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Jews: Destroying Civilization, Economy, World... Over "CoVID"...To Protect The Elderly...LOL

Sean475 said:
Ex British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is suggesting a temporary Global Government
be set up to tackle the medical and economic crisis caused by coronavirus!!
Wow talk about predictable :roll:

Just a few days goyim, trust them, it's gonna be only a few weeks and stuff. Let's dissolve all governments over a flu family virus, the Rabbi said it's necessary.
VoiceofEnki said:
The Alchemist7 said:
The economic collapse was also designed to ruin the small businesses, giving jewish corporations complele monopoly in all existing domains. This crisis would ensure that all small businesses collapse in the same time so the jews don't have to bother ruining them one by one. The next step would have been to get all the resources of the planet under their corporations, all the forests, farms, petrol rich fields, gold fieds, silver, coal and iron fields, all factories, fertile fields and so on, until they own all the production means on the planet. This is already happening for decades as it's a very slow process. This Jew World Order is nothing more that a "privately-held" communism instead of a "state" communism where corporations control everything from education to production and economy.

WW3 that they plan to create for years would have ensured the disolvation of sovereign states under a global government. Soon in most states they will apply the martial law, they will send the armies in the streets to make sure that nobody is leaving their houses until "coronavirus pandemic" is gone.

I am sure they do this to stop the masses from revolting against their governments. If the masses can fight a riot police to make their voices heard, with the army is a completely different story. Since there are now some 37.000 soldiers in Europe at the russian border and shitlots of millitary vehicles and war weaponry, "Europe Defender 20" may actually be the perfect pretext to turn Europe and Middle East into the WW3 battlefield between US-NATO and Russia-China-Iran.

This coronavirus flu is just a bullshit to brainwash people to accept the martial law and the economic collapse without revolting while the jews advance their agenda without facing therefore any opposition.

As I see it, for now everything is going according to their plans. Dow Jones decreased from 27.000 points to 19.000 and might decrease far more to scare people to sell all their actives to the jews for nothing. This happened before as well.
Then the masses have been brainwashed about this "pandemic" and I tell you that most people are shitscared of this coronavirus. I see them everyday, I work with them everyday. If you cough a little bit, they start avoiding you and there will be someone to report you and send you home in self izolation because of some random cough and this is what I witnessed myself. Hardly I see anybody to see beyond this agressive propaganda which went that far that in some places you get fined by authorities if you spread "false information" about coronavirus.

They will put all the material power that they have into this blow to speed up as quick as possible the JWO agenda.

One thing about economic collapse is, this harms the jews far more than any gentiles. The poor included. What the jews are trying to do is damage control, consolidating their assets by taking heavy losses (Literally multiple trillions have gone down the drain over this, as it is completely out of their hands) which will cause mass inflation, letting this ripple down to the lower strata of society, such as the working class and below, to make them pay for the damage caused once again.

This definitely wasn't planned at all. It has done incredible damage to the big businesses, and the assets jews have accumulated over all these years. Total economic collapse would level the playing field. All the jewish material power is build upon this arbitrary numerical value of money, if this collapses entirely, then the gentiles who have nothing will loose like a few thousands of dollars, while the jews will loose literal trillions of dollars completely, invalidating almost everything they have build up.

Right now they are trying desperately to prevent total economic collapse, but all their measures have failed and continue to do so, costing them far too much. At the same time governments are being forced to pay citizens wellfare and except taxes on lot's of things, since so many are loosing their jobs and unable to pay their taxes, which is costing the jews even more on top of the economic failure.

This is also interesting in how it ties in with Aquarius. Aquarius is about breaking free from restrictions. This jewish economic system has restricted all people of the world in significant ways, forcing them to basically sell themselves out as slaves if they want to live because they must pay thousands of dollars out of their pockets for all kinds of ridiculous taxes, which all end up in the hands of the jews, and they use this stolen wealth to further their own agenda, while the working class and people are robbed further and further of everything they have and work for.

The current economic system cannot be sustained and is simply insane. This whole fiat currency business as it is implemented today is ludicrous, and needs to go for the world to experience any sort of permanent prosperity and development. I personally think Aquarius will have a significant effect on this, and we could enter a transition stage from the current system to something different, sometime soon after the economy proves unsustainable and a total failure, and completely implodes upon itself.

