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Jews: Destroying Civilization, Economy, World... Over "CoVID"...To Protect The Elderly...LOL

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The enemy has dropped the mask really low and carelessly with all they have done, to where now, there is only damage management they cannot really succeed at. The great CoVID pandemic, has them unavoidably cornered without a mask, for people to see their whole agenda face to face, and be FORCED to see it for once.

Even Trump has stated in a video that these measures of imposition are going to be a wrecking of Nations. Even for Trump, seeing these things appears as totally awkward. A total nosedive of the whole planet, "All of a sudden", supposedly to protect the "Elderly", which appear to be the major problem of the CoVID.

Indeed, that is the case of their claims. The Jewish Media and many other outlets have lied and spread panic for months. Meanwhile, they told people to not prepare, not give a shit, as if only literally telling them to ignore it when some prowler was about to pounce them from the back. Supposedly, all these measures taking place are to save the old people and safeguard the vulnerable. Anyone who has a brain understands that the enemy could give a shit less about the safety of these people, the world, or anything in general. We are dealing with nothing sort of psychopathic reptoids here without any form of semblance of a so called "conscience".

They never cared for the old people or anyone for that liking, nor now nor ever before. The older generations also have negatives [like all generations do] but they also have some things which are big thorns up the jewish ass. So CoVID could easily be used to disable and threaten these generations, and therefore eradicate important ideals that would sit as thorns in the jewish rear for at least 10 or 20 years more by normal standards. The enemy needs the next 10 and 20 years as their last gamble for power and to fully enslave mankind before... Other events happen that prevent them from doing any of that. So they want to rush this, eventhough they can't really achieve their goal. Examples of the thorns up the jewish ass coming from these generations include:

1. Dead serious about Gun ownership.
2. Freedom of speech.
3. Generally more privacy conscious than the "Instagram" generation.
4. Still some family values etc.
5. Are more money conscious than previous generations
6. Can be generally less prone to Communism and more prone towards ownership.
7. Many elderly have tendencies towards "Racism" as they become older
8. Have seen better times than those which the 20 to 40 years old are seeing, so they want to live up to some standard compared to younger generations, for which living standards are formed now.

We are told constantly especially in the "West" that we are very free compared to other times, it has become a meme. Clearly, we live in a world 1000 times more oppressive, surveillance based, and suppression based than even Soviet Russia. Actually we aren't there yet unless one looks in Soviet China, sorry, I meant Modern China. The jews understand and struggle for the last push to put us in the same model.

Those older understand how it is to not be 24/7 surveilled by your Smartphone and having Siri ask you if you want to buy socks because it observed without your consent from the camera that your socks weren't looking good. These things are major crimes and privacy violations, and sick. Most of the older generations wouldn't really willingly put these things on themselves, because they have known from times where these did not exist. We that are more accustomed to this [a dead wrong thing] can have a harder time understanding this fatal thing upon which the enemy tries to build their agenda upon.

What the jews have constructed today with the surveillance, puts their last ditch efforts of Stalin's Russia look like child's books. Their plans are beyond Orwell's 1984 worst nightmares, and start to look increasingly like a positive rainbows story compared to what the enemy has manifested in China and what they plan to manifest further.

And all of that is attempted to be done over arbitrary reasons such as "The Old People", as professed here. And the Jewish media still lies and contradicting itself, saying it's all nothing worse than the flu, and other contradictory lies.

Notice the pattern here - everytime the enemy is about to try to control this crisis or any other for their advantage, they always put some sort of vulnerable and vague category in the front. Like "Children", "Old people", or "Poor Migrants", to make people to shut up and stop evaluating the general situation. Jews threw a fit that people were even questioning the events and that they were sharing videos about the so called "TRUTH" which is no much fear of any form of thought or investigation. And of course, they never do anything to better the condition of these people really, just use them as an excuse to promote their alien and reptilian advancements on top of the populace.

If they did actually care for old people, that's what they could do:

1. Stop promoting damning medications or lack of knowledge of the mind [many people fall ill because of mental reasons].
2. Stop ransacking them and ruining their pensions, which are most of the time pebbles not enough for appropriately living.
3. Stop ceaseless rapefugee migrations of which the elderly people are mostly victimized by robbers, looters, and other monkeys.
4. Stop replacing the grandchildren of older people with looters, monkeys, and inferiors in alarming rates.
4. Stop brainwashing old people and using their fear 24/7 to forcibly make them comply.
5. Stop raising the Pension Age as it has been happening all over Europe [Millenials or newer generations may never get pensions due to unemployment] to shit like 72 years old, and reduce it to 55 years old so that people can have some final time for free and easily.
6. Stop raping the environment which destroys the health of people and further ruins them especially at old age.
7. Stop promoting ceaseless jewish type of brainless whoredom which leaves many people in their old age without peers, family, and completely isolated, because there is no promotion of any value of normal family existence any more.
8. Stop Christianity, Islam and Judaism, all of which put the elderly in rampant fear that they are going to burn in the lake of fire when they die, because they didn't kiss enough Jewish ass while they were alive, creating endless mental turmoil.
9. Stop doing fake and staged financial crises that destroy humanity financially and all of these crack down the hardest on the poor, the helpless, and the old, the hardest [such as the sinkholes that ruined people's savings in 2008].
10. Stop giving fake and canned advice that does not help people by hoaxes and systematic lies based on WHO.
11. Stop promoting deadly lifestyles infested with drugs, depression, malnutrition, and bad health, and then filling people with random pills that only degenerate the faster, pretending this solves anything.

The above is only to name a few ideas. There are probably hundreds of other things.

But guess what doing nothing of the above, the enemy now figured that...They wanna crash the economy and ruin the planet because...Of protecting the elderly.

None of this will ever stop as primarily, this is the core of jewing manking, and asking the jews to stop jewing is like asking a weed that destroys a garden filled with thorns to stop growing them and ruining the plants. It simply does not happen.

Yea, the enemy really cares of old people as much as they care for young children. Which is probably why they cover up Pakistani and Asian child molestation rings in London, and why they clearly abuse people since infancy in more than one ways for centuries. The enemy was also the owner of slave labor for Children due to the inhumanities they have heaped upon this world such as forced wage serfdom that implied even little children had to be brutally worked in otherwise "Very developed Nations", because of excessive debts and irrational financial demands heaped upon the populace.

And numerous other things.

