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Irregular Menstrual Cycle

HPS Shannon said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HP Shannon, eu posso tentar; pois fiz dedicação há três meses somente e não tenho certeza de ter o poder suficiente.

É possível que você se atenha ao inglês? O que eu quis dizer é que você tem finanças suficientes para poder comprar alguns remédios naturais que posso recomendar? Você está no Brasil, certo?

E bem-vindo ao satanismo espiritual! Desejo-lhe o melhor neste caminho. Sua vida vai mudar com isso, para melhor.

Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
HPS Shannon said:
É possível que você se atenha ao inglês? O que eu quis dizer é que você tem finanças suficientes para poder comprar alguns remédios naturais que posso recomendar? Você está no Brasil, certo?

E bem-vindo ao satanismo espiritual! Desejo-lhe o melhor neste caminho. Sua vida vai mudar com isso, para melhor.

Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!

I will get back to you soon.
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
HPS Shannon said:
É possível que você se atenha ao inglês? O que eu quis dizer é que você tem finanças suficientes para poder comprar alguns remédios naturais que posso recomendar? Você está no Brasil, certo?

E bem-vindo ao satanismo espiritual! Desejo-lhe o melhor neste caminho. Sua vida vai mudar com isso, para melhor.

Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!
I'd like to start by asking a series of questions:

Do you have any other health problems, and or health problems related to the health issue you had? Please try to remember and be detailed.

What is the nature of your circulatory system and vein health?

Any problems with your hormones or endocrine system?

How old are you?
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
E bem-vindo ao satanismo espiritual! Desejo-lhe o melhor neste caminho. Sua vida vai mudar com isso, para melhor.

Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!
I'd like to start by asking a series of questions:

Do you have any other health problems, and or health problems related to the health issue you had? Please try to remember and be detailed.

What is the nature of your circulatory system and vein health?

Any problems with your hormones or endocrine system?

How old are you?

HP Shannon, thank you for your return. Here are the answers:

I have polycystic ovaries and suffered a miscarriage in 1997 (I discovered I was pregnant when I had the abortion).

My menstrual cycle was always irregular, for a long time I menstruated every 15 days, had bleeding and anemia due to the intense flow. And for this reason, the gynecologist who accompanied me prescribed me a contraceptive called Deprovera 150, which at the same time that it worked as a contraceptive also cut my period (I used it for about 15 years).

When I had thromboembolism I was no longer taking Deprovera 150, and my cycle was around 40 in 40 days, and I was 4 days menstruated.

Both the doctors who treated me in the emergency room and who admitted me, as well as the ICU doctors (I stayed 6 days in the ICU and a total of 16 days in the hospital), and the doctors who accompanied me and accompany me until today (pulmonologist, angiologist, cardiologist and gynecologist), state that it was the contraceptive that caused thromboembolism.

After hospital discharge, I took anticoagulant for 1 year and 1 month, and the dosage: second/quarter and sixth I took 5 mg and on the other days of the week the dosage was 7.5 mg.

I am prohibited from taking contraceptives for the rest of my life and when I enter menopause I will not be able to do hormone replacement.

2) After I was discharged, I did a battery of blood tests and images, including to check if I had any genetic disease and the only thing that appeared was that in the Doppler of the lower limbs accused that I had mild thrombosis behind the right knee; but it has healed and was even only detected due to "scar" that thrombosis left.

3) Regarding hormones, there are doctors who said that I don't produce more hormones and that's why I can't get pregnant anymore and there are others who say that my hormones are okay; and that the only thing that will happen if I get pregnant, I'll have to take an anticoagulant again to avoid a new thromboembolism.

Regarding the endocrine system, I've always had problems with the scale (I've had several diets).

At the beginning of the year I was diagnosed with Clinical Thyroid and I take Puran T4 (12.5 mg) every day to prevent it from turning into Hypothyroidism.

And since last year I take Glyphage XR 500 mg because I have insulin resistance.

4) I am 47 years old

There's one thing I think it's important for you to know: after I had an abortion; I didn't try to get pregnant because I had sexual abuse when I was a child, abuse that started when I was 5 and lasted over 10 years; and I needed to learn to live with the memories of the abuse I suffered and also to heal myself of all the harm they caused me.

Thank you.
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!
I'd like to start by asking a series of questions:

Do you have any other health problems, and or health problems related to the health issue you had? Please try to remember and be detailed.

What is the nature of your circulatory system and vein health?

Any problems with your hormones or endocrine system?

How old are you?

HP Shannon, thank you for your return. Here are the answers:

I have polycystic ovaries and suffered a miscarriage in 1997 (I discovered I was pregnant when I had the abortion).

My menstrual cycle was always irregular, for a long time I menstruated every 15 days, had bleeding and anemia due to the intense flow. And for this reason, the gynecologist who accompanied me prescribed me a contraceptive called Deprovera 150, which at the same time that it worked as a contraceptive also cut my period (I used it for about 15 years).

When I had thromboembolism I was no longer taking Deprovera 150, and my cycle was around 40 in 40 days, and I was 4 days menstruated.

