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Is this community a safe place for me?

Memorie_BE said:
I don't really care. I'll keep doing it until the Gods take the hint. I'm not gonna sit here and let the universe decide who I can and cannot be. I would literally rather be erased than be trapped as this sex for eternity.

I am my own person and I decide who I am. If karma's against that, then I don't want to live in this universe; it's that simple.
Karma is just a law of the universe, and now karma is against you because you have made unnatural choices about yourself, to get karma on your side you have to work in harmony with your nature.

Also, you don't decide what you can be, if you are male then you will be male forever and NOTHING can ever change that.

Also, it is not the Gods who must conform to you, but you who must conform to the Gods.
Anyone who has done this has seen an improvement in their life.

Also, the universe is one, and you have to conform to it, whether you want to or not, you have to live on this universe.

The only place you can be anything you want is in sandbox online video games, maybe in desperation you'll lock yourself in the metaverse with a microchip in your head in the "fantasy world" of the reptilian zuckerberg.
But even if you were crazy enough to follow Jewish liars just because they lie to you about being able to be what you want, in their final plans the sexes will be removed, and the appearance of the human being will become similar to that of a grey (google "grey aliens" and you'll understand).
You would be a complete slave.

Stop whining about how unfair the universe is to you and grow a pair, become the best version of yourself.

Stop insulting everything feminine with your behaviour and stop denigrating masculinity like it's a disgusting thing.

Yeah its safe, and you are fine, Astaroth is the patron Goddess of trans girls,
Nowhere is it written or said by the clergy or the JoS ministries that the respected Goddess is patron Goddess to any trans girls. Do not blaspheme the Gods as you please.

Its basic grammar to capitalize the first letter of the name of a person let alone our dear Gods and Goddesses but throughout the whole post, you have only followed basic grammar half heartedly. Of course I shouldn't expect anything from you since you have already been exposed to be a jew and do not care at all in the way of showing respect to the Gods.

and there is a beautiful emerald green God named uvual(ewvall) who also is like us. His official description is unisex.

Do not compare such a wonderful God to a delusional parasite like you. Again, do not blaspheme the Gods. What he is and how he got to be who he is now is not due to unnatural surgeries. He got there due to advancement and because that was his own path but one thing for sure is he never performed any surgeries promoted by parasites of your kind. Perhaps, there was biokinesis(using magick to affect physical body) or perhaps there is a different story but definitely not surgeries. Perhaps he could guide OP and people similar to him.

The legends say that Satan personally created some humans to be between man and woman, like us.

We are not interested in your baseless legend. I have been in this forum for 2 years and never have I heard of the slightest inkling to any such legend. Do not equate the word 'legend' with the word 'delusion' to give a false sense of belonging to Melodie or any other confused soul reading this.

And we do have great strengths and special blessings gifted to us, one such blessing is called seidr.

Siddhi means magickal power developed through power meditation over a period of time which can be attained by all gentiles and is not limited to any specific race or group. Which means as long as you are a Human Being(Gentile), then you have the potential to develop a Siddhi. Do not try to indirectly seduce the OP into getting unnatural surgeries or therapies by indirectly implying that trans people will be 'gifted' siddhis you parasitic degenerate.

It is seeing time, past and future.
No, it is not. That might be one of the Siddhis but Siddhis are of many kind like telekinesis, pyrokinesis, biokinesis which can be developed over the course of time through power meditations and is not gifted by the Gods.

Go easy on your body. No need to rush right into full srs only after 1 year. Give yourself some time to see how much hrt changes you. The doctors all say the results aren't finished until at least 4 years. This includes the mind. It's a second puberty after all

Give him a slow poison rather than the instant kill poison but still poison nonetheless is what you are trying to say with the above paragraph. Hormone therapy(HRT) changes the normal functioning of the body and is detrimental to health and soul. You say that there is no need to rush into full Sex Reassignment Surgery(SRS) only after 1 year but to rush into it after a certain period of time, despite me having posted many videos on it on this topic. You act willfully ignorant and it is not hard to see that. Your intentions are obvious.

Im sorry but the joyofsatan is very conservative and white nationalist so it's going to be tough to find the support you might want here. Alot of newbies get turned away by this. just try not to let it bother you.

As a Nepali who is neither black or white, I never found the JoS to be conservative or white nationalist. At first I had questions to ask and the seniors all guided me by clearing my doubts and being patient with me. Having read so many posts these two years, I only see mutual respect among the races and occasional infiltrators attempting to create division among but always failing like you are now.

I am here and I care, I'm also about a year and a half hrt. I turn 21 in April, and I've been dedicated and meditating seriously for a long time now. My 7th year anniversary is sometime in early April, the 6th I believe. April 30th is a great day to dedicate aswell

You are unfortunately here and its apparent that you do not care. Had you cared for the OP, you would not ask him to take the surgeries due to how unnatural and damaging it is. I have posted many videos above and the kind of damage it does is all explained by other members too. Such dedication and meditation but much delusion.

Also, where is it written that trans people have more affinity for spirituality in general ? Where is your source ? So far, I only see you trying to feed poision disguised as medicine. Once he does surgeries or hormone therapies like that, I do not know how his inner alchemy will proceed even with Hatha Yoga or if it will even work in the first place as the energy channels are all messed up then. You are confidently telling him to do yoga and meditations but the efficacy of doing it will be severly affected. Of course, you know that but still try to feed poison to him because its your 9-5 job.

I hope this post which exposed the parasite will serve as a good reminder to be careful of jews who try to push or indirectly imply to get unnatural surgeries or therapies. The jew is so blatant in revealing its identity that it has openly written 'goyboss' in its signature. Goy is a derogatory term for gentile used by the jews to slander us. In their dictionary, it means animals. This jew is openly writing 'goyboss' which means bosses of animals.

I hope this serves as a good wake up call for you. If you did not believe that jews were in it before, well there you have it. I exposed one right in front of you who was indirectly trying to lead you astray into getting such an unnatural surgery and therapy. Truth be told all the post combined, I have now typed for maybe 4-5 hours which might be the longest I ever typed in a single topic. Combined with other member's care for you, the total amount of hours in helping and guiding you might have already crossed a hundred. I hope our care reaches towards you and that you seriously contemplate on such matters before taking the right decision.

Just so you know, we do not benefit financially or in any way whatsoever when we put hours and hours telling you not to take decisions which will hamper your life negatively and permanently. We do not advise you for our benefit but only for you. Remember that.
Username said:

Yeah its safe, and you are fine, Astaroth is the patron Goddess of trans girls,
Nowhere is it written or said by the clergy or the JoS ministries that the respected Goddess is patron Goddess to any trans girls. Do not blaspheme the Gods as you please.

Its basic grammar to capitalize the first letter of the name of a person let alone our dear Gods and Goddesses but throughout the whole post, you have only followed basic grammar half heartedly. Of course I shouldn't expect anything from you since you have already been exposed to be a jew and do not care at all in the way of showing respect to the Gods.

and there is a beautiful emerald green God named uvual(ewvall) who also is like us. His official description is unisex.

