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is Satan almighty?

Caster said:
NinRick said:
Strength needs understanding, and from strength there comes understanding
Yes and you are the one who lack basic understanding, saying that satan is omnipresent, the al jilwah "there is not place that knows not my presence" was referring to the "chi" which is everywhere and in everything. I thought you even new better, this shows you have little experience and know little about him. You are still stuck in the Jewish explanation of God. You are the one who's way weaker than voiceofEnki not me.

Okay let me explain it this way.

You know, Satan is the highest God of all, and the Emperor of this World.. HE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND BUSIEST BEING IN THIS WORLD!

Do we agree on that? Good!

Now, Satan is able to multitask hardcore and perceive ALL of us, when we for example talk to him. His physical Body is also busy with other material tasks, and yet, he can appear to MANY people at the same time, and tell them different things.

Do we still agree on that? Good!

Now when you meditate you can put your attention to one space, that is far away. Now, when Satan is able to do that, and also able to multitask hardcore, he can also „be“ everywhere with his attention at all times.

This is probably not how it works tho, but it is just to explain you one possible way.

I can not fathom how Satan is able to do that. But he is indeed able to pull that off, 24/7 all 365 days a year.
Caster said:
NinRick said:
Strength needs understanding, and from strength there comes understanding
Yes and you are the one who lack basic understanding, saying that satan is omnipresent, the al jilwah "there is not place that knows not my presence" was referring to the "chi" which is everywhere and in everything. I thought you even new better, this shows you have little experience and know little about him. You are still stuck in the Jewish explanation of God. You are the one who's way weaker than voiceofEnki not me.

And dude don’t try to teach me something, my experience has already taught me that.
Caster said:
NinRick said:
Strength needs understanding, and from strength there comes understanding
Yes and you are the one who lack basic understanding, saying that satan is omnipresent, the al jilwah "there is not place that knows not my presence" was referring to the "chi" which is everywhere and in everything. I thought you even new better, this shows you have little experience and know little about him. You are still stuck in the Jewish explanation of God. You are the one who's way weaker than voiceofEnki not me.

Also a small tip from me. It is counter-productive to think you are stronger than you actually are.
It is important to be open, and also to have solid base, so you have to master the basics.
Take your time with this, as you are building on top of that, and it will stay with you forever.

Also, Hierarchy is real and important. It is better for you individually, when you detect stronger people and admit that they are stronger than you - then they can teach you and you can learn from them! This helps you tremendously in your own advancement. You will advance faster!
Trust me, if other people like our HP HoodedCobra to have real HighPriests for guidance - oh hell, they would GLADLY accept their guidance, HPHC is very strong right now, but if HPHC HAD A HP LIKE HIM WHEN HE WAS NEW, HE WOULD BE MUCH STRONGER RIGHT NOW!

We have the privilege to learn from our HighPriest, and all information is readily available, on a silver plate.
Don’t take this for granted, as this is not.
Other people have worked HARD for that, mainly HPS Maxine and HPHoodedCobra.

Also don’t harm your relationship with stronger people like VoiceOfEnki, as he won’t help you if he doesn’t like you - he is obligated to help you, he does that because he is a nice person. Nobody is forcing him.
Caster said:
I understand what you are saying but don't follow that, I don't support the idea of deifying other people, you may think Satan is a God but I will use the term he is godlike. Satan is powerful, benevolent and on a much higher level of evolution to humans, and he wants to help humans ascend, but is he our God. Probably not. Am not going to keep arguing about what the word God means because to me God can mean many things, it can be the soul, the forces of nature, the universe, or the pure creative force from which all existence and consciousness is born. People say this is the aether but I think the aether is just energy and is not the source of all creation, I think there are much higher force that are higher than the aether. Am not trying to discredit you, you just seem to call other people your God but I do not.because these Gods are people as well, I do not have any God. I am advancing to godhead and I do not believe any extraterrestrial or human to be my God even if they are very powerful. I don't take them as Gods.
You're trying to lecture VoiceofEnki of all people...
Listen dude you can have your opinion, but we have facts. Don't think you can come here and tell us Satan is not a God, you're a nobody to say such a thing. This is not a place of opinions, but of facts, keep that in your mind next time you think you can lecture SS who are here and have had more experiences than you did.
Caster said:
Lastly I follow Satan as well because I follow what is good and light, but I do not worship him as a God or see him as my creator God, to me he's just a being with advance power and I do not deify him as some highest God in the universe.

