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Irregular Menstrual Cycle


New member
Mar 30, 2019
I'm seeking ways to help my body properly regulate my female hormones. Mainly through meditations, but also through any other means, besides taking birth control or taking estrogen.

I've had an extremely inconsistent menstrual cycle since I was 10 as a result of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). It gets worse with age, and at 25, I can definitely see the progression. Contrary to the name, ovarian cysts aren't always present with PCOS and I fortunately have never had any, though I have blood relatives who have. Fertility complications can also occur, (and have also happened in my family) though, I've given birth to a big, healthy Spiritual Satanist in late 2017 <3

I've been taking black cohosh for a few weeks now, in an attempt to help regulate my hormones. I've considered taking progesterone but I believe raspberry leaf tea may be a more agreeable alternative. Weight loss also helps, and I've lost quite a bit of weight this year. My PCOS and quality of life in general has gotten much better as a result but the hormonal imbalances cannot be fixed on weight loss, alone. I'm at the point where I'm trying to find a lasting, sustainable solution.
I have next to no idea about this stuff, but I've heard that a lack of magnesium can cause all sorts of problems for females regarding their cycle. If you arent getting enough of it, it might be worth a try to incorporate more magnesium-rich food into your diet (I think almonds and spinach are two that have high magnesium), and/or try taking a magnesium supplement. Make sure to also get enough calcium as that is needed in order for your body to properly absorb the magnesium.
It's very possible that you need more than this to fix your condition, but I figured I should mention it anyways just in case.

I wish you and your little baby all the best. :)
Shael said:
I have next to no idea about this stuff, but I've heard that a lack of magnesium can cause all sorts of problems for females regarding their cycle. If you arent getting enough of it, it might be worth a try to incorporate more magnesium-rich food into your diet (I think almonds and spinach are two that have high magnesium), and/or try taking a magnesium supplement. Make sure to also get enough calcium as that is needed in order for your body to properly absorb the magnesium.
It's very possible that you need more than this to fix your condition, but I figured I should mention it anyways just in case.

I wish you and your little baby all the best. :)

Thanks for the reminder, and yes these things definitely help! I already have to take iron supplements, but I forgot about keeping my magnesium in check. :shock: I eat plenty of raw baby spinach but I'm not giving my body enough vitamin c to help with the absorption.

A lot is slipping my mind, right now, potty training is very demanding :lol:
meena_venus said:
I'm seeking ways to help my body properly regulate my female hormones. Mainly through meditations, but also through any other means, besides taking birth control or taking estrogen.

I've had an extremely inconsistent menstrual cycle since I was 10 as a result of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). It gets worse with age, and at 25, I can definitely see the progression. Contrary to the name, ovarian cysts aren't always present with PCOS and I fortunately have never had any, though I have blood relatives who have. Fertility complications can also occur, (and have also happened in my family) though, I've given birth to a big, healthy Spiritual Satanist in late 2017 <3

I've been taking black cohosh for a few weeks now, in an attempt to help regulate my hormones. I've considered taking progesterone but I believe raspberry leaf tea may be a more agreeable alternative. Weight loss also helps, and I've lost quite a bit of weight this year. My PCOS and quality of life in general has gotten much better as a result but the hormonal imbalances cannot be fixed on weight loss, alone. I'm at the point where I'm trying to find a lasting, sustainable solution.

Hello sister,

For starters, I am going to post 2 articles in female health that relates to your situation. Please read them. They are not long. It is concerning female health.



Yoga especially will work to heal your body but as you know, food and raw physical material will work in conjunction with yout body.

For starters, I would like to know a little more about your issue.

What is your diet like?
And do you have any other health issues worth mentioning?

Health problems related to the reproductive system in women usually are hormonal. In which case, an imbalance in estrogen or progesterone. Women are usally estrogen dominant which causes problems like PCOS, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, etc.

Supplementing with specific vitamins and or herbs, taking out or including certain foods will heal you. I can supply you with remedies for your healing protocol if need be. I dont know your financial situation but it can be worked around.

Good job on losing weight as they are connected to ailments that you I mentioned.

Congrats on your SS baby ❤
Also, if I were you I wouldn't be taking black cohosh or any estrogen mimicing substances as they will more than likely worsen or exacerbate your situation epsecially without knowing certain things. Hold off on that for a bit.