Both the doctors who treated me in the emergency room and who admitted me, as well as the ICU doctors (I stayed 6 days in the ICU and a total of 16 days in the hospital), and the doctors who accompanied me and accompany me until today (pulmonologist, angiologist, cardiologist and gynecologist), state that it was the contraceptive that caused thromboembolism.

After hospital discharge, I took anticoagulant for 1 year and 1 month, and the dosage: second/quarter and sixth I took 5 mg and on the other days of the week the dosage was 7.5 mg.

I am prohibited from taking contraceptives for the rest of my life and when I enter menopause I will not be able to do hormone replacement.

2) After I was discharged, I did a battery of blood tests and images, including to check if I had any genetic disease and the only thing that appeared was that in the Doppler of the lower limbs accused that I had mild thrombosis behind the right knee; but it has healed and was even only detected due to "scar" that thrombosis left.

3) Regarding hormones, there are doctors who said that I don't produce more hormones and that's why I can't get pregnant anymore and there are others who say that my hormones are okay; and that the only thing that will happen if I get pregnant, I'll have to take an anticoagulant again to avoid a new thromboembolism.

Regarding the endocrine system, I've always had problems with the scale (I've had several diets).

At the beginning of the year I was diagnosed with Clinical Thyroid and I take Puran T4 (12.5 mg) every day to prevent it from turning into Hypothyroidism.

And since last year I take Glyphage XR 500 mg because I have insulin resistance.

4) I am 47 years old

There's one thing I think it's important for you to know: after I had an abortion; I didn't try to get pregnant because I had sexual abuse when I was a child, abuse that started when I was 5 and lasted over 10 years; and I needed to learn to live with the memories of the abuse I suffered and also to heal myself of all the harm they caused me.

Thank you.

Okay, this is a very good amount of information. I very much appreciate that you took the time to write and explain your situation and what you are going through. Thank you for sharing.

We will get through this, I am not a professional docror but we can find safe and gentle remedies for you that you can apply in conjunction with spiritual meditations and solutions.

One more thing, have you considered that your age might be a bit of hinderance for child bearing?

There are ways around this but I want you to keep this in mind. Dont feel discouraged but getting pregnant at your age may be slightly tricky. Not so much the age, but the health issues that befall you along with it.

I will reply back to you before tomorrow with a longer response, and more information pertaining to your situation. Unfortunately I am a bit busy today.

You said your finances and money situation is okay. So you can buy a couple things I recommend. Right?

Thank you sister.
HPS Shannon said:
Meena, by any chance, do you hsve any issues with the sickle cell trait?

Nothing serious, thankfully. I do have to be careful with high altitudes. Several years ago, I was on vacation with my family in a cabin on a mountain over 5,000ft which is where it gets risky for people with sickle cell trait. I had to sit down and rest after a short flight of steps and I couldn't walk very far. Worse than being pregnant :lol:

I used to get heart flutters a lot when I was a younger, but it doesn't happen much anymore
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
HPS Shannon said:
É possível que você se atenha ao inglês? O que eu quis dizer é que você tem finanças suficientes para poder comprar alguns remédios naturais que posso recomendar? Você está no Brasil, certo?

E bem-vindo ao satanismo espiritual! Desejo-lhe o melhor neste caminho. Sua vida vai mudar com isso, para melhor.

Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!

Hi Sister,

Sorry for not getting back sooner.

Okay so I went over your issue with another satanist who is also a health practitioner.
We came up with some solutions and found what you need.

This is what he said:

"She has chronic kidney yang deficiency.

Polycystic ovary condition is almost always this syndrome + phlegm (due to poor water metabolism by diminished yang).

Further evidence of this is the hypothyroid tendencies. 

Embolism is due to phlegm congestion in the vessels.

It is likely she also has severe depression as an adjoining syndrome. 

Kidney yang tonic formula such as Ba Ji Yin Yang Wan would be of immense value to her as would regular moxibustion to the kidney and spleen points on the legs and feet.

Energy breathing is a suitable meditation and any exercise should be short and gentle. 

Breath of fire is a great yang tonic."



This pretty much means that your kidneys are imbalanced and is the cause for moat of your health problems. The kidneys are also responsible for the sexual essence and fertility.

Here is the medicine that you need to get to fix this.The Ba Ji Yin Yang Wan. This company ships to Brazil.


I also want to personally recommend that you do some nutritional balancing for your optimal health and this supplement is designed for women over 40 years of age. This company also ships to Brazil but please double check and let me know if they do.


It has Iodine in it and basic vitamins and minerals to aid in your health and healing. The Iodine in it will safely stimulate your thyroid.

Take 2 of these pills a day. One in the early part of the day and once before sleep.

Buy two bottles of each medicine. It is a good investment for you when you consider how much medical bills are and the drugs they were giving you. This is safer, less expensive and will heal you over time. It will also increase your fertility for child bearing.

Also, please, you must keep up with your yoga and power meditation to help increase your mental health and heal your mind, and build your immune system. I am sorry that you went through that abuse when you were younger. This is why you are here, to heal yourself. Ask Satan and the gods for assistance. They will help you.