Now, despite of the reality of the CoVID and the general knowledge of the bio-weapon breaking out, and despite of other practice events such as EVENT 201, a simulation done by specific "1%" outlets, which was a simulation of what appears to be going down now for a Pandemic case [calculated also to break out of China], a situation during which the enemy wanted to calculate WTF they are going to do to further enslave the masses in case of a massive outbreak.

The series of this simulation and other measures were to see how such event could be used to promote further "Draconian" [or let's say just Reptilian] measures such as suffocation of personal freedoms, destruction of dissent, and in general, promoting Jewish regimes such as the Chinese Communist Regime, as "Saviors" and "Good regimes" for handling such types of "Pandemics".

The fake staging of the "Chinese Recovery From the CoVID" is also part of this, to make people accepting to privacy invasion, privacy destruction, freedom and rights breaching, and suppression of any freedom the world has been used to until now.

Sort of like "See goyim? Artificial intelligence used for Communism purposes, getting spied 24/7, and destroying all of your rights, and making you live like an ant, is really effective for...what we refer to as nothing worse than the flu. Now that we help you out of what we call "Only a flu", give us your rights goyim as the Talmud dictates. Oy vey!".

In short, the events and predictions were to create and understand how they would be doing a collapse [staged or coincidental] and how this can be further diluted into solutions where the enemy may attempt to increase their grip onto humanity and further enslavement.

In short, how they can handle such a breakout to promote more of their control on top of humanity. Not exactly how to help anyone, but how they can take their jewing to the next level on top of humanity.

Everytime humanity has a problem, where this is going with mathematical precision is shit like:

1. Oy Vey goyim, be replace by Robots and Automation, so that nothing like CoVID will be able to take down our economy in the future, oy gevalt.
2. Oy Vey goyim, allow yourself to be surveilled 24/7 like in China for if you have a cough, cause the reptilians care about you, oy gevalt.
3. Oy Vey goyim, forced vaccination has to happen goyim, for public safety.
4. Oy Vey goyim, get used to be in total lockdown 24/7, over what we the mainstream media pretend is only just a cold, cause whatever, help the elderly, oy gevalt.
5. Oy Vey goyim, listen to the news and their contradictions, such as that taking measures to protect yourself isn't good, and that you don't need mask while Nations and countries almost started war over the existence of masks. Cause they don't protect you goyim, oy gevalt.
6. Oy Vey goyim, we need a global multinational government so that no more CoVID scares us in the future, let's appoint pious kikes on that, so that we control the situation better the next time, oy gevalt.
7. Oy Vey goyim, why you need more foreign races to enter all the developed world to collapse them and take more than what these Nations can handle. Trust us goyim in Israel we don't take no refugees but you need them all so that you can stop existing, Oy gevalt.

Humanity has caught wind of the whole plan.

One can add more and more things to the above list. But one phrase should be memorized:


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Now Trump wants to open. By Easter. Hmm I wonder who's pushing that one.


Indian PM Narendra Modi has ordered a 21-day nationwide lockdown starting at midnight Wednesday in a bid to tackle coronavirus

Coronavirus pandemic changes life as we know it

By Jessie Yeung, Helen Regan, Adam Renton, Emma Reynolds, Mike Hayes and Meg Wagner, CNN

Updated 4:14 p.m. ET, March 24, 2020

What you need to know

The 2020 Olympics in Tokyo was postponed for about a year.The Dow soared 1,200 points at the open.New York's infection "attack rate" is five times higher than the rest of the US.43% of the US population is now being asked to stay home.India ordered a 3-week nationwide lockdown.China's Hubei Province, ground zero for the pandemic, plans to lift nearly all lockdown restrictions tomorrow

President Donald Trump speaks with Fox News Channel Anchor Bill Hemmer during a Fox News Channel virtual town hall, at the White House, Tuesday, March 24. Evan Vucci/AP

President Trump said he wants the nation "opened up and just raring to go by Easter," a date just over two weeks away that few health experts believe will be sufficient in containing the spread of coronavirus.

Speaking during a Fox News town hall, Trump reiterated he was eager to see the nation return to normal, even as doctors warn the nation will see a massive spike in cases if Americans return to crowded workplaces or events.

"I give it two weeks," Trump said earlier in the town hall, suggesting he was ready to phase out his 15-day self-isolating guidelines when they expire. "I guess by Monday or Tuesday, it's about two weeks. We will assess at that time and give it more time if we need a little more time. We have to open this country up."

Despite announcing the new guidelines under the banner "The President's Coronavirus Guidelines for America," Trump seemed to distance himself from the practices during the town hall.

"Somehow, the word got out that this is the thing we are supposed to be doing," he said, noting the country had "never done a thing like this before." 

"But we had to do it. It's been very painful for our country and very destabilizing," he said.

As his advisers prepare options for returning the country to work, Trump suggested that Americans would still be able to exercise good health practices while still returning to normal.

"We have to go back to work much sooner than people thought. People can go back to work and they can also pass it on my practice good judgment," he said.

Trump again compared coronavirus to the flu and auto accidents, despite warnings from his health advisers that such analogies make little sense.

"We lose thousands and thousands of people to the flu. We don’t turn the country off," he said, adding: "We lose much more than that to automobile accidents."

Last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci said comparing coronavirus to auto accidents was a "false equivalency" and said it was important to "face the fact" that coronavirus is more lethal than the flu.
The Jews pushed this too far this time, and it's costing them everyday. But this will remain in the memory of people as one taste of what will happen if the Jews take over.

They were like, Oy gevalt! The energy wasn't enough to forcibly microchip them and end cash forever at once, due to CoVID! So probably now they are like, let's open up everything fast and everyone gets ill, so many people die instead. This could have been the reason from the beginning that they have imposed such extensive measures, to exactly drive people into a wrong reaction, and allow the pathogen to spread and evolve, probably to postpone their plan for a later date.

Jews have been doing all that shit to get people infected. Then, they pushed this too hard with the control measures. Then, the masses started kicking back and getting wind of this. Now, the masses will want out, and the jews will create a controlled exit that leads into a bad pandemic and possibly justify worse measures than before.

That is the evaluation based on what is on the news currently, not a permanent view of mine. The only thing for certain is that the jews tried to stab too deep this time and will experience extremely negative reactions for decades because of what they did this time.

Also, the crashed economy remains there for everyone to "behold", and the jewish influence was thrown out in the open. This will lead more people in understanding what jews REALLY mean to do with them when they are in total power. Now they folded out of fear.
The only thing for certain is that the jews tried to stab too deep this time and will experience extremely negative reactions for decades because of what they did this time.