Do not compare such a wonderful God to a delusional parasite like you. Again, do not blaspheme the Gods. What he is and how he got to be who he is now is not due to unnatural surgeries. He got there due to advancement and because that was his own path but one thing for sure is he never performed any surgeries promoted by parasites of your kind. Perhaps, there was biokinesis(using magick to affect physical body) or perhaps there is a different story but definitely not surgeries. Perhaps he could guide OP and people similar to him.

The legends say that Satan personally created some humans to be between man and woman, like us.

We are not interested in your baseless legend. I have been in this forum for 2 years and never have I heard of the slightest inkling to any such legend. Do not equate the word 'legend' with the word 'delusion' to give a false sense of belonging to Melodie or any other confused soul reading this.

And we do have great strengths and special blessings gifted to us, one such blessing is called seidr.

Siddhi means magickal power developed through power meditation over a period of time which can be attained by all gentiles and is not limited to any specific race or group. Which means as long as you are a Human Being(Gentile), then you have the potential to develop a Siddhi. Do not try to indirectly seduce the OP into getting unnatural surgeries or therapies by indirectly implying that trans people will be 'gifted' siddhis you parasitic degenerate.

It is seeing time, past and future.
No, it is not. That might be one of the Siddhis but Siddhis are of many kind like telekinesis, pyrokinesis, biokinesis which can be developed over the course of time through power meditations and is not gifted by the Gods.

Go easy on your body. No need to rush right into full srs only after 1 year. Give yourself some time to see how much hrt changes you. The doctors all say the results aren't finished until at least 4 years. This includes the mind. It's a second puberty after all

Give him a slow poison rather than the instant kill poison but still poison nonetheless is what you are trying to say with the above paragraph. Hormone therapy(HRT) changes the normal functioning of the body and is detrimental to health and soul. You say that there is no need to rush into full Sex Reassignment Surgery(SRS) only after 1 year but to rush into it after a certain period of time, despite me having posted many videos on it on this topic. You act willfully ignorant and it is not hard to see that. Your intentions are obvious.

Im sorry but the joyofsatan is very conservative and white nationalist so it's going to be tough to find the support you might want here. Alot of newbies get turned away by this. just try not to let it bother you.

As a Nepali who is neither black or white, I never found the JoS to be conservative or white nationalist. At first I had questions to ask and the seniors all guided me by clearing my doubts and being patient with me. Having read so many posts these two years, I only see mutual respect among the races and occasional infiltrators attempting to create division among but always failing like you are now.

I am here and I care, I'm also about a year and a half hrt. I turn 21 in April, and I've been dedicated and meditating seriously for a long time now. My 7th year anniversary is sometime in early April, the 6th I believe. April 30th is a great day to dedicate aswell

You are unfortunately here and its apparent that you do not care. Had you cared for the OP, you would not ask him to take the surgeries due to how unnatural and damaging it is. I have posted many videos above and the kind of damage it does is all explained by other members too. Such dedication and meditation but much delusion.

Also, where is it written that trans people have more affinity for spirituality in general ? Where is your source ? So far, I only see you trying to feed poision disguised as medicine. Once he does surgeries or hormone therapies like that, I do not know how his inner alchemy will proceed even with Hatha Yoga or if it will even work in the first place as the energy channels are all messed up then. You are confidently telling him to do yoga and meditations but the efficacy of doing it will be severly affected. Of course, you know that but still try to feed poison to him because its your 9-5 job.

I hope this post which exposed the parasite will serve as a good reminder to be careful of jews who try to push or indirectly imply to get unnatural surgeries or therapies. The jew is so blatant in revealing its identity that it has openly written 'goyboss' in its signature. Goy is a derogatory term for gentile used by the jews to slander us. In their dictionary, it means animals. This jew is openly writing 'goyboss' which means bosses of animals.

I hope this serves as a good wake up call for you. If you did not believe that jews were in it before, well there you have it. I exposed one right in front of you who was indirectly trying to lead you astray into getting such an unnatural surgery and therapy. Truth be told all the post combined, I have now typed for maybe 4-5 hours which might be the longest I ever typed in a single topic. Combined with other member's care for you, the total amount of hours in helping and guiding you might have already crossed a hundred. I hope our care reaches towards you and that you seriously contemplate on such matters before taking the right decision.

Just so you know, we do not benefit financially or in any way whatsoever when we put hours and hours telling you not to take decisions which will hamper your life negatively and permanently. We do not advise you for our benefit but only for you. Remember that.
Ignore the dude named fanboy. He said himself he's Jewish. He also wrote Astaroth instead of Astarte. He's an infiltrator...
Username said:

You should be aware that "Fanboy" account is a failed infiltrator who has been banned many times on many different accounts for being an infiltrator, and for always promoting harmful and dangerous things. This is the same person as Grandfitzpoobah666 and BigCheese6million, and around 20 or 30 other accounts. Most were banned very quickly, so it is hard to know the full number. This is basically a subversive and negative influence and the only reason that he is here is to try to harm our people by promoting very damaging things. Often promoting genital mutilation and drug use. It seems very strongly from pattern of behaviour that this is somebody who has some gentile DNA and also some amount of jewish DNA. Which means that it is not a gentile at all.

The only reason that this subversive infiltrator is even here is because Cobra has a lot of patience. And I guess his perspective is to ban each account for ban worthy offences, but not ban the actual person. So when the same one has been banned around 20 or 30 different times on different accounts, it just keeps coming back. And I guess that this Fanboy account has not yet done a ban worthy action on this specific account so it is allowed to exist. But we know exactly who this infiltrator is, it is not hiding at all.
Fanboy said:

Stop lying about the Goddess, Lady Astarte. Stop targeting her for your abuse. It's not acceptable.

Astarte plays a role in the mythologies that involves merging the male and female aspects of the soul to create the Hermaphrodite which, as a word, is a combination of the names Aphrodite and Hermes. This is also depicted by Baphomet, and many Pagan stories. It has nothing to do with transgenderism, social roles, physically altering the body or the genitals, or anything like that. The myth of the Hermaphrodite, the reborn soul from the merging of Hermes and Aphrodite, is the reason why the glyph for Mercury is the Venus Ankh glyph with the added horns of Mercury (just like Isis wore the horns of the Taurus headdress and rules Taurus), and it also is depicted clearly by the staff of Caduceus which is carried by Hermes (or Mercury in Roman counterpart). The staff of Caduceus shows us the twin serpents which represent the Ida and Pingala Nadis as well as the two halves of the body controlled by the right brain hemisphere and left brain hemisphere (and are known as the male and female sides of the body, Shiva and Shakti), and how these twin serpents cross and merge to meet together in the head at the 6th chakra, and this also forms the double helix figure (the stairway to heaven, the crown chakra) which is the pathway for the Kundalini serpent to travel up the chakras through the Sushumna Nadi that was opened by the twin serpents merging. Mercury rules this process with the center chakra that the male and female chakras merge and connect through. Mercury merges the males and female halves of the body/soul and also the male and female chakras. This all has to do with uniting and merging the male and female parts of the soul in harmony, and has nothing to do with trannies whatsoever. You carelessly take these spiritual myths that have to do with alchemy of the soul, and apply them to jewish bullshit in society that has nothing to do with spirituality.

