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Jewclear War


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2005
Jewclear War

With things heating up in the Mid East over Syria and Israel's open warfare actions against Syria. And the fact With Syria is Iran not just Russia as an ally. We could witness a full out war in the region soon. Given the fact things are not going to Israel's plans. And Syria is arming with more advanced Russian tech. To be able to better defend themselves from Jewish aggression. These events are changing the balance of power. Which Israel can not tolerate.

Remember as the article below proves. Israel has already used a tactic Jewclear weapon against Syria already.

But a large scale conflict just won't be about Syria it could be heavy weapons employed against many nations even Russia.

Important site to read on the subject:



. In 2003, Martin van Creveld [professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem - J.L.D.] thought that the Al-Aqsa Intifada then in progress threatened Israel's existence.[21] Van Creveld was quoted in David Hirst's "The Gun and the Olive Branch" (2003) as saying:

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. . . Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under."[22]

Ron Rosenbaum writes in his 2012 book How the End Begins: The Road to a Nuclear World War III that in the "aftermath of a second Holocaust" Israel's surviving Dophin-class nuclear missile submarines would retaliate not only against Israel's attackers, but "bring down the pillars of the world (attack Moscow and European capitals for instance)" as well as the "holy places of Islam." He writes that "abandonment of proportionality is the essence" of the Samson Option.[23]

Was Syria 'nuked'?


Striking evidence of the use of American EPW (Earth Penetrating Weapons) nuclear
weapons in Syria has come to light. Experts say the proof is irrefutable.

Dramatic video footage from Syria has revealed startling evidence that counters
Israel's claims of "surgical strikes" on weapons headed to Lebanon.

What were said to be air strikes is now proven to have actually been artillery,
something easily discernible to even an untrained observer.

What happens next is shocking. While artillery shells rain down on Syrian army
positions, mobile Israeli artillery in direct support and even accompanying
rebel forces inside Syria, a huge explosion occurs.

After analysis, it had become clear, Syria had come under attack by Israel
using, not just nuclear weapons, but an American nuclear bunker buster bomb, one
of several supplied to Israel to use against Iran, one of the last acts of the
Bush/Cheney administration.

Submitted for analysis, the footage was compared with tests of the 37,000-pound
MOB (Massive Ordnance Penetrator), designed by Boeing to be used against Iran's
underground facilities. There was no similarity whatsoever noted between the
Syrian "event" and a conventional "bunker buster" including the GBU 57, the
largest conventional weapon every to be used.

More Proof
Colonel James Hanke, former Defense Attaché and Liaison between the Pentagon and
Netanyahu's government , reviewed the footage.
He indicated that the GBU 57 is considered too high a risk for use because of
its danger to the earth's crust.

The Syrian/African fault line spreads into Israel. Were it to be subjected to
this kind of explosive power, the threat of an earthquake doing significant
damage in Israel is a reality. The nuclear bunker busters have far less
penetrating power and, I am not saying that this was a nuclear device, not until
more evidence is in, but the `event profile' shows striking similarities.

The other problem with the GBU 57 is delivery. Only two aircraft are capable of
delivering this weapon, the B-52 and B-2 Stealth Bomber. Israel does not have
these aircraft.

Collapse of UD Air Force Command Structure, Again
Thus, if a MOP where used, it could have only been delivered by the United
States Air Force, an organization reeling from recent disasters within its own
ranks after a second lapse in nuclear weapons security in a five-year period was
discovered at Minot Air Force Base in South Dakota.

Seventeen officers have been removed, a "house cleaning" of unprecedented scale.
Back in 2008, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates ordered a restructuring of
America's nuclear security command after a 2007 incident at Minot.

A B-52 was loaded with thermonuclear weapons and flown off the base, violating
84 separate authorization protocols. The plane was later recovered over 1500
miles away under circumstances that have never been adequately explained. What
is also not clear is whether the entire nuclear payload was recovered, complete
and intact.

Nuclear Use in Iraq Proven
The most important consideration is whether any command organization, be it
Israeli, American or any other, would be willing to use nuclear weapons. There
is little question that their use has been advocated by both political and
military leaders.

