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Is the devil an alien, a spiritual being, or a god?

Marilyn Manson

New member
Oct 28, 2024
According to some articles I read here, beings like devils, angels and God are actually aliens. In spiritual satanism, what exactly are these beings, what are their natures, what are their limits and powers?
According to some articles I read here, beings like devils, angels and God are actually aliens. In spiritual satanism, what exactly are these beings, what are their natures, what are their limits and powers?

Satan and the Gods are extraterrestrials. This means they come from other planets. They have reached levels of great spiritual advancement. This is not something absurd: also human beings themselves can advance and anyone who has tried to practice spirituality in a constant and continuous manner over time knows how concrete it is.

Satan and the Gods are very advanced and have reached high spiritual levels, Divine Condition, physical immortality, etc. Satan gives this gift to his children, he gives them the ability to achieve these same things. But Satan has already achieved this.

This is why Satanas and his Demons were Teachers of humanity. They taught great spiritual knowledge through allegorical mythologies and more. There are many stories featuring our Demons. Zeus for example (i.e. Beelzebul) was the protagonist of many allegorical stories which were actually teachings to be understood in a spiritual and not literal way.

They are very powerful deities, obviously it has nothing to do with the imaginary Christian omnipotence where the invisible fantasy characters snap their fingers two or three times and create multiverses. But our Gods are truly very powerful and understanding their essences and what they represent can be difficult. So very difficult that some Gods have multiple names also among the same population. For example, the Demon Astarte is known in Greece as Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, and so on.

To say exclusively that they are powerful is also an understatement. Our Gods are literally perfect beings. Wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, awareness, ethics... a Demon is truly accomplished, has no flaw, is the best guide one can have and I am sure that everyone should seek the guidance of their Guardian Demon (to give an example).

Stay close to the Gods. About Angels and stuff, that's just Jewish crap. Stay away from these nasty things. They are not made for Gentiles (i.e. non-Jews), they just turn out to be curses for Gentiles. There is not a single time that a Gentile has reported non-traumatic experiences with an Angel. Don't focus on that, focus on the Gods and the greatness of the Gods. Fill yourself with the positivity of Satanism, not angelic garbage.

However, your curiosity is very positive, sincere congratulations on your studies! Keep going! :)
Satan and the Gods are extraterrestrials. This means they come from other planets. They have reached levels of great spiritual advancement. This is not something absurd: also human beings themselves can advance and anyone who has tried to practice spirituality in a constant and continuous manner over time knows how concrete it is.

Satan and the Gods are very advanced and have reached high spiritual levels, Divine Condition, physical immortality, etc. Satan gives this gift to his children, he gives them the ability to achieve these same things. But Satan has already achieved this.

This is why Satanas and his Demons were Teachers of humanity. They taught great spiritual knowledge through allegorical mythologies and more. There are many stories featuring our Demons. Zeus for example (i.e. Beelzebul) was the protagonist of many allegorical stories which were actually teachings to be understood in a spiritual and not literal way.

They are very powerful deities, obviously it has nothing to do with the imaginary Christian omnipotence where the invisible fantasy characters snap their fingers two or three times and create multiverses. But our Gods are truly very powerful and understanding their essences and what they represent can be difficult. So very difficult that some Gods have multiple names also among the same population. For example, the Demon Astarte is known in Greece as Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, and so on.

To say exclusively that they are powerful is also an understatement. Our Gods are literally perfect beings. Wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, awareness, ethics... a Demon is truly accomplished, has no flaw, is the best guide one can have and I am sure that everyone should seek the guidance of their Guardian Demon (to give an example).

Stay close to the Gods. About Angels and stuff, that's just Jewish crap. Stay away from these nasty things. They are not made for Gentiles (i.e. non-Jews), they just turn out to be curses for Gentiles. There is not a single time that a Gentile has reported non-traumatic experiences with an Angel. Don't focus on that, focus on the Gods and the greatness of the Gods. Fill yourself with the positivity of Satanism, not angelic garbage.

However, your curiosity is very positive, sincere congratulations on your studies! Keep going! :)
So, do they respond to people who want to communicate with them one by one? If a lot of Satanists practice demonology at the same time, how would they respond and what is their benefit from us and why do they love us?
Satan and the Gods are extraterrestrials. This means they come from other planets. They have reached levels of great spiritual advancement. This is not something absurd: also human beings themselves can advance and anyone who has tried to practice spirituality in a constant and continuous manner over time knows how concrete it is.

Satan and the Gods are very advanced and have reached high spiritual levels, Divine Condition, physical immortality, etc. Satan gives this gift to his children, he gives them the ability to achieve these same things. But Satan has already achieved this.

This is why Satanas and his Demons were Teachers of humanity. They taught great spiritual knowledge through allegorical mythologies and more. There are many stories featuring our Demons. Zeus for example (i.e. Beelzebul) was the protagonist of many allegorical stories which were actually teachings to be understood in a spiritual and not literal way.