I don't pretend to speak for the Goddess like you shamelessly do, but I find it hard to imagine that Astarte would be very happy about what humans are doing to their sacred bodies under jewish influence. It's sickening and haunting, and we're all forced to just watch as many poor misguided humans destroy their lives. Well, not for much longer. The Antichrist is coming back, and he will banish these wretched abominable things from society and usher in a new era free of jewish filth.
Fanboy said:
Yeah its safe, and you are fine, Astaroth is the patron Goddess of trans girls.
It's not clear to me why you haven't been banned yet, but what I'm wondering at the moment is:
How many RTRs can your useless jew ass take?

Other than that, your post is pure misinformation and an insult to our Goddess.
Username said:

Yeah its safe, and you are fine, Astaroth is the patron Goddess of trans girls,
Nowhere is it written or said by the clergy or the JoS ministries that the respected Goddess is patron Goddess to any trans girls. Do not blaspheme the Gods as you please.
That line was from a sermon by Jake Carlson, who used to be a High Priest, but was given the boot because he started writing more and more nonsensical garbage. Everything he said should be taken with a grain of salt.
Username said:

Yeah its safe, and you are fine, Astaroth is the patron Goddess of trans girls,
Nowhere is it written or said by the clergy or the JoS ministries that the respected Goddess is patron Goddess to any trans girls. Do not blaspheme the Gods as you please.

But in the end it would not be a trans girl, but a trans boy.
Fanboy said:
Yeah its safe, and you are fine, astaroth is the patron Goddess of trans girls, and there is a beautiful emerald green God named uvual(ewvall) who also is like us. His official description is unisex.

Do not attribute your own false beliefs to our Gods and Goddesses. If you were in any way open to speak with the Gods, or observe even a fraction of their qualities, you wouldn't even imagine nonsense like this.

Do not dare compare the so called "trans" person with Uvall, this is literally on a multidimensional difference that is completely incomparable. Greater than Cosmic. Greater than the difference in existence between our Gods and the enemy. No less than the difference between Satan's existence and the average human being.

The sexual duality ascribed to Uvall, is in no way similar to that of the so called "trans" person on earth. Since I cannot speak for Uvall, I won't say more on it, but it must be understood that thinking of Uvall in this manner by comparing him to transexuality as it is thought of here on Earth, is an unspeakable blasphemy and is no different than cursing his image (Not that it would affect him in any way, but certainly the offense is on the same level).

Astarte is also absolutely not your Guardian, and definitely doesn't patron any sort of transexuality in any form or in any way whatsoever.

I will not tolerate this kind of misinformation and disrespect against Her, or any of the Gods.

You lack so much understanding, the fact you even think you can speak on any of this here is unthinkable.

For any member, to actually understand Goddess Astarte, study her page on the Joy of Satan which HP HoodedCobra has updated recently. You will also notice, there is no mention of any patronship to transexuality or anything of the sort there, because this is not anything related to Her or any of the Gods in any form whatsoever.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Hail Satan!

I was wrong and hasty in interpreting God Uvall. I should not have used to word biokinesis as right now, I am too ignorant to speculate or hypothesize or even understand what the word 'unisex' means when it comes to God. It might be a gender, it might be energies, it might be something much more advanced the concept of which is not easily grasped by me or others.

I thought of looking up about his claim of Goddess Astarte to see if it was true but another second I didn't even bother doing that because it felt unnatural and false and directly went on to write that without doing any research.

Ol argedco luciftias said:

Actually, I knew he was an infiltrator before even writing that post. My aim was to expose him so that the OP and the readers could understand that jews want to push extremely damaging surgeries funded by them onto the populace. That the jews are in it.

Meteor, I am extremely sorry for being harsh with you. I should have written my reply in a harsh yet caring manner. However, I totally let out my anger and irritating emotions pout out as I wasn't in a good mood before writing that post . I let my negative feelings pour onto that post. Midway through that post, I did realize that this was too harsh or contemptuous and that I shouldn't post it. I apologize for my rudeness.

That said, you can see that your sentences contradict each other around the last part of your post starting from the bold sentence. About people calling you a 'she' although you thought you wore a male exterior on the outside when you clearly said that you had hormones and surgeries before. It is clear that something is wrong here. I want to help you sort out whatever it is that you are going through. I promise to be respectful, understanding and not judgemental. I want to help you in whatever way I can. If perhaps you do not feel comfortable sharing things here, we could talk in protonmail.

Here's my email:
[email protected]
Memorie_BE said:
I believe everything that doesn't completely interfere with the basics of what we know (gravity, bacteria, science) are entirely possible since they are considered unfalsifiable and only validated more by the idea's existence, though I don't strafe too far into the skepticism rabbit hole, challenging our existence completely, as I know that can drive you to insanity (Rene Descartes had the same idea). Because of this philosophy of mine, I set myself to understand as many different occultists and religions as I know that the majority of them are strong contenders of what is true. I explore theistic Satanism, Wicca, Greek mythology, Norse mythology and other Pagan religions (I try to stay away from certain monotheistic religions, however, as I know how much people like to rewrite their history and that they're usually infested with not the greatest people). So, I'm wondering if this is a safe place to explore and understand. I am in no way trying to mediate, I am only here to understand, and I believe that that is one of my sole purposes in this life.
Greek and Norse mithology, ancient pagan religions and spiritual satanism here and now are all one and same religion in different shapes, times and cultures. We follow the same Gods followed by ancient Greeks, Norse and Pagans, and we do the same practices of advancing the soul.

As about science, `science` is relative and can easily be challenged, for example things like big bang, darwinism, climate change, how to heal certain diseases etc. Science does advance but nowadays is used by evil people for evil purposes while revolutionary scientific discoveries of people like Tesla or the insane scientific advancements that propelled Nazi Germany to the top of the world in terms of economy and millitary, discoveries that can uplift the entire Humanity are being hidden from people and kept in a place where probably only the top jews and their politcal slaves benefit from them.
Username said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Hail Satan!

I was wrong and hasty in interpreting God Uvall. I should not have used to word biokinesis as right now, I am too ignorant to speculate or hypothesize or even understand what the word 'unisex' means when it comes to God. It might be a gender, it might be energies, it might be something much more advanced the concept of which is not easily grasped by me or others.

It was Fanboy who attributed his own delusions upon Uvall, I've read your post and didn't see anything disrespectful or delusional written about Uvall, so do not worry. My reply was directed at Fanboy who attributed his ignorance to Him.

Uvall is complex, like all the Gods are. Perhaps you didn't fully realize what something like Unisex would mean when regarding a God or Demon, but overall you haven't said or attributed anything disrespectful onto Him.

Just remember, anything when in the context of the Gods, is of a greatly elevated quality and cannot be interpreted through the common human understanding on these subjects in most cases.