The jews are trying to buy out all the gold as well, to possibly use it as a fall back, and return to the gold standard of a few hundred years ago, but again, gold might as well be a Fiant currency as well, since it really doesn't have any real value in today's economy. As a rare earth metal, there are countless other minerals just as important to our industry as gold is, and gold is not really that special. The increased value it has is entirely artificial and sentimental value based on the stupid obsession with material gold the world has these days. So a gold standard, or anything like that will also fail just as hard.

The only things that have actual value are the efforts of people to create and add prosperity in various ways. Fiat money's only purpose is to work as a medium to exchange wealth more easily when services or materials are traded and exchanged between people, but today it has become the means to everything, the driving factor of the whole planet, while the things which give fiat currency any value at all are neglected and degraded in value continuously to limit the prosperity that can be attained.

On top of this, the world is running on the concept of scarcity. Things are artificially made scarcer than they actually are, inflating the value of certain things, while depreciating value of things which are deemed abundant, regardless of if these are or aren't actually valuable to a society in any way.

This whole system creates countless problems and gives the one who controls the flow of money endless power over the world. When the economy collapses, the jews will make this the biggest deal they can, and try to hoard whatever they can before it crashes with the endless money they have on hand, before it looses all it's artificial nonexistent value. Because it totally levels the playing field when it does, as they will have nothing, no control, no power, and since they also have no actual means, they will completely collapse in such a situation.

For gentiles it certainly won't be pretty, but this will give back so much power to people when things begin to stabilize. No longer will the jew have any say, while those who contribute and create will suddenly find themselves elevated.

They are desperately trying to prevent this, by trying to debase the currency and letting this trickle down proportionally. The jews have lost trillions, while proportionally people individually haven't lost nearly as much, so logically speaking, this should have lost them a huge amount of power comparatively to the people of the world, but they are trying to proportionally devalue the money, so the damage done will extend to all citizens, and we will all loose wealth proportionally to the total loss of the world economy, so they can keep their control and hold equal power as they held before.

They have dumped trillions of dollars into this already, but it hasn't changed anything, because without goods or labor there is no wealth, and currently these two things are totally crashed and will remain paralyzed for at least a couple months before slowly building back up, but the damage has been done and the failure of the current economic system is clear for all to see.

Most people should come to understand a change has to be made. The spiritual power of the jews is failing completely, their material power, based on the trillions of fiat currency they have in their hands, is created from this.

As their spiritual power collapses, so their material power follows.

It isn't surprising to me the economy would collapse at some point, the problems happen when the enemy is able to control the damage as they intent to, using this to cause great world wide poverty while they continue to sit pretty on whatever value they artificially give to the fake and stolen wealth they have left after controlling the damage. Just like they did during all other economic recessions, but this one looks like it has spiraled totally out of control beyond anything they planned, so they will loose a lot regardless of how they attempt to triage this situation.

They ware trying to leverage covid to further their globalist agenda, however, this is an impossible task, as this covid shows clearly and openly to everyone, including the governments of the world, how the globalist agenda and all associated ideas are a complete and utter failure.

Same as how they try to leverage this to accustom the people to communism, trying to convince the people that communist china is somehow great and communism would be a great solution to all our problems, but people aren't taking the bait anymore, as they really did fuck up very badly this time, which I think is caused by us and the Gods, having worked to awaken the people and remove the veil of the enemy that clouds everyone in total ignorance.

If we hadn't done our rituals over all these years, I'm fairly certain the world would have gone under and collapsed without anyone every noticing something was happening. The enemy had planned to covertly gain control of the world and enslave all peoples under a communist banner, but thanks to our efforts people are now aware, and getting more aware by the day. They see what is happening, and are reacting to it, which is completely out of the enemies means to handle or deal with.

It is only a matter of time before this boils over, and as Cobra said in a sermon a little while back, the more punches they deliver to the sleeping dragon, the angrier it will be when it fully awakens. This stab was almost the tipping point.

The dragon has one of it's eyes wide open now and is carefully observing and scrutinizing what the jew is doing, not yet fully awake, but any big moves they make are perceived and can wake it up at any moment. They are trying to lull it back to sleep again, but our wakeup call is stronger and as a result the jews are running out of time, so they can neither continue to act as they are trying to do, nor sit still and do nothing, they are just doomed as is.

