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Is The Transformation Of Our World A "Conspiracy Theory", Or A Reality?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As we proceed with our history and everything as an planet, we are seeing this happening: More and more "conspiracy theories" are constantly becoming mainstream, and widely accepted theory.

We used to be the "conspiracy theorists" that told people things like about the Co-Vid, or that the virus probably emerged from a lab. Others from here have wrote a lot on how this is not as dangerous. Long story short everything that was shared on this forum was reflective of proper conversation on the subject and most of it has been correct.

We've shared research and concerns about everything and we still do, so that people can make informed decisions. Things like this should have happened in Social Media, but were disallowed. But why? Because everyone had to accept a bat soup to a picolin theory or something like that.

In fact, we were commanded to stop conversing about these social matters that will affect our lives for decades to come and are unanimously decided by a Globalist clique that controls the media, information centers, theory making, and "acceptable notions" of society.

Journalists disappeared, doctors that had another opinion were left to rot instead of allowed to partake in scientific conversation, all the foundations of our so called "Democracy" were shattered.

Increasingly, people got exposed to the fact that we are moving forwards by what appears to be "temporary halting of democracy", towards a social and political, and financial change of global social affairs, that gives much credibility to a lot of what we called previously a "conspiracy theory".

Freedom in short, is going out of the window.

Now, because a striking amount of people has understood about the "Great Reset", and others don't want to take the Vaccine, while there are many resistances to a long array of many plans by the Globalists, while the enemy is highly exposed, guess what?

Of course, let us entertain this theory now: Actually Co-Vid came from an actual lab, guys. Yes, things like Fauci playing in Wuhan, could plausibly be argued to have given rise to this virus, either premeditated, or by mistake. Strangely so, both him and Billy Gates are directly involved in both the research and everything else about the virus, the vaccine and so on. Where has all the research, coincidentally, about the mRNA vaccines, began? In Israel.

A series of coincidences, and coincidences that everyone was talking about, was called a conspiracy theorist over. People were banned, millions were wiped out in Facebook, others were stalked by authorities, and so on.

It took educated scientists around 1 year to write what we wrote in this forum, and we are no virologists. We don't blame them as virology doesn't exactly answer for other things that are common knowledge in this group. When we saw the pandemic thing emerging, we knew there would be attempts are rights usurpation, global forced changes, and other damning events.

There is never a logical day in clown world, or a day where we don't serve jewish standards.

Mysteriously, at the same point, as the natives of all Nations are forced and subjected to take strange and unverified vaccinations, boats of migrants in Europe that are completely non virally checked, will be entering Europe by the millions, for one more year. Strange, isn't it?

At this point however nothing will be making sense. Logical sense will be out of the window for most aspects of human life. And why this is the case?

Because our world is serving for now, a series of conflicting morals and conspiracies by jews. These are out in the light now and soon will fall apart. But imagine if you did not know, would any of this make any sense?

What I mean by this, is that unless someone knows the enemy has an agenda [Namely, the Great Reset, Greater Israel, Global Control etc] and what this is and so on, nothing of what happens in this world will make any sense. This is why many people are so deceived.

Even worse, the above understanding can bring great fear to people, who may be oblivious on what to do. Observe for example, Christians. Many of them, believing in a jew and having no culture of their own [Jews wiped Paganism out], do know about many of these theories. Their "solution" is merely to beg a jew for their salvation, of which nothing is going to happen, but make matters worse.

In fact, for them, knowledge of these conspiracies only makes them more useless and more fearful, and more clingy towards a lie already created by jews.

Recently, Joe Biden announced he is going to make the biggest infrastructure spending plan of 6 trillion. This is the biggest package that has been issued since WW2. Of course, this will definitely bring inflation, it's only common sense. But, does that make sense?

If you read about the Great Reset, are aware of Jews, and so on, yes, it makes sense. If you believe in the official theory that all of this happened for a virus of 0.02% death rate, then nothing makes sense. If you know of more, then it makes sense.

If you have no idea what Billy Gates or Klaus Schwab has claimed, the Lockdown for anyone was nothing but a small vacation. If you are aware, you understand ahead of us we have a war for the future of humanity. This was is a war of information, knowledge, education of the masses.

