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It all has become normalcy - a small rant

Yagami Light

Active member
Sep 21, 2017
I am just going to talk about America (American movies/series), as these are what most nations of this world watch...

In the beginning it was with race mixing. Perhaps in the early movies/series that showed some race mixing, there might have been outsiders (people who don't race mix) who frowned upon that (IN those movies - basically, being a part of the script). Now it's absolutely normal in any movie/series. No "outsider" is acting weirdly when they see a mixed couple (or when a man/woman is flirted on by a person of different race).

Now I see this with homosexuals adopting children... I can already name three TV shows that portray this - and it is aaabsolutely normal. Two women have a baby - many times it is not even discussed on how they got that baby (adoption? One of them became pregnant with someone's sperm from a sperm bank? In the end, does it matter? The baby's still growing with two mothers/fathers), and this fact is absolutely normal. NO ONE reacts weirdly at it.

Another retarded thing that has become normalcy is a white parent having a black child (or the opposite).. Now, the other parent MAY be of the same color as the child.... or not. And my fucking question is, how is it even fucking possible, for the child to be ENTIRELY of the black race (pure black race, not mixed - you can tell by bone structure etc), but the parents are... mixed! It doesn't make much fucking sense!!!!!

...I know it doesn't. In Hollywood "race doesn't exist" lol... I'm just ranting a bit.

Mixed-race = normalcy
Homosexuals adopting/having children = normalcy
Mixed people having a child that clearly belongs to only one race = normalcy (although this is basically throwing ash in people's eyes, as if "race doesn't exist", so it wouldn't be obvious if the kid was mixed......)

I assume next thing to be normalized will be pedophilia. I can already imagine these romantic scenarios of grown-up men falling in love with cute 16 years old girls - and then 14, 11... (There was this new anime that had this script and it was portrayed VERY slyly, making many retards support the relationship... Title is "Koikimo")

But IT'S LOVE, you know??

Fuck everything, I'm so fucking angry. At times I just want to abandon this world, stop fighting for anyone. I'm so fed up with people accepting all that crap. I'm truly so fed up.
Instead of being angry at the enemy, I often end up hating the world. What are people THINKING??!
They're not, obviously. They're not thinking at all. They just accept all the crap that the jewish TV shows them.
I pretty much know how you feel. A friend of mine made me watch the first episode of Disney+'s exclusive The Owl House. It was the only episode that i watched and by that episode i could sense that it was another example of SJWs propaganda: feminism, non-white protagonist and mocking at "conspiracy theorists". If that's not worse, it portrays magic in the way Xians described it. I also cannot stand anymore the modern western cartoons drawing-style: they all look flat figures in a picture with zero prospective. I know that western cartoons always had something subversive even in the 80/90, but at least they didn't had an art-style that is comparable with modern art.

But, i believe that all of this was accelerated in 2010s, thanks pretty much to (((Rebecca Sugar))). She made a garbage cartoon named Steven Universe where the protagonist is a fat kid that fights alongside aliens that are supposed to be gender less but acts like they are female, therefore acting as a support for both Feminism and the LGBT movement. It was not the first time that she actually worked on a cartoon: she worked on some episodes of Adventure Time, were she did everything in her power to push LGBT agenda even then. Of course, she is also married with a "black" jew. If Cartoon Network was actually owned by sane people, it would have rejected her long ago. In fact, what sane person can ever hire someone who in the past made sick hentai of Ed, Edd n Eddy to work on child cartoons?

I also am pretty familiar with Star vs the Forces of Evil, made by another feminist sjw, (((Daron Nefcy))). I watched only an episode in 2014 and i decided to never watch it again. Some friends of mine had enough time to waste with this garbage however, and they explained me what i always suspected with this show: plagiarism from the magical girl anime, race-mixing, feminism and anti-racism all together to brainwash your children and to satisfy all the idiotic adults who waste time watching it and talking it on Tumblr, Twitter, DeviantART, Reddit and even 4Chan (well, it's not really a surprise, since it was on that degenerate platform that started the (((My Little Pony))) Fandom).

