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Jews Bringing Ebola To America

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Jews Bringing Ebola To America

Numerous news stations are reporting on the situation that hundreds of Africans migrants from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, have shown up on the southern American border all of a sudden. Its also known that over two hundred of them had been allowed into America and given residence in the state of Maine. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, is undergoing a major Ebola wave, and chances are some of them are carriers of the Ebola plague.

The situation is Jewish organizations have been behind all the NGO's bringing in the migrants from Africa to the western world. So its obvious what is going on here. The Jews are trying to bring Ebola into America and the western world, to cause a major pandemic that will destabilize society, the Jews are attempting to cause as much chaos as possible to bring about their Messianic end times and out of the chaos bring about their New World Order. This is to conform to their own prophecies they put into the Bible about the End Times, this goes along with the unnatural disasters they have been creating as well were people recorded on camera, beam weapons being fired from the air, attacking homes, cars and properties in California. Then the Christian evangelicals go onto television and tell many millions of people these "natural" events are the End Times and the coming of the Messiah is approaching. The same ones who write books bragging they are on the pay roll of the Israel Lobby. If one watches the evangelic media its a constant propaganda stream of End Times, Christian cultism, where they rant about how everything happening in the world is the sign of the End Times and how the Messiah will appear in Jerusalem at any date now. This is the propaganda of the Jews and what they are attempting to make happen.
this is really a very very serious problem. here in Italy Salvini is trying to block the entry of other migrants but his 5-star alliance prevents this almost every time. If they can do this, it's really worrying. Hail Satan
Hijacking the energy of the mass mind.

My first thought was that first they tried with AIDS.

But a person can prevent themselves from becoming HIV positive.

So now they try with Ebola which is a deadly threat because a person is defenseless against breathing.

The joos try prophesy that at the end of times many people will die.

Well we need to look after ourselves here because we have a mission and important work to do here.

Christtards and Mudslimes can suffer and perish because they tie in and help manifest those curses.

I wish my Blessings on all of our Satanic Family here that we all escape any crap from all of those centuries of curses they're trying to manifest.

Member V12 mentioned recently how he escaped a potential serious collision with a truck recently. And because we are warriors we are extra protected. So long as we look out I trust we will all pull through Victorious.
Wow, just fucking wow.

And if you go online you will see maintream news shits are saying that the whole Ebola coming from the migrants are lies from conservative platforms.

Jews, fucking Jews...
And Maine being one of the whitest states in America...
Time to spam The Final RTR in a fit of rage. And just imagine the jews turning into dust or something... what would even be the treatments for something like this?

Collodial silver i dont really know if that would help, that and i was debating on buying a rife machine lately, but now reading this ill definitely buy it anyways.
They'll use anything to bring about their damn dirty ends. :Shakes head: Time for another RTR ritual.
I have speculated the cures for diseases in the future will have a hard driven star of david all over them? Its a full blown Nuclear - Bio - Chemical, sheista storm the enemy uses. I am finding how important protecting the Aura is. Predictions from a well known University Proffessor, stated. Just over 20 years the diseases will have evolved so much, cures will be near impossible to find. It coincides with lucifuge's message and its hard hitting shit.
Heres a link to a youtuber who has been following the Ebola situation for at least 4 weeks now:

HPS Shannon said:
And Maine being one of the whitest states in America...

Bud deres nou gonnection sdupid Goyim!!
Portland, Maine, turns ‘crisis’ to ‘opportunity’ for African migrants

There was also an "opportunity" article like this last year regarding the same but in Europe -

African Migration to Europe, Not a Crisis but an Opportunity
What a nice and lovely Valentines day article.

Sanctuary Cities Complain About African Migrants Arriving

HPS Shannon said:
And Maine being one of the whitest states in America...
In the supposedly-White UK, (((ofsted))) likes marking down schools for being "too-White".
HP Mageson666 said:
Jews Bringing Ebola To America

Numerous news stations are reporting on the situation that hundreds of Africans migrants from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, have shown up on the southern American border all of a sudden. Its also known that over two hundred of them had been allowed into America and given residence in the state of Maine. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, is undergoing a major Ebola wave, and chances are some of them are carriers of the Ebola plague.

