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Invasion In Our Planet? Recent UFO invasion files?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Gods could invade tomorrow morning and this heap of animals that so loudly call themselves humans would insist on doing all the same mistakes they are already doing. Invasion would cause a lot of fear, despite of what would be the case, and it would be a show of force, if anything.

Do the Gods possess this force? They do. But any force such as this is to be used carefully.

Do the Gods believe in humanity? Apparently they do. Do they believe in anyone in it? Certainly not.

Does humanity stand a chance against the enemy or other entropic forces of failure? For sure.

Have they given us the methods for this? Yes.

For how long? Long enough people hold the line. Not forever, as this battle is ongoing and active.

Humanity's innocence goes half a way. At this point, does anyone hold a gun on their head to accept being slaves or anything of the sort? No. Just observe the recent Co-Vid craze and how the enemy concotes the ruin of their freedoms and turning them into borgs - is this done with guns or might? No. And still, do some people cave in? They do.

People are more free than they think, and more free than they appreciate. If they don't appreciate, the enemy will of course exploit this and force them into slavery and subjection.

While the enemy has a lot of power, humans do still possess the ability of choice to an extent. One of these choices could be to open their minds up and so on. But that's up to people individually.

We are working to stop this takeover of the enemy, and humanity also has a lot of people "in it" that aren't cut for the above, and will therefore resist it. Many people, and more than the slaves, as numbers keep showing.

But as we can see, it has it's load of idiots in it as well, and the enemy's mass control is also setting a precedent of making things more difficult.

So that they don't meditate or not do research, or are they merely following their own negative forces and blindly subject to the enemy?

Change doesn't come in this case from this type of force, unless they were to instate a form of a controlled system like the enemy wants, which is not what the Gods want, because they have nothing to gain from this specifically. The enemy's task is easier than that of the Gods. Violence is not going to solve this, because humans are dumb.

In the meanwhile, many are bending over for the so called JWO and do "as they are told", and consider that healthy advice coming from our side as "patronization" and "attacks", while the enemy corrupts them and uses them like puppets everyday of their low existence.

In short, humanity is past the point where an invasion could solve anything by itself. A lot of other work is needed. And yes, the Gods do act physically also, just read the recent UFO invasion archives published by the US. The Gods do intervene, and the enemy too. Governments know and they are sitting there, most being unable to do anything.

Jews are the agents of the agency of the enemy, and their work is easy. Just promote global slavery and stupidity. The already degenerate wave of existence that happens from them, is easy to maintain. The world is filled with endless idiots, fake vanity egoists, the list goes.

They will lose this planet, but it will take a lot of time for complete finishing of their effects and what they have caused, because humans are totally garbage in their striking majority, and very set in their stupid ways. All humans do in particular is exist and whine while they remain blind. Humanity isn't helping much. Few people do.

Most are only following the slide into the shit and happily so. Just look around and you'll see. Gods could invade tomorrow and this psychopathic humanity the enemy has constructed, would at first be "Thankful" the Gods invaded and saved them, and one month later, these animals would feel like it was "totally deserved" and one month after this that "They are equal to the Gods" and who knows what other shit.

Left alone without a nanny, they would repeat the same thing all over again?

The level of consciousness of humanity is the primary issue, more primary even than every problem ongoing currently in this world physically. This has caused humanity to be in front of the enemy's fangs today.

Soon, Israel also recommended people wear bracelets to be tracked like prisoners ((("because"))) of Co-Vid. We'll see how this wonderful humanity that wants to be saved [because it's lazy as fuck] also responds to this.

The same idiots that will be subjected to this, or will "approve" of these, are also the same idiots to say the JoS has been "evil" for saying this was about to happen. A trillion UFO's could enter our atmosphere tomorrow morning, and humanity could still be more retarded than a dog or a cat.

This needs fixing on a spiritual level, and on cleansing a lot of astral, spiritual, cultural crap and so on.

Contrary to popular belief, yes, humans do have a say about their destiny. What are people doing here? Do we use the knowledge of the Gods to save ourselves and them, or not? Why don't they?

Some may end up as slaves and nobody is going to care. Many, already are slaves and don't really care for themselves, and we care more about this than they do. Few, do this willingly, and not by being enslaved into it.

The Gods are more interested about what the conscious people of this planet are undergoing, and how this particular category of people is going to fare in the future. Their sympathy and care comes out of this, and not because humanity deserves that.

When the Gods came in earth and they gave humanity the gifts of the Gods and Soul and so on, they did this elevating them out of an animal level. These people have left their "humanity" just go and vanish. Are we to worry about a humanity that they have revoked willingly?

None of the Gods business here. The Gods are going to care for humans that want to remain human, be human, have a soul, and so on.

Save them? From what at this point? Are people holding guns on their head, so they don't meditate, or discover these things? Are these not one click away? Are they not only subjecting themselves into this? The only way to save them from themselves would be what? They have to do this on their own.

The advance of the enemy in this world is only an inverse manifestation of people's degeneration. If the second is reversed, the first will go away. Of course, the enemy is to be dealt with, because this lingers on humanity like an illness.

But no matter how much a doctor removes an illness, if the patient has not decided on a better lifestyle, the illness will return. This will be a question humanity will have to answer for it's future too.

Intervention from the Gods is like the doctor and the healing, but in the end, the duties of humanity do remain the same. Doctor could be visiting a patient every day, and the latter half of the day, the person could be doing exactly what they shouldn't be doing, procuring their own death.

On the reverse, if a patient was doing the correct things, the less and less intervention from the doctor would be necessary.

As with anything of course, humans want to face nothing of this [the results of their own karma], so the fate of many will be what they have sown.

This should not concern any Satanist or in plain words spiritually advancing individual.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

StraitShot47 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Maybe this is a foolish question, and if so, I apologize, but why don't our beloved Gods show themselves physically to humanity and refute all argument to our origins and purpose? Satan has won the war "up above", and I would guess that Orion has control over the solar system as well.

Are there rules of engagement?

Even if the majority of Mankind is unwelcoming, they are inferiors and could be divided or disposed of.

A statement has to be made.

The enemy must understand that so long as our planets and races are intact their will be struggle. Understand that the enemy is here in the case of rabbi and Jews. This planet is also surrounded by enemy aliens, and Earth's astral filled with the enemy.

How disheartening to the enemy would it be if they lost this planet, without our Gods' even lifting a finger or coming here? The enemy would think twice before they do it again, they would think are the resources and time even worth it?

At least that is my opinion.
Why do we need invasion or for them to show up in the physical? The way things are being done right now makes a lot more sense also there is a possiblity it could backfire and cause chaos or war and other problems Instead of awakening people. Imagine if Hitler or Satan came back right now. You get my point. This would not likely go as planned with all the nonsense the Jews put in everyone's head.

Yes the Gods are super powerful they could crush all opposition anyways somehow or do something in the spiritual that would stop it. But I still don't think this is the way they want to do things.
slyscorpion said:
Why do we need invasion or for them to show up in the physical?

They are already acting "physically", and in many other better ways. They are intervening, but not as people have seen in movies. This is necessary because the enemy is also really pushing it, it's not only the Gods playing on this side.

This is why in the post I explain how this goes. It's not as people have seen in movies.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Save them? From what at this point? Are people holding guns on their head, so they don't meditate, or discover these things? Are these not one click away? Are they not only subjecting themselves into this? The only way to save them from themselves would be what? They have to do this on their own.
I completely agree with you, and especially about the CoVid phase and people's response to it... It's frightening how much sheep-ly they are. However, in regards to meditation, people are just... well, they've been taught that it's not important.

By the way, I am NOT saying that the Gods could save them or help them with that, if they're unwilling to do it in the first place!!

But what I'm saying is that, I don't know what the solution is. I've met many people who are interested in this, but they don't see the bigger picture, they can't see it. "I want to meditate to relax" or "to find my inner strength" or "to overcome my __ problem" but they don't see the bigger picture. I've talked with people who are thirsty for knowledge, and they still can't see the bigger picture...