If anything, progesterone will suit you better since most women are estrogen dominant.

Also, women need extra iron amd magnesium especially. Iron bysglycinate and Magnesium citrate or Magnesium glycinate are the best forms to take. Magnesium supplementation alone will stop menstrual cramps in women.

Magensium is responsible for over 300 biochemical processes in the body.
HPS Shannon said:
Hello sister,

For starters, I am going to post 2 articles in female health that relates to your situation. Please read them. They are not long. It is concerning female health.



Yoga especially will work to heal your body but as you know, food and raw physical material will work in conjunction with yout body.

For starters, I would like to know a little more about your issue.

What is your diet like?
And do you have any other health issues worth mentioning?

Health problems related to the reproductive system in women usually are hormonal. In which case, an imbalance in estrogen or progesterone. Women are usally estrogen dominant which causes problems like PCOS, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, etc.

Supplementing with specific vitamins and or herbs, taking out or including certain foods will heal you. I can supply you with remedies for your healing protocol if need be. I dont know your financial situation but it can be worked around.

Good job on losing weight as they are connected to ailments that you I mentioned.

Congrats on your SS baby ❤

Thank you HPS Shannon! Even though my period didn't come every month, it always fell on a full moon. I will start invoking the moon every night it's not void. I really enjoy Kundalini yoga at least once a day, and I like to do sun salutations in the morning. I'm working on my consistency practicing yoga. I'm definitely looking into look into vitex and maca.

I only got to breastfeed for the first two months. My big baby was drinking a LOT of my breast milk but no amount was ever enough, so I had to introduce formula and my breast stopped producing milk soon after, and I felt like I had tried everything. I wonder if I wasn't producing enough progesterone. My environment was very stressful during this time as well, which didn't help.

I was easing off the black cohosh a bit, because it was giving me cramps that felt like I was was going to start my period soon, so I was hopeful. But it's been almost a month, and I'm getting tired of the cramps, so I guess I'll stop. I haven't taken it within the last 24 hrs and don't recall feeling a single cramp. I definitely agree that it could be exacerbating things.

As far as other health issues, I am anemic. I also have the sickle cell trait, not sure if it's exactly a health problem but probably worth mentioning. I'm not really allergic to anything. Tomatoes used to give me hives as a kid but I kept eating them because they are so good. :lol:

As far as food, on days when I'm mostly sedentary, I'll either have 3 eggs with a plate full of raw baby spinach for breakfast, or a packet of plain instant oatmeal with a tbs of raw, unfiltered honey. In between breakfast and dinner, some kind of fruit, sometimes cherry tomatoes or cucumber, and sometimes a bowl of raw baby spinach with hummus as dressing. Or sometimes a packet of my baby's peanut butter sandwich crackers lol. I try to eat whole foods. When I crave chips or other junk, I follow the serving size to the gram with a digital food scale (I didn't grow up knowing portion control). Dinner is usually some kind or sauteed or baked chicken or salmon with green beans or peas. I always crave something sweet after dinner, so I like to eat fruit. Some days are better than others, of course and weekends are more liberal and involve more sugar, but I don't let it get too crazy. On days when I'm much more active, it's all usually the same but I may have a larger helpings. I started this regime 2 months ago.

I drink about 6 cups of water a dayand I like a cup or two of strong ginger tea to help my food digest because I digest food slowly. When I feel like my gut bacteria needs help, I put some apple cider vinegar in my water. I don't start eating until at least 11am, and stop eating by 7pm-8pm. The timing keeps me in check so I don't mindlessly eat.
Youre on the right path. Yes, please stop taking the black cohosh. Given what I know of your situation, if youre going to take anything now, take the Vitex (Chaste tree berry.)

The Vitext takes about 2-3 lunar cyles for a strong effect. Its slower and gentle. Get the tincture version and take 2-3 full droppers in the morning. The Vitex works with your brain and body to make progesterone. Im also thinking of giving you something stronger but this is good for now.

The maca might be a bit too much too as those who take it say they gain weight with increased sex drive but can also over stimulate estrogen.