While writing for Him to clear that blasphemous nonsense spoken by Fanboy, I felt Uvall's energy and caught a glimpse of Him (I write Him since that is how the JoS refers to Uvall despite Him being referred to also as a Unisex Demon), that glimpse was enough to dispell any notion of similarity between common human understanding about gender duality and His existence.

Perhaps to try and be able to explain it, it would be worth meditating upon His name to understand what is meant on the JoS with the description about Uvall. This also did remind me once more how magnificent all our Gods are, as understanding their essence alone requires completely transcendental consciousness.

Hail Satan!
Meteor said:
How many Gods identify as Goddesses?
How many Goddesses identify as Gods?

How many Gods express feminine energy (water/earth) in a healthy and balanced way?
How many Goddesses express masculine energy (fire/air) in a healthy and balanced way?

I think you are smart enough to understand what I am trying to say, but at the same time all along you are still not agreeing that males are male, and females are female.
Meteor said:

The following I ask you to read with the knowledge that I hope you listen to what I say. Please try to feel what I am trying to convey sincerely. You can decide to agree or not afterwards but please just listen.

The things you mentioned in response to my satire, were precisely the points I was trying to make. To begin with, it’s not like being considered female and others pushing that on me bothers me; if anything, I feel rather comfortable in that role, which is a big part of why I’m really glad I transitioned. As I mentioned, I used to obsess over being fully female even biologically, but that was mainly just because people were really harsh to me about some things in the past. After a lot of introspection, I realised that what I really wanted was just a female role, regardless of whether I’m actually fully female; the latter doesn’t matter to me anymore, I’m just glad to be able to fulfil a role that comes naturally to me. Since that’s what I wanted all along, in hindsight, I realised that I’m not delusional after all. I simply used the most effective approach to be able to live my life the way I wanted to, that’s all. That’s pragmatic if anything..

I agree with top to bottom of this paragraph. Yes, its not delusional. If a female role is what brings you satisfaction then so be it. I am happy for you in this even though you might find me hypocritical for saying that. Regardless, I am happy for you.

Regarding Surgery

Meteor, you have to know that regardless of how many different techniques there are, all of these are thought of or made by surgeons who have no connection to spirituality. They do not know the many energy channels that are there in the astral or more specifically they do not understand what kind of implications of rupturing/destroying the channels will have on a person. Any kind of trans surgery regardless of how advanced and low risk it is will destroy those energy channels. The damage is not only limited to energy channels as we are too ignorant to understand the kind of damage that soul will be reflected upon by the physical surgery. We do not even know what else of the soul except energy channels are damaged.To give you an example, press the acupoint ST36 when you feel that your nose is closed or if you feel excessive heat in the stomach. Within a minute or two you will find immediate relief that will last almost the whole day. If pressed sufficiently enough, will have permanent healing effects. This comes from me, someone who had chronic sinusitis and asthma for years.


And the acupoint near your navel, phallus/yoni and chest/breast are all messed up after the surgery. Spiritual energy, qi, chi, lifeforce, prana, elements and/or ether cannot flow through them for the proper functioning of the body as each energy channels/acupoints have their own functions. The effects of messed up energy channels on trans people are not thoroughly studied.

Also one cannot say that ‘But the damage is on the physical, not the astral or the soul. No, as a highly advanced person yourself, you should know that soul and body are mirrors of each other. What happens in one reflects on the other.

I cannot speak about those who are able to have more orgasms after doing the surgery. Perhaps they sub consciously programmed themselves that their gender affects their ability to have sex and set a precondition for their mind that ‘I can only have quality orgasms after surgery’. And after they reached the precondition, the parameters that they themselves had sub consciously and unintentionally set for themselves were reached. Thus, the orgasms. Though, I won’t deny that there might be more than meets the eye.

I believe that the reason they were not able to have orgasms were purely sub conscious self programming. They were not comfortable with their gender and believed that only by changing their gender, they could be freely sexual. However, in their mind, only by doing surgery could they change their gender and thus be sexual. After they reached the completion of their own self programming, they had orgasms. Not that they were italic not physical able to have orgasms before surgery. Just that they linked their discomfort with their current gender to sexuality or the lack of it. I believe that if they started void meditation and busied themselves with other things like studies, video games, relationship etc, they would not even have the time to ponder upon gender.

To give you an example, suppose we were in a different world other than Earth. In this world, females wore a ring on their pinky finger from their birth and never took it off. In this world, gender was not defined by phallus/yoni or xx/xy chromosomes but only by the ring. For eg phallus/yoni were only thought to be different sex organs but not distinguishing parameter for male/female. Only true femininity could be radiated by the ring, not by their physical body and actions.

No Ring on pinky = Male
Ring on pinky = Female

A male suddenly wanted to be a female on that world. He believed that only by becoming a female would he be able to orgasm and be free with his sexuality. That he cannot be comfortable with sexuality with his current gender.

What would he do if he wanted to change his gender in this world? Think for a while before reading on.
As gender is not defined by phallus/yoni or by xx/xy chromosomes in this world, its pretty easy to think his next course of action. You guessed it, he would start wearing a ring on his pinky finger. After he wore it, he immediately started to have cheek electrifying orgasms from his self pleasuring sessions. In his mind he became a female and therefore is now comfortable with his sexuality. In reality, all he did was wear a ring.

He did not perform any surgeries to change his gender because he did not feel the need to as he had already become a female after wearing the ring. To him, becoming a female was simple as flipping a pancake. If someday he decides that he, now she, is not comfortable with sexuality with her current gender, all she needs to do is take off the finger and suddenly she is now a he. Again, he has liberated himself sexually. No unnatural surgeries need to tansition between surgeries. In the same way people wanting to change their gender believe that by having a hole drilled into where their penis is, they will be of the opposite gender. It doesn’t matter how deep the hole is, how wide it is etc. As long as the hole is drilled around the pelvis area where the penis is, they are now a female according to them. Same goes for breasts. As long as they there is a pair of blob of extended fat outgrowing from their chest, they are now female.

In reality, these are nothing but parameters that they have set for themselves. If the parameter was that ring on pinky = female in our society, then they would happily do it and spare themselves from unnatural and damaging surgeries. Therefore meteor, a mucous canal will make you a female only by the parameters that you have set for yourself that, hole = female. The parameter for being a true female is an actual yoni = female. Artificially created hole is not equal to an actual biological vagina.
At best I would call people performing the transgender surgeries, emulators of the opposite gender. They try to emulate what is like to be of the opposite gender not by physical actions but actual physical alterations. For e.g., they could emulate the opposite gender by a man being feminine, a woman lifting weights or wearing opposite gender dresses. However, they have decided for themselves that only by true physical alterations can they fully be/emulate the opposite gender. As I write this, I realize that transgender people have a lot to do with sub conscious programming to finally channel the energies of the opposite gender. They could let these energies out in a healthy manner, instead these poor souls become a victim of their own low understanding.

