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Into Satan's Great Upcoming Aeon

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
onemage619 said:
Absolutely amazing!! Thank you very much for that info. I look forward to the new updates. Do you know when the JOS site will be updated? Also this is off topic HP Hooded Cobra but the 40 day new meditation for beginners has chakra spinning. Most prepped can’t even still see there chakras after meditating for over a year. That might discourage some people if it says easy chakra spinning and all they see is black. I have had a lot of questions to some things and it sounds like you are kicking ass and dialing some things in for us. This works would not be the same without you!!! Thank you Sir for all you do. Another question is are we going to ever get a live chat platform where we would be able to ask a HP some questions? That would be amazing. We all need to donate as much money as we can so our HP can help us instead of whatever job they have to do. I start work again soon and I plan on donating quit a bit.

Many people are worried and of course we have a difficult decade ahead of us. Yet, because the Gods do indeed have care and compassion for mankind, despite of our own stupidity, they are going to provide us with the spiritual food and resilience that we need to overcome things.

I will stay with everyone no matter what or whatever anyone else does. Everyone could leave here tomorrow and I will still remain doing the proper thing to help everyone to the best that I can.

There are many people here who think likewise with me. Others will come to this understanding with time. Those who will discard this understanding will regret it, as they will not tap their beautiful inner potential as much as they could.

Updates will happen to the JoS page by page and bit by bit. I am writing volumes all these years and will increase the pace. I understand the major necessity of this. I know what I have to do and what my part in this is.

HPS Maxine had achieved highly spiritually, and done all her end to the work. As of April 30th 2020, we were told by Father Satan She has successfully finished her mission. She built everything. 20+ years, she fought tooth and nail.

The amount of people that will be helped and are being helped is ever increasing. We have been crossing the narrow path for a very long time. And it turned out that the Souls of Satan are still here, and are walking straight into His New Aeon.

Is this the first time this is happening? I will let this thought there to hover above for the minds of the wise young dragons. For the wiser of vision, they understand that what's important is that we are going into this Aeon right now.

We are moving through the debris of the enemy. But I write this to give you a glimpse of the light of the other side, the light that we actively are seeking and will in the end discover.

Now our generation's mission is to continue on this path and do the next phase of everything. People will benefit tremendously from this.

I wish I had everything available that will be available in the future, 10 or more years ago. I would be catapulted forward. But it's alright, we build for the next generations and all people here. Certainly the risks and the questions, or anticipation of many is extremely high, but that is the beautiful part in all this.

There is a lot of research that has been done. I have rectified and will be publishing some of it. When HPS Maxine has been involved directly, I always will directly mention it because her credits are hers.

I want also nobody to think that she isn't in this or that she has left people. We live in a universe with specific rules. We cannot cross these rules yet.

I've spent years accumulating knowledge, rectifying and learning. However I have kept a modest approach for people but now it's time for me to give, and that's what I intend to do, this is what is my task to do right now. I felt like our people needed modesty and support. I think this has reflected on the lives of a huge amount of people. Let's hope it will keep reflecting in the lives of exponentially more people as we get into Satan's Great Aeon.

Unless I am "suicided" or something, there is no way I am going to let up on anyone here. If I disappear, take it for granted I have been killed and never believe any other potential story people might tell you. There is no way I will desert this community or the souls of Satan unless I am dead. I welcome any other options to the path or whatever, but saying this just "in case".

I am aware I am fighting a beast that is right now way bigger than we are, especially physically. I don't care. I fought this shit when it was already too big to destroy me. Many of you have done the same. It's now multiplying in size and force, but our resolve is getting stronger and stronger. I believe in us all here completely.

HPS Maxine stood as a lone woman against this whole world, and she fulfilled her mission. She did heavy lifting and most of it will go by most not only not understood, but . I will not disbelieve in anyone here, nor in the Gods that are bringing us together here and pushing us forward and upward.

Anyway, what has the story of JoS been but a story about a small group of people fighting against impossible chances? All these years have felt like one has had a little fragile baby and now it's growing into a fully grown powerful being. We are all parts of this.