For decades? They are not going to live THAT long...
How can masks protect from the virus if the latter is more than 2.5 times smaller than what the best commercial-grade mask can filter? (FPP3/N99). It's just placebo in that it only sets your mind more at ease but won't actually protect if it comes into real contact with the virus.

Yet, most people I see in grocery stores and walking their dogs still wear masks and gloves.
Stormblood said:
How can masks protect from the virus if the latter is more than 2.5 times smaller than what the best commercial-grade mask can filter? (FPP3/N99). It's just placebo in that it only sets your mind more at ease but won't actually protect if it comes into real contact with the virus.

Yet, most people I see in grocery stores and walking their dogs still wear masks and gloves.

Masks even surgical ones do reduce the risk but not upwards to 100%, they just reduce the risk surface, and none of the equipment can protect from personal stupidity.

Still they are better than nothing. Why do doctors wear them and they do not work with nuclear suites? Because they work, and because how much protection one most of the time needs is to stay within the reasonable protected spectrum. Even 20% protected may sound low but can save one from infection. Wearing a mask also reminds people to not put their hands in their mouth or eyes, helping from that also.

People who wear them are doing the right thing. It doesn't make them invulnerable but it is a layer of defence. The media is lying when they say it does not protect you or that even simple masks don't matter. They do matter and they matter a lot. Survival of a hospital depends on if they have these "Pointless surgical masks" or not. The media is lying when they say these are not providing any protection.
The economic collapse was also designed to ruin the small businesses, giving jewish corporations complele monopoly in all existing domains. This crisis would ensure that all small businesses collapse in the same time so the jews don't have to bother ruining them one by one. The next step would have been to get all the resources of the planet under their corporations, all the forests, farms, petrol rich fields, gold fieds, silver, coal and iron fields, all factories, fertile fields and so on, until they own all the production means on the planet. This is already happening for decades as it's a very slow process. This Jew World Order is nothing more that a "privately-held" communism instead of a "state" communism where corporations control everything from education to production and economy.

WW3 that they plan to create for years would have ensured the disolvation of sovereign states under a global government. Soon in most states they will apply the martial law, they will send the armies in the streets to make sure that nobody is leaving their houses until "coronavirus pandemic" is gone.

I am sure they do this to stop the masses from revolting against their governments. If the masses can fight a riot police to make their voices heard, with the army is a completely different story. Since there are now some 37.000 soldiers in Europe at the russian border and shitlots of millitary vehicles and war weaponry, "Europe Defender 20" may actually be the perfect pretext to turn Europe and Middle East into the WW3 battlefield between US-NATO and Russia-China-Iran.

This coronavirus flu is just a bullshit to brainwash people to accept the martial law and the economic collapse without revolting while the jews advance their agenda without facing therefore any opposition.

As I see it, for now everything is going according to their plans. Dow Jones decreased from 27.000 points to 19.000 and might decrease far more to scare people to sell all their actives to the jews for nothing. This happened before as well.
Then the masses have been brainwashed about this "pandemic" and I tell you that most people are shitscared of this coronavirus. I see them everyday, I work with them everyday. If you cough a little bit, they start avoiding you and there will be someone to report you and send you home in self izolation because of some random cough and this is what I witnessed myself. Hardly I see anybody to see beyond this agressive propaganda which went that far that in some places you get fined by authorities if you spread "false information" about coronavirus.

They will put all the material power that they have into this blow to speed up as quick as possible the JWO agenda.
Stormblood said:
How can masks protect from the virus if the latter is more than 2.5 times smaller than what the best commercial-grade mask can filter? (FPP3/N99). It's just placebo in that it only sets your mind more at ease but won't actually protect if it comes into real contact with the virus.

Yet, most people I see in grocery stores and walking their dogs still wear masks and gloves.

An article here, of quite many you can find with an internet search, that show evidence and explain how a mask does protect you. They are surprisingly effective at filtering tiny particles, even up to 10 times smaller than Corona virions.


They also have an article based on research done by Dutch Scientists on cloth DIY masks. Even these proved to be much better than nothing.


Make sure you follow proper protocols when using masks, such as always washing your hands before putting on and taking them off, never touching your face or the mask when wearing it, don't let the other side of the mask touch your face, or take breaths when taking the mask off, store it in a safe place (Preferably on a hanger, like a clothes hanger, so it doesn't touch a surface where it could cause contamination) and clean the mask using some sort of alcohol based disinfectant or distilled vinegar, especially the sides which touch your face to disinfect them and keep them clean.

You can clean the inside with microfiber cloths to clean out any bacteria you might have breathed out yourself when using the mask. A tip I got from another SS.

In general, don't get too close to people, and don't go to any crowded places, of course, and keep touching things in public to a minimum or better yet, wear disposable gloves. This will definitely help keep you safe.

Hail Satan!
It's so obvious that the "emergency measures" being taken have NOTHING to do with protecting the elderly, or anyone else, that one must be literally retarded to believe it...

One example: People are wondering why is the mortality rate in Italy nearly 10% while Germany, for example, which has so far identified 28,865 cases and 118 deaths, has a fatality rate of just 0.4%. And according to Jewfessor Walter Ricciardi, adviser to Italy’s minister of health, and the Juden Presse in general, the country’s mortality rate is far higher due to it's demographics, because Italy has very aged population. LOL!!! The average age of Italy's population must be several decades older than Germany's...

The true reason is obvious - Inside-hospital infection. Proof: 1. Thousands of medical workers infected ( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...dical-workers-infected-coronavirus-Italy.html ) and 2. Over 99% of coronavirus patients in Italy who died had other health problems. ( https://nypost.com/2020/03/18/over-99-of-coronavirus-patients-in-italy-who-died-had-other-illnesses/ )

Inside hospital infection is the worst case scenario, as the patients who already have other illnesses are the ones at highest risk. This explains Italy's far higher mortality rate. But it's really strange how this has happened, considering the fact that Italy's healthcare system is one of the world's finest and well organized. In my opinion, this was probably done on purpose.

Another thing that should also be obvious to anyone: The most important thing, if the goal was to actually fight the Coronavirus, is to prevent the possibility of inside-hospital infection. That's why China built an entirely new emergency hospital in Wuhan. Most countries in Europe don't do anything about that! Patients with Covid-19 symptoms transportations are executed with the same ambulances as all other patients, they are being treated in the same hospitals, and by the same medics as all other patients... "But don't worry goys, we are taking emergency measures to fight the coronavirus"... And how are they "fighting" the Coronavirus? With police repressions. Checkpoints at places of entry and exit of every city WITHOUT doctors to test you for coronavirus, or at least for symptoms, but police to check your identity, and your reason for leaving/entering the city.