Surely, we can't talk about the enemy on plain sight. But even through subliminal ways... People don't get it, they don't believe in it.

I've started talking with people about whether being knowledgeable and aware of the state of things (and other things) is actually a "good thing" in the end or not! Ignorance is bliss, we know that... It's bliss only for the ignorant. And people prefer to remain ignorant because they don't have a higher goal. They don't understand the Magnum Opus (or realize such a concept), they don't care about the entire world's troubles... They don't believe in our Gods, they haven't felt their love and haven't seen their guidance... They don't care about learning about the occult, or even about learning about their own self, gain self-knowledge... People just want to be happy with themselves, they just want to find a quiet place and settle down. They don't have a "bigger picture". They think the world is shit, it will not change no matter what they do, so they just want to go away from it.

People are like this nowadays. Even the ones who are thirsty for knowledge, who are against the CoVid vaccine and who believe that the government and other people in power are working against humanity.

People are either living in the "now" (aka "YOLO" aka thinking their actions have no consequences and being materialistic , uneducated and deluded stupid fucks), or they just want to get away from everything and everyone, and find peace and quiet away from people.

But I can't do that. Even in that quiet place (which would be a dream!) I would still care for humanity and for the Gods, and I would still want to make people realize the Truth about Satan and our Gods and Goddesses.

But "normal" average, everyday people don't have that.

So, how could they ever think otherwise?
How could they change their mind if they lack some basic things we all share here?

I can't see any solution to that... It would literally have to be that 95% of humanity was gone - if we were to only remain the ones of us who see eye to eye.

How else could this change? People's way of thinking... Even the ones who meditate (some of them) are in such a wrong path, talking about empathy all the time and going xtian in their own way.

It's just sad. I don't know what can ever be done when people think like that. It has nothing to do about freedom or about the choices they have. It has to do about the loneliness they've experienced, and how they can clearly see (and IT'S TRUE) that regardless of what they do, or how much they converse with others, people simply don't change. And no one has a higher goal. They just want peace and quiet. Meditating requires effort and the will, to have a goal. And many people have extremely skin-deep goals. They aren't deep like ours (saving humanity from the enemy, connecting with our Gods, awaiting for our Gods' arrival, completing the Magnum Opus...). They can't see that far away. I don't know what to do or how to feel about humanity as a whole. I'm very troubled.

I think I may also sound dogmatic, thinking like that.
I recently had a conversation with a friend who was telling me that truth is subjective (that it depends on people's opinion and their experiences, and how they view and judge each situation on their own)..

But isn't TRUTH objective?? Isn't it universal? The fact that someone can't see spirits, doesn't mean that they don't exist. It's things like that, even for the most curious minds and restless people... And I'm sorry, I don't mean to start a philosophical question, but because as of late I have deeply thought of why people don't meditate even if they have all the knowledge in their hands... It just goes so much deeper than that. It's not that simple. Except for the fact that it's physically difficult for most people (they haven't learned to just stay quiet for a while and listen to their own thoughts etc), it's also rather "pointless" for them.
Even if they knew (read) the truth about our Gods, why would they believe it? This goes ESPECIALLY for the skeptical people.

So many things, so many things.
I remember, about a year after we first started on the FRTR, Maxine made a fairly large post which discussed the "physical return of the Gods", which at the time she said was give or take, 20 years from the time of writing.

There is genuinely a few things to note about all of this, in my mind. I cannot speak for the Gods or the HPs, of course. All the same, it is good to be aware that Maxine never said anything about a full scale invasion of our Gods, as they physically take back control of the planet or whatever. Like has been stated in the past, the Gods technically, never left, especially not on any higher dimension. Even physically, there's still been activity on their behalf, as what was said in this thread.

If I had to create any conjecture based on my own understanding, she was simply referencing a point the Gods may increase their physical presence on this world again. Once again this doesn't mean invasion. The Gods are fully capable of establishing a larger presence here again without it being some sort of global shitshow where their presence is blasted all over the media and TV.

Point is there's inevitably going to come a point in time in the future that will necessitate the Gods being here again physically. There's a lot of work that needs to be done. The exact nature of these circumstances will remain to be seen. Based on the current manifestation of worldly events, Maxine's original estimate would stand accurate, at least in my mind, of a point that may warrant the Gods greater presence. Even still, in the event a handful of our own forces re-established a larger physical foothold here again, after years and years of our own work, it doesn't necessarily mean the world is going to immediately shift into an Orion paradise overnight. It'll simply mean that it'll be a point in time that warrants specific action to be taken by our own side, that may involve ground-level operation, potentially.

The nature of the war we are fighting may change and evolve over time, this is a given, especially as we get further and further into it. People shouldn't be, shall I say, disappointed, that the Gods aren't just going to charge in, guns blazing, opting for full scale global takeover. The latter stages of our conflict, based on my own gut instinct, is going to be more than "interesting" enough regardless, based on what glimpses the Gods have shown me of the future. Definitely do not underestimate the potential of things that may occur within our very own lifetimes. If you ask me, we really haven't seen anything yet, compared to what may and will come later.
I'm very fortunate for such a detailed explanation. Thank-you HPC.
People need to be slapped really hard by them, they need to be pushed to the lowest, by jewish hands, only then maybe they will understand.
I think there's simply too many dumb people around for that to work. They don't want the slavish worship of dumb people who know nothing. And the people that are dumb and oppose them would just hold everyone else back.

Nah, this is our problem.
Arcadia said:
I remember, about a year after we first started on the FRTR, Maxine made a fairly large post which discussed the "physical return of the Gods", which at the time she said was give or take, 20 years from the time of writing.

There is genuinely a few things to note about all of this, in my mind. I cannot speak for the Gods or the HPs, of course. All the same, it is good to be aware that Maxine never said anything about a full scale invasion of our Gods, as they physically take back control of the planet or whatever. Like has been stated in the past, the Gods technically, never left, especially not on any higher dimension. Even physically, there's still been activity on their behalf, as what was said in this thread.

If I had to create any conjecture based on my own understanding, she was simply referencing a point the Gods may increase their physical presence on this world again. Once again this doesn't mean invasion. The Gods are fully capable of establishing a larger presence here again without it being some sort of global shitshow where their presence is blasted all over the media and TV.

They will help us, as they are now, and yes, much closer help, and a lot of it bordering invasion. The US Army already knows there is a huge amount of "visitations" but none of these are like the jewish movie Independence day.

These are physical. They are afraid of this scenario and have nothing they could possibly do. The enemy also threatens at the same time.

As for the Gods, their exact plans are known to them, and they will act in perfect wisdom. We are given information so that people don't despair and feel too much worry where it's not warranted.

The global shitshow theory is just the greys, which would need to do that in order to cause extreme uncontrollable fear and therefore subjugation. Such as scenario, could be also be facilitated by the Jew World Order themselves, with BlueBeam or other projects, and will be utterly fake.

And on every time this happened, there has been a lot of extreme events, upheaval, and yes, some of the visits physically too as people would expect, but the "Independence Day" kind of scenario, is from the enemy.

HPS Maxine never said of full scale invasion as people imagine it, but that they will intervene, and yes, this as stated, might involve partial "invasion".

Also, as time goes, the cumulative intervention will keep increasing, especially if the enemy keeps going down the same shit road as they have been attempting.

In regards to what this involves, just look at the recent crap governments are trying to push with enslaving mankind and terraforming it, and then one will understand why intervention and much of it bordering physical is going to increase.
Meteor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I'll leave the battles in the skies to the Gods, and focus on what I can do down here myself. Not that I'm not invested in the outcome, but I think there's no point in worrying too much about things that are beyond my control.

Much of this is beyond humanity. We just inform about things because we have an active role to fulfill and improve ourselves down here, in the real world. For ourselves first and foremost.

Most of these conversations are interesting, and for information purposes. Not for people to do stupid shit and sit down there and "wait", as some have said idiotically.

