This physicality is the lowest realm. (Other than spiritual death, I suppose. That's not really a realm, but is full death, which you could say is 'lower'. Most people are walking dead, though.) In the sense of being the lowest realm, this is "hell". (Also with the jew sealing our Sacral Chakra (all Chakras), and with other things being used against our Sacral Chakra, our Kundalini became stuck in the Base Chakra, which is red, which can also be interpreted as "hell". FYI, the Chakras colour as the rainbow/colours on the electromagnetic spectrum - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet; the Chakras are called Base, Sacral, Solar/666, Heart, Throat, 6th, Crown.) Then with any types of problems in life, e.g. extreme mental ill health; depression; drug and alcohol misuse; etc., these such people are at the Nth 'level' of "hell".
The names "jehovah" and "yahweh", of the jew "god", are christianised attempts or translations of "yhvh", which, basically, is "as above, so below" (re: the so-called "lord's" prayer).
Both physical and astral must coexist. Like the Body needs a Soul to survive and a Soul needs a Body to survive, the Physical realm needs an Astral realm to exist and the Astral realm needs a Physical realm to exist.
If E=mc^2, then matter = energy, and as I say, matter is energy which has been compressed and compacted tightly, so much, into particular patterns - i.e. any physical thing you have ever touched, etc. I found a video clip recently which demonstrates, at least partly, that the Universe is a vibrational Aether field, with magnetism; numbers; geometry; and sound all playing a part.
As you can see in the reply on my thread, ugartealessandro said that you can see similar patterns in Daemons' sigils. Furthermore, the Runes correspond to certain pathways of the Soul. Runes are vibrated a number of times; different Runes are used for different things. The Chakras are the powerhouses of the Soul; a purpose of X would use Y Rune, and at the same time, Z Chakra and that Chakra's colour. Colour is light; the Soul is made of light. Heat is a type of light which most people cannot see. Heat, all sorts of rays, and colours are all on the electromagnetic spectrum. Magnets are/magnetism is very important, as they are/it is used in all sorts of things in the Physical realm. Electricity is Physical (electrons); it produces light, heat, sound... The Brain and Human Body has electrical impulses - which can be decoded and read. It all goes, fits, works together. The Soul is made up of light...
Vibrations are very powerful, with them being the Universe itself, in essence. Numbers of different vibrations manifest different things, and some vibrations can be used together, in certain ways. In short - you can manipulate your world as you wish, and if you are powerful enough, you can manipulate the world around you, which includes people, situations, and immaterial things.
We work with the below (Physical - vibrations, for example) and put that into the above (into the Astral) which then, depending on purpose; choice; aim; etc., manifests in the Physical. You can also visit the Astral, stuff there.
Note that more or less continuously, we are, either directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowing, deliberately or accidentally, affecting the Astral, to a lesser or greater extent, and this affecting of the Astral is affecting the Physical.
The Physical realm is soooo ssslllooowww. It always lags behind. Surely, that's one reason why the jew uses the number 6, of hard work and labour, with their 6000-year plan of enslaving the Goyim. Other than perhaps the top jews/rabbis, the jew tends not to empower its soul. Instead, it uses Physical means to accomplish its goals - e.g. the ritual kidnapping and torture and murder of children, draining their blood, and...