The prohibition has been the ability to conceal their use. Events in Iraq have
proven such concealment to have worked effectively and when conclusive proof of
nuclear weapons use was offered to the media and world scientific community, it
was quickly "contained."

On December 31, 2010, Dr. James Fetzer interviewed Dr. Chris Busby, a
bio-medical studies professor at the University of Ulster, engaged in research
on the use of Depleted Uranium (DU) in relation to birth defects in Iraqi
What Dr. Busby found was startling:

The interesting thing about the uranium was that we were able to measure the
isotopic ratio because we were interested to see whether it was, you know,
natural uranium or was it DU, which is what we thought it would be. But in fact
it turned out to be slightly enriched uranium [with U-235], so, that is to say,
it was manmade enriched uranium.
Now enriched uranium is a material that should only be found in a nuclear power
station or inside an atomic bomb. So to find it in the hair of the parents of
these children with congenital malformations was really astonishing.
So we then went to look to see how this could be, and to cut a long story
short, we concluded from various patents from the US patent office that we
received from physicists, that it was quite entirely likely that there was a new
secret weapon being used, an anti-personnel weapon of some sort which contained
enriched uranium or else generated enriched uranium.
…the alternative - which is sort of science fictional and which is entirely
possible - I have to say, which is that they have developed a sort of neutron
device which uses enriched uranium as part of its components to generate
neutrons. And the way it does this is to dissolve tritium in uranium powder…

What Dr. Busby is describing is an Enhanced Radiation Weapon (ERW) or Neutron
Bomb. Other variations in America's secret nuclear arsenal included Minimal
Residual Radiation (MRR) weapons.

Evidence of use of "special weapons" has been found at the scenes of more than
one terror attack, Oklahoma City, the World Trade Center (9/11), Bali and
several others.

The first hard evidence published by qualified scientists involved Fallujah.
However, use of nuclear weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan, is said to be
relatively common.

Israel's Bomb Inventory Scandal
One of the greatest "non-secrets" of recent years involves the placement of
Israel's weapons inventory. In 1986, Israeli nuclear weapons technician,
Modechai Vanunu, was kidnapped from Italy and taken to Israel where he has been
held for over 25 years. His crime; reporting on Israeli's secret nuclear program
at Dimona.

Cables released by Wikileaks revealed that the United States had, in 2006,
allowed Libya to build a new chemical weapons facility. What has not been
"Wiki-leaked" is that, when the facility was discovered after the fall of the
Gaddafi government, it was found to have been run by the Israeli government.

Since those initial reports, nothing more has been mentioned. It is very likely
that this illegal facility, inside Libya, is still in Israeli hands.

In June 2010, the USS Grapple, an American naval vessel with an "unspecified"
foreign crew, docked at the port of Poti, in Georgia. Ten Israeli torpedo boats,
similar to those that attacked the USS Liberty, escorted it.

The ship's cargo was bombs, including runway and area denial weapons along with
the enhanced version of the BLU 113 "Super Penetrator," a conventional bunker
buster weapon weighting 4700 pounds.

Azerbaijani Ploy
These munitions were then transferred to weapons bunkers at a former Soviet
airfield inside Azerbaijan where Israel had managed to sequester a number of
attack aircraft.

These planes had flown on to Azerbaijan after taking part in joint operations
between the Turkish and Israeli air forces.

After their presence was discovered, we have been told the Israeli planes
returned home but there is no evidence that the munitions had been repatriated
to either Israel or to the United States, their place of origin.

We know and can prove that advanced nuclear weapons have been used in the United
States. We have evidence of their use elsewhere in recent years.

We also know that methodologies to conceal their use and manage press leaks have
been very effective and have created a combat environment where the "nuclear
option" is always "on the table."

We also have film and photographs from Syria showing something we have no other
explanation for. Would Israel use such weapons? Do they have the means? Do they
have a motive? Have they had the opportunity?
Do they have sufficient control of press organizations to encourage this kind
of blatant recklessness?

I think we all know the answer.

How is the rest of europe, outside of russia, reacting too this?