This answer goes for both you and ninRick

I see so you follow Satan as long as you gain personal benefit from it. Thus you are not ready to do everything for Satan at all costs, no matter what.
This means also, that if it benefits you, you would leave Satan.

In this world there is no „good“ and „bad“.
For the jews we are bad, as we return their curses and destroy their spiritual foundation.
For us the jews are evil, as they want to destroy the white race and enslave humanity.

There is no „good“ and „bad“. This is only perspective. You have to choose a side. And then it is either do or die.
Caster said:

I know for sure he is not my God
I'm taking this as your admission of (((tribe))) membership.

I do not worship him as a God or see him as my creator God
He is the creator of humanity. That is official JoS teachings, and said by HPS Maxine herself. She said he is the true Creator God of humanity. If he's not your creator then you're a jew. Bye bye.
Caster said:
Your blabbering nonsense makes you look even more stupid, you don't realize your not as experienced as you think, heirachy dose not equal deification fool, you have this deluded reasoning that because something is superior to us we should take it as God. A really primitive form of reasoning even though you think you are advanced, the reptilians are in shut real beings, so you are deceiving yourself, and because Satan is higher than me dosnt mean I will take him as my God, I know for sure he is not my God even though he may be different other things, the idea of deification does not appeal to me. You can be as powerful as you want but you can not be my God that is it. So you can keep ramble your primitive reasonings of extraterrestrial deification. I can respect beings that are superior to me and are benevolent, but I do not deify them as my Gods or call them my Gods simple child.

Secondly your quote on braman is even worst than the first one.because braman is an energy consciousness and not No Thing. Braman does not have anything to do with the second death of the soul, he helps in the advancement of the soul to godhead, which is why the godhead in the east is know as the bramans loka, and the part to raise the kundalini is clearly written in the "Brahman vidya". As stupid as your explanation is you still try to call me a fool when you are the big fool

Lastly I follow Satan as well because I follow what is good and light, but I do not worship him as a God or see him as my creator God, to me he's just a being with advance power and I do not deify him as some highest God in the universe.

This answer goes for both you and ninRick

Pfft hahaha. You’re here on the JoS telling other people to read its content while you continue to think Father Satan isn’t the Creator God of humanity? You’re a joke.

Father does not want slavish worship. But regardless, if you don’t consider him your Creator and a deity, how can you follow him when you reject one very key thing about his existence?

Our High Priests are superior to us, do we call them Gods because they are superior? No, they are High Priests, they have not yet reached the level of advancement to become deified yet. You should read HP HoodedCobra’s recent post about spiritual rank among our Gods.

Why am I even trying to reason with you? I’ve not seen anyone around here before argue so strongly that Father Satan is not their Creator.
Aren't you the one deifying a force into what you call "God"?

Can you further explain by what you mean when you say "God"? Is it aware of itself? Does it have a name? Is it a force or a being?
tabby said:
Caster said:
Your blabbering nonsense makes you look even more stupid, you don't realize your not as experienced as you think, heirachy dose not equal deification fool, you have this deluded reasoning that because something is superior to us we should take it as God. A really primitive form of reasoning even though you think you are advanced, the reptilians are in shut real beings, so you are deceiving yourself, and because Satan is higher than me dosnt mean I will take him as my God, I know for sure he is not my God even though he may be different other things, the idea of deification does not appeal to me. You can be as powerful as you want but you can not be my God that is it. So you can keep ramble your primitive reasonings of extraterrestrial deification. I can respect beings that are superior to me and are benevolent, but I do not deify them as my Gods or call them my Gods simple child.

Secondly your quote on braman is even worst than the first one.because braman is an energy consciousness and not No Thing. Braman does not have anything to do with the second death of the soul, he helps in the advancement of the soul to godhead, which is why the godhead in the east is know as the bramans loka, and the part to raise the kundalini is clearly written in the "Brahman vidya". As stupid as your explanation is you still try to call me a fool when you are the big fool

Lastly I follow Satan as well because I follow what is good and light, but I do not worship him as a God or see him as my creator God, to me he's just a being with advance power and I do not deify him as some highest God in the universe.

This answer goes for both you and ninRick

Pfft hahaha. You’re here on the JoS telling other people to read its content while you continue to think Father Satan isn’t the Creator God of humanity? You’re a joke.

Father does not want slavish worship. But regardless, if you don’t consider him your Creator and a deity, how can you follow him when you reject one very key thing about his existence?