There are other things you can take for healing sexual trauma, like flower essences, but I want to take it slow and make sure you can get the medicine and herbs listed above for yourself.

Any trauma you have sexually can get in the way of having a children because of energy blocks.

Make yoga your close friend now.

Satanic blessings and healing to you.

Keep me updated and get back to me with any questions you have.
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
HPS Shannon said:
É possível que você se atenha ao inglês? O que eu quis dizer é que você tem finanças suficientes para poder comprar alguns remédios naturais que posso recomendar? Você está no Brasil, certo?

E bem-vindo ao satanismo espiritual! Desejo-lhe o melhor neste caminho. Sua vida vai mudar com isso, para melhor.

Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!

Making your kidneys balanced and healthy will also support your sexual essence, fertility and quality of your blood and life force. So we are on the right path.

The drugs and so called "medicine" that those doctors gave you made your issues worst. The contraceptives make the hormones imbalanced. There are better ways to make your hormones healthy.

If you want to stop and prevent embolism, we need to make sure your blood is moving healthily and without stagnation. That is what the chinese medicine recommended to you is for. If you take that combined with yoga and therapeutic stretching, you will not need to worry about whether or not your blood will clot.

The Yoga, multivitamins and chinese herbs will ensure good blood flow.
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
E bem-vindo ao satanismo espiritual! Desejo-lhe o melhor neste caminho. Sua vida vai mudar com isso, para melhor.

Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!

Hi Sister,

Sorry for not getting back sooner.

Okay so I went over your issue with another satanist who is also a health practitioner.
We came up with some solutions and found what you need.

This is what he said:

"She has chronic kidney yang deficiency.

Polycystic ovary condition is almost always this syndrome + phlegm (due to poor water metabolism by diminished yang).

Further evidence of this is the hypothyroid tendencies. 

Embolism is due to phlegm congestion in the vessels.

It is likely she also has severe depression as an adjoining syndrome. 

Kidney yang tonic formula such as Ba Ji Yin Yang Wan would be of immense value to her as would regular moxibustion to the kidney and spleen points on the legs and feet.

Energy breathing is a suitable meditation and any exercise should be short and gentle. 

Breath of fire is a great yang tonic."



This pretty much means that your kidneys are imbalanced and is the cause for moat of your health problems. The kidneys are also responsible for the sexual essence and fertility.

Here is the medicine that you need to get to fix this.The Ba Ji Yin Yang Wan. This company ships to Brazil.


I also want to personally recommend that you do some nutritional balancing for your optimal health and this supplement is designed for women over 40 years of age. This company also ships to Brazil but please double check and let me know if they do.


It has Iodine in it and basic vitamins and minerals to aid in your health and healing. The Iodine in it will safely stimulate your thyroid.

Take 2 of these pills a day. One in the early part of the day and once before sleep.

Buy two bottles of each medicine. It is a good investment for you when you consider how much medical bills are and the drugs they were giving you. This is safer, less expensive and will heal you over time. It will also increase your fertility for child bearing.

Also, please, you must keep up with your yoga and power meditation to help increase your mental health and heal your mind, and build your immune system. I am sorry that you went through that abuse when you were younger. This is why you are here, to heal yourself. Ask Satan and the gods for assistance. They will help you.

There are other things you can take for healing sexual trauma, like flower essences, but I want to take it slow and make sure you can get the medicine and herbs listed above for yourself.

Any trauma you have sexually can get in the way of having a children because of energy blocks.

Make yoga your close friend now.

Satanic blessings and healing to you.

Keep me updated and get back to me with any questions you have.

HPS Shannon,

Thank you very much for all you have done for me.

I will take the medicines and follow all past guidelines, and I will give you news yes.

And if you have doubts, you can let me ask you for help yes.

May Satan continue to bless you at all times of your life.

Thank you...
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
HPS Shannon said:
É possível que você se atenha ao inglês? O que eu quis dizer é que você tem finanças suficientes para poder comprar alguns remédios naturais que posso recomendar? Você está no Brasil, certo?

E bem-vindo ao satanismo espiritual! Desejo-lhe o melhor neste caminho. Sua vida vai mudar com isso, para melhor.

Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!

No problem my dear sister. Its what we love to do. When you order the herbs and medicine, it might take one to two weeks to arrive to you.

Let me know when they arrive.

Hugs and kisses.

Health is wealth!
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
E bem-vindo ao satanismo espiritual! Desejo-lhe o melhor neste caminho. Sua vida vai mudar com isso, para melhor.

Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!

Making your kidneys balanced and healthy will also support your sexual essence, fertility and quality of your blood and life force. So we are on the right path.

The drugs and so called "medicine" that those doctors gave you made your issues worst. The contraceptives make the hormones imbalanced. There are better ways to make your hormones healthy.

If you want to stop and prevent embolism, we need to make sure your blood is moving healthily and without stagnation. That is what the chinese medicine recommended to you is for. If you take that combined with yoga and therapeutic stretching, you will not need to worry about whether or not your blood will clot.

The Yoga, multivitamins and chinese herbs will ensure good blood flow.

I will do everything correctly.

