Oh, yeah. I was going to post about this.
Israel scientists engineer bacteria to eat CO₂
Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have produced a bacteria that can live on CO2 rather than sugar. The team used ’metabolic rewiring’, to help transform the E coli’s diet to make it consume CO2 similar to a plant. This involved adding genes which metabolise CO2 and removing genes which process sugar. The breakthrough could lead to the low-emissions production of carbon for use in biofuels.
CO2-guzzling bacteria made in the lab could help tackle climate change
CO2-eating bacteria made in the lab could help tackle climate change, scientists claim
E. coli bacteria engineered to eat carbon dioxide
In possible climate breakthrough, Israel scientists engineer bacteria to eat CO₂
So burning the rainforest did not work, so the jew has to do this instead. This wouldn't have just happened; it would have been in the making for ages. The jew has backup plans, and if it doesn't, then it delays and drags things out for as long as possible...
[cough]Brexit[/cough] The jew intended to create bioweapons. It created AIDS, and if this proof is not saved, people in the future will laugh, mock and deride those who say that the jew created CO2-eating bacteria.