Although, you can have tantric sex and could experience orgasms without any external reproductive organs, you have to realize that not all people are talented and advanced like you. Just think of the statistics, how many transgender people can have tantric sex as you explained.
One other thing that you seem to still not have realized is the actual cost of having this surgery. Even you admit above that there’s a chance although low of never being able to have an orgasm after the surgery. Let’s take an example of the average Joe among the streets. Let’s say that he suddenly decided that he wanted to be a female. He was completely ignorant that if he fell in the statistics of people who would not be able to have orgasms after surgery, this would be his last life in this universe. After he got the surgery, he fell into the exact said category. Now he can’t orgasm and he doesn’t know of any tantric sex as he is not talented as you. No matter what he tried, he is biologically unable to have sex. He has now doomed himself to the path of no return.

Tell me Meteor, was it worth him to get the surgery just to satiate his wants and desire in return italic for a permanent death ? Was it really worth it, him depriving himself from orgasm and being unable to reincarnate ever, thus permanently dying and returning to ether ? Tell me, was it really worth it ?
No sane person should ever risk their future reincarnations/permanent death no matter how low the risk really is.

Yes, I agree with you when you say that I didn’t even bother looking much before deciding that its unnatural and damaging. A jew above claimed a certain thing. I thought of looking up in our website if that certain thing was true but another second I didn’t even bother as I felt such a thing was too unnatural. I was proven right afterwards by other members. Similarly, I do not need to think a lot to arrive at the conclusion that sex change surgeries are damaging to the normal functioning of the physical body and the soul. That they mess up the energy channels and doing anything unnatural to the body would reflect on the soul. This, I stand by with.

Regarding Truth and delusion, I want to add few words. In my mind, truth is something that is universal and indestructible. 1+1=2 will be true everywhere in the universe. Similarly, carbon will only be made with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons anywhere in the universe no matter what. No being in the universe can change this fact no matter how powerful the being is, no matter if it has lived for trillions of years and can raise trillions of joules of spiritual energy. That said, truth can be neared through learning from mistakes and constantly freeing breaking created delusions to near the truth. You might be completely right in that what I believe to be truth might just be a delusion that I need to break to closen my distance to the italic actual truth. However, even if what I believe is delusional as of right now, I believe that this delusion is much closer to truth than the delusion that you are in right now.

I do not mean that in a contemptuous manner but I am sharing my beliefs openly and freely. When I see people openly dooming their future in spirituality and life in general, even if it would be delusional of me to call them out to help them and save them, I will scream the loudest in the world even if I am called a delusional psycho or a maniac. I do not care about being called things. What matters more is me doing my best to make them aware and deter them from a life damaging path. I never thought of myself as a hero. Frankly, I kind of detest that word. However, if putting this suit of ‘hero’ is what it takes to help people from further dooming themselves, then I will gladly put it on. I do not want people dooming their future in spirituality. I do not have to do a PhD in biology to know that such surgeries pushed by the jews leads to the damnation of the soul.

Perhaps you are right when you say that I feigned altruism. I do not frankly know. All I wanted was to deter Melodie from performing that surgery, that’s it and in that process I might have feigned altruism. Maybe you are right here. Still, I did not want him to deprive himself from orgasm even if the chances were low as that would be worse than death from dehydration. In latter, you can actually reincarnate, in the former you completely deprive yourself from future reincarnation for forever.

You tell me Meteor, isn’t the concept of a soul/a life dying permanently extremely painful to the heart? To me, it tightens my heart and makes me extremely saddened when I think about such a concept. I just did not want him to go through that route, low the chances may be. Even if I spend hours and hours of days to help him avoid that route, to me it would be extremely worth it and something to be very very joyous about.

You see, human mind is very complicated yet simple. It tends to focus on something that is very different from the surrounding. In the midst of people telling him that not to perform the surgery, he would focus on someone who would have a different attitude and say on it. We human beings tend to seek that which is out of the ordinary even if the said ordinary was a form of good advice in good faith.

I meant to aware OP of the consequences of doing unnatural things to the body before he adjusted whatever circumstances, whatever priorities, and whatever preferences that he had. If he still performs after knowing the dooming consequences of it, its not really in my hands anymore. However, before that, I believed he should be aware at the very least.

Regarding your experience Meteor, after reading them, I myself am in a stupor. If you are satisfied with that then I cannot tell you otherwise. If what you are doing is a mistake then you will soon realize the consequences and if what you are doing is not a mistake then perhaps you will find liberation. I honestly do not know at this point. Only time will tell.

I feel like I don't really belong here after all. I often find myself disgusted by the manner in which some people decide to use the word "Truth" like a slogan to push ideas that are just generalisations or their own superstition or bias. I really do my best to understand that it's just human nature, and to forgive people for it. But after I bottled up my feelings about some people's insults for such a long time, I find myself feeling repulsed. Even so, for some reason, it's hard not to look back.

I feel like it was due to me that pushed you to this edge. For that again, from the bottom of my heart, I deeply apologize. Forgive me for being rude and/or insulting. I should have better controlled my anger. There might be people like that who validate their own beliefs by the use of the word ‘truth’. However, meteor, even you cannot deny that there were many people who wrote what they wrote, only for you. IT was because they believed that it was for your own good. They cared about you and in their own way tried to help you. Perhaps what they wrote was not what you liked but whatever they wrote, it was only for you. In whatever way they could, they tried to help even if such a thing made you feel not nice. I will be utterly shameless without any tact and call myself as one of those people whether you believe me or not.

I do believe that insults were/are not warranted for. If any member insults you without offering any productive advice or opinion, just ignore them. Although there might be people like that here, there are also people like me who want the better for you. I, for one, would definitely like to talk with you someday regarding your past and your experiences with a cup of tea. I would love to listen to all of your stories and offer opinions of my own. Although, I believe it would not take long for you to spit the tea that you drank onto me, the feeling to want to really patiently listen to you and help you is definitely real.

Nearing conclusion of this long essay, I have few things to say. My feeling to want to listen and help you is definitely real. The other thing is having read your other posts and the meditations that you suggested, you seem to be a highly advanced person, much more than I am. It was perhaps due to this potential that you might have been attacked by the enemy regarding your identity issues. I honestly feel that they were very scared of your spiritual prowess and future potential. Therefore they attacked you when you were unaware with issues regarding identity. This, I honestly believe whether you believe me or not about me honestly believing what I honestly believe.

The other other things is that I want to share a little story of mine. I suffered from chronic sinusitis for years, 2-3 years maybe as you can see in the posts above. Nothing I tried worked, I tried 10-12 kinds of different remedies, from ayurvedic to acupuncture. Blitzkreig told me to do acupuncture which I did, bought an electric acupressure machine which did not work. He told me to to do hatha yoga in helping my condition which also did not work much. I went to a acupuncture clinic and got needles stuck into various part of my body for 10 days I believe. However, nothing freaking worked !!! I felt like I was stuck in a swamp. I started to hold a grudge against him for advising me that. I never let it out but I always kept it bottled within my self.