They are very powerful deities, obviously it has nothing to do with the imaginary Christian omnipotence where the invisible fantasy characters snap their fingers two or three times and create multiverses. But our Gods are truly very powerful and understanding their essences and what they represent can be difficult. So very difficult that some Gods have multiple names also among the same population. For example, the Demon Astarte is known in Greece as Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, and so on.

To say exclusively that they are powerful is also an understatement. Our Gods are literally perfect beings. Wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, awareness, ethics... a Demon is truly accomplished, has no flaw, is the best guide one can have and I am sure that everyone should seek the guidance of their Guardian Demon (to give an example).

Stay close to the Gods. About Angels and stuff, that's just Jewish crap. Stay away from these nasty things. They are not made for Gentiles (i.e. non-Jews), they just turn out to be curses for Gentiles. There is not a single time that a Gentile has reported non-traumatic experiences with an Angel. Don't focus on that, focus on the Gods and the greatness of the Gods. Fill yourself with the positivity of Satanism, not angelic garbage.

However, your curiosity is very positive, sincere congratulations on your studies! Keep going! :)
How can I get guidance from the Guardian Demon, how can I feel his presence, what should I do to contact him?
How can I get guidance from the Guardian Demon, how can I feel his presence, what should I do to contact him?

Read this, please:

And this:

And this too:
do they respond to people who want to communicate with them one by one?
Demons are very busy, they don't appear all the time or anything like that. You won't have conversations with them 24/7. But you can trust that they are there 24/7.

Satan does not abandon his children, his Dedicated Satanists, and cares for us both individually and as a group. I have witnessed the presence of Satan in my life. I have not physically seen him, but to say that he has never actually manifested himself would be unrealistic blasphemy on my part.

The fact that Satan will not dialogue with you every day all day does not mean in the slightest that you will not be in his heart and he will not guard you or that he will occasionally stop taking care of your (true) growth. Satan is there. Always and forever. :)

If a lot of Satanists practice demonology at the same time, how would they respond and what is their benefit from us and why do they love us?

The way the Gods communicate is not necessarily long "speeches or monologues" as people would expect. Sometimes they can be signs, coincidences, ideas and intuitions. Really instant stuff, but if you're open to it and can recognize it, it's VERY helpful. I guarantee from experience, it is not at all a type of guide to be underestimated, it is VERY useful and meaningful.

If the human mind could open up even this far, being able to distinguish this from some suggestion effectively, it would be extremely beneficial to people indeed. I personally have never had telepathic conversations, because I don't have that kind of advancement.

But coincidences, signs, new ideas and dreams (the dream thing only happened to me once actually, but I have proof that it was actually a dream from the Gods) came into my life without the need for specific divination tools (which however I used in the past: I'm referring to the ouija board) and I'm grateful even just for this. These are very useful things, extremely helpful.

I know it seems off-topic, but regarding Satan taking care of you, I would like to add that I recommend this reading:
f a lot of Satanists practice demonology at the same time
"Demonology" isn't something you practice, it's the study of Demons, usually from a Christian/enemy viewpoint that assumes they are "evil spirits" and not loving Gods of humanity. Look it up in an online dictionary, thar's what it means, there is even Christian demonology:

I think you used the wrong word here, you probably meant "if a lot of Satanists summoned the same God at the same time"
Off-topic, (note for the mods), but, why are you named after a drag-queen, namely the Marilyn Manson name?

I wanted to ask him too. I think it's because many associate Marylin Manson with Satanism because they have no idea what Satanism really is. It's common among new people.

However, as you advance and study, at a certain point you should be able to distinguish when you are talking about 1) True Satanism; or when we are talking about 2) A corrupt Christian version blasphemous to the Gods; or even 3) Jewish attempt to slander our Most High Gods with lies.

The user is just starting out if he asks these questions. I hope that with time he can reach a higher level of knowledge, I have full trust in him because I have noticed the type of questions he asks and the sincerity of his intentions. Especially at the beginning, this is exactly what is needed.

According to some articles
Off-topic, (note for the mods), but, why are you named after a drag-queen, namely the Marilyn Manson name?
I enjoy his music; he’s someone I've been listening to since I was a kid. He also has an occult side (I can share some links if you'd like, they’re quite enjoyable to read). Just to clarify, the name I use online and in many games isn’t related to supporting drag queens or anything of the sort—I actually don’t like such things. It’s simply a nickname. If it’s deemed inappropriate or offensive, I can change it without any issue.
"Demonology" isn't something you practice, it's the study of Demons, usually from a Christian/enemy viewpoint that assumes they are "evil spirits" and not loving Gods of humanity. Look it up in an online dictionary, thar's what it means, there is even Christian demonology:

I think you used the wrong word here, you probably meant "if a lot of Satanists summoned the same God at the same time"
Yes, my English is bad. Demon and God are translated incorrectly
According to some articles I read here, beings like devils, angels and God are actually aliens. In spiritual satanism, what exactly are these beings, what are their natures, what are their limits and powers?
Devils do not exist. HPS Maxine wrote about this somewhere on the topic of Tarot, that it originally means "divine."

