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Israel's Moshe Feiglin: " I feel happy about what happened in Beirut".

AgniSarp 666

Jan 28, 2020
Israel's Moshe Feiglin: " I feel happy about what happened in Beirut, this is a gift by God to the Israelis on the event of the Jewish holiday of love that started yesterday and ends today"



Below, a thermobaric bomb dropped by Israel against Syria 7 months ago. Remarkable the similarity with the Beirut mushroom. More ammonium nitrate?

And people ask things like, what is the problem with jews?

Well that they always and forever enjoy the killing and death of innocent Gentiles, maybe?
What is so funny is that while browsing r/worldnews in 4 web-pages nothing appeared more than the news of Israel's support for Beirut, and how tel ashit's mayor is sad about that and blah blah blah. Those news, I must have saw them like 15 times in 4 web-pages LOL, they want to appear like the peaceful and good little jews while instead they're disgusting creatures who most likely are the reason all this shit happened.
The bomb in Beirut doesn't look like a normal explosion, it looks like a fucking mini nuke.
Aquarius said:
What is so funny is that while browsing r/worldnews in 4 web-pages nothing appeared more than the news of Israel's support for Beirut, and how tel ashit's mayor is sad about that and blah blah blah. Those news, I must have saw them like 15 times in 4 web-pages LOL, they want to appear like the peaceful and good little jews while instead they're disgusting creatures who most likely are the reason all this shit happened.
The bomb in Beirut doesn't look like a normal explosion, it looks like a fucking mini nuke.

Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi also indicated that Israel was not involved, telling the country’s Channel 12 news “I see no reason to not believe the reports that it was an accident.”


Why has radioactivity suddenly increased?


Here two videos about explosion:


3 P-8A monitored the area around Beirut the day before the explosion. Trump calls the issue an "attack".


(The Boeing P-8 Poseidon is an antisom ( anti-submarine warfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (ASUW), and maritime interdiction . It is armed with torpedoes , Harpoon anti-ship missiles and other weapons, and is capable of launching and monitor sonar buoys, as well as to operate in conjunction with other resources, including the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) maritime surveillance Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton .
In October 2018, Russian commands reported that a P-8 Poseidon, from the Mediterranean, "took control" of 13 drones directed against their Hemeimeem air base in the province of Latakia.

these Jews did it (after reading that Netanyahu wanted to attack that place back in 2018)

now one doesn’t need to be a bomb expert to realize this is not a normal explosion. A bomb of DECENT size that is, worst part is that these devices don’t explode out of nowhere, neither by fires and what not

They need to be armed otherwise they will NOT detonate, this case is crystal clear already. I’ve seen people saying it was a firework factory, if only they knew...
"Most capitals in Europe are targets for our Air Force"

I guarentee you this is a test run of smaller munitions. Of course jews are happy to murder Gentiles regardless of where they are in the world.
Beirut today is actually an outpost of Iran in the Middle East, as it is controlled by Hezbollah (both declared by Israel Amalek); to destroy Hezbollah it is necessary to destroy Lebanon, and then after the change of regime, rebuild it with funding from the International Monetary Fund.

By Amalek, we mean the mythical enemy people of Israel, of which Deuteronomy 25: 17–18, Exodus 17:14 and 1, Samuel 15: 3 prescribes total extermination.

"From man to woman, from child to suckling, from ox to sheep, so that Amalek's name is not even mentioned with reference to an animal saying" This animal belonged to Amalek. "

"Destroying Lebanon to save it" is the title of the study that the American think tank Carnegie Middle East Center issued on 10 June 2020, just two months ago.


The Carnegie study dictates the following: Congress must pass a law that "prohibits all contributors to the International Monetary Fund from going to a Lebanese relief" which "would only reward Hezbollah, at a time [when] protesters in Lebanon they demand an end to corruption and oppose the rule of Hezbollah “.

The economic and financial destruction of Lebanon was notoriously already underway, and now we better understand why and by whom it was caused.

But there is a hurry: and here after the explosion that destroyed Beirut, Emmanuel Macron lands there and what does he do? He is received by a small crowd who cheers and begs him to free the country from "corruption", and he announces. it will be “the beginning of a new era”, “I feel your anger”, “I will propose a new political pact for Lebanon.


Soon after, he appears on TV and - guess what? - Attack Hezbollah. And he proclaims: “The funds for Lebanon are there, but they are waiting for the reforms to be made. There will be no blank check for Lebanon ”. Do not rule out sanctions "against those who block reforms in Lebanon"; and "I told President Aoun that it is important to change the system in Lebanon"

In short, he went to perfectly execute the dictation of the Carnegie project. Also finding the tone of the Europeanist, that is, that air of degnation and threatening superiority that Dombrovski, or Mark Rutte uses, when they turn to the Italian government: make the reforms, no blank checks ...