Coming back to the topic, I know that it is very ungrateful and is biting the feeding hand. He wrote whatever he could to help me, this I can never ignore. Although what he wrote to me years ago didn’t help, I will never ignore that he did it in good faith and for the good of me. However, right now, I also empathize with my ungrateful self in that ‘Yes, you suffered a lot my friend, the magnitude of which only you and I know, You should rest a bit now’ and do not punish myself much for that as I truly suffered a lot from my health condition, both mentally and physically. Imagine not being able to taste the food you eat and having your nose blocked for 24x7 for years. For me, the joy that was lost is being revived anew.

Coming truly back to the topic, few days ago, I again saw a post of his advising a member to press his ST36 acupoint. That member was suffering from clogged nose throughout the night while sleeping. I had already lost all hope and to be honest I didn’t see much hope either, here. However, I just tried without thinking much and without much hope. I searched on the internet about the location of it and pressed it. 30-45 seconds of me pressing that, I had an immediate relief. I felt something cold radiating from the acupoint to my stomach and to my my head. I could actually breathe freely. Truth be told, I am having a blast for the past 2-3 days. I am actually eating food simultaneously while smelling and tasting. It feels freaking amazing to to taste food, do you know that ? Before, I felt like I was supplying coal to my body for fuel, now I actually am enjoying my food. My yoga sessions have seen a huge boost. My bioelectricity levels are at an all time high. I feel like my output with warfare has increase and able to feel my chakras more. My whole life flipped upside down merely due to this simple acupressure called ST36.

Why did I share the above? Because I believe you too have something equivalent to ST36 in your life. Something which you might consider useless in helping you solve your issue but once tried, will flip your life upside down. Here’s the ST36 that I prescribe for you:

On the next freeing the soul date, start a Munka working to free your soul. Do it for 90 days. Vibrate it x108 times for 90 days straight. Avoid void of course moon.

For affmirmation:
"I am totally and completely free from any negative energies, binding, curses and blockages that keeps me from realizing my true self. I am now completely in tune with who I am and with my true eternal self."

Imagine your soul radiating the brightest white gold light that it can while you vibrate Munka.

For this 90 days, go into a trance and meditate on the sigil of your Guardian Demon for 5-10 minutes. You need not ask for guidance from your Guardian Demon. Just meditate on his/her sigil after going into a trance for 5-10 min, twice a day. Visualize the sigil glowing bright red.

Note the above should be done for 90 days. Not one day more and not one day less.

Now after reading the above, you might scoff at me or perhaps would not hold much hope in this helping you with whatever you are going through. I was exactly like you 2-3 years ago when I saw acupuncture. In fact, I kind of held a grudge against acupuncture too, lol. As a result, I suffered for 2-3 years. Do not repeat my mistake. Do the above without any sub conscious bias and this might just be the ST36 that will completely flip your life upside down.

If you have any queries, do not hesitate to quote me. I am willing to help in anyway I can and do hope that you will do the above without any subconscious bias holding you back.
Take care.

I want to make a correction to the affirmation part.

New and correct affirmation:
"I am totally and completely free from any and all negative energies, binding, curses and blockages that keeps me from realizing my true self. I am now completely in tune with who I am and with my true eternal self."
Meteor said:
No, I don't understand. Are you asking me to divine the answers to those questions? Or is it a question about logical reasoning?
You have written that you have received info from your GD about issues so why not ask this? Or you can divinate, whatever works for you. If you feel it is inaccurate, more than one session should be done.

What I am trying to get to is that you should have higher ideals and guidance that you have so far on this path. Gods are superior guides and given your situation, it does look you need more of that.
Meteor said:
In reincarnation, the formation of a new body after the Soul has latched on will lead to a full regeneration and recovery from physical damage sustained in previous lives. All that truly remains across lifetimes in that regard, is any psychological damage as a side effect of physical injury or health problems; that is karma, which if left unresolved, may attract similar problems in future lifetimes. That's why resolving any regrets I've had, and healing from trauma, have been my primary priorities in my spiritual journey so far.

What you say regarding future reincarnation directly contradicts with what Ol argedco luciftias says about it.

Also I should say that if somebody gets this kind of surgery, the physical trauma of this horrifying injury will imprint onto his soul and will stay with him. When he reincarnates in the next lifetime, he will be extremely likely to have some kind of horrible physical deformity. Maybe you will have no legs, or have little twisted up legs that are unusable. Maybe a heart deformity like a hole in his heart. Organs might be formed on the outside of the body instead of inside. There might be no hands, or no arms.

All of these kinds of things become like a million times more likely to happen to you if you create the imprint onto your soul of some horrible deformity. And don't tell me any dumb thing like it's not a horrible deformity if you want to do it. There is nothing emotional about this, it is directly related to the circulation of energy paths through your body. Which can be thought of in the same way as circulation of blood through your body. It is directly related to the health and condition of your body. No amount of mental insanity is enough to overcome the natural reaction that the soul has to receiving such a horrible injury.

We both have to admit that he is much more advanced than us, way higher in advancement ladder. He can see many things from his position that we are unable to see.

You may consider a phallus and yoni two entirely different things, due to the differences in shape and function; but biologically speaking, much of it is exactly the same embryonic tissues, just arranged in a different way to serve a different purpose.

This is exactly the kind of thing that I have been repeatedly trying to emphasize. You are too focused on the biological aspect of things. Indeed biologically they are similar. However, as I have repeatedly said. Physical dimension and astral/spiritual dimension are reflection of each other. Yoni and phallus being different in physical dimension must also mean that they are also different in the spiritual dimension. I mean to say that no matter how similar they are, this cannot deny the fact that they are two different organs meant for different yet similar purposes. We have completely studied the physical anatomy of both of them. However, as of right now, we do not have the capability to observe
the spiritual anatomy and what effects the gender change surgery has on it.

Meteor, I will keep saying this: We are both ignorant when it comes to completely knowing the full ramifications the surgery has on a soul overall both biologically and spiritually.

All of the currently known techniques were invented by combining the knowledge and research of gynaecologists and urologists.
All those gynaecologists and urologists that you speak of are completely detached from spirituality no matter how much of expertise they have on physical side of things. If you were to go and speak with them regarding energy channels or acupoints, they would laugh and scoff at you. They do not even know that energy exists and that it flows throughout the body. They do not even know that astral dimension exists and that one can project to this dimension.

Having said that, how can you expect them to fully know the net overall effect, both spiritual and physcial of the trans gender surgery ? Ask this question to yourself honestly. You yourself will find this whole thing to be quite ridiculous.

Techniques for sex reassignment surgery are designed with this in mind, to rearrange tissues in the most homologous, natural way possible, or substitute them with the most similar alternative available if there isn't enough homologous material.

I can never accept any kind of technique which do not consider both spiritual and physical side of things no matter how advanced it seems in the first place. How can you really develop ad advanced technique, if the said technique bases itself on the premise that denies half of reality of life ? One half being physical aspects of things and the other being spiritual. Two come together to make whole of reality. If any technique denies reality in any percentage, it would be common sense to refuse it without any hesitation.