Our High Priests are superior to us, do we call them Gods because they are superior? No, they are High Priests, they have not yet reached the level of advancement to become deified yet. You should read HP HoodedCobra’s recent post about spiritual rank among our Gods.

Why am I even trying to reason with you? I’ve not seen anyone around here before argue so strongly that Father Satan is not their Creator.

Yeah I have also no clue why I tried to argue with him.

All I read was: "Please punch me NinRick! Punch me!"
Caster said:
An just to give one last example so your more primitive brain can understand, since you like the idea of having a space daddy or a space God.
To end this let's say we humans manage to achieve some level of advancement and we build a spaceship for intergalactic travel, let's say we go to a planet that is similar to earth, were majority of the people are primitive, don't respect each other and are lost and there is always war and death, if we" the more civilized people go there with our technology and offer to teach them civilization and give some amount of spiritual information some of those people will call us gods, they will worship us. That is same how most humans do to E.Ts, I have heard some stories were extraterrestrials refused to get much involved with earth humans because they dont want humans to look up to them as Gods.

Of course it is people like you that will think like that but people like me know better, the idea of a space daddy dosnt apply to me, you can fuck off right now if you think am going to listen to your lower sense of reasoning.

Why Hello there, perhaps I can help. What is it you are trying to understand? There is a being that Created us Gentiles, our bodies and Souls, he has protected us for millennia and has guided us this life to becoming a God. God means supreme minded one, and in religious texts refers to a higher force that created us, It would seem he falls under both these definitions.

Why would there be an issue in bringing Honor to said person as a God for all he has done for us?
Caster said:
An just to give one last example so your more primitive brain can understand, since you like the idea of having a space daddy or a space God.
To end this let's say we humans manage to achieve some level of advancement and we build a spaceship for intergalactic travel, let's say we go to a planet that is similar to earth, were majority of the people are primitive, don't respect each other and are lost and there is always war and death, if we" the more civilized people go there with our technology and offer to teach them civilization and give some amount of spiritual information some of those people will call us gods, they will worship us. That is same how most humans do to E.Ts, I have heard some stories were extraterrestrials refused to get much involved with earth humans because they dont want humans to look up to them as Gods.

Of course it is people like you that will think like that but people like me know better, the idea of a space daddy dosnt apply to me, you can fuck off right now if you think am going to listen to your lower sense of reasoning.

This isn't Rick & Morty.
Blackdragon666 said:
There is an attitude Caster came with that reeks of disrespect for Satan, even going as far as calling Him a sky daddy. That and also how well he knows the JoS, including old writings of Salem Burke. I have very low tolerance with people who disrespect Satan so I may have gone a bit overboard in my reply to him.

Anyway, in case he is not trolling he definitely has a huge chance of advancing.

I don’t believe you went overboard at all Brother, what you said was very similar to my first few replies here. I also despise any disrespect to Satan and our Gods, and have low tolerance for that.

The only reason I went back to the topic and gave him that courtesy is because of the recent discussion we had on tolerance towards ignorant individuals or people coming here from other corners of the internet where the kind of speech he employed is commonplace.

I had my reservations about him obviously, but to cover all angles, I felt I should give some courtesy in case he is someone who can still learn and not some infiltrator as he appeared to be.

However, from the replies this disgusting thing had the audacity to make afterwards, my courtesy was wasted on them, as usually is the case when we do decide to give sorts like these any of it.

However for the sake of professionalism, it is good to continue doing so anyway, even if it is wasted on the person, because we do have a standard to uphold as Spiritual Satanists. With this I don’t mean we should blindly tolerate disrespect or subversion, or close our eyes to it in any way, but to give a small courtesy out of the benefit of the doubt.

If after that they continue their rampant behavior and sowing of disrespect, we have the moral high ground on all levels to kick them down the stairs and trample them underfoot, for those who attempt to shit on Satan’s temple deserve every bit of suffering and our wrath.

Not everyone has to go out of their way to give any courtesy however, some people in the community are better at this than others, we have our roles to play here, and we should each do what we are best at in our contribution to the forum.

Your explanations and setting straight of things is beneficial to everyone, and I never feel that you go overboard in any reply to others.
As a note, I am certain this caster piece of filth is an infiltrator that came from the group of rejects which left the forum with magestein the jew and that ugly jew hag zola after they stole thousands of dollars from SS here and made that pathetic and odious forum of theirs to slander the Joy of Satan.

