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Jewish Hollywood Is Being Destroyed By Our RTR's

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Jewish Hollywood Is Being Destroyed By Our RTR's

Hollywood Jewish mogul, Wienstein's who's name is mentioned in more Hollywood award acceptance speech's then god. And is also a highly powerful backer of the real Communist Party of America. The Democratic establishment. And Wienstein's movies are some of the most anti-White, Anti-Gentile propaganda on earth. This Jew has now been toppled from power and this has also ripped open the lid on the garbage can of Jewish Hollywood. This is just the start of the scandals that are costing the Jews everything. Wienstein's company is also collapsing.


This is just the first domino to fall.

The collapse of the Jewish king of Hollywood Wienstein is the collapse of Jewish Hollywood. The whole Hollywood establishment which is the center of Jewish global agenda propaganda. Is now starting to fall apart this has unleashed a tidal wave of exposing of the entire disgusting and criminal evil of the Jewish Hollywood machine.

This is do to our RTR's so keep them up. The entire Jewish establishment is now falling apart.

Even the Jews are admitting Weinstein's sexual abuse and sadism towards his victims was MOTIVATED BY HIS JEWISH RACISM TOWARDS GENTILES!


The Specifically Jewy Perviness of Harvey Weinstein

The disgraced film producer is a character straight out of Philip Roth, playing out his revenge fantasies on the Goyim

By Mark Oppenheimer

At first squint, Harvey Weinstein seems like a very familiar type. Isn’t he the old, same old, another rich, entitled, powerful man with a bad dye job abusing his might to coerce women into sex? Isn’t Harvey just like Roger Ailes, or Bill O’Reilly, or, for that matter, Bill Clinton? But look at the details of the case and you’ll see that the answer is no. Harvey is different. Harvey, sadly, is a deeply Jewish kind of pervert.

As despicable as you may find Ailes, O’Reilly, and the other grabby goyim, you’ll recognize their behavior fits a pattern as old as time itself, as trite as Fox’s complaints about the “war on Christmas”: Men crave sex, and the worst of them will obtain it by whatever means necessary. These despicable gents have power and influence, and they aren’t above promising a lucrative gig—or threatening to take it away—to get laid. In these transactions, women are nothing but objects, and any “consent” is just an illusion. Morally, the men are no better than the pimps who crowd into James Franco’s character’s bar on The Deuce, the new HBO show; psychologically, they are no more complex than the johns. Cash in, cum out. The women are collateral damage.

Harvey did something unique—no less odious, but different. Harvey performed. As we now are hearing (whether we want to or not), he allegedly made a woman watch as he masturbated into a potted plant. And if you want to understand this bizarre behavior, don’t look to Roger Ailes, or David Vitter, or Paul Crouch—look to Philip Roth.

Better than perhaps any other author, Roth captured the particular anxiety of the Jewish American man in the twentieth century, finally coming into power but, having not grown up with it, unsure of what he’s supposed to do now. All those years craving unattainable Gentiles, but never before the means to entice them. The result is Alexander Portnoy of Portnoy’s Complaint, a grown man whose emotional and sexual life is still all one big performance piece, just as it had been when he was a teenager and pleasured himself with a piece of liver.

As a boy, Portnoy fantasized about attaining a mythical shiksa goddess whom he nicknamed Thereal McCoy (get it?), who ice-skates “in her blue parka and her red earmuffs and her big white mittens—Miss America, on blades! With her mistletoe and her plum pudding (whatever that may be),” but as a grown-up he graduates to the real woman he nicknames The Monkey. And what does he do to abase her? He has her perform with an Italian whore. Yes, he eventually joins in, but not before they enact a bad movie—not Hollywood, but San Fernando Valley triple-X. And his nickname for her, The Monkey? That comes from an episode in her life, from before Portnoy met her, when a couple swingers picked her up and wanted her to eat a banana while she watched them copulate. For having a past that gets him hot, she gets degraded with an animalistic nickname. Her history as an actor is what he wants her for.

Harvey is cut from the same cloth. Growing up in Queens, he fantasized of fame and fortune, and, once he got them, he struggled to maintain them by building himself into a larger-than-life figure. He yelled at employees like he was a studio boss from the 1920s—the only thing missing was a riding crop. He ran Oscars campaigns like they used to in Old Hollywood. And he harassed women not necessarily to use them as instruments of his pleasure, but to use them as instruments of his power.

