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Jewish Witchcraft In History

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Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated on 28 June 1914; an event which is said to be the catalyst for the First World War.
Did you know that the Archduke’s number plate read: A 111 118?
A series that can be read as, Armistice 11 November ‘18.

The number 11 in the Jewish occult system is a number of judgement and destruction.

Henry Ford stated he was told flat out by a Jewish journalist that the First War was started by the international Jewish banking powers and would only end when they wanted it to. The date does not lie. Ford made sure a copy of the book "The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion" was put into each car that was sold to get the book to the world. He also published a copy of them in his news paper which had the third largest circulation in America. And which his book "The International Jew" was written from articles within his paper The Dearborn Independent. The Jews attempted to assassinate Ford by attempting to run him off the road from his own reports and made numerous attacks and threats on him and his family. Ford died April 7,1947 the day of the Jewish Passover when they curse their enemies and commit the ritual murders.
If a person was to use logic it just doesn't make sense.

One guy shoots and kills another guy. And Germany says right that's it. War because of one murder.

I mean it looks logically to be ridiculous and totally blown out of proportion.
Henry Ford's, Ford cars are still serving their purpose as an economical, reliable car for the masses.

Just like Adolf Hitlers VolksWagen was a mass produced little vw beetle for the people.

Oh what a good feeling it is to hear the thump of the old Volkswagens horizontal air cooled engine.
I have heard Ford was jewish, is it true?
Personal Growth said:
If a person was to use logic it just doesn't make sense.

One guy shoots and kills another guy. And Germany says right that's it. War because of one murder.

I mean it looks logically to be ridiculous and totally blown out of proportion.

No, that is real, if specific people are killed by specific people, wars break out. Archduke Ferdinand was only the tipping point for WW1 breaking out.
What is left out of the mainstream history books is the hand the Jews hand in making that war. But those who fought in that war wrote about this such as General Ludendorff who was a member of the Thule Society and stated the war was created by the Jewish run Masonic groups, International Jewish bankers and the Jewsuit order and Catholic church.

The strange false miracle in Portugal the Mary that appeared from the enemy told the people this war was punishment from "god" on the population and that if Russia didn't repent and become Catholic then Russia would be destroyed by Communism. The enemy created that war for their own agenda. This also makes everything they do look like some divine event and keeps people deluded and under control.

Personal Growth said:
If a person was to use logic it just doesn't make sense.

One guy shoots and kills another guy. And Germany says right that's it. War because of one murder.

I mean it looks logically to be ridiculous and totally blown out of proportion.
I have this book in my Kindle, didnt realise his death HP, quick google then a we tangent took me there :D

Not to doubt you, never just to see how blatant they are.

Great book he was fond of Adolf, I may have got that the other way about. Maybe it was Adolf fond of Fords work.
Personal Growth said:
If a person was to use logic it just doesn't make sense.

One guy shoots and kills another guy. And Germany says right that's it. War because of one murder.

I mean it looks logically to be ridiculous and totally blown out of proportion.
This is because people are unaware of true spirituality and as a result are ignorant and helpless. If you don't know basic reactions like combustion for example, you are afraid of fire just like an animal.
PROOF: The True Purpose of the Bible is for Jewish Witchcraft

Unbeknownst to the vast majority of Gentiles, the true purpose of the so-called "Holy Bible" is for the Jews to use the numbered verses [In Hebrew] to curse Gentiles [and even other Jews] and to control world events.

Netanyahu recently is passing a law in Israel where the ultra orthodox Jews are now required to serve in the Israeli army. They'd rather "study Torah all day." So, just what do you think that all implies? What do you think they do with all that time? It's pretty obvious. They've been cursing us Gentiles and promoting their agenda for centuries.

As for Netanyahu, the late Ben Gurion and other more secular or even atheistic Jews, they don't take the ultra-orthodox Jews very seriously. The Hasidim are actually an embarrassment to many secular and atheistic Jews. Well, just watch the news and Netanyahu. The ultra orthodox rabbis curse whoever goes against them, especially other Jews. This is no different from communism, where again, Jews persecuting Jews.