Make sure you keep up with your iron and magnesium intake as soon as you can. I already recommended the kind of ones. There is a multivitamin brand called "Garden of Life" that has a whole food multivitamin for women. Get that if you can. Many people are deficient in essential multivitamins and minerals.

As for your diet, less sugar the better and good job in keeping up with the yoga since it heals the endocrine system.

As for water, consider investing in a counter top water distiller to purify your water. They are not expensive. I got mine for less than 75 dollars. Your baby should be drinking pure water too. There are things in tap water you dont want to be drinking.

And monitor how much water you are drinking. A slower digestion usually means a weak digestive fire. Drinking too much warer dilutes that. Apple cider vinegar strengthens digestion.

Pure virgin coconut oil and or grass fed butter will help to heal your hormones too. Trust me on that. Coconut oil helps with the weight too.

I will stop there for now as to not overwhelm you. I can go on and on.

There are more than one route to healing. There is more I can reccomend to you but it depends on your financial situation.
We drink and cook with gallons of distilled water from the grocery store because that's what I've always done growing up, but getting a countertop distiller seems so, so much more practical. Especially since there was a boil water advisory in my area recently. The stores were clean out of distilled water for a couple days. :shock:

I'm very water dominant, and I know that has a lot to do with my digestion. I take a double dosage of the women's one-a-day, but I've been looking for something better, so I'll definitely be buying all the supplement brands you've recommended. My financial situation is comfortable, I don't mind paying for quality, especially when it comes to my body. I'm open to any and all recommendations. It wouldn't overwhelm me at aalll. I used to work in the healthcare industry which is corrupt and backwards, so I'm having to absorb g a lot of new information.

I've been using the vitacoco brand virgin cold pressed organic coconut oil for my eggs and I'd marry it if I could :lol: I absolutely cannot go without it! For the nutritional benefits and curbing my cravings for unhealthy fats.
Upon doing research on Vitex last year when I was taking it, I came across a cycle method for it. Take it daily until the first day of menstruation, then take 5 days off, then start again daily, and this will help bring it to a regular cycle. Does this sound correct HPS Shannon or anyone else who have taken it? I did it this way when I took Vitex for the second time and it felt better than taking it every single day. I made it into tea format btw, I really enjoy the taste.

Yes, a counter top distiller is best since store bought water is always suspicious to me. Why buy water from plastic containerd when you can distill your own in a glass container for cheap? So look into that.

You also will want to get some wheatgrass for your body, blood, etc. Its wonderful and I take it everyday but stop in the late fall/early winter. An alternative is pure beet juice powder from the brand "pure synergy"

The women's one a day you are taking is not the best. The garden of life brand I mentioned is whole food based and better.

Also, pure cod liver oil with Vitamin D by the company Nordic Naturals is best for you too and since you are black, the extra vitamin D will benefit you as the sun loses its strength in the winter. Black gentiles need more vitamin D in the cold months. If you give your baby cod liver oil it will support his health, brain and physical formation-- highly recommended for gwoing children!

All of these things I mentioned can be found at Drrons.com
@ Lydia, yes that is the best way if one is taking pure progesterone creams and supplements and one should definitely pay attention to how they feel. I think your health and hornones are adequate so taking a break from the Vitex is great for you, but in the case of someone who is estrogen dominant and or with really imbalanced hormones, the slow acting and gentle vitex can be taken everyday since it is a plant that works with the brain and body for balance and progesterone developement.

have used Vitex everyday years ago, without breaks, and it worked out fine.

In Meena's case she can take it everyday with a reduced supplementation around the time her moon/menstrual cycle ends. Keep us updated Meena.

Taking progesterone with breaks around the moon cycle is a good general rule however, even better, I note that progesterone should be stopped right after bleeding and not during bleeding.

Right after bleeding, the body is building up estrogen leading to ovulation. So in actuality, one should halt progesterone and heavy Vitex use right when the moon cycle ends.

But with Vitex, its easy to get away with prolonged non stop use since its not like a pure progesterone cream, to clarify as its easy to confuse. With Meena and with those who are estogen dominant, the Vitex can be taken even as they are ovulating after bleeding. This will create a balance.

