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Jewish Wealth

Spiritualist Human

New member
Aug 6, 2024
When we do a magic work about money, we raise energy we use some energy so that energy is our soul's energy.

Jews use what to get wealth for many years?

I read on forum that Jews' wealth energy comes from Ibrani Religions.

So, they pollute our minds with Ibrani Religions and they get energy from gentiles, after that they use this energy for their money magics. They became very wealthy in the end with that way, right? Did they do something like that or am I wrong?

Even, can they do magic with their own soul energy or not? Are their souls enough to do magic themselves or their souls can only use other's energy?
When we do a magic work about money, we raise energy we use some energy so that energy is our soul's energy.

Jews use what to get wealth for many years?

I read on forum that Jews' wealth energy comes from Ibrani Religions.

So, they pollute our minds with Ibrani Religions and they get energy from gentiles, after that they use this energy for their money magics. They became very wealthy in the end with that way, right? Did they do something like that or am I wrong?

Even, can they do magic with their own soul energy or not? Are their souls enough to do magic themselves or their souls can only use other's energy?
They are parasites, and also their creators are. Otherwise they won't need blood, suffering and all these methods.

Their wealth comes from vibrating the "torah", and for the fact the xians submited to that by praying "christ" for centuries, which is "aleph to tov", aka the hebrew alphabet, the "torah".
"christ" is also a weapon to banish Satan and the Gods from the people.
Just see the relation of "jesus" being "micheal".
The blood, death and suffering is needed to charge the "torah".

There is a relation, the more success the Virtuous people will be, the more failures ignorance and degeneracy will have. Satan and the Gods stands for Virtues. The enemy stands for degeneracy, but this is a general rule also when the enemy will not exist anymore.

There will be a point in which we will be so much Virtuous and bonded to Lord Satan, that the enemy won't exist anymore. Now we are getting closer and closer to the Gods with our Rituals, and we are spreading their Truth.

For them it will be like living on Venus.

In the same way, if you go to israel for example, you will feel weaker, or you will feel a lot of interference.
They are trying to do the opposite of what we are doing here.
Yahudiler her türlü ekonomik, finans alanında mevcut kişiler. Bunun yanında ana akım dinlerin hepsi Yahudi temelli dinler, zaten bunun için; Kuran okunması, Kurban edilmesi vb faktörler isteniyor, buda tabii ki onların yararına.

Esenlikler dilerim.
They are parasites, and also their creators are. Otherwise they won't need blood, suffering and all these methods.

Their wealth comes from vibrating the "torah", and for the fact the xians submited to that by praying "christ" for centuries, which is "aleph to tov", aka the hebrew alphabet, the "torah".
"christ" is also a weapon to banish Satan and the Gods from the people.
Just see the relation of "jesus" being "micheal".
The blood, death and suffering is needed to charge the "torah".

There is a relation, the more success the Virtuous people will be, the more failures ignorance and degeneracy will have. Satan and the Gods stands for Virtues. The enemy stands for degeneracy, but this is a general rule also when the enemy will not exist anymore.

There will be a point in which we will be so much Virtuous and bonded to Lord Satan, that the enemy won't exist anymore. Now we are getting closer and closer to the Gods with our Rituals, and we are spreading their Truth.

For them it will be like living on Venus.

In the same way, if you go to israel for example, you will feel weaker, or you will feel a lot of interference.
They are trying to do the opposite of what we are doing here.
Thanks but what "xian" means?
Jewish wealþ is a development þat has taken millennia to manifest. It involved 3 parts: þe faiþ of Gentiles in þe torah, þe laws of þe Caþolic Church, and þe Jewish “““profession””” of usury.