As for skeptics, atheists and others who doubt the powers of the mind and soul, look around you. EVERYTHING, your PC, your bed, your furniture, place of living and so forth was once someone's idea before it manifested into physical form. Those who know how to manipulate the creative imagination and who have trained their minds and souls can do much more, even kill with their curses and combined efforts of groups, such as Hasidim [Jewish orthodox], especially rabbis who have the knowledge and have trained using Kabalistic [the Jewish Kabalah is comprised of stolen spiritual knowledge, written in codes and such and also orally communicated with the utmost secrecy] techniques on how to channel energy.

Some glaring examples are the The Cursing of Ariel Sharon Click here for an article where the Jews themselves admit this

A full detailed article concerning the rabbinical cursing of Yitzhak Rabin and others who angered the orthdox Click here for another article where the Jews themselves admit this

The following article was researched and written by Edward Tgao [Russian] and is PROOF how the Jews use the Bible [which is its true purpose] to curse Gentiles. There are many more than the list included below.

The Jewish holiday of Purim has its origins in the biblical book of Esther. This holiday which occurs every year is when Jews curse Hamen, held in spring (on the 14th or 15th day of Adar) to commemorate the defeat of Haman's plot to massacre the Jews as recorded in the book of Esther.

"Pesach/Pesah" is Hebrew for "Passover," another important Jewish holiday notorious for Jewish ritual murder.

60+ White Russian children were burned alive 5 days before Jewish Passover 25 March in the cinema center in Kemerovo oblast. Doors were proved to be closed from the outside deliberatelly when fire went up. People were trapped in the flaming center with one single door open and very few windows. Those who managed to run were mostly teens and adults, those who were trapped and burned were mostly little children. From some window, a child managed to escape. He was one of very few who remained alive. His mother, little sister and all his family except grandmother, died. He can't talk and is extremely depressed.

Click here for Wikipedia article on the Kemerovo Fire

On 31 March [2018], at sunset, the Jewish holiday of Passover begins. Before that, Jews need to sacrifice non-Jewish children, to channel the energies of mortal torment and the bottomless grief of parents and loved ones to their goals. And "their goals" are: money, power over Gentiles, the thriving and advancement of their programs of Christianity, Islam, Judaism itself, and other forms of Abrahamism into our societies, attacking our Original Pagan Gods and separating us from them, frightening us off of them, and so on. And first and foremost: their own impunity, forgiveness of their "sins," easy violation of any promises, quiet violation of vows, the abolition of any obligations and the removal of any responsibility from the Jews (Kol Nidrei). All this they think is worth of the most painful of the possible deaths of innocent children, and this is nothing new with them.

--They burned thousands of innocent children in Dresden during the bombing of the "Ash Wednesday" on the Christian holiday. [Reducing Dresen to ashes with fire bombings].

--They burned thousands of innocent civilians in Hiroshima after the war had already been won

--They burned millions of innocent women and men, children and old people on bonfires, starting from two years of age "for witchcraft" and recorded a case when a pregnant woman gave birth directly into the fire at the stake of the Inquisition.

The Jews simply have a passion for burning flesh. Their god adores to inhale fumes of burnt blood:

Book of Exodus 29:18
And thou shalt burn the whole ram upon the altar: it is a burnt offering unto the LORD: it is a sweet savour, an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

Word "holocaust" is a Jewish word meaning "burning" which is constantly used in bible and means sacrifice to the Jewish god.

Leviticus 1:9
But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and the priest shall burn all on the altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of "a sweet savour unto the LORD".
And he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, but shall not divide it asunder: and the priest shall burn it upon the altar, upon the wood that is upon the fire: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.

But their god requires a constant human:
"And you shall offer your burnt-offerings, flesh and blood, on the altar of the LORD your God; But the blood of your other victims must be shed at the altar of the Lord your God, and eat the meat ... "
- Deuteronomy 12:27

The most infamous for his atrocities, the inquisitor, Tomás de Torquemada, was a Jew. And the Inquisition itself, in addition to the racial and genetic genocide of mainly European White Gentiles, had a goal of mass human sacrifices to feed and increase the power of Christianity. The Jewish god literally fed off of burning human flesh.

When they implanted Christianity in Russia (implanted like a chip), they burned "prophetic wives," "wise men," and any Gentiles they even suspected of having any spiritual abilities and/or knowledge. Entire villages, whose energy they needed to give to the new religion, the power was used to influence the minds of people so that they easier accepted slavery under the Jewish god. Just think... for that now we Russians so easily tolerate and even profess the religion of slaves, millions of our ancestors across Europe and Russia perished in flames. As well as our children now perished in flames of Kemerovo.

