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is Satan almighty?

Thank you for this nice post, very kind of you. You’re talking out of extreme ignorance, you know anyone can achieve it. Who made you the judge???

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Key point being "when we achieve godhood."

Which you have completed exactly zero percent of. At this point in time, you are only a very little more than nothing. Yes you have the potential to actually complete godhood, but only if you spend years doing serious and consistent work. And you have done none of this work.

It would be best for you if you will actually learn, and put in the work.
Wait, so now you’re now saying that I’m not an equal? I thought you said everyone is equal and no one is allowed to tell you how to go about it! Spiritual satanists can have different opinions, they can choose what to do, self mastery can be another thing E.T.C… I don’t think I’ve connected with the enemy! I notice I’m more empathetic, Satan has also protected me from negative beings and I already said that! And you’re saying that I’m connecting with negative entities??? Erm, nope doesn’t look like it!

Rational Satanist said:
Authentic self said:
And equal as meaning speaking too each other on an equal level, kind of like how you speak with your family as well.

Ah but here's the thing: Let's say your father's name is Mike. Do you talk to him like "Hey Mike, what's up?"? Of course you don't because he's not your equal. Fathers are not equal to their children. This is 100% common sense.

Authentic self said:
Because when we achieve godhood we can become like them or even more powerful.

Yes, when you achieve godhood you will be like them. But you are not now. You are not your father now either. You do respect your father even though you know you will be the same or more powerful than him when you grow up. If you respect your father, how more would be to Satan who is a lot more powerful than your father, who is the father of not only yourself, but all humanity?

I just hope you can see now why what your saying is very disrespectful. Nihilistic stuff like that is what other pseudo-Satanists believe, not Spiritual Satanists. And there's no "god within" as you said. You are not already a god now. You have the potential to become one, but you are not one at the time we're speaking.

The "enns" you mention are enemy nonsense, so if you chanted his "enn" you likely summoned an enemy being unrelated to Satan. This post explains it.
Authentic self said:
Are you trying to say I don’t put in the effort?
I am saying you are not advanced at all in any way. Your soul is as weak and worthless as a AA battery. You have zero experience, zero power, and zero ability. You are as close to nothing as anyone could be.

Of course you are not an equal. In all of the universe, equality absolutely does not exist. There is always someone stronger, someone faster, someone smarter, someone older. There is zero possibility of finding any 2 people who are equal. In many different ways, you will always be worse than other people, and you may also be better than other people in other ways. But nobody is at the same level of anything.

The fact you are here for a couple weeks and you think you are equal or better than everybody who spent years putting in the work every day, it says it all right there. You think you are even equal to the gods. What are you able to do? What sidhis have you developed? How have you advanced your own soul? The answer to all of these is zero. You are just simply retarded. You are basically nothing, and you have achieved absolutely nothing.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Authentic self said:
Are you trying to say I don’t put in the effort?
I am saying you are not advanced at all in any way. Your soul is as weak and worthless as a AA battery. You have zero experience, zero power, and zero ability. You are as close to nothing as anyone could be.

Of course you are not an equal. In all of the universe, equality absolutely does not exist. There is always someone stronger, someone faster, someone smarter, someone older. There is zero possibility of finding any 2 people who are equal. In many different ways, you will always be worse than other people, and you may also be better than other people in other ways. But nobody is at the same level of anything.

The fact you are here for a couple weeks and you think you are equal or better than everybody who spent years putting in the work every day, it says it all right there. You think you are even equal to the gods. What are you able to do? What sidhis have you developed? How have you advanced your own soul? The answer to all of these is zero. You are just simply retarded. You are basically nothing, and you have achieved absolutely nothing.

Ignore the idiot, he is not worth your time.
He definitely hasn’t experienced any Demon before, let alone Father Satan. Or else he would know the difference. He would feel it and realise reality in an instant.

He just here to troll. He doesn’t meditate.
Authentic self said:
Wait, so now you’re now saying that I’m not an equal? I thought you said everyone is equal and no one is allowed to tell you how to go about it! Spiritual satanists can have different opinions, they can choose what to do, self mastery can be another thing E.T.C… I don’t think I’ve connected with the enemy! I notice I’m more empathetic, Satan has also protected me from negative beings and I already said that! And you’re saying that I’m connecting with negative entities??? Erm, nope doesn’t look like it!

Dude you are just an idiot who lacks common sense, and lives in the clouds. Either that or you are flat out a troll.

Tell me, how can you be an equal to your protector?

Have you ever experienced a Demon?
Compare your powerlevels, do you even remotely come close to theirs?
Plus, they don’t come with full power to you.
And you are at full power when they are there.