First the Jews changed it and then later the Romans with diablos. Current etymology:

Old English dēofol (related to Dutch duivel and German Teufel ), via late Latin from Greek diabolos ‘accuser, slanderer’ (used in the Septuagint to translate Hebrew śāṭān ‘Satan’), from diaballein ‘to slander’, from dia ‘across’ + ballein ‘to throw’.

If I'm not mistaken, the earlist known use of this word was in Hinduism:

Deva (Sanskrit : देव, Sanskrit pronunciation: [de:vɐ]) means "shiny", "exalted", "heavenly being", "divine being", "anything of excellence", [1] and is also one of the Sanskrit terms used to indicate a deity in Hinduism.
The way the Gods communicate is not necessarily long "speeches or monologues" as people would expect. Sometimes they can be signs, coincidences, ideas and intuitions. Really instant stuff, but if you're open to it and can recognize it, it's VERY helpful. I guarantee from experience, it is not at all a type of guide to be underestimated, it is VERY useful and meaningful.
Thats what i get most of time
Deva (Sanskrit : देव, Sanskrit pronunciation: [de:vɐ]) means "shiny", "exalted", "heavenly being", "divine being", "anything of excellence", [1] and is also one of the Sanskrit terms used to indicate a deity in Hinduism.
Replying to myself lol. I think it was actually 'devi' (Goddess/goodness). The above is the maculine form, my bad. 😅
Сатана и Боги — инопланетяне. Это значит, что они пришли с других планет. Они достигли уровней большого духовного развития. Это не абсурд: люди тоже могут развиваться, и любой, кто пытался практиковать духовность постоянно и непрерывно в течение долгого времени, знает, насколько это конкретно.

Сатана и Боги очень продвинуты и достигли высоких духовных уровней, Божественного Состояния, физического бессмертия и т. д. Сатана дает этот дар своим детям, он дает им возможность достичь тех же самых вещей. Но Сатана уже достиг этого.

Вот почему Сатана и его Демоны были Учителями человечества. Они учили великому духовному знанию через аллегорические мифологии и многое другое. Есть много историй, в которых участвуют наши Демоны. Например, Зевс (т.е. Вельзевул) был главным героем многих аллегорических историй, которые на самом деле были учениями, которые следовало понимать духовно, а не буквально.

Они очень могущественные божества, очевидно, это не имеет ничего общего с воображаемым христианским всемогуществом, где невидимые персонажи фэнтези щелкают пальцами два или три раза и создают мультивселенные. Но наши Боги действительно очень могущественны, и понимание их сущности и того, что они представляют, может быть сложным. Настолько сложным, что некоторые Боги имеют несколько имен даже среди одного и того же населения. Например, Демон Астарта известна в Греции как Афродита, Афина, Артемида и так далее.

Сказать исключительно, что они могущественны, также будет преуменьшением. Наши Боги — буквально совершенные существа. Мудрость, интеллект, знания, осознанность, этика... Демон действительно совершенен, не имеет изъянов, является лучшим проводником, который только может быть, и я уверен, что каждый должен искать руководства у своего Демона-Хранителя (приведу пример).

Держитесь ближе к Богам. Об Ангелах и прочем, это просто еврейская чушь. Держитесь подальше от этих отвратительных вещей. Они не созданы для язычников (т. е. неевреев), они просто оказываются проклятиями для язычников. Нет ни одного случая, чтобы язычник сообщал о нетравматических переживаниях с Ангелом. Не сосредотачивайтесь на этом, сосредоточьтесь на Богах и величии Богов. Наполните себя позитивом сатанизма, а не ангельским мусором.

Однако ваше любопытство очень позитивно, искренние поздравления с учебой! Продолжайте в том же духе!:)
ЭхThis means that Satan/Lucifer is not God, but an alien from another planet. And he and his planet were created by someone else, not him??
ЭхThis means that Satan/Lucifer is not God, but an alien from another planet. And he and his planet were created by someone else, not him??

It depends on what you mean by "God." Read here to better understand the concept of united universal consciousness (which you may mean this by God):

But yes, this Universal Force exists (and it has nothing to do with that Judeo/Christian junk). That said, the definition of God, apart from this kind of universal force, is typically the following which has NOTHING to do with what the creationist Church of Christians promotes:

"In the ancient grimoires, the secret code words for chakra/s are "God/s." The full chakra meditation involves working on all of your seven chakras per meditation session"

"[...] the Egyptian God of the Sun. The word 'God' is also a term for the chakras"

"As most of you know, the code-word "Gods" means the chakras. The all-important '666' chakra, which is the solar plexus chakra; is 'King of the Gods"

SO-when is it that a person can call himself or herself "God/Goddess"?