They became the free "food" for the Jewish god. Their suffering, like the suffering of children around the world, was "not in vain." They benefited Jewish society. After such "holidays" people with a greater desire go to church, mosque, etc., and bring their money into such institutions. They much easier fall into fraternal wars. And they are easier fed with Jewish propaganda in the media. Jews are INTERESTED in such incidents as Kemerovo.

And here is the proof:
--The plane crash in Sochi, Russia, was on the Jewish "holiday of light" of Hanukkah. Jewish singer Joseph Kobzon refused to fly this flight. He was warned.

--The crash of the Polish plane near Smolensk, Russia, was on the Jewish holiday of Yom HaShoa, a "holiday of catastrophe," or the celebration of a Jewish holyhoax. For proof the holocaust is another lie [who controls Hollywood and is expert with making fantasy appear to be real] Click Here

Ancient sacrifices:

--Gaius Julius Caesar was killed on March 15, 44 BCE (exactly on the day of PURIM)

--The murder of Emperor Paul I March 24, 1801 (2 days before PESAH). The day after the death of Paul I, the founder of the Hasidic movement Chabad-Rabi Shneur-Zalman Bar-Baruch (Alter Rebbe) was released from prison in St. Petersburg

--Murder of Harrison William Henry President of the USA April 4, 1841 (one day before PESAH)

--The revolution in Hungary on March 15, 1848 (3 days before Purim)

--Death from the "flu" of the Emperor Nicholas I March 2, 1855 (2 days before Purim)

--The assassination of Abraham Lincoln The US President April 14, 1865 (on the day of PESAH)

--The first attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II on April 4, 1866 (on the day of PESAH)

--Revolution in France March 18, 1871. (5 days before Purim).

--The second attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II on April 2, 1879 (a week before PESAH)

--The murder of Emperor Alexander II on March 14, 1881 (one day before the PURIM)

--Attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander III on March 1, 1887 (A week before the Purim) In the attempt, A. Ulyanov was involved, the brother of V. Ulyanov (Lenin, Blank was a surname of his Jewish mother)

--In 1894, Alexander III was poisoned by doctors: Zakharin (Jew), Leiden (Jew), Hirsch (Jew).

--The first congress of the RSDLP on March 1, 1898 (PURIM in 1898 was March 8 (new), ie February 23, according to the old style) The preparation of the Revolution in Russia began.

--Murder of the family of Emperor Romanov in Yekaterinburg July 18, 1918 (bloody victim exactly on the day of "Ninth ABA" - the national day of mourning for Jews - the day when the First and Second Jerusalem temples were destroyed).

--The murder of Henry Ford is an American industrialist, millionaire, author of the exposure book "International Jewry" on April 7, 1947 (exactly on the day of PESAH)


--Accident at Chernobyl NPP on April 26, 1986, (exactly on the day of PESAH).

--Accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, Japan March 11, 2011 (one week before the PURIM)

--Operation Desert Storm. The defeat of Iraq on February 28, 1991 (exactly on the day of PURIM)

--The ultimatum and the beginning of the war against Iraq on March 18, 2003 (exactly on the day of PURIM)

--Killed S. Milosevic, President of Yugoslavia 11 March 2006, The Hague (3 days before the PURIM)

--Two explosions in the Moscow subway on March 30, 2010. (The day before PESAH).

--The war against Libya on March 19, 2011 (exactly on the day of PURIM)

--2011, 07.23. Shooting in Oslo, Breivik, 77 people. more than 100 were wounded. Feast of Matot

-- 04.11.2011 explosion in the Minsk subway, up to 4 days before Pesach: 15.04.2011.

--2013 year 04.24. Explosions at the Boston Marathon. Pesach, 15.04.