It's for us to do the exact OPPOSITE than this, and focus on ourselves seriously and get better in our own pace. And yes, I have been saying this for a very long time. We are to focus here. Our life and everything is here.

Nobody in humanity, except of a few people, will have any "choice", and these matters are also well beyond their hands. For example, many desperately want to continue their wrong state of affairs like jews, but that does not matter that much, because even them can do only that much.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Arcadia said:
I remember, about a year after we first started on the FRTR, Maxine made a fairly large post which discussed the "physical return of the Gods", which at the time she said was give or take, 20 years from the time of writing.

There is genuinely a few things to note about all of this, in my mind. I cannot speak for the Gods or the HPs, of course. All the same, it is good to be aware that Maxine never said anything about a full scale invasion of our Gods, as they physically take back control of the planet or whatever. Like has been stated in the past, the Gods technically, never left, especially not on any higher dimension. Even physically, there's still been activity on their behalf, as what was said in this thread.

If I had to create any conjecture based on my own understanding, she was simply referencing a point the Gods may increase their physical presence on this world again. Once again this doesn't mean invasion. The Gods are fully capable of establishing a larger presence here again without it being some sort of global shitshow where their presence is blasted all over the media and TV.

They will help us, as they are now, and yes, much closer help, and a lot of it bordering invasion. The US Army already knows there is a huge amount of "visitations" but none of these are like the jewish movie Independence day.

These are physical. They are afraid of this scenario and have nothing they could possibly do. The enemy also threatens at the same time.

As for the Gods, their exact plans are known to them, and they will act in perfect wisdom. We are given information so that people don't despair and feel too much worry where it's not warranted.

The global shitshow theory is just the greys, which would need to do that in order to cause extreme uncontrollable fear and therefore subjugation. Such as scenario, could be also be facilitated by the Jew World Order themselves, with BlueBeam or other projects, and will be utterly fake.

And on every time this happened, there has been a lot of extreme events, upheaval, and yes, some of the visits physically too as people would expect, but the "Independence Day" kind of scenario, is from the enemy.

HPS Maxine never said of full scale invasion as people imagine it, but that they will intervene, and yes, this as stated, might involve partial "invasion".

Also, as time goes, the cumulative intervention will keep increasing, especially if the enemy keeps going down the same shit road as they have been attempting.

In regards to what this involves, just look at the recent crap governments are trying to push with enslaving mankind and terraforming it, and then one will understand why intervention and much of it bordering physical is going to increase.

I have to admit though, seeing Israel just fucking disappear from the face of the Earth would be such a pleasing scenery
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Arcadia said:
I remember, about a year after we first started on the FRTR, Maxine made a fairly large post which discussed the "physical return of the Gods", which at the time she said was give or take, 20 years from the time of writing.

There is genuinely a few things to note about all of this, in my mind. I cannot speak for the Gods or the HPs, of course. All the same, it is good to be aware that Maxine never said anything about a full scale invasion of our Gods, as they physically take back control of the planet or whatever. Like has been stated in the past, the Gods technically, never left, especially not on any higher dimension. Even physically, there's still been activity on their behalf, as what was said in this thread.

If I had to create any conjecture based on my own understanding, she was simply referencing a point the Gods may increase their physical presence on this world again. Once again this doesn't mean invasion. The Gods are fully capable of establishing a larger presence here again without it being some sort of global shitshow where their presence is blasted all over the media and TV.

They will help us, as they are now, and yes, much closer help, and a lot of it bordering invasion. The US Army already knows there is a huge amount of "visitations" but none of these are like the jewish movie Independence day.

These are physical. They are afraid of this scenario and have nothing they could possibly do. The enemy also threatens at the same time.

As for the Gods, their exact plans are known to them, and they will act in perfect wisdom. We are given information so that people don't despair and feel too much worry where it's not warranted.

The global shitshow theory is just the greys, which would need to do that in order to cause extreme uncontrollable fear and therefore subjugation. Such as scenario, could be also be facilitated by the Jew World Order themselves, with BlueBeam or other projects, and will be utterly fake.

And on every time this happened, there has been a lot of extreme events, upheaval, and yes, some of the visits physically too as people would expect, but the "Independence Day" kind of scenario, is from the enemy.

HPS Maxine never said of full scale invasion as people imagine it, but that they will intervene, and yes, this as stated, might involve partial "invasion".

Also, as time goes, the cumulative intervention will keep increasing, especially if the enemy keeps going down the same shit road as they have been attempting.

In regards to what this involves, just look at the recent crap governments are trying to push with enslaving mankind and terraforming it, and then one will understand why intervention and much of it bordering physical is going to increase.

After the enemy is dealt with, considering we follow through here on our end, and the gods continue to fight and push them back, will some of the gods reestablish living on earth in the distant future, when humanity is ready for this like what occured in the distant past?
It's impossible to imagine what this invasion would even look like. Would they look like us? Would they blow our minds wide open? It's hard to picture the ineffible Gods of Hell would be 6ft tall blonde men in space suits and flying saucers.
From the many xtian responses I've come across in response to related, all have been idiotic or just plain ignorant. To the point where their reasoning could only be ruled out as a deliberate psyop, but you'll also understand at the same time how these programs just continue to hold humanity back.
I am of the opinion that these spacecrafts are either Government anti gravity aircraft or they're tinkering with the devices themselves. Because all of these sightings in the report are from the Government themselves, not the civilian population .
Someone inside the Government has definitely allowed the report to be published which creates a lot more questions than answers. I think this is definitely deliberate.

What is happening is I believe multiple possible false flags being set up to be sprung at moments notice, whenever required.

For example what's to stop the Government from Hoaxing alien contact and saying,

"We're in Contact with the aliens and they're saying that if you don't become anti racist ,give up your livelihood to prevent global warming and take the vax, your all going to die."

They could have holograms on the tv saying all this showing tall blonde looking beings and have the Spacecraft hovering in the middle of New York city. We know that they have secret advanced technology so I wouldn't be surprised if they alien hoax us with all this.
I just got a thought after reading the line "if they don't appreciate"

Appreciation means recognising something which you have or received.

Not appreciating something you have or receive means you are forget ful about it and not aware of it that you actually have it. You will only know and be aware of that something after you lost it.

So that's why it becomes easy for the enemy to exploit their freedoms.. !??? Because one example could be people dont seriously take their privacy online.

If you appreciate it such as Freedom, you know You have freedom and if anything threatens it, you will want to fight for your freedom because you know you have it.

I just got a thought after reading the line "if they don't appreciate"

Appreciation means recognising something which you have or received.

Not appreciating something you have or receive means you are forget ful about it and not aware of it that you actually have it. You will only know and be aware of that something after you lost it.

So that's why it becomes easy for the enemy to exploit their freedoms.. !??? Because one example could be people dont seriously take their privacy online.

If you appreciate it such as Freedom, you know You have freedom and if anything threatens it, you will want to fight for your freedom because you know you have it.


So all of this war has begun on the ignorance of the target..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Recently I was thinking about a trauma that I had with UFO’s and just when I enter the forum I see this post

I actually wrote about it in the spanish forum

When I was younger (a kid) I got a trauma about aliens and UFO’s

The fear that I had about UFO’s was so strong that I think I even suffered from panic about it

I didn’t know about this, since I discovered our story not so long ago

I was a kid back then when I had this fear about aliens and invasions and I didn’t know anything about our true history, I think it was something that was in my soul, maybe a memory from the invasions of the past

Knowing that we suffered an enemy alien invasion… it would make sense for me to have this fear embed in my soul
So, to make sure im following this correctly, some of the gods are already here physically? This is new information for me and id like to know more about this if possible. Also, does anyone know the subject title of the post regarding this by Maxine? Apparently iv missed some interesting things during my time off of here. Thanks in advance. HS
Gods! It's me Titan! Get me out of here!
Sina of gods said:
Gods! It's me Titan! Get me out of here!