"But professor Silverstein, how do the police protect me from the Coronavirus? And what's the point to #StayHome, when the people at highest risk will be infected in the hospitals anyway?
- Stop with your conspiracy theories, you damn goy, look at how many people are dying in Italy! Plus, you are not a doctor, I'm a 6th generation of doctors specialised in infection epidemiology, you don't know what you are talking about. #StayHome to protect the elderly!"

And of course, when the gypsy gangs start robbing, looting, and committing all types of crimes imaginable, and not only the gypsies, as many people will be left with no money, nothing to eat, and bills to pay, you can bet that the police won't do SHIT about it, as they will be too busy to guard parks and children's playgrounds from parents who might take their kids to the playground (which is forbidden during the emergency mode, cuz there is much coronavirus in the parks and playgrounds apparently) and to harass the law abiding citizens at checkpoints when entering or exiting every city...
The elderly shmerderly...

- first and foremost they are the ones that always go to church and whatever you have to say you're just a sinner who has forgot what faith means and this is why bad things happen...because people upset god
- secondly, in my country their generation accepted communism and many of them regret that period
- they are the ones that grew up with TV and believe everything the media tells them
- they would accept any shitty job and tell you to just listen to your boss, nevermind if he is a complete retard, because hey authority matters
- you live in my house therefore i am right about everything
- most of them cling to the past and are not really interested in what will come after them. Their favourite quote: let's see you do any better

I do not contest there are good and educated/open-minded old people and with strong family values but those traditional values many of them came mixed with xian bullshit

Many of them were good workers and endured worse conditions than us, I give them that. But had their generation been any stronger spirituality speaking maybe we wouldn't be here, but they have the excuse there was no internet back then.

Anyway now they're confined to their homes waiting for their beloved government to put the last nail in their coffin while they watch with great focus the (fake) news...

Amen, three crosses right away and hurry up to meet yeshua boy on the other side
The state is not for the elderly because they have to pay them a pension.

The less pensioners about the less pensions the state will have to fork out for.
Immortal said:

I don't like to not give credit where it's due.

They have done some proper things and other things they ignored as the only means of information they had were hardly any books [Jews own 99% of all publishing presses at their time] and they hardly had anything to get informed but Newspaper, TV, and controlled publications.

It took until the 80's for the broader American or European public to start comprehending the idea of other religious faiths except of Islam, Xianity and Judaism existing.

That aside since I don't like to sugar coat for any generation, they have done some bad mistakes such as the striking majority ignoring their strange co-relationship with jews and where this led decades later. Conveniences made many turn a blind eye on open border policies and the control of the jews. But many newer generations aren't very different in that regard.

Generational shaming is not my cup of tea as it's the most pointless type of shaming. Every generation has had good and bad about itself. The Jews always push to bring out the worst.

What I highlighted in my topic is the older generations have things the enemy wants to get rid out of the world. For one, they reflect a better time, a better pay, a better "America", in terms of finances. The enemy wants everyone to where they are on their knees begging for a 100 dollar check from the Government and rant and rave "Socialism" all day long, because they never had anything in their life.
Personal Growth said:
The state is not for the elderly because they have to pay them a pension.

The less pensioners about the less pensions the state will have to fork out for.

The Elderly of a State have built it for the previous generation and therefore deserve compensation for their years of work.

Nice Judaism promoted in that idea by the MSM, but weren't we bringing all the Rapefugees in Europe, because according to hag Angela Hebrew Merkel, the bright engineers and neural surgeons were going to supply for the elderly people? I thought this was her justification of bringing millions of looters, to supposedly use these super earners and great money generation and cultivation inventors and future multi-trillion entrepreneurs to boost the economy and provide for the claimed to be of jews super important elderly?

And all this plan brought about is just old people going to the ATM to get their pension and being looted by apes, that's all. The imported engineers and neural surgeons do not want to even work at percents like 90%. So that is more and the real definition of dead weight. If we want to make money the solution is easy, send them back and start making money.

Financial parasites are dead weight and not the Elderly.

I guess now no elderly people and only looters, cause YOLO, gotta love looters. Even the fake pretexts now cease to exist slowly under jews. Soon any policy reasoning will not even have to be faked, they will be like "Cause the Rabbi said so" or because "We need to mix Whitey out of existence" in public Television.

We are moving to the blank slippery slope era.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:

We are moving to the blank slippery slope era.

Like literally dude, I've got this super sjw classmate who all all like "we're equal n shitz open borderz" but then she will go on about how the elderly should die just because of their pensions and the super sjw teacher even agrees about that and I'm like "how fucking mentally ill are these people" like they really like pretending they're good people by saying disgusting shit like promoting mass immigration and then they want all elderly to die. Fucking degenerates.
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:

We are moving to the blank slippery slope era.

Like literally dude, I've got this super sjw classmate who all all like "we're equal n shitz open borderz" but then she will go on about how the elderly should die just because of their pensions and the super sjw teacher even agrees about that and I'm like "how fucking mentally ill are these people" like they really like pretending they're good people by saying disgusting shit like promoting mass immigration and then they want all elderly to die. Fucking degenerates.

A rainbow colored dildo, Instagram bullshit all day long, and "We wuz equal n shiet open borders" was enough to make this thing believe it's some hot shit and a big individual. Also, yea, they gotta curse the elderly cuz they were very w0ke.

Race mixing yourself to death is a very brilliant idea, everyone older than 15 years old and without the rainbow dildo would never understand...because they are old and they believe in shit like...that we must keep existing and have a closed border.

I mean like holy shit, youth is supposed to come with new ideas and a better brain, but these people only say the same shit jews have been saying for 50 years. The same hippie bullshit that others were corn fed, they say all but the same.

Cultural Marxism has turned all the generations when they are young, to be all one and the same, without any diversity. What brainwashed hippie crowds were shouting decades ago, the SJW's made certain the youth generation of today will say exactly the same crap. But many of this generation have escaped and have a better mind, so the enemy has failed a great deal with the younger generation indoctrination.
The Alchemist7 said:
The economic collapse was also designed to ruin the small businesses, giving jewish corporations complele monopoly in all existing domains. This crisis would ensure that all small businesses collapse in the same time so the jews don't have to bother ruining them one by one. The next step would have been to get all the resources of the planet under their corporations, all the forests, farms, petrol rich fields, gold fieds, silver, coal and iron fields, all factories, fertile fields and so on, until they own all the production means on the planet. This is already happening for decades as it's a very slow process. This Jew World Order is nothing more that a "privately-held" communism instead of a "state" communism where corporations control everything from education to production and economy.