How can you be an equal to the strongest in this world? How can you dare, to even try to compare yourself to the EMPEROR of this world?
Everybody across the universe and this world knows Satan’s name, dome honour and respect him, and some fear him and tremble in dread.

You are a nothing compared to that.

Should I start worshipping you as well now, just because you think you are an equal? This just shows your level of advancement, experience and understanding. You are weak.
I OBVIOUSLY did Gear88! If you can read, in a way we can become LIKE an EQUAL to them. But anyway it’s whatever… And you guys have the NERVE to say I’m not a true satanist, well you fucking don’t have a leg to stand on and you especially, don’t use that critical thinking! Too call me deluded is total shit, because as far as I know I have had direct contact with Satan and for you people TOO ignore what I have said… Is totally arrogant!!!

I think you guys are just being like this because I don’t refer to them as my ‘gods’ as well… So you got offended, and I’m sorry if it did offend you all! But he didn’t seem like he wanted me to call him that.

Gear88 said:
I don't care much for this thread as it usually turns into a crapfest like it has.

But why do deluded people even bother to reply?

Do they not know that when they reply it's gonna create a counter-fire situation?

I understand sometimes people will have certain properties occur that's one thing. But this whole kinda bullshit mentality people post is beyond me. If you REALLY are delusional why do you even bother to post, if there is no logical, rational thought in you head why bother posting.

It's not gonna bother us we can ignore you or not post your post. It's funny the whole zola thing and kikofery in general. It's okay to believe in shehameforashic lies and believe in non-sensical things but once you put logic it's "Oy vey gevalt oy".

Like seriously have a fucking brain and put factual information. Not some non-sense on some equality bullshit.

Why is everyone promoting this equality, fraternity, participation trophy bullshit. What happen to the old Queen song attitude. "We are the champions my friends, no time for losers cause we are the champions of the World".

I understand being open and advanced soul wise as the Gods in the sense of your kundalini is as risen as theirs, or your third eye is as open as theirs, or your chakras are as empowered, opened, and absorbing energy as theirs. But COME the fuck on equality, EKWALITEZ 'n' sheit is awful. Imagine Animes or Dragonball Z/S/H promoting equality certainly overcoming obstacles requires inequality.

If Satan is equal to you then obviously 540 thousandish years of development isn't enough. Which is retarded, funny humans live nearly 70ish-80ish years on average if they are lucky and create non-sensesical bullshit. Gods live extremely long or forever due to their development and can promote such logic even the most logical human on Earth is taken aback.

Reminds me of nigger music the whole gangstah mentality. If blacks from Civil War lived now at least 200ish-300ish years OH boy are old blacks gonna crush new blacks. I would not be shocked if blacks from the past are told about modern day nigger culture and go "WTF kill all black people whitey is correct".

It's like BCP on youtube, I've got friends and family from Africa who own property and businesses and are surprised by blacks here in the U.S.

I'd rather IF we must live in a multi-cultural society have African blacks who are good and not these enslaved blacks who are acting precisely how the kikes want them to be hamitic slaves aperaging over any little bullshit.

Seriously delusional people Y U Act Delusional use some time to think. Don't non of you contemplate stuff or think for yourself.

A perfect example is my friend, He stated to me "I'm enamored by your deep internalization and deep thoughts on how something applies to yourself". While I've replied "I'm enamored by his deep externalization and his extreme rational, logical I only study things till I understand it and apply it to my conscious mind".

While I'm deeply internal and ask "How should this affect me", he on the other hand is deeply externalized and goes "How would I learn this to apply it to my data banks".

It's a shame we can't combine together or apply an ambiternalization and bring the best of both World's to ourselves. Like my friend mentioned it's like we were two beings as one and were divided in half. A bit delusional I'll admit but I admit he makes a point I'm deeply internal to the point of issues and he is deeply external to the problem of paralysis without information. No wonder Satan is UNEQUAL and the ETERNAL BALANCE.

Seriously delusional people shatter that glass of retardation your only meditating and applying more power to delusions. It's okay to think delusions at times it's part of our imagination and part of our psyche and modern way of living. But it's a very bad thing to apply it to Satanism and National Socialism. I'm sure the delusional state can be transmuted to be something of a logical, applicable thought to magick. Use that imagination for something better.

It's funny jews and these hasbara trolls think they are being successful and perhaps they are. But at the end of the day the panzerwaffe wasn't stopped. JoS keeps on going. We had and continue to have hymie hustles and yet has kikofery won, or has it merely exposed itself for being FOR the kikes for Pisrael.

Funny if Rabbi Luria stated "If God is good, why is there evil?", then the question needs to be asked IF jews are good, why do they do bad things?. Your good "Oh wait" Good for them not for us.

Seriously if jews kvetch incessantly that the bible is good and religion is good. Why do they push it at every corner.