Presidents who fought against the creation of the Federal Reserve:

--Millard Fillmore. President of the U.S.A. March 8, 1874 died of a stroke 3 days after the PURIM

--Arthur Chester Alan. President of the U.S.A. March 4, 1885 died of a stroke 2 days after PURIM

--Benjamin Harrison. President of the U..S.A. March 13, 1901 died of influenza 7 days after PURIM

--William Howard Taft. President of the U.S.A. March 8, 1930 died of a sore throat 6 days before the PURIM

--Franklin Delano Roosevelt. President of the U.S.A. April 12, 1945 died of a stroke 6 days after PESAH


More Related Articles:

The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft

2000 Years of Jewish Ritual Murder

Jewish Ritual Murder

The Holy Bible: A Book of Jewish Witchcraft Part 2

Coincidence? I don't think so... Parts 1 & 2: About the Jewish-staged Paris Terror Attack and Proof of How the Bible Was Used to Pull This Off [13 November 2015]

The Christian Mass and How it Ties into Jewish Ritual Murder

The Torah and Living Blood Sacrifice

Christianity, Communism, the Jews and the Bible

Mind Control Programming and the Bible

The Truth About the Bible

"Year Zero"

How To Kill Goyim And Influence People -- Torat Ha'melech
Apparently the Court case of Gavrilo Princip & Nedelko Cabrinovic brought to light that
the French Masonic Organisation Grand Orient was behind the assassination plans
of Franz Ferdinand and was planned in Paris in 1912 at 16 Rue Cadets the headquarters
of Grand Orient, and also Prime Minister Pasic was connected, which was why he fled the Country.
Interestingly Alexander Kerensky was also connected to a branch of the Grand Orient, the Grand Orient
of Russia's People
I wonder if Caesar was a puppet since he was killed by the Jews but FDR who fought against Hitler was without a doubt controlled by them.
Personal Growth said:
Henry Ford's, Ford cars are still serving their purpose as an economical, reliable car for the masses.

Just like Adolf Hitlers VolksWagen was a mass produced little vw beetle for the people.

Oh what a good feeling it is to hear the thump of the old Volkswagens horizontal air cooled engine.
You triggered me. Ford vehicles aren't what they used to be. My friend bought a new Ford truck a decade ago. The engine was defective (whether Ford did this intentionally or not, I wouldn't be surprised) and Ford wouldn't own up to the problem. He sold the truck and bought a Toyota. There was a minor problem with the vehicle and Toyota contacted him and paid to solve the problem. And Fords are a pain to work on. Toyotas are amazing. I own a Toyota and it broke and I fixed it instantly. Older Fords may be better. The newer Fords are made to break I think. It's a common capitalist thing to do and communist countries do this too unless for their own. Varg Vikernes (anyone still watch him?) owns a communist military vehicle and it's a solid vehicle.
TopoftheAbyss said:
I wonder if Caesar was a puppet since he was killed by the Jews but FDR who fought against Hitler was without a doubt controlled by them.

I seriously doubt he was a puppet, the jews even cursed him in several passages of the bible.
HauptSturm said:
Personal Growth said:
Henry Ford's, Ford cars are still serving their purpose as an economical, reliable car for the masses.

Just like Adolf Hitlers VolksWagen was a mass produced little vw beetle for the people.

Oh what a good feeling it is to hear the thump of the old Volkswagens horizontal air cooled engine.
You triggered me. Ford vehicles aren't what they used to be. My friend bought a new Ford truck a decade ago. The engine was defective (whether Ford did this intentionally or not, I wouldn't be surprised) and Ford wouldn't own up to the problem. He sold the truck and bought a Toyota. There was a minor problem with the vehicle and Toyota contacted him and paid to solve the problem. And Fords are a pain to work on. Toyotas are amazing. I own a Toyota and it broke and I fixed it instantly. Older Fords may be better. The newer Fords are made to break I think. It's a common capitalist thing to do and communist countries do this too unless for their own. Varg Vikernes (anyone still watch him?) owns a communist military vehicle and it's a solid vehicle.

If that's you triggered then I fear to see you when you're really mad.

Maybe you'll like this acronym.


Equals: Found On Rubbish Dump.

I have two cars one being a Ford. Other Ford owners say they're great cars.

But mine has been giving me a few problems of late.

Many new cars are built cheaply and not to last. And out of the same lot of cars there can somehow be differences between the vehicles. As your mate found out and landed up with a wrong one.

I think from time to time a person can have to deal with idiots. And it's lucky for you that you had great service personnel at Toyota. Your friend met Muppets at Fords service.

I also have an unconscious bias towards a breakdown recovery company because they let me down.