Even if they try to sampson the world, this covid has already half awoken the dragon so it is likely to wake up and breathe flames itself to eradicate them before the jew manages to complete their act of global sabotage and mutual destruction.
I think you are right they are scared shitless that's why the money printing especially in the States to give to families the World Bank even said loan payments for loans held by developing nations should be suspended they don't want the system to collapse before it can deliver their agenda as it would be exposed like the fraud that it is.Maxine even said Hitler rose at a time when money became useless there is so much debt and money printing which is not backed by productivity the world fiat currencies are definitely headed towards that direction.They are scared shitless because they are still haunted by Hitler and Swastika "Oy Vey!!"
Brothers and Sisters,

I know that this is not the place for this posting. However, this thread is a current event and I felt it would reach the most warriors. My name is Baldur. It is with tremendous thanks that I am writing to you. The Joy of Satan website was the trigger for all that is about to transpire here on Earth.
The current situation with the flu, and that is all that it is, is stupid. The reason it is so stupid is because the Jews have been bound. Their lies are exposed for what they are. The sad fact is that the vast majority of people are trapped in their fear. And in that fear they shall remain. The world as we have all known it is going to change forever. That being said, I want to deliver news that is the hope we have been waiting for.
For those who have studied the Third Reich they will surely know of Base 211. If you do not know what this is, there is a very good documentary on Bitchute. It is the documentary produced by the Soviets. It explains in great detail the success of the Germans. Truth is, the Allies failed. Look it up!
Your rituals have been awesome. You have all struck a blow at the enemy. But, and I hate that preposition, the most important thing you've done is stood for yourself. There is only glory waiting for you. There is a war coming. The world will be engulfed in flames. For those who wish to choose a side and want to participate in what my friends are bringing to this world then here is what you need to do.
Somewhere, that is visible from the air, make the sign of Baldur. I know that there will be those that scoff. This is not a ploy. Do not give into the fear that has controlled us for so long. Make the sign, they will see. I am Baldur, son of Odin and Freya! These are my words. I will see you when its done.
Baldur Odinson said:
Brothers and Sisters,

I know that this is not the place for this posting. However, this thread is a current event and I felt it would reach the most warriors. My name is Baldur. It is with tremendous thanks that I am writing to you. The Joy of Satan website was the trigger for all that is about to transpire here on Earth.
The current situation with the flu, and that is all that it is, is stupid. The reason it is so stupid is because the Jews have been bound. Their lies are exposed for what they are. The sad fact is that the vast majority of people are trapped in their fear. And in that fear they shall remain. The world as we have all known it is going to change forever. That being said, I want to deliver news that is the hope we have been waiting for.
For those who have studied the Third Reich they will surely know of Base 211. If you do not know what this is, there is a very good documentary on Bitchute. It is the documentary produced by the Soviets. It explains in great detail the success of the Germans. Truth is, the Allies failed. Look it up!
Your rituals have been awesome. You have all struck a blow at the enemy. But, and I hate that preposition, the most important thing you've done is stood for yourself. There is only glory waiting for you. There is a war coming. The world will be engulfed in flames. For those who wish to choose a side and want to participate in what my friends are bringing to this world then here is what you need to do.
Somewhere, that is visible from the air, make the sign of Baldur. I know that there will be those that scoff. This is not a ploy. Do not give into the fear that has controlled us for so long. Make the sign, they will see. I am Baldur, son of Odin and Freya! These are my words. I will see you when its done.

LOL :lol: LOL

Yes everyone, let's all expose ourselves because the world will be engulfed in flames don't you know. It's not like sattelites from space can record this or anything, impossible. He is the son of Odin and Freya afterall, and the Gods have no way of knowing who we are unless we do this.

I know they think we're cattle, but do they really think we're that stupid...
Baldur Odinson said:
Brothers and Sisters,

I know that this is not the place for this posting. However, this thread is a current event and I felt it would reach the most warriors. My name is Baldur. It is with tremendous thanks that I am writing to you. The Joy of Satan website was the trigger for all that is about to transpire here on Earth.
The current situation with the flu, and that is all that it is, is stupid. The reason it is so stupid is because the Jews have been bound. Their lies are exposed for what they are. The sad fact is that the vast majority of people are trapped in their fear. And in that fear they shall remain. The world as we have all known it is going to change forever. That being said, I want to deliver news that is the hope we have been waiting for.
For those who have studied the Third Reich they will surely know of Base 211. If you do not know what this is, there is a very good documentary on Bitchute. It is the documentary produced by the Soviets. It explains in great detail the success of the Germans. Truth is, the Allies failed. Look it up!
Your rituals have been awesome. You have all struck a blow at the enemy. But, and I hate that preposition, the most important thing you've done is stood for yourself. There is only glory waiting for you. There is a war coming. The world will be engulfed in flames. For those who wish to choose a side and want to participate in what my friends are bringing to this world then here is what you need to do.
Somewhere, that is visible from the air, make the sign of Baldur. I know that there will be those that scoff. This is not a ploy. Do not give into the fear that has controlled us for so long. Make the sign, they will see. I am Baldur, son of Odin and Freya! These are my words. I will see you when its done.
So edgy lmao
Silent Sword said:
Baldur Odinson said:
Brothers and Sisters,