We have been winning against the monster, and indeed, we have severely wounded it. Not to say it hasn't wounded back and possibly it might be fatal, but then again, who can say the same in this world really?

Despite of anything personal, on a soul level, I am driven by full confidence and conviction in all of you. You are not like other people on this earth. You have consciousness and I truly do believe in the good of everyone in this forum. Indeed I have seen the future for many, but we are not there yet.

But are we walking towards this beautiful future? Most certainly. Is it coming too? Yes, of course it does.

Everyone is walking on a different line, but eventually the end result will be the beautiful handiwork of Satan no matter how things go.

In the darkness we have found strength, with which we will reach the highest light.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
To develop visualization ability try doing pranayama and focusing on your breath. Then you can do mental trip in you house, see your door, what color it is? how is the handle? The texture? Format? The furniture? Try to see and describe everything mentally or aloud, if something is missing or unusual, just do the pranayama again and focus on your breathing, don’t try to force remembering, you notice that with experience what is missing will come just by relaxing and focusing on your breath. Just like you can see in your memory try to do the same kind of thing with your chakras.
I got goose bumps when reading this thank you HP Cobra for believing in us and for staying with us no matter what. I feel really sorry I wasn't here when HP's Maxine was on the forums.
Will we hear of HPs Maxine again? Will she be back?
This is one of the most encouraging messages I read.
I am sure even the first "Pioneers" like HPS Maxine and others who have now accomplished and terminated their Satanic Mission, will stay Spiritually close to the JoS and will help in different ways.
About me, when I'll be dead, I will partecipate from Duat to the Spiritual Warfare or Spiritual Advancement of us all, on a Spiritual non-physyical way.
You are our commander, and behind you the soul of tens of thousands of people follow with earnest desire. You direct our attacks, and cover our defense; you supply us with the knowledge to fight and win this war.

despite seemingly impossible odds, you stand at the front line, leading your troops with a fanatical devotion to the defense and security of our people. Like the small force of 300 Spartans, against an army innumerably more massive, you stand as our Leonidas.

And know that the thousands of SS you lead, will follow you to the ends of this world, through thick and thin, through good times and bad. While we have breathe in our lungs and blood in our veins, we will fight for Satan's eon to manifest.

History will forever remember the names of Maxine and Cobra, as the securer's of humanity.

Hail Satan!
Hail High Priest Hooded Cobra!
Hail High Priestess Maxine!
“In the darkness we found strength...”

it’s very hard to hit me in the feels but this bit was truly touching, thanks for your words HP (I’m in fuckin tears lol)
I'm with you till the very end commander!

Hail HP Cobra!
Hail HP Cobra!
Unless I am "suicides" or something, there is no way I am going to let up on anyone here. If I disappear, take it for granted I have been killed and never believe any other potential story people might tell you. There is no way I will desert this community or the souls of Satan unless I am dead.

In that hypotethical future, where you would be gone High Priest, i dont think that there would be anyone on this Earth that could replace High Priestess Dietrich or yourself as the Greatest leader of the Prophets and Warriors of Satan(Joy of Satan)

Artanis said:
Unless I am "suicided" or something, there is no way I am going to let up on anyone here. If I disappear, take it for granted I have been killed and never believe any other potential story people might tell you. There is no way I will desert this community or the souls of Satan unless I am dead.

In that hypotethical future, where you would be gone High Priest, i dont think that there would be anyone on this Earth that could replace High Priestess Dietrich or yourself as the Greatest leader of the Prophets and Warriors of Satan(Joy of Satan)


Thank you for the kind words, there are many beautiful souls. They are growing like stars everyday as everyone will do under the heaven of the Gods.
100 Days said:
This is one of the most encouraging messages I read.
I am sure even the first "Pioneers" like HPS Maxine and others who have now accomplished and terminated their Satanic Mission, will stay Spiritually close to the JoS and will help in different ways.
About me, when I'll be dead, I will partecipate from Duat to the Spiritual Warfare or Spiritual Advancement of us all, on a Spiritual non-physyical way.

They ARE close.

