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It seems I owe the moderators an apology as well....


New member
Dec 2, 2006
I don't know HOW they did it, but the greys had somehow been using mind control on me, and those other 2 people the entire time until Astaroth herself had to come in and literally slap some sense into us.

As soon as mars retrograde ended they had managed to not only trick us into thinking the clergy were jews, but also trick us into attacking each other yesterday.

There are more than likely many more people who have been ensnared by this tactic, the greys went all out with this one trying to brainfuck as many of us as possible.

Always the same pattern, stimulus, response, etc. and then when they finally got shut out they kept showing me thoughtforms of just how stupid we all looked under their retarded spell just to rub it in our faces while talking as much shit as possible.

HP Maxine said she thinks these psychic attacks were orchestrated by the Church of Satan and in either case the greys were the ones doing this shit.This gigantic hive of greys was working overnight to block off every stimuli with some blinder to create a distorted image of the world and for the last 2 or 3 weeks, I don't even remember how long it was anymore, it worked.
I have always tried to hold myself to the highest possible standards and so for me, this is the most humiliating garbage to ever admit happened to me in the first place which the greys capitalized on even more just to laugh at us that much harder.....
I do not expect to be let back in the groups but I will keep doing what I've always done to the best of my ability to raise myself to the godhead as quickly as possible and destroy the jews and these grey insect worshipping maggots and their reptilian masters for good one way or the other.
To Mageson and HC I apologize.

The greys had much stronger mind control methods than I could have thought and I was almost certain that being blood dedicated and reaching this level of development would keep those parasites OUT of my head and until now it had done so.
There are no doubt many other people who got sucked into this trap by the greys and their latest mind control attack so at the very least this tactic of theirs needs to be made known.
This mass mind control attack was a move of desperation and timed exactly with mars retrograde's end.
This only proves how much the RTR's are driving them to the brink.
Dude, clean your aura and build an aura of protection. Doing that will keep enemy entities from influencing you. Grey attacks can be overcome by literally ignoring them. If you do not tune in to whatever crap they throw at you, they cannot control you.

How to Clean Your Aura http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aning.html   Aura of Protection http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ction.html   Meditation for Protection http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic10007.html   You can do a Banishing Ritual or visualize Satanic electric-blue fire filling your room/house to banish malicious entities.   Banishing Ritual http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... shing.html   Satanic Electric-Blue Fire (The picture is towards the middle of the page) http://astralartsofthegods.weebly.com/extras.html

Also, Mars retrograde does not affect enemy attacks. Mars retrograde only affects humans who want to perform black magick.

The Church of Satan has much corruption in its teachings, but they are not in an alliance with greys in a spiritual war against the Joy of Satan. The Vatican does make deals with greys where they exchange human souls for wealth and power. Top level rabbis also consult with their "angel" thoughtforms and can use their "god" thoughtform to attack their enemies and bring wealth to themselves. Top level rabbis also have access to kabbalistic curses and other black magick they can use against people or organizations, like the Joy of Satan, that resist their insane program for world enslavement. "The Satanic Revelation" and "Torah and the jews Exposed" available in Satan's Library explain more.

Satan's Library

Then why do you still have your slander video up against myself?
Yes! You did it. I am so proud of you! Although I did not realize that was you I was talking too. Are you Hell Dragon 666? We Winz against the enemies! ;0
 Welcome back. 
Hooded Cobra is very right about mind trickery. The enemy works on your strengths. Like right now they are filling me with confidence. In hopes I will overestimate myself and destroy myself. 
 I am a God! Woo!! I'm Ric Flare!! Woo!!!! 
 I feel so damn untouchable. I need to make a RC Hammer tribute. To myself! 
 Thankfully I am able to see through this. I feel amazing! No.. wait barney the kundalini is not talking to me.. 
 I can see through peoples nonsense and nothing gets to me!! Wait wait. Skittles pouring out the crown is not a sign of advancement. Damnit. 
 Please for God sakes let Pocahontas the Brony Fairy who acts as my HIgh Council be real! For fuck sakes!
 Oh well at least I am part of the Sloth Tree. With Mein Sloth Bros. Having a wonderful time. Because there is nothing more I enjoy then getting to be with my Satanic Family. I hope I can bring smiles and make others feel good about themselves. 
 All Mein Bros, we will advance. After you do .. some mother fuckin.... Void. Like seriously I am going to go do some right now. You should probably get on that. Snaps fingers. Lets get some void up in here. Up in here. Wait thats DMX. 

Yeah, you tell him Akemi, it's BLUE fire. Thank you!

