It depends on what you mean by "God." Read here to better understand the concept of united universal consciousness (which you may mean this by God):
As people want to actually take things to a next level with the whole of the Joy of Satan, I take this very seriously and work accordingly with them. Thank the Gods for these people and say only good prayers for them, because in the sea of irrelevant insanity or delusions of character that our...
But yes, this Universal Force exists (and it has nothing to do with that Judeo/Christian junk). That said, the definition of God, apart from this kind of universal force, is typically the following which has NOTHING to do with what the creationist Church of Christians promotes:
"In the ancient grimoires, the secret code words for chakra/s are "God/s." The full chakra meditation involves working on all of your seven chakras per meditation session"
"[...] the Egyptian God of the Sun. The word 'God' is also a term for the chakras"
"As most of you know, the code-word "Gods" means the chakras. The all-important '666' chakra, which is the solar plexus chakra; is 'King of the Gods"
SO-when is it that a person can call himself or herself "God/Goddess"?
"There are several different aspects that make up the human soul. [...] the chakras"
"In many grimoires and ancient texts, the code word for "chakra/s" is "God/s." For example, references to certain "words of power" that "command the gods" as seen in Ancient Egyptian spiritual writings. "God" is also a code-word for one's self"
"The final goal of the Spiritual Satanic path, is to achieve the Magnum Opus, meaning "The Great Work" and is the goal of philosophical application of spiritual knowledge. This stands for the transformation of the Soul into "Gold" is the recreation of the soul into the Godhead"
Now, more or less, you have understood the purpose of the Magnum Opus, which is the Divine Condition (which I will explain in a bit what it consists of), but you should read here to understand more or less at the level of processing what the Magnum Opus is based on:
What does the Magnum Opus entail in terms of the Divine Condition for the person?
Read here:
and here:
Now, to get more information about it, you can consult here:
"A great possibility, a dream, a reality. To be glorious enough to have walked, and humbled enough to say: Finally, I shall become as the Gods.
Like He, Satan Himself, that issued the first call to self-knowledge and said so, keeping His promise: “I shall make thee as Gods!”.
The highest attainment in Spiritual Satanism, but also the capstone of the heavens and the earth"
"I place my affairs in the hands of those whom I have tried and who are in accord with my desires" - Father Satanas
FURTHER, THERE IS TO REMEMBER THIS: the Magnum Opus is the result of what you are, do and become. It is not the starting point for doing good things. It is you becoming the God you want to become by doing good things. Good things are mainly "improving yourself and the universe."
Improve yourself:
Most people exist in their lives in completely oblivious manners. They exist as if they will live for a thousand years, or as if the world does not necessitate that you take certain actions for yourself today. Not only the world needs this, but you also. They act as if 70, 80, or 90 years of...
How to work for the Universe:
Doing things for Joy Of Satan, Gods and yoursef. All of the above are so intimately connected that doing all the above ultimately benefits You the most. No matter it is for Gods, for JoS, or community or yourself. Most benefit from it is for one who does that. Because Gods needs us so they...
So who created Satan, Satan's planet and the universe itself? The answer:
I know many people have a lot of questions about science, the universe and life. I am posting this, as it may be of interest. I majored in the physical sciences when I attended university many years ago. Satanism is for the advancement of science. Humanity has failed to make any serious...
Now of course you will ask how to reach the Magnum Opus "step by step". But I will not be the one to answer that question. You yourself will get that answer when you are ready (which is not now that you are just starting out), but something might already be good to read:
This link I gave you at the time is an ideal starting point:
Something VERY important:
Yoga means yoke, to unite – specifically, the body, mind, and soul. Yoga works these 3 areas, bringing harmony, increased awareness, and increased self-control. It also allows for the fullest expression of one’s highest self, and the individual personality, in the best and healthiest possible...
You will find a VERY GOOD easy Hatha and Kundalini Yoga routine here:
Other advanced Hatha routines (for a specific chakra:
This is just so I can have all my yoga posts in one link in my signature. Last update: Dec 7 2022 -------- Yoga for Chakras: 6th; 3rd Eye; Crown Throat Chakra Center/Heart Chakra...
Other Kundalini routines (for different goals):
About that:
There are different paths for spiritual advancement, not everyone is drawn to yoga. If what you are doing works for you, then keep with it. But if you feel the need for something more then I highly recommend yoga. It helps with not just spiritual advancement but also physical health, mental...
One important thing: Do things progressively, not overnight. Give your body, mind and soul time to adapt the things you add. Start from the bottom. As High Priest HoodedCobra666 explains:
«Многие спрашивают, как долго нужно медитировать. Нет ответа на вопрос, как долго. Эти 5-часовые сеансы медитации или 100 000 повторений в ванне и прыжки в воду с чтением мантр (это настоящий индуистский совет для духовного развития) могут быть опасны. Что касается обманщиков, которые говорят, что не спят всю ночь, и так далее, то для большинства людей это не обязательно. Медитация работает за счет качества. Точно так же, как профессиональный спортсмен сможет тренироваться гораздо больше обычного, человек, который начал заниматься вчера, если он просидит 5 часов, свалится в больнице, возможно, с необратимым ущербом. Игра в Бога и гангстера здесь не принесет вам ничего, кроме необратимого ущерба.
Медитацию, как и тяжелую атлетику и любое другое искусство, нужно освоить.
Люди, которые сильны от природы, смогут поднять 50 на кулаках, скажем, другие 10. В конце концов, если парень с 50 думает, что он может поднять 150 на второй день, он становится самоуверенным и срывается. Через год другой парень, который упорствовал, делает 150 ежедневно, как кусок хлеба. Другой больше не может поднимать веса ни хрена"
Из PDF-файла HP HoodedCobra666:
И еще немного рекомендаций о том, СКОЛЬКО нужно медитировать:
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category). In other posts there is a tendency...
Хорошо, я думаю, что я развеял не только те сомнения, о которых вы спросили, но и многие другие, которые у вас, вероятно, еще оставались бы.

Дайте мне знать, если вам что-то еще понадобится, я доступен.