This sewer they created where they corralled all the rejects and failures to swim in their hebraic grime is collapsing totally, or perhaps already has rotted apart, and with the total decay of that place some filth decided to crawl out of the sewer and try to writhe back up the steps to Satan’s temple to give one last attempt in soiling His temple here like this “castor” here is doing.

It seems fairly obvious at this point they are blatantly attempting to slander, subvert and disrespect everyone here as well as everything we stand for.

This of course we never tolerate and I feel like we have seen enough to put an end to this now. Chances were given, courtesy was given, all was squandered by the filthy idiot in question.

Enough is enough.
VoiceofEnki said:
As a note, I am certain this caster piece of filth is an infiltrator that came from the group of rejects which left the forum with magestein the jew and that ugly jew hag zola after they stole thousands of dollars from SS here and made that pathetic and odious forum of theirs to slander the Joy of Satan.
I have thought the exact same thing Brother.
VoiceofEnki said:
As a note, I am certain this caster piece of filth is an infiltrator that came from the group of rejects which left the forum with magestein the jew and that ugly jew hag zola after they stole thousands of dollars from SS here and made that pathetic and odious forum of theirs to slander the Joy of Satan.

This is whitecloud/warrioroflight/spector. Same style of arguing and same way of ignoring others' arguments and blabbering on and on. Compare his replies with whitecloud/warrioroflilght/spector's quoted posts in these threads:


An example:
Warrioroflight said:
Attack other SS laughs*, am not even an SS I don't care about your satanic religion, because you don't need any religion to advance thank you, but I tell you you will see how it will be done.how would you even know.

compare this to:

Caster said:
Of course it is people like you that will think like that but people like me know better, the idea of a space daddy dosnt apply to me, you can fuck off right now if you think am going to listen to your lower sense of reasoning.

No one but the same person must have written those two posts.
Rational Satanist said:
VoiceofEnki said:
As a note, I am certain this caster piece of filth is an infiltrator that came from the group of rejects which left the forum with magestein the jew and that ugly jew hag zola after they stole thousands of dollars from SS here and made that pathetic and odious forum of theirs to slander the Joy of Satan.

This is whitecloud/warrioroflight/spector. Same style of arguing and same way of ignoring others' arguments and blabbering on and on. Compare his replies with whitecloud/warrioroflilght/spector's quoted posts in these threads:


An example:
Warrioroflight said:
Attack other SS laughs*, am not even an SS I don't care about your satanic religion, because you don't need any religion to advance thank you, but I tell you you will see how it will be done.how would you even know.

compare this to:

Caster said:
Of course it is people like you that will think like that but people like me know better, the idea of a space daddy dosnt apply to me, you can fuck off right now if you think am going to listen to your lower sense of reasoning.

No one but the same person must have written those two posts.

Yes it would seem you are right. The resemblance is uncanny.

Despite the attempts by all the pathetic idiots and jews trying to destroy our forum, unity, teachings, beliefs, etc, the forum and our Joy of Satan never falls.

Soon enough all of these little inconveniences won’t ever be present here again, as the forum does rise far beyond their reach in terms of vibrational existence.

It won’t be long before merely attacking the forum is enough to ruin someone, even without intervention from our Gods. As the forum and the Joy of Satan, which is Satan’s temple here on Earth, is not something to be soiled so easily by the hebraic grime and corruption.

Just as the enemy tries to pull out their spiritual artillery, we also have our arsenal at the ready as always.
VoiceofEnki said:
Rational Satanist said:
VoiceofEnki said:
As a note, I am certain this caster piece of filth is an infiltrator that came from the group of rejects which left the forum with magestein the jew and that ugly jew hag zola after they stole thousands of dollars from SS here and made that pathetic and odious forum of theirs to slander the Joy of Satan.

This is whitecloud/warrioroflight/spector. Same style of arguing and same way of ignoring others' arguments and blabbering on and on. Compare his replies with whitecloud/warrioroflilght/spector's quoted posts in these threads:


An example:
Warrioroflight said:
Attack other SS laughs*, am not even an SS I don't care about your satanic religion, because you don't need any religion to advance thank you, but I tell you you will see how it will be done.how would you even know.

compare this to:

Caster said:
Of course it is people like you that will think like that but people like me know better, the idea of a space daddy dosnt apply to me, you can fuck off right now if you think am going to listen to your lower sense of reasoning.

No one but the same person must have written those two posts.

Yes it would seem you are right. The resemblance is uncanny.

