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Into Satan's Great Upcoming Aeon

I will see this to the end, and beyond. The world is worth fighting for, no matter the risks. Even death is but a mere inconvenience so long as we are with Satan.

Our resolve is unshakeable, and our victory undeniable.

Hail Satan, Duat, Terra, and Orion.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to all of us, High Priest.
I can tell this post really came from your heart. I hear you. We'll all do this together.

Hail Satan!
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Unless I am "suicided" or something, there is no way I am going to let up on anyone here. If I disappear, take it for granted I have been killed and never believe any other potential story people might tell you. There is no way I will desert this community or the souls of Satan unless I am dead. I welcome any other options to the path or whatever, but saying this just "in case".
I think you scared many people here with this.

It was painful to read for me too but I took it to mean he will still be here even if the economy collapses or war breaks out or something like that. I know I will be here unless I die too, but that's to say I don't plan on it, that's the whole point of being here. It's just something that's hard to find the right wording for so as not to set up negative expectations but if anything wasn't possible then we wouldn't even be here in the first place. It doesn't mean Maxine 'deserted' us either, it's just how it is now that Cobra is the only HP.

It was once set in stone that we would all be dead or enslaved by this point in time but look at the progress we made thanks to Maxine and the Gods. It's a miracle that we all created together and continue to grow into a new world where these potential fears won't exist at all anymore. Can you imagine how screwed up things would be if Maxine just gave up and left in 2006?

And of course they want us all dead but remember you can't draw a picture of a Satanist. There's not a "Satanic appearance"; Jews can't hide like we can because they are a race. If they had the power to start "suiciding" everyone that meditates or liked snakes or who's ever read the Satanic bible or listened to black metal then it would become kind of obvious what's going on. If you live in a place that's becoming more clamped-down then you can swallow your pride to just blend in with the goyim and make your whole external personality to be about about sports or something.
You're making us full of hope! Still it is not a bit exagerated to say that you could be assassinated given the fact that you're protected? Like yes i know it's a measure but still.

I also hope i will advance properly if... i could actually follow my spiritual development without so much slacking... dammit.
My fight began long before I found this community, as Gods were guiding me since I was a kid, until I screwed up bad time and lost communication with them.
What you guys did here helped me to recover myself after a big fall, restructure all the knowledge I had before, clear from the delusions and doubts about myself and more importantly I found family.
Hp Hooder Cobra, your work and dedication is beyond words that I can use to express my gratitude for everything that you are doing for us.
Hail Satan!
Hail Maxine!
Hail HoodedCobra!

Joy of Satan stand forever!

In this autumn is My second anniversary of finding JoS on 2019 autumn.
HPHC, we've never doubted you for a second, and will always be right behind you - fighting till the end.

"Evil people and ideas will be exposed and destroyed; I see it starting to take shape now. The Jewish controlled press is promoting every sick idea, which is a good thing. We must be able to see who our enemies are; they are now coming out from behind closed doors. We will see in the future the clear line between who is good and who is not. Who works for the natural health of his people, and who seeks to destroy the natural order. These lines will sometimes blur, as the church will become more and more corrupt, but God’s laws are on our hearts, and will never be removed from everyone. His people will again someday come to see who they are."

-Irene Rosenberg (Alfred Rosenbergs daughter). Please read from a Satanic perspective.
I would fight along side you to the death HP Hooded Cobra. I am so glad to hear Maxine is okay. I fully understand how important it is to do the work I must do. I would love to share my story with you someday however this is not the platform for that. Hopefully sometime in the future. Thank you for working so hard for us all! Thank you HP’S Maxine, Thank you HP Hooded Cobra. The knowledge you share is like blood in my veins.
Viva Satan, サタン万歳
Weassel said:
You're making us full of hope! Still it is not a bit exagerated to say that you could be assassinated given the fact that you're protected? Like yes i know it's a measure but still.

I also hope i will advance properly if... i could actually follow my spiritual development without so much slacking... dammit.

Everyone is protected. We are talking really much.

I don't want to say something negative here, but the reality is, if people advanced without protection such as the Gods provide in this place, none would have made it far or could hope to get further with the enemy.