I usually joke with the fact that the hero of the future decades will be a "race-mixed, transgender, underage, muslim, jewish, feminist, fat, disabled and "strong and indipendent". But i really believe that the media will do everything in that power to push it as the "ideal hero" of TV Shows, Movies, Comics and Videogames.

About being surrounded by idiots, yeah, i have the same feelings. My "friends" are all too busy consuming themselves with hedonism (either dinners, TV or YouTube) to actually care about the situation being dramatic. My relatives don't behave better: they know that television is garbage, and yet, they feel the urge of watching to fill their "free time" instead of actually doing something more healthy such as reading or exercising. And, if ever try to tell them about (((who))) rules us, they either chose to think that "the jews are poor and innocent victims that were persecuted by centuries" or "it doesn't change my business or my life knowing that, so i don't care". I also try to avoid any useless website were people under enemy programs dwells, since their sick behavior makes me lose faith in humanity as well. However, just because of a weak majority made of either Abrahmists or other degenerates under jewish influence forms a majority in the globe, it doesn't mean that it will stay that forever. And even if most of the current brainwashed population fails to save themselves, i doubt that we will miss them, since Cobra said that we will reprogram ourselves in one of the sermons of immortality to the point that we'll no longer care about them. So, i'll try to stay strong and do my best meditating and doing the RTR.
Yagami Light said:
I am just going to talk about America (American movies/series), as these are what most nations of this world watch...

In the beginning it was with race mixing. Perhaps in the early movies/series that showed some race mixing, there might have been outsiders (people who don't race mix) who frowned upon that (IN those movies - basically, being a part of the script). Now it's absolutely normal in any movie/series. No "outsider" is acting weirdly when they see a mixed couple (or when a man/woman is flirted on by a person of different race).

Now I see this with homosexuals adopting children... I can already name three TV shows that portray this - and it is aaabsolutely normal. Two women have a baby - many times it is not even discussed on how they got that baby (adoption? One of them became pregnant with someone's sperm from a sperm bank? In the end, does it matter? The baby's still growing with two mothers/fathers), and this fact is absolutely normal. NO ONE reacts weirdly at it.

Another retarded thing that has become normalcy is a white parent having a black child (or the opposite).. Now, the other parent MAY be of the same color as the child.... or not. And my fucking question is, how is it even fucking possible, for the child to be ENTIRELY of the black race (pure black race, not mixed - you can tell by bone structure etc), but the parents are... mixed! It doesn't make much fucking sense!!!!!

...I know it doesn't. In Hollywood "race doesn't exist" lol... I'm just ranting a bit.

Mixed-race = normalcy
Homosexuals adopting/having children = normalcy
Mixed people having a child that clearly belongs to only one race = normalcy (although this is basically throwing ash in people's eyes, as if "race doesn't exist", so it wouldn't be obvious if the kid was mixed......)

I assume next thing to be normalized will be pedophilia. I can already imagine these romantic scenarios of grown-up men falling in love with cute 16 years old girls - and then 14, 11... (There was this new anime that had this script and it was portrayed VERY slyly, making many retards support the relationship... Title is "Koikimo")

But IT'S LOVE, you know??

Fuck everything, I'm so fucking angry. At times I just want to abandon this world, stop fighting for anyone. I'm so fed up with people accepting all that crap. I'm truly so fed up.
Instead of being angry at the enemy, I often end up hating the world. What are people THINKING??!
They're not, obviously. They're not thinking at all. They just accept all the crap that the jewish TV shows them.

The best thing would be to turn this anger into construtive things like fighting for what's true and good. And also meditate.
I can relate to what you are saying and I think many people here also can, which should be a bit comforting at least to know you are not alone in this. Most people are followers in general who go along to get along, while the real evil ones are doing the misleading.