Þe torah itself contains multiple affirmations of Jewish wealþ, usury, and financial domination of þe Gentile nations (Deuteronomy 15:6 is þe most obvious example). When þe Caþolic Church came into power after Constantine’s enforcement of xianity as þe state religion, þey made anti-usury laws, wiþ a critical catch—usury was only outlawed for Caþolics. Þe only ones who could engage in any sort of banking and moneylending were non-xians—but our pagan ancestors and þeir religions having been wiped, þis left only xians and jews in Middle Ages Europe. Jews had infiltrated en masse into Europe in þe Early Middle Ages, and began to dominate and monopolize þe entire financial sector of þe Old World—þe only people legally able to do so.

Þough þey lived “rough” lives in ghettos, þe ghettos were þe true centers of finance in Medieval Europe. As þe monopoly in trade and banking, þey would lend to lords, kings, entire nations, and even þe Church itself, controlling entire economies, trade networks, and industries. As þe Middle Ages gave way to þe rising New World empires, þey infiltrated into boþ Spain and England and took control of þe entire operation of colonization, exploiting, enslaving, and swindling Gentiles all over þe world under þe flags of European nations.

All at þe same time, þeir false religions were drilling into generations of gentiles to hate/shun money and to love and live in poverty, wiþ boþ church & state swindling þem at every possible occasion.

Technically, þey did not really use magic to get wealþy, only þat þey disabled þe entire Gentile population’s economic capacity for almost 15 centuries þrough deceit and subversion.

I would highly recommend reading A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind to understand how þey obtained þe power level of wealþ þey have today. Þis is why I þink it is imperative for SS to be focused on obtaining wealþ and material power—we simply cannot afford to be economically ignorant like our forefaþers were, essentially letting Jews pull þe greatest swindle in history.
Jewish wealþ is a development þat has taken millennia to manifest. It involved 3 parts: þe faiþ of Gentiles in þe torah, þe laws of þe Caþolic Church, and þe Jewish “““profession””” of usury.

Þe torah itself contains multiple affirmations of Jewish wealþ, usury, and financial domination of þe Gentile nations (Deuteronomy 15:6 is þe most obvious example). When þe Caþolic Church came into power after Constantine’s enforcement of xianity as þe state religion, þey made anti-usury laws, wiþ a critical catch—usury was only outlawed for Caþolics. Þe only ones who could engage in any sort of banking and moneylending were non-xians—but our pagan ancestors and þeir religions having been wiped, þis left only xians and jews in Middle Ages Europe. Jews had infiltrated en masse into Europe in þe Early Middle Ages, and began to dominate and monopolize þe entire financial sector of þe Old World—þe only people legally able to do so.

Þough þey lived “rough” lives in ghettos, þe ghettos were þe true centers of finance in Medieval Europe. As þe monopoly in trade and banking, þey would lend to lords, kings, entire nations, and even þe Church itself, controlling entire economies, trade networks, and industries. As þe Middle Ages gave way to þe rising New World empires, þey infiltrated into boþ Spain and England and took control of þe entire operation of colonization, exploiting, enslaving, and swindling Gentiles all over þe world under þe flags of European nations.

All at þe same time, þeir false religions were drilling into generations of gentiles to hate/shun money and to love and live in poverty, wiþ boþ church & state swindling þem at every possible occasion.

Technically, þey did not really use magic to get wealþy, only þat þey disabled þe entire Gentile population’s economic capacity for almost 15 centuries þrough deceit and subversion.

I would highly recommend reading A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind to understand how þey obtained þe power level of wealþ þey have today. Þis is why I þink it is imperative for SS to be focused on obtaining wealþ and material power—we simply cannot afford to be economically ignorant like our forefaþers were, essentially letting Jews pull þe greatest swindle in history.
I love the fact the you use the Thorn letter, we should start doing this globaly.
I love the fact the you use the Thorn letter, we should start doing this globaly.
Yes, I made a þread on þis ≈1 monþ ago. It can only be beneficial to revive ⟨þ⟩, and raising curiousness about þe letter will also serve as a gateway to runes & Spiritual Satanism.
Please just write using normal font and plain English.
It is neither useful nor helpful for curiosity replacing letters here and there.
It is like someone starts to write the answers using ancient greek just because it was a sacred language and he thinks it should be used again.