Our side has immense, immense power. Everyone should be thankful here. Use this opportunity to advance while you are barricaded and protected with the Gods. Many people can't even get a 3rd eye going functional without having something "strange" happening to them. This planet has been under a very strict enemy curfew. Much of this except physical is astral and invisible. Thankfully nobody has to be impeded much by any of this.
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
100 Days said:


However I definitely am saddened with the absence of Maxine. I guess I just have trouble understanding how she has resigned, which I find and I'm sure many others still have so many unanswered questions.

Which I respect the highly important nature, and privacy regarding the circumstances, but we all do miss her.

Truthfully, seeing only you as the main active clergy, and not seeing HP Shannon and others online for awhile I find deeply troubling. It worries me in regards to more clergy being appointed, or what exactly is going on, or what the future plan I for this.

I'll tell you the other side of this. Now, the JoS has some of the most powerful non-clergy members. Most loyal people have only gotten stronger. Some are giving into this more than any past Clergy.

I myself have went through the hardest and the most empowering period as a result. I didn't get to choose the deck, I just play with the cards I have been dealt with.

In the last year, there have been members who have done great works, not dissimilar than those that very good Clergy has done, and they were done together with the community. Biggest projects ever, most expansive period etc, yet less Clergy.

I understand this void and it will be addressed. Yet most people of the above don't really "want" to become Clergy. But they insist forever in loyalty for the wellbeing of this place. That is the most important thing.

We also have the community. That is important to pay attention to.

It is very difficult to explain in depth the situation rights now but I understand all the feelings about HPS Maxine.

Beyond everything and they have to do with the nature of the world and what the Gods will, not mine or any of our choices.

Below a reference...

Yagami Light said:
This sermon made me feel so relaxed and peaceful... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
It is surely a great feeling to realize where we're heading! HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!

On a side note, I've been wondering if there is anything I could do to help the website or you personally. I am no good with computer coding but I can... draw? Not necessarily perfect but... alright? xD It's possible that there are other members who can draw better than me but regardless... If there's anything I could help you with, do let me know (can you message me privately without me writing my email here?).

On another note, I just had this profound idea to create a small comic about the joyofSatan!! Wouldn't that be lovely?? You could give me a script about it, if you'd like that. We could talk about this together if you want (but again, my drawing abilities are nowhere near perfect; but they're good enough I suppose. :p ).

Satanic Eagle is the guy you need to go to I think. And yes I think its a awesum idea.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

I can't say "everybody" because there are always rats crawling under the door, but most of us here are a real family. And there is nothing that could ever be more important than a family. :D :mrgreen: :p

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This :D :D :D :D
Thank You Brother, your words are always truly helping, especially considering how many have lamented attacks lately. We will not fall. The enemy is going down and they know it already. They're just trying to hold together a gigantic bubble that's about to explode in their ugly faces, and when it does, they're going to see what a REAL "holocaust" looks like.

I have seen a slight (for me at least is "slight", I'm not the best psychic here) improvement in feeling energy for the past month or two, I hope this is continuing to increase as to make spiritual advancement easier and more intuitive even for the less gifted (or the "late bloomers" if that's what I am).

So many of us SS really are appreciative of HP Hoodedcobra666 and HP Maxine Dietrich, yet this is even short of what they deserve, yet we receive more, we can show this appreciation by following their lead and showing and acting upon our understanding. Never fall short of our words and acts of gratitude.

You are a great leader and I am proud to be able to work with you and other members to keep the JOS growing.
Next month in October it will be a decade since I started as SS and I hope that the next decade will be even more productive in my spiritual advancement and in my work in the JOS.

Sieg Heil!
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Alchemist7 said:
I think you scared many people here with this. Which unfortunately is true. I think the enemy wants all of us dead, irrespective of our level. I think it might be helpful if you can `train` someone to do what you are doing, `just in case`.

There are many...precautions. You know, just in case.

The enemy can have any wet dream. According to them none of you should even meditate or know anything and eternal fire to those who do, and so on.