Despite the attempts by all the pathetic idiots and jews trying to destroy our forum, unity, teachings, beliefs, etc, the forum and our Joy of Satan never falls.

Soon enough all of these little inconveniences won’t ever be present here again, as the forum does rise far beyond their reach in terms of vibrational existence.

It won’t be long before merely attacking the forum is enough to ruin someone, even without intervention from our Gods. As the forum and the Joy of Satan, which is Satan’s temple here on Earth, is not something to be soiled so easily by the hebraic grime and corruption.

Just as the enemy tries to pull out their spiritual artillery, we also have our arsenal at the ready as always.

I love this side of you.
Yes, down with the enemy!
VoiceofEnki said:
As a note, I am certain this caster piece of filth is an infiltrator that came from the group of rejects which left the forum with magestein the jew and that ugly jew hag zola after they stole thousands of dollars from SS here and made that pathetic and odious forum of theirs to slander the Joy of Satan.

This sewer they created where they corralled all the rejects and failures to swim in their hebraic grime is collapsing totally, or perhaps already has rotted apart, and with the total decay of that place some filth decided to crawl out of the sewer and try to writhe back up the steps to Satan’s temple to give one last attempt in soiling His temple here like this “castor” here is doing.

It seems fairly obvious at this point they are blatantly attempting to slander, subvert and disrespect everyone here as well as everything we stand for.

This of course we never tolerate and I feel like we have seen enough to put an end to this now. Chances were given, courtesy was given, all was squandered by the filthy idiot in question.

Enough is enough.

You know what the saddest part is? He used the name of one of the Gemini horse twins, Castor, as a setup name to receive all of the negativity that he generated towards himself. Castor and Pollux were very highly respected and venerated by Pagan societies. Jews always do this - using the names of our friends so that we direct our channeled hatred and anger towards the name they use.
NinRick said:
tabby said:
Caster said:

Yeah I have also no clue why I tried to argue with him.

All I read was: "Please punch me NinRick! Punch me!"

Maybe an instinct to try and defend what’s ours, even if the person we are arguing with is an idiot.

haha, yeah. Well, he probably can’t have done the dedication ritual because he completely rejects this line of the prayer “I proclaim Satan Lucifer as my one and only God.

So I agree with VoE, I think he’s an infiltrator.
jrvan said:
VoiceofEnki said:
As a note, I am certain this caster piece of filth is an infiltrator that came from the group of rejects which left the forum with magestein the jew and that ugly jew hag zola after they stole thousands of dollars from SS here and made that pathetic and odious forum of theirs to slander the Joy of Satan.

This sewer they created where they corralled all the rejects and failures to swim in their hebraic grime is collapsing totally, or perhaps already has rotted apart, and with the total decay of that place some filth decided to crawl out of the sewer and try to writhe back up the steps to Satan’s temple to give one last attempt in soiling His temple here like this “castor” here is doing.

It seems fairly obvious at this point they are blatantly attempting to slander, subvert and disrespect everyone here as well as everything we stand for.

This of course we never tolerate and I feel like we have seen enough to put an end to this now. Chances were given, courtesy was given, all was squandered by the filthy idiot in question.

Enough is enough.

You know what the saddest part is? He used the name of one of the Gemini horse twins, Castor, as a setup name to receive all of the negativity that he generated towards himself. Castor and Pollux were very highly respected and venerated by Pagan societies. Jews always do this - using the names of our friends so that we direct our channeled hatred and anger towards the name they use.

True, this is straight up blasphemy of the highest degree in my opinion. Just so the name Castor doesn’t get blasphemed here I feel like banning and deleting all of this piece of trash’s posts is necessary.

This really makes me furious.

Mark my words whitecloud, it is too late for regrets. Your end is an ugly one reserved only for the most blasphemous of enemies.

If push comes to shove I do not mind accelerating this myself.
Casper the unfriendly jew said:
Satan might have creates the white race through genetical engineering but he did not create or give birth to the soul,he only creates the body and the soul took over to give it life.
We are the soul and soul is not created by any being it comes from source. That is why I said he is not my creator god because he didnt give birth to souls. That's what I mea yes he is your god, will not say anything again. Zips mouth

Satan Lucifer is the Light Bringer and the Ruler of Light (Pride as the jews call it), and he did create our souls. Think again.
jrvan said:
Casper the unfriendly jew said:
Satan might have creates the white race through genetical engineering but he did not create or give birth to the soul,he only creates the body and the soul took over to give it life.
We are the soul and soul is not created by any being it comes from source. That is why I said he is not my creator god because he didnt give birth to souls. That's what I mea yes he is your god, will not say anything again. Zips mouth