"There are several different aspects that make up the human soul. [...] the chakras"

"In many grimoires and ancient texts, the code word for "chakra/s" is "God/s." For example, references to certain "words of power" that "command the gods" as seen in Ancient Egyptian spiritual writings. "God" is also a code-word for one's self"

"The final goal of the Spiritual Satanic path, is to achieve the Magnum Opus, meaning "The Great Work" and is the goal of philosophical application of spiritual knowledge. This stands for the transformation of the Soul into "Gold" is the recreation of the soul into the Godhead"

Now, more or less, you have understood the purpose of the Magnum Opus, which is the Divine Condition (which I will explain in a bit what it consists of), but you should read here to understand more or less at the level of processing what the Magnum Opus is based on:

What does the Magnum Opus entail in terms of the Divine Condition for the person?

Read here:

There are 3 ways to complete the Magnum Opus. At the current level of existence and how the world is with the enemy, one understands were not in a perfect world or anything like that.

1. Method One: The Spiritual body is immortalized, and one can depart the world at will, with a sudden "death", literally leaving the body behind. Yogis in the East have wrote extensively on this and about that topic, in occult terminology this is someone who will "Not taste the second death" and will not reincarnate, among endless other perks.

The powers one had when they were alive, are transferred with them and one can continue in all ways to exist on the Astral. One can do many things Demons can do with this level and they could also do this while alive. They can communicate at will with the living and do other supernatural things.

2. Method Two: Full immortality. Physical and Astral. Death is not always a necessity. This means you will not age and you will always be approximately around 30 or 35 years old in physical appearance. That method was practiced in the Ancient Past, and many people lived to be 800 or 1000 years old or even more. That is fully possible and many in history have done it, like Chinese Emperors or Pharaohs.

One can continue at some point to this level, whether they do this directly or via Method 1. But there are many parameters cannot be disclosed now.

3. Method Three: Ascent. This is where one simply...Ascends. At this point one is a God and not anything of the above, with powers that borderline these of movies. Not to be expanded upon here.

All the three above are valid, and in all cases, one has attained a level of the Magnum Opus. All of these topics further are highly secluded and occult topics, and they are not meant for just "satisfying curiosity". In order to start understanding in the first place, one has to be on the level even for the basic understanding, higher than this, many things become as they should be, incomprehensible at the current state.

That's why the Gods say on all of these, "Silence is Golden" and let those who understand, understand. Those who understand, will uphold this adage. This Ritual is just a formal introduction to these processes, which while presently in that era difficult to understand, were actually the reason the Gods established spiritual civilizations and prompted humanity to proceed in spiritual development.

There is a reason this is called the "Great Working Of Occultism", is not going to be expanded of the present means of "knowledge", nor by anyone simply because of arrogance or any other related human whim or understanding.

It is a mysterious gate that will only be opened by those who will devote themselves truly to the statuses of the Gods. Yes, quite a few have successfully done these in the past. Yes, humans are perfectly able no matter whom to do these things, provided they follow the path. Yes, that is the Great Work for humanity.

One will know more after they are on these thresholds, directly from the Gods.

and here:

I found this earlier great post too, from HP Cobra, explaining the levels:

"...Anyhow, to dispel some confusion in regards to the Magnum Opus, there is no "singular" Magnum Opus, in the sense that, the level of advancement down this path has broadly three levels. There are levels in between but the case is to explain this with easy understanding.

In Level 1 of the Magnum Opus, one can expect the following:

-A decent connection of the soul to the body
-Siddhis and Powers
-In regards to body and youth, slower [but still progressing] ageing.
-One will still physically die, but one will be more advanced in the union of body and soul.
-The soul at this level needs to be reincarnated to be re-instated into a body, so that it doesn't run out of energy.
-In regards to wisdom, a low but decent level may be present.

An example of this level: Gopi Krishna.

In Level 2 one can expect:

-A very good connection of soul and body
-More Siddhis and Powers [some of which can appear miraculous to others, such as extreme ESP, premonition etc]
-In regards to the body and youth, very graceful ageing. In the case where one grows "old", one will still have virility and capacity of a very young person. At this point, the body can be increasingly rejuvenated by the soul to a powerful degree.
-One may physically die, but one's astral body is "Completed", also called in Pagan Cultures as: "Rainbow Body, Diamond Body, Temple of the Sun, Eternal Body" and so forth.
-The soul does not necessitate instant or forced reincarnation, and can very well exist "individually". One can still reincarnate and rebuild to this level easily.
-At the far end of this level, one can be astrally "Immortal" or have attained "Second Life". One even if killed or they die physically due to old age, accident or other factor they maintain perfect existence and full faculty in the Astral Realm.
-On very far levels of attainment, reincarnation is not only not forced, but also possible to happen "At will".

Examples: Francis Bacon.

In Level 3 one can expect:

-An "almost total" connection of soul and body
-Extensive, or extreme Siddhis or Powers. [Miraculous powers]
-One may regularly age but one can stop ageing, and if achieved after one is of physical age, reversing their physical age is possible. Physical immortality long story short, or extensive capacity to keep the body alive and reverse the ageing clock. All of this is possible.
-Despite of if one will die, one will certainly exist in the "Rainbow Body". Destroying said individuals is closely to an impossibility as far as spiritual means go.
-Reincarnation can still occur, and in some cases of far advancement at will. There were Yogis in the East who instantly reincarnated themselves in another fetus, on will, or who can die at will.
-Extensive wisdom and knowledge of miraculous proportions.
-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events.