It is a good idea to be aware of things.
I'm pretty sure you're one of Satan's favourites. As was Maxine. And if Maxine managed to still be alive, you will manage too :D
But you know this already Brother.
Thank you:)

Even if they would succeed, I think any psychic member, would be proud to act as a vessel for his soul to continue his service from the astral.

They may could in theory destroy his body, but they can never erase his soul and burning fighting passion for Satans Kindom to arise, long live HP. Hoodedcobra666!

I´m looking forward to the day you and HPS Maxine will rightously and just rule earth with our Gods.
Well, I joined JoS in early 2014 when we still had our Yahoo group, and I recall Maxine saying that she wore her Baphomet blatantly to go out running her errands and she didn't care the dirty looks she got from the xians around her. She said that referring to the many threats she got, for some people around her knew she was deeply into Spiritual Satanism and hated her. I've always admired her very much for her courage and dedication.

She once spoke about a bomb planted in her car, if I recall well, and she said that the Gods warned her about it so she survived such attempt to murder her. As she said, she used to be very blatant about being a Spiritual Satanist but she frequently told us that we "are not to do anything stupid", like we should do our best work trying to go "unnoticed" by non-Satanists.

What I mean to say is, I am confident, Master Cobra, that the Gods will keep you safe (and all of us indeed), but I ask you to take care of yourself too, we need you, you are very necessary and, like Maxine, an unrepeatable leader.

You know you can count on all of us, our loyalty and dedication. We love you. Please do take care.
Hooded cobra...time ago you said,admire my courage and others...because for "Born injure i continue to fougth" and you...are a exemple of Warrior...for me...for ANY satanist in the world...i think how we are proud of a great HP, the Gods are proud of you...can the Life smile ever on you. A true Warrior...NEVER KNOW THE SURRENDER! And ..we are all Warriors...and we not know the White flag...figth until the end...and crack down the Jewish Beast...
Greetings from Italy to you,and all Satanist Warriors.
It's very comforting to read your words in such dark times. I really like you a lot!
Certainly you are fundamental to this group of people who have been brought together in fellowship.
Last week I experienced an unfortunate event, and with each information I receive, I am more certain that somehow I received attacks from the enemy. In the country where I live (Brazil) there is a strong belief in the spirits of deceased people ("Exu and Pomba-Gira") that somehow would have powers. When I had serious family problems (when I got involved with jws and I got desperate) I looked for these entities and they helped me, but precariously. In many ways. After I discovered JoS and the infernal powers, I respectfully put those practices aside. But last week, my beloved cat took a very strange fall and passed away in front of me, in a matter of minutes. I suspect that these spirits caused this, and they all have links with the enemy, they may even be souls of disembodied jws.
I am working to have greater protection and also to destroy this belief system as much as possible. In Brazil there is a lot of absurdity, here the enemy runs loose and free. Personally I would like to do something to somehow spread the word of Satan, I think my country really needs it. I make myself available, in whatever I can do.
Once again, thank you for your dedication, for always being one step ahead of us showing what we need to see!
Great sermon HP. Can't wait the day when we all meet at the end of war!

Hail Satan and the mighty Gods of Hell!!
Yagami Light said:
On another note, I just had this profound idea to create a small comic about the joyofSatan!! Wouldn't that be lovely?? You could give me a script about it, if you'd like that. We could talk about this together if you want (but again, my drawing abilities are nowhere near perfect; but they're good enough I suppose. :p ).

Bro I've had this idea for awhile now. The only thing I lack is drawing. I have several plot ideas, character ideas etc as I'm a fab of manga and comics. I think we could spread info through this comic and spread awareness. I would totally be down to work on this if you are. I have been doing translation work but if we do this then I can definitely help considering you'll be doing the most time consuming part (drawing). I can help with plot creativity to actually make the comic interesting while packing it with info and awareness. So excited about this.
iv'e said it before i'll say it again JOS and finding Satan changed my life and confirmed many things i already knew to be true. It felt like a true completion when i found this place and i am very happy and devoted to fighting alongside everyone here, and especially our clergy who have worked so hard to keep this place going and even working with us to help some of us personally despite busy schedules. They must know this is greatly appreciated as is the awesome work done by other members for the welbeing of the sites and updates of knowledge.