If Shehameforash =s Good, why is it the opposite. Why have xtians as slaves, why bring them down to goyshekopfation levels. Why the destruction, why hate, you believe in all religions.

Kinda like the alien meme posted on Meme Warfare.


I believe in my personal opinion that delusional people can be useful in as much they contemplate stuff to a higher level. But unfortunately lose track of the higher levels and delve into goying themselves up and others.

I wonder if there is ever a mass World ritual to do the reverse shatter the glass and eliminate delusions World-Wide.
You’re another one who never listened!!!! 🙄

NinRick said:
Authentic self said:
Wait, so now you’re now saying that I’m not an equal? I thought you said everyone is equal and no one is allowed to tell you how to go about it! Spiritual satanists can have different opinions, they can choose what to do, self mastery can be another thing E.T.C… I don’t think I’ve connected with the enemy! I notice I’m more empathetic, Satan has also protected me from negative beings and I already said that! And you’re saying that I’m connecting with negative entities??? Erm, nope doesn’t look like it!

Dude you are just an idiot who lacks common sense, and lives in the clouds. Either that or you are flat out a troll.

Tell me, how can you be an equal to your protector?

Have you ever experienced a Demon?
Compare your powerlevels, do you even remotely come close to theirs?
Plus, they don’t come with full power to you.
And you are at full power when they are there.

How can you be an equal to the strongest in this world? How can you dare, to even try to compare yourself to the EMPEROR of this world?
Everybody across the universe and this world knows Satan’s name, dome honour and respect him, and some fear him and tremble in dread.

You are a nothing compared to that.

Should I start worshipping you as well now, just because you think you are an equal? This just shows your level of advancement, experience and understanding. You are weak.
Do you know about self mastery as well, NinRick? My satanic path is trying to get to godhood, which spiritual satanism is all about and you know Satan and his Daemons. But this is where you’re getting confused. It’s a bit of both, I like to be independent most of the time, though Satan has guided me a little bit to improve myself as a person. I like to do things independently sometimes! I have been meditating since before I went to this path, I never had no entity with me. But things started to change, and that’s when I kept getting this intuitive feeling of that I should go to satanism and that path always interested me! Satan and his demons have always interested in fact, you don’t even know my life story… OKAY!
Authentic self said:
Wait, so now you’re now saying that I’m not an equal? I thought you said everyone is equal and no one is allowed to tell you how to go about it! Spiritual satanists can have different opinions, they can choose what to do, self mastery can be another thing E.T.C… I don’t think I’ve connected with the enemy! I notice I’m more empathetic, Satan has also protected me from negative beings and I already said that! And you’re saying that I’m connecting with negative entities???

Why did you need to be protected? You are equals, you could handle it yourself for sure.
Authentic self said:
Let me just say this HoodedCobra, no one told me to think that I’m equal to the Daemons. I have always been like this, which is kind of true. Because when we achieve godhood we can become like them or even more powerful. Humanity’s powers and abilities have been suppressed and hidden for a reason! So yeah… And you think I’m being disrespectful, *huff and puff* I’m not, I have said what I have said! And I see them as a family really. You need to stop thinking I’m being disrespectful to them… It shows you need to be more open minded! And equal as meaning speaking too each other on an equal level, kind of like how you speak with your family as well.
In what ways are you equal to the Gods and Goddesses?
Luciferchild23 said:
Serbon said:
And if he is, why didn't he stop the angels and reptilians cutting him off from us, and other evils?

My view is that once upon a time he was powerful. But then he lost the battle. When all the others gods opposed him because he made people equal to the gods.

I will tell you more simply. Mike Tayson can easy beat 3 people if attacked. But if he attacked by 20, he will not be able to defeat them. Lucifer lost the battle...
and all the demons were slaves.

What we all hope for is that he will regain his strength and return to earth for the final battle with all the demons from hell. However, if you think that he has the power to do anything he wants and he can win reptilians anytime he wants, no, he cant ...
That is why injustice and misery prevail on earth and we go from evil to the worst...
What you said is true, yours is just a view.
No gods that were his allies have opposed him for making us equal to them, that's just zacharia sitchin(jew) lies.
There's two sides of war, one between the enemy gods and Satan, Satan has won that war, the other side is us against the jews, and we have practically won, it's just a matter of time.
The Demons have never been enslaved, they were cut off from us, like when you use a jammer near a phone to make it difficult to contact.

Your post reeks of demoralisation.
Aquarius said:
Luciferchild23 said:
Serbon said:
And if he is, why didn't he stop the angels and reptilians cutting him off from us, and other evils?

My view is that once upon a time he was powerful. But then he lost the battle. When all the others gods opposed him because he made people equal to the gods.