---In [email protected], <johnson_akemi@... wrote :

Dude, clean your aura and build an aura of protection. Doing that will keep enemy entities from influencing you. Grey attacks can be overcome by literally ignoring them. If you do not tune in to whatever crap they throw at you, they cannot control you.

How to Clean Your Aurahttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aning.html Aura of Protectionhttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ction.html Meditation for Protectionhttp://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic10007.html  You can do a Banishing Ritual or visualize Satanic electric-blue fire filling your room/house to banish malicious entities. Banishing Ritualhttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... shing.html Satanic Electric-Blue Fire (The picture is towards the middle of the page)http://astralartsofthegods.weebly.com/extras.html

Also, Mars retrograde does not affect enemy attacks. Mars retrograde only affects humans who want to perform black magick.

The Church of Satan has much corruption in its teachings, but they are not in an alliance with greys in a spiritual war against the Joy of Satan. The Vatican does make deals with greys where they exchange human souls for wealth and power. Top level rabbis also consult with their "angel" thoughtforms and can use their "god" thoughtform to attack their enemies and bring wealth to themselves. Top level rabbis also have access to kabbalistic curses and other black magick they can use against people or organizations, like the Joy of Satan, that resist their insane program for world enslavement. "The Satanic Revelation" and "Torah and the jews Exposed" available in Satan's Library explain more.

Satan's Library

I thought I took those all down on both channels?
Hold on I might have missed one.....ah there it is. They should all be down now.

It's hard to sort through hundreds of videos to find one or 2 things when your library is this huge.
Those slander videos should all be gone now. I don't think I missed anymore

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 12:27 AM, "mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Then why do you still have your slander video up against myself?

Who is this us you are talking about? Never, for a split second, I thought our clergy was infiltrated by jews. 
You have lost 100% trust out of me. I even question the fact that you meditate.I watched the amount of garbage you wrote outside of here and it was unbelievable but you still have such an audacity... 
 I highly suggest to take our ARYAN, gentile, non-jew High Priest  Hooded Cobra, for your own good.
Hail Satan forever

---In [email protected], <angryshaman666@... wrote :

I don't know HOW they did it, but the greys had somehow been using mind control on me, and those other 2 people the entire time until Astaroth herself had to come in and literally slap some sense into us.

As soon as mars retrograde ended they had managed to not only trick us into thinking the clergy were jews, but also trick us into attacking each other yesterday.

There are more than likely many more people who have been ensnared by this tactic, the greys went all out with this one trying to brainfuck as many of us as possible.

Always the same pattern, stimulus, response, etc. and then when they finally got shut out they kept showing me thoughtforms of just how stupid we all looked under their retarded spell just to rub it in our faces while talking as much shit as possible.

HP Maxine said she thinks these psychic attacks were orchestrated by the Church of Satan and in either case the greys were the ones doing this shit.This gigantic hive of greys was working overnight to block off every stimuli with some blinder to create a distorted image of the world and for the last 2 or 3 weeks, I don't even remember how long it was anymore, it worked.
I have always tried to hold myself to the highest possible standards and so for me, this is the most humiliating garbage to ever admit happened to me in the first place which the greys capitalized on even more just to laugh at us that much harder.....
I do not expect to be let back in the groups but I will keep doing what I've always done to the best of my ability to raise myself to the godhead as quickly as possible and destroy the jews and these grey insect worshipping maggots and their reptilian masters for good one way or the other.
To Mageson and HC I apologize.