When Israel was assaulted, it's stock market fell by 15% or so. All of a sudden, Biden was getting attacked for incompetence in the media. And other sectors such as Crypto started rapidly getting attacked and going down. Why is everyone kept silent and nobody wants to entertain the ramifications of extreme spending, creating hyperinflation, and incessant State lending, disregarding the fact that this might result in economic strife and collapse? Anything makes sense of these incidents one by one?

If you knew about enemy plans of global financial control, controlled collapse, replacement of labor, great reset, and how they want to treat humanity, that would make more sense than the zero sense it makes right now. But this would take a bit of research. Not much, it's as easy as checking online for the time being.

Why did Biden get attacked by the same media that literally uplifted him within these few days? Maybe because he did not immediately intervene to help Israel? But what is the connection with the media and Israel?

Why Rabbis replied personally to celebrities like Dua Lipa and verbally attacked them in Twitter for her stance of wanting to oppose jewish racism? Why are jews are allowed to believe these things without judgement, while others who supposedly believe 1% of the same, are persecuted as criminals in our societies? Why does Facebook and others police the thoughts of this world globally, and why does Zuccerborg look line a reptilian alien? Are all of these unrelated events or what? The products of insanity and unacceptable notions? But why are they "unacceptable"?

Does it make sense?

For a person accepting the ongoing narratives, nothing will really make sense. All of these incidents will look merely as tribulation times, adverse, and people talking of these subjects as mentally insane. For those who know and are educated, not only one is prepared, but they understand the points.

Of course, if you know Israel's agenda and that they own the media, it does make a lot of sense. If you know even more, it makes even more sense. If one also knew about their dates, or for example, how this happens in key holidays for jews [cohencidentally], then it would make even more sense. But if you know nothing, then no: nothing at all will make any sense. One needs to be aware.

All that many "Conspiracy theories" are, is just attempts to connect dots that don't make sense based on widely accepted, media narrative. In fact, the mere term "Conspiracy Theorist" was constructed by the CIA, to keep people who have this tendency to appear as publicly insane.

While many are insane or many theories were only the product of extreme suspicions, many have only come out correct, haven't they? Yet there is insistence of dismissal because many people, even if they know some of this is true, don't know what to do.

At this point we are crossing now, the world is getting divided between two categories. Those who know what is going on [to ranging extents] and those who are totally oblivious.

The oblivious are to be taken less seriously in the future that is coming, since they are ignoring major manifestations and blatant proofs in front of their very eyes. Within a few years, the only people who deny these messages will be people who willingly do so - sleepers by choice.

As HPS Maxine has said, many will want to join in the last moments, but it will be too late to do so. In the following years, we will stand as as beacon for these people, but will they accept their own light also, and choose to move away from this sphere of ignorance?

In the face of ever going changes and other things, Satanists enjoy a lot of benefits. We are informed, spiritually protected, and taken care of by the Gods. This is a factual reality as everyone here knows. When nobody in the world will know what is going on, we will know.

When they will have nobody to run to, many of us will be prepared. While many have paid the price of enlightenment once, which may come with a bit of pain to begin with, during the times of an unwelcoming world, the rest of life welcomes someone with understanding that is strong.

Praise Satan for the knowledge he gives and for the protection he bestows on the hearts and minds of all.

We believe that humanity and not the enemy will be the victors of this struggle. While many are blinded by the excessive odds in favor of the enemy, we believe in the human spirit and in that the human soul will come out victorious of this.

On top of everything, when all the darkness will subside, we believe we will be part of a brighter world than before. A more informed, more advanced, and more spiritual world, closer to Father Satan's intentions. The Great God towards whom, the biggest conspiracy was carried out, by these same beings who currently conspire against Mankind's creator as they conspire today against His very own creation.

We will be victorious,

Thanks for the enlightening speech HP. Hoodedcobra666.

I do not understand, why it can be to late for someone to join us in the future, is this based on the assumption that these people are to much gone (mentaly) /cloaked in enemy lies . But if they want to join, this means this can´t be the case.