He went so far as to say:

"I will propose a new political pact in Lebanon and I will return on September 1st, and if they don't, I will take my political responsibility" ...


So it's time to go back to the Destroying Lebanon to save it project quickly ”. It states that “the prevention of an IMF bailout will result in nothing more than the social and economic destruction of Lebanon, as the country may soon run out of hard currency to import vital necessities such as food, medicine and fuel. Things will be made worse by Washington's implementation of the Caesar Act, legislation to sanction the Assad regime in Damascus, which will close a safety valve that allowed Lebanon to conduct transactions through Syria. Lebanon may soon discover that it has become a Venezuela on steroids ”. In short, we know what Lebanon was already undergoing before the devastating explosion.

As for Carnegie for the Middle East, it is an emanation of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , founded in 1910 by the billionaire Carnegie to spread the American word around the world; considered the third most influential think tank in the world, after Brookings Institution and Chatham House , it has offices in Washington DC , Moscow , Beirut , Beijing , Brussels and New Delhi . [1]

अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
Aquarius said:
What is so funny is that while browsing r/worldnews in 4 web-pages nothing appeared more than the news of Israel's support for Beirut, and how tel ashit's mayor is sad about that and blah blah blah. Those news, I must have saw them like 15 times in 4 web-pages LOL, they want to appear like the peaceful and good little jews while instead they're disgusting creatures who most likely are the reason all this shit happened.
The bomb in Beirut doesn't look like a normal explosion, it looks like a fucking mini nuke.

Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi also indicated that Israel was not involved, telling the country’s Channel 12 news “I see no reason to not believe the reports that it was an accident.”


Why has radioactivity suddenly increased?


Here two videos about explosion:


3 P-8A monitored the area around Beirut the day before the explosion. Trump calls the issue an "attack".


(The Boeing P-8 Poseidon is an antisom ( anti-submarine warfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (ASUW), and maritime interdiction . It is armed with torpedoes , Harpoon anti-ship missiles and other weapons, and is capable of launching and monitor sonar buoys, as well as to operate in conjunction with other resources, including the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) maritime surveillance Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton .
In October 2018, Russian commands reported that a P-8 Poseidon, from the Mediterranean, "took control" of 13 drones directed against their Hemeimeem air base in the province of Latakia.


It was an insider job.

Your not far from the mark here. But it's not Israel single handendly to blame.

There was a jet that was "probably" not a Boeing P-8 poseidon on scene. That delivered a NUKEesque Bomb
as heard here
And seen here
As reference here's a normal detonation

It was not ammonium nitrate as the plumage would not have been that-red at that temperature
-https://youtu.be/tGsY6fznJ_I Same info can be found on the Wikipedia page of ammonium nitrate even though the page was altered after the explosion. And it's very hard to *combust
- https://youtu.be/I0cMw0_9Xfg
- https://youtu.be/27qh44Ljmsg

I'm not even going to dive into the timing of the act ~6:00pm April 5th (august>8+day>5 = 13 .) This I'll leave for the hp's and astrologers to further explain (or they've already explained or given clues to)

Israel had a syanim networks that helped this work. This is why Russia (protector of the region) left the middle East scene before
- https://www.militarytimes.com/flash...clares-victory-on-visit-to-air-base-in-syria/
American technology and UKs weaponry (technical ability) might have been at play in this too. But I'm smarter .. than 2 keep on yapping.

The people with dirty hands are in the Lebanese government although I'd place my bet on either Hassan Diab or Michel Najjar

-Hail all the Gods.
Jews being a lizard race, they enjoy the suffering of humanity. They enjoy feeding in the blood of gentiles as to make their Messiah to manifest. But we' got the solution. ... The final RTR
This kike should deepthroat a shotgun and take a load of buckshot. Then every other of it's species should play monkey see monkey do.
The Arabs will be always be remember for their countless sacrifices fighting against Israel. Right now their lives must be like a shitshow, but in the end they will all eventually reach Godhood. Thank you to all Arab states delaying Israel on that front and buying us more time. It seems, just like Hitler, they are fighting an impossible battle to delay the enemy.
Beirut and possibly many other towns would be in a situation parelleling that of a nuke based on what happened, if the circumstances of the explosion were different. From all the statements it appears this may be the job of Israeli spies or some sort of inside job, you do not just allow these deadly chemicals in the middle of a town just like this.