I will tell you more simply. Mike Tayson can easy beat 3 people if attacked. But if he attacked by 20, he will not be able to defeat them. Lucifer lost the battle...
and all the demons were slaves.

What we all hope for is that he will regain his strength and return to earth for the final battle with all the demons from hell. However, if you think that he has the power to do anything he wants and he can win reptilians anytime he wants, no, he cant ...
That is why injustice and misery prevail on earth and we go from evil to the worst...
What you said is true, yours is just a view.
No gods that were his allies have opposed him for making us equal to them, that's just zacharia sitchin(jew) lies.
There's two sides of war, one between the enemy gods and Satan, Satan has won that war, the other side is us against the jews, and we have practically won, it's just a matter of time.
The Demons have never been enslaved, they were cut off from us, like when you use a jammer near a phone to make it difficult to contact.

Your post reeks of demoralisation.

As far as I know maxine and the other priests worked hard to free the demons. In the past, Satan and the demons lost the battle. Then he won it after the Priests fought day and night to liberate them and regain their strength ... Also, Asmodeus was not the one who was bound by Solomon and forced him to build the temple of Solomon ... how you say they were not slaves then ...... ???
Aquarius said:
Luciferchild23 said:
Serbon said:
And if he is, why didn't he stop the angels and reptilians cutting him off from us, and other evils?

My view is that once upon a time he was powerful. But then he lost the battle. When all the others gods opposed him because he made people equal to the gods.

I will tell you more simply. Mike Tayson can easy beat 3 people if attacked. But if he attacked by 20, he will not be able to defeat them. Lucifer lost the battle...
and all the demons were slaves.

What we all hope for is that he will regain his strength and return to earth for the final battle with all the demons from hell. However, if you think that he has the power to do anything he wants and he can win reptilians anytime he wants, no, he cant ...
That is why injustice and misery prevail on earth and we go from evil to the worst...
What you said is true, yours is just a view.
No gods that were his allies have opposed him for making us equal to them, that's just zacharia sitchin(jew) lies.
There's two sides of war, one between the enemy gods and Satan, Satan has won that war, the other side is us against the jews, and we have practically won, it's just a matter of time.
The Demons have never been enslaved, they were cut off from us, like when you use a jammer near a phone to make it difficult to contact.

Your post reeks of demoralisation.

"The Jews infect as many of the Gentiles' sources of power as they can. From within, they either seek to gain complete control, or to infect and destroy through distortion.

Modern Freemasonry now intends with the reconstruction of the "Temple of Solomon". Anyone who knows about the biblical construction of this building knows that our Demons, specifically Asmodeus, were violently abused and forced to build it against their will by the Jew "Solomon" also known as "Solomon". According to Lewis Ginzberg's book Legends of the Jews, Asmodeus was "chained."

As most of us know, the Goetia Demons, the Gods of the Gentiles, have been bound and degraded for centuries."
Aquarius said:
Luciferchild23 said:
Serbon said:
And if he is, why didn't he stop the angels and reptilians cutting him off from us, and other evils?

My view is that once upon a time he was powerful. But then he lost the battle. When all the others gods opposed him because he made people equal to the gods.

I will tell you more simply. Mike Tayson can easy beat 3 people if attacked. But if he attacked by 20, he will not be able to defeat them. Lucifer lost the battle...
and all the demons were slaves.

What we all hope for is that he will regain his strength and return to earth for the final battle with all the demons from hell. However, if you think that he has the power to do anything he wants and he can win reptilians anytime he wants, no, he cant ...
That is why injustice and misery prevail on earth and we go from evil to the worst...
What you said is true, yours is just a view.
No gods that were his allies have opposed him for making us equal to them, that's just zacharia sitchin(jew) lies.
There's two sides of war, one between the enemy gods and Satan, Satan has won that war, the other side is us against the jews, and we have practically won, it's just a matter of time.
The Demons have never been enslaved, they were cut off from us, like when you use a jammer near a phone to make it difficult to contact.

Your post reeks of demoralisation.

"I wrote this sermon long before I first came to Satanism. Much has been done since then. This Sermon speaks of the torment of spirits. Demons are NO longer trapped. Five Priests of Satan did energy work with each of the Demons and united their souls with their own over a period of four months."
HP Maxine dietrich

"Demons are NO longer trapped."
this made me realize that they were trapped by the enemy. If I'm wrong tell me what it means
This is when I was starting out on my path, I hardly don’t need to be protected anymore. :)

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Authentic self said:
Wait, so now you’re now saying that I’m not an equal? I thought you said everyone is equal and no one is allowed to tell you how to go about it! Spiritual satanists can have different opinions, they can choose what to do, self mastery can be another thing E.T.C… I don’t think I’ve connected with the enemy! I notice I’m more empathetic, Satan has also protected me from negative beings and I already said that! And you’re saying that I’m connecting with negative entities???

