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Jews Are Good People You Said? Let's Examine.

Orthodox Jews are the worst. luckily most of them just worship the dollar. I would not trust them unless they are your accountant or lawyer. :lol:
loki88 said:
I would like to see a comprehensive document that proves jews are reptilians that can be circulated around as propaganda to expose the jew. There is a lot of content here but it is fairly scattered. Perhaps someone more familiar with it than myself could carry out this task? the title could be an eye catching one like the obvious "jews are reptilians[/hybrids]", eg

Isn't the word propaganda bad anyways it would more be like the truth. If someone makes one though I will copy paste it several places online with a link to one of the JOS created sites.
Covenant of Orion said:
Read this immediately: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Void_Meditation.html

Void Meditate all throughout the day, every day, keeping your attention shut off from the undesired one. This alone can make a huge difference.

#1. Do not give them your attention and bring your point of focus towards left brained activities that draw away from the spiritual. (Look up 'left brained activities to get resources regarding this.) Ground yourself, get physical and indulge. Literally get your feet into some soft soil and let the ions get in, imagine roots growing from your feet or spine (if in lotus) and imagine all that shit just flying out ya ass. :3 Take an epsom salt bath. Stuff yourself, take a nap.

Get social. Focus on the physical, period. When you are focused on something of interest, even the most determined spirit cannot feed of of attention that it is just not getting. Avoid right side of the brain activities, like listening to music, artwork, video games, and mentally drifting.

Stay in the present moment.

Ignore them and do not emotionally respond to them in any fashion.

This is a full article on the subject:





A little tip about detaching entities and living people: if you don't know the name, focus on the being. You can say it, him, her. Like the Hexigradiator says, just making up a name that you identify the being with... parents name their kids all kinds of shit.


Here are some spiritual tips, nothing definitive.

At every waking moment, do not let your guard down. Cross you arms over your chest and do NOT fall for its manipulation.


Here is what to look for- you will see this if you read anything about people's experiences:

The angelic entity intrudes. Most often the creature is uninvited and takes it upon itself to barge in on someone's psyche totally uninvited.

The entity uses love to lower the victim's defenses. This is done deliberately and masks the entity's true intentions. The victim [human beings are emotionally vulnerable- how many serious mistakes have been made at the mercy of our emotions] feels the "love" and is deceived into believing this is a positive visitor.

The entity never explains much or gives the victim any valuable knowledge. Most questions are not answered, if they are, they are in riddles or nonsense. Any information given is either incorrect or incomplete.

Often, the entity will make a statement that it is coming to warn the victim and/or humanity of "erring ways." This many times has to do with anything the entity deems as a threat to their total control, in most cases playing upon the ability for one to defend one's self; humanity's use of mind power for psychic self defense is extremely threatening to these alien predators as their main tool of control is through the mind; their worst worry is should humanity ever discover the truth and attain the same powers of the mind as they possess. They preach a false concept of "peace" and "love" to disarm humanity and create a helpless/defenseless earth. Their own convictions concerning this are made blatantly clear throughout the Christian Bible where they are bringers of torture, suffering, and death. The book of revelation/apocalypse says it all.

The entity in many cases delivers negative prophesy. Most often, this predicts personal ruin, disaster for the victim, his/her loved ones or others who are close. The entity then offers false reassurance that it will remain with the victim through all of this, but does not lift a finger to stop it.

The entity in many cases, such as with ignorant [unknowing] new age people, acts as a healer when channeled. As usual, no knowledge of any value is given and the healer as well as the patient remain cripples and are helpless without the entity's assistance, making them slaves.


A lot of us here feel an extreme duty to our Gods. This is great. There are times when one needs to call in sick. This should become a standard for all Spiritual Satanists. We are opening ourselves up wide when we are so right brained.

Another thing that I would say to the topic creator with his situation, is for fucks sake, be super fucking careful about how you act around other people. We have two arms, two legs, two ears and ONE BIG FUCKING MOUTH.

I would like you to think about all of the information that you have that we don't, really sit down and think. Why? I had the same thing happen to me that you are talking about and I AM JUST GETTING ON THE RIGHT MEDS AFTER 8 FUCKING YEARS!

Dude... please just be careful, from an intermediate Satanist to the off and on, graceful spirit that you are, brother or sister, we care about our own. And one last thing, lieutenant.


Everyone should know what to “give a Demon in return.” Offer your services and hard work, NOT trinkets, food, or other worthless junk. Work where you are able to, build your powers through consistent meditation, and strive for independence to where you can make your own desires manifest in reality on your own. If you are in doubt concerning what to do or how to work, focus on Satan and ask him in your mind. Be aware and open, and you will receive signs.

If you are ever fuming with hatred, and feel as if you cannot contain it or control yourself, ASK SATAN 'FATHER SATAN, TAKE MY HATRED.' He is a smart man and he doesn't need for you to explain. Make things simple so you can remember. So... REMEMBER!: Satan can take your red hot hate and use it for you, and Satan knows and can see on a bigger scale. See how mutually benefical our relationship with Satan is?

For situations of hate, donate your hate to Satan.


For situations where you are being abused and the victim of malice and anger, you can reflect their shit back on to them, whether they be seen or unseen. This article helps with that. https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Fighting_Back.html

At the moment you are in that situation, reinforce your RETURNING CURSES #2. Say once (only one because it is not like you are alone. You need to be on the fly in the warzone, quick magic is good to learn and practice also, I call this light-weight spellcasting) Say once in times of abuse, both seen and unseen: “My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning these directly right back to the senders.”