I once had the Vitex shrub and it had beautiful flowers that gave berries, these berries can be used to make your own vitext tea or tincture. I love that plant. Its like my spirit plant. Great for women.
I made the shopping list and went and found everything and put it in my cart, so I'll be ready to go. I'll be able to buy everything at once on next Friday or the Monday following it. I'll put it here to make sure its straight:

• Garden of life women's multivitamin (glad to see my grocery store has it!)

• Vitex tincture (I couldn't find this on Dr. Ron's, but I found it on iHerb!)

• Dr. Ron's: "mag max" magnesium, iron bisglycinate, wheatgrass juice powder, Nordic naturals cod liver oil with the vitamin d

• Countertop water distiller w/ glass bottle storage

I'll be sure to keep updating when I receive them as well as how my body responds to everything :)
meena_venus said:
I made the shopping list and went and found everything and put it in my cart, so I'll be ready to go. I'll be able to buy everything at once on next Friday or the Monday following it. I'll put it here to make sure its straight:

• Garden of life women's multivitamin (glad to see my grocery store has it!)

• Vitex tincture (I couldn't find this on Dr. Ron's, but I found it on iHerb!)

• Dr. Ron's: "mag max" magnesium, iron bisglycinate, wheatgrass juice powder, Nordic naturals cod liver oil with the vitamin d

• Countertop water distiller w/ glass bottle storage

I'll be sure to keep updating when I receive them as well as how my body responds to everything :)

Good job! I'm happy for you sister.

Just to clarify, the garden of life brand of multivitamin is the "mykind organics" one. If they dont have that specific one, then iherb has it. When you get it, take two a day but spaced out.

But everything else on your list is just fine :)

When giving your baby the cod liver oil as well, give him 1/4th teaspoon. They dont need much. So very little. Pea sized, to be exact. For you, take one tablespoon a day. The cod liver oil will also fix your anemia too since vitamin A is needed for proper iron absorption too.

Take two capsules of the magnesium a day.

The wheatgrass can be taken with your pure fruit juice in the morning. This is nutritious. Go slow in the beginning since it can be detoxifying. It will give you more energy too. Wheatgrass is blood building and good for your cells and DNA health, immune system, etc.

Vitex also in the morning.

Above all, please be consistent and dont skip days. You will see considerable improvements not too long after, not only to your hormones but overall health and mental well being. ❤

The body repairs itself in cycles so give it about a month for a good improvement.

One more thing, keep up with your yoga and meditation as these help your supplements. The key is patience and discipline. Take it step at a time.

In the future maybe we can talk about your baby's health as I am a firm believer in healthy and supportive diets for babies and the youth.

Health is Wealth!
HPS Shannon said:
Good job! I'm happy for you sister.

Just to clarify, the garden of life brand of multivitamin is the "mykind organics" one. If they dont have that specific one, then iherb has it. When you get it, take two a day but spaced out.

But everything else on your list is just fine :)

When giving your baby the cod liver oil as well, give him 1/4th teaspoon. They dont need much. So very little. Pea sized, to be exact. For you, take one tablespoon a day. The cod liver oil will also fix your anemia too since vitamin A is needed for proper iron absorption too.

Take two capsules of the magnesium a day.

The wheatgrass can be taken with your pure fruit juice in the morning. This is nutritious. Go slow in the beginning since it can be detoxifying. It will give you more energy too. Wheatgrass is blood building and good for your cells and DNA health, immune system, etc.

Vitex also in the morning.

Above all, please be consistent and dont skip days. You will see considerable improvements not too long after, not only to your hormones but overall health and mental well being. ❤

The body repairs itself in cycles so give it about a month for a good improvement.

One more thing, keep up with your yoga and meditation as these help your supplements. The key is patience and discipline. Take it step at a time.

In the future maybe we can talk about your baby's health as I am a firm believer in healthy and supportive diets for babies and the youth.

Health is Wealth!