WW3 that they plan to create for years would have ensured the disolvation of sovereign states under a global government. Soon in most states they will apply the martial law, they will send the armies in the streets to make sure that nobody is leaving their houses until "coronavirus pandemic" is gone.

I am sure they do this to stop the masses from revolting against their governments. If the masses can fight a riot police to make their voices heard, with the army is a completely different story. Since there are now some 37.000 soldiers in Europe at the russian border and shitlots of millitary vehicles and war weaponry, "Europe Defender 20" may actually be the perfect pretext to turn Europe and Middle East into the WW3 battlefield between US-NATO and Russia-China-Iran.

This coronavirus flu is just a bullshit to brainwash people to accept the martial law and the economic collapse without revolting while the jews advance their agenda without facing therefore any opposition.

As I see it, for now everything is going according to their plans. Dow Jones decreased from 27.000 points to 19.000 and might decrease far more to scare people to sell all their actives to the jews for nothing. This happened before as well.
Then the masses have been brainwashed about this "pandemic" and I tell you that most people are shitscared of this coronavirus. I see them everyday, I work with them everyday. If you cough a little bit, they start avoiding you and there will be someone to report you and send you home in self izolation because of some random cough and this is what I witnessed myself. Hardly I see anybody to see beyond this agressive propaganda which went that far that in some places you get fined by authorities if you spread "false information" about coronavirus.

They will put all the material power that they have into this blow to speed up as quick as possible the JWO agenda.

One thing about economic collapse is, this harms the jews far more than any gentiles. The poor included. What the jews are trying to do is damage control, consolidating their assets by taking heavy losses (Literally multiple trillions have gone down the drain over this, as it is completely out of their hands) which will cause mass inflation, letting this ripple down to the lower strata of society, such as the working class and below, to make them pay for the damage caused once again.

This definitely wasn't planned at all. It has done incredible damage to the big businesses, and the assets jews have accumulated over all these years. Total economic collapse would level the playing field. All the jewish material power is build upon this arbitrary numerical value of money, if this collapses entirely, then the gentiles who have nothing will loose like a few thousands of dollars, while the jews will loose literal trillions of dollars completely, invalidating almost everything they have build up.

Right now they are trying desperately to prevent total economic collapse, but all their measures have failed and continue to do so, costing them far too much. At the same time governments are being forced to pay citizens wellfare and except taxes on lot's of things, since so many are loosing their jobs and unable to pay their taxes, which is costing the jews even more on top of the economic failure.

This is also interesting in how it ties in with Aquarius. Aquarius is about breaking free from restrictions. This jewish economic system has restricted all people of the world in significant ways, forcing them to basically sell themselves out as slaves if they want to live because they must pay thousands of dollars out of their pockets for all kinds of ridiculous taxes, which all end up in the hands of the jews, and they use this stolen wealth to further their own agenda, while the working class and people are robbed further and further of everything they have and work for.

The current economic system cannot be sustained and is simply insane. This whole fiat currency business as it is implemented today is ludicrous, and needs to go for the world to experience any sort of permanent prosperity and development. I personally think Aquarius will have a significant effect on this, and we could enter a transition stage from the current system to something different, sometime soon after the economy proves unsustainable and a total failure, and completely implodes upon itself.

The jews are trying to buy out all the gold as well, to possibly use it as a fall back, and return to the gold standard of a few hundred years ago, but again, gold might as well be a Fiant currency as well, since it really doesn't have any real value in today's economy. As a rare earth metal, there are countless other minerals just as important to our industry as gold is, and gold is not really that special. The increased value it has is entirely artificial and sentimental value based on the stupid obsession with material gold the world has these days. So a gold standard, or anything like that will also fail just as hard.

The only things that have actual value are the efforts of people to create and add prosperity in various ways. Fiat money's only purpose is to work as a medium to exchange wealth more easily when services or materials are traded and exchanged between people, but today it has become the means to everything, the driving factor of the whole planet, while the things which give fiat currency any value at all are neglected and degraded in value continuously to limit the prosperity that can be attained.

On top of this, the world is running on the concept of scarcity. Things are artificially made scarcer than they actually are, inflating the value of certain things, while depreciating value of things which are deemed abundant, regardless of if these are or aren't actually valuable to a society in any way.

This whole system creates countless problems and gives the one who controls the flow of money endless power over the world. When the economy collapses, the jews will make this the biggest deal they can, and try to hoard whatever they can before it crashes with the endless money they have on hand, before it looses all it's artificial nonexistent value. Because it totally levels the playing field when it does, as they will have nothing, no control, no power, and since they also have no actual means, they will completely collapse in such a situation.

For gentiles it certainly won't be pretty, but this will give back so much power to people when things begin to stabilize. No longer will the jew have any say, while those who contribute and create will suddenly find themselves elevated.

They are desperately trying to prevent this, by trying to debase the currency and letting this trickle down proportionally. The jews have lost trillions, while proportionally people individually haven't lost nearly as much, so logically speaking, this should have lost them a huge amount of power comparatively to the people of the world, but they are trying to proportionally devalue the money, so the damage done will extend to all citizens, and we will all loose wealth proportionally to the total loss of the world economy, so they can keep their control and hold equal power as they held before.

They have dumped trillions of dollars into this already, but it hasn't changed anything, because without goods or labor there is no wealth, and currently these two things are totally crashed and will remain paralyzed for at least a couple months before slowly building back up, but the damage has been done and the failure of the current economic system is clear for all to see.

Most people should come to understand a change has to be made. The spiritual power of the jews is failing completely, their material power, based on the trillions of fiat currency they have in their hands, is created from this.

As their spiritual power collapses, so their material power follows.

It isn't surprising to me the economy would collapse at some point, the problems happen when the enemy is able to control the damage as they intent to, using this to cause great world wide poverty while they continue to sit pretty on whatever value they artificially give to the fake and stolen wealth they have left after controlling the damage. Just like they did during all other economic recessions, but this one looks like it has spiraled totally out of control beyond anything they planned, so they will loose a lot regardless of how they attempt to triage this situation.