To: [email protected]
From: mageson6666@...
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 10:40:32 +0000
Subject: [JoS4adults] Jewclear War

  Jewclear War

With things heating up in the Mid East over Syria and Israel's open warfare actions against Syria. And the fact With Syria is Iran not just Russia as an ally. We could witness a full out war in the region soon. Given the fact things are not going to Israel's plans. And Syria is arming with more advanced Russian tech. To be able to better defend themselves from Jewish aggression. These events are changing the balance of power. Which Israel can not tolerate.

Remember as the article below proves. Israel has already used a tactic Jewclear weapon against Syria already.

But a large scale conflict just won't be about Syria it could be heavy weapons employed against many nations even Russia.

Important site to read on the subject:



. In 2003, Martin van Creveld [professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem - J.L.D.] thought that the Al-Aqsa Intifada then in progress threatened Israel's existence.[21] Van Creveld was quoted in David Hirst's "The Gun and the Olive Branch" (2003) as saying:

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. . . Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under."[22]

Ron Rosenbaum writes in his 2012 book How the End Begins: The Road to a Nuclear World War III that in the "aftermath of a second Holocaust" Israel's surviving Dophin-class nuclear missile submarines would retaliate not only against Israel's attackers, but "bring down the pillars of the world (attack Moscow and European capitals for instance)" as well as the "holy places of Islam." He writes that "abandonment of proportionality is the essence" of the Samson Option.[23]

Was Syria 'nuked'?


Striking evidence of the use of American EPW (Earth Penetrating Weapons) nuclear
weapons in Syria has come to light. Experts say the proof is irrefutable.

Dramatic video footage from Syria has revealed startling evidence that counters
Israel's claims of "surgical strikes" on weapons headed to Lebanon.

What were said to be air strikes is now proven to have actually been artillery,
something easily discernible to even an untrained observer.

What happens next is shocking. While artillery shells rain down on Syrian army
positions, mobile Israeli artillery in direct support and even accompanying
rebel forces inside Syria, a huge explosion occurs.

After analysis, it had become clear, Syria had come under attack by Israel
using, not just nuclear weapons, but an American nuclear bunker buster bomb, one
of several supplied to Israel to use against Iran, one of the last acts of the
Bush/Cheney administration.

Submitted for analysis, the footage was compared with tests of the 37,000-pound
MOB (Massive Ordnance Penetrator), designed by Boeing to be used against Iran's
underground facilities. There was no similarity whatsoever noted between the
Syrian "event" and a conventional "bunker buster" including the GBU 57, the
largest conventional weapon every to be used.

More Proof
Colonel James Hanke, former Defense Attaché and Liaison between the Pentagon and
Netanyahu's government , reviewed the footage.
He indicated that the GBU 57 is considered too high a risk for use because of
its danger to the earth's crust.

The Syrian/African fault line spreads into Israel. Were it to be subjected to
this kind of explosive power, the threat of an earthquake doing significant
damage in Israel is a reality. The nuclear bunker busters have far less
penetrating power and, I am not saying that this was a nuclear device, not until
more evidence is in, but the `event profile' shows striking similarities.

The other problem with the GBU 57 is delivery. Only two aircraft are capable of
delivering this weapon, the B-52 and B-2 Stealth Bomber. Israel does not have
these aircraft.

Collapse of UD Air Force Command Structure, Again
Thus, if a MOP where used, it could have only been delivered by the United
States Air Force, an organization reeling from recent disasters within its own
ranks after a second lapse in nuclear weapons security in a five-year period was
discovered at Minot Air Force Base in South Dakota.

Seventeen officers have been removed, a "house cleaning" of unprecedented scale.
Back in 2008, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates ordered a restructuring of
America's nuclear security command after a 2007 incident at Minot.

A B-52 was loaded with thermonuclear weapons and flown off the base, violating
84 separate authorization protocols. The plane was later recovered over 1500
miles away under circumstances that have never been adequately explained. What
is also not clear is whether the entire nuclear payload was recovered, complete
and intact.

Nuclear Use in Iraq Proven
The most important consideration is whether any command organization, be it
Israeli, American or any other, would be willing to use nuclear weapons. There
is little question that their use has been advocated by both political and
military leaders.