It goes without saying that nearly every one of these women—Rose McGowan, Ambra Batillana, Laura Madden, Ashley Judd, etc.—was a Gentile, all the better to feed Weinstein’s revenge-tinged fantasy of having risen above his outer-borough, bridge-and-tunnel Semitic origins. But it turns out there was a Jew(ess) in the bunch, none other than Lauren Sivan, of the potted-plant episode. In that small way, he inadvertently broke out of the Portnoy mold, performing his inadequacies not for the great all-American odeon but for a woman who could be his cousin. Harvey can run from who he is, but he can’t hide.

A song for the whites(Give me your hand, your pale hand), I do hope there is nothing wrong in this song and don't shoot me!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzKB4Fi7lxM
Sometimes back when i was without,i remember reading Marylin Monroe's Biography and i was like,F*ck! is this what really happens?Looking at her life,from young age and raising to the stardom,her troubled life when her career was at its best.Then came her death that left behind more Questions than Answers.Also another notable star,Jane Mansifield.And now that i know the truth and am not without,what makes me feel like throwing up,is the fact that Jewish controlled Media,be it Movies,Magazines or Papers, they plainly lie and lie and blame Satanic Mind Control on the Stars troubles and you can't help but wonder and curse.Lets keep up on RTRS My Satanic Comrades,Our Father's name has been totally Defamed for far too long.
Hail Father Satan!

Rose McGowan exposes jewish piece of shit, and then her Twitter account gets deleted.
Wildfire said:
I do hope there is nothing wrong in this song and don't shoot me!!!

Oh shit..I do hope I could delete that part of my comment because that makes us look bad. And one thing, what's the difference with following the RTR schedules and spamming the 72 RTR in regards to spiritual warfare efficiency? What would that do? -_-
For those of you that know how ( I don't ), is it possible to a particlular website for the RTRs that one could type into a youtube comment section or twitter tweet, something like EXPOSINGCHRISTIANITY.COM, and people can just click the link and see it for themselves,,,,, seeing that you DO want this spammed everywhere.
At least some people will take notice.
Is the Jew trying to cover themselves by making this Hollywood pervert take the fall to cover up the 'real' crooks ?
Harvey Weinstein taking the 'rap' for the rest of them ?
Wildfire said:
Wildfire said:
I do hope there is nothing wrong in this song and don't shoot me!!!

Oh shit..I do hope I could delete that part of my comment because that makes us look bad. And one thing, what's the difference with following the RTR schedules and spamming the 72 RTR in regards to spiritual warfare efficiency? What would that do? -_-

If we dont do other RTRs, the jews will regain those curses back to power again. Also doing only 72 is not wise, as the schedules are studied very well by our Clergy and those RTRs put in that are aligned with the planets to have the biggest influence
Artanis said:
If we don't do other RTRs, the Jews will regain those curses back to power again. Also doing only 72 is not wise, as the schedules are studied very well by our Clergy and those RTRs put in that are aligned with the planets to have the biggest influence

Thanks for telling me, glad things won't fall into disaster immediately since we have a lot of people doing them. Therefore are we saving the world that way. We know it's best that we all follow the schedules.
I was so ecstatic when I saw this news!! Finally, the media is descending from the tip of the iceberg. And we're all watching it go down.

I expect Jewliwood will play along and pretend to scorn Weinstein. Meanwhile, attempting to make it harder for Gentile celebs to speak out.

Anyway, let's keep it up Brothers and Sisters!
Larissa666 said:

Rose McGowan exposes jewish piece of shit, and then her Twitter account gets deleted.

It was not deleted. It was blocked. It's now up and running, and Weinstein has been expelled from The Academy. Holly Marie Combs is writing multiple posts a day against Twitter and of course all supporters of her and of her friend Rose do help her.
But, will this really cause their fall? I mean the jewish hollywood's fall?

It's not like people will stop watching these movies... It's not like actors will stop going to hollywood for exposure and to find jobs...
Isn't this "yet another jew" being exposed? People have came out and admitted of hollywood being filled with pedophiles, and nothing happened afterwards. The jewish vatican is filled with pedophiles, and the law actually protects them...

Am I the only one who believes this scandal will just fade out, like all other news about jewish scandals?
Yagami Light said:
But, will this really cause their fall? I mean the jewish hollywood's fall?

It's not like people will stop watching these movies... It's not like actors will stop going to hollywood for exposure and to find jobs...
Isn't this "yet another jew" being exposed? People have came out and admitted of hollywood being filled with pedophiles, and nothing happened afterwards. The jewish vatican is filled with pedophiles, and the law actually protects them...

Am I the only one who believes this scandal will just fade out, like all other news about jewish scandals?

It builds and builds. It's like he said, it's the start of the scandals, and first domino to fall.

Hollywood is losing money. Actors and Actresses are losing their credibility with the public.