Back then when I did read this statement the first time, I thought of a situation, like the biblical hoax story of the arche noa, people want to enter, but they can´t, because they are physicaly unabel to do so/ it is to late.
I really can't wait for the world to say that we were right all along so I could have something to really laugh about after years of watching this world function like a dysfunctional autistic nursery.
Thank you for this sermon. You are so cool HP. :)

Hail Satan!
Fuchs said:
Thanks for the enlightening speech HP. Hoodedcobra666.

I do not understand, why it can be to late for someone to join us in the future, is this based on the assumption that these people are to much gone (mentaly) /cloaked in enemy lies . But if they want to join, this means this can´t be the case.

Back then when I did read this statement the first time, I thought of a situation, like the biblical hoax story of the arche noa, people want to enter, but they can´t, because they are physicaly unabel to do so/ it is to late.
Maybe its connected with the fact that Biden recently claimed in a video that all of the hospital beds in 15 years will be filled with alzheimers patients.
Thank you very much for the speech hooded, every day I check to see if there are new publications of yours, you are a light for me and for many

From the deep of my heart thank you for guiding so many including me
Fuchs said:
Thanks for the enlightening speech HP. Hoodedcobra666.

I do not understand, why it can be to late for someone to join us in the future, is this based on the assumption that these people are to much gone (mentaly) /cloaked in enemy lies . But if they want to join, this means this can´t be the case.

Back then when I did read this statement the first time, I thought of a situation, like the biblical hoax story of the arche noa, people want to enter, but they can´t, because they are physicaly unabel to do so/ it is to late.

Remember the story of Grey? of how they are lost to the enemy and their bodies become husk forced to serve the BioCyborg Hivemind of Jew's Master and their souls' expells. I assume something similar will happen, those that wait until the last minute tend to already take the vaccine and I won't be surprised if they also somehow took microchips and the like, in that they want to come but no longer have free will and their spirits enslaved. We might be able to free them in times, but we can't save them all, and those we cant save, will become grey and their soul is gone. Perhaps those souls can be born again if we save enough of our number to continue the future of humanity. This is my assumption of what HP meant by that.
Fuchs said:
Thanks for the enlightening speech HP. Hoodedcobra666.

I do not understand, why it can be to late for someone to join us in the future, is this based on the assumption that these people are to much gone (mentaly) /cloaked in enemy lies . But if they want to join, this means this can´t be the case.

Back then when I did read this statement the first time, I thought of a situation, like the biblical hoax story of the arche noa, people want to enter, but they can´t, because they are physicaly unabel to do so/ it is to late.

I kind of wondered about this too. The people that are too far gone wouldn't even try to join. Maybe it's referring to some situation in the world that makes it too late for their survival or something.
Hail Satan! Hail victory!
Hail Satan forever! I'm so happy I've found enlightenment. My kids and my husband are also on board doing their rtrs. We feel Father Satan's blessings and protection daily. Thank you for these sermons.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I am genuinely curious as to what will happen in the next following years or decades, besides the obvious. I feel like some of us will have some form of nostalgia toward when we all started doing RTRs and then really witness the contrast of our early days versus how far we have progressed and whatever madness we have had to overcome.
The "human soul and spirit" will come out victorious anyway...

Jews will never rule the world.

Jews can and most likely will remain subverting Western countries and will remain in positions of power in those countries.

The "white race" will also be greatly diluted in the coming years.

But Jews will never rule the world.

The state of Israel is weak, unstable and will be destroyed, and while it still exists, tensions and anti-Jewish sentiments around the world will continue to increase.

It's a simple calculation, Israel cannot fight the Arab League and Iran...

I believe that Jews will continue to be what they are for a long time... they will continue to hold positions of power and subvert Western nations, but without achieving full success in their political and geopolitical goals.

Globalists and Jews manage to subvert and destroy from within democratic and liberal-capitalist countries, the same does not apply to autocratic countries.

There is no way to make subversion or hybrid war in countries like Iran, Russia, China...

They manage to promote atrocities and degenerations like transgender military and pro-black man propaganda in countries like the USA, Germany, Sweden, France...

Probably the population of the West will never realize, en masse, that the culprits for the subversion of the West are the Jews. I believe that even people who are angry at the current situation in the West will continue en masse to be "conservative, democratic, capitalist" and not solving anything at all, just complaining while their societies continue to be subverted by the Jews.