The prohibition has been the ability to conceal their use. Events in Iraq have
proven such concealment to have worked effectively and when conclusive proof of
nuclear weapons use was offered to the media and world scientific community, it
was quickly "contained."

On December 31, 2010, Dr. James Fetzer interviewed Dr. Chris Busby, a
bio-medical studies professor at the University of Ulster, engaged in research
on the use of Depleted Uranium (DU) in relation to birth defects in Iraqi
What Dr. Busby found was startling:

The interesting thing about the uranium was that we were able to measure the
isotopic ratio because we were interested to see whether it was, you know,
natural uranium or was it DU, which is what we thought it would be. But in fact
it turned out to be slightly enriched uranium [with U-235], so, that is to say,
it was manmade enriched uranium.
Now enriched uranium is a material that should only be found in a nuclear power
station or inside an atomic bomb. So to find it in the hair of the parents of
these children with congenital malformations was really astonishing.
So we then went to look to see how this could be, and to cut a long story
short, we concluded from various patents from the US patent office that we
received from physicists, that it was quite entirely likely that there was a new
secret weapon being used, an anti-personnel weapon of some sort which contained
enriched uranium or else generated enriched uranium.
…the alternative - which is sort of science fictional and which is entirely
possible - I have to say, which is that they have developed a sort of neutron
device which uses enriched uranium as part of its components to generate
neutrons. And the way it does this is to dissolve tritium in uranium powder…

What Dr. Busby is describing is an Enhanced Radiation Weapon (ERW) or Neutron
Bomb. Other variations in America's secret nuclear arsenal included Minimal
Residual Radiation (MRR) weapons.

Evidence of use of "special weapons" has been found at the scenes of more than
one terror attack, Oklahoma City, the World Trade Center (9/11), Bali and
several others.

The first hard evidence published by qualified scientists involved Fallujah.
However, use of nuclear weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan, is said to be
relatively common.

Israel's Bomb Inventory Scandal
One of the greatest "non-secrets" of recent years involves the placement of
Israel's weapons inventory. In 1986, Israeli nuclear weapons technician,
Modechai Vanunu, was kidnapped from Italy and taken to Israel where he has been
held for over 25 years. His crime; reporting on Israeli's secret nuclear program
at Dimona.

Cables released by Wikileaks revealed that the United States had, in 2006,
allowed Libya to build a new chemical weapons facility. What has not been
"Wiki-leaked" is that, when the facility was discovered after the fall of the
Gaddafi government, it was found to have been run by the Israeli government.

Since those initial reports, nothing more has been mentioned. It is very likely
that this illegal facility, inside Libya, is still in Israeli hands.

In June 2010, the USS Grapple, an American naval vessel with an "unspecified"
foreign crew, docked at the port of Poti, in Georgia. Ten Israeli torpedo boats,
similar to those that attacked the USS Liberty, escorted it.

The ship's cargo was bombs, including runway and area denial weapons along with
the enhanced version of the BLU 113 "Super Penetrator," a conventional bunker
buster weapon weighting 4700 pounds.

Azerbaijani Ploy
These munitions were then transferred to weapons bunkers at a former Soviet
airfield inside Azerbaijan where Israel had managed to sequester a number of
attack aircraft.

These planes had flown on to Azerbaijan after taking part in joint operations
between the Turkish and Israeli air forces.

After their presence was discovered, we have been told the Israeli planes
returned home but there is no evidence that the munitions had been repatriated
to either Israel or to the United States, their place of origin.

We know and can prove that advanced nuclear weapons have been used in the United
States. We have evidence of their use elsewhere in recent years.

We also know that methodologies to conceal their use and manage press leaks have
been very effective and have created a combat environment where the "nuclear
option" is always "on the table."

We also have film and photographs from Syria showing something we have no other
explanation for. Would Israel use such weapons? Do they have the means? Do they
have a motive? Have they had the opportunity?
Do they have sufficient control of press organizations to encourage this kind
of blatant recklessness?

I think we all know the answer.



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