It's swings and roundabouts. Sometimes you're lucky and sometimes you land up with a dog.
Personal Growth said:
If that's you triggered then I fear to see you when you're really mad.

Maybe you'll like this acronym.


Equals: Found On Rubbish Dump.

I have two cars one being a Ford. Other Ford owners say they're great cars.

But mine has been giving me a few problems of late.

Many new cars are built cheaply and not to last. And out of the same lot of cars there can somehow be differences between the vehicles. As your mate found out and landed up with a wrong one.

I think from time to time a person can have to deal with idiots. And it's lucky for you that you had great service personnel at Toyota. Your friend met Muppets at Fords service.

I also have an unconscious bias towards a breakdown recovery company because they let me down.

It's swings and roundabouts. Sometimes you're lucky and sometimes you land up with a dog.
Ford is all right... The F-150 is a really really nice truck. The Explorer was excellent. But when Ford messes up, and they tell you you're out of luck, that's pretty messed up. Where as Toyota goes out of their way to tell you they messed up and pays to solve the problem, that's really cool. Plus ISIS drives Toyota so you know it's good..................

I don't go to Toyota service. I try to fix my vehicle on my own if I can. My friend didn't go to Ford service either. There was nothing to be done. He could have paid a ton to fix the engine that Ford screwed up on in the first place. Or sell the car. He sold it which was good because he needed a bigger car for family.

F.O.R.D. stands for Fix It Again Tony.
When it comes to sensing and spotting jews: even when one is open is it true that the more jewish genes someone has the easier it is to identify the jew in terms of just "feeling"? If that is true im guessing the ones with the faintest amount are harder to sense? The more ive done RTR's the more jews i see and or suspect. Its quite alarming, as ive been left with suspicions so strong the last 2 months it caused me to change jobs...one of the suspects 2 weeks back literally started sneezing uncontrollably when he walked up to me and then made a joke about being allergic to me right after i just did 3 RTRs and cleaned my aura at the end of the day.
Shadowcat said:
When it comes to sensing and spotting jews: even when one is open is it true that the more jewish genes someone has the easier it is to identify the jew in terms of just "feeling"?
This is true as the more one "reeks" the easier it is to smell, so to say. But don't get paranoid thinking everyone is a jew. There are also gentiles who are simply very dirty and/or who have bad synergy with you in particular.
Shael said:
Shadowcat said:
When it comes to sensing and spotting jews: even when one is open is it true that the more jewish genes someone has the easier it is to identify the jew in terms of just "feeling"?
This is true as the more one "reeks" the easier it is to smell, so to say. But don't get paranoid thinking everyone is a jew. There are also gentiles who are simply very dirty and/or who have bad synergy with you in particular.

Indeed, this is something i always try to take into account as well. names like seijmonsbergen and schanzleh (correct me if im wrong dutch ss bros) for example though sound pretty jewish. a couple of the suspects i have in mind have those last names...a few guys at work here before i left that place even told me those are jewish last names.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
PROOF: The True Purpose of the Bible is for Jewish Witchcraft

Unbeknownst to the vast majority of Gentiles, the true purpose of the so-called "Holy Bible" is for the Jews to use the numbered verses [In Hebrew] to curse Gentiles [and even other Jews] and to control world events.

Netanyahu recently is passing a law in Israel where the ultra orthodox Jews are now required to serve in the Israeli army. They'd rather "study Torah all day." So, just what do you think that all implies? What do you think they do with all that time? It's pretty obvious. They've been cursing us Gentiles and promoting their agenda for centuries.

As for Netanyahu, the late Ben Gurion and other more secular or even atheistic Jews, they don't take the ultra-orthodox Jews very seriously. The Hasidim are actually an embarrassment to many secular and atheistic Jews. Well, just watch the news and Netanyahu. The ultra orthodox rabbis curse whoever goes against them, especially other Jews. This is no different from communism, where again, Jews persecuting Jews.

As for skeptics, atheists and others who doubt the powers of the mind and soul, look around you. EVERYTHING, your PC, your bed, your furniture, place of living and so forth was once someone's idea before it manifested into physical form. Those who know how to manipulate the creative imagination and who have trained their minds and souls can do much more, even kill with their curses and combined efforts of groups, such as Hasidim [Jewish orthodox], especially rabbis who have the knowledge and have trained using Kabalistic [the Jewish Kabalah is comprised of stolen spiritual knowledge, written in codes and such and also orally communicated with the utmost secrecy] techniques on how to channel energy.