In my position I benefit from the war of war between Jews and Northern Europeans in a few points. I also want to dilute the "white race"... not with immigration and mixing with blacks. but with Hispanics, Arabs and some other Asian and Latino ethnicities.
Fuchs said:
Thanks for the enlightening speech HP. Hoodedcobra666.

I do not understand, why it can be to late for someone to join us in the future, is this based on the assumption that these people are to much gone (mentaly) /cloaked in enemy lies . But if they want to join, this means this can´t be the case.

Back then when I did read this statement the first time, I thought of a situation, like the biblical hoax story of the arche noa, people want to enter, but they can´t, because they are physicaly unabel to do so/ it is to late.

i was also going to ask this
Hail Satan Eternal!
Fuchs said:

Back then when I did read this statement the first time, I thought of a situation, like the biblical hoax story of the arche noa, people want to enter, but they can´t, because they are physicaly unabel to do so/ it is to late.

The enemy wants to build a world devoid of any so called "Spirituality". This has been attempted before. This, they hope, will be attained with a mix of technological subversion and control of the masses.

As this has been called before, there is a "flashover" point after which people will no longer have a choice. An example here is if people slept on the enemy and they somehow reversed the tide and tried to take over.

In the event for example the USSR style of communism persisted, nobody could enter anything of the sort such as ours, or in Communist China. Freedom was lost. There was no freedom of information anymore. The chance of learning meditation would be smaller than winning state lottery.

Now, if people want to join or not, is kind of up on their own free choice. It is really really easy now. In many historical intervals, if not almost all of the recent past, it was never a thing of "Choice" nor or free will. Not even royals were admitted to this knowledge.

There is still a chance this may repeat itself, which is the reason we are carrying on with Spiritual Warfare, Education and so on. We are fighting so that this is never the case.

Those who will have already joined, will have extensive abilities and privileges even in darker chapters of potential future history, compared to those who are clueless. The second category, will beg they had the chance.

Take this as an example: Now that the Quarantine hit, how did people who fare good spiritually, experience this, versus to people who had no clue? Many have developed permanent mental issues from this.

In regards to the deeper future, I will relate this in another post.
This near exact state of mind was me not that long ago before I found the JoS. I was so desperately wanting the world and people to make sense for years because no matter where I looked everything just seemed backwards at every level, and everybody was crazy.
I knew about judaism, xianity, and islam being all the same and I referred to them as the "unholy trinity." All I found everywhere on bitchute was an infestation of xian identity retards with half the story, and clinging to xianity like their life depended on it. I just couldn't understand why they worshiped the problem instead of seeking the solution.

It wasn't until I saw someone's comment on a video saying that Satan means truth in Sanskrit/humanity's original language that I finally found the answers I was seeking. I finally found people saying the words I wanted to hear. Saying everything I had figured out on my own + more, but no one else was agreeing with me even though nothing else made sense.

I saw dozens of people disliking the comment and dogpiling the commenter and bashing them, and I didn't understand why. Before that, they seemed like brave truth seekers being on that particular bitchute channel, but they were afraid to consider a different point of view as an intellectual and actually look at the information. I clicked the link and I never looked back because everything I found was in alignment with my heart, and what I was looking for my whole life. I seriously couldn't believe it... it was a miracle, and I'm forever grateful to the person who made that comment on that video for me to find.

I just wanted people to make sense. Nothing made sense... just like you said. I'm going to do my best with the upcoming internet warfare even though it's my first time. So that I can do for others what was done for me. Because that one comment with that one link to the JoS changed my entire life and its trajectory. I was offered a life raft in a sea of confusion, and I'm just so damn grateful for it.

Tabby remembers. I was so angry, and one day after getting fed up with idiots on bitchute I finally just screamed that I was tired of lies, that I didn't want lies anymore, that I only wanted the truth. And then I miraculously found that comment on that video. We couldn't believe it, and we still think it was Father Satan responding to my resolve.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:

Back then when I did read this statement the first time, I thought of a situation, like the biblical hoax story of the arche noa, people want to enter, but they can´t, because they are physicaly unabel to do so/ it is to late.

