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Is Graham Hancock a Satanist?


New member
Aug 11, 2024
Graham Hancock is an author that believes that there was a highly advanced civilization on Earth during the Ice Age who’s survivors passed on their knowledge to the surviving hunter gatherers which gave rise to the earliest widely accepted societies such as ancient egypt, Mesopotamia, and meso america

I haven’t read his books I’ve just seen some of the episodes of his Netflix series Ancient Apocalypse & it seems like he has atleast some nuggets of truth although he might be confused

Unless he’s in fact a Satanist of course

Thank you for letting me know

I’ll stop asking about people I believe might be SS
While on the topic of Graham Hancock, I wanted to add something here. Just be cautious when listening to him, as he gets a lot of things right in terms of the true history of human civilisation, but he also gets some things horribly wrong in my opinion. I think he interprets many of the Ancient Myths too literally. I listened to a video recently where he claimed that Ancient Oracles, such as the Oracle of Delphi, used psychedelic subsatnces to achieve their visions and even went as far as saying that psychedelic drugs are the key to consciousness. He gets to these assumptions by interpreting certain allegorical symbols as being totally literal, such as "divine elixirs" mentioned in ancient stories. The elixirs spoken about refer to the "divine elixir" secreted by the Pineal Gland when it is activated through Meditation - and as we know, an active pineal gland leads to open psychic centers that allow for psychic vision. It never referred to a literal substance one drinks and starts halucinating.

Also, the promotoin of drug use as a "spiritual tool" is just a huge no for me, and just leaves ones mind vulnerable and open to manipulation. In addition, if you have to rely on external substances to be able to see other dimensions, you will never achieve any level of real power. You will just spend your life tripping and believing you're having some divine experience.

So that's just my input on Graham Hancock. Like everything, take what he says with a pinch of salt.
Yeah after watching a few more episodes of his Netflix series it really shows how confused he is

On one hand he’s right about the existence of there being & ancient advanced society, but he’s confused in the belief that it’s human survivors were responsible for creating & civilizing more recent ancient societies

& I agree with you that the use of psychedelics is a huge no as they leave one weak, vulnerable, and confused
I think he interprets many of the Ancient Myths too literally. I listened to a video recently where he claimed that Ancient Oracles, such as the Oracle of Delphi, used psychedelic subsatnces to achieve their visions and even went as far as saying that psychedelic drugs are the key to consciousness.
I'm glad you brought this up, because it reminded me of a documentary I was watching about the Oracle of Delphi on Amazon Prime I think it was; anyways, they were down in the chamber where she did the channeling and such, and the docu crew mentioned how since the Oracle practiced in a cave chamber that was underground, they "speculated" the Oracle used to "inhale toxic cave fumes" that had "psychedelic effects" on the mind... I gave the literal biggest eye roll watching that bullshit. It literally makes me cackle that some people truly believe we as human beings are not capable of psychic abilities, when our ancestors AND the Gods have left all the evidence to show such things are possible, when one puts in the work.
I'm glad you brought this up, because it reminded me of a documentary I was watching about the Oracle of Delphi on Amazon Prime I think it was; anyways, they were down in the chamber where she did the channeling and such, and the docu crew mentioned how since the Oracle practiced in a cave chamber that was underground, they "speculated" the Oracle used to "inhale toxic cave fumes" that had "psychedelic effects" on the mind... I gave the literal biggest eye roll watching that bullshit. It literally makes me cackle that some people truly believe we as human beings are not capable of psychic abilities, when our ancestors AND the Gods have left all the evidence to show such things are possible, when one puts in the work.

Yes!! I saw that one too. I was livid.

I can't stand hearing this sort of nonsense. I generally love watching documentaries about Ancient Egypt and Greece, etc, but it's this sort of misinformation that really puts me off. They say the same thing about the Ancient Egyptians, because of all the depictions of the Lotus Flower. I think it's because people are so incapable of seeing beyond the material these days. Everything is given a literal and material explanation. "Because the Ancient Egyptians depict themselves holding Lotus Flowers, we have assumed they were using the Lotus Flower as a hallucinogen." It's such a blind way of viewing the world. But I guess that's the result of the forceable removal of spiritual knowledge.
Yes!! I saw that one too. I was livid.

I can't stand hearing this sort of nonsense. I generally love watching documentaries about Ancient Egypt and Greece, etc, but it's this sort of misinformation that really puts me off. They say the same thing about the Ancient Egyptians, because of all the depictions of the Lotus Flower. I think it's because people are so incapable of seeing beyond the material these days. Everything is given a literal and material explanation. "Because the Ancient Egyptians depict themselves holding Lotus Flowers, we have assumed they were using the Lotus Flower as a hallucinogen." It's such a blind way of viewing the world. But I guess that's the result of the forceable removal of spiritual knowledge.
Very much so, I literally couldn't agree more. I think it would be an amazing thing for Outreach to do a documentary about the TRUE history of our World, not the false agenda and timeline they spread now. It totally contradicts every clue the ancients left us, and these idiots take everything they see and read literally, or just parrot bullshit twisted theories that are false and spread them as fact. They are incapable of expanding their view because they've been fed horse shit their entire lives. It's truly so sad, and I honestly wish more people would snap out of it and see the blatant lies. Like, I have always had the strong intuitive sense to just know by gut feeling if something is awry or false. And sadly, some aren't as aware. As HPHC says, "we shoulder the spiritual burden of the world" until the masses awaken. We truly have one of the most noble paths in life.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