Regarding severe depression that was mentioned, at the beginning of last year I was diagnosed with severe depression and had treatment with psychiatrist (one visit per month) and psychologist (one session per week); but after three months of treatment I gave myself medical discharge because the psychiatrist wanted me to take two kinds of tranquilizer every day and I refused to take it; for I knew that soothing beyond causing addiction is a poison to the body.

Please thank the Satanist brother who is also helping me.

Thank you
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
E bem-vindo ao satanismo espiritual! Desejo-lhe o melhor neste caminho. Sua vida vai mudar com isso, para melhor.

Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!

No problem my dear sister. Its what we love to do. When you order the herbs and medicine, it might take one to two weeks to arrive to you.

Let me know when they arrive.

Hugs and kisses.

Health is wealth!

Yes. Hugs and kisses.
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
Good afternoon, HP Shannon!

Yes, I live in Brazil.
I can buy the medicine.

Thanks for the welcome.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention and help.

Satanic Greetings!

No problem my dear sister. Its what we love to do. When you order the herbs and medicine, it might take one to two weeks to arrive to you.

Let me know when they arrive.

Hugs and kisses.

Health is wealth!

Yes. Hugs and kisses.

Good idea that you did NOT take those tranquilizers. It would have made you worst. Aninha, be patient with yourself and do not let anyone make you take drugs and such which will only make you worst. They make money off of giving people things they do not need. That is what the enemy has done to us.

Are you still having issues with the depression? What issues in your life are causing you to feel depressed, aside from the sexual trauma and spiritual imbalances (many people are having problems like this because of operating on a lower level of energy.) Meditation fixes this.

You will find TRUE healing using natural remedies and when doing Yoga and meditation.

What is your current meditation program you are doing?

Oh and I forgot to mention, you can buy only 1 bottle of the multivitamins, but buy two bottles of the chinese herbs.
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
No problem my dear sister. Its what we love to do. When you order the herbs and medicine, it might take one to two weeks to arrive to you.

Let me know when they arrive.

Hugs and kisses.

Health is wealth!

Yes. Hugs and kisses.

Good idea that you did NOT take those tranquilizers. It would have made you worst. Aninha, be patient with yourself and do not let anyone make you take drugs and such which will only make you worst. They make money off of giving people things they do not need. That is what the enemy has done to us.

Are you still having issues with the depression? What issues in your life are causing you to feel depressed, aside from the sexual trauma and spiritual imbalances (many people are having problems like this because of operating on a lower level of energy.) Meditation fixes this.

You will find TRUE healing using natural remedies and when doing Yoga and meditation.

What is your current meditation program you are doing?

Oh and I forgot to mention, you can buy only 1 bottle of the multivitamins, but buy two bottles of the chinese herbs.

Good morning, HPS Shannon!!

In relation to depression is more due to sexual trauma and spiritual imbalances.

However it is the concern and anxiety that I need to leave the apartment that I live with my sister and my nephew (they are Christians), and problems with the delay in resolving some legal cases that I am moving; and that they’ll be able to afford to buy my house and live my life away from them.

I finished the 40-day program, I do Aura Cleaning, Aura Protection, Curse Return, RAUM, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Alternate Nasal Respiration, I will do the Opening of the chakras again and want to start opening the Points of clairvoyance and Clauriacy.

I’m sorry I didn’t answer before, but I had to sleep early; because today I woke up at 4:00.

Excellent week!!

Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
Yes. Hugs and kisses.

Good idea that you did NOT take those tranquilizers. It would have made you worst. Aninha, be patient with yourself and do not let anyone make you take drugs and such which will only make you worst. They make money off of giving people things they do not need. That is what the enemy has done to us.

Are you still having issues with the depression? What issues in your life are causing you to feel depressed, aside from the sexual trauma and spiritual imbalances (many people are having problems like this because of operating on a lower level of energy.) Meditation fixes this.

You will find TRUE healing using natural remedies and when doing Yoga and meditation.

What is your current meditation program you are doing?

Oh and I forgot to mention, you can buy only 1 bottle of the multivitamins, but buy two bottles of the chinese herbs.

Good morning, HPS Shannon!!

In relation to depression is more due to sexual trauma and spiritual imbalances.

However it is the concern and anxiety that I need to leave the apartment that I live with my sister and my nephew (they are Christians), and problems with the delay in resolving some legal cases that I am moving; and that they’ll be able to afford to buy my house and live my life away from them.

I finished the 40-day program, I do Aura Cleaning, Aura Protection, Curse Return, RAUM, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Alternate Nasal Respiration, I will do the Opening of the chakras again and want to start opening the Points of clairvoyance and Clauriacy.

I’m sorry I didn’t answer before, but I had to sleep early; because today I woke up at 4:00.

Excellent week!!


Good job. Keep doing what you are doing, you will steadily get healed.

You can ask the gods to assist you on your endeavors, since you are still fairly new here. Just be open and patient, they come through for us.

After you start taking the herbs and multivitamins, we can talk more about ways you can heal the sexual issue that befalls you.

