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It's about saving a person

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Demonic said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As usual, you tried helping someone delusional and he ends up disrespecting you,often i read this on forums and makes me wonder how much shit of a life they have to insult someone who tries helping them,or do they even have one.

No sweat here. We all live on the same planet, I know what kind of people roam this planet. There are also good people which is the overwhelming majority here, those that I deeply care about. We understand each other.

In a way, I know garbage people are treating others like the same garbage. It more has to do with them than it has to do with anyone else.

No didn't do it, there is a big misunderstanding.No, I didn't disrespect you, you can read my explanation above.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kadisiye said:
Hey cobra, when I listen to sermons from 2004-2005 I hear a child sound in some of them. Was that you?

Yes, I was sucking on a bottle and maybe this bottle made a lot of sound. Sitting there and watching the TV while HPS Maxine was doing a sermon, I spat the milk on the floor, and said I was in love with a TV star. I then went on to pick her up on my toy tractor, but I found I couldn't get past the fence. This is where it dawned to me to take the limits of life seriously.

By the time I was 6 years old however I was over it.

Keep asking me really truthful and non insulting questions on here, just don't ask me what brand my toy tractor was, because I won't remember.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kadisiye get your head out of your butt, or rather dont think with your dick. nothing can come from attracting or being attracted to a jew. They will ruin you and/or drive you mad. The feelings you experience are an example of why their masters used certain parts of the human genome to make them look like us... because if they didn't succeed and we saw them for what they really are in final form....

then infiltration would be for naught. To invade you have to at least closely pass for the real thing. your unhealthy attraction to a jewess tells you her creators made their disgusting pets successfully to do what they were made to.decieve and infiltrate.
chew on that next time you are tempted to fap to a jewess.

I didn't insult him. I just asked a random question. I am respecting you, please stop insulting me.
BTW that kid who made the audio sermons did it VERY well.
Especially the one that is named Satan,Demons,Races and the Kingdoms of the world.
Kadisiye said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, I was sucking on a bottle and maybe this bottle made a lot of sound. Sitting there and watching the TV while HPS Maxine was doing a sermon, I spat the milk on the floor, and said I was in love with a TV star. I then went on to pick her up on my toy tractor, but I found I couldn't get past the fence. This is where it dawned to me to take the limits of life seriously.

By the time I was 6 years old however I was over it.

Keep asking me really truthful and non insulting questions on here, just don't ask me what brand my toy tractor was, because I won't remember.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kadisiye get your head out of your butt, or rather dont think with your dick. nothing can come from attracting or being attracted to a jew. They will ruin you and/or drive you mad. The feelings you experience are an example of why their masters used certain parts of the human genome to make them look like us... because if they didn't succeed and we saw them for what they really are in final form....

then infiltration would be for naught. To invade you have to at least closely pass for the real thing. your unhealthy attraction to a jewess tells you her creators made their disgusting pets successfully to do what they were made to.decieve and infiltrate.
chew on that next time you are tempted to fap to a jewess.

I didn't insult him. I just asked a random question. I am respecting you, please stop insulting me.

It sounded very insulting from my point of view.
But you didn't mean to insult him i know.
I think HP Cobra had "Thor's voice"since birth!!
Some have claimed to grow beards when they heard him speak. That kid is is not the HP.
Hornet666 said:
You sound a Young and silly little schoolboy over all this. Let me show you a Video of how you actually look at the moment.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qvE_6nvCmnI" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

not sure what happened there but i will leave you with a link that best describes how you look to me here : https://youtu.be/qvE_6nvCmnI

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
