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It looks like things are heating up in France...

Elas Qilar

New member
Jun 17, 2020
The french military are warning of a civil war because of the government's policy on immigration, islam and anti-racism. According to the officers, the current situation in France is such that it could degenerate into a racial civil war.

If you access the image url* (https://archive.ph/UaDkp), you are going to see that the military that are supporting the letter are also facing persecutions.

This another website explains the situation better: https://www.express.co.uk/news/worl...-Macron-military-coup-civil-war-Marine-Le-Pen. It also shows that the french people are aware that the situation is getting out of control and agree with the letter (denouncement). It seems that our rituals are working well in these manners.

Hail Satan!

*I would like to post a very important image here, but I can't because it is not available on the internet. I wouldn't like to miss the opportunity to share this important and recent information just because the lack of it, though. If anyone can contact me to share the image in the comments section, I'd be very glad.
Refer if you can to my previous post about France. I have elaborated on this from things that I saw too, if you are interested.

The infiltration and subversion of France is too far gone, and the purgatory that might be issued to bring this back may be deep.

I saw this for myself, this beautiful country, the pinnacle of culture, light and civilization, literally being consumed like an beautiful lively horse consumed by lice invaders. Stolen from the progeny of it's rightful inheritors, the French people.

May the French People regain back the beautiful France, with our blessing, and by any historical actions necessary.

This worthless invasion of unending enemy cultures to that of the French and Europeans, and jewish freemasonic rule, has to end. The French people need to live, survive and thrive.

With where the enemy has brought this situation, Europe might unfortunately and due to these things, as well end up in blood of civil war, thanks to these lies, repeated offenses, and internal jew created destruction.

They literally whined about a stupid shit virus for a year now, as if it was the "major issue", while at this point half of Paris as I saw it was untreadable by any French or other European person.
Elas Qilar said:
The french military are warning of a civil war because of the government's policy on immigration, islam and anti-racism. According to the officers, the current situation in France is such that it could degenerate into a racial civil war.

If you access the image url* (https://archive.ph/UaDkp), you are going to see that the military that are supporting the letter are also facing persecutions.

This another website explains the situation better: https://www.express.co.uk/news/worl...-Macron-military-coup-civil-war-Marine-Le-Pen. It also shows that the french people are aware that the situation is getting out of control and agree with the letter (denouncement). It seems that our rituals are working well in these manners.

Hail Satan!

*I would like to post a very important image here, but I can't because it is not available on the internet. I wouldn't like to miss the opportunity to share this important and recent information just because the lack of it, though. If anyone can contact me to share the image in the comments section, I'd be very glad.

This, the jews that died in israel and many antisemitic posts on the internet ... even on 9gag. This is like an omen. Considering also the time those happen.
France will be one of the harder cases to fix, in the context of Europe. At the same time, it's actually bad enough that even an asleep population has the potential to wake up and smell the garbage.

Literally, I saw an article the other day how much garbage pollutes Paris. Acres and miles of it, strewn across the city. Plagues of rats. I've heard tourists who travel there comment about the smell, and just generally how rotten the place has become. Which is truly a morbid thought, French architecture and the French countryside are truly beautiful.

Of course when the garbage issue comes up it turns into nothing else but parliamentary blame shifting. But even if they cleaned it up, it's still just a symptom of a disease, rather than a disease itself.

If nothing else, it's funny how obvious it is to anyone even with the mildest degree of spiritual understanding. How obvious the spiritual signs of entropy within a nation are, as it literally becomes physically filthy and a victim of decay.

Hopefully, the French people don't have their righteous anger funneled into false solutions, and start believing that voting in a different direction alone will fix all their problems. A far greater overhaul will be necessary, but one dreads to see what getting to such a place will mean in terms of upheaval and carnage.
This is unsurprising. The French are rebels of the noble kind.
Maybe they will do again what was started in 1789 but this time not just against Christianity but also against Islam, and even against their root: the Jew.
We should start doing rituals for a Satanic victory in France when the time comes.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Refer if you can to my previous post about France. I have elaborated on this from things that I saw too, if you are interested.

