Then people say that the jews doing that stuff and acting like ticks is just a stereotype or something.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
atmos said:
I infiltrate the infiltrators. hail satan

Look at Levi (he said it) aka Occultpadiem or something here for example. He has just been pushed out a hundred times and here he goes again repeating and repeating.

Does he know? Of course. Does he care? Of course not. Goyim places are idiots he thinks and for the infiltrating. He also said something to the effect of sending money to just stay in and not be banned.

Then people say that the jews doing that stuff and acting like ticks is just a stereotype or something.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
atmos said:
I infiltrate the infiltrators. hail satan

Look at Levi (he said it) aka Occultpadiem or something here for example. He has just been pushed out a hundred times and here he goes again repeating and repeating.

Does he know? Of course. Does he care? Of course not. Goyim places are idiots he thinks and for the infiltrating. He also said something to the effect of sending money to just stay in and not be banned.

Then people say that the jews doing that stuff and acting like ticks is just a stereotype or something.

I remember that shitstain, that thread was as hilarious as it was disturbing. Same kind of disturbed you feel when a clearly mentally ill person is trying to tell you some gibberish they think is important.

I've seen posts here and there where Satanists new and advanced alike are noticing just how openly batshit Jews are becoming. Often it can be seen here, when one makes an account to ask if mahogany coffee tables are effective at opening chakras when ingested, but then there's Merkel publicly having herself a fit, actors like Gyllenhaal going on nonsensical, blithering tirades...s'beautiful. That quote of Amdusias' regarding their increasingly blatant manifestation proves itself each passing day.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