Much love to you.
This thread is so wholesome. Even though I'm a guy I read the new messages in it every day haha. Keep up the good work Shannon :)
Shael said:
This thread is so wholesome. Even though I'm a guy I read the new messages in it every day haha. Keep up the good work Shannon :)

Shael <3

Thank you. I love this stuff very much. I want to become a healer, especially when I raise my serpent.

Ha! For some reason, I thought you were a female.
HPS Shannon said:
Shael <3

Thank you. I love this stuff very much. I want to become a healer, especially when I raise my serpent.
That's a noble goal. I agree, helping people feels great and is an awesome thing to do. :)

HPS Shannon said:
Ha! For some reason, I thought you were a female.
Hahaha, you're not the only one :p
I have fairly feminine energies so I'm often confused for a female when I talk through just text or voice.
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Good idea that you did NOT take those tranquilizers. It would have made you worst. Aninha, be patient with yourself and do not let anyone make you take drugs and such which will only make you worst. They make money off of giving people things they do not need. That is what the enemy has done to us.

Are you still having issues with the depression? What issues in your life are causing you to feel depressed, aside from the sexual trauma and spiritual imbalances (many people are having problems like this because of operating on a lower level of energy.) Meditation fixes this.

You will find TRUE healing using natural remedies and when doing Yoga and meditation.

What is your current meditation program you are doing?

Oh and I forgot to mention, you can buy only 1 bottle of the multivitamins, but buy two bottles of the chinese herbs.

Good morning, HPS Shannon!!

In relation to depression is more due to sexual trauma and spiritual imbalances.

However it is the concern and anxiety that I need to leave the apartment that I live with my sister and my nephew (they are Christians), and problems with the delay in resolving some legal cases that I am moving; and that they’ll be able to afford to buy my house and live my life away from them.

I finished the 40-day program, I do Aura Cleaning, Aura Protection, Curse Return, RAUM, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Alternate Nasal Respiration, I will do the Opening of the chakras again and want to start opening the Points of clairvoyance and Clauriacy.

I’m sorry I didn’t answer before, but I had to sleep early; because today I woke up at 4:00.

Excellent week!!


Good job. Keep doing what you are doing, you will steadily get healed.

You can ask the gods to assist you on your endeavors, since you are still fairly new here. Just be open and patient, they come through for us.

After you start taking the herbs and multivitamins, we can talk more about ways you can heal the sexual issue that befalls you.

Much love to you.


I will continue to do my meditation routine and ask the Gods for help in my endeavors.

And any news or doubt I tell you.

Much love to you too.

Shael said:
HPS Shannon said:
Shael <3

Thank you. I love this stuff very much. I want to become a healer, especially when I raise my serpent.
That's a noble goal. I agree, helping people feels great and is an awesome thing to do. :)

HPS Shannon said:
Ha! For some reason, I thought you were a female.
Hahaha, you're not the only one :p
I have fairly feminine energies so I'm often confused for a female when I talk through just text or voice.

Yeah, I have never seen anything on the forum that gives your sex away but your energies feel feminine for some reason. Cute.
Shael said:
HPS Shannon said:
Shael <3

Thank you. I love this stuff very much. I want to become a healer, especially when I raise my serpent.
That's a noble goal. I agree, helping people feels great and is an awesome thing to do. :)

HPS Shannon said:
Ha! For some reason, I thought you were a female.
Hahaha, you're not the only one :p
I have fairly feminine energies so I'm often confused for a female when I talk through just text or voice.

And yeah, it does feel very good to help people. It all started when I was younger, I assisted one of my class mates in healing a problem and I remember it being one of the best feelings. It was a rush and truly satisfying to see someone get better and healed. Its how I get my kicks too ;)

After that, I was set on the healing path.

Growing up I had alot of health problems that I sought to fix myself. That is the case no more. I only get issues when my energies get imbalanced. I rarely get sick either.
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
Good morning, HPS Shannon!!

In relation to depression is more due to sexual trauma and spiritual imbalances.

However it is the concern and anxiety that I need to leave the apartment that I live with my sister and my nephew (they are Christians), and problems with the delay in resolving some legal cases that I am moving; and that they’ll be able to afford to buy my house and live my life away from them.

I finished the 40-day program, I do Aura Cleaning, Aura Protection, Curse Return, RAUM, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Alternate Nasal Respiration, I will do the Opening of the chakras again and want to start opening the Points of clairvoyance and Clauriacy.

I’m sorry I didn’t answer before, but I had to sleep early; because today I woke up at 4:00.

Excellent week!!


Good job. Keep doing what you are doing, you will steadily get healed.

You can ask the gods to assist you on your endeavors, since you are still fairly new here. Just be open and patient, they come through for us.

After you start taking the herbs and multivitamins, we can talk more about ways you can heal the sexual issue that befalls you.

Much love to you.


I will continue to do my meditation routine and ask the Gods for help in my endeavors.

And any news or doubt I tell you.

Much love to you too.


One more thing, your menstrual cycle should come within a couple weeks after taking the medicine
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Good job. Keep doing what you are doing, you will steadily get healed.

You can ask the gods to assist you on your endeavors, since you are still fairly new here. Just be open and patient, they come through for us.