Thanks to everyone who spoke their minds and feelings in the comments, it's deeply appreciated.
We needed first to discipline the masculine, and create the structure. As such modesty, support and grounding was deployed. Now as the female part is flowering and uncovering itself, advancement being in a place of showing and opening, we have the structure to pursue further and normally just as a SS has its path. We are in many ways a powerful being in terms of collective counciousness, united we abide to the same structure we use individually to advance.

Imagine explaining and let's say even showing some of the higher wisdom and power one might had 10 years ago, when the average Satanist was just a little baby. Now the times changed, just as the cumulative support and knowdlege being on a public front, guarantees a higher leveling of all of the individuals and instates a normalcy of wisdom. If 10 years ago, you heard wisdom from time to time, now you hear it all of the time. This is just in general as an observance.

Just as our obstacles have changed. Joy of Satan is maturing in wisdom and grows eternally gold with its people. We understand nature, apply it and control it. Nothing is outside of nature.
i am with you. To the end.

honor fighting with you.

you earned my respect. over the yrs. you struggle for me. and everyone else. for strangers

i was hesitant and maybe even a litle hater. then i see u have heart of gold. i did not meditate back then

you won over me with ur discipline, truth, wisdom.

then i knew i was wrong. i hated my own ignorance deeply. u helped me out.

im ur proud follower in the mission for SATAN.

One Wire Phenomenon said:
I got goose bumps when reading this thank you HP Cobra for believing in us and for staying with us no matter what. I feel really sorry I wasn't here when HP's Maxine was on the forums.

This bloody auto correct HPS I mean
I have no words to describe the feeling of gratitude I have in me. I grew up with this knowledge and despite some bad decisions I have made in the past, it also led me to really good decisions I have made, this has been the best thing that could have ever happened to me and has helped me become who I am today. I would have never made it if it wasn't for all of you working tirelessly. And specially HPS Maxine and HP Hooded Cobra, to whom I will be eternally grateful for providing me the tools to find Satan in this life.

I am here now and I will do my part and help in whatever way I can.
I stand ready for the fight! Count me in!
Never going to give up an inch!

Hail Satan!!!
Amazing words. I will never left the concentration on Satan and meditation again. I had done it one time and i regretted it.
HAIL SATAN!!! your words really touched me brother, i feel the same way, thank you for this sermon.

And to the OP, visualizing may be harder for some than others. I should know this better than most , but practice is so important. And its a great starting place as any. And even if you see just darkness or barely imagine them like a distant memory, its one step closer, and you will feel the effects, many years later visualization is still difficult for me due to my lack of specifically training amd other things, and ive advanced in other ways more so because of this, such as feeling and manipulating energy, but dont put off things that are difficult or training a specific area like visualization or that area that is already behind will most likely stay behind. I'm by far not discouraged, neither in the beginning or now. i get frustrated at myself at times, but this in the end fuels me even more. For those who are lacking visually need to put in more effort, i thought it would come naturally with simply meditating but personally I needed the extra practice, The spinning chackras should be there, even for those who struggle. Especially for those who struggle. If you struggle with visualization and imagination you need to worker harder than the rest, by training you mind more. Like HPHC said to me train visualization with visualization.
If you can, every time you have a minute throughout your day, which could be 10s-100s of times depending how your daily schedule.(in my line of work there are a lot of small breaks) just try and visualize your chackras and spin them, the more difficult it is the more you should practice, when i first started visualizing i sometimes found that it was easier to when i kept eyes open. This is different for everyone.
If you dont read fiction youre missing out on valuable practice. You can train yourself to read visually, instead of words in your head, paint a picture in your mind as you read. This is something i wish i did more of before now. You can also many times throughout the day look at something and close your eyes amd hold the image as long as you can manipulate the image and try to retain the color
HPS Maxine certainly completed her mission. JOS will always be here and a big thanks would be an understatement.

I wish her and her family well for the future.

HPHC has helped me, and alot more people and has done since im not even sure, i was reading his compilation of sermons the other day and one was dated 2010 so its safe to say he is loyal and true.

The flag of JOS and Satan will fly forever.
Awesome sermon HPC. I want nothing more than to win. We will come out on top of this because it is Satan's Will.