It's interesting how they achieve race-mixing on a global scale; not just by mass-immigration but also in combination with feminism and race-mix propaganda aimed primarly at white women. Since for example asian or black women are not as programmed by this propaganda they are often seen by white men as a better and more suitable partner than the crazy feminist. And the feminist white woman sees a black man as better because of propaganda. In the end "the chosen one's" will be left as the only pure race if this continues, but let's not make that happen.
Yagami Light said:

Don't get too upset. This is nothing new and now we are dealing with bigger problems through Covid-based tyranny.

You are in luck that the new race awakening rituals are coming soon. This fixes what you are upset about. The enemy has been weakened considerably, and now we will restore health back to the world.

The majority of people are new souls. They literally don't know any alternative. And yeah, any official media has been cranked up to 11 with degeneracy for years now. Best to stick to alternatives through video-hosting sites.
Hello...the newest thing for me to talk about my experience and craving for the dark Lord..
Please direct me where I can find some guidance.
Yagami Light said:
I assume next thing to be normalized will be pedophilia. I can already imagine these romantic scenarios of grown-up men falling in love with cute 16 years old girls - and then 14, 11... (There was this new anime that had this script and it was portrayed VERY slyly, making many retards support the relationship... Title is "Koikimo")

But IT'S LOVE, you know??

Jewflix has already been doing this for the last few years, it just about backfired in their face with the cuties series bringing into light the CEO was a pedophile, sadly it stopped there. They continue to push out ever younger looking actors with sexual scenes. Jewtube does the same with its originals. If your to attack the judenpress with out using memes and try starting a physical movement u'll dissapear quick. Best stick to spreading awareness anonymously on the net as we know that works. Direct all that hate into your FRTR use your hate to fill your napalm strikes.
Yagami Light said:
I am just going to talk about America (American movies/series), as these are what most nations of this world watch...

In the beginning it was with race mixing. Perhaps in the early movies/series that showed some race mixing, there might have been outsiders (people who don't race mix) who frowned upon that (IN those movies - basically, being a part of the script). Now it's absolutely normal in any movie/series. No "outsider" is acting weirdly when they see a mixed couple (or when a man/woman is flirted on by a person of different race).

Now I see this with homosexuals adopting children... I can already name three TV shows that portray this - and it is aaabsolutely normal. Two women have a baby - many times it is not even discussed on how they got that baby (adoption? One of them became pregnant with someone's sperm from a sperm bank? In the end, does it matter? The baby's still growing with two mothers/fathers), and this fact is absolutely normal. NO ONE reacts weirdly at it.

Another retarded thing that has become normalcy is a white parent having a black child (or the opposite).. Now, the other parent MAY be of the same color as the child.... or not. And my fucking question is, how is it even fucking possible, for the child to be ENTIRELY of the black race (pure black race, not mixed - you can tell by bone structure etc), but the parents are... mixed! It doesn't make much fucking sense!!!!!

...I know it doesn't. In Hollywood "race doesn't exist" lol... I'm just ranting a bit.

Mixed-race = normalcy
Homosexuals adopting/having children = normalcy
Mixed people having a child that clearly belongs to only one race = normalcy (although this is basically throwing ash in people's eyes, as if "race doesn't exist", so it wouldn't be obvious if the kid was mixed......)

I assume next thing to be normalized will be pedophilia. I can already imagine these romantic scenarios of grown-up men falling in love with cute 16 years old girls - and then 14, 11... (There was this new anime that had this script and it was portrayed VERY slyly, making many retards support the relationship... Title is "Koikimo")

But IT'S LOVE, you know??

Fuck everything, I'm so fucking angry. At times I just want to abandon this world, stop fighting for anyone. I'm so fed up with people accepting all that crap. I'm truly so fed up.
Instead of being angry at the enemy, I often end up hating the world. What are people THINKING??!
They're not, obviously. They're not thinking at all. They just accept all the crap that the jewish TV shows them.

