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On Today's Episode of Jewish Paranoia


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
Satan's earth
One of the worst crimes of the enemy against humanity is that they cut us off from our origins and the Gods. They erased history and it has taken a very long time for humanity to escape the jewish version of history we were given under Abrahamic religions. They burnt down the library of Alexandria which had hundreds of thousands of books on our true history, spiritual and scientific knowledge and other fields of knowledge. They also conducted extensive terrorist activities against pagans from Europe to Asia, to Africa.

Now they lie to us that a bunch of hunter-gatherers just decided to start building pyramids that have the dimensions of the planet, extremely complex mathematical ratios, alignment with various constellations and other things archeologists can't explain to this day.

Even more insult to injury is how they push that we're supposed to have descended from some two jews in Mesopotamia six thousand years ago and questioning this is evil. They literally take the Bible as a historical book even in universities, history books, platforms like Wikipedia and everything else relevant. When you have ancient sites like Göbekli Tepe dating back to at least ten thousand years ago, it is clear that someone is lying to humanity.

Graham Hancock is a British researcher who has written extensively on ancient civilizations. I read his book "Magicians of the Gods" some months ago and he does an excellent job showing how there was a group of very advanced beings (the Gods) who were giving humanity civilization in the ancient past. He even cites how some various groups of people identify these beings as having Caucasian features like white skin (Oy Vey, the Goyim know).

To quote a passage from the book, Quetzalcoatl (Thoth to the Aztecs) is described as "A mysterious person... a White man with a strong formation of body, broad forehead, large eyes and a flowing beard." [1]

Among the Incas, Viracocha is the most important God (likely Satan), and he is also literally described as White. [2]

The fact that these people knew the Gods were White is also shown in the how the Peruvian people called the Spanish people "Viracochas", children of their God. This is mention by Graham Hancock in his book which I mentioned earlier. [3]

Now Graham Hancock has a new series on Netflix, 'Ancient Apocalypse'. As with most of his works, the series covers our lost ancient civilizations. The jewish media has canceled him calling his show "the most dangerous show on Netflix".


He is being accused of racism (he hasn't even talked about the ancient Gods being white in the show) and White supremacy. This is literally just a show about lost advanced civilizations backed by lots of evidence. They are also using other archeologists to ridicule him.

Basically the jews are admitting that they know that the ancient Gods who gave humanity civilization are what we would call White (Nordic to be precise). No one in the show has talked about Whites but the paranoid jews are lynching Graham Hancock.

In today's world, literally just thinking anything positive about Whites is racist and evil. I saw how a movie or series about Vikings was canceled because it didn't have people of other races in it.

Now I know I will definitely watch the show as Hancock has always done a decent job in what I have read from his previous works. I believe that many more people will definitely watch his show after the enemy tried canceling him. Grab the pop corn and tune in everyone.

1. Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth's Lost Civilization, Graham Hancock

2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viracocha

3. Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth's Lost Civilization, Graham Hancock
The enemy constantly does this with history in order to promote their parallel version of history that boils down to a metaphysical communist narrative, just as my last topic with the coin proved. In all honesty they'd rather people be illiterate and just watch Euphoria on loop.

I guarantee you none of the journalists had heard of his book (or read it) but received a collective PSA from their masters to smear it, just as that environmental organization was caught issuing a PSA to all celebrities and journalists before who all posted copy/pasted statements, or how they were all paid to smear India's reputation. Journalists basically function as they did in the USSR.

As for these 'historians', they're okay with xians infesting every archaeological department, warping the Classics department and diverting 90 percent of the academic budget to 'prove' the ancient 'kingdom of israel' existed, but New Age Spirituality needs to die apparently.
Karnonnos said:
The enemy constantly does this with history in order to promote their parallel version of history that boils down to a metaphysical communist narrative, just as my last topic with the coin proved. In all honesty they'd rather people be illiterate and just watch Euphoria on loop.

I guarantee you none of the journalists had heard of his book (or read it) but received a collective PSA from their masters to smear it, just as that environmental organization was caught issuing a PSA to all celebrities and journalists before who all posted copy/pasted statements, or how they were all paid to smear India's reputation. Journalists basically function as they did in the USSR.

As for these 'historians', they're okay with xians infesting every archaeological department, warping the Classics department and diverting 90 percent of the academic budget to 'prove' the ancient 'kingdom of israel' existed, but New Age Spirituality needs to die apparently.
Interesting how celebrities are just puppets for the enemy. Tweeting things verbatim. That's probably what's happening here in this case as you say.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=401917 time=1669469723 user_id=19170]
In today's world, literally just thinking anything positive about Whites is racist and evil. I saw how a movie or series about Vikings was canceled because it didn't have people of other races in it.

That would be the film The Northman, though it has the usual slander. Got "cancelled" anyway, not slandering Whites enough. I'd like to note the this highly violent film copied a scene from soviet White Genocide porn movie Come and See, ie., of Germanic/Northern peoples genociding Slavs.