People want to focus on the meaning and content of the message, not to put more focus in reading through your text.

Thanks for the cooperation.
Please just write using normal font and plain English.
It is neither useful nor helpful for curiosity replacing letters here and there.
It is like someone starts to write the answers using ancient greek just because it was a sacred language and he thinks it should be used again.

People want to focus on the meaning and content of the message, not to put more focus in reading through your text.

Thanks for the cooperation.
Uh… no. I’m not responsible for your bad eyesight, abysmally poor screen resolution and/or inability to mentally adapt to a single character changed in oþerwise standard English. Don’t fucking strawman me by claiming what I’m doing is æquivalent to using a different language. I am not going to conform to your standards, and neiþer should you try to make oþers do so.
Instead of being cocky thinking that this kind of font adaptation will make you more wiser or whatever other bullshit, you should understand that this forum is read by a lot of people whose English is not their primary language, and having to read your text is not helpful at all. It is not my standard, it is common sense standard.

I am not a moderator so I cannot do anything to prevent you in doing otherwise, beside just asking it to you.
Instead of being cocky thinking that this kind of font adaptation will make you more wiser or whatever other bullshit, you should understand that this forum is read by a lot of people whose English is not their primary language, and having to read your text is not helpful at all. It is not my standard, it is common sense standard.

I am not a moderator so I cannot do anything to prevent you in doing otherwise, beside just asking it to you.
I have a higher purpose in using ⟨þ⟩ þat you apparently are eiþer ignorant of or reject, and making people use a little more of þeir brain power to read one new letter is not someþing þat holds a candle against it.

And apparently everyone on þis forum is so unfamiliar wiþ serif fonts þat I can only assume þey’ve never seen it, neiþer in books nor literally any printed material. I guess I am going to end up angering everyone to þe point where þe complaints will stack high enough to have eiþer serif fonts or me myself removed from þe forum. All because þe little edges on þe font which is in literally 99% of books on Earþ were spooky.

Go write to JGs or þe HPs to have it removed, because I am going to continue using it because A) I can and B) sans-serif is hideous. From now on, every time someone will complain, I will simply tell þem þis: Pick up a book.
I have a higher purpose in using ⟨þ⟩ þat you apparently are eiþer ignorant of or reject, and making people use a little more of þeir brain power to read one new letter is not someþing þat holds a candle against it.

And apparently everyone on þis forum is so unfamiliar wiþ serif fonts þat I can only assume þey’ve never seen it, neiþer in books nor literally any printed material. I guess I am going to end up angering everyone to þe point where þe complaints will stack high enough to have eiþer serif fonts or me myself removed from þe forum. All because þe little edges on þe font which is in literally 99% of books on Earþ were spooky.

Go write to JGs or þe HPs to have it removed, because I am going to continue using it because A) I can and B) sans-serif is hideous. From now on, every time someone will complain, I will simply tell þem þis: Pick up a book.
You are 100% not going to achieve your goals with this very abrasive attitude because team work is required.
I have a higher purpose in using ⟨þ⟩ þat you apparently are eiþer ignorant of or reject, and making people use a little more of þeir brain power to read one new letter is not someþing þat holds a candle against it.

And apparently everyone on þis forum is so unfamiliar wiþ serif fonts þat I can only assume þey’ve never seen it, neiþer in books nor literally any printed material. I guess I am going to end up angering everyone to þe point where þe complaints will stack high enough to have eiþer serif fonts or me myself removed from þe forum. All because þe little edges on þe font which is in literally 99% of books on Earþ were spooky.

Go write to JGs or þe HPs to have it removed, because I am going to continue using it because A) I can and B) sans-serif is hideous. From now on, every time someone will complain, I will simply tell þem þis: Pick up a book.

I had hoped by now you would learn how to cooperate and drop this ego you have regarding so many different things, it is not conductive or useful to communication or the growth of yourself or other members.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