Examples: Adolf Hitler, Hindu Legendary Yogis, Asclepius, some of our Gods like Asmodeus who finished the Magnum Opus when the Gods were present on Earth [many thousands of years ago] etc.

These will probably clear misinformation so further knowledge can be based on understanding these precepts. Of course there is not a necessity to see this in "Three Levels", one can also see this as a linear line towards advancing. However, I made this broad categorization to help in understanding the difference between these levels. As far as I can see, these levels can readily be seen for what they represent and as clear "Checkpoints" in the soul's way to the Great Work of the Philosophers."

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Now, to get more information about it, you can consult here:

"A great possibility, a dream, a reality. To be glorious enough to have walked, and humbled enough to say: Finally, I shall become as the Gods.

Like He, Satan Himself, that issued the first call to self-knowledge and said so, keeping His promise: “I shall make thee as Gods!”.

The highest attainment in Spiritual Satanism, but also the capstone of the heavens and the earth"

"I place my affairs in the hands of those whom I have tried and who are in accord with my desires" - Father Satanas

FURTHER, THERE IS TO REMEMBER THIS: the Magnum Opus is the result of what you are, do and become. It is not the starting point for doing good things. It is you becoming the God you want to become by doing good things. Good things are mainly "improving yourself and the universe."

Improve yourself:

How to work for the Universe:

So who created Satan, Satan's planet and the universe itself? The answer:

Now of course you will ask how to reach the Magnum Opus "step by step". But I will not be the one to answer that question. You yourself will get that answer when you are ready (which is not now that you are just starting out), but something might already be good to read: https://joyofsatan.org/Expect.html

This link I gave you at the time is an ideal starting point:


Something VERY important:

You will find a VERY GOOD easy Hatha and Kundalini Yoga routine here:

Other advanced Hatha routines (for a specific chakra:

Other Kundalini routines (for different goals):

About that:

One important thing: Do things progressively, not overnight. Give your body, mind and soul time to adapt the things you add. Start from the bottom. As High Priest HoodedCobra666 explains:

"A lot of people are asking for how long one needs to meditate. There is no how long. These 5 hours meditations sessions, or going to your bathtub for 100,000 repetitions and jumping in water while reciting mantras (this is actual hindu advice for spiritual advancement) can be dangerous. As for the hoax people around who say they are pulling all nighters and the list goes, that's not necessary for most people. Meditation works by quality. In the same way a professional athlete will be able to exercise for far more than normal, a person who began yesterday, if they go for 5 hours in, they will collapse at the hospital possibly with irreversible damage. Playing God and Gangsta here isn't going to do you anything but irreversible damage.

Meditation like weightlifting and any other art needs to be mastered.

People who are strong naturals will be able to lift 50 on their fist go let's say, others 10. Eventually if the 50 guy thinks he can do 150 in the second day, he goes cocky in, and he snaps. One year after, the other guy who persisted does 150 daily like a piece of bread. The other one can't raise weights for shit anymore"

From the pdf by HP HoodedCobra666:

And a little more guidance on HOW MUCH to meditate:

Okay, I think I've cleared up not only the doubt you asked, but also many that you probably would have continued to have. :)
Let me know if you need anything else I am available :)
It depends on what you mean by "God." Read here to better understand the concept of united universal consciousness (which you may mean this by God):

But yes, this Universal Force exists (and it has nothing to do with that Judeo/Christian junk). That said, the definition of God, apart from this kind of universal force, is typically the following which has NOTHING to do with what the creationist Church of Christians promotes:

"In the ancient grimoires, the secret code words for chakra/s are "God/s." The full chakra meditation involves working on all of your seven chakras per meditation session"

"[...] the Egyptian God of the Sun. The word 'God' is also a term for the chakras"

"As most of you know, the code-word "Gods" means the chakras. The all-important '666' chakra, which is the solar plexus chakra; is 'King of the Gods"

SO-when is it that a person can call himself or herself "God/Goddess"?

"There are several different aspects that make up the human soul. [...] the chakras"

"In many grimoires and ancient texts, the code word for "chakra/s" is "God/s." For example, references to certain "words of power" that "command the gods" as seen in Ancient Egyptian spiritual writings. "God" is also a code-word for one's self"

"The final goal of the Spiritual Satanic path, is to achieve the Magnum Opus, meaning "The Great Work" and is the goal of philosophical application of spiritual knowledge. This stands for the transformation of the Soul into "Gold" is the recreation of the soul into the Godhead"

Now, more or less, you have understood the purpose of the Magnum Opus, which is the Divine Condition (which I will explain in a bit what it consists of), but you should read here to understand more or less at the level of processing what the Magnum Opus is based on:

What does the Magnum Opus entail in terms of the Divine Condition for the person?