Why did you need to be protected? You are equals, you could handle it yourself for sure.

Congrats on seeing yourself as an equal to Emperor of Gods, Diogenes. Can you enlighten us with your profound philosophy? Maybe we all should just live in a barrel and don't work for anything? Because we are just equals and things like power, responsibility and riches doesn't really exist or matter! Who would have thought? We were equals with heavens above all along even without sweating a sweat!

Might i ask what responsibilities you shoulder with your great power? Because you know power comes with responsibility! Maybe you protect the masses from enemy? Maybe you are a person full of wisdom and knowledge and you are repairing ancient technologies with it? Maybe you are guiding others to enlightenment and ascension? Maybe you are an emperor of intergalactic empire? You don't need to say. We know the answer the answer of ours truly.

You don't hve knowledge, insight, wisdom, power or anything of worth. To see yourself as an equal to someone, you need to have a somewhat
of a similar standing. Yours is just a daydream. You still need protection from Gods for basic parasites and you are content with it. Most of the people feel like they should get strong enough to protect themselves as soon as possible. Yet you are content with weakness and celebrate it.

Also you won't be stronger than the most when you ascend or became a God. Gods also get stronger day by day. You don't have an assigned power level after becoming one. That's also the reason why Satan is still the strongest being. He didn't stop where he was and got stronger. Yet you see yourself as an equal to him. Expecting an equal standing, an equal respect? What respectable capabilities you have to say that?

How can one be so arrogant that he can't even see the difference between a larva and a dragon? How can you be so blind to not know your own capabilities?

No one has a direct issue with you. But you disrespected the teacher, father, leader and protector of humanity. What did you expect other than harsh treatment?
Luciferchild23 said:
Aquarius said:
Luciferchild23 said:
My view is that once upon a time he was powerful. But then he lost the battle. When all the others gods opposed him because he made people equal to the gods.

I will tell you more simply. Mike Tayson can easy beat 3 people if attacked. But if he attacked by 20, he will not be able to defeat them. Lucifer lost the battle...
and all the demons were slaves.

What we all hope for is that he will regain his strength and return to earth for the final battle with all the demons from hell. However, if you think that he has the power to do anything he wants and he can win reptilians anytime he wants, no, he cant ...
That is why injustice and misery prevail on earth and we go from evil to the worst...
What you said is true, yours is just a view.
No gods that were his allies have opposed him for making us equal to them, that's just zacharia sitchin(jew) lies.
There's two sides of war, one between the enemy gods and Satan, Satan has won that war, the other side is us against the jews, and we have practically won, it's just a matter of time.
The Demons have never been enslaved, they were cut off from us, like when you use a jammer near a phone to make it difficult to contact.

Your post reeks of demoralisation.

"I wrote this sermon long before I first came to Satanism. Much has been done since then. This Sermon speaks of the torment of spirits. Demons are NO longer trapped. Five Priests of Satan did energy work with each of the Demons and united their souls with their own over a period of four months."
HP Maxine dietrich

"Demons are NO longer trapped."
this made me realize that they were trapped by the enemy. If I'm wrong tell me what it means
Trapped is different from enslaved.
Nobody can enslave the Gods, but their influence on this planet was greatly diminished because of enemy magick.
Aquarius said:
Luciferchild23 said:
Serbon said:
And if he is, why didn't he stop the angels and reptilians cutting him off from us, and other evils?

My view is that once upon a time he was powerful. But then he lost the battle. When all the others gods opposed him because he made people equal to the gods.

I will tell you more simply. Mike Tayson can easy beat 3 people if attacked. But if he attacked by 20, he will not be able to defeat them. Lucifer lost the battle...
and all the demons were slaves.

What we all hope for is that he will regain his strength and return to earth for the final battle with all the demons from hell. However, if you think that he has the power to do anything he wants and he can win reptilians anytime he wants, no, he cant ...
That is why injustice and misery prevail on earth and we go from evil to the worst...

"No gods that were his allies have opposed him for making us equal to them"

"and we have practically won, it's just a matter of time"

I did not mention the word allies anywhere .. I just said other alien gods.

nature rushes daily. The 2017 loss recorded by Global Forest Watch was 29.4 million hectares, the second highest since the record started in 2001. The seas are polluted, animal species such as condors, baiji river dolphin, dodo and others have become extinct. Αnimals suffer and are tortured. Thousands of children die in Africa, Children are raped and killed, Injustice, wars, Zero laws grief, terror and misery prevail in the human race and you say that we have won practically ...
Aquarius said:
Luciferchild23 said:
Aquarius said:
What you said is true, yours is just a view.
No gods that were his allies have opposed him for making us equal to them, that's just zacharia sitchin(jew) lies.
There's two sides of war, one between the enemy gods and Satan, Satan has won that war, the other side is us against the jews, and we have practically won, it's just a matter of time.
The Demons have never been enslaved, they were cut off from us, like when you use a jammer near a phone to make it difficult to contact.

