When you masturbate and orgasm try to direct the energy.
I usually direct the energy to my chakra's and send it up my spine in order to empower my soul and aura and chakra's. It's an exellent way to empower yourself and also very pleasurable since you are masturbaing and all..
Just at the time of orgasm vizualize the energy like a ball of white golden light and send it up through your spine, letting it disperse in your chakra's evenly and state: "The energy of my orgasm is empowering my chakra's, my shushumna and my aura permanently in a positive and healthy manner for me".
Masturbate as much as you like or need. Some people are okay masturbating once or twice a week and others need to do it twice a day in order to feel sexually satisfied, it all depends on your person and often the nature of your sexuality and how much sexual energy you have can be seen in your natal chart.
I was concerned sometimes that I masturbated too much, however after reading my Natal chart I found out I have a strong emphasis on sexual energy and a strong need to express this. So in my case it's quite normal to feel the need to masturbate once or twice everyday.
In any case, don't try to surpress your desire to do it, since as I have learned from personal experience, that only leads to disaster. Find out what your natural need is and try to satisfy that need as best you can.
Just like eating, don't eat too little or you get weak and sick but don't eat too much eather because then you get fat and sick too. This applies to masturbation aswell, simply do it as much as you feel your body needs and try to direct the energy towards a goal and if you have no specific goal, simply use it to empower your soul.