The infiltration and subversion of France is too far gone, and the purgatory that might be issued to bring this back may be deep.

I saw this for myself, this beautiful country, the pinnacle of culture, light and civilization, literally being consumed like an beautiful lively horse consumed by lice invaders. Stolen from the progeny of it's rightful inheritors, the French people.

May the French People regain back the beautiful France, with our blessing, and by any historical actions necessary.

This worthless invasion of unending enemy cultures to that of the French and Europeans, and jewish freemasonic rule, has to end. The French people need to live, survive and thrive.

With where the enemy has brought this situation, Europe might unfortunately and due to these things, as well end up in blood of civil war, thanks to these lies, repeated offenses, and internal jew created destruction.

They literally whined about a stupid shit virus for a year now, as if it was the "major issue", while at this point half of Paris as I saw it was untreadable by any French or other European person.

Sadly the Eruopians can't fight back against these muslim rats because of thier fucked up "turn the other cheek" "and help the poor" mentalty. Remember the story of the Trojan horse well and reflect on it. holy shit I cannot imagine how some of these foolish Europeans have hosted Muslim thugs in their homes in the name of mercy and endless love in the name of Jesus, this is tantamount to suicide on a racial level.
I hope the French get back their country from the Jews.
Other countries in the EU will soon wake up as well...alot of people in Europe already are and are tired of the multicultural bullshit that has ravaged their continent. This is good to hear. Throw that macrat out. Last i checked hes a jew thats backed by the rothchilds.
As of yesterday, in many major cities in France, there has been a manifestation of the yellow vests, anti-fa and other leftist activists and some leftist politicians against Macron and the so-called far-right wing politcians. This reveals also why Macron has been suddenly enforcing anti-seperationism/anti-islamism laws in the recent few months. THEY want a civil war to break out in France, possibly in the whole of europe, as the europian union in general, notably Germany and France has also been enforcing anti-seperationist laws, and just last week there has been also a manifestation against the lock-down restrictions in Berlin, Germany. But the upside of this is, most manifestants of both manifestations mentioned above are protesting against the lock-down restrictions and the CoVax, and are stating that big, international corporations are profiting of this supposed health crisis at the cost of the people, even those so called left wing politicians stated that. To me the few leftist politicians there look more white than Macron tbh.
Vidéo à voir qui explique bien la situation :


Les juifs sont en train de préparer un coup avec (((Zemmour))) afin que Macron soit de nouveau réélu.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Refer if you can to my previous post about France. I have elaborated on this from things that I saw too, if you are interested.

The infiltration and subversion of France is too far gone, and the purgatory that might be issued to bring this back may be deep.

I saw this for myself, this beautiful country, the pinnacle of culture, light and civilization, literally being consumed like an beautiful lively horse consumed by lice invaders. Stolen from the progeny of it's rightful inheritors, the French people.

May the French People regain back the beautiful France, with our blessing, and by any historical actions necessary.

This worthless invasion of unending enemy cultures to that of the French and Europeans, and jewish freemasonic rule, has to end. The French people need to live, survive and thrive.

With where the enemy has brought this situation, Europe might unfortunately and due to these things, as well end up in blood of civil war, thanks to these lies, repeated offenses, and internal jew created destruction.

They literally whined about a stupid shit virus for a year now, as if it was the "major issue", while at this point half of Paris as I saw it was untreadable by any French or other European person.

HP Cobra, I just saw this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE31K-9tLXw
And I am confused, how is this good when there are blm, lgbt, anti-fa and marxists in these protest? or is this some other protest that I am mistaken with?
Well educated military and poor government. The mass immigration makes "sense" considering Emmanuel Macron is the president of France - who is a freemason Jewish.

France deserves better and Europe had enough of the Mudslime immigration. France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and a lot more to count. Do we still need more proof to see how a "religion" can easily fuck up countries?