After you start taking the herbs and multivitamins, we can talk more about ways you can heal the sexual issue that befalls you.

Much love to you.


I will continue to do my meditation routine and ask the Gods for help in my endeavors.

And any news or doubt I tell you.

Much love to you too.


One more thing, your menstrual cycle should come within a couple weeks after taking the medicine

Perfect. I'll let you know.
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:

I will continue to do my meditation routine and ask the Gods for help in my endeavors.

And any news or doubt I tell you.

Much love to you too.


One more thing, your menstrual cycle should come within a couple weeks after taking the medicine

Perfect. I'll let you know.

Are you partnered, with someone?

I'm asking because of your situation with having kids?
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
One more thing, your menstrual cycle should come within a couple weeks after taking the medicine

Perfect. I'll let you know.

Are you partnered, with someone?

I'm asking because of your situation with having kids?

I have no partner, but I know that at the right time, the gods will put the right partner in my life.

This is another thing I have been asking of the gods and I am also thinking of doing the Words of Power - Releasing the Soul; to break free in the love area, because I think I ended up bonding (unconsciously) to an old boyfriend of mine (since we broke up, my relationships didn't work out anymore).
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
Perfect. I'll let you know.

Are you partnered, with someone?

I'm asking because of your situation with having kids?

I have no partner, but I know that at the right time, the gods will put the right partner in my life.

This is another thing I have been asking of the gods and I am also thinking of doing the Words of Power - Releasing the Soul; to break free in the love area, because I think I ended up bonding (unconsciously) to an old boyfriend of mine (since we broke up, my relationships didn't work out anymore).

I see.

Aninha, have you considered the situation with your age and having children? What do you personally feel about that?
What I mean is, once women get a certain age, pregnancy becomes more of a risk and you also have to take into effect the resources one has or doesn't, and the energy it will take to raise children which is why around the 20's are the best time for women to have children. And of course, to make sure you have a partner who will assist you in raising the child.

If this is something you understand, then that's ok. Its probably best to work on having children before you turn 51, because after that, the window of opportunity really starts to close.

Satanists are a bit of a different case since we have the knowledge to prolong our lives and energy. For example, a woman who is 50 and has raised her kundalini serpent energy and life force from it is able to have children easily for obvious reasons. It's just a different standard.

Be well, sister.
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Are you partnered, with someone?

I'm asking because of your situation with having kids?

I have no partner, but I know that at the right time, the gods will put the right partner in my life.

This is another thing I have been asking of the gods and I am also thinking of doing the Words of Power - Releasing the Soul; to break free in the love area, because I think I ended up bonding (unconsciously) to an old boyfriend of mine (since we broke up, my relationships didn't work out anymore).

I see.

Aninha, have you considered the situation with your age and having children? What do you personally feel about that?

Yes, I have already considered the issue of my age and my history of illness.

I will try to summarize why this desire to be a mother.

My parents split up when I was 4 years old. I was raised by an alcoholic "father" who sexually abused me, my "mother" went to live her life, and she always denied me as a daughter (after a while I found out that I am an "abortion" that did not give right). I never knew what it is to have a family, and I as much as I thought not; I always wanted to have children to give them the love I never had from my parents.

I know it may sound insane on my part, but every time I see a pregnant woman or with
children; I feel empty inside.

The feeling is that something is always missing. I always dreamed of having a husband, children, a family that I never had.
HPS Shannon said:
What I mean is, once women get a certain age, pregnancy becomes more of a risk and you also have to take into effect the resources one has or doesn't, and the energy it will take to raise children which is why around the 20's are the best time for women to have children. And of course, to make sure you have a partner who will assist you in raising the child.

If this is something you understand, then that's ok. Its probably best to work on having children before you turn 51, because after that, the window of opportunity really starts to close.

Satanists are a bit of a different case since we have the knowledge to prolong our lives and energy. For example, a woman who is 50 and has raised her kundalini serpent energy and life force from it is able to have children easily for obvious reasons. It's just a different standard.

Be well, sister.

I get it.

I know I need to think carefully about my desire to be a mother, and weigh all the risks that my age and health history may entail.

I'll take this week to think more with reason rather than heart, and decide what to do; because I know that even being a Satanist the risk exists.
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
I have no partner, but I know that at the right time, the gods will put the right partner in my life.

This is another thing I have been asking of the gods and I am also thinking of doing the Words of Power - Releasing the Soul; to break free in the love area, because I think I ended up bonding (unconsciously) to an old boyfriend of mine (since we broke up, my relationships didn't work out anymore).

I see.

Aninha, have you considered the situation with your age and having children? What do you personally feel about that?

Yes, I have already considered the issue of my age and my history of illness.

I will try to summarize why this desire to be a mother.

My parents split up when I was 4 years old. I was raised by an alcoholic "father" who sexually abused me, my "mother" went to live her life, and she always denied me as a daughter (after a while I found out that I am an "abortion" that did not give right). I never knew what it is to have a family, and I as much as I thought not; I always wanted to have children to give them the love I never had from my parents.