I think you watched too much attack on titan.
Jack said:
I am of the opinion that these spacecrafts are either Government anti gravity aircraft or they're tinkering with the devices themselves. Because all of these sightings in the report are from the Government themselves, not the civilian population .
Someone inside the Government has definitely allowed the report to be published which creates a lot more questions than answers. I think this is definitely deliberate.

What is happening is I believe multiple possible false flags being set up to be sprung at moments notice, whenever required.

For example what's to stop the Government from Hoaxing alien contact and saying,

"We're in Contact with the aliens and they're saying that if you don't become anti racist ,give up your livelihood to prevent global warming and take the vax, your all going to die."

They could have holograms on the tv saying all this showing tall blonde looking beings and have the Spacecraft hovering in the middle of New York city. We know that they have secret advanced technology so I wouldn't be surprised if they alien hoax us with all this.

12 years ago I saw with one of my friends an UFO in the middle of the night, hovering 20m above the floor, partially above a house. This was in a city as well, altho it appears only we both saw it.

As soon as my friend saw it he ran, I was so shocked I wasn’t able to move and gazed at it for like 7 mire seconds before I was able to stand up and run. After a couple of steps I turned back, and it was gone. Completely gone. No sound, no light, it was just gone.

And I am sure this was no hologram. Those things are real Jack.
I don't think the term "invasion" is even the proper one to use here. I remember perfectly that sermon from Maxine, but the way I understood it, was more like them visiting physically, which is fundamentally different from an "invasion". Once things get back on track with this planet, and once the enemy is removed and the information about the Gods is public knowledge, it'll only be natural for humans to want to receive such visitors.

Imagine a president with his cabinet visiting a city or an area, after it was hit by an earthquake or something similar. No one in their right mind would call such a visit an "invasion". Similary with the Gods. Astarte called Earth "her beautiful garden", not her "next planet to be conquered".

Or think about a president of a foreign country visiting your own. Would anyone say "he's invading your land"? If not, then why would anyone even think in such terms when refering to Gods' visit to our planet?
Jack said:
I am of the opinion that these spacecrafts are either Government anti gravity aircraft or they're tinkering with the devices themselves. Because all of these sightings in the report are from the Government themselves, not the civilian population .
Someone inside the Government has definitely allowed the report to be published which creates a lot more questions than answers. I think this is definitely deliberate.

What is happening is I believe multiple possible false flags being set up to be sprung at moments notice, whenever required.

For example what's to stop the Government from Hoaxing alien contact and saying,

"We're in Contact with the aliens and they're saying that if you don't become anti racist ,give up your livelihood to prevent global warming and take the vax, your all going to die."

They could have holograms on the tv saying all this showing tall blonde looking beings and have the Spacecraft hovering in the middle of New York city. We know that they have secret advanced technology so I wouldn't be surprised if they alien hoax us with all this.
Seams likely, just to divert the attention and real motives of these beings to make it seam they're not in the best interest of the populace, leading the few who've developed a better understanding in circles, effectively dividing and isolating them.

They say the topic of E.Ts are "project blue beam", which is partly true, but for the wrong side (Ayys). You can already predict how well the grays will appeal to a certain portion of ignorant masses, they will conform to their ideals and base them as justification, not realizing that they've been conditioning them to this state from the very beginning and for different motives.
This is a whole secondary and another topic. The fact that some governments have these technologies or even UFO, or how this might be used as a false flag [or go as far as project BlueBeam] is a completely different thing. Technologies like this have existed and many were discovered after the crash of Roswell, some even before. This came from the remains of an actual, material UFO's that were crashed in places coincidentally.

People who whistleblowed or gave information from this event, because they thought humanity should know, many of them were "suicided" or "disappeared" by the powers that be at the time.

They could try to use this as an excuse, or do this as a psyop, but this would not be as easy and practical as it sounds. If they can't convince 60% of the global population of a thing such as Co-Vid, they certainly cannot convince them about this, nor pull this out in any measurably successful extent.

As people saw UFO's increasingly in the last 2-3 years, they started telling people slowly that yes, UFO's exist and they have started to admit they don't know what is going on, admitting what was seen as "loonie bin conspiracy theory" since the 50's.

From all the videos published, only a few fit on a legitimate UFO category. Others are "aerial phenomena", and not always necessary actual ship. Some also look rather low tech, and rather human. But this is not most videos for sure.

There is a blend of many things going on. Everyone knows aliens exist, and they have existed here for a while.

Jack said:
I am of the opinion that these spacecrafts are either Government anti gravity aircraft or they're tinkering with the devices themselves. Because all of these sightings in the report are from the Government themselves, not the civilian population .
Someone inside the Government has definitely allowed the report to be published which creates a lot more questions than answers. I think this is definitely deliberate.

What is happening is I believe multiple possible false flags being set up to be sprung at moments notice, whenever required.

For example what's to stop the Government from Hoaxing alien contact and saying,

"We're in Contact with the aliens and they're saying that if you don't become anti racist ,give up your livelihood to prevent global warming and take the vax, your all going to die."

They could have holograms on the tv saying all this showing tall blonde looking beings and have the Spacecraft hovering in the middle of New York city. We know that they have secret advanced technology so I wouldn't be surprised if they alien hoax us with all this.
The Gods certainly don't have any hostility and don't want to upset or ruin human life, let alone paralyze or destroy our civilization.

They also would not preach us to disarm or anything like this, they don't want humans disarmed. It's not like we can do them any serious damage anyway.

However, according to the enemy who is now in power, these are "hostilities" and any form of intervention and phenomena encountered, they call them "invasion".

With the enemy in power, this would only be seen as "hostility". As such, all movies about aliens are about greys, misdirecting people, or scary movies where aliens come here to literally destroy earth, and humanity is pictured as entirely against them or helpless.

The only single movie, which title escapes me, had aliens coming here for no real reason or to conquer humans with bloodshed, was only one movie.

ThomaSsS said:
I don't think the term "invasion" is even the proper one to use here. I remember perfectly that sermon from Maxine, but the way I understood it, was more like them visiting physically, which is fundamentally different from an "invasion". Once things get back on track with this planet, and once the enemy is removed and the information about the Gods is public knowledge, it'll only be natural for humans to want to receive such visitors.

Imagine a president with his cabinet visiting a city or an area, after it was hit by an earthquake or something similar. No one in their right mind would call such a visit an "invasion". Similary with the Gods. Astarte called Earth "her beautiful garden", not her "next planet to be conquered".

Or think about a president of a foreign country visiting your own. Would anyone say "he's invading your land"? If not, then why would anyone even think in such terms when refering to Gods' visit to our planet?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is a whole secondary and another topic. The fact that some governments have these technologies or even UFO, or how this might be used as a false flag [or go as far as project BlueBeam] is a completely different thing. Technologies like this have existed and many were discovered after the crash of Roswell, some even before. This came from the remains of an actual, material UFO's that were crashed in places coincidentally.

People who whistleblowed or gave information from this event, because they thought humanity should know, many of them were "suicided" or "disappeared" by the powers that be at the time.

They could try to use this as an excuse, or do this as a psyop, but this would not be as easy and practical as it sounds. If they can't convince 60% of the global population of a thing such as Co-Vid, they certainly cannot convince them about this, nor pull this out in any measurably successful extent.

As people saw UFO's increasingly in the last 2-3 years, they started telling people slowly that yes, UFO's exist and they have started to admit they don't know what is going on, admitting what was seen as "loonie bin conspiracy theory" since the 50's.

From all the videos published, only a few fit on a legitimate UFO category. Others are "aerial phenomena", and not always necessary actual ship. Some also look rather low tech, and rather human. But this is not most videos for sure.

There is a blend of many things going on. Everyone knows aliens exist, and they have existed here for a while.

Jack said:
I am of the opinion that these spacecrafts are either Government anti gravity aircraft or they're tinkering with the devices themselves. Because all of these sightings in the report are from the Government themselves, not the civilian population .
Someone inside the Government has definitely allowed the report to be published which creates a lot more questions than answers. I think this is definitely deliberate.