Some glaring examples are the The Cursing of Ariel Sharon Click here for an article where the Jews themselves admit this

A full detailed article concerning the rabbinical cursing of Yitzhak Rabin and others who angered the orthdox Click here for another article where the Jews themselves admit this

The following article was researched and written by Edward Tgao [Russian] and is PROOF how the Jews use the Bible [which is its true purpose] to curse Gentiles. There are many more than the list included below.

The Jewish holiday of Purim has its origins in the biblical book of Esther. This holiday which occurs every year is when Jews curse Hamen, held in spring (on the 14th or 15th day of Adar) to commemorate the defeat of Haman's plot to massacre the Jews as recorded in the book of Esther.

"Pesach/Pesah" is Hebrew for "Passover," another important Jewish holiday notorious for Jewish ritual murder.

60+ White Russian children were burned alive 5 days before Jewish Passover 25 March in the cinema center in Kemerovo oblast. Doors were proved to be closed from the outside deliberatelly when fire went up. People were trapped in the flaming center with one single door open and very few windows. Those who managed to run were mostly teens and adults, those who were trapped and burned were mostly little children. From some window, a child managed to escape. He was one of very few who remained alive. His mother, little sister and all his family except grandmother, died. He can't talk and is extremely depressed.

Click here for Wikipedia article on the Kemerovo Fire

On 31 March [2018], at sunset, the Jewish holiday of Passover begins. Before that, Jews need to sacrifice non-Jewish children, to channel the energies of mortal torment and the bottomless grief of parents and loved ones to their goals. And "their goals" are: money, power over Gentiles, the thriving and advancement of their programs of Christianity, Islam, Judaism itself, and other forms of Abrahamism into our societies, attacking our Original Pagan Gods and separating us from them, frightening us off of them, and so on. And first and foremost: their own impunity, forgiveness of their "sins," easy violation of any promises, quiet violation of vows, the abolition of any obligations and the removal of any responsibility from the Jews (Kol Nidrei). All this they think is worth of the most painful of the possible deaths of innocent children, and this is nothing new with them.

--They burned thousands of innocent children in Dresden during the bombing of the "Ash Wednesday" on the Christian holiday. [Reducing Dresen to ashes with fire bombings].

--They burned thousands of innocent civilians in Hiroshima after the war had already been won

--They burned millions of innocent women and men, children and old people on bonfires, starting from two years of age "for witchcraft" and recorded a case when a pregnant woman gave birth directly into the fire at the stake of the Inquisition.

The Jews simply have a passion for burning flesh. Their god adores to inhale fumes of burnt blood:

Book of Exodus 29:18
And thou shalt burn the whole ram upon the altar: it is a burnt offering unto the LORD: it is a sweet savour, an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

Word "holocaust" is a Jewish word meaning "burning" which is constantly used in bible and means sacrifice to the Jewish god.

Leviticus 1:9
But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and the priest shall burn all on the altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of "a sweet savour unto the LORD".
And he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, but shall not divide it asunder: and the priest shall burn it upon the altar, upon the wood that is upon the fire: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.

But their god requires a constant human:
"And you shall offer your burnt-offerings, flesh and blood, on the altar of the LORD your God; But the blood of your other victims must be shed at the altar of the Lord your God, and eat the meat ... "
- Deuteronomy 12:27

The most infamous for his atrocities, the inquisitor, Tomás de Torquemada, was a Jew. And the Inquisition itself, in addition to the racial and genetic genocide of mainly European White Gentiles, had a goal of mass human sacrifices to feed and increase the power of Christianity. The Jewish god literally fed off of burning human flesh.

When they implanted Christianity in Russia (implanted like a chip), they burned "prophetic wives," "wise men," and any Gentiles they even suspected of having any spiritual abilities and/or knowledge. Entire villages, whose energy they needed to give to the new religion, the power was used to influence the minds of people so that they easier accepted slavery under the Jewish god. Just think... for that now we Russians so easily tolerate and even profess the religion of slaves, millions of our ancestors across Europe and Russia perished in flames. As well as our children now perished in flames of Kemerovo.