As for those who are sad about Maxine and are worried don't be. She is on a whole different level and very focused on Spiritual work to reach the MO as we all should be when the time comes. But never think she has abandoned us because she has not.

Thanks to all the Clergy for everything, and i look foward to bringing down the enemy in its last days before entering the age of an new aryan reich!

Hail Satan!
All these kind comments are really appreciated. We just want to do what's best.

Thank you all Satanic Family.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All these kind comments are really appreciated. We just want to do what's best.

Thank you all Satanic Family.

You are truly appreciated. I have a few SS friends who don't visit the forums much but do rituals and stay strong on the path and they truly appreciate you too. :D

स त न म said:
Yagami Light said:
On another note, I just had this profound idea to create a small comic about the joyofSatan!! Wouldn't that be lovely?? You could give me a script about it, if you'd like that. We could talk about this together if you want (but again, my drawing abilities are nowhere near perfect; but they're good enough I suppose. :p ).

Bro I've had this idea for awhile now. The only thing I lack is drawing. I have several plot ideas, character ideas etc as I'm a fab of manga and comics. I think we could spread info through this comic and spread awareness. I would totally be down to work on this if you are. I have been doing translation work but if we do this then I can definitely help considering you'll be doing the most time consuming part (drawing). I can help with plot creativity to actually make the comic interesting while packing it with info and awareness. So excited about this.
Hopefully this one doesn't bring infighting :lol:
Thanks so much HP Cobra! I really feel motivated as I'm trying lately to read as much of your sermons as I can. I'm just a beginner on true path but I know for sure even though I have a hard time developing spiritually I will never give up! Until the day I die I will serve Satan and help my brothers and sisters in our Faith as much as I can. If you ever need help with the site or something from the coding side I'm here for you!

Hail Satan!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All these kind comments are really appreciated. We just want to do what's best.

Thank you all Satanic Family.


You, HPS Maxine and all the members Joy of Satan Ministries have my deepest respect. Nothing bad will ever happen to the JoS clergy, you all will live forever happily : )

Once this nightmare is over, I hope there will be measures to never make all this happen ever again.
Wildfire said:
Once this nightmare is over, I hope there will be measures to never make all this happen ever again.

And I also hope we have a big town size feast and party that will last for a very long time as I need some recreation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wildfire said:
Once this nightmare is over, I hope there will be measures to never make all this happen ever again.

And I also hope we have a big town size feast and party that will last for a very long time as I need some recreation.

With lots of organic grilled meat and alcohol-free cider, I hope.
Thank you Commander. I found JOS 3 years ago and since then I have a powerful spiritual core and support. Before that, I groped in my spiritual quest, maneuvering inside the Jewish lies, but now everything has changed and Satan has brought me here to support me. I feel that you are next to us and I bless you. Live long and thank you for being here.
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wildfire said:
Once this nightmare is over, I hope there will be measures to never make all this happen ever again.

And I also hope we have a big town size feast and party that will last for a very long time as I need some recreation.

With lots of organic grilled meat and alcohol-free cider, I hope.
And without any jew lurking in the shadows.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
And I also hope we have a big town size feast and party that will last for a very long time as I need some recreation.

Oh that will be the feast of feasts!
I hope the Gods will be present as well.
Godmode said:
If they had the power to start "suiciding" everyone that meditates or liked snakes or who's ever read the Satanic bible or listened to black metal then it would become kind of obvious what's going on.
I read somewhere on JoS around one year ago that around `70s the jewish thoughtform was so powerful that it could literally `slay` around 1000 people at once, like a sort of laser that you point to someone and they suddenly die of hearth attack or something, but instead of a physical beam you have just astral energy. I don't remember exactly who wrote it and in what context. But indeed they cannot figure out who is a Satanist unless the satanist is exposing himself, so then the jews can perform black magic and death spells on that person. But even these might be useless if the Satanist is protected by the Gods and has a strong protective aura.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