What is happening is I believe multiple possible false flags being set up to be sprung at moments notice, whenever required.

For example what's to stop the Government from Hoaxing alien contact and saying,

"We're in Contact with the aliens and they're saying that if you don't become anti racist ,give up your livelihood to prevent global warming and take the vax, your all going to die."

They could have holograms on the tv saying all this showing tall blonde looking beings and have the Spacecraft hovering in the middle of New York city. We know that they have secret advanced technology so I wouldn't be surprised if they alien hoax us with all this.

I saw a UFO last year after I dedicated and started doing the RTR's. At first while reading the JoS material, I wasn't sold on the aliens thing. I thought it was ridiculous, and considered it to be where I drew the line despite agreeing with everything else I found on the site.

When I actually saw the UFO around the time when people on the forums here were talking about how humanity was suddenly seeing UFO's everywhere - I couldn't freaking believe it. Yet there it was right before my eyes, right up in the freaking sky during my night walk with Tabby. I had to keep making sure she was seeing it too. I was dumbfounded. My whole sense of reality quaked and shattered.

At first we thought it was a star, but then we noticed how it was moving up and down in the sky, and made for a real WTF moment. Eventually it flew off in the distance, and after a little bit we could no longer see it on the horizon.

After that experience I didn't have a single bit of doubt regarding aliens or anything Maxine had written. It took me a while to come to terms with it, and waking up and realizing basically like "Oh shit, wow, Star Wars is real." But I did, and I'm here now. And I'm definitely not going anywhere.

The crazy amount of synchronicity with posts after that was surprising too. Sermon after sermon to match my thoughts and experiences. It's been such a wild ride.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods certainly don't have any hostility and don't want to upset or ruin human life, let alone paralyze or destroy our civilization.

I don't know how much you pay attention to the news but in recent times especially last two weeks. At least with Tim Pool he's been mentioning some weird stuff with Russia/China/US/NATO duking it out. The British recently drove their ship in to Russian occupied waters at the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine. And the Russians responded by launching a sortie with a SU-24 and dropping 4 bombs in it's way as a warning. The Russian vessel also warned "If you don't leave we'll ram your ship out of the way or fire on you".

A General by the name of Valery(pronounced as VA-lerry not the female sounding Valery) stated IF America so much as attacks with conventional weapons we'll deploy full scale Nuclear strikes.

I'm aware rabbi Putin has been wanting his Neo-Soviet Union back online but both China and Russia have really been grabbing NATO/US/Allied by the balls. Just recently American military committee has stated "We are constructing and deploying weapons meant for Pacific combat rather than hunting down terrorists in the Middle East".

So it seems we are once again heading to more WW3 scenarios. A PLAUSIBLE and PROBABLE but not as of YET definite issue albeit Tim Pool does paint an interesting picture. Maybe we are at war already just the kinetic portion isn't activated to the MSM/Judenpresse.

Well you've mentioned before the Gods intervene so does the enemy. Like in WW2 both sides were activated even the Germans according to rumors from Stephen E. Nichols(Vimana artist of WW2 German Vrill-Oden vessels), were potentially used during the Schweinfurt bombing whereby the U.S. lost 5-7 B-17 squadrons in about 45 minutes due to detonation gas(anti-explosion engine based gas) and klystron phasers(some sort of targeted EMP device). His website Nichols is the post you replied to a person whereby you were so impressed your like "Satan bless the Internet".

https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=18760&p=74381 [@Member: TimberWolf] Big thanks to you for this interesting sites.

Anyways with the situation going haywire you DID mention the RTR/Spiritual Warfare does create a chaos phase whereby things seem bad but humanity needs to suffer bit and struggle to slough off the kosher supervision like the planet you mentioned that recently broke out of kosher supervision.

But it seems like the enemy is doing more and more action to push this World into some sort of alien intervention.

Do the Gods WANT to intervene at some point? Is there a direction by which the enemy is so up our asses only through them(our Gods) that such a thing can happen to slough them off?

I guess what I'm trying to state is how much influence do the Gods have at this point in comparison to the past or in comparison to WW2. It seems everyone wants to move to that direction. Just how much is the breaking point where by even the Gods have to be like Hitler and Poland back in '39. Basically after hearing all the terrorism and actions committed against ethnic Germans. Hitler just went: Fuck everything about this let's just fuck them up. When does the situation call for the Gods to intervene?

It seems petty to bring the Gods down to our levels. I truly hate sometimes I humanize the Gods too much but is there a breaking point were even the Gods go fuck everything about this lets just fuck them up. Do they see something so bad that it's now or never. I guess we can argue the same for the enemy when do THEY show up and start creating issues.

You clearly outlined it enemy = Independence Day style but at what point do they want to fight back. To me it seems the enemy isn't gonna stay hiding down and be destroyed by our side. I highly doubt crazy grey and reptards are gonna be like "You know the best thing we can do is sit back let them come to us and let us get shot apart by human machine guns and bombs". Even the most stupidest grey would be like lets strike first. Even though both options are stupid sit back and be killed or go ahead mount an offensive and fight humanity.

Rather what I should be asking is there going to be a fight to determine the future of this sector of space?

Do you by any chance know what happened to that planet that broke free, that is cutting edge? What did they do or what actions I'm sure a combination of killing the jewish trick kosher species and killing their Elohim greys/reptilians but it seems like they never went to a Global conflict that hampered their civilization rather it seems like they made it out okay. Maybe lost a few good men in the battles but won the war. Can you shed light more on what happened to them and what about Earth?
Aquarius said:
People need to be slapped really hard by them, they need to be pushed to the lowest, by jewish hands, only then maybe they will understand.

I read your reply and I'm thinking "well, they'll certainly think twice about some 'truths' when they see their peers suddenly drop like flies from the so called 'vaxxine'.." but truth is, this is already happening and so many are still refusing to even look at the evidence, even if you shove it to their face, they'll look away and refer to "the news on tv". This is getting beyond stupid. Saw more people today wearing masks in a place where it's not mandatory, someone was wearing more than one. This simply tells they're scared and allowing themselves to be scared, pushed around, completely submissive to the govt and media.
People like these... I honestly don't think they'll "wake up". Maybe the best we can expect from them is to see them run away from the military when they come with guns to try and put them in a container "for their own safety". Or maybe they'll be glad... I don't even know anymore.

Fact is, HP HC is right. A lot of Humanity is fucking lazy and stupid, and they don't deserve to be saved when they have all the information to save themselves one click away.

My concern right now is maybe more the idiots than the enemy, as the idiots are their scared puppets that will side with 'the govt' and point the finger against the unvaxxinated, blaming them for all the future deaths in the world. These people are a problem. Not only they won't wake up, but they side with the enemy and many think we are the problem/evil/the enemy itself. The way I see it, I hope a lot of them who go get jabbed with shit in the arm experience every vaxxine reaction possible and that the truth will be so obvious even a stupid fuck will have to believe it: that vaxxines kill people and "covid" is a lie that manipulated every idiot on the planet into fearful submission.

Yagami Light said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Save them? From what at this point? Are people holding guns on their head, so they don't meditate, or discover these things? Are these not one click away? Are they not only subjecting themselves into this? The only way to save them from themselves would be what? They have to do this on their own.
I completely agree with you, and especially about the CoVid phase and people's response to it... It's frightening how much sheep-ly they are. However, in regards to meditation, people are just... well, they've been taught that it's not important.


They just want peace and quiet. Meditating requires effort and the will, to have a goal. And many people have extremely skin-deep goals. They aren't deep like ours (saving humanity from the enemy, connecting with our Gods, awaiting for our Gods' arrival, completing the Magnum Opus...). They can't see that far away. I don't know what to do or how to feel about humanity as a whole. I'm very troubled.


Even if they knew (read) the truth about our Gods, why would they believe it? This goes ESPECIALLY for the skeptical people.