I understand your sentiment very well and even sometimes feel as if i share it which makes me often feel extremely alone. But blitzkrieg is right there is a reason for this, and the reason he named is why people like us often have a hard time Going through a world that just literally feel so alien. Newer souls have never known anything else and this is what the enemy is betting on. I theorize also that it is one of the reasons for racemixing, because if there are no more white bodies to reincarnate into where are the older souls who knew a better world to go? The enemy wants nothing of the Old Gods remaining inlcuding the ones who deep down are drawn to the ways of old because of probably being in times of old.

This makes our new race awakening ritual most essential and crucial as the rest of our warfare. The first thing the enemy wants is for us to just stop. Remember the good that is still there that we are fighting for. Why else would the Gods still be looking out for us? There is hope for alot of the younger souls too.

I know its hard but burn ZOG down!
(I've been awake for about 24 hours maybe more so bare with me on this reply)

I'm sorry to make you more upset by saying this but pedophilia is already 100% normalized in society. It annoys me a bit that even people here don't see it. In today's society pedophilia is ok if it's a young/little boy with a grown woman. There's so many people who cheer on a little boy flirting with a grown woman. We have movies that shows a little boy and a grown woman *romantically* kissing on the lips like in the 90s Disney film "Blank Check". This has gone either unnoticed, ignored or even worse, supported by many many people.

I'm happy I have never seen that crap supported here though but I have felt a bit irritated that people only talk about one side but not the other which in reality are equally horrible things.

This is actually what was bothering me several days ago. Even when I bring it up to people who are without they don't even seem to care / pretend to care and in reality they wouldn't make it a big deal unless the genders were reversed.

I'm starting to feel like I'm the crazy one for being this upset about it. Am I missing something? There's no way this is normal if it's a little boy right?... I hate it that I'm starting to even fucking question my stance since I feel like I'm alone in this, outside of here. I say outside of here because even though I'm literally the first one to ever bring this up I still feel like the majority here have the same sentiment about this messed up situation.

There's no way I can ever believe someone trying to explain to me how it's ok if it's a little boy with a woman because I know first hand that it does fuck you up very bad.

I didn't know how to bring this up but seeing a member bring up a topic similar to this I might as well being it up now, right?

My intention isn't to highjack this topic, I just saw it the opportunity I was waiting for.

For the record I'm on the same board as you Yagami and have seen this ugliness creeping more into shows. The anime, "Violet evergarden" had a similar situation of a 18 year old prince asking for the hand of a 13 year old princess and this Violet character was made to support it and help the girl want the relationship. Even if it was subtle at the end of the day that was the meaning behind it.

An important note that many don't know is that the Japanese have their age of consent at 18 in each "state". The federal age of consent is 13 but each state or district has their age at 18. Thus it's why you never see a grown man with a 13 year old. Lazy people (or worse) never read past the part of the age of 13 if they looked it up on Wikipedia. Literally the next lines tells you that each state has their age of consent at 18. It's a messed misconception of the Japanese and I'm surprised they never really come out and defend themselves against this misconception but then again that's the Asians for you, they don't give a fuck what outsiders have to say about them. So in the end it's the degenerates of this nation (which all nations have their share of) pushing this crap. I'm going on a tangent so if anyone else has more info on this reply to this part in another thread please. I just wanted to clear that part up since it was related as well.

Lastly, Blitzkreig had a great response (as usual ), let's keep spamming the RTRs and y'all stay focused on the Racial Awakening Rituals for Blacks and Whites and we'll see blatant change in our disgusting society soon enough.

Hail Satan!!
hailourtruegod said:
Hail Satan!!

Since its mercury retrograde and rereading another time after posting this I can see that there's a chance some might get confused and think I was implying people here support pedophilia if it involves a little boy and a woman. I wasn't. I meant that I have a strong feeling that you all have the same sentiment as *me* and when I said it's equally horrible I meant if it involves both cases of little boys and girls with grown people of the opposite sex. I didn't mean that people here not bringing up this specific subject before is equally horrible to people supporting (etc) this degeneracy.
The jews couldn't get to the japanese culture with race mixing as much as other nations, they pushed pedophilia with anime quite hard over the past decade or two.