They ware trying to leverage covid to further their globalist agenda, however, this is an impossible task, as this covid shows clearly and openly to everyone, including the governments of the world, how the globalist agenda and all associated ideas are a complete and utter failure.

Same as how they try to leverage this to accustom the people to communism, trying to convince the people that communist china is somehow great and communism would be a great solution to all our problems, but people aren't taking the bait anymore, as they really did fuck up very badly this time, which I think is caused by us and the Gods, having worked to awaken the people and remove the veil of the enemy that clouds everyone in total ignorance.

If we hadn't done our rituals over all these years, I'm fairly certain the world would have gone under and collapsed without anyone every noticing something was happening. The enemy had planned to covertly gain control of the world and enslave all peoples under a communist banner, but thanks to our efforts people are now aware, and getting more aware by the day. They see what is happening, and are reacting to it, which is completely out of the enemies means to handle or deal with.

It is only a matter of time before this boils over, and as Cobra said in a sermon a little while back, the more punches they deliver to the sleeping dragon, the angrier it will be when it fully awakens. This stab was almost the tipping point.

The dragon has one of it's eyes wide open now and is carefully observing and scrutinizing what the jew is doing, not yet fully awake, but any big moves they make are perceived and can wake it up at any moment. They are trying to lull it back to sleep again, but our wakeup call is stronger and as a result the jews are running out of time, so they can neither continue to act as they are trying to do, nor sit still and do nothing, they are just doomed as is.

Even if they try to sampson the world, this covid has already half awoken the dragon so it is likely to wake up and breathe flames itself to eradicate them before the jew manages to complete their act of global sabotage and mutual destruction.
VoiceofEnki said:
Stormblood said:
How can masks protect from the virus if the latter is more than 2.5 times smaller than what the best commercial-grade mask can filter? (FPP3/N99). It's just placebo in that it only sets your mind more at ease but won't actually protect if it comes into real contact with the virus.

Yet, most people I see in grocery stores and walking their dogs still wear masks and gloves.


Hail Satan!

Thank you for the loads of information, but I have CBRN training and don't follow media as it was suggested.
Stormblood said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Stormblood said:
How can masks protect from the virus if the latter is more than 2.5 times smaller than what the best commercial-grade mask can filter? (FPP3/N99). It's just placebo in that it only sets your mind more at ease but won't actually protect if it comes into real contact with the virus.

Yet, most people I see in grocery stores and walking their dogs still wear masks and gloves.


Hail Satan!

Thank you for the loads of information, but I have CBRN training and don't follow media as it was suggested.

I wrote this not because to imply that you did personally, but because this is a common shilling one the media tries to promote, and many people have been wrongly stating this as the media claims, while relating this to the question of mask usage. So it's kinda there for those seeking the answer to receive it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Hail Satan!

Thank you for the loads of information, but I have CBRN training and don't follow media as it was suggested.

I wrote this not because to imply that you did personally, but because this is a common shilling one the media tries to promote, and many people have been wrongly stating this as the media claims, while relating this to the question of mask usage. So it's kinda there for those seeking the answer to receive it.

I know. I only mentioned it in case a fourth, fifth or sixth person decided to enter the discussion on the wrong foot, instead of being polite like we are.
Let's be real here, the jews have no fucking idea what to do anymore at this time.

They're confused as all hell and keep changing their minds left and right trying to make sense of how to even 'control' through the chaos of what they started. If you ask me this whole thing is just straight up embarrassing for them and they're desperately trying to gain a hold of something and yet too many variables are changing all at once at unpredictable rates.

"Kill the elderly! Oh wait they're the only bastards who even go to church these days KEEP THEM ALIVE! wait they remember how free life was before shit got this bad, KILL THEM?!"

"Fake news, white supremacists are attacking jews!... wait it's starting to actually happen!? FAKER NEWS, JEWS ARE GOOD PEOPLE!"

"Prevent the economy from collapsing! Wait this is costing us our shekels, collapse it! Wait this will ruin our control! SAVE IT!? NO, THE ELDERLY STILL NEED TO DIE, COLLAPSE IT!?!?"

I mean... seriously...
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Thank you for the loads of information, but I have CBRN training and don't follow media as it was suggested.

I wrote this not because to imply that you did personally, but because this is a common shilling one the media tries to promote, and many people have been wrongly stating this as the media claims, while relating this to the question of mask usage. So it's kinda there for those seeking the answer to receive it.

I know. I only mentioned it in case a fourth, fifth or sixth person decided to enter the discussion on the wrong foot, instead of being polite like we are.

Storm if u dont mind me asking what anime is that pic from?
VoiceofEnki said:
Stormblood said:
How can masks protect from the virus if the latter is more than 2.5 times smaller than what the best commercial-grade mask can filter? (FPP3/N99). It's just placebo in that it only sets your mind more at ease but won't actually protect if it comes into real contact with the virus.

Yet, most people I see in grocery stores and walking their dogs still wear masks and gloves.

An article here, of quite many you can find with an internet search, that show evidence and explain how a mask does protect you. They are surprisingly effective at filtering tiny particles, even up to 10 times smaller than Corona virions.


They also have an article based on research done by Dutch Scientists on cloth DIY masks. Even these proved to be much better than nothing.


Make sure you follow proper protocols when using masks, such as always washing your hands before putting on and taking them off, never touching your face or the mask when wearing it, don't let the other side of the mask touch your face, or take breaths when taking the mask off, store it in a safe place (Preferably on a hanger, like a clothes hanger, so it doesn't touch a surface where it could cause contamination) and clean the mask using some sort of alcohol based disinfectant or distilled vinegar, especially the sides which touch your face to disinfect them and keep them clean.

You can clean the inside with microfiber cloths to clean out any bacteria you might have breathed out yourself when using the mask. A tip I got from another SS.

In general, don't get too close to people, and don't go to any crowded places, of course, and keep touching things in public to a minimum or better yet, wear disposable gloves. This will definitely help keep you safe.

Hail Satan!

If you have a n95 or n99 mask.. they have an article on the blog on their website where they tested cleaning them with soap and alcohol..
it reduced the masks effectiveness with 20-25% ...
Because it takes away the static charge in the mask or something.

Might be better to just let those air out in the sun.
Anything else you can just wash or use alcohol on.. just not on the filter itself.
Interestingly the majority of hospitalizations in the western world are happening to overweight and obese people, primarily men who became overweight and obese because of Jewish binge eating and extremely disgusting food that these multinational fast food corporations produce.
Superb Op I have Saved it bro.