Do we still need more proof to see what race is behind of all the mass immigration?


It's great to see France is finally waking up from the dystopic nightmare of Mudslime immigration.
Arcadia said:
France will be one of the harder cases to fix, in the context of Europe. At the same time, it's actually bad enough that even an asleep population has the potential to wake up and smell the garbage.

Literally, I saw an article the other day how much garbage pollutes Paris. Acres and miles of it, strewn across the city. Plagues of rats. I've heard tourists who travel there comment about the smell, and just generally how rotten the place has become. Which is truly a morbid thought, French architecture and the French countryside are truly beautiful.

Of course when the garbage issue comes up it turns into nothing else but parliamentary blame shifting. But even if they cleaned it up, it's still just a symptom of a disease, rather than a disease itself.

If nothing else, it's funny how obvious it is to anyone even with the mildest degree of spiritual understanding. How obvious the spiritual signs of entropy within a nation are, as it literally becomes physically filthy and a victim of decay.

Hopefully, the French people don't have their righteous anger funneled into false solutions, and start believing that voting in a different direction alone will fix all their problems. A far greater overhaul will be necessary, but one dreads to see what getting to such a place will mean in terms of upheaval and carnage.

In fact. As Cobra rightly said, there are many French people who are aware of the Jewish problem. The problem is that they do nothing, or they protest about little things, without getting to the real problem.

France is a chaos in the true sense of the word. Literally an ethnic and religious gang bang. We know that France (the hexagon...) was a priority of the enemy. The light is very big and will remain so here. But the current climate is very depressing.

We are probably the country with the most depressions. Totally Americanized with fast food in every direction. With the egregore of Rap violence, which is totally rotting the brains of young people, in addition to social networks.

Education has become totally ridiculous. Filled with Jewish propaganda. And the IQ is getting lower and lower (which in a way is logical with the import of the Third World, but not that. The French are losing a lot of discernment and cannot react well with acuity to what is happening)

Our hope now is the intervention of the army. The Islamic / Muslim context that is written in the letter is a facade. Many in the military are aware of the NWO, and above all, do not want to do the vaccine.

Most of the political parties are parasitized by Jewish vermin. Politicians, although they claim to be patriotic and nationalist, are lured by the Jewish carrot, not to serve the interests of the country and the French people, but to take advantage of opportunities like the current one to fill their pockets. And then leave France.

If there will be a civil war in a European country (or Europe) what should we do? What is right then?
Nikois666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Refer if you can to my previous post about France. I have elaborated on this from things that I saw too, if you are interested.

The infiltration and subversion of France is too far gone, and the purgatory that might be issued to bring this back may be deep.

I saw this for myself, this beautiful country, the pinnacle of culture, light and civilization, literally being consumed like an beautiful lively horse consumed by lice invaders. Stolen from the progeny of it's rightful inheritors, the French people.

May the French People regain back the beautiful France, with our blessing, and by any historical actions necessary.

This worthless invasion of unending enemy cultures to that of the French and Europeans, and jewish freemasonic rule, has to end. The French people need to live, survive and thrive.

With where the enemy has brought this situation, Europe might unfortunately and due to these things, as well end up in blood of civil war, thanks to these lies, repeated offenses, and internal jew created destruction.

They literally whined about a stupid shit virus for a year now, as if it was the "major issue", while at this point half of Paris as I saw it was untreadable by any French or other European person.

HP Cobra, I just saw this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE31K-9tLXw
And I am confused, how is this good when there are blm, lgbt, anti-fa and marxists in these protest? or is this some other protest that I am mistaken with?

From reading the news, both the left/antifa/usual cucks AND the military (right wing etc) are both on an ongoing rampage.

This is why people see this as moving onwards to civil war. Team 1 wants unending migration, team 2 wants the influx to stop, since France will become Congo pretty soon if this continues.
TopoftheAbyss said:
This is unsurprising. The French are rebels of the noble kind.
Maybe they will do again what was started in 1789 but this time not just against Christianity but also against Islam, and even against their root: the Jew.
We should start doing rituals for a Satanic victory in France when the time comes.