Don't get to fed up, we are winning I see that we are winning. There is a huge rise in awareness to these kind of things, much more than there was a few years ago.

People are waking up to many things, the jews are losing battle after battle.

I feel your wrath and at times I feel the same despair you do, but stay strong we are on the path to VICTORY!

hailourtruegod said:
(I've been awake for about 24 hours maybe more so bare with me on this reply)

I'm sorry to make you more upset by saying this but pedophilia is already 100% normalized in society. It annoys me a bit that even people here don't see it. In today's society pedophilia is ok if it's a young/little boy with a grown woman. There's so many people who cheer on a little boy flirting with a grown woman. We have movies that shows a little boy and a grown woman *romantically* kissing on the lips like in the 90s Disney film "Blank Check". This has gone either unnoticed, ignored or even worse, supported by many many people.

I'm happy I have never seen that crap supported here though but I have felt a bit irritated that people only talk about one side but not the other which in reality are equally horrible things.

This is actually what was bothering me several days ago. Even when I bring it up to people who are without they don't even seem to care / pretend to care and in reality they wouldn't make it a big deal unless the genders were reversed.

I'm starting to feel like I'm the crazy one for being this upset about it. Am I missing something? There's no way this is normal if it's a little boy right?... I hate it that I'm starting to even fucking question my stance since I feel like I'm alone in this, outside of here. I say outside of here because even though I'm literally the first one to ever bring this up I still feel like the majority here have the same sentiment about this messed up situation.

There's no way I can ever believe someone trying to explain to me how it's ok if it's a little boy with a woman because I know first hand that it does fuck you up very bad.

I didn't know how to bring this up but seeing a member bring up a topic similar to this I might as well being it up now, right?

My intention isn't to highjack this topic, I just saw it the opportunity I was waiting for.

For the record I'm on the same board as you Yagami and have seen this ugliness creeping more into shows. The anime, "Violet evergarden" had a similar situation of a 18 year old prince asking for the hand of a 13 year old princess and this Violet character was made to support it and help the girl want the relationship. Even if it was subtle at the end of the day that was the meaning behind it.

An important note that many don't know is that the Japanese have their age of consent at 18 in each "state". The federal age of consent is 13 but each state or district has their age at 18. Thus it's why you never see a grown man with a 13 year old. Lazy people (or worse) never read past the part of the age of 13 if they looked it up on Wikipedia. Literally the next lines tells you that each state has their age of consent at 18. It's a messed misconception of the Japanese and I'm surprised they never really come out and defend themselves against this misconception but then again that's the Asians for you, they don't give a fuck what outsiders have to say about them. So in the end it's the degenerates of this nation (which all nations have their share of) pushing this crap. I'm going on a tangent so if anyone else has more info on this reply to this part in another thread please. I just wanted to clear that part up since it was related as well.

Lastly, Blitzkreig had a great response (as usual ), let's keep spamming the RTRs and y'all stay focused on the Racial Awakening Rituals for Blacks and Whites and we'll see blatant change in our disgusting society soon enough.

Hail Satan!!
I posted a long answer to this post but strangely it was not approved. I've seen many people in the anime community on YouTube claiming that lusting after underage anime characters is okay, because they really believe that the age of consent of Japan is 14. But, as you said, they are clearly uninformed about it.