Nobody (well vast majority of UK ) are ignoring all protocols (excuse the pun :D )

Imminent army and Police swarming streets to ensure these thickos adhere to the rules.

Self Isolate stay at home

Safety First

Love Enki UK
It seems people are seeing what's going on. Regarding the Democrats voting no on the bailout bill, some are seeing that they are messing up for small businesses and peoples jobs further down the line seeing past the "we're protecting you from the big biz".

I heard someone talking about experts analysing the economic situation that China will most likely get out on top of it. They expected people to react in regards to more and more moving away from China and becoming self-sufficient.

There was also the case were China threatened to withhold medical supplies.

In regards to the guns, people are more and more aware that the Democrats wants their guns and that they are using a crisis like this to take them. There was also a case with the Dallas police saying they would not respond to calls regarding car break-ins, vandalism, thefts etc. Leaving people to their own protection. There is even this thing of Leftists starting to buy guns to protect themselves.

This is all backfiring heavily.
Great points... I was also thinking about how this is a typical dialectic of the enemy. I see tons of liberals of all kinds shilling for China overtime based off of a few incidents of Black people in the UK and US physically attacking random Asians and Trump calling it 'the Chinese virus' (they haven't found a White hate figure like MAGAhat boy to pin this on yet, because in general Whites do NOT attack Asians, but it is probably coming, possibly thru a reptilian false flag).

To quell the rebellions in China, the CPC is clearly pumping out internal anti-American, anti-European and anti-Japanese propaganda like no tomorrow, and no doubt 'racist' incidents abroad will be used as part of this to destroy morale. There have been incidents like restaurants putting up banners congratulating the virus spreading to the USA and Japan.

I would not even be surprised when things are over, tons of refugees suddenly 'show up' at random when people haven't been looking or are chased around by surveillance. I mean how is Greece going to enforce its borders from Erdogan's invasion now, it increasingly looks like he was given info about this situation in advance? People assume the borders will be totally locked down but that seems spurious.

The enemy is also ramping up its generational war narrative with this virus (ie 'boomer remov3r'). It also has to be remembered, although many rich boomers in the USA were bought off with wealth, Medicare, muh yacht and sheeit, and xian fundamentalist crap (frankly a lot of these are reptilians anyway which is obvious when one reads HP Maxine's statements about wealth), boomers worldwide are not necessarily the same. A lot of boomers voted for Brexit because they had been betrayed constantly, saw through the bullshit and how the country has become intolerable to live in without hope of bribed McMansions in non-redlined neighborhoods, for example. Even when you're a wealthy old urban sellout in the UK, it's impossible to ignore the stabbings on your doorstep and zero response from the authorities.

Equally in contrast to many young Whites in the US who have turned against the Democrats and turned against the programming, and many young people in France voting for FN, there are plenty of young morons in Britain and Sweden (particularly women) essentially voting for their death warrant every election and also demanding an end to all self protections, because some idiot on youtube or Douyin TikTok says they're evil if they don't tolerate an acid attack to the face and blanda upp. This is to the point where, if the boomers all died out, much of Western Europe could become even more of a communist hell pretty quickly. That's why I am repeating the RTRs constantly.
I am starting to wonder if they had this planned for a long time much longer than even we have been doing the rtrs. Some member pointed out a movie Contagion made in 2011 that they said had messages and subliminals that are eerily similar to this current situation (I haven’t watched it yet anyways so idk but i might cause this sounds interesting )

Anyways all this planetary alignments in Capricorn and then Saturn going into Aquarius for a bit suggests they may have thought of this for a long time as a time that might help them enslave the world.

I don’t know it may be crazy but this is what I suspect now.

I am glad this is totally not going to work in their favor and I am confident of that now.
Goldenglazed666 said:
That's hilarious actually. I'm sure Trump had a double-meaning in mind with it. Just checked the comments and its chock-filled with triggered xians, jews, and communist boot-lickers. :lol:
VoiceofEnki said:
One thing about economic collapse is, this harms the jews far more than any gentiles.

This idea of forcing everybody to lock themselves in their homes and shutting down millions of jobs automatically drags after it the economic collapse. I think this was the idea of the jews because is simply embedded in our minds by the entire jewish controlled media. Everywhere you look you see only "Stay home" and "Izolate yourself". Definitely I agree that financially they loose huge amounts of money, but my opinion about this is that they do it deliberately with full knowledge in order to try a final shot to manifest their agenda. Such pandemics happened before but never created such an economic damage.

After JWO is manifested, they will slowly start to politically monopolize all the planet resources under their ownership, so in theory they will not need money anymore to impose their control over the world like they do now. As David Rockefeller stated, a global crisis is all needed to force the population to accept the new world order. In this agenda the economic collapse even on their side as well was unavoidable.
MoonlessNight666 said:
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I wrote this not because to imply that you did personally, but because this is a common shilling one the media tries to promote, and many people have been wrongly stating this as the media claims, while relating this to the question of mask usage. So it's kinda there for those seeking the answer to receive it.

I know. I only mentioned it in case a fourth, fifth or sixth person decided to enter the discussion on the wrong foot, instead of being polite like we are.

Storm if u dont mind me asking what anime is that pic from?
Hello. The picture is Siegfried Kircheis from Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These.
Hello everyone! I don’t know how I can make a new topic so I’m asking here.

Is there any information about jewish behavior and their diseases? I mean, informations that can help recognize one
The Alchemist7 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
One thing about economic collapse is, this harms the jews far more than any gentiles.

This idea of forcing everybody to lock themselves in their homes and shutting down millions of jobs automatically drags after it the economic collapse. I think this was the idea of the jews because is simply embedded in our minds by the entire jewish controlled media. Everywhere you look you see only "Stay home" and "Izolate yourself". Definitely I agree that financially they loose huge amounts of money, but my opinion about this is that they do it deliberately with full knowledge in order to try a final shot to manifest their agenda. Such pandemics happened before but never created such an economic damage.

After JWO is manifested, they will slowly start to politically monopolize all the planet resources under their ownership, so in theory they will not need money anymore to impose their control over the world like they do now. As David Rockefeller stated, a global crisis is all needed to force the population to accept the new world order. In this agenda the economic collapse even on their side as well was unavoidable.

I really liked VoiceofEnki post and I think he is right, but you are also right. Money is a means to an end for the jews so when it is not useful anymore they will discard it. Their final goal is global enslavement. People are ensnared by money as a goal in itself but this hoax is coming apart now.