Read here:

and here:

Now, to get more information about it, you can consult here:

"A great possibility, a dream, a reality. To be glorious enough to have walked, and humbled enough to say: Finally, I shall become as the Gods.

Like He, Satan Himself, that issued the first call to self-knowledge and said so, keeping His promise: “I shall make thee as Gods!”.

The highest attainment in Spiritual Satanism, but also the capstone of the heavens and the earth"

"I place my affairs in the hands of those whom I have tried and who are in accord with my desires" - Father Satanas

FURTHER, THERE IS TO REMEMBER THIS: the Magnum Opus is the result of what you are, do and become. It is not the starting point for doing good things. It is you becoming the God you want to become by doing good things. Good things are mainly "improving yourself and the universe."

Improve yourself:

How to work for the Universe:

So who created Satan, Satan's planet and the universe itself? The answer:

Now of course you will ask how to reach the Magnum Opus "step by step". But I will not be the one to answer that question. You yourself will get that answer when you are ready (which is not now that you are just starting out), but something might already be good to read: https://joyofsatan.org/Expect.html

This link I gave you at the time is an ideal starting point:


Something VERY important:

You will find a VERY GOOD easy Hatha and Kundalini Yoga routine here:

Other advanced Hatha routines (for a specific chakra:

Other Kundalini routines (for different goals):

About that:

One important thing: Do things progressively, not overnight. Give your body, mind and soul time to adapt the things you add. Start from the bottom. As High Priest HoodedCobra666 explains:

«Многие спрашивают, как долго нужно медитировать. Нет ответа на вопрос, как долго. Эти 5-часовые сеансы медитации или 100 000 повторений в ванне и прыжки в воду с чтением мантр (это настоящий индуистский совет для духовного развития) могут быть опасны. Что касается обманщиков, которые говорят, что не спят всю ночь, и так далее, то для большинства людей это не обязательно. Медитация работает за счет качества. Точно так же, как профессиональный спортсмен сможет тренироваться гораздо больше обычного, человек, который начал заниматься вчера, если он просидит 5 часов, свалится в больнице, возможно, с необратимым ущербом. Игра в Бога и гангстера здесь не принесет вам ничего, кроме необратимого ущерба.

Медитацию, как и тяжелую атлетику и любое другое искусство, нужно освоить.

Люди, которые сильны от природы, смогут поднять 50 на кулаках, скажем, другие 10. В конце концов, если парень с 50 думает, что он может поднять 150 на второй день, он становится самоуверенным и срывается. Через год другой парень, который упорствовал, делает 150 ежедневно, как кусок хлеба. Другой больше не может поднимать веса ни хрена"

Из PDF-файла HP HoodedCobra666:

И еще немного рекомендаций о том, СКОЛЬКО нужно медитировать:

Хорошо, я думаю, что я развеял не только те сомнения, о которых вы спросили, но и многие другие, которые у вас, вероятно, еще оставались бы.:)
Дайте мне знать, если вам что-то еще понадобится, я доступен.:)
Thank you for giving me answers to questions I asked and didn't ask. I appreciate it very much, but I still don't understand what God really is. I'm a little slow in the head.All I understood is that Satan and the other gods are the same people as us, but who have advanced spiritually, to the 3rd "level" of Magnum Opus. And Satan and the other gods were created by the same gods.And so on endlessly, because the universe has neither beginning nor end. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you.
According to some articles I read here, beings like devils, angels and God are actually aliens. In spiritual satanism, what exactly are these beings, what are their natures, what are their limits and powers?
Welcome here.
It's exactly how you state in the topic : Satan is indeed the True God, also an Alien (Nordic nace), also a Spiritual Being (with a physical body on another planet, namely Duat in the constellation of Orion).

I don't know much about Marilyn Manson. But I think his music is somehow related to Satan intended as "The Devil", in a wrong view that comes from the mainstream.
It is highly possible that you are unconsciously interested in Satanism and the Ttue God, this is why you reached this website. Here, as others have very well linked and explained to you, you can find exhaustive information. And yes the Demons may reply to you directly, but this require a formal Ritual made humbly and with respect. As you are new and honestly interested, you may receive a blatant message in case you want to try, following the instructions on here.

Some people come here when they are ready.
Le me explain. Before dedicating my Soul, I felt a strong interest in Astronomy, I studied the Planets, observed and took photos of them, read books, etc. Years later I finally dedicated my Soul to Satan. Later on, I understood that I have a natural interest (unconscious) for Astrology, that is spiritual, but I dwelled on Astronomy instead when I was not ready yet, that is physical science. I was on the right path but on the wrong lane, so to speak.
Thank you for giving me answers to questions I asked and didn't ask. I appreciate it very much, but I still don't understand what God really is. I'm a little slow in the head.All I understood is that Satan and the other gods are the same people as us, but who have advanced spiritually, to the 3rd "level" of Magnum Opus. And Satan and the other gods were created by the same gods.And so on endlessly, because the universe has neither beginning nor end. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you.