As the interest in Ancient White history increases so does the psychological warfare. This violent "Viking" type of film being released right at the heat of the Russia x Ukraine war? Not strange at all. "Let's all focus on White x White violence more. Lets erase the history aka de-nazify these cultureless barbarians."

The series Vikings wouldn't be cancelled as it's both dumb already and they added a random Asian woman to be a sexual interest of real life Ragnar Lothbrok, and in the following series they chaged another real Pagan hero Jarl Håkon into a Black Woman lol. I've heard The Last Kingdom to be excellent as it's based on the novels by Gentile Bernard Cornwell.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=401917 time=1669469723 user_id=19170]
One of the worst crimes of the enemy against humanity is that they cut us off from our origins and the Gods. They erased history and it has taken a very long time for humanity to escape the jewish version of history we were given under Abrahamic religions. They burnt down the library of Alexandria which had hundreds of thousands of books on our true history, spiritual and scientific knowledge and other fields of knowledge. They also conducted extensive terrorist activities against pagans from Europe to Asia, to Africa.

Now they lie to us that a bunch of hunter-gatherers just decided to start building pyramids that have the dimensions of the planet, extremely complex mathematical ratios, alignment with various constellations and other things archeologists can't explain to this day.

Even more insult to injury is how they push that we're supposed to have descended from some two jews in Mesopotamia six thousand years ago and questioning this is evil. They literally take the Bible as a historical book even in universities, history books, platforms like Wikipedia and everything else relevant. When you have ancient sites like Göbekli Tepe dating back to at least ten thousand years ago, it is clear that someone is lying to humanity.

Graham Hancock is a British researcher who has written extensively on ancient civilizations. I read his book "Magicians of the Gods" some months ago and he does an excellent job showing how there was a group of very advanced beings (the Gods) who were giving humanity civilization in the ancient past. He even cites how some various groups of people identify these beings as having Caucasian features like white skin (Oy Vey, the Goyim know).

To quote a passage from the book, Quetzalcoatl (Thoth to the Aztecs) is described as "A mysterious person... a White man with a strong formation of body, broad forehead, large eyes and a flowing beard." [1]

Among the Incas, Viracocha is the most important God (likely Satan), and he is also literally described as White. [2]

The fact that these people knew the Gods were White is also shown in the how the Peruvian people called the Spanish people "Viracochas", children of their God. This is mention by Graham Hancock in his book which I mentioned earlier. [3]

Now Graham Hancock has a new series on Netflix, 'Ancient Apocalypse'. As with most of his works, the series covers our lost ancient civilizations. The jewish media has canceled him calling his show "the most dangerous show on Netflix".


He is being accused of racism (he hasn't even talked about the ancient Gods being white in the show) and White supremacy. This is literally just a show about lost advanced civilizations backed by lots of evidence. They are also using other archeologists to ridicule him.

Basically the jews are admitting that they know that the ancient Gods who gave humanity civilization are what we would call White (Nordic to be precise). No one in the show has talked about Whites but the paranoid jews are lynching Graham Hancock.

In today's world, literally just thinking anything positive about Whites is racist and evil. I saw how a movie or series about Vikings was canceled because it didn't have people of other races in it.

Now I know I will definitely watch the show as Hancock has always done a decent job in what I have read from his previous works. I believe that many more people will definitely watch his show after the enemy tried canceling him. Grab the pop corn and tune in everyone.

1. Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth's Lost Civilization, Graham Hancock

2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viracocha

3. Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth's Lost Civilization, Graham Hancock

Good sermon. I will share it on my social networks.
Graham Hancock did a marvelous job with his documentary series Ancient Apocalypse. It is extremely noticable how threatened the Jewish infested "scientific" fields are when he visits certain places. Especially when he visits The Great Serpent Mound which depicts the ascended Kundalini through the seven major chakras, reaching divine enlightenment, the godhead.

The Age of Aquarius will be quite interesting concerning the Truth coming out to the world. The science and history as we know it today is already crumbling.
Thanks for the informative post, Blackdragon. Sometimes I just can't believe the level of lies that the enemy puts forth. When you see things through a lens of Truth, it's just disgusting and seems too stupid for words. Humans are in the dark without a light, and they are surrounded on all sides by lies everywhere. The only refuge amidst all that madness is the JoS. I was a seeker for a very long time, and no place, paradigm, "religion," or system of thought ever produced the level of truth that I was looking for like the JoS does. It's just so sad and wrong that there are so many blocks and traps that are placed to prevent or stall people who should be here with us from finding the JoS. So I think any Gentile like this Hancock fellow are doing really good work if it brings people closer to the truth we have found on the subjects, especially since it's in the mainstream sphere. Streisand effect will hopefully apply hard with this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