The enemy dialectic that the French Revolution was a bloodbath, is wrong. In fact, the French did ANYTHING HUMANELY POSSIBLE to not devolve into bloody chaos, before the revolution took place.

After a point, they were left without a choice.
Arcadia said:
France will be one of the harder cases to fix, in the context of Europe. At the same time, it's actually bad enough that even an asleep population has the potential to wake up and smell the garbage.

Literally, I saw an article the other day how much garbage pollutes Paris. Acres and miles of it, strewn across the city. Plagues of rats. I've heard tourists who travel there comment about the smell, and just generally how rotten the place has become. Which is truly a morbid thought, French architecture and the French countryside are truly beautiful.

Of course when the garbage issue comes up it turns into nothing else but parliamentary blame shifting. But even if they cleaned it up, it's still just a symptom of a disease, rather than a disease itself.

If nothing else, it's funny how obvious it is to anyone even with the mildest degree of spiritual understanding. How obvious the spiritual signs of entropy within a nation are, as it literally becomes physically filthy and a victim of decay.

Hopefully, the French people don't have their righteous anger funneled into false solutions, and start believing that voting in a different direction alone will fix all their problems. A far greater overhaul will be necessary, but one dreads to see what getting to such a place will mean in terms of upheaval and carnage.
Not only trash garbage, but also muslim garbage. In places like Paris sometimes you can't spot a White person for miles.
About the military persecutions:

Hopefully Le pen wins the election next year but the enemy will probably steal it in front of the whole world like November 4th.
Malpirgi said:

Thank you for the tip. Here it is the image I wrote about:

I'm not the author of the image and I erased some irrelevant yet critical information.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
This is unsurprising. The French are rebels of the noble kind.
Maybe they will do again what was started in 1789 but this time not just against Christianity but also against Islam, and even against their root: the Jew.
We should start doing rituals for a Satanic victory in France when the time comes.

The enemy dialectic that the French Revolution was a bloodbath, is wrong. In fact, the French did ANYTHING HUMANELY POSSIBLE to not devolve into bloody chaos, before the revolution took place.

After a point, they were left without a choice.
The guillotine was as painless as possible and it was often used against christians. They attacked us through burnings at the stake and other painful abomination throughout the centuries. The French were literally too good with the enemy.
Even to this day the Jews are still seething about the French Revolution. One of the most famous books about this event is written by a salty Jew.
Havok said:
Vidéo à voir qui explique bien la situation :


Les juifs sont en train de préparer un coup avec (((Zemmour))) afin que Macron soit de nouveau réélu.

Merci pour partager c'est site. Maintenant j'ai quelque forme pour traîner mon ecouté en français de façon intéressante.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Refer if you can to my previous post about France. I have elaborated on this from things that I saw too, if you are interested.

The infiltration and subversion of France is too far gone, and the purgatory that might be issued to bring this back may be deep.

I saw this for myself, this beautiful country, the pinnacle of culture, light and civilization, literally being consumed like an beautiful lively horse consumed by lice invaders. Stolen from the progeny of it's rightful inheritors, the French people.

May the French People regain back the beautiful France, with our blessing, and by any historical actions necessary.

This worthless invasion of unending enemy cultures to that of the French and Europeans, and jewish freemasonic rule, has to end. The French people need to live, survive and thrive.

With where the enemy has brought this situation, Europe might unfortunately and due to these things, as well end up in blood of civil war, thanks to these lies, repeated offenses, and internal jew created destruction.

They literally whined about a stupid shit virus for a year now, as if it was the "major issue", while at this point half of Paris as I saw it was untreadable by any French or other European person.

I think that the French are waking up for the fact that they were deceived in WW2, by bs like "had Germany won the war, the French people would be speaking German now" and accepting (((american domination))) over them in many aspects for the sake of security.