The situation is Jewish organizations have been behind all the NGO's bringing in the migrants from Africa to the western world. So its obvious what is going on here. The Jews are trying to bring Ebola into America and the western world, to cause a major pandemic that will destabilize society, the Jews are attempting to cause as much chaos as possible to bring about their Messianic end times and out of the chaos bring about their New World Order. This is to conform to their own prophecies they put into the Bible about the End Times, this goes along with the unnatural disasters they have been creating as well were people recorded on camera, beam weapons being fired from the air, attacking homes, cars and properties in California. Then the Christian evangelicals go onto television and tell many millions of people these "natural" events are the End Times and the coming of the Messiah is approaching. The same ones who write books bragging they are on the pay roll of the Israel Lobby. If one watches the evangelic media its a constant propaganda stream of End Times, Christian cultism, where they rant about how everything happening in the world is the sign of the End Times and how the Messiah will appear in Jerusalem at any date now. This is the propaganda of the Jews and what they are attempting to make happen.
Jews must be chased away. We must not allow enemies to infiltrate between us. However, if we chase the Jews out of this planet with magic, the last thing that remains for them to play for Jews and their superiors to attack us is that the superiors of the Jews could attack us with nuclear bombs. Obviously in such a case, we should protect ourselves with magic ... It would be nice if we passed into this level quickly. And people know the enemies and reality, instead of this level of Jewish lies and infiltration. I hate infiltration. I wish to speed up the end of our cause. Infiltration is unbearable. I don't like invisible war. Excuse my impatience. Why allow the enemy to infiltrate?
This is a red hot issue here in Texas. The city of San Antonio has reported 500+ thus far and up to 600 more coming,.. Congolese immigrants were dumped in Texas by DHS without warning.

San Antonio news below:


I have a lot of links to articles here, but it's to not be biased and instead try with different Left/Centre/Right agencies. There are some from 2018 and from earlier this year, and after them are new articles.

As Ebola outbreak threatens nine African countries, new vaccine is main hope for preventing a major epidemic

Ebola outbreak isn't a global emergency yet: WHO

W.H.O. Says New Ebola Outbreak is not Yet a Top Health Emergency

WHO Says Progress is Being Made Against the Ebola Outbreak, but Remains a Threat

EBOLA CRISIS: Doctors threaten to STRIKE in DR Congo after coming under violent attack

Doctors in Congo Threaten to Strike if Ebola Attacks Continue

Ebola Doctors in the Congo Threaten Strike After a Health Worker Was Killed


Congo: Ebola Health Workers Threaten Strike After Locals Kill Doctor

Ebola Doctors in the Congo Threaten Strike After a Health Worker Was Killed

Frontline Ebola workers in Congo threaten strike if security won’t protect them from armed militia and others

Frontline Ebola workers threaten to strike in Congo

Ebola first responders threaten strike if security not improved

US Ebola scare: Health worker quarantined in Nebraska over 'possible exposure'

American Flown to Nebraska After Possible Ebola Exposure

Doctor exposed to Ebola placed in quarantine after return to US

American being monitored in US after potential exposure to Ebola virus in Congo

American doctor will be monitored in US after possible exposure to Ebola in Congo

Nebraska center monitors doctor for possible Ebola exposure

American doctor being monitored in US after possible exposure to the Ebola virus in Congo

American doctor is flown back to the US and quarantined in Nebraska after possibly being exposed to Ebola in the Congo

U.S. medic quarantined in Nebraska for possible Ebola exposure

I am wondering what the official (as opposed to actual) status of the emergency or crisis or whatever is today, more than one year later, but instead of giving that information it just says the workers are threatening to quit because of attacks and were exposed to it.

I saw a comment which said that ebola is only a problem in countries which don't have decent sewage systems, or sewage systems at all, so America and Europe will be fine.

Most recent, within the last hours/day
Ebola Outbreak in Congo in Testing Ground for Experimental Treatments
Will 1 of These 4 Experimental Treatments Cure Ebola?