LOL :lol: LOL

Yes everyone, let's all expose ourselves because the world will be engulfed in flames don't you know. It's not like sattelites from space can record this or anything, impossible. He is the son of Odin and Freya afterall, and the Gods have no way of knowing who we are unless we do this.

I know they think we're cattle, but do they really think we're that stupid...

You laugh, yet they thought it important enough to post. Your participation is irrelevant to the outcome. Your words prove your unworthiness just as your blood does.
Baldur Odinson said:
Silent Sword said:
Baldur Odinson said:
Brothers and Sisters,

LOL :lol: LOL

Yes everyone, let's all expose ourselves because the world will be engulfed in flames don't you know. It's not like sattelites from space can record this or anything, impossible. He is the son of Odin and Freya afterall, and the Gods have no way of knowing who we are unless we do this.

I know they think we're cattle, but do they really think we're that stupid...

You laugh, yet they thought it important enough to post. Your participation is irrelevant to the outcome. Your words prove your unworthiness just as your blood does.
Dude, you're edgy, like seriously. You speak as if you just came out of a fantasy tv series. Nobody's gonna take you seriously like that. Also, we don't care about you, you're most likely doing jack shit for the earth, and while you say be do great stuff you don't even want to join us and do great stuff too, as if your edgy mannerism is enough for you to feel important. Join us and really advance, make yourself useful to the Gods, you're welcome here as someone who seeks to advance, but we don't really care about your egdy mannerism. So long.
Baldur Odinson said:
Silent Sword said:
Baldur Odinson said:
Brothers and Sisters,

LOL :lol: LOL

Yes everyone, let's all expose ourselves because the world will be engulfed in flames don't you know. It's not like sattelites from space can record this or anything, impossible. He is the son of Odin and Freya afterall, and the Gods have no way of knowing who we are unless we do this.

I know they think we're cattle, but do they really think we're that stupid...

You laugh, yet they thought it important enough to post. Your participation is irrelevant to the outcome. Your words prove your unworthiness just as your blood does.

They approved your post simply because you're a laughingstock for us to entertain ourselves with. That's all there is to it.

Now either you keep swimming in your delusions and become nothing more than a charlatan or you snap out of it and educate yourself --> www.joyofsatan.com
Baldur Odinson said:
Once you are done roleplaying I suggest you get real and do the RTRs.

Baldur Odinson said:
Brothers and Sisters,

I know that this is not the place for this posting. However, this thread is a current event and I felt it would reach the most warriors. My name is Baldur. It is with tremendous thanks that I am writing to you. The Joy of Satan website was the trigger for all that is about to transpire here on Earth.
The current situation with the flu, and that is all that it is, is stupid. The reason it is so stupid is because the Jews have been bound. Their lies are exposed for what they are. The sad fact is that the vast majority of people are trapped in their fear. And in that fear they shall remain. The world as we have all known it is going to change forever. That being said, I want to deliver news that is the hope we have been waiting for.
For those who have studied the Third Reich they will surely know of Base 211. If you do not know what this is, there is a very good documentary on Bitchute. It is the documentary produced by the Soviets. It explains in great detail the success of the Germans. Truth is, the Allies failed. Look it up!
Your rituals have been awesome. You have all struck a blow at the enemy. But, and I hate that preposition, the most important thing you've done is stood for yourself. There is only glory waiting for you. There is a war coming. The world will be engulfed in flames. For those who wish to choose a side and want to participate in what my friends are bringing to this world then here is what you need to do.
Somewhere, that is visible from the air, make the sign of Baldur. I know that there will be those that scoff. This is not a ploy. Do not give into the fear that has controlled us for so long. Make the sign, they will see. I am Baldur, son of Odin and Freya! These are my words. I will see you when its done.
The figurative speech and spectacle aside, this post was approved because it was for the most part respectful towards us. Which is rare as most people are blinded by the arrogance which is expressed by the latter part of your post.