Awesome :cool: Just saved this information offline for reference. And yes, I'd love to talk about my son! He's 20 months old and I definitely have a few questions about making sure his needs are met.
No problem. And yes, whenever youre ready, feel free to ask pertaining to his health.
meena_venus said:
Awesome :cool: Just saved this information offline for reference. And yes, I'd love to talk about my son! He's 20 months old and I definitely have a few questions about making sure his needs are met.
On that note, Lydia offers a Natal Chart reading for babies. If you have not ordered one already, it might be worthwhile to do so. Having this kind of knowledge early on can help a ton. :)
Shael said:
On that note, Lydia offers a Natal Chart reading for babies. If you have not ordered one already, it might be worthwhile to do so. Having this kind of knowledge early on can help a ton. :)

Yes! I ordered a natal chart reading from Lydia for myself very recently, for the first time! <3 I plan on ordering my son's in a couple weeks or so! I'm pretty excited lol :D
I've had someone setbacks, but I finally got the mykind organics garden of life women's vitamins from my grocery store, and the Vitex tincture from iHerb. The magnesium, iron and cod liver oil should be here this evening or tomorrow! I decided to pass on the wheatgrass for right now, but I definitely want to have some very soon.

I took about 3 full droppers of vitex with water as soon as I got it this afternoon, and I've been taking the mutli for the past 3 days, twice a day and I really like them. I'll begin to take the other things as I get them and get into the routine you discussed. Again, I'll keep updating! And thanks! :D

(I haven't gotten my period since I posted this topic. it's been 5 months. Pregnancy is 100% out of the question for me right now lol)
meena_venus said:
I've had someone setbacks, but I finally got the mykind organics garden of life women's vitamins from my grocery store, and the Vitex tincture from iHerb. The magnesium, iron and cod liver oil should be here this evening or tomorrow! I decided to pass on the wheatgrass for right now, but I definitely want to have some very soon.

I took about 3 full droppers of vitex with water as soon as I got it this afternoon, and I've been taking the mutli for the past 3 days, twice a day and I really like them. I'll begin to take the other things as I get them and get into the routine you discussed. Again, I'll keep updating! And thanks! :D

(I haven't gotten my period since I posted this topic. it's been 5 months. Pregnancy is 100% out of the question for me right now lol)

You should get your moon time soon while taking these supplements.
Ughh Reading everything I can on this page, I don’t have a diagnosis but I’ve been to the ER multiply times now due to ovarian cysts. From my last check nearly a year ago I had 7 cysts in one ovary and 5 in the other. I did a working and haven’t had any more burst but I can still feel that I have them.
HPS Shannon said:
You should get your moon time soon while taking these supplements.

I did! I got my period almost 2 weeks ago, right around the full moon and it came earlier than I expected and was very normal and refreshing as opposed to the last time I got it when the bleeding was so heavy, I almost felt like I needed a postpartum pad. That was 3-5 months ago, it's hard for me to remember when I get my period so infrequently. And the pain in my uterus that got worse when taking the black cohosh I took previously is completely non-existent now. I'll just give my black cohosh to my mom because she likes to take it for her menopause.
I'll definitely be stocking up on vitex and I just bought another bottle of the multivitamins which are the best I've ever had. And my son takes to the cod liver oil very well, he thankfully never rejects it, partially because he sees me take it first lol.

What was going on with me physically was really impeding on the work I'm doing spiritually, and those few simple changes in my life have been incredibly big for me! I feel like I've been turned back on in a sense. You've helped me more than I think you know. Thank you! ❤️
meena_venus said:
HPS Shannon said:
You should get your moon time soon while taking these supplements.

I did! I got my period almost 2 weeks ago, right around the full moon and it came earlier than I expected and was very normal and refreshing as opposed to the last time I got it when the bleeding was so heavy, I almost felt like I needed a postpartum pad. That was 3-5 months ago, it's hard for me to remember when I get my period so infrequently. And the pain in my uterus that got worse when taking the black cohosh I took previously is completely non-existent now. I'll just give my black cohosh to my mom because she likes to take it for her menopause.
I'll definitely be stocking up on vitex and I just bought another bottle of the multivitamins which are the best I've ever had. And my son takes to the cod liver oil very well, he thankfully never rejects it, partially because he sees me take it first lol.

What was going on with me physically was really impeding on the work I'm doing spiritually, and those few simple changes in my life have been incredibly big for me! I feel like I've been turned back on in a sense. You've helped me more than I think you know. Thank you! ❤️

You're welcome sister Meena. I am very happy for you. I very much enjoy seeing people healed, especially my Satanic family.