I actually find it a rather beautiful process, especially considering the relief and unique joy it can give to those who truly felt deep down that they're better off with different genitalia, despite what imperfections there may be.
I spoke about this already. The beauty that you speak of is vague, short lasting and only a false pretext for what's about to happen in both their current life and in their future reincarnation. The beauty that you speak of is an illusion.

Senior Ol argedco luciftias has already spoken about what will happen in their future reincarnation. Speaking of their current life, they will soon find it slowly but steadily deteriorating. Their balances of hormones is completely messed up. Energy channels cannot be repaired as you say as if it doesn't even have a suitable place to manifest in. Energy and nutrients cannot be transported throughout the whole body for proper functioning of it. The negative consequences will always and every time outweigh the positive ones. By the way, most of the positive consequences that trans people experience is mostly created from their own mind. They themselves create all sorts of blockages in their own soul and mind and program themselves to believe that only after performing the surgery, will I be able to be free from these hangups that I created by myself.

These blockages range from mental hangups about their gender to sexual ones, all of which are created by their own. The condition to be free from these blockages is also created by themselves. The condition either ranges from drilling a hole into where their penis is or removing breasts or getting hormone therapies, none of which will have them transition into an opposite gender. In reality, all they are doing is drilling a hole, removing organs from their body and destroying the balance of hormones in their body. They believe that they can transition by doing this but all they are doing is deluding themselves.

I could give practical reasons as to why my decision to have surgery hasn't changed in spite of this enjoyment and lack of distress: for example that I enjoy penetrative sex (receptive), and that a neovagina would be easier to keep clean than the alternative, and that the risk in the long term for incontinence would be much lower that way.

Look, I find myself tired from repeatedly telling you to not take this surgery. I do not really know how to make you aware of the negative consequences of it at this point.

However, in spite of all this, all I ask is to acknowledge the amount of care and feelings that I and other members have put forward for you. We have said many things to you, most of which we believe is for your own good. A parent will repeatedly tell their daughter to not to go to suspicious late night parties or anything dangerous because they know that its dangerous. From the parent's perspective, they know that it is bad for them in way that I won't speak of here. From the daughter's perspective, she just wants to have fun and is naively ignorant of the wrong side of the world. She doesn't know the consequences her actions, only the parents do. This is exactly the kind of scenario happening here.

Before you really go ahead with the surgery, do the Munka working that I said above. If these long blocks of text that I wrote with care and love means anything to you, do the Munka working at the very least for 90 days straight before you proceed with any plans of surgery. Whether you go ahead with the surgery or not after having done this working is up to you then. However, at the very least, do the working. I sincerely ask and request of you to do the working.

I would like to make a correction yet again regarding the affirmation part:
"I am totally and completely free from any and all negative energies, binding, curses and blockages that keeps me from realizing my true self. I am now completely in tune with who I am and with my true eternal self, now and forever."

If your true self free from any and all baggages, identity issues and curses is not aligned with the surgeries that you did on your body after having done the above working, it will be too late then. Therefore, take the above spritual working seriously.

The working above should truly help you realize your real true self as negative things could be holding you from realizing it. Also do the Returning Curses Part 1 after every FRTR for these 90 days. I will not type a single letter to convince you to not do the surgery if you still feel the same way after having done the working above. Do not skip a single day and no matter how hard and tough it gets, persevere regardless of anything.
Take care.
Memorie_BE said:
Alright everyone, this thread has gone on for a while and I'm a little exhausted with it. I will no longer be replying to anyone. I hope y'all can understand.

Beyond transgenderism, what are your thoughts and plans for a meditation and yoga routine? This is more important than the discussion of this thread.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=342329 time=1649295733 user_id=21286]
Memorie_BE said:
Alright everyone, this thread has gone on for a while and I'm a little exhausted with it. I will no longer be replying to anyone. I hope y'all can understand.

Beyond transgenderism, what are your thoughts and plans for a meditation and yoga routine? This is more important than the discussion of this thread.

I don't know if it has been mentioned to these people yet. These people might benefit from doing a working for destroying attachments to the enemies of Satan, such as HP Hoodedcobra's blue fire meditation, or vibrating Thurisaz into each chakra with an affirmation to destroy parasitic/enemy attachments to their chakras (even if the think they don't have attachments).

Perhaps along with freeing themselves from trauma of the programs of the enemy, and the repressed emotions working as well. Deep cleaning will be necessary.

Bad attachments especially from toxic individuals can affect you both with draining energy and interfering with your conscious thoughts. If these people have attachments to influences that are reinforcing these unhealthy mentalities, going further in other workings and meditations will likely be harder and less successful. That's my personal experience.

Personally, I have found the advice from HPS Maxine regarding PV's to be of great help in freeing my ability to think for myself with far less enemy influence. Can be found in the comments here Small Tips to Help Protect Against Energy Draining.
I use the affirmation: "In a positive and healthy way for me, any and all parasitic connections to my soul are now only siphoning dross, filth, and negative energies from me, permanently." x7

For every case of "trans" that I've met, they have all had other people's energies and attachments inside themselves polluting their soul (besides issues with chakras), or were of the enemy.
Meteor said:
That's why I thought that when you asked those questions, that was an attempt to get me to look away from my issues, rather than facing them properly. That's why I got defensive. I understand that wasn't your intention though, so I'm sorry for reacting that way.
My intention here has always been to learn and to help others learn, nothing less, nothing more.

Latest post and advice therein by tabby in this topic would suit your situation well.
tabby said:
Personally, I have found the advice from HPS Maxine regarding PV's to be of great help in freeing my ability to think for myself with far less enemy influence. Can be found in the comments here Small Tips to Help Protect Against Energy Draining.
I use the affirmation: "In a positive and healthy way for me, any and all parasitic connections to my soul are now only siphoning dross, filth, and negative energies from me, permanently." x7

For every case of "trans" that I've met, they have all had other people's energies and attachments inside themselves polluting their soul (besides issues with chakras), or were of the enemy.

Yes, that makes sense, especially given their identity issues and so on. Thanks for the link.
The Outlaw Torn said:
You will never be a real woman.

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

The Outlaw Torn said:
Serbon said:
Meteor is biologically a female
Meteor has a huge girlcock and big balls full of millions of little sperm swimming freely. Maybe melodie should talk to him about trannyism.

As for the OPs question I would say no this forum is not a “safe space” for anyone. This is not a woke SJW club that people like you are used to. Everyone’s ideas and beliefs that are not strict JOS doctrine will be questioned and picked at which is healthy for discussion.
Of course the forum is not safe with people like you posting such garbage about others. You compain about it yet you are of the most `unsafe` people to have a discussion with here because there is a high chance you will start blatantly insulting your interlocutor or persuading them with the twisted and controversial views you hold that you displayed on certain occasions before. You make people like Meteor feel here exactly like you would feel on a christian forum where being anything else that heterosexual is classed as `mental illness`. I do not believe transgenderism is a normal or legitimate orientation neither and I don't agree with males being females in their mind or females being males in their mind but as far as I understand Meteor was born with a genetic issue which he/she is trying to get sorted. I haven't seen Meteor persuading people on the forum about how great transgenderism is or any related nonsense, so you have no justification for the trash you posted. Some people came here for support or advice and what they got is these comments you posted and then you are the one saying „I would say no this forum is not a “safe space” for anyone.”
What is even more ridiculous is that you spent time on forums full of people who have gender issues and you import their hate and bullshit here, and exactly the same applies to SouthernWhiteGentile when he posted the exact same message.