The greys had much stronger mind control methods than I could have thought and I was almost certain that being blood dedicated and reaching this level of development would keep those parasites OUT of my head and until now it had done so.
There are no doubt many other people who got sucked into this trap by the greys and their latest mind control attack so at the very least this tactic of theirs needs to be made known.
This mass mind control attack was a move of desperation and timed exactly with mars retrograde's end.
This only proves how much the RTR's are driving them to the brink.
Attachments :
<ol>edit.jpg</ol>Plus this comment of his you one day before his "apology"... should raise more suspicions. Who knows perhaps all of this was revealed to him in one night or a day or something like that...
White Dragon. There is no reason to apologize. You were just speaking your mind. You shouldnt worry about being wrong. No one is perfect. 
Alright enough is enough. Fake Name, take some accountability for your actions. Yes, we’re aware, you “apologized “. But you literally blame it all on the greys, and refuse to accept that it‘s your own fault. Sure, perhaps the greys DID help with it, but you allowed it to happen. You are the one who went on to continue bashing the clergy when you had plenty of chances to stop. I‘m not saying that you weren‘t attacked, I‘m sure you truly were (being serious, no sarcasm). But you aren‘t taking accountability of your OWN actions, just over and over blaming EVERYTHING on the greys.   And you‘ve gotta stop just assuming everyone is an infiltrator or a troll. Sorry but that‘s a little ridiculous (I‘m sure you‘ll decide I‘m an infiltrator/troll as well, that‘s fine). Just because someone is unaware, or disagrees with you, does NOT make them an infiltrator or anything. “I took down those videos but some people who are either idiots or infiltrators themselves said they still have their copies up......” ^ Just because it’s still up for some people, doesn’t make them infiltrators, trolls, idiots, or of course the most common, jews.   Take a step back, realize you aren’t all-knowing, realize that you will be wrong (and that’s OKAY), people will disagree with you, and most importantly, PLEASE take some fucking accountability for your actions. This is ridiculous and has gone on long enough.   As ever, HAIL SATAN!!!
That's an old reply.. And it has been deleted.
Any other old, outdated things in my massive, impossible to sort through library anyone wants to nitpick over?-_-

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 4:44 PM, "joelnewton181@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  [Attachment(s) from joelnewton181@... [JoyofSatan666] included below] Plus this comment of his you one day before his "apology"... should raise more suspicions. Who knows perhaps all of this was revealed to him in one night or a day or something like that...

This just sounds insane, like many of your old posts. Take some responsibility for your actions. You sound like a child, blaming something else for what YOU did, and will probably do again.The groups have never felt more calm and sensible until YOU left. I really hope people don't fall into one of your little "grey" inspired tricks again.
Yes I fucked up, and yes the greys had a hand in it.
But rubbing it in and dwelling on it is also counterproductive.
I've already decided to leave the groups anyway since it's a huge waste of my time and 97% of the stuff in my inbox always gets deleted for being irrelevant to either meditations, rituals or just being pointless bullshit in general.
I still keep track of the groups watching for new RTRs or other instructions from Maxine, but the egroups themselves are always 50-80 messages in my inbox at a time every day where only one or 2 messages out of those 100+ messages are even worth replying to.
Good thing there's no mediators in Satanism.I learned what I needed to for my meditations and now that I have a clear idea of what I should be doing I will focus on that instead of dwelling on past mistakes or wasting my time chatting up the egroups.
I was wrong about the clergy, I fucked up but I'm also not spending anymore time on the groups because they're a distraction from my meditations and I need to clear my head after all this bullshit with the greys.
And it looks like I will not be missed.
I'm moving on, and not dwelling on the past.


On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 11:20 PM, "ljossmyrkr@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Alright enough is enough. Fake Name, take some accountability for your actions. Yes, we’re aware, you “apologized “. But you literally blame it all on the greys, and refuse to accept that it‘s your own fault. Sure, perhaps the greys DID help with it, but you allowed it to happen. You are the one who went on to continue bashing the clergy when you had plenty of chances to stop. I‘m not saying that you weren‘t attacked, I‘m sure you truly were (being serious, no sarcasm). But you aren‘t taking accountability of your OWN actions, just over and over blaming EVERYTHING on the greys.   And you‘ve gotta stop just assuming everyone is an infiltrator or a troll. Sorry but that‘s a little ridiculous (I‘m sure you‘ll decide I‘m an infiltrator/troll as well, that‘s fine). Just because someone is unaware, or disagrees with you, does NOT make them an infiltrator or anything. “I took down those videos but some people who are either idiots or infiltrators themselves said they still have their copies up......” ^ Just because it’s still up for some people, doesn’t make them infiltrators, trolls, idiots, or of course the most common, jews.   Take a step back, realize you aren’t all-knowing, realize that you will be wrong (and that’s OKAY), people will disagree with you, and most importantly, PLEASE take some fucking accountability for your actions. This is ridiculous and has gone on long enough.   As ever, HAIL SATAN!!!

AngryShaman, nothing is impossible. It's your choice, in the end, what is in the library or not, or what is on your Youtube channel or not. You have all the time in the world, anyways, so sort it out and stop making excuses.

On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 12:21 AM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  That's an old reply.. And it has been deleted.
Any other old, outdated things in my massive, impossible to sort through library anyone wants to nitpick over?-_-

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 4:44 PM, "joelnewton181@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  [Attachment(s) from joelnewton181@... [JoyofSatan666] included below] Plus this comment of his you one day before his "apology"... should raise more suspicions. Who knows perhaps all of this was revealed to him in one night or a day or something like that...


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