I will try to clarify in a simpler way so you have a key to better understand the message. I will do my best at least. :)

Yes, Satan and the Gods were not "born" with the third level of the Magnum Opus already achieved by default. This is because everything in life must be conquered: achieved through hard work. And that is what gives us the credit for being who we are.

Satan has parents who brought him into the world just as you have parents who brought you into the world, and this is how it generally works for how people come into the world. Satan and Beelzebul for example are brothers. Just in the sense that they have parents. And Astarte is Satan's daughter and so on. That's the way it works. But that does not diminish their universal power and level. Because the Divine conception that Christians promote (and which is typically stolen from the concept of Unitary Consciousness whose link I sent you) is not a real being (at least Christianly speaking), so you can't say, "Isn't the Christian God the Christian God? So is Satan the Christian God?" no.

Satan is not the substitute to be put in place of the Church Archetype of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ simply does not play a truly Divine role. Satan embodies truly supreme universal values that transcend anything that can be said or conceived, even in the greatest levels. But he truly has every merit for having achieved by his own strength such a condition in which his nature is ineffable.

Now, it should appear clear that God is not something who is always on a throne tapping his fingers out of boredom. Satan is God. He does things. He takes care of the universe. He has a unique charisma. Etc. This is a God and it is the realistic God, who behaves as a God should behave, as a personal entity, that is, who works to improve himself and does things according to his own nature.

Often the problem is that when we define a "God" we are talking about an uncreated and eternal being (i.e., one who has existed forever), and leaving aside Unitary consciousness, but sticking to what we are talking about: Demons...

...it should be clear that standing on a throne snapping fingers does not make you an "eternal God". Working on your soul and doing good things for yourself and the universe in concrete facts. That makes you a TRUE GOD when you achieve Divine status as a result. No one sits forever listening to angels sing in chorus as if that makes him "a God of laziness and uselessness" (see Yahwhen in John's Revelation,, etc.). BUT being born and using this opportunity to elevate yourself as much as you can with perseverance and commitment: it doesn't just make you a hero, on the third level it makes you a complete God.
Я постараюсь объяснить проще, чтобы у вас был ключ к лучшему пониманию сообщения. По крайней мере, я сделаю все возможное.:)

Да, Сатана и Боги не были "рождены" с третьим уровнем Magnum Opus, уже достигнутым по умолчанию. Это потому, что все в жизни должно быть завоевано: достигнуто упорным трудом. И это то, что дает нам честь быть теми, кто мы есть.

У Сатаны есть родители, которые привели его в мир, так же как у вас есть родители, которые привели вас в мир, и именно так это обычно работает для того, как люди приходят в мир. Сатана и Вельзевул, например, являются братьями. Просто в том смысле, что у них есть родители. А Астарта — дочь Сатаны и так далее. Вот как это работает. Но это не умаляет их универсальной силы и уровня. Потому что Божественная концепция, которую продвигают христиане (и которая, как правило, украдена из концепции Единого Сознания, ссылку на которую я вам отправил), не является реальным существом (по крайней мере, с христианской точки зрения), поэтому вы не можете сказать: «Разве христианский Бог не является христианским Богом? Так является ли Сатана христианским Богом?» Нет.

Сатана не является заменой, которую можно поставить вместо церковного архетипа Иисуса Христа. Иисус Христос просто не играет истинно Божественной роли. Сатана воплощает в себе поистине высшие универсальные ценности, которые превосходят все, что можно сказать или помыслить, даже на самых больших уровнях. Но он действительно имеет все заслуги за то, что достиг собственными силами такого состояния, в котором его природа невыразима.

Теперь должно быть ясно, что Бог — это не тот, кто вечно сидит на троне и постукивает пальцами от скуки. Сатана — это Бог. Он творит. Он заботится о вселенной. У него уникальная харизма. И т. д. Это Бог, и это реалистичный Бог, который ведет себя так, как и подобает Богу, как личность, то есть который работает над собой и действует в соответствии со своей собственной природой.

Часто проблема заключается в том, что, когда мы определяем «Бога», мы говорим о несотворенном и вечном существе (т. е. о том, кто существовал вечно), и оставляем в стороне Единое сознание, но придерживаемся того, о чем говорим: Демоны...

...должно быть ясно, что стояние на троне и щелчок пальцами не делает вас «вечным Богом». Работа над своей душой и совершение добрых дел для себя и вселенной в конкретных фактах. Это делает вас ИСТИННЫМ БОГОМ, когда вы в результате достигаете Божественного статуса. Никто не сидит вечно, слушая, как ангелы поют хором, как будто это делает его «богом лени и бесполезности» (см. Яхве в Откровении Иоанна и т. д.). НО рождение и использование этой возможности, чтобы возвысить себя настолько, насколько вы можете, с упорством и преданностью: это не просто делает вас героем, на третьем уровне это делает вас полным Богом.
ТNow I understand, but I still have questions:Where did Satan's father disappear to? If he didn't disappear, then who is he? I just don't remember him being mentioned anywhere.If Satan was not originally omnipotent, and he achieved this, and the same with Satan's father, and Satan's father's father, and so on endlessly, then who was the first god?
and the same with Satan's father, and Satan's father's father, and so on endlessly, then who was the first god?