As for the old Disney movies, i don't know what to say, since the SJW crowd managed to make their own crusade even against that. The problem is that, those movies were set in the Middle Ages, where it was the norm a marriage between an underaged person and a mature one. Speaking of which, it doesn't really surprise me that all the "Traditionalist Nationalists" wants to push us back in these times, since a lot of them are proud pedophiles and they openly want to lower the age of consent. And no surprise that they all identify as Catholics, since they Church is full of child-raping priests and nuns. But, as the HPs explain in an old sermon, pedophilia is pretty normal if you are part of any of the Abrahmic cults, no matter how much christards claim the contrary. But returning on the Disney's subject, i found on the website "Mourning the Ancients" (the same one that contains the proofs that the Axis Powers were on the good side) in the section that explains the Genocide of both Germany and Japan committed by the Allies, a disgusting drawing, made apparently by the Disney Company, in order to brainwash American soldiers into raping the German women (including underage girls). Quoting the site "perhaps it was always evil, who knows". I'm not posting that image, since i found it disgusting and i consider it an example of an earlier hentai.

Anyway, i know that we'll rid ourselves from all enemy filth in the future.

Hail Satan!
Yagami Light said:
Homosexuals adopting/having children = normalcy

Wait I thought Joy of Satan was fine with that?

Sure it shouldn't be the normal but I thought it was acceptable so long as it is a fringe minority? Am I mistaken?
AgniCosmos said:
Yagami Light said:
Homosexuals adopting/having children = normalcy

Wait I thought Joy of Satan was fine with that?

Sure it shouldn't be the normal but I thought it was acceptable so long as it is a fringe minority? Am I mistaken?
It's not normal in any way. Why would it be fine for a minority? Does it have no repercussions on an individual child if it's just done by a minority of people? You don't have to answer, they're rethorical questions.
AgniCosmos said:
Yagami Light said:
Homosexuals adopting/having children = normalcy

Wait I thought Joy of Satan was fine with that?

Sure it shouldn't be the normal but I thought it was acceptable so long as it is a fringe minority? Am I mistaken?

That was some of the false doctrine of Jake Carlson as i understand. Homosexuality is fine. Gay marriage and child adoption is not.
Nimrod33 said:
AgniCosmos said:
Yagami Light said:
Homosexuals adopting/having children = normalcy

Wait I thought Joy of Satan was fine with that?

Sure it shouldn't be the normal but I thought it was acceptable so long as it is a fringe minority? Am I mistaken?

That was some of the false doctrine of Jake Carlson as i understand. Homosexuality is fine. Gay marriage and child adoption is not.
Gay marriage is fine.
Nimrod33 said:
AgniCosmos said:
Yagami Light said:
Homosexuals adopting/having children = normalcy

Wait I thought Joy of Satan was fine with that?

Sure it shouldn't be the normal but I thought it was acceptable so long as it is a fringe minority? Am I mistaken?

That was some of the false doctrine of Jake Carlson as i understand. Homosexuality is fine. Gay marriage and child adoption is not.
Ok, so please bear with me and help me understand. It has been said that Homosexuality is fine but gay marriage is not? Isn't that contradictory though? Because say like two guys love each other and they live together and are in a romantic and sexual relationship and cohabilitate. As a hetero woman i was in this arrangement with my ex for several years. We basically could have been married and pretty much were but it just wasn't on paper. The paper would be basically saying us doing all of these things would be "legally official"

Marriage is an institution that basically implies people have to have permission to have sex or live together. And if it turns out to be with the wrong person it can legally and financially fuck you in the long run. The joining of two souls does not need a piece of paper. how the joining would work with same sex couples i am not at liberty to say and have no knowledge of whatsoever.
Nimrod33 said:
Homosexuality is fine. Gay marriage and child adoption is not.

Could you help me understand this:

Are two gays who want to live their life together fine?
By gay marriage you are referring to the raising of children- so gays who want to live their life together (without children) is still fine?
To all the people who quoted my comment: i cannot quote all of your comment to answer your question about Gay Marriage, i don't have the time. However, i remember reading on a 2020 post that Jake Carlson whas banned because he was pushing Gay Marriage on the JOS doctrine. Now, i support Homosexuality but i don't see why people of the same gender should be married with each other. If i am wrong, any other SS who knows the subject better than me can freely correct me about the argument.
AgniCosmos said:
Are two gays who want to live their life together fine?
By gay marriage you are referring to the raising of children- so gays who want to live their life together (without children) is still fine?