Your post reeks of demoralisation.

"I wrote this sermon long before I first came to Satanism. Much has been done since then. This Sermon speaks of the torment of spirits. Demons are NO longer trapped. Five Priests of Satan did energy work with each of the Demons and united their souls with their own over a period of four months."
HP Maxine dietrich

"Demons are NO longer trapped."
this made me realize that they were trapped by the enemy. If I'm wrong tell me what it means
Trapped is different from enslaved.
Nobody can enslave the Gods, but their influence on this planet was greatly diminished because of enemy magick.
and what about that??
"The Jews infect as many of the Gentiles' sources of power as they can. From within, they either seek to gain complete control, or to infect and destroy through distortion.

Modern Freemasonry now intends with the reconstruction of the "Temple of Solomon". Anyone who knows about the biblical construction of this building knows that our Demons, specifically Asmodeus, were violently abused and forced to build it against their will by the Jew "Solomon" also known as "Solomon". According to Lewis Ginzberg's book Legends of the Jews, Asmodeus was "chained."
HP Maxine Dietrich
Meteor said:
Luciferchild23 said:
Aquarius said:
What you said is true, yours is just a view.
No gods that were his allies have opposed him for making us equal to them, that's just zacharia sitchin(jew) lies.
There's two sides of war, one between the enemy gods and Satan, Satan has won that war, the other side is us against the jews, and we have practically won, it's just a matter of time.
The Demons have never been enslaved, they were cut off from us, like when you use a jammer near a phone to make it difficult to contact.

Your post reeks of demoralisation.

"I wrote this sermon long before I first came to Satanism. Much has been done since then. This Sermon speaks of the torment of spirits. Demons are NO longer trapped. Five Priests of Satan did energy work with each of the Demons and united their souls with their own over a period of four months."
HP Maxine dietrich

"Demons are NO longer trapped."
this made me realize that they were trapped by the enemy. If I'm wrong tell me what it means

Thinking rationally about what it means, I'd assume it means that the enemy made it more difficult for humans to contact specific Demons (for example by distorting perceptions), and the priests undid this. Telepathic networking works in complicated ways, so I'll keep my speculation about what exactly they did to myself since I likely wouldn't be able to explain it well even if I understood it fully.

Modern Freemasonry now intends with the reconstruction of the "Temple of Solomon". Anyone who knows about the biblical construction of this building knows that our Demons, specifically Asmodeus, were violently abused and forced to build it against their will by the Jew "Solomon" also known as "Solomon". According to Lewis Ginzberg's book Legends of the Jews, Asmodeus was "chained."

As most of us know, the Goetia Demons, the Gods of the Gentiles, have been bound and degraded for centuries."
ΗΠ Maxine Dietrich

and what about "chained"??
Βasically I know that Asmodeus was chained by Solomon the garbage.Asmodeus told me by himself In real time not in hypnosis... I just show it to you and in writing.

That is why the Christians garbages says that Asmodeus is bad and allegedly helped Solomon the rotten shit. In fact, Asmodeus was a slave and forced to help him.

to learn in the past too many demons were imprisoned enslaved and became servants of magicians. The magicians used them to achieve their sick desires using grimaces, protection circles, etc. Asmodeus one told Solomon "protect yourself from your circles now but when you die and come up I will break you" . That is why all the demons are disgusted the circles. When the demons lost their power, they became the pawns of many magicians. You do not even know the basics ...
I will explain all of these in another topic, although, I think we already have.
Basically this is about a megaton of facts, and not fit for weak stomach people. Most of the LHP is just weak and/or drugs, and they don't want any input.

Spare them the mental pain and let them LARP.

Hermit of 13 Swords said:

Congrats on seeing yourself as an equal to Emperor of Gods, Diogenes. Can you enlighten us with your profound philosophy? Maybe we all should just live in a barrel and don't work for anything? Because we are just equals and things like power, responsibility and riches doesn't really exist or matter! Who would have thought? We were equals with heavens above all along even without sweating a sweat!

Might i ask what responsibilities you shoulder with your great power? Because you know power comes with responsibility! Maybe you protect the masses from enemy? Maybe you are a person full of wisdom and knowledge and you are repairing ancient technologies with it? Maybe you are guiding others to enlightenment and ascension? Maybe you are an emperor of intergalactic empire? You don't need to say. We know the answer the answer of ours truly.