Satan Lucifer is the Light Bringer and the Ruler of Light (Pride as the jews call it), and he did create our souls. Think again.
Lol thanks for the laugh. That name change is pretty good.
Henu the Great said:
jrvan said:
Casper the unfriendly jew said:
Satan might have creates the white race through genetical engineering but he did not create or give birth to the soul,he only creates the body and the soul took over to give it life.
We are the soul and soul is not created by any being it comes from source. That is why I said he is not my creator god because he didnt give birth to souls. That's what I mea yes he is your god, will not say anything again. Zips mouth

Satan Lucifer is the Light Bringer and the Ruler of Light (Pride as the jews call it), and he did create our souls. Think again.
Lol thanks for the laugh. That name change is pretty good.

I'm here all week ;)
Caster said:
Aldrick said:
Caster said:
An just to give one last example so your more primitive brain can understand, since you like the idea of having a space daddy or a space God.
To end this let's say we humans manage to achieve some level of advancement and we build a spaceship for intergalactic travel, let's say we go to a planet that is similar to earth, were majority of the people are primitive, don't respect each other and are lost and there is always war and death, if we" the more civilized people go there with our technology and offer to teach them civilization and give some amount of spiritual information some of those people will call us gods, they will worship us. That is same how most humans do to E.Ts, I have heard some stories were extraterrestrials refused to get much involved with earth humans because they dont want humans to look up to them as Gods.

Of course it is people like you that will think like that but people like me know better, the idea of a space daddy dosnt apply to me, you can fuck off right now if you think am going to listen to your lower sense of reasoning.

Why Hello there, perhaps I can help. What is it you are trying to understand? There is a being that Created us Gentiles, our bodies and Souls, he has protected us for millennia and has guided us this life to becoming a God. God means supreme minded one, and in religious texts refers to a higher force that created us, It would seem he falls under both these definitions.

Why would there be an issue in bringing Honor to said person as a God for all he has done for us?
Satan might have creates the white race through genetical engineering but he did not create or give birth to the soul,he only creates the body and the soul took over to give it life.
We are the soul and soul is not created by any being it comes from source. That is why I said he is not my creator god because he didnt give birth to souls. That's what I mea yes he is your god, will not say anything again. Zips mouth

A highly sophisticated Soul, with as Kundalini and the Ability to become God level Does not occur naturally. But either way, as I Said God is supreme minded one, is this being not higher then you Spiritually?

A connection to the Gods is innate within the Gentile soul. If one is of Jewish decent they will never connect to the Gods. It makes no sense to me, that you have been here a month, know so much about the forums, and the first thing you want to tell us, is Satan is not God.

Perhaps focusing on something more positive and working on building something would be more beneficial?
jrvan said:
Caster said:

I know for sure he is not my God
I'm taking this as your admission of (((tribe))) membership.

I do not worship him as a God or see him as my creator God
He is the creator of humanity. That is official JoS teachings, and said by HPS Maxine herself. She said he is the true Creator God of humanity. If he's not your creator then you're a jew. Bye bye.

In the case this isn't some troll who is bored or a very dillusional gentile im on board with this being a "tribe" member. Its quite a classic pattern of their race to so arrogantly just come here and think they can tell us complete opposites of what we know as facts and disrespect us in the process. Its either that or constant meaningless questions like from that sat234 freak.

Low post count and acting like they own the place, check
Promoting ideologies not of JOS, check
Becoming confrontational and out right demeaning during disagreement when no one buys their shit, check.

This one literally says Satan is not his God. There is only one people that is not of Satan. Oy vey.
Authentic self said:
Caster is right! Satan is not our god. He is godlike in power & abilities though, as his energy is very powerful and strong. I have only just came back on this forum, I will have to read what Caster said! Because there is a lot of writing going on there. Lol

Can we all just respect people’s opinions, please. I also see Satan as an equal to me, but I will never say “your my god.” We are all god’s and we have amazing powers and abilities of our own, where we can achieve that if we set our minds to it!

Never forget, we are god’s as well! :)

Btw Castor posting under another account you made a month ago, is not going to convince anyone either. Out of 5 posts, you decided yes the GOD I dedicated my soul too, is equal to his creation? You need to find another group, we have no interest in this.
Authentic self said:
I also see Satan as an equal to me, but I will never say “your my god.” We are all god’s and we have amazing powers and abilities of our own, where we can achieve that if we set our minds to it!