True Left Hand Path Tantra is living life to the fullest, indulgence in pleasure, while working towards enlightenment through meditation and knowledge- the Satanic way. Many books about yoga contradict each other, which reveals corrputed information. You have to open your mind and like with reading anything- read through it the Satanic way- sift out the xian bullshit that unfortunately has infested nearly everything.

In empowering ourselves, truth be known, and I speak from experience here:

There are no special dietary laws
There are no special ways of living or being- in other words, you are FREE to be yourself and live your life as you choose
There are no sexual taboos, meaning- you are free to have sex as you choose, with whom you choose, and as often as you choose
The only thing that IS relevant with these disciplines is CONSISTENT PRACTICE, and nothing more. The essence of these teachings are all about developing the powers of the mind and soul, which are open to everyone in the universe. You don't have to live your life by certain laws. Energy does what it is told to do. The only thing one needs is accurate knowledge. The knowledge on how to get there and how to be the most powerful you can be.

As Satanists, we work towards:

Developing and advancing the powers known as 'Siddhis', such as telekinesis, telepathy, levitation, and so forth. These are gifts to us from Satan.

Development of our personal powers in causing desired changes in our lives and/or in the lives of others using the powers of our minds and souls.

Using any powers we obtain from doing yoga, meditation, mantra, etc., to enhance our lives, establish justice if we are wronged, acquire wealth, heal and/or anything else we desire.


DESIRE is the key to working effective 'witchcraft.' When our minds and souls become powerful through meditation, yoga, and mantra, what we DESIRE will often manifest of itself in18 times: “My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning these directly right back to the senders.” our lives, even without any working or ritual. I know this from my own personal experiences. DESIRE alone will bring it about, if one has the power.
Thank you have been an cleaning chakras she had a better hold on me than perviously thought but im successfully wiping her out thank you both
I was in LA the other day driving around on this particular main street. I turn right onto it and I look over and see these two things in a black and white suits with hats. A jew? Nah probably not...driving further I then saw more black and white suits. and more. and MORE. AND MORE. I can not express to you how many fucking jews I saw walking around in this one little part of LA, I felt so disgusted. Like seeing a cockroach infestation. All these Jews walking to this massive synagogue passing homeless African Americans laying on the sidewalks and in tents begging for change with every kike not batting an eye (those who put them there in the first place). I felt so disgusted and sick. After arriving to my destination while walking around the mall I had to cleanse my aura.

What really disgusted me is when I saw this little hook-nose kike boy with his little kike hat. He looked identical to this ugly little thing, with short brown hair.
Holy fucking shit exterminate this ugly existence from the face of the Earth.
slyscorpion said:
loki88 said:
I would like to see a comprehensive document that proves jews are reptilians that can be circulated around as propaganda to expose the jew. There is a lot of content here but it is fairly scattered. Perhaps someone more familiar with it than myself could carry out this task? the title could be an eye catching one like the obvious "jews are reptilians[/hybrids]", eg

Isn't the word propaganda bad anyways it would more be like the truth. If someone makes one though I will copy paste it several places online with a link to one of the JOS created sites.

here it is:


satanichonor said:
ConsistentMeditator said:
satanichonor said:
Fff what the hell you are kidding right? Of course it doesn't change your main point. All I did was give you more information on what you've said adding onto the statement. How do I make your statement worse, or a so called "problem" I don't want an answer because your probably sitting looking for a "problem" I made something worse... or whatever. I was updating you on recent news. Did you know Orthodox jews still some are ordered to serve, yes alot of people know that other yids have to too. Which this news is actually a big bummer for the religious jews, cause that means less curses for us. :roll: :ugeek:

Alright, I guess I completely misread what you said. Yes, that is helpful to know in a way and it seems like we both basically agree. Sorry for the confusion.
cool, it was just that you can't start accusing me.
or negating me rather that made me upset
Genetic racial memory from a former war causes an upsurge of hatred for a specialized branch of a bloodline, people maybe confused because except for self conditioning this dose not always trigger in a blanket sense, because some of them don't have ''that'' whatever it is, power, it also shows up to a lesser extent for certain others in certain races as well but not always.

For example I have no problem with Damballah worshipers, that choose this as Loa, not my style or racial system per se, ''the serpent/Dragon is important'' but I nod and step aside smiling at the purist of that race.

I did not know for example that Helena Bonham carter was into Judaism, until I saw a video, she dose not seem an enemy. Seems lovely. She looks fine without the tan. I only ever wonder why her husband Tim divorced her and treated her badly after she bore his children.

Aristocratic birth ''I think"" and a white painted face? fine bones good nose, good taste ''judging from scripts accepted, all checks out down the line, fine fine. As far as I know.

Dont know if she ever did or said anything wrong. Not a super-fan of hers after all.

See how a guy might get confused? She seems almost a Satanist from her taste, except for that youtube video profile. Maybe shes reverse infiltrating without knowing?
personally i don't get the whole idea of enslaving others, i mean sure one gets what others have.
but others can't really give one things like the joy of scientific and spiritual discoveries and evolution.
others can't do much to make someone feel good about himself.
others can't prevent someone from hating everything he sees.
others can't give someone true hope through enslavement.
it's just, the ones trying to enslave others will end up living as pigs and achieve great personal abilities. and that will end up being their downfall all the time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