Right now there is chaos; however, this place and it's people are the order.

Emotional extortion from this pandemic has been at an all time high. My mother and father assume I care not for the livelihood of my love ones because I won't get vaxed. The government is strangulating it's people; rights and freedoms are all but deteriorating.

The RTR's are of utmost importance.

The cloud will subside in time.

We need to keep at it with firm conviction.

HP HC you are so cool.
I love you bro :) :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you very much HP HoodedCobra! This post inspires me a lot!

Let's fight this parasites and bring peace again in our world.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
onemage619 said:
Absolutely amazing!! Thank you very much for that info. I look forward to the new updates. Do you know when the JOS site will be updated? Also this is off topic HP Hooded Cobra but the 40 day new meditation for beginners has chakra spinning. Most prepped can’t even still see there chakras after meditating for over a year. That might discourage some people if it says easy chakra spinning and all they see is black. I have had a lot of questions to some things and it sounds like you are kicking ass and dialing some things in for us. This works would not be the same without you!!! Thank you Sir for all you do. Another question is are we going to ever get a live chat platform where we would be able to ask a HP some questions? That would be amazing. We all need to donate as much money as we can so our HP can help us instead of whatever job they have to do. I start work again soon and I plan on donating quit a bit.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm always here with you HP Hoodedcobra666. I choose to stay. This is my life and this began my life.
slyscorpion said:
I just want this nightmare to be over. That is all.

I for one am very pleased that i live now, I am one of the few people on earth together with my brothers and sister, That have the chance to take down a thorn that has plagued father and his children for a long time.

I am going to be extremely proud and happy that i was one of the few that took down this extension of the reptiles called the jews, In my eyes everyone here should feel the same, There is no point in feeling sorry for yourself or wanting this whole thing to be over. Just look at the fruits that we will grow, We can proudly say that we are the ones that cultivated those fruits in the near future.

Hp.Hoodedcobra has been saying this for years, So stop worrying about the present, And look to the future that we will create.
This sermon made me feel so relaxed and peaceful... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
It is surely a great feeling to realize where we're heading! HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!

On a side note, I've been wondering if there is anything I could do to help the website or you personally. I am no good with computer coding but I can... draw? Not necessarily perfect but... alright? xD It's possible that there are other members who can draw better than me but regardless... If there's anything I could help you with, do let me know (can you message me privately without me writing my email here?).

On another note, I just had this profound idea to create a small comic about the joyofSatan!! Wouldn't that be lovely?? You could give me a script about it, if you'd like that. We could talk about this together if you want (but again, my drawing abilities are nowhere near perfect; but they're good enough I suppose. :p ).

Right VS Wrong ,

Ride or die or Do nothing , you must choose a side.

I'm ride or die forever on this train ,to the end.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell and this community.
Beautiful sermon, we have an amazing commander. Thank you for leading us, your words always gives me more strenght and courage to keep moving forward and to fight. I will follow you till the end and thank you again for your hard work.

Hail Satan!
Although I was not here when HPS Maxine was still on the forums, I feel a deep gratitude for your immense work that has helped me immensely, as well as for your leadership and your helpful words of wisdom and encouragement. You are our high priest leader, and I also intend to be here until the end, and despite the difficulties, I will continue to fight, for our world, for my SS brothers, and as gratitude to the clergy and our true gods.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Unless I am "suicided" or something, there is no way I am going to let up on anyone here. If I disappear, take it for granted I have been killed and never believe any other potential story people might tell you. There is no way I will desert this community or the souls of Satan unless I am dead. I welcome any other options to the path or whatever, but saying this just "in case".
I think you scared many people here with this. Which unfortunately is true. I think the enemy wants all of us dead, irrespective of our level. I think it might be helpful if you can `train` someone to do what you are doing, `just in case`. Hopefully it will never be neccesary but anything can happen. Those who work for the enemy are being assassinated for exposing even the most insignificant thing, for example I heard of an engineer who was assassinated for stating publicly the tyre pressure of some US aircraft jets, let alone those who work against the enemy.