Sorry, I couldn't find your post about France. Nevertheless, I love your posts and I find them very inspiring (and not just because you are a HP). I feel honored by your response, much appreciated.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Hopefully Le pen wins the election next year but the enemy will probably steal it in front of the whole world like November 4th.

Le Pen winning and implementing social reconstruction policy, and stopping the influx, may actually prevent the worst.

If she is elected, and does the same shit, one can only imagine what is going to happen next. Chaos will ensue.

If she also decides to betray the French people over enemy demands, then France may be the fated with the starting of a revolutionary, reactionary civil war style bloodbath.

If they keep fake electing stooges in, eventually, the situation will break out.

Paris is on a daily roll between leftists and right wingers, both fuming red, for different reasons, all of which could be solved quickly by a true populist movement, that will serve the French People and not corrupted jewish freemasons.
Elas Qilar said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I think that the French are waking up for the fact that they were deceived in WW2, by bs like "had Germany won the war, the French people would be speaking German now" and accepting (((american domination))) over them in many aspects for the sake of security.

Sorry, I couldn't find your post about France. Nevertheless, I love your posts and I find them very inspiring (and not just because you are a HP). I feel honored by your response, much appreciated.

France loves the JoS, JoS loves France. Anything important you find, please share with us. Thank you too.
No difference than commie California, a "sanctuary state" for those who come in illegally for the great "American dream", only to come and eat welfare, to then become dependent upon gov aid while pushing out kids after kids.

So many people already moved out of California to a Red state, that includes Democrats too.

So the French's ongoing immigrant dilemma is something us Southern California has been dealing with minus the rape. We have many drug and human traffickers though.

These Jews won't stop so we shouldn't stop either.

Keep up the spiritual fight against them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
From reading the news, both the left/antifa/usual cucks AND the military (right wing etc) are both on an ongoing rampage.

This is why people see this as moving onwards to civil war. Team 1 wants unending migration, team 2 wants the influx to stop, since France will become Congo pretty soon if this continues.
Don't you think, these security laws that the jews are coming up with are to create tensions?

It's the leftists that have been protesting the most for stupid things, so now the jews ordered to come up with security laws that don't make much difference but instead align more towards orwellian future and also threaten the average leftist npc on the ground of a protest.
I mean take example of the security legislation that would ban the publication of images of police officers in France.
Imo when you take this above law as an example, the jews are trying to give the npc's in left a sense of 'duty', that they are fighting something, while they give this sense of 'duty', they might be preparing them for a civil war as well. But something went wrong here for the jews, RTRs and the French veterans + military must have gotten the wind of this somehow. Now if a civil war ever breaks out, their would be minimum 3 factions and right wing is most likely to win imo, which would at least preserve the French people and it's culture.

HP Cobra, by the way, is a civil war necessary here? or is it completely a jewish plan to destabilize France immensely?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Hopefully Le pen wins the election next year but the enemy will probably steal it in front of the whole world like November 4th.

Le Pen winning and implementing social reconstruction policy, and stopping the influx, may actually prevent the worst.

If she is elected, and does the same shit, one can only imagine what is going to happen next. Chaos will ensue.

If she also decides to betray the French people over enemy demands, then France may be the fated with the starting of a revolutionary, reactionary civil war style bloodbath.

If they keep fake electing stooges in, eventually, the situation will break out.

Paris is on a daily roll between leftists and right wingers, both fuming red, for different reasons, all of which could be solved quickly by a true populist movement, that will serve the French People and not corrupted jewish freemasons.

We must not neglect the damage of the Jew, but how are these "white" masons operating with impunity? Traitorous whites are, dare I say, just as daming as the Jew.

They are direct descendants of Satan, why are these rouge white elements allowed to permeate? I don't want to sound blasphemous, but could being related to Satan be more of a mindset than a racial generality.
Heill SS comrades,

About the French Revolution, I posted an article on it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