Please keep taking the multivitamins, twice a day and spaced apart. And Yes! Keep giving your son the cod liver oil, it will benefit him. Consider a multivitamin for him too in the near future. It will help him develop physically and mentally. Good for growing children. Don't forget the healh routine we discussed.

Keep doing what you are doing and spiritually advancing, sister ❤
And Meena, dont forget the magnesium for yourself. Its essential as well.
Sleepy said:
Ughh Reading everything I can on this page, I don’t have a diagnosis but I’ve been to the ER multiply times now due to ovarian cysts. From my last check nearly a year ago I had 7 cysts in one ovary and 5 in the other. I did a working and haven’t had any more burst but I can still feel that I have them.

How are you feeling these days? You say you've read the info on this page. Took any of the advice?

Ovarian cysts are indeed a female reproductive imbalance. Thats good you did a working for it but I always encourage people to balance the physical and the spiritual. Do you have the means to be able to purchase some of these things?
Meena, when you can, get this for your child.

It also has iodine in it. Super important for your son. Many blacks in america are deficient in iodine which is linked to hormonal problems and lowered IQ.

It's a chewable one.

HPS Shannon said:
Meena, when you can, get this for your child.

It also has iodine in it. Super important for your son. Many blacks in america are deficient in iodine which is linked to hormonal problems and lowered IQ.

It's a chewable one.


Perfect! iHerb has it and I ordered it just now. And I won't forget about the magnesium, I really love it. All of the supplements are so clean and potent, I can't go back now lol

I'd given him pediasure in the past because I'm always worrying about meeting his dietary needs. Then he got toddler diarrhea shortly after. It was completely unrelated, but it spooked me so I never gave it to him again. He's very tall, lean and strong but it can be hard to keep his weight up. I had to introduce solids at 2 months! It's easier now that he'll eat pretty much anything including chicken bones :lol: The only things he doesn't really like are eggs, broccoli, and chicken off the bone, like nuggets. He's lactose intolerant like me, so I give him lactose free whole milk.
meena_venus said:
HPS Shannon said:
Meena, when you can, get this for your child.

It also has iodine in it. Super important for your son. Many blacks in america are deficient in iodine which is linked to hormonal problems and lowered IQ.

It's a chewable one.


Perfect! iHerb has it and I ordered it just now. And I won't forget about the magnesium, I really love it. All of the supplements are so clean and potent, I can't go back now lol

I'd given him pediasure in the past because I'm always worrying about meeting his dietary needs. Then he got toddler diarrhea shortly after. It was completely unrelated, but it spooked me so I never gave it to him again. He's very tall, lean and strong but it can be hard to keep his weight up. I had to introduce solids at 2 months! It's easier now that he'll eat pretty much anything including chicken bones :lol: The only things he doesn't really like are eggs, broccoli, and chicken off the bone, like nuggets. He's lactose intolerant like me, so I give him lactose free whole milk.

Its a shame that he doesnt like eggs since they are very healthy and has some nutrients essential for brain health.

You are both more than likely lactose intolerant because of the industrially produced and heavily pasteurized and homogenized milk.

I drink unprocessed grassfed milk.

Consider sheep or goat milk. This will give him healthy weight and benefit you both in different ways too. I drink warmed milk in the winter time with cinnamon and such.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Maybe it's something about how the eggs are cooked why he doesn't like it? Like if it's scrambled eggs that are slimey, he might not like the feeling of it. Maybe if you try to cook it another way like boiling them, he might like it.
This is good advice. There are so many things you can do with eggs to change their texture, anywhere from soft and creamy (they should never be slimy unless cooked improperly), to cheesecake-like in texture (when boiled).
Shael said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Maybe it's something about how the eggs are cooked why he doesn't like it? Like if it's scrambled eggs that are slimey, he might not like the feeling of it. Maybe if you try to cook it another way like boiling them, he might like it.
This is good advice. There are so many things you can do with eggs to change their texture, anywhere from soft and creamy (they should never be slimy unless cooked improperly), to cheesecake-like in texture (when boiled).
When I was a baby, there was a lot of foods I would never eat not really because of the taste, but because the texture was too weird. I could never eat pork because the feeling of it always freaked me out.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Maybe it's something about how the eggs are cooked why he doesn't like it? Like if it's scrambled eggs that are slimey, he might not like the feeling of it. Maybe if you try to cook it another way like boiling them, he might like it.