Meet the Ebola workers battling a virus in a war zone

As Ebola takes hold in DRC, a Nigerian doctor reminds us of the sacrifices made in West Africa’s crisis

Doctors using new tools to fight ebola outbreak

Ebola hot spot shifts amid urgent call for funds

Ebola has spread for nearly a year in Congo. Officials are scrambling to ‘reset’ the response.

How Misinformation is Making it Almost Impossible to Contain the Ebola Outbreak in DRC
“White people are evil, that’s what people in the community believe,” Kayindo tells TIME.

As Ebola Continues to Spread in Congo, Uganda Watches Nervously

Opinion - Time is Running Out to Stop an Ebola Epidemic

WHO flags critical funding gap, calls for political parties to join fight against Ebola
Something I notice in Africa since the (((IMF))) and other Jewish control grids got their control over the governments of the African nations its been one war after another war in Africa. The Ebola problem in the Congo is connected with the war going on in the Congo region. Jews like to destabilize Arab and African nations and then dump the refugee wave they create into the White nations.
sip said:
This is a red hot issue here in Texas. The city of San Antonio has reported 500+ thus far and up to 600 more coming,.. Congolese immigrants were dumped in Texas by DHS without warning.

San Antonio news below:



From what I read Texan whites in some areas are outnumbered 9 to 1 at this point. Great work, we wuz progressive and shiet.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sip said:
This is a red hot issue here in Texas. The city of San Antonio has reported 500+ thus far and up to 600 more coming,.. Congolese immigrants were dumped in Texas by DHS without warning.

San Antonio news below:



From what I read Texan whites in some areas are outnumbered 9 to 1 at this point. Great work, we wuz progressive and shiet.

You are correct Sir. It is virtually impossible to for a Republican to win a race in many districts because we are, to put it lightly, outnumbered. Democrats in Texas use to lean more center line in terms of voting, but that is long gone. This of course is mostly limited to big city populations - for context Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston are solid liberal voting cities now. One peculiar thing I am noticing is that there is a rise in conservative Hispanics in South Texas that want the wall to be built. I was bird hunting down there not too long ago and saw two 'Latinos for Trump' billboards along the interstate. Purely anecdotal observations, but they do offer hope. One thing to note is that Mexicans do not mix well with Central Americans, whom are the source of these 'migrants'. There is also a rise is conservative Blacks - both of these movements are gaining a lot of momentum. I absolutely love Texas, my family has been here 100+ years so I know the strength of Texans will prevail.
sip said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sip said:
This is a red hot issue here in Texas. The city of San Antonio has reported 500+ thus far and up to 600 more coming,.. Congolese immigrants were dumped in Texas by DHS without warning.

San Antonio news below:



From what I read Texan whites in some areas are outnumbered 9 to 1 at this point. Great work, we wuz progressive and shiet.

You are correct Sir. It is virtually impossible to for a Republican to win a race in many districts because we are, to put it lightly, outnumbered. Democrats in Texas use to lean more center line in terms of voting, but that is long gone. This of course is mostly limited to big city populations - for context Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston are solid liberal voting cities now. One peculiar thing I am noticing is that there is a rise in conservative Hispanics in South Texas that want the wall to be built. I was bird hunting down there not too long ago and saw two 'Latinos for Trump' billboards along the interstate. Purely anecdotal observations, but they do offer hope. One thing to note is that Mexicans do not mix well with Central Americans, whom are the source of these 'migrants'. There is also a rise is conservative Blacks - both of these movements are gaining a lot of momentum. I absolutely love Texas, my family has been here 100+ years so I know the strength of Texans will prevail.

What I do not understand from Texas is how exactly given these demographics they are still shouting against Texans as if they are all KKK members or some shit? Texas is overly represented in all of these hoax and fraud news of the enemy congolmerates. It really makes me think as to why?

Demographics equal politics, if you want to usurp or ruin a democratic system, you just ruin the demographics, a method that the jews have discovered and are using at full force.

Cannot change the voters? That's ok, just extinct them or replace them, then everyone will be a leftist.