2 gays can live together without a marriage contract/ceremony. The Marriage ceremony was an ancient Pagan one, both literal and allegorical of uniting the opposites. 2 men/women together aren't really opposites so marriage doesn't apply to them. Of course the marriage thing is also the allegory of uniting the 2 opposite parts within you during the Magnum Opus.

Basically, men and women are different, so the marriage is a commitment the two of them make so they can overcome the obstacles their differences create and work together to make a family and raise children. Not just different, but one complements the other. A woman can bring something more to a man that he has, and so a man to a woman. You get something more if you commit to a person of the opposite sex, and it creates a whole that is much more than the sum of its parts that helps create a strong family.

For this reason, a couple of the same sex doesn't need marriage.

So, homosexuality is perfectly normal, but trying to apply heterosexual ways of life (such as marriage and family) to gays is not. You can see this happened in ancient Pagan civilizations. Homosexuality was accepted in ancient Greece but marriage was between a man and a woman.

Shadowcat said:
Isn't that contradictory though?

No, it is not. See above. Marriage isn't just living together, it's a sacred Ancient Pagan ceremony of uniting the opposites. Nowadays it has degenerated into merely a contract with the government, but it doesn't mean it's supposed to be like that.

Nimrod33 said:
Now, i support Homosexuality but i don't see why people of the same gender should be married with each other.

Me too, brother. You will notice that the people who replied to you all reduced marriage into just "living together" when it's something more sacred than that.
Nimrod33 said:
To all the people who quoted my comment: i cannot quote all of your comment to answer your question about Gay Marriage, i don't have the time. However, i remember reading on a 2020 post that Jake Carlson whas banned because he was pushing Gay Marriage on the JOS doctrine. Now, i support Homosexuality but i don't see why people of the same gender should be married with each other. If i am wrong, any other SS who knows the subject better than me can freely correct me about the argument.
Just because jake carlson promoted that it doesn't mean it's necessarily bad.
Why would they not be able to marry? They can't love eachother to the point of wanting to be together in a natural partnership which is marriage?
Rational Satanist said:
AgniCosmos said:
Are two gays who want to live their life together fine?
By gay marriage you are referring to the raising of children- so gays who want to live their life together (without children) is still fine?

2 gays can live together without a marriage contract/ceremony. The Marriage ceremony was an ancient Pagan one, both literal and allegorical of uniting the opposites. 2 men/women together aren't really opposites so marriage doesn't apply to them. Of course the marriage thing is also the allegory of uniting the 2 opposite parts within you during the Magnum Opus.

Basically, men and women are different, so the marriage is a commitment the two of them make so they can overcome the obstacles their differences create and work together to make a family and raise children. Not just different, but one complements the other. A woman can bring something more to a man that he has, and so a man to a woman. You get something more if you commit to a person of the opposite sex, and it creates a whole that is much more than the sum of its parts that helps create a strong family.

For this reason, a couple of the same sex doesn't need marriage.

So, homosexuality is perfectly normal, but trying to apply heterosexual ways of life (such as marriage and family) to gays is not. You can see this happened in ancient Pagan civilizations. Homosexuality was accepted in ancient Greece but marriage was between a man and a woman.

Shadowcat said:
Isn't that contradictory though?

No, it is not. See above. Marriage isn't just living together, it's a sacred Ancient Pagan ceremony of uniting the opposites. Nowadays it has degenerated into merely a contract with the government, but it doesn't mean it's supposed to be like that.

Nimrod33 said:
Now, i support Homosexuality but i don't see why people of the same gender should be married with each other.

Me too, brother. You will notice that the people who replied to you all reduced marriage into just "living together" when it's something more sacred than that.