I've tried scrambled, sunny side up and boiled, but he doesn't like them, unfortunately. I did try them in a stir fry recently, and he ate a little but not much. I hope he'll grow out of it because he used to hate watermelon, but I ate it so much during the summer months, he started to love it
HPS Shannon said:
Its a shame that he doesnt like eggs since they are very healthy and has some nutrients essential for brain health.

You are both more than likely lactose intolerant because of the industrially produced and heavily pasteurized and homogenized milk.

I drink unprocessed grassfed milk.

Consider sheep or goat milk. This will give him healthy weight and benefit you both in different ways too. I drink warmed milk in the winter time with cinnamon and such.

I've seen it at the farmers market, I never really looked at it. I'll pick some up, I'm sure we'll like it
In May/2017 I had Bilateral Extensive Pulmonary Thromboembolism and with that my menstrual cycle became irregular.

It turns out that since March of that year I have not menstruo; and I'd like to know if there's any meditation or runes i can do so I'll get back to menstruating.

I really want to be a mother and the doctors say that for me to have a chance to be a mother, I have to go back to menstruating.

Can anyone help me? If anyone can help me, I appreciate it.

Satanic Greetings!
Aninha said:
November 11, Full Moon in Taurus, the Moon square (or just it's mantra daily for a set number of repetitions) can be done. Moon rules menstruation and female fertility :)

Aninha said:
In May/2017 I had Bilateral Extensive Pulmonary Thromboembolism and with that my menstrual cycle became irregular.

It turns out that since March of that year I have not menstruo; and I'd like to know if there's any meditation or runes i can do so I'll get back to menstruating.

I really want to be a mother and the doctors say that for me to have a chance to be a mother, I have to go back to menstruating.

Can anyone help me? If anyone can help me, I appreciate it.

Satanic Greetings!

In addition to spiritual workings, do you have the means to incorporate physical cures?
Lydia said:
Aninha said:
November 11, Full Moon in Taurus, the Moon square (or just it's mantra daily for a set number of repetitions) can be done. Moon rules menstruation and female fertility :)


Lydia, muito obrigada!!
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
In May/2017 I had Bilateral Extensive Pulmonary Thromboembolism and with that my menstrual cycle became irregular.

It turns out that since March of that year I have not menstruo; and I'd like to know if there's any meditation or runes i can do so I'll get back to menstruating.

I really want to be a mother and the doctors say that for me to have a chance to be a mother, I have to go back to menstruating.

Can anyone help me? If anyone can help me, I appreciate it.

Satanic Greetings!

In addition to spiritual workings, do you have the means to incorporate physical cures?

HP Shannon, eu posso tentar; pois fiz dedicação há três meses somente e não tenho certeza de ter o poder suficiente.
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
In May/2017 I had Bilateral Extensive Pulmonary Thromboembolism and with that my menstrual cycle became irregular.

It turns out that since March of that year I have not menstruo; and I'd like to know if there's any meditation or runes i can do so I'll get back to menstruating.

I really want to be a mother and the doctors say that for me to have a chance to be a mother, I have to go back to menstruating.

Can anyone help me? If anyone can help me, I appreciate it.

Satanic Greetings!

In addition to spiritual workings, do you have the means to incorporate physical cures?

HP Shannon, eu posso tentar; pois fiz dedicação há três meses somente e não tenho certeza de ter o poder suficiente.

É possível que você se atenha ao inglês? O que eu quis dizer é que você tem finanças suficientes para poder comprar alguns remédios naturais que posso recomendar? Você está no Brasil, certo?
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
In addition to spiritual workings, do you have the means to incorporate physical cures?

HP Shannon, eu posso tentar; pois fiz dedicação há três meses somente e não tenho certeza de ter o poder suficiente.

É possível que você se atenha ao inglês? O que eu quis dizer é que você tem finanças suficientes para poder comprar alguns remédios naturais que posso recomendar? Você está no Brasil, certo?

E bem-vindo ao satanismo espiritual! Desejo-lhe o melhor neste caminho. Sua vida vai mudar com isso, para melhor.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