Never forget, we are god’s as well! :)

Sorry to break it to you, but you are not a god. Can you control the weather or move a piece of furniture using your mind? If you can't do them now you're not a god. Satan can do these and many more. Of course you may be able to do these in the future when you have reached Godhood and completed the Magnum Opus, but saying you're a god now is just nihilistic New-age nonsense. In the same way, you're not Satan's equal now. Satan is much more powerful than you.

Imagine you're a young person and you're studying under a teacher. Are you equal to your teacher? Are you a teacher yourself? Would you say "we are all teachers"? See, in human relationships these things are commonsensical. Yet when it comes to Satan people will disrespect him and claim to be the same as him. The same respect you give your teacher should be given to Satan as well.

This "Caster" is a troll who has been banned a dozen times or more before, and has been causing trouble here and attacking other members. It's not different opinions, it's that troll trying to push new age beliefs. His definition of god is 100% new age.
Authentic self said:
Caster is right! Satan is not our god. He is godlike in power & abilities though, as his energy is very powerful and strong. I have only just came back on this forum, I will have to read what Caster said! Because there is a lot of writing going on there. Lol

Can we all just respect people’s opinions, please. I also see Satan as an equal to me, but I will never say “your my god.” We are all god’s and we have amazing powers and abilities of our own, where we can achieve that if we set our minds to it!

Never forget, we are god’s as well! :)

Go be a god somewhere else then because you're not equal to Satan, and we don't just roll over and "respect" everyone's opinions here. You become what you tolerate. This is a place of teaching and learning, and in that spirit, right is right, and wrong is wrong. These forums are not a vector for falsehood and "opinions." Only the correct "opinions" will rise to the top and be accepted as facts because everyone who is meant to be here recognizes it as the truth, and any infectious agents of falsehood get rooted out by us. We have the facts, and your opinions are not going to transmute into facts themselves. Be the quiet minority of falsehood and kindly exit stage left.

Shilling for Casper with a fresh-off-the-boat account with 5 posts looks incredibly suspicious. Don't be surprised if you generate a bit of hostility for this course of action.
Authentic self said:
Caster is right! Satan is not our god. He is godlike in power & abilities though, as his energy is very powerful and strong. I have only just came back on this forum, I will have to read what Caster said! Because there is a lot of writing going on there. Lol

Can we all just respect people’s opinions, please. I also see Satan as an equal to me, but I will never say “your my god.” We are all god’s and we have amazing powers and abilities of our own, where we can achieve that if we set our minds to it!

Never forget, we are god’s as well! :)

All my previous replies here already set this straight. No need to try again.

Opinions do not matter on these subjects. We deal only with fact and truth.

Your opinion is irrelevant.
Authentic self said:
Caster is right! Satan is not our god. He is godlike in power & abilities though, as his energy is very powerful and strong. I have only just came back on this forum, I will have to read what Caster said! Because there is a lot of writing going on there. Lol

Can we all just respect people’s opinions, please. I also see Satan as an equal to me, but I will never say “your my god.” We are all god’s and we have amazing powers and abilities of our own, where we can achieve that if we set our minds to it!

Never forget, we are god’s as well! :)

Fuck off will you.
Caster said:

Some infiltrators never learn. We already know you are a jew trying to subvert Spiritual Satanism with your hebrew grime and irrelevant drivel.

It is useless to try this here.

Doesn’t matter what you are behind the screen either, your kind all end up the same in the end, if you want to go ahead a few decades earlier than the rest of your kind, You are welcome to do so.
Hello and there’s no need to be like that! Just want to say Satanism is about freedom and saying that a god outside yourself is your saviour, is basically being a sheep! Satan has said to me, not to call him a god!!!

And if you’re calling an entity a god which is outside of yourself, then that means you’re not contacting the right entity.

The ONLY entities who will want you to say that is the greys/reptilians and other negative beings. So how about you try again! And it’s clearly SHOWS, you’re not that keen on seeing that god within yourself…
The two posters are Jewish as fuck and the kikery in their posts is nauseating.
They're posting when there is an offensive in progress so it is advisable to disapprove their posts as to let the SS focus on the rituals.
Authentic self said:
Caster is right! Satan is not our god. He is godlike in power & abilities though, as his energy is very powerful and strong. I have only just came back on this forum, I will have to read what Caster said! Because there is a lot of writing going on there. Lol

Can we all just respect people’s opinions, please. I also see Satan as an equal to me, but I will never say “your my god.” We are all god’s and we have amazing powers and abilities of our own, where we can achieve that if we set our minds to it!