The enemy wants to build a world devoid of any so called "Spirituality". This has been attempted before. This, they hope, will be attained with a mix of technological subversion and control of the masses.

As this has been called before, there is a "flashover" point after which people will no longer have a choice. An example here is if people slept on the enemy and they somehow reversed the tide and tried to take over.

In the event for example the USSR style of communism persisted, nobody could enter anything of the sort such as ours, or in Communist China. Freedom was lost. There was no freedom of information anymore. The chance of learning meditation would be smaller than winning state lottery.

Now, if people want to join or not, is kind of up on their own free choice. It is really really easy now. In many historical intervals, if not almost all of the recent past, it was never a thing of "Choice" nor or free will. Not even royals were admitted to this knowledge.

There is still a chance this may repeat itself, which is the reason we are carrying on with Spiritual Warfare, Education and so on. We are fighting so that this is never the case.

Those who will have already joined, will have extensive abilities and privileges even in darker chapters of potential future history, compared to those who are clueless. The second category, will beg they had the chance.

Take this as an example: Now that the Quarantine hit, how did people who fare good spiritually, experience this, versus to people who had no clue? Many have developed permanent mental issues from this.

In regards to the deeper future, I will relate this in another post.

I will look forward to what you will say on this. I know the Gods do not want certain stuff revealed untill the appropriate time. So if you know of something coming up you wouldn't be able to say maybe right now I understand. But I am interested.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We will be victorious

Great sermon HP, I have one question about this particular quote: how do you think our victory will manifest? What are our "win" conditions in your opinion?
Hail Satan!!
Thanks HPHC

Hail Satan
Hail JOS
brdcketernal said:
In my position I benefit from the war of war between Jews and Northern Europeans in a few points. I also want to dilute the "white race"... not with immigration and mixing with blacks. but with Hispanics, Arabs and some other Asian and Latino ethnicities.

Multiculturalism is weaponized miscegenation against x individual race groups of humanity to produce an end goal race with no differences, identity, or inheritable traits. Why the hell did farmers make cows out of bulls? The same goes with pigs and dogs from boars and wolves when they forced subspecies of each animal to mix. Farm animals couldn't fight back or escape more effectively against their farmers than their original wild ancestors.

Please rethink what you just said, humans aren't cattle so don't support mixing of any race.
brdcketernal said:
The "human soul and spirit" will come out victorious anyway...

Jews will never rule the world.

Jews can and most likely will remain subverting Western countries and will remain in positions of power in those countries.

The "white race" will also be greatly diluted in the coming years.

But Jews will never rule the world.

The state of Israel is weak, unstable and will be destroyed, and while it still exists, tensions and anti-Jewish sentiments around the world will continue to increase.

It's a simple calculation, Israel cannot fight the Arab League and Iran...

I believe that Jews will continue to be what they are for a long time... they will continue to hold positions of power and subvert Western nations, but without achieving full success in their political and geopolitical goals.

Globalists and Jews manage to subvert and destroy from within democratic and liberal-capitalist countries, the same does not apply to autocratic countries.

There is no way to make subversion or hybrid war in countries like Iran, Russia, China...

They manage to promote atrocities and degenerations like transgender military and pro-black man propaganda in countries like the USA, Germany, Sweden, France...

Probably the population of the West will never realize, en masse, that the culprits for the subversion of the West are the Jews. I believe that even people who are angry at the current situation in the West will continue en masse to be "conservative, democratic, capitalist" and not solving anything at all, just complaining while their societies continue to be subverted by the Jews.


In my position I benefit from the war of war between Jews and Northern Europeans in a few points. I also want to dilute the "white race"... not with immigration and mixing with blacks. but with Hispanics, Arabs and some other Asian and Latino ethnicities.
Jews like you is not white. Jews is kike like you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:

Back then when I did read this statement the first time, I thought of a situation, like the biblical hoax story of the arche noa, people want to enter, but they can´t, because they are physicaly unabel to do so/ it is to late.

The enemy wants to build a world devoid of any so called "Spirituality". This has been attempted before. This, they hope, will be attained with a mix of technological subversion and control of the masses.

As this has been called before, there is a "flashover" point after which people will no longer have a choice. An example here is if people slept on the enemy and they somehow reversed the tide and tried to take over.