However the above backfires such as in London, where increasingly people are not becoming more leftists or liberals, but they are turning into Sharia Law on the undercurrents. Then if this happens one is effectively doomed, left or right.
sip said:
You are correct Sir. It is virtually impossible to for a Republican to win a race in many districts because we are, to put it lightly, outnumbered. Democrats in Texas use to lean more center line in terms of voting, but that is long gone. This of course is mostly limited to big city populations - for context Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston are solid liberal voting cities now. One peculiar thing I am noticing is that there is a rise in conservative Hispanics in South Texas that want the wall to be built. I was bird hunting down there not too long ago and saw two 'Latinos for Trump' billboards along the interstate. Purely anecdotal observations, but they do offer hope. One thing to note is that Mexicans do not mix well with Central Americans, whom are the source of these 'migrants'. There is also a rise is conservative Blacks - both of these movements are gaining a lot of momentum. I absolutely love Texas, my family has been here 100+ years so I know the strength of Texans will prevail.

I can add a bit to that anecdotal lol. Even in red ice videos which is heavily pro white Pagan-European I see several comments from people who say they are Mexican and support white nationalism in European countries as well as their cause to protect their own. I mean it's only fair because in Mexico nationalism is huge thing and there's absolute contempt towards illegal central Americans. Especially now that the economy is slowly but sutely rising. So it's mighty hypocritical when you see millenial Mexican-Americans spewing their anti White/America nonsense. The president of Mexico was already in the process of securing his own border with Guatemala but to be honest I'm glad Trump made it happen faster. Even though this guy is so far is looking better than all the shitty presidents prior to him (he's currently selling the presidential airplane and many other luxury airplanes and cars that were made for the politicians since he thinks it's disgraceful riding around in that when the country is struggling/poor and said will put the money to good use, one being to be able to have troops at the his southern border) but I'm still on the fence since its too early to tell his real motives.

It's a shame to see Texas go "blue" and not in the sense of democrats vs republicans b.s. but in the sense of what it means for whites down there. As well as seeing these African migrants out of nowhere. :/

Lastly, I've been seeing the same with blacks. More seem to be pushing away from the leftist nonsense and having fun mocking it. Imo seeing a poll that only 6 out 10 black people want reparations was a bit of a good surprise to me. If I would have guessed and wanted to be positive I would just thought it was 8 out 10. I feel that shows how good things are going and will keep going if we all continue our work. :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What I do not understand from Texas is how exactly given these demographics they are still shouting against Texans as if they are all KKK members or some shit? Texas is overly represented in all of these hoax and fraud news of the enemy congolmerates. It really makes me think as to why?

Demographics equal politics, if you want to usurp or ruin a democratic system, you just ruin the demographics, a method that the jews have discovered and are using at full force.

Cannot change the voters? That's ok, just extinct them or replace them, then everyone will be a leftist.

However the above backfires such as in London, where increasingly people are not becoming more leftists or liberals, but they are turning into Sharia Law on the undercurrents. Then if this happens one is effectively doomed, left or right.

IMO Texas gets attacked so much because we have a very robust economy, a ton of State pride and our rural population is overwhelmingly white...(only outside of big cities of course). We have a very unique, White culture that is deep rooted; social cohesion if you will? Texas is not exactly a member of the bible belt, but unfortunately Whites here cling to their Church (although that is declining fast as well). Gun ownership is rampant and is part of our everyday lives, Thank God. All of this presents a unique threat to the Kike structure.

Texas is also a Masonic stronghold - we cannot forget that. We have some of the oldest lodges in the country and one of the most active DeMolay / Boy Scout youth social structures in the US as well. Our capital is rife with CIA types - keep in mind Stratfor is headquartered in Austin Texas. Probably yet one more reason why the attacks are so strong. The Jew has its claws deep into our State.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sip said:
This is a red hot issue here in Texas. The city of San Antonio has reported 500+ thus far and up to 600 more coming,.. Congolese immigrants were dumped in Texas by DHS without warning.

San Antonio news below:



From what I read Texan whites in some areas are outnumbered 9 to 1 at this point. Great work, we wuz progressive and shiet.
People lolled when Top Gear went and trolled Alabama by riding a pro-gay car with pink writing on it there. I wonder if people are still lolling.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