I think the tragedy would be 100 times worse, scientists agree that Beirut "lucked out" and not hundredfold devastation happened. Some form of protection was at work there.
Blitzkreig said:
The Arabs will be always be remember for their countless sacrifices fighting against Israel. Right now their lives must be like a shitshow, but in the end they will all eventually reach Godhood. Thank you to all Arab states delaying Israel on that front and buying us more time. It seems, just like Hitler, they are fighting an impossible battle to delay the enemy.
I hope Arabs which i'm part of from my dads side destroy kikerael or maybe everyone at once nuke kikerael and torture and shoot all jews and gypsies :twisted: :twisted:
From the moment i saw it on the news i said that it was too odd to be an accident an explosion like that.

Dammit i wanted to make a video about this occasion and show how pissrael is involved maybe i could get some views while the all of this is still popular and new but sadly my HDD died, well shit...
I think the judenpresse isn't working too well. I noticed an article header on Yahoo that stated "at least 200,000 homeless".

A small little 2,700 ton ammonium nitrate isn't gonna incapacitate 200,000+ people. Judging from what has been posted these are probably SADM's(Sub-atomic demolition munitions) kinda begs the question why the Israeli's fired first a Gabriel A-t-S missile and then dropped the Delilah nuke. My best guess is maybe they expected the nuclear like detonation of the Gabriel to destroy Beirut and the Delilah was the backup to set off.

Kinda begs the question what more planning and concocting is gonna occur.

Also if I might add How is Lebanon technically? I know Lebanon is under kosher supervision and probably has a rothschild central bank unlike Syria. How come Lebanon doesn't have a surface defense or airforce or anything. I mean I know the people behind the attacks probably scour the Globe for advanced tech. But with the lack of ground defense what is stopping Israel from attacking again.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
I hope Arabs which i'm part of from my dads side destroy kikerael or maybe everyone at once nuke kikerael and torture and shoot all jews and gypsies :twisted: :twisted:

As long as they believe in their Muslim beliefs, they will be unable to, because they are psychically empowering the thoughtform that will attack them, spiritually. Once Islam collapses, they will stand as a much more formidable foe.
They are acting more and more obviously. All tragedies aside (not that they can be brushed aside just like that, but still), this attitude of theirs is a good thing for us.
You know guys.
I think that pretty much soon after this explosion it got hot in Europe. (hot weather)
Someone mentioned a radioactive fallout all over europe and since everyone is obviously opening their windows to get rid of the heat this should have an adverse effect on the peoples health, if I may so assume.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
You know guys.
I think that pretty much soon after this explosion it got hot in Europe. (hot weather)
Someone mentioned a radioactive fallout all over europe and since everyone is obviously opening their windows to get rid of the heat this should have an adverse effect on the peoples health, if I may so assume.
That would be very interesting, as I got sick for a bit yesterday after previously taking a walk outside.
Shael said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
You know guys.
I think that pretty much soon after this explosion it got hot in Europe. (hot weather)
Someone mentioned a radioactive fallout all over europe and since everyone is obviously opening their windows to get rid of the heat this should have an adverse effect on the peoples health, if I may so assume.
That would be very interesting, as I got sick for a bit yesterday after previously taking a walk outside.

Miso. Studies say that miso should help fight radiation sickness. And also that it works better than anti radiationsickness drugs.
The way Vice News has been putting it, Lebanon has just begun a civil war.

They’re crying of racism against Hebrews while they kill the real Hebrews (Palestinians, Lebanese and Jordanians)
Blitzkreig said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
I hope Arabs which i'm part of from my dads side destroy kikerael or maybe everyone at once nuke kikerael and torture and shoot all jews and gypsies :twisted: :twisted:

As long as they believe in their Muslim beliefs, they will be unable to, because they are psychically empowering the thoughtform that will attack them, spiritually. Once Islam collapses, they will stand as a much more formidable foe.
is pisslam collapsing noticeably because I haven't found much news other than claims of shitlam increasing :evil: :evil:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
is pisslam collapsing noticeably because I haven't found much news other than claims of shitlam increasing :evil: :evil:

Azazel stated to HP Maxine that it will, in due time. For news on this, local news is usually the best. I think Christianity will go first, as it is on weak footing and has less fanatical followers. The signs of Christianity dying are on the news. Lots of bad news about them recently. Islam and Christianity are linked, if one is dying, the other must be weakened as well. Same with Judaism.
Blitzkreig said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
is pisslam collapsing noticeably because I haven't found much news other than claims of shitlam increasing :evil: :evil:

Azazel stated to HP Maxine that it will, in due time. For news on this, local news is usually the best. I think Christianity will go first, as it is on weak footing and has less fanatical followers. The signs of Christianity dying are on the news. Lots of bad news about them recently. Islam and Christianity are linked, if one is dying, the other must be weakened as well. Same with Judaism.
good :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: so will craplam collapse more violently than christinsanity and turdism due to being steeped in violence like High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