Thanks for pointing all this out and i agree. I know its not supposed to be the way it is which is why i was basically shitting on the piece of paper mainstream sees fit to call marriage. I suppose i just have associated the word so closely to this corrupt institution so when i hear the word marriage what i typed before comes to mind. Which is why i have never been a fan of it and never looked at it as something that lasts, at least the "version" of what the world has made it out to be (the fake one) But indeed a joining of opposites and a complete merging of two souls is a much more appealing description to me and is the actual real thing which is sadly very rare today due to most people lacking the needed maturity and depth.

This brings me to another question however and might step on toes. If gays and lesbians are only limited to go so far in this way then what is the point of this sort of attraction and why does it come and what makes it natural? In other words what is its purpose? This is actually something i never really focused on. I know we have alot of gays here guys please don't bite my head off. I promise i am seeking genuine clarification. Our chakras indeed are paired by opposites as well and if i recall correctly the kundalini is too? the universe itself as well as our machines and many other applications and things taking place in our world revolve around essentially male and female parts or aspects coming together or opposite charges.
Meteor said:
A childhood friend of mine married another woman, and adopted a girl. They seem pretty happy. Is it really such a bad thing?
I haven't really thought about it much, but isn't it at least better than an orphanage or foster care, considering what those are like?

It's best for a child to have both male and female influences, otherwise they're likely to grow up maladjusted. I can't find it right now but I remember reading a study that showed children raised by lesbians have a far higher chance of developing disorders.
Shadowcat said:
I suppose i just have associated the word so closely to this corrupt institution so when i hear the word marriage what i typed before comes to mind. Which is why i have never been a fan of it and never looked at it as something that lasts, at least the "version" of what the world has made it out to be (the fake one) But indeed a joining of opposites and a complete merging of two souls is a much more appealing description to me and is the actual real thing which is sadly very rare today due to most people lacking the needed maturity and depth.

Xianity has also helped ruin marriage, too. The ancients regarded marriage as sacred, but they also understood that it's not for everyone. So, xians came and so they thought it was a great tool to control sex. So they urged every young man and woman to marry immediately if they want to have sex, and not have any sexual relations before or outside marriage. Obviously this isn't how marriage is supposed to be. Normal young people should just have sex without marrying, and those willing to seriously commit for the rest of their lives and they have what it takes to keep it going, only those people should marry. Xianity pushing marriage to everyone has turned many people against it.

In today's society marriage has just become cheap and desecrated, no wonder they don't realize it's true meaning and think anything can marry anything. For example, I read about a news story of a woman who married her dog.

Shadowcat said:
If gays and lesbians are only limited to go so far in this way then what is the point of this sort of attraction and why does it come and what makes it natural? In other words what is its purpose?

Don't quote me on that, but I think it has to do with their souls. In gay men, the female part of their souls is more active than the male one, so they are attracted to men.
AgniCosmos said:
Yagami Light said:
Homosexuals adopting/having children = normalcy

Wait I thought Joy of Satan was fine with that?

Sure it shouldn't be the normal but I thought it was acceptable so long as it is a fringe minority? Am I mistaken?

Some people tend to drive things to extremes that devolve simple things into total nonsensical rants based on self righteousness. Children should have both a mother and father figure so that they grow to be mentally and emotionally balanced and healthy. Most homosexual souls are also incompetent when it comes to raising for and caring for children.

That being said it is better for a child to be living with a somewhat inept homosexual couple than starving in the streets or in an orphanage. A common theme you see a lot around here is people placing their personal beliefs above practicality and realistic situations. A lot of people would jump to make it criminal for homosexual couples to adopt children, then celebrate and go back to sleep in their comfortable beds while countless children are sleeping in alleyways and under the rain and have even less chance of ever having a home and a family afterwards.

The more you read in this community of people theory crafting about laws and governing, the more you realize there is no regard for realistic applications, logistics or any serious consideration of consequences for decisions made. It's all very superficial ideas based on personal bias and beliefs, with no real thought or pragmatism behind it. I sincerely hope these vocal persons are a minority because if this is what will become of world leadership, we are fucked.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
