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In the beyond-retarded j/news recently


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Github plans to replace "racially-insensitive" terms


GitHub CEO Nat Friedman said the company is working on replacing the term "master" on its service with a neutral term to avoid any unnecessary references to slavery. Some of the terms which could be replaced include "master" and "slave" with alternatives such as "main/default/primary" and "secondary" respectively, and "whitelist" with "allow list" and "blacklist" with "deny/exclude list".

Github says it will replace the terms whitelist, blacklist, and master/slave for being racially insensitive
It comes amid the Black Lives Matter protests

GitHub abandons 'master' and 'slave' terms to avoid row
The world's biggest site for software developers is abandoning decades-old coding terms to remove references to slavery, such as master and slave.

Github plans to replace racially insensitive terms like ‘master’ and ‘whitelist’

GitHub to replace master with main across its services
Language matters – but when you replace a 'blacklist' with a 'blocklist', what do you call a list of blocks?


See also
South African bank to replace 12m cards after employees stole master key

It's not a reference to anything except for computing bits and pieces. github should be a negative meme now and be taken the piss out of likewise. I thought it was supposed to be open-source, for anyone who can to go onto and code, fork and contribute, but it's closed and retarded, like the big closed companies.

GitHub, Inc. is a United States-based global company that provides hosting for software development version control using Git. In 2018, it became a subsidiary of Microsoft for US$7.5 billion.[3] It offers the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git, plus its own features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every project.[4]
Oh, well, there you go.
FancyMancy said:
South African bank to replace 12m cards after employees stole master key
You mean they stole the main key? Wtf....
In the `1984` book George Orwell wrote that the language of the citizens was modified in such way that it was limiting their imagination and vocabulary and it was stopping people to think of any other concepts except of what they are allowed to think using only words they are allowed to. There were no words to describe things like `science` or whatever terms they were not allowed to know. If I remember right from the book, the practice of thinking of something you are not allowed was called `double-thinking` and was sinful or illegal, plain illiteracy. Exactly the same thing is happening now with this political corectness.
This invidious shite replacing youtube links on the forums is connected to Github, the owner (((Omar Roth))) manages his site through there. I made a pending post on it, should be up when you read this.
FancyMancy said:
Github plans to replace "racially-insensitive" terms


GitHub CEO Nat Friedman said the company is working on replacing the term "master" on its service with a neutral term to avoid any unnecessary references to slavery. Some of the terms which could be replaced include "master" and "slave" with alternatives such as "main/default/primary" and "secondary" respectively, and "whitelist" with "allow list" and "blacklist" with "deny/exclude list".

Github says it will replace the terms whitelist, blacklist, and master/slave for being racially insensitive
It comes amid the Black Lives Matter protests

GitHub abandons 'master' and 'slave' terms to avoid row
The world's biggest site for software developers is abandoning decades-old coding terms to remove references to slavery, such as master and slave.

Github plans to replace racially insensitive terms like ‘master’ and ‘whitelist’

GitHub to replace master with main across its services
Language matters – but when you replace a 'blacklist' with a 'blocklist', what do you call a list of blocks?


See also
South African bank to replace 12m cards after employees stole master key

It's not a reference to anything except for computing bits and pieces. github should be a negative meme now and be taken the piss out of likewise. I thought it was supposed to be open-source, for anyone who can to go onto and code, fork and contribute, but it's closed and retarded, like the big closed companies.

GitHub, Inc. is a United States-based global company that provides hosting for software development version control using Git. In 2018, it became a subsidiary of Microsoft for US$7.5 billion.[3] It offers the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git, plus its own features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every project.[4]
Oh, well, there you go.

Very well.
Funny in the entirety of computing industry. The terms Master and Slave are used tremendously particularly with hardware engineers and daughtercards.

Raid system Master HDD/SSD, Slave HDD/SSD etc.etc. Even my old PC bios pops up as Master Disk Drive my SSD and Slave drives to that for the activation of the drives.

I sometimes wonder how stupid humanity can delve to. What's next voice control, no one can say master or slave, and then finally it happens "Thought crimes". Goyim 23908AOIUFDH32 was "thinking" the word master and his brain automatically associated with slave. Close his refrigerator for 24 hours and fine him 375 dollars for thinking such evil thoughts.

....then later on "thought bombs". Goyim ASODFIJ8784e was thinking of something with master *activate nanite detonation inside brain implant*.