This is a very common logical fallacy of always wanting to find a creator of a creator, a creator of a creator and its creator again and so on. It is recognized as cognitive bias in studies of Logic and Critical Thinking.

The logical fallacy that everything must have a cause, and that each cause in turn needs another cause, is called the "infinite regression" or "first cause problem." This fallacy leads to an infinite chain of causes without ever arriving at a final explanation.

In modern physics, the principle of causality is not absolute. Quantum mechanics shows that some events, such as radioactive decay or the creation of virtual particles in vacuum, do not have a deterministic cause.

There are examples where phenomena have no cause behind them. The Copenhagen interpretation states that quantum phenomena are fundamentally probabilistic and do not need a prior cause.

The double-slit experiment shows that a particle can behave unpredictably without a definite cause.

Quantum vacuum fluctuation implies that particles and antiparticles can appear spontaneously without an antecedent cause.

Now, obviously you don't have to be so detailed to understand that you don't need Satan to be created by another God with genetic engineering to make it true that Satan created us with genetic engineering. It's just to show how something doesn't always have to have a primary creator cause of the thing.

Now though. All this is clearly true from the purely immediate point of view. But reality is not only what you can notice in the immediate. There are deeper things that cannot be noticed. So yes, as much as it is true of "Satan's parents," etc., it is true in the immediate. It would be like saying your mother slapped you because she was angry.

And that's true in theory. But to simply say that is to omit a truth. It's okay for very simple concepts, but it's not okay if you want a higher understanding of the thing. And then you might ask yourself the deeper reasons why something exists (why was your mother angry? Why did she decide to express it with a slap? Is your mother usually violent? This explores dimensions beyond just "she slapped you because she was angry.")

So when we talk about Satan, his Divinity and coming into the universe, referring to it in purely "third dimension" terms is true up to a point because it remains the way we can conceive of a thing, and it is the limit to where many people can conceive of things. But there are things that are beyond what we allow because we cannot conceive of everything:

Read here:
The coming in Existence of Supreme Satan and the Rulers of Existence Gods is not by the same frame of existence that you have in your third dimensionality. The dimensions of Satan that He creates and is born in, has no beginning nor end, He was, He is , He will be and this has happened for infinite times. Do you understand what I explain here? There is no inception existent that Satan does not preceeds.

That is why you cannot reason in really trivial terms of "who made Satan if Satan made us?"

These are really complicated concepts, and I myself (of course, I am human too) can have difficulty understanding them. Listen also to the corrections of the HPs and JGs on this.
This is a very common logical fallacy of always wanting to find a creator of a creator, a creator of a creator and its creator again and so on. It is recognized as cognitive bias in studies of Logic and Critical Thinking.

The logical fallacy that everything must have a cause, and that each cause in turn needs another cause, is called the "infinite regression" or "first cause problem." This fallacy leads to an infinite chain of causes without ever arriving at a final explanation.

In modern physics, the principle of causality is not absolute. Quantum mechanics shows that some events, such as radioactive decay or the creation of virtual particles in vacuum, do not have a deterministic cause.

There are examples where phenomena have no cause behind them. The Copenhagen interpretation states that quantum phenomena are fundamentally probabilistic and do not need a prior cause.

The double-slit experiment shows that a particle can behave unpredictably without a definite cause.

Quantum vacuum fluctuation implies that particles and antiparticles can appear spontaneously without an antecedent cause.

Now, obviously you don't have to be so detailed to understand that you don't need Satan to be created by another God with genetic engineering to make it true that Satan created us with genetic engineering. It's just to show how something doesn't always have to have a primary creator cause of the thing.

Now though. All this is clearly true from the purely immediate point of view. But reality is not only what you can notice in the immediate. There are deeper things that cannot be noticed. So yes, as much as it is true of "Satan's parents," etc., it is true in the immediate. It would be like saying your mother slapped you because she was angry.

And that's true in theory. But to simply say that is to omit a truth. It's okay for very simple concepts, but it's not okay if you want a higher understanding of the thing. And then you might ask yourself the deeper reasons why something exists (why was your mother angry? Why did she decide to express it with a slap? Is your mother usually violent? This explores dimensions beyond just "she slapped you because she was angry.")

So when we talk about Satan, his Divinity and coming into the universe, referring to it in purely "third dimension" terms is true up to a point because it remains the way we can conceive of a thing, and it is the limit to where many people can conceive of things. But there are things that are beyond what we allow because we cannot conceive of everything:

Read here:

That is why you cannot reason in really trivial terms of "who made Satan if Satan made us?"

These are really complicated concepts, and I myself (of course, I am human too) can have difficulty understanding them. Listen also to the corrections of the HPs and JGs on this.
Thank you, I think i get it now

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