Never forget, we are god’s as well! :)

Then you'll have to respect my opinion of you as well, since you state it in your reply.

Here it goes. You are a very sad human being, lost in your own mind with no power, hope and actual relationships in this nature. A low life and nobody basically. Having the audacity to even think about Satan absurdities such as these.

What do you do here then? Steal knowledge and techniques? You are nobody, and that's a reality.

You and castor can go and get each others off in other places.

1. You both are not insane and have rational aptitude to understand things stated by the JoS. So no excuses other than not agreeing blatantly with the JoS, which makes you a dabbler, outsider or enemy. If you'd be stupid without loudness that would be fine, since you two are loud and proud you must be reminded of the sacrilege of this place and its members.

2. You don't matter. Your opinion, view and interpretation is lesser than nothing. Nothing is peaceful as in silence.

3. This is not Reddit, not any other Satanism organisations.

I urge everyone to not reply to these people, not feed the troll as here my SS is not a case that needs help, guidance. As you all can see we have special snowflakes here, that turned out to drift into trash cans.
Authentic self said:
Hello and there’s no need to be like that! Just want to say Satanism is about freedom and saying that a god outside yourself is your saviour, is basically being a sheep! Satan has said to me, not to call him a god!!!

And if you’re calling an entity a god which is outside of yourself, then that means you’re not contacting the right entity.

The ONLY entities who will want you to say that is the greys/reptilians and other negative beings. So how about you try again! And it’s clearly SHOWS, you’re not that keen on seeing that god within yourself…

Look, we know exactly where you are coming from, but we have to pretend we don't and make your case an instructive one.

Respect our beliefs, and stop slandering the Gods, or move away.

Satan IS GOD, and you are nobody to denigrate the Gods because you hang around kike Zola and her shithead garbage friend that heisted this forum.

Suggestion is to quit trying.
The posts compare as it's the same garbage creating numerous accounts constantly. They are here in coordinated trolling and subversion effort.

Rational Satanist said:
VoiceofEnki said:
As a note, I am certain this caster piece of filth is an infiltrator that came from the group of rejects which left the forum with magestein the jew and that ugly jew hag zola after they stole thousands of dollars from SS here and made that pathetic and odious forum of theirs to slander the Joy of Satan.

This is whitecloud/warrioroflight/spector. Same style of arguing and same way of ignoring others' arguments and blabbering on and on. Compare his replies with whitecloud/warrioroflilght/spector's quoted posts in these threads:


An example:
Warrioroflight said:
Attack other SS laughs*, am not even an SS I don't care about your satanic religion, because you don't need any religion to advance thank you, but I tell you you will see how it will be done.how would you even know.

compare this to:

Caster said:
Of course it is people like you that will think like that but people like me know better, the idea of a space daddy dosnt apply to me, you can fuck off right now if you think am going to listen to your lower sense of reasoning.

No one but the same person must have written those two posts.
I was only agreeing with caster, then your members starting attacking me. So I had to say what was on my mind. And that’s fine believe what you want, HC!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Authentic self said:
Hello and there’s no need to be like that! Just want to say Satanism is about freedom and saying that a god outside yourself is your saviour, is basically being a sheep! Satan has said to me, not to call him a god!!!

And if you’re calling an entity a god which is outside of yourself, then that means you’re not contacting the right entity.

The ONLY entities who will want you to say that is the greys/reptilians and other negative beings. So how about you try again! And it’s clearly SHOWS, you’re not that keen on seeing that god within yourself…

Look, we know exactly where you are coming from, but we have to pretend we don't and make your case an instructive one.

Respect our beliefs, and stop slandering the Gods, or move away.

Satan IS GOD, and you are nobody to denigrate the Gods because you hang around kike Zola and her shithead garbage friend that heisted this forum.

Suggestion is to quit trying.
I’m actually British. 🙂

TopoftheAbyss said:
The two posters are Jewish as fuck and the kikery in their posts is nauseating.
They're posting when there is an offensive in progress so it is advisable to disapprove their posts as to let the SS focus on the rituals.
TopoftheAbyss said:
The two posters are Jewish as fuck and the kikery in their posts is nauseating.
They're posting when there is an offensive in progress so it is advisable to disapprove their posts as to let the SS focus on the rituals.

I actually agree with this at this time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