It's like with everything else, they are slowly losing bit by bit. Their corporations are going bankrupt, their media outlets like Newspapers are losing money and also their credibility. You see the trolls on YouTube replying "Shut it down!", "It's the Jews", and videos exposing the Rothschilds, etc.

The pedophile stuff, Pizzagate and everything else builds and builds.
Its all coming out in the wash, also HP schooled me on my countrys Jewish influence we got infiltrated, peado rings galore in our Houses of Parliament. Again slowly coming out although everyone who seems to be taking "control" of investigating historical sexual abuse by MPs in Britain seems to quit the role :evil: sweep sweep under the carpet as usual. :evil:
Yagami Light said:
But, will this really cause their fall? I mean the jewish hollywood's fall?

It's not like people will stop watching these movies... It's not like actors will stop going to hollywood for exposure and to find jobs...
Isn't this "yet another jew" being exposed? People have came out and admitted of hollywood being filled with pedophiles, and nothing happened afterwards. The jewish vatican is filled with pedophiles, and the law actually protects them...

Am I the only one who believes this scandal will just fade out, like all other news about jewish scandals?

Good question and I think your question itself illustrates the strong base of Hollywood as a paragon of jewish power. There is alot of evidence to support that theory in fact. Jewish Bravo TV Network, whose owners are the Cohen families, probably adept mages, they bring alot of insider knowledge kikes onto their show who are big jews in hollywood. Anyways Hollywood is probably one of the biggest targets we need to be aiming at and white nationalists in general because it is American and America is the last bastion of white satanic power in the world. Other then this you would always have to look at and target spiritually the big institutions. That is where the Jew wishes to extend the invisible hand from so to speak. Big corporations who try and politicize themselves, the NBA and NFL with their race mixing propaganda and their community extension programs, Hollywood is the best example. The Jews infiltrate everything that can give them major control. The Jewish medical AMAA or whatever is a huge example - it was created just so Jews can have control over such and such.
And now the Scandal in Hollywood continues to unfold with Kaya Jones,formerly of The Pussycat Dolls coming forward and claiming that the Girl group was sort of a Prostitution Ring who were drugged,abused,used and underpaid.And that was done by The Hollywood Elite.Then also the story of Reese witherspoon and Jeniffer Lawrence whose dirty laundry is developing.
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Lilith!
This story went into the mainstream despite the Jewish media establishments attempts to contain it and keep it quiet, like they have kept this out of the media for years. Our RTR's are the reason why its going on the way it is.
Perhaps a decade ago tthis kind of thing would have just blown over and the scandal would have been forgotten about, however right now this is not happening because the jewish power and influence is waning significantly.

They cannot hide these things any longer, their own hubris is catching up to them because we are destroying their power with the RTR's.

People are digging deeper and not letting issues they find go anymore, they are holding on and digging for truth, asking for asnwers from the jews about the crimes that are being unfolded.

Gentiles are starting to think for themselves and question what the media tells them, jewish influence over gentiles is waning rapidly.

They are by far not what they were a decade ago where they could easily cover this kind of thing up and make the world forget about it in a month or so. It's not going to simply blow over anymore, as it did back then.
Guy on youtube responds to my 666blacksun.net post
"clayton davies 666 is bad " He isn't ready for it apparently.
"Born in sin, come on in"
I didn't respond back. Whoever can handle the information, let them have it. As for the rest,,,,,,,, well,,,,, maybe they will catch up someday.
One post on Twitter, on My notification section " lol, this blew Pulse out of the water ".
ooooookay !
But, they know now. Thousands.
Also been spreading the Las Vegas witnesses ending up dead ( youtube ) videos around.
I wonder sometimes if the energy from the RTRs are carrying me along on this.
AS FOR HOLLYWOOD. How about tweeting famous actors private emails showing the J O S sites ?
Any demons want to guide me to the right people ? Those that would support the information being published by this ministry ? ( Or at least not attack it. )
If any are interested in doing so.
As you wish.
"Youtube is censoring alternative media " Got lots of youtube results on this one.
Do the Jews on youtube or it's market investments ?
More cases of abuse in hollywood

Nearly forty women accuse film director James Toback of sexual harassment.

What I wanna know is does Art imitate life or does life imitate Art?

I'm sorry, but this is some low hanging fruit. If the joke was already said I apologize, but it's worth stating twice.
Hollywood and sexual assaults: the list of accused grows.



They are all jews, what a cohendence.
Wotanwarrior said:
Hollywood and sexual assaults: the list of accused grows.



They are all jews, what a cohendence.

and ugly too

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