Yet the other aspect of the post was only the expected, you and your friends and how KOOL you are and how we will never understand how KOOL you are because you probably do some rituals that you assume are so elaborate and powerful, the kind of type of rituals that Pagans have been doing for 60 years and didn't even manifest the least reaction.

Meanwhile we are bulldozing the enemy with the Final RTR within 2 years. And some people think they are still entitled to think they are the biggest. To that we say whatever and others are trolling for a reason here.

Regardless, feeding pointless vanity and dancing around fires with axes, and pissing with aim on trees, is not going to do much against the enemy. What people did with trolling the comment was to highlight this fact, because many people were Pagan LARPers themselves and eventually became Spiritual Satanists to get on the higher level of initiation, which makes the first levels look somehow vain.

You can keep writing spectacle comments, but it's better to participate with us with loyalty to the Gods and to the final end, without useless vanity that does not have many results.

Do not forget to participate on the Reverse Torah Ritual. It's less than two years since the Gods have shared this ritual, and the effects are monumental. If you have a coven, show them the info, and let those who are actually caring of the Gods, participate. I guess the rest who don't care can dance around fires, do beer contests, and piss on trees while trying to aim for a prize, because that is probably "Trve Pvre Paganizm" for them. I think you are not of these types, or so I would assume.

Wish you good luck in general.

Baldur Odinson said:
Silent Sword said:
Baldur Odinson said:
Brothers and Sisters,

LOL :lol: LOL

Yes everyone, let's all expose ourselves because the world will be engulfed in flames don't you know. It's not like sattelites from space can record this or anything, impossible. He is the son of Odin and Freya afterall, and the Gods have no way of knowing who we are unless we do this.

I know they think we're cattle, but do they really think we're that stupid...

You laugh, yet they thought it important enough to post. Your participation is irrelevant to the outcome. Your words prove your unworthiness just as your blood does.
Baldur Odinson said:
Brothers and Sisters,

I know that this is not the place for this posting. However, this thread is a current event and I felt it would reach the most warriors. My name is Baldur. It is with tremendous thanks that I am writing to you. The Joy of Satan website was the trigger for all that is about to transpire here on Earth.
The current situation with the flu, and that is all that it is, is stupid. The reason it is so stupid is because the Jews have been bound. Their lies are exposed for what they are. The sad fact is that the vast majority of people are trapped in their fear. And in that fear they shall remain. The world as we have all known it is going to change forever. That being said, I want to deliver news that is the hope we have been waiting for.
For those who have studied the Third Reich they will surely know of Base 211. If you do not know what this is, there is a very good documentary on Bitchute. It is the documentary produced by the Soviets. It explains in great detail the success of the Germans. Truth is, the Allies failed. Look it up!
Your rituals have been awesome. You have all struck a blow at the enemy. But, and I hate that preposition, the most important thing you've done is stood for yourself. There is only glory waiting for you. There is a war coming. The world will be engulfed in flames. For those who wish to choose a side and want to participate in what my friends are bringing to this world then here is what you need to do.
Somewhere, that is visible from the air, make the sign of Baldur. I know that there will be those that scoff. This is not a ploy. Do not give into the fear that has controlled us for so long. Make the sign, they will see. I am Baldur, son of Odin and Freya! These are my words. I will see you when its done.

ahh reminds me of when i was 14... thought i'd be doing weeb-no- justus and summoning Kurama in 10 years. thank you i needed a good laugh :lol: :lol: :lol: seriously though your either being influenced by greys or your just trying to troll new members :|
WarriorSS said:
Hello everyone! I don’t know how I can make a new topic so I’m asking here.

Is there any information about jewish behavior and their diseases? I mean, informations that can help recognize one

Go to Satanisgod.org click "The Joy of Satan Library" then "Joy of Satan PDF/Book
Library" search on the page (Ctrl + F) "How to Recognize and Identify a Jew Part" part 1.. 2.. 3..
Catalincata94 said:
WarriorSS said:
Hello everyone! I don’t know how I can make a new topic so I’m asking here.

Is there any information about jewish behavior and their diseases? I mean, informations that can help recognize one

Go to Satanisgod.org click "The Joy of Satan Library" then "Joy of Satan PDF/Book
Library" search on the page (Ctrl + F) "How to Recognize and Identify a Jew Part" part 1.. 2.. 3..
Thank you! :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