I read in the Vatican secret library, on each level there is a monk who is taking care of his designated level/area and at a moment they are given a `learner` they train for years for when the monks are getting old and die, so these learners can then take their places and carry on protecting the library. Anyway having someone trained and able to do what are you doing might be important if not essential as anything can happen. Probably the most difficult is finding that person.
Heil HighPriests HoodedCobra!
We follow you forever!

The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Unless I am "suicided" or something, there is no way I am going to let up on anyone here. If I disappear, take it for granted I have been killed and never believe any other potential story people might tell you. There is no way I will desert this community or the souls of Satan unless I am dead. I welcome any other options to the path or whatever, but saying this just "in case".
I think you scared many people here with this. Which unfortunately is true. I think the enemy wants all of us dead, irrespective of our level. I think it might be helpful if you can `train` someone to do what you are doing, `just in case`.

There are many...precautions. You know, just in case.

The enemy can have any wet dream. According to them none of you should even meditate or know anything and eternal fire to those who do, and so on.

It is a good idea to be aware of things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Unless I am "suicided" or something, there is no way I am going to let up on anyone here. If I disappear, take it for granted I have been killed and never believe any other potential story people might tell you. There is no way I will desert this community or the souls of Satan unless I am dead. I welcome any other options to the path or whatever, but saying this just "in case".
I think you scared many people here with this. Which unfortunately is true. I think the enemy wants all of us dead, irrespective of our level. I think it might be helpful if you can `train` someone to do what you are doing, `just in case`.

There are many...precautions. You know, just in case.

The enemy can have any wet dream. According to them none of you should even meditate or know anything and eternal fire to those who do, and so on.

It is a good idea to be aware of things.
I'm pretty sure you're one of Satan's favourites. As was Maxine. And if Maxine managed to still be alive, you will manage too :D
But you know this already Brother.
Thank you:)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
100 Days said:
This is one of the most encouraging messages I read.
I am sure even the first "Pioneers" like HPS Maxine and others who have now accomplished and terminated their Satanic Mission, will stay Spiritually close to the JoS and will help in different ways.
About me, when I'll be dead, I will partecipate from Duat to the Spiritual Warfare or Spiritual Advancement of us all, on a Spiritual non-physyical way.

They ARE close.

Thanks to everyone who spoke their minds and feelings in the comments, it's deeply appreciated.

HP Hooded Cobra, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we all deeply have appreciated the efforts, work that you have done for the JOS, along with the 2 decades Maxine has been the founder, and brought forth the foundations for the advancement of the JOS ministry, and everything she has done. Which is hard to even put into words the monstrous amount of work she took upon herself to deliver on.

Personally I am absolutely thrilled to see the next decade unfold, as the enemy loses power and crumbles.

However I definitely am saddened with the absence of Maxine. I guess I just have trouble understanding how she has resigned, which I find and I'm sure many others still have so many unanswered questions.

Which I respect the highly important nature, and privacy regarding the circumstances, but we all do miss her.

Truthfully, seeing only you as the main active clergy, and not seeing HP Shannon and others online for awhile I find deeply troubling. It worries me in regards to more clergy being appointed, or what exactly is going on, or what the future plan I for this.

When I am healthier, and more advanced, along with having a few very important things in my life in order first, I would personally want to know what entails of being a high priest, and if I am capable of being consistent, and efficient enough at such an incredibly important task.

But all my side tracking and concerns aside. Thank you so much HP Cobra, and my highest respect, reverence towards HPS Maxine.

Hail Satan!!🔥
I have to admit that this sermon moved me a lot, as much as it worried me, even though we all know that the more and harder you fight the enemy, the more dangerous waters you enter.
But remembering where you take your orders directly from, the worries are gone. You are here, you are our High Priest, your writings have been guiding me for the 7 years or so that I have been on this path and I am sure that you will complete your spiritual work in this life, like our High Priestess, and rise to higher levels of existence.
I am very proud that you are my Leader, our great Satanic family's Leader!

In the darkness we have found strength, with which we will reach the highest light

From now on this words will guide me in the hard future ahead, and give me strength

Hail Satan in all eternity !
Hail our proud and noble Gods !
Hail Maxine ! Hail Cobra !

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