I know it may sound insane on my part, but every time I see a pregnant woman or with
children; I feel empty inside.

The feeling is that something is always missing. I always dreamed of having a husband, children, a family that I never had.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you wanting to have children but please remember that you need to practice self love and healing first as well so it can resonate with your children in a positive way and not as just a band-aid effect, or with dependency.

There is always a risk but many things are not impossible when you are a satanist and have the true gods on your side. I believe you will be fine.
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
I see.

Aninha, have you considered the situation with your age and having children? What do you personally feel about that?

Yes, I have already considered the issue of my age and my history of illness.

I will try to summarize why this desire to be a mother.

My parents split up when I was 4 years old. I was raised by an alcoholic "father" who sexually abused me, my "mother" went to live her life, and she always denied me as a daughter (after a while I found out that I am an "abortion" that did not give right). I never knew what it is to have a family, and I as much as I thought not; I always wanted to have children to give them the love I never had from my parents.

I know it may sound insane on my part, but every time I see a pregnant woman or with
children; I feel empty inside.

The feeling is that something is always missing. I always dreamed of having a husband, children, a family that I never had.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you wanting to have children but please remember that you need to practice self love and healing first as well so it can resonate with your children in a positive way and not as just a band-aid effect, or with dependency.

There is always a risk but many things are not impossible when you are a satanist and have the true gods on your side. I believe you will be fine.

I understand and know that I need to heal and increase my self-love; I have been seeking this cure a lot.

And I hope that no matter what happens, I'll be fine. Just listening to me, talking to me without judging and / or condemning, guiding me; It has already helped me a lot.

Be sure of that.
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
Yes, I have already considered the issue of my age and my history of illness.

I will try to summarize why this desire to be a mother.

My parents split up when I was 4 years old. I was raised by an alcoholic "father" who sexually abused me, my "mother" went to live her life, and she always denied me as a daughter (after a while I found out that I am an "abortion" that did not give right). I never knew what it is to have a family, and I as much as I thought not; I always wanted to have children to give them the love I never had from my parents.

I know it may sound insane on my part, but every time I see a pregnant woman or with
children; I feel empty inside.

The feeling is that something is always missing. I always dreamed of having a husband, children, a family that I never had.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you wanting to have children but please remember that you need to practice self love and healing first as well so it can resonate with your children in a positive way and not as just a band-aid effect, or with dependency.

There is always a risk but many things are not impossible when you are a satanist and have the true gods on your side. I believe you will be fine.

I understand and know that I need to heal and increase my self-love; I have been seeking this cure a lot.

And I hope that no matter what happens, I'll be fine. Just listening to me, talking to me without judging and / or condemning, guiding me; It has already helped me a lot.

Be sure of that.

You're among spiritual family here. No one will judge you with your situation. Why would we?

It's because of the fucking enemy that we are all going through problems. Do what you have to do to be healthy, happy and spiritually well. Satan wants this for sure. Always know this.

Don't listen to the haters or those who will put you down. It's none of their business anyway. You have to live for yourself.
It's not too late for you. Ask and you shall receive :) Do a ritual to Satan and ask him to guide you to a suitable partner and their blessings when it comes to having children.
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you wanting to have children but please remember that you need to practice self love and healing first as well so it can resonate with your children in a positive way and not as just a band-aid effect, or with dependency.

There is always a risk but many things are not impossible when you are a satanist and have the true gods on your side. I believe you will be fine.

I understand and know that I need to heal and increase my self-love; I have been seeking this cure a lot.

And I hope that no matter what happens, I'll be fine. Just listening to me, talking to me without judging and / or condemning, guiding me; It has already helped me a lot.

Be sure of that.

You're among spiritual family here. No one will judge you with your situation. Why would we?

It's because of the fucking enemy that we are all going through problems. Do what you have to do to be healthy, happy and spiritually well. Satan wants this for sure. Always know this.

Don't listen to the haters or those who will put you down. It's none of their business anyway. You have to live for yourself.

I know that now I have a spiritual family.

I will heal and strengthen myself both emotionally and spiritually.

Nowadays I understand that I need to live for myself, I am looking for that and I know I will make it; For before I could not see the truth, because I thought the damned were right and I the wrong.

I have a long way to go, but I know I'll make it. I just have to thank Satan for putting you and all this Satanist family in my life.
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
I understand and know that I need to heal and increase my self-love; I have been seeking this cure a lot.

And I hope that no matter what happens, I'll be fine. Just listening to me, talking to me without judging and / or condemning, guiding me; It has already helped me a lot.

Be sure of that.

You're among spiritual family here. No one will judge you with your situation. Why would we?

It's because of the fucking enemy that we are all going through problems. Do what you have to do to be healthy, happy and spiritually well. Satan wants this for sure. Always know this.

Don't listen to the haters or those who will put you down. It's none of their business anyway. You have to live for yourself.

I know that now I have a spiritual family.

I will heal and strengthen myself both emotionally and spiritually.

Nowadays I understand that I need to live for myself, I am looking for that and I know I will make it; For before I could not see the truth, because I thought the damned were right and I the wrong.