So many things, so many things.

I hear you, Brother.
Where I live it's not mandatory to wear masks and I was getting more confident that people are "in the know" (enough at least) to know they don't have to follow these idiotic rules.. yet, today I saw many idiots wearing masks, some wearing more than one... HP HC, it's once again almost like you read my mind and answer before I ask the question.

I don't believe anymore that these people can be 'saved'. From what? You're right.. they don't even see the real problem, so the thing they MIGHT want to 'be saved' from is the wrong one anyway. Their perception is totally fucked and none of them seems capable of even wanting to break the spell and see what's really going on. These people don't deserve the JoS, they'll just slander us all and the Gods.

Where's a DeathNote when you need it, huh? Too much chaff here. These "humans" don't even know what a Human truly is, not do they understand that there is something more than what they've been aiming for all their pathetic lives, running after anything the jews have advertised like it's the meaning of life.

I USED to believe there was a 'trigger' to awake everyone, that one only needed to know what words and topics to use in order to make a person choose to use their brain, but I see now how I was wrong. It's totally useless. I just hope you're wrong about the numbers, I've been observing people go from "oh this virus is so bad" to "I won't be getting the fucking vaxxine" and it's been like fresh air to realize I had a hand in making many people question things. SOME others are completely screwed and live in the lowest vibration possible... I hope there's not as many as we often assume there are.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods certainly don't have any hostility and don't want to upset or ruin human life, let alone paralyze or destroy our civilization.

They also would not preach us to disarm or anything like this, they don't want humans disarmed. It's not like we can do them any serious damage anyway.

However, according to the enemy who is now in power, these are "hostilities" and any form of intervention and phenomena encountered, they call them "invasion".

With the enemy in power, this would only be seen as "hostility". As such, all movies about aliens are about greys, misdirecting people, or scary movies where aliens come here to literally destroy earth, and humanity is pictured as entirely against them or helpless.

The only single movie, which title escapes me, had aliens coming here for no real reason or to conquer humans with bloodshed, was only one movie.

ThomaSsS said:
I don't think the term "invasion" is even the proper one to use here. I remember perfectly that sermon from Maxine, but the way I understood it, was more like them visiting physically, which is fundamentally different from an "invasion". Once things get back on track with this planet, and once the enemy is removed and the information about the Gods is public knowledge, it'll only be natural for humans to want to receive such visitors.

Imagine a president with his cabinet visiting a city or an area, after it was hit by an earthquake or something similar. No one in their right mind would call such a visit an "invasion". Similary with the Gods. Astarte called Earth "her beautiful garden", not her "next planet to be conquered".

Or think about a president of a foreign country visiting your own. Would anyone say "he's invading your land"? If not, then why would anyone even think in such terms when refering to Gods' visit to our planet?

HI HP Hoodedcobra666, thank you for your works. But I got something I'm not comfortable with. Maybe because of my own level of understanding.
It's when you say things like "the enemy is in power" with the strength of your thoughts and every one else here who reads it, that could enforce that statement. I'm really not cool with that especially I and we want them totally crushed.
Thank you

Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods certainly don't have any hostility and don't want to upset or ruin human life, let alone paralyze or destroy our civilization.

They also would not preach us to disarm or anything like this, they don't want humans disarmed. It's not like we can do them any serious damage anyway.

However, according to the enemy who is now in power, these are "hostilities" and any form of intervention and phenomena encountered, they call them "invasion".

With the enemy in power, this would only be seen as "hostility". As such, all movies about aliens are about greys, misdirecting people, or scary movies where aliens come here to literally destroy earth, and humanity is pictured as entirely against them or helpless.

The only single movie, which title escapes me, had aliens coming here for no real reason or to conquer humans with bloodshed, was only one movie.

ThomaSsS said:
I don't think the term "invasion" is even the proper one to use here. I remember perfectly that sermon from Maxine, but the way I understood it, was more like them visiting physically, which is fundamentally different from an "invasion". Once things get back on track with this planet, and once the enemy is removed and the information about the Gods is public knowledge, it'll only be natural for humans to want to receive such visitors.

Imagine a president with his cabinet visiting a city or an area, after it was hit by an earthquake or something similar. No one in their right mind would call such a visit an "invasion". Similary with the Gods. Astarte called Earth "her beautiful garden", not her "next planet to be conquered".

Or think about a president of a foreign country visiting your own. Would anyone say "he's invading your land"? If not, then why would anyone even think in such terms when refering to Gods' visit to our planet?

HI HP Hoodedcobra666, thank you for your works. But I got something I'm not comfortable with. Maybe because of my own level of understanding.
It's when you say things like "the enemy is in power" with the strength of your thoughts and every one else here who reads it, that could enforce that statement. I'm really not cool with that especially I and we want them totally crushed.
Thank you

That's a realist statement. We're not living in fantasy land.
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods certainly don't have any hostility and don't want to upset or ruin human life, let alone paralyze or destroy our civilization.

They also would not preach us to disarm or anything like this, they don't want humans disarmed. It's not like we can do them any serious damage anyway.

However, according to the enemy who is now in power, these are "hostilities" and any form of intervention and phenomena encountered, they call them "invasion".

With the enemy in power, this would only be seen as "hostility". As such, all movies about aliens are about greys, misdirecting people, or scary movies where aliens come here to literally destroy earth, and humanity is pictured as entirely against them or helpless.

The only single movie, which title escapes me, had aliens coming here for no real reason or to conquer humans with bloodshed, was only one movie.

ThomaSsS said:
I don't think the term "invasion" is even the proper one to use here. I remember perfectly that sermon from Maxine, but the way I understood it, was more like them visiting physically, which is fundamentally different from an "invasion". Once things get back on track with this planet, and once the enemy is removed and the information about the Gods is public knowledge, it'll only be natural for humans to want to receive such visitors.

Imagine a president with his cabinet visiting a city or an area, after it was hit by an earthquake or something similar. No one in their right mind would call such a visit an "invasion". Similary with the Gods. Astarte called Earth "her beautiful garden", not her "next planet to be conquered".

Or think about a president of a foreign country visiting your own. Would anyone say "he's invading your land"? If not, then why would anyone even think in such terms when refering to Gods' visit to our planet?

HI HP Hoodedcobra666, thank you for your works. But I got something I'm not comfortable with. Maybe because of my own level of understanding.
It's when you say things like "the enemy is in power" with the strength of your thoughts and every one else here who reads it, that could enforce that statement. I'm really not cool with that especially I and we want them totally crushed.
Thank you


This does not constitute a magical action to say anything. It's casual conversation based on the observable world.

Magick has to be understood to be magick, and conversation or words don't constitute magick.

If a man is drowning and you say "save him, he is drowning!", your statement doesn't reinforce anything, nor is a magical action, this does not constitute a magical act that increases or decreases the drowning. It just means...the man is drowning.

In fact, if you say on a drowning man, that they aren't drowning, you might cause the death of them. The same goes for the real world. Denying it over the pretext that you do so to change it, is denial of reality.

The above states don't have to do with magick.

Currently, if one is not doing drugs and/or is a nutcase solipsist, yes, the enemy, they are "in power" within the material world, but they will eventually fall from it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods certainly don't have any hostility and don't want to upset or ruin human life, let alone paralyze or destroy our civilization.

They also would not preach us to disarm or anything like this, they don't want humans disarmed. It's not like we can do them any serious damage anyway.

However, according to the enemy who is now in power, these are "hostilities" and any form of intervention and phenomena encountered, they call them "invasion".

With the enemy in power, this would only be seen as "hostility". As such, all movies about aliens are about greys, misdirecting people, or scary movies where aliens come here to literally destroy earth, and humanity is pictured as entirely against them or helpless.

The only single movie, which title escapes me, had aliens coming here for no real reason or to conquer humans with bloodshed, was only one movie.