They became the free "food" for the Jewish god. Their suffering, like the suffering of children around the world, was "not in vain." They benefited Jewish society. After such "holidays" people with a greater desire go to church, mosque, etc., and bring their money into such institutions. They much easier fall into fraternal wars. And they are easier fed with Jewish propaganda in the media. Jews are INTERESTED in such incidents as Kemerovo.

And here is the proof:
--The plane crash in Sochi, Russia, was on the Jewish "holiday of light" of Hanukkah. Jewish singer Joseph Kobzon refused to fly this flight. He was warned.

--The crash of the Polish plane near Smolensk, Russia, was on the Jewish holiday of Yom HaShoa, a "holiday of catastrophe," or the celebration of a Jewish holyhoax. For proof the holocaust is another lie [who controls Hollywood and is expert with making fantasy appear to be real] Click Here

Ancient sacrifices:

--Gaius Julius Caesar was killed on March 15, 44 BCE (exactly on the day of PURIM)

--The murder of Emperor Paul I March 24, 1801 (2 days before PESAH). The day after the death of Paul I, the founder of the Hasidic movement Chabad-Rabi Shneur-Zalman Bar-Baruch (Alter Rebbe) was released from prison in St. Petersburg

--Murder of Harrison William Henry President of the USA April 4, 1841 (one day before PESAH)

--The revolution in Hungary on March 15, 1848 (3 days before Purim)

--Death from the "flu" of the Emperor Nicholas I March 2, 1855 (2 days before Purim)

--The assassination of Abraham Lincoln The US President April 14, 1865 (on the day of PESAH)

--The first attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II on April 4, 1866 (on the day of PESAH)

--Revolution in France March 18, 1871. (5 days before Purim).

--The second attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II on April 2, 1879 (a week before PESAH)

--The murder of Emperor Alexander II on March 14, 1881 (one day before the PURIM)

--Attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander III on March 1, 1887 (A week before the Purim) In the attempt, A. Ulyanov was involved, the brother of V. Ulyanov (Lenin, Blank was a surname of his Jewish mother)

--In 1894, Alexander III was poisoned by doctors: Zakharin (Jew), Leiden (Jew), Hirsch (Jew).

--The first congress of the RSDLP on March 1, 1898 (PURIM in 1898 was March 8 (new), ie February 23, according to the old style) The preparation of the Revolution in Russia began.

--Murder of the family of Emperor Romanov in Yekaterinburg July 18, 1918 (bloody victim exactly on the day of "Ninth ABA" - the national day of mourning for Jews - the day when the First and Second Jerusalem temples were destroyed).

--The murder of Henry Ford is an American industrialist, millionaire, author of the exposure book "International Jewry" on April 7, 1947 (exactly on the day of PESAH)


--Accident at Chernobyl NPP on April 26, 1986, (exactly on the day of PESAH).

--Accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, Japan March 11, 2011 (one week before the PURIM)

--Operation Desert Storm. The defeat of Iraq on February 28, 1991 (exactly on the day of PURIM)

--The ultimatum and the beginning of the war against Iraq on March 18, 2003 (exactly on the day of PURIM)

--Killed S. Milosevic, President of Yugoslavia 11 March 2006, The Hague (3 days before the PURIM)

--Two explosions in the Moscow subway on March 30, 2010. (The day before PESAH).

--The war against Libya on March 19, 2011 (exactly on the day of PURIM)

--2011, 07.23. Shooting in Oslo, Breivik, 77 people. more than 100 were wounded. Feast of Matot

-- 04.11.2011 explosion in the Minsk subway, up to 4 days before Pesach: 15.04.2011.

--2013 year 04.24. Explosions at the Boston Marathon. Pesach, 15.04.

Presidents who fought against the creation of the Federal Reserve:

--Millard Fillmore. President of the U.S.A. March 8, 1874 died of a stroke 3 days after the PURIM

--Arthur Chester Alan. President of the U.S.A. March 4, 1885 died of a stroke 2 days after PURIM

--Benjamin Harrison. President of the U..S.A. March 13, 1901 died of influenza 7 days after PURIM

--William Howard Taft. President of the U.S.A. March 8, 1930 died of a sore throat 6 days before the PURIM

--Franklin Delano Roosevelt. President of the U.S.A. April 12, 1945 died of a stroke 6 days after PESAH


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