I have a long way to go, but I know I'll make it. I just have to thank Satan for putting you and all this Satanist family in my life.


How did you find spiritual satanism, anyway?
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
You're among spiritual family here. No one will judge you with your situation. Why would we?

It's because of the fucking enemy that we are all going through problems. Do what you have to do to be healthy, happy and spiritually well. Satan wants this for sure. Always know this.

Don't listen to the haters or those who will put you down. It's none of their business anyway. You have to live for yourself.

I know that now I have a spiritual family.

I will heal and strengthen myself both emotionally and spiritually.

Nowadays I understand that I need to live for myself, I am looking for that and I know I will make it; For before I could not see the truth, because I thought the damned were right and I the wrong.

I have a long way to go, but I know I'll make it. I just have to thank Satan for putting you and all this Satanist family in my life.


How did you find spiritual satanism, anyway?

I've been searching for true Satanism for some time now, I've been through three different groups; but I felt that they didn't talk about the real Satan.

In the last group I attended their "priestess" spoke in the whatsapp group she maintains that she had made the dedication through the Joy of Satan, and directed everyone in the group to access the websites http://cafecompazuzu.blogspot.com/? m = 1 and https://ssbibl Biblioteca.webs.com/; and download the books for reading.

When I went to the websites, I saw that they quoted Joy of Satan and when I started reading their content; I was sure that I had finally found true Satanism.

I read a little about the website and the Forum and made my dedication to Satan according to the Joy of Satan.

Just to give you an idea of ​​why I say that their Satanism is not right, they worship Leviathan as a powerful demon, they claim that the true Satanist has to declare himself to everyone as Satanist as proof of love for Satan, that To be able to make the "covenant" with Satan, one must first be approved by them; and only after that can the person make the "pact", among many other absurdities.
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
You're among spiritual family here. No one will judge you with your situation. Why would we?

It's because of the fucking enemy that we are all going through problems. Do what you have to do to be healthy, happy and spiritually well. Satan wants this for sure. Always know this.

Don't listen to the haters or those who will put you down. It's none of their business anyway. You have to live for yourself.

I know that now I have a spiritual family.

I will heal and strengthen myself both emotionally and spiritually.

Nowadays I understand that I need to live for myself, I am looking for that and I know I will make it; For before I could not see the truth, because I thought the damned were right and I the wrong.

I have a long way to go, but I know I'll make it. I just have to thank Satan for putting you and all this Satanist family in my life.


How did you find spiritual satanism, anyway?

There was also the question of having a specific demon for each day of the week, where you had to say their prayer, everyone is directed to summon Lilith with summoning prayers ready for the purpose of improving their love and sexual life; and so on ...
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
I know that now I have a spiritual family.

I will heal and strengthen myself both emotionally and spiritually.

Nowadays I understand that I need to live for myself, I am looking for that and I know I will make it; For before I could not see the truth, because I thought the damned were right and I the wrong.

I have a long way to go, but I know I'll make it. I just have to thank Satan for putting you and all this Satanist family in my life.


How did you find spiritual satanism, anyway?

I've been searching for true Satanism for some time now, I've been through three different groups; but I felt that they didn't talk about the real Satan.

In the last group I attended their "priestess" spoke in the whatsapp group she maintains that she had made the dedication through the Joy of Satan, and directed everyone in the group to access the websites http://cafecompazuzu.blogspot.com/? m = 1 and https://ssbibl Biblioteca.webs.com/; and download the books for reading.

When I went to the websites, I saw that they quoted Joy of Satan and when I started reading their content; I was sure that I had finally found true Satanism.

I read a little about the website and the Forum and made my dedication to Satan according to the Joy of Satan.

Just to give you an idea of ​​why I say that their Satanism is not right, they worship Leviathan as a powerful demon, they claim that the true Satanist has to declare himself to everyone as Satanist as proof of love for Satan, that To be able to make the "covenant" with Satan, one must first be approved by them; and only after that can the person make the "pact", among many other absurdities.

You definitely are at the right place.
HPS Shannon said:
Aninha said:
HPS Shannon said:

How did you find spiritual satanism, anyway?

I've been searching for true Satanism for some time now, I've been through three different groups; but I felt that they didn't talk about the real Satan.

In the last group I attended their "priestess" spoke in the whatsapp group she maintains that she had made the dedication through the Joy of Satan, and directed everyone in the group to access the websites http://cafecompazuzu.blogspot.com/? m = 1 and https://ssbibl Biblioteca.webs.com/; and download the books for reading.

When I went to the websites, I saw that they quoted Joy of Satan and when I started reading their content; I was sure that I had finally found true Satanism.

I read a little about the website and the Forum and made my dedication to Satan according to the Joy of Satan.

Just to give you an idea of ​​why I say that their Satanism is not right, they worship Leviathan as a powerful demon, they claim that the true Satanist has to declare himself to everyone as Satanist as proof of love for Satan, that To be able to make the "covenant" with Satan, one must first be approved by them; and only after that can the person make the "pact", among many other absurdities.

You definitely are at the right place.

Yes. Now I am sure that I am in the right place, with true Satanism and my true spiritual family.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