You don't hve knowledge, insight, wisdom, power or anything of worth. To see yourself as an equal to someone, you need to have a somewhat
of a similar standing. Yours is just a daydream. You still need protection from Gods for basic parasites and you are content with it. Most of the people feel like they should get strong enough to protect themselves as soon as possible. Yet you are content with weakness and celebrate it.

Also you won't be stronger than the most when you ascend or became a God. Gods also get stronger day by day. You don't have an assigned power level after becoming one. That's also the reason why Satan is still the strongest being. He didn't stop where he was and got stronger. Yet you see yourself as an equal to him. Expecting an equal standing, an equal respect? What respectable capabilities you have to say that?

How can one be so arrogant that he can't even see the difference between a larva and a dragon? How can you be so blind to not know your own capabilities?

No one has a direct issue with you. But you disrespected the teacher, father, leader and protector of humanity. What did you expect other than harsh treatment?
I wasn’t talking to YOU! And what’s funny is, you’ve been accused of being a troll on here… HA!!! And you can take your flawed insults and shove them. Because, I’m not Jewish you shit stain!

Logan said:
You are not crazy .You are a stupid and Jewish patient That you think you are intelligent
Go fuck yourself elsewhere.
Serbon said:
And if he is, why didn't he stop the angels and reptilians cutting him off from us, and other evils?

I dint clearly gave my answer, I read other things and i answer hastily. I will tell you what I know. Even if it has nothing to do with the response of the respected Hp HoodedCobra and others SS. Yes it once was!! and could dissolve them all and now he has regained his powers and will come to earth with the demons and destroy them all. The battle is not only spiritual. What many here say that the battle on earth is only from humans I can not accept based on what is happening to me and guides me.

Here is an excerpt from SATAN'S BLACK BOOK

"I was, I am now, and I have no end. I exercise dominion over all creations and over all the assumptions of all those who are under the protection of my image. I am everywhere to help all those who trust me, and call me when they need me. There is no place in the universe that does not know my presence.

No God has the right to interfere in my affairs, and I have made it an inviolable rule that everyone should avoid worshiping all the gods. All the books of the intruders have been changed by them - and rejected by them, even though they were written by prophets and apostles. The fact that there are interferences oversees the fact that every sect tries to prove that others are wrong and to destroy their books.

To me, truth and falsehood are known. When the temptation comes, I give my contract to the one who believes in me.I take part in all cases, which those who are without me call bad because their nature is not what they approve of. Each age has its own leader, who directs affairs according to My decrees. This power changes from generation to generation, so that the ruler of this world and his leaders can dismiss the duties of respectful rulers, each in turn. I let everyone follow the decrees of their nature, but he who opposes me will regret it painfully.

In addition, I give a session to the competent bodies, because I have arranged them for periods that are known to Me. I remember the necessary tasks and carry them out at the right time. I teach and guide those who follow my advice. He who obeys Me and obeys My commands, let him have happiness, joy, and comfort"

Hail Melek Taus!!!
Your apostle and luminous till the end
Now it 's all a matter of time
FancyMancy said:
Authentic self said:
Let me just say this HoodedCobra, no one told me to think that I’m equal to the Daemons. I have always been like this, which is kind of true. Because when we achieve godhood we can become like them or even more powerful. Humanity’s powers and abilities have been suppressed and hidden for a reason! So yeah… And you think I’m being disrespectful, *huff and puff* I’m not, I have said what I have said! And I see them as a family really. You need to stop thinking I’m being disrespectful to them… It shows you need to be more open minded! And equal as meaning speaking too each other on an equal level, kind of like how you speak with your family as well.
In what ways are you equal to the Gods and Goddesses?
Why jew ignore me, mang? My question wasn't rhetorical.
I already said it numpty. Also you’re ‘friends’ have seemed to have ignored it… They called me retarded. I don’t really care now, you guys believe what you want. As I was agreeing with caster and then you guy jumped on the bandwagon like a bunch of wolves!!! You won’t get anything, and you always use the word ‘Jew’ if nothing goes your way or even for the people you talk to on here… lol how pathetic. Remember the inner god. Does that ring a bell??? (FancyMancy).
FancyMancy said:
FancyMancy said:
Authentic self said:
Let me just say this HoodedCobra, no one told me to think that I’m equal to the Daemons. I have always been like this, which is kind of true. Because when we achieve godhood we can become like them or even more powerful. Humanity’s powers and abilities have been suppressed and hidden for a reason! So yeah… And you think I’m being disrespectful, *huff and puff* I’m not, I have said what I have said! And I see them as a family really. You need to stop thinking I’m being disrespectful to them… It shows you need to be more open minded! And equal as meaning speaking too each other on an equal level, kind of like how you speak with your family as well.
In what ways are you equal to the Gods and Goddesses?
Why jew ignore me, mang? My question wasn't rhetorical.

It was rhetorical brother.