ThomaSsS said:
I don't think the term "invasion" is even the proper one to use here. I remember perfectly that sermon from Maxine, but the way I understood it, was more like them visiting physically, which is fundamentally different from an "invasion". Once things get back on track with this planet, and once the enemy is removed and the information about the Gods is public knowledge, it'll only be natural for humans to want to receive such visitors.

Imagine a president with his cabinet visiting a city or an area, after it was hit by an earthquake or something similar. No one in their right mind would call such a visit an "invasion". Similary with the Gods. Astarte called Earth "her beautiful garden", not her "next planet to be conquered".

Or think about a president of a foreign country visiting your own. Would anyone say "he's invading your land"? If not, then why would anyone even think in such terms when refering to Gods' visit to our planet?

Their was a game called earthbound or mother in Japan,we're you fight an alien who is trying to destroy the earth,an you use psychic or pk abilities to fight back an save everyone,seems like humanity is getting closer to that every day

Can't wait for satan's return
Hail Satan
Hail amon ra
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods certainly don't have any hostility and don't want to upset or ruin human life, let alone paralyze or destroy our civilization.

They also would not preach us to disarm or anything like this, they don't want humans disarmed. It's not like we can do them any serious damage anyway.

However, according to the enemy who is now in power, these are "hostilities" and any form of intervention and phenomena encountered, they call them "invasion".

With the enemy in power, this would only be seen as "hostility". As such, all movies about aliens are about greys, misdirecting people, or scary movies where aliens come here to literally destroy earth, and humanity is pictured as entirely against them or helpless.

The only single movie, which title escapes me, had aliens coming here for no real reason or to conquer humans with bloodshed, was only one movie.

HI HP Hoodedcobra666, thank you for your works. But I got something I'm not comfortable with. Maybe because of my own level of understanding.
It's when you say things like "the enemy is in power" with the strength of your thoughts and every one else here who reads it, that could enforce that statement. I'm really not cool with that especially I and we want them totally crushed.
Thank you


This does not constitute a magical action to say anything. It's casual conversation based on the observable world.

Magick has to be understood to be magick, and conversation or words don't constitute magick.

If a man is drowning and you say "save him, he is drowning!", your statement doesn't reinforce anything, nor is a magical action, this does not constitute a magical act that increases or decreases the drowning. It just means...the man is drowning.

In fact, if you say on a drowning man, that they aren't drowning, you might cause the death of them. The same goes for the real world. Denying it over the pretext that you do so to change it, is denial of reality.

The above states don't have to do with magick.

Currently, if one is not doing drugs and/or is a nutcase solipsist, yes, the enemy, they are "in power" within the material world, but they will eventually fall from it.

Clearly understood HP Hoodedcobra666.
Thank you
This might be off topic but i wish there could be made a topic on energy.I have read all of the jos and i couldn't see an elaborate explanation on it.It was just a brief explanation that i read.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods could invade tomorrow morning and this heap of animals that so loudly call themselves humans would insist on doing all the same mistakes they are already doing. Invasion would cause a lot of fear, despite of what would be the case, and it would be a show of force, if anything.

Do the Gods possess this force? They do. But any force such as this is to be used carefully.

Do the Gods believe in humanity? Apparently they do. Do they believe in anyone in it? Certainly not.

Does humanity stand a chance against the enemy or other entropic forces of failure? For sure.

Have they given us the methods for this? Yes.

For how long? Long enough people hold the line. Not forever, as this battle is ongoing and active.

Humanity's innocence goes half a way. At this point, does anyone hold a gun on their head to accept being slaves or anything of the sort? No. Just observe the recent Co-Vid craze and how the enemy concotes the ruin of their freedoms and turning them into borgs - is this done with guns or might? No. And still, do some people cave in? They do.

People are more free than they think, and more free than they appreciate. If they don't appreciate, the enemy will of course exploit this and force them into slavery and subjection.

While the enemy has a lot of power, humans do still possess the ability of choice to an extent. One of these choices could be to open their minds up and so on. But that's up to people individually.

We are working to stop this takeover of the enemy, and humanity also has a lot of people "in it" that aren't cut for the above, and will therefore resist it. Many people, and more than the slaves, as numbers keep showing.

But as we can see, it has it's load of idiots in it as well, and the enemy's mass control is also setting a precedent of making things more difficult.

So that they don't meditate or not do research, or are they merely following their own negative forces and blindly subject to the enemy?

Change doesn't come in this case from this type of force, unless they were to instate a form of a controlled system like the enemy wants, which is not what the Gods want, because they have nothing to gain from this specifically. The enemy's task is easier than that of the Gods. Violence is not going to solve this, because humans are dumb.

In the meanwhile, many are bending over for the so called JWO and do "as they are told", and consider that healthy advice coming from our side as "patronization" and "attacks", while the enemy corrupts them and uses them like puppets everyday of their low existence.

In short, humanity is past the point where an invasion could solve anything by itself. A lot of other work is needed. And yes, the Gods do act physically also, just read the recent UFO invasion archives published by the US. The Gods do intervene, and the enemy too. Governments know and they are sitting there, most being unable to do anything.

Jews are the agents of the agency of the enemy, and their work is easy. Just promote global slavery and stupidity. The already degenerate wave of existence that happens from them, is easy to maintain. The world is filled with endless idiots, fake vanity egoists, the list goes.

They will lose this planet, but it will take a lot of time for complete finishing of their effects and what they have caused, because humans are totally garbage in their striking majority, and very set in their stupid ways. All humans do in particular is exist and whine while they remain blind. Humanity isn't helping much. Few people do.

Most are only following the slide into the shit and happily so. Just look around and you'll see. Gods could invade tomorrow and this psychopathic humanity the enemy has constructed, would at first be "Thankful" the Gods invaded and saved them, and one month later, these animals would feel like it was "totally deserved" and one month after this that "They are equal to the Gods" and who knows what other shit.

Left alone without a nanny, they would repeat the same thing all over again?

The level of consciousness of humanity is the primary issue, more primary even than every problem ongoing currently in this world physically. This has caused humanity to be in front of the enemy's fangs today.

Soon, Israel also recommended people wear bracelets to be tracked like prisoners ((("because"))) of Co-Vid. We'll see how this wonderful humanity that wants to be saved [because it's lazy as fuck] also responds to this.

The same idiots that will be subjected to this, or will "approve" of these, are also the same idiots to say the JoS has been "evil" for saying this was about to happen. A trillion UFO's could enter our atmosphere tomorrow morning, and humanity could still be more retarded than a dog or a cat.

This needs fixing on a spiritual level, and on cleansing a lot of astral, spiritual, cultural crap and so on.

Contrary to popular belief, yes, humans do have a say about their destiny. What are people doing here? Do we use the knowledge of the Gods to save ourselves and them, or not? Why don't they?

Some may end up as slaves and nobody is going to care. Many, already are slaves and don't really care for themselves, and we care more about this than they do. Few, do this willingly, and not by being enslaved into it.

The Gods are more interested about what the conscious people of this planet are undergoing, and how this particular category of people is going to fare in the future. Their sympathy and care comes out of this, and not because humanity deserves that.

When the Gods came in earth and they gave humanity the gifts of the Gods and Soul and so on, they did this elevating them out of an animal level. These people have left their "humanity" just go and vanish. Are we to worry about a humanity that they have revoked willingly?

None of the Gods business here. The Gods are going to care for humans that want to remain human, be human, have a soul, and so on.

Save them? From what at this point? Are people holding guns on their head, so they don't meditate, or discover these things? Are these not one click away? Are they not only subjecting themselves into this? The only way to save them from themselves would be what? They have to do this on their own.

The advance of the enemy in this world is only an inverse manifestation of people's degeneration. If the second is reversed, the first will go away. Of course, the enemy is to be dealt with, because this lingers on humanity like an illness.

But no matter how much a doctor removes an illness, if the patient has not decided on a better lifestyle, the illness will return. This will be a question humanity will have to answer for it's future too.