In the event for example the USSR style of communism persisted, nobody could enter anything of the sort such as ours, or in Communist China. Freedom was lost. There was no freedom of information anymore. The chance of learning meditation would be smaller than winning state lottery.

Now, if people want to join or not, is kind of up on their own free choice. It is really really easy now. In many historical intervals, if not almost all of the recent past, it was never a thing of "Choice" nor or free will. Not even royals were admitted to this knowledge.

There is still a chance this may repeat itself, which is the reason we are carrying on with Spiritual Warfare, Education and so on. We are fighting so that this is never the case.

Those who will have already joined, will have extensive abilities and privileges even in darker chapters of potential future history, compared to those who are clueless. The second category, will beg they had the chance.

Take this as an example: Now that the Quarantine hit, how did people who fare good spiritually, experience this, versus to people who had no clue? Many have developed permanent mental issues from this.

In regards to the deeper future, I will relate this in another post.

Thanks for explaining it HP. Hoodedcobra666.

In order for the masses to want to join, they must know about us and realize beforehand, that what we are doing is real and life saving, there would have to be a undeniable physical global event to achive or lead to this.
Hi I'm sorry I've been having trouble posting but I was wondering for the Final RTR do we say each word 9x (VAHT-VAHT-VAHT...etc) or do we do the whole phrase 9x (VAHT-FUHT-VUHT-VUHSS-....etc) or does it not matter because either way you'll eventually say everything 9x. I just need a little clarification. Thank you!

brdcketernal said:
The "human soul and spirit" will come out victorious anyway...

Jews will never rule the world.

Jews can and most likely will remain subverting Western countries and will remain in positions of power in those countries.

The "white race" will also be greatly diluted in the coming years.

But Jews will never rule the world.

The state of Israel is weak, unstable and will be destroyed, and while it still exists, tensions and anti-Jewish sentiments around the world will continue to increase.

It's a simple calculation, Israel cannot fight the Arab League and Iran...

I believe that Jews will continue to be what they are for a long time... they will continue to hold positions of power and subvert Western nations, but without achieving full success in their political and geopolitical goals.

Globalists and Jews manage to subvert and destroy from within democratic and liberal-capitalist countries, the same does not apply to autocratic countries.

There is no way to make subversion or hybrid war in countries like Iran, Russia, China...

They manage to promote atrocities and degenerations like transgender military and pro-black man propaganda in countries like the USA, Germany, Sweden, France...

Probably the population of the West will never realize, en masse, that the culprits for the subversion of the West are the Jews. I believe that even people who are angry at the current situation in the West will continue en masse to be "conservative, democratic, capitalist" and not solving anything at all, just complaining while their societies continue to be subverted by the Jews.


In my position I benefit from the war of war between Jews and Northern Europeans in a few points. I also want to dilute the "white race"... not with immigration and mixing with blacks. but with Hispanics, Arabs and some other Asian and Latino ethnicities.

Hmm well if your in a position to benefit from this if your a good person then you will seek to end it or help out in some way. We don't want to push for anything the Jews are and I am northern European ancestry myself of course I don't like this and will fight against it.
So I have a question about the 10th of this month. What does it mean astrologically?
DragonSon said:
Hi I'm sorry I've been having trouble posting but I was wondering for the Final RTR do we say each word 9x (VAHT-VAHT-VAHT...etc) or do we do the whole phrase 9x (VAHT-FUHT-VUHT-VUHSS-....etc) or does it not matter because either way you'll eventually say everything 9x. I just need a little clarification. Thank you!


9x (VAHT-VAHT-VAHT...etc)
I am proud to stand with you !💖 And Father Satan! 💖 Always!!🐍🔥🙏
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We believe that humanity and not the enemy will be the victors of this struggle. While many are blinded by the excessive odds in favor of the enemy, we believe in the human spirit and in that the human soul will come out victorious of this.

I remember hearing once that in the astrological charts it shows that the Joos ultimately lose.
Charlotte61903 said:
So I have a question about the 10th of this month. What does it mean astrologically?

Solar Eclipse. Good day to do any workings dealing with the sun and/or do extra rtrs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