-> He is nothing compared to our Goddesses and Gods of Hell, let alone Father Satan, who is the highest God of all, and true emperor of this World.
Damn it cobra where’s my other replies??? I literally sent messages through to NinRick, Logan and too FancyMancy!
Luciferchild23 said:
Aquarius said:
Luciferchild23 said:
"I wrote this sermon long before I first came to Satanism. Much has been done since then. This Sermon speaks of the torment of spirits. Demons are NO longer trapped. Five Priests of Satan did energy work with each of the Demons and united their souls with their own over a period of four months."
HP Maxine dietrich

"Demons are NO longer trapped."
this made me realize that they were trapped by the enemy. If I'm wrong tell me what it means
Trapped is different from enslaved.
Nobody can enslave the Gods, but their influence on this planet was greatly diminished because of enemy magick.
and what about that??
"The Jews infect as many of the Gentiles' sources of power as they can. From within, they either seek to gain complete control, or to infect and destroy through distortion.

Modern Freemasonry now intends with the reconstruction of the "Temple of Solomon". Anyone who knows about the biblical construction of this building knows that our Demons, specifically Asmodeus, were violently abused and forced to build it against their will by the Jew "Solomon" also known as "Solomon". According to Lewis Ginzberg's book Legends of the Jews, Asmodeus was "chained."
HP Maxine Dietrich

This is a legend of the jews, and what THEY say of the Demons, and their intentions. Not precisely what "happened".

Do you really think they had someone on a chain building something with a pickaxe?
Authentic self said:
I already said it numpty. Also you’re ‘friends’ have seemed to have ignored it… They called me retarded. I don’t really care now, you guys believe what you want. As I was agreeing with caster and then you guy jumped on the bandwagon like a bunch of wolves!!! You won’t get anything, and you always use the word ‘Jew’ if nothing goes your way or even for the people you talk to on here… lol how pathetic. Remember the inner god. Does that ring a bell??? (FancyMancy).
Your mum's a numpty and pathetic. That's why you exist. I don't have "friends" here; I was replying to you and no-one else, and you know that. Try arguing properly. I can't speak for you or anyone else here, but I don't believe what I want; I prefer to know the truth. You were agreeing with Caster then I guy jumped on the bandwagon like a bunch of wolves? Yeah, that sentence makes sense... I think I am only one person. I won't get anything what? I used the word "jew" in a silly way, and you know I did. Forget arguing properly; instead, try learning how to argue - and make sure you stay on-topic. If things hadn't have been going our way, then I wonder how the jew has been, and is continuing to be, outed more and more since the creation of the JoS. What "inner god"? No, it does not ring a bell.

I answered you here; earlier in the thread I also replied to you. Go back and read what I said and you will know I was not jumping on any wagon like any form of canine or anything else. I was trying to reply to you and you attacked me. You need to have the last word, so you can have it. Enjoy your shit non-equal-with-the-Gods-and-Goddesses life. You won't and can't explain how and why you think you are equal with the Gods and Goddesses as much as an idiot can't explain why it is an idiot - and no, don't bother inferring that I am calling you an idiot; I told you to learn how to argue properly and on-topic, so stop being stupid - yes, now I attack - rather, retalliate - back to you. Get a life. Also have the last word; you need it.
NinRick said:
FancyMancy said:
FancyMancy said:
In what ways are you equal to the Gods and Goddesses?
Why jew ignore me, mang? My question wasn't rhetorical.

It was rhetorical brother.

-> He is nothing compared to our Goddesses and Gods of Hell, let alone Father Satan, who is the highest God of all, and true emperor of this World.
Oh, I know that. That is very obvious. It is plain and clear that he/she/it stoops to attacks, ignorance and delusions without any valid explan-- no, without any form of valid explanation as to why. That behaviour and attitude surely is eEkWaLiTeE.
Father Satan is all powerful because Father Satan is God!
Father Satan is divine!!!

Remember the amount of energy the aliens or spirits have determines the power of the team
The only reason why Father Satan and the demons lost in the past is because there was too many of them Yahweh’s teams energy was even beyond all power because there were too many this was the enemy Yahweh’s team there was Yahweh,Jesus,the Holy Spirit ,the greys,the reptilians aka the Jews,the angels and possibly even more alien races so no wonder why the enemy Yahweh’s team power was even stronger than Father Satans all power

But back then Father Satan didn’t have us which is another reason why
But now Father Satan has us
So when you and I become gods through the magnum opus
Then our team will be Father Satan aka all powerful God!
And the gods/demons and we humans/gods
After we humans/gentiles become gods Yahweh/Jews have no power over us anymore which means Father Satan will kill Yahweh and Yahweh’s team

Praise/power/worship and glory to Father Satan aka God!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