Intervention from the Gods is like the doctor and the healing, but in the end, the duties of humanity do remain the same. Doctor could be visiting a patient every day, and the latter half of the day, the person could be doing exactly what they shouldn't be doing, procuring their own death.

On the reverse, if a patient was doing the correct things, the less and less intervention from the doctor would be necessary.

As with anything of course, humans want to face nothing of this [the results of their own karma], so the fate of many will be what they have sown.

This should not concern any Satanist or in plain words spiritually advancing individual.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

StraitShot47 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Maybe this is a foolish question, and if so, I apologize, but why don't our beloved Gods show themselves physically to humanity and refute all argument to our origins and purpose? Satan has won the war "up above", and I would guess that Orion has control over the solar system as well.

Are there rules of engagement?

Even if the majority of Mankind is unwelcoming, they are inferiors and could be divided or disposed of.

A statement has to be made.

The enemy must understand that so long as our planets and races are intact their will be struggle. Understand that the enemy is here in the case of rabbi and Jews. This planet is also surrounded by enemy aliens, and Earth's astral filled with the enemy.

How disheartening to the enemy would it be if they lost this planet, without our Gods' even lifting a finger or coming here? The enemy would think twice before they do it again, they would think are the resources and time even worth it?

At least that is my opinion.

So, you say that we will be able to solve a lot of problem with using spirituality. It is okay, because now we have rituals what are destroys the yewish, but I have a question. What will we make with the reptilians, greys? Will we have another rituals to kill theme, if yes when will we use this/these ritual(s)?
Giszmon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods could invade tomorrow morning and this heap of animals that so loudly call themselves humans would insist on doing all the same mistakes they are already doing. Invasion would cause a lot of fear, despite of what would be the case, and it would be a show of force, if anything.

Do the Gods possess this force? They do. But any force such as this is to be used carefully.

Do the Gods believe in humanity? Apparently they do. Do they believe in anyone in it? Certainly not.

Does humanity stand a chance against the enemy or other entropic forces of failure? For sure.

Have they given us the methods for this? Yes.

For how long? Long enough people hold the line. Not forever, as this battle is ongoing and active.

Humanity's innocence goes half a way. At this point, does anyone hold a gun on their head to accept being slaves or anything of the sort? No. Just observe the recent Co-Vid craze and how the enemy concotes the ruin of their freedoms and turning them into borgs - is this done with guns or might? No. And still, do some people cave in? They do.

People are more free than they think, and more free than they appreciate. If they don't appreciate, the enemy will of course exploit this and force them into slavery and subjection.

While the enemy has a lot of power, humans do still possess the ability of choice to an extent. One of these choices could be to open their minds up and so on. But that's up to people individually.

We are working to stop this takeover of the enemy, and humanity also has a lot of people "in it" that aren't cut for the above, and will therefore resist it. Many people, and more than the slaves, as numbers keep showing.

But as we can see, it has it's load of idiots in it as well, and the enemy's mass control is also setting a precedent of making things more difficult.

So that they don't meditate or not do research, or are they merely following their own negative forces and blindly subject to the enemy?

Change doesn't come in this case from this type of force, unless they were to instate a form of a controlled system like the enemy wants, which is not what the Gods want, because they have nothing to gain from this specifically. The enemy's task is easier than that of the Gods. Violence is not going to solve this, because humans are dumb.

In the meanwhile, many are bending over for the so called JWO and do "as they are told", and consider that healthy advice coming from our side as "patronization" and "attacks", while the enemy corrupts them and uses them like puppets everyday of their low existence.

In short, humanity is past the point where an invasion could solve anything by itself. A lot of other work is needed. And yes, the Gods do act physically also, just read the recent UFO invasion archives published by the US. The Gods do intervene, and the enemy too. Governments know and they are sitting there, most being unable to do anything.

Jews are the agents of the agency of the enemy, and their work is easy. Just promote global slavery and stupidity. The already degenerate wave of existence that happens from them, is easy to maintain. The world is filled with endless idiots, fake vanity egoists, the list goes.

They will lose this planet, but it will take a lot of time for complete finishing of their effects and what they have caused, because humans are totally garbage in their striking majority, and very set in their stupid ways. All humans do in particular is exist and whine while they remain blind. Humanity isn't helping much. Few people do.

Most are only following the slide into the shit and happily so. Just look around and you'll see. Gods could invade tomorrow and this psychopathic humanity the enemy has constructed, would at first be "Thankful" the Gods invaded and saved them, and one month later, these animals would feel like it was "totally deserved" and one month after this that "They are equal to the Gods" and who knows what other shit.

Left alone without a nanny, they would repeat the same thing all over again?

The level of consciousness of humanity is the primary issue, more primary even than every problem ongoing currently in this world physically. This has caused humanity to be in front of the enemy's fangs today.

Soon, Israel also recommended people wear bracelets to be tracked like prisoners ((("because"))) of Co-Vid. We'll see how this wonderful humanity that wants to be saved [because it's lazy as fuck] also responds to this.

The same idiots that will be subjected to this, or will "approve" of these, are also the same idiots to say the JoS has been "evil" for saying this was about to happen. A trillion UFO's could enter our atmosphere tomorrow morning, and humanity could still be more retarded than a dog or a cat.

This needs fixing on a spiritual level, and on cleansing a lot of astral, spiritual, cultural crap and so on.

Contrary to popular belief, yes, humans do have a say about their destiny. What are people doing here? Do we use the knowledge of the Gods to save ourselves and them, or not? Why don't they?

Some may end up as slaves and nobody is going to care. Many, already are slaves and don't really care for themselves, and we care more about this than they do. Few, do this willingly, and not by being enslaved into it.

The Gods are more interested about what the conscious people of this planet are undergoing, and how this particular category of people is going to fare in the future. Their sympathy and care comes out of this, and not because humanity deserves that.

When the Gods came in earth and they gave humanity the gifts of the Gods and Soul and so on, they did this elevating them out of an animal level. These people have left their "humanity" just go and vanish. Are we to worry about a humanity that they have revoked willingly?

None of the Gods business here. The Gods are going to care for humans that want to remain human, be human, have a soul, and so on.

Save them? From what at this point? Are people holding guns on their head, so they don't meditate, or discover these things? Are these not one click away? Are they not only subjecting themselves into this? The only way to save them from themselves would be what? They have to do this on their own.

The advance of the enemy in this world is only an inverse manifestation of people's degeneration. If the second is reversed, the first will go away. Of course, the enemy is to be dealt with, because this lingers on humanity like an illness.

But no matter how much a doctor removes an illness, if the patient has not decided on a better lifestyle, the illness will return. This will be a question humanity will have to answer for it's future too.

Intervention from the Gods is like the doctor and the healing, but in the end, the duties of humanity do remain the same. Doctor could be visiting a patient every day, and the latter half of the day, the person could be doing exactly what they shouldn't be doing, procuring their own death.

On the reverse, if a patient was doing the correct things, the less and less intervention from the doctor would be necessary.

As with anything of course, humans want to face nothing of this [the results of their own karma], so the fate of many will be what they have sown.

This should not concern any Satanist or in plain words spiritually advancing individual.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

StraitShot47 said:
A statement has to be made.

The enemy must understand that so long as our planets and races are intact their will be struggle. Understand that the enemy is here in the case of rabbi and Jews. This planet is also surrounded by enemy aliens, and Earth's astral filled with the enemy.

How disheartening to the enemy would it be if they lost this planet, without our Gods' even lifting a finger or coming here? The enemy would think twice before they do it again, they would think are the resources and time even worth it?

At least that is my opinion.

So, you say that we will be able to solve a lot of problem with using spirituality. It is okay, because now we have rituals what are destroys the yewish, but I have a question. What will we make with the reptilians, greys? Will we have another rituals to kill theme, if yes when will we use this/these ritual(s)?

The reptilians and grey's will be dealt by our Gods.Doing a ritual against them it is like farting at them which only pollutes their air.This is because they are very advanced beings.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