Nobody can expect the forum to elevate in consiousness and wisdom and in abillity to help others with whatever problems they have when people like you are talking to others, especially new people, in such gross manners, given that they never said or did absolutely nothing wrong to you. Also I haven't seen you posting even one single comment about spirituality or RTRs or what primarily defines Spiritual Satanism so I am seriously questionning your intentions on this forum.

The Outlaw Torn said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=339067 time=1648479627 user_id=21286]
I think you are just too pure and don’t understand what NOT “going for kill” will result in, for this person and the forum.

Also this is not my writing it is something that many who have been trying to warn against the T have wrote and copied
Go ahead, what not talking to someone like you did above will result in?
Siatris Ioholo said:
Username said:

Yeah its safe, and you are fine, Astaroth is the patron Goddess of trans girls,
Nowhere is it written or said by the clergy or the JoS ministries that the respected Goddess is patron Goddess to any trans girls. Do not blaspheme the Gods as you please.

Its basic grammar to capitalize the first letter of the name of a person let alone our dear Gods and Goddesses but throughout the whole post, you have only followed basic grammar half heartedly. Of course I shouldn't expect anything from you since you have already been exposed to be a jew and do not care at all in the way of showing respect to the Gods.

and there is a beautiful emerald green God named uvual(ewvall) who also is like us. His official description is unisex.

Do not compare such a wonderful God to a delusional parasite like you. Again, do not blaspheme the Gods. What he is and how he got to be who he is now is not due to unnatural surgeries. He got there due to advancement and because that was his own path but one thing for sure is he never performed any surgeries promoted by parasites of your kind. Perhaps, there was biokinesis(using magick to affect physical body) or perhaps there is a different story but definitely not surgeries. Perhaps he could guide OP and people similar to him.

The legends say that Satan personally created some humans to be between man and woman, like us.

We are not interested in your baseless legend. I have been in this forum for 2 years and never have I heard of the slightest inkling to any such legend. Do not equate the word 'legend' with the word 'delusion' to give a false sense of belonging to Melodie or any other confused soul reading this.

And we do have great strengths and special blessings gifted to us, one such blessing is called seidr.

Siddhi means magickal power developed through power meditation over a period of time which can be attained by all gentiles and is not limited to any specific race or group. Which means as long as you are a Human Being(Gentile), then you have the potential to develop a Siddhi. Do not try to indirectly seduce the OP into getting unnatural surgeries or therapies by indirectly implying that trans people will be 'gifted' siddhis you parasitic degenerate.

It is seeing time, past and future.
No, it is not. That might be one of the Siddhis but Siddhis are of many kind like telekinesis, pyrokinesis, biokinesis which can be developed over the course of time through power meditations and is not gifted by the Gods.

Go easy on your body. No need to rush right into full srs only after 1 year. Give yourself some time to see how much hrt changes you. The doctors all say the results aren't finished until at least 4 years. This includes the mind. It's a second puberty after all

Give him a slow poison rather than the instant kill poison but still poison nonetheless is what you are trying to say with the above paragraph. Hormone therapy(HRT) changes the normal functioning of the body and is detrimental to health and soul. You say that there is no need to rush into full Sex Reassignment Surgery(SRS) only after 1 year but to rush into it after a certain period of time, despite me having posted many videos on it on this topic. You act willfully ignorant and it is not hard to see that. Your intentions are obvious.

Im sorry but the joyofsatan is very conservative and white nationalist so it's going to be tough to find the support you might want here. Alot of newbies get turned away by this. just try not to let it bother you.

As a Nepali who is neither black or white, I never found the JoS to be conservative or white nationalist. At first I had questions to ask and the seniors all guided me by clearing my doubts and being patient with me. Having read so many posts these two years, I only see mutual respect among the races and occasional infiltrators attempting to create division among but always failing like you are now.

I am here and I care, I'm also about a year and a half hrt. I turn 21 in April, and I've been dedicated and meditating seriously for a long time now. My 7th year anniversary is sometime in early April, the 6th I believe. April 30th is a great day to dedicate aswell

You are unfortunately here and its apparent that you do not care. Had you cared for the OP, you would not ask him to take the surgeries due to how unnatural and damaging it is. I have posted many videos above and the kind of damage it does is all explained by other members too. Such dedication and meditation but much delusion.

Also, where is it written that trans people have more affinity for spirituality in general ? Where is your source ? So far, I only see you trying to feed poision disguised as medicine. Once he does surgeries or hormone therapies like that, I do not know how his inner alchemy will proceed even with Hatha Yoga or if it will even work in the first place as the energy channels are all messed up then. You are confidently telling him to do yoga and meditations but the efficacy of doing it will be severly affected. Of course, you know that but still try to feed poison to him because its your 9-5 job.

I hope this post which exposed the parasite will serve as a good reminder to be careful of jews who try to push or indirectly imply to get unnatural surgeries or therapies. The jew is so blatant in revealing its identity that it has openly written 'goyboss' in its signature. Goy is a derogatory term for gentile used by the jews to slander us. In their dictionary, it means animals. This jew is openly writing 'goyboss' which means bosses of animals.

I hope this serves as a good wake up call for you. If you did not believe that jews were in it before, well there you have it. I exposed one right in front of you who was indirectly trying to lead you astray into getting such an unnatural surgery and therapy. Truth be told all the post combined, I have now typed for maybe 4-5 hours which might be the longest I ever typed in a single topic. Combined with other member's care for you, the total amount of hours in helping and guiding you might have already crossed a hundred. I hope our care reaches towards you and that you seriously contemplate on such matters before taking the right decision.

Just so you know, we do not benefit financially or in any way whatsoever when we put hours and hours telling you not to take decisions which will hamper your life negatively and permanently. We do not advise you for our benefit but only for you. Remember that.
Ignore the dude named fanboy. He said himself he's Jewish. He also wrote Astaroth instead of Astarte. He's an infiltrator...

Its always been a question to me why we havent thrown this idiot out and banned him already from the forums. He keeps misinforming others.

You still seem too influenced by Jewish culture. It extends herself into all facets of modern society, not just religion. However, this place is the best you can hope to find and nowhere else is safer. What do you mean by "safe"? If you are looking for a place that offers you knowledge, truth and evolution, then this is the place. If, on the other hand, you are looking for a place that only satisfies all your beliefs and whims, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, then not.
Study our site and this forum, have a nice day.

Suggested topic about Transexuality: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=74652

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