Money should mean wealth. Wealth means resources. Planet and human resources. The jews don't even care about the planet resources. They will melt them and turn everything to sand if that would bring them victory.

I believe they have one of these options

- start WW3, but I think this is too soon and people do not really want it. We are only 70 years away from the last one, so the collective memory still remembers its horrors
- military conquest, trying to impose martial law and communism. The problem here is that at least for Eastern Europe the memory of communism is quite fresh and it will be really hard to do on such a short notice. In US the problem is the people's guns.
- total breakdown of communications. This I think is a legit scenario in which the internet is gone and so people can not see clearly what happens all over the world. In this case we continue with RTR and is every man for himself as anarchy will appear so will be like in Mad Max type of world.
- nuclear strikes. If they can't have the world nobody can
- zombie apocalypse. Kill 90% of world population and rule over what remains. Hard to achieve but not impossible if they have concocted all sorts of deadly viruses
- religion wars or religion conquest. This I think was what they tried with the migration. But they need decades for this and time is quickly running out
- AI conquest unleash all sorts of deadly machines upon the world. This will be a Matrix type scenario
- release all sorts of weather disasters. Do the whole flood scenario all over again and reinstate faith in religion once more by fear. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes etc.

Which of these is I don't know, maybe they have something totally different in mind but I think we are about to find out. Some time in the next years (months) the mask will drop, they can't hold appearances indefinitely as more and more people will awake.

They need a new stronger distraction for normies or make their move now.

What do you think fellow comrades. Am I reaching too far or is the future not this bleak?
Immortal said:
They will melt them and turn everything to sand if that would bring them victory.
Hi. I think here they do need the planet's resources as they were created basically to conquer the planet and turn humanity into work slaves for the benefits of the reptilians. Without resources there is nothing to build so this planet would become useless. The only case when they would destroy the planet is the Samson Option, which is the nuclear destruction if they completely fail their mission. HP HoodedCobra once said that the Gods will help with this, if other ETs will step in to destroy the planet.

Immortal said:
- zombie apocalypse. Kill 90% of world population and rule over what remains.
Once I listened someone on youtube. He was reading paragraphs from what he said it was the new world order plan organised by years. He said by 2100 the jews plan to reduce world population under 1 billion with diseases and vaccines. He refused to make the source public, probably is scared because he's a public figure. But yea you are right people don't want wars anymore so the jews are using other methods not to lose the grip over the nations.

I also have something to post about the Jew World Order and I tell you it's truly shocking at least for me. I hope in a few weeks I will manage to post that thing.
Look also at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN6YAxLOAaU&feature=emb_logo till is not taken down


They have no more money and are starving. The government money is nowhere and the bank is of course closed.
Read the comments if you understand some italian or use google translate: people speak of revolution
A few persons now, but what when there will be thousands of starving families with babies, nothing will stop the people when they nothing to lose and when people are literally dying around you either by hunger or by virus or other disease

When you lose a mother/father/sister or your baby is crying people will be driven into madness for sure :evil:

The same people that are singing from their balconies proud to be an italian :shock:

No food, no medicine and getting beaten by police and the army, the very people that should be protecting you, but hey at least the pope is praying alone in the rain like some fucking hero :lol:

The beginning of the end, if not even this is waking people up, nothing will
They also claim to be disproportionately affected by the virus in the UK :?

Immortal said:
The Alchemist7 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
One thing about economic collapse is, this harms the jews far more than any gentiles.

This idea of forcing everybody to lock themselves in their homes and shutting down millions of jobs automatically drags after it the economic collapse. I think this was the idea of the jews because is simply embedded in our minds by the entire jewish controlled media. Everywhere you look you see only "Stay home" and "Izolate yourself". Definitely I agree that financially they loose huge amounts of money, but my opinion about this is that they do it deliberately with full knowledge in order to try a final shot to manifest their agenda. Such pandemics happened before but never created such an economic damage.

After JWO is manifested, they will slowly start to politically monopolize all the planet resources under their ownership, so in theory they will not need money anymore to impose their control over the world like they do now. As David Rockefeller stated, a global crisis is all needed to force the population to accept the new world order. In this agenda the economic collapse even on their side as well was unavoidable.

I really liked VoiceofEnki post and I think he is right, but you are also right. Money is a means to an end for the jews so when it is not useful anymore they will discard it. Their final goal is global enslavement. People are ensnared by money as a goal in itself but this hoax is coming apart now.

Money should mean wealth. Wealth means resources. Planet and human resources. The jews don't even care about the planet resources. They will melt them and turn everything to sand if that would bring them victory.

I believe they have one of these options

- start WW3, but I think this is too soon and people do not really want it. We are only 70 years away from the last one, so the collective memory still remembers its horrors
- military conquest, trying to impose martial law and communism. The problem here is that at least for Eastern Europe the memory of communism is quite fresh and it will be really hard to do on such a short notice. In US the problem is the people's guns.
- total breakdown of communications. This I think is a legit scenario in which the internet is gone and so people can not see clearly what happens all over the world. In this case we continue with RTR and is every man for himself as anarchy will appear so will be like in Mad Max type of world.
- nuclear strikes. If they can't have the world nobody can
- zombie apocalypse. Kill 90% of world population and rule over what remains. Hard to achieve but not impossible if they have concocted all sorts of deadly viruses
- religion wars or religion conquest. This I think was what they tried with the migration. But they need decades for this and time is quickly running out
- AI conquest unleash all sorts of deadly machines upon the world. This will be a Matrix type scenario
- release all sorts of weather disasters. Do the whole flood scenario all over again and reinstate faith in religion once more by fear. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes etc.

Which of these is I don't know, maybe they have something totally different in mind but I think we are about to find out. Some time in the next years (months) the mask will drop, they can't hold appearances indefinitely as more and more people will awake.

They need a new stronger distraction for normies or make their move now.

What do you think fellow comrades. Am I reaching too far or is the future not this bleak?
Remember that the God's said to Maxine that we won (which means that if we keep doing the RTR like we are doing now in the future the victory is ours) so do not even think they can pull off anything at all.

They can make humanity suffer for a bit but it will all backfire to them hard, even this situation is backfiring, Europe has been exposed so much that after this many will ask for answers and changes.

This is a huge win, i do understand that this situation is not pretty but we SS are protected and unfortunately we knew that it would take such horrible things to wake up the idiots.
Ex British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is suggesting a temporary Global Government
be set up to tackle the medical and economic crisis caused by coronavirus!!
Wow talk about predictable :roll:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