"Racially-insensitive" WTF is this social-marxist crap. *Contacts Beelzebub: Please make lightning strike on these fools like you've done on churches*
Clownworld at its finest.
Progress. I am happy that these 0s and 1s will no longer have to deal with racial injustice. Oy vey!
13th_Wolf said:
This invidious shite replacing youtube links on the forums
Be careful - if you start sounding like me, you'll be called "critical"! (I am, though!) For stupid reasons unknown to me, youtube videos play on my browser, but invidious links don't. I am guessing invidious must render the videos itself, but it must render-stream/buffer them. That must be taxing on the system.

Hoarfrost said:
Progress. I am happy that these 0s and 1s will no longer have to deal with racial injustice. Oy vey!
You reminded me. In a "naughty" way, the number 1 could be a penis and the number 0 could be a vagina, anus or mouth. My point - "master and slave" is also BDSM terminology. Do (((they))) think they (kinky people) "care" about muh f33w!ngs of offending a Black person who is not a slave today but who wishes that they were so that they could oY vEy all over Whitey? Oh, wait. With covid19 lockdown (maybe, in the context of this reply, cock-down, cock-cage, chastity belt) we're not "allowed" to have sex, and we must wear face masks when we do (but at the same time we can ignore the fact that lower body orifices can spread con-vid19, but you're not supposed to realise that!). So there is no need for master and slave relationships in BDSM lifestyle. Nevermind. Ignore my reply. (Now, though, we're "allowed" to form a bubble with others to have sex with them. That's all a part of the plan. Demic.) I know it seems to be a stereotype, but why do skinny men (1s) love fat women (0s) or vice-versa? What a lorra, lorra silliness.

I made a thread before about something being commjewnism by the backdoor. This is commjewnism being slapped right in your face and between you and your partner/s in bed.
13th_Wolf said:
This invidious shite replacing youtube links on the forums is connected to Github, the owner (((Omar Roth))) manages his site through there. I made a pending post on it, should be up when you read this.
The code is only hosted on github. Github, despite its flaws and obvious jewish connections, is the largest public repository of code out there. I and countless others have hosted code on github, it doesn't mean you are connected with them any more than you're connected to imgur for uploading an image on there.
Prince Harry backs move to ban Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: Duke of Sussex signals his support for review of England rugby anthem linked to slavery despite huge backlash from fans

  • Prince Harry signalled support for Rugby Football Union's review into the song
  • He became patron of the Rugby Football League in 2016 when the Queen stepped back
  • Swing Low, Sweet Chariot was written by a black slave in the American South in the nineteenth century

Coming for to carry the Black slave home? How is that a bad thing? It is about freedom, or death depending on what "home" means. One (bit of one) I always remember, thanks to Fresh Prince of Bel-air, is Wade in the Water. Of course, it is also a christian song about saving the Blacks from being enslaved (by christians?)... but yeah.
Friendly reminder: before you or anyone else posts a link from a (((mainstream))) news site, archive it first by going to https://archive.today and post the archived link. We don't want to give more money to (((them)) by watching their ads and it's better since if it's something that embarrasses them and they decide to (((take it down))) it'll be archived for everyone to see. Not everyone has adblock (highly recommended though if you visit those sites).
Shrekelstein said:
Friendly reminder: before you or anyone else posts a link from a (((mainstream))) news site, archive it first by going to https://archive.today and post the archived link. We don't want to give more money to (((them)) by watching their ads and it's better since if it's something that embarrasses them and they decide to (((take it down))) it'll be archived for everyone to see. Not everyone has adblock (highly recommended though if you visit those sites).
I used to do that (although I used archive.is). Thanks for the reminder.

As such...
Maker of Eskimo Pie ice cream to drop name after 99 years


The owner of Eskimo Pie ice cream is set to change the product’s brand name. Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, the owner of Eskimo Pie, said, "We are committed to being a part of the solution on racial equality, and recognise the term is derogatory". The name "Eskimo" is used in Alaska to refer to Inuit and Yupik people. The brand joins others such as Aunt Jemima in overhauling names considered offensive.

Owner of Eskimo Pie to change its 'derogatory' name

Eskimo Pie ice cream will drop its 'derogatory' name as the 100-year-old brand follows the lead of Uncle Ben's and Aunt Jemima

Eskimo Pie no more: Ice cream owners will drop 'derogatory' name

Acknowledging derogatory term, Eskimo Pie owner says to change ice cream's name

Maker of Eskimo Pie Ice Cream Will Retire 'Inappropriate' Name


Eskimo Pie brand owner vows to change 'derogatory' ice cream name for the sake of... racial equality

As Cream of Wheat mascot follows Aunt Jemima & Uncle Ben out the door, who really benefits from this purge?


Also on this article's page -









Aunt Jemima to change name and image




After more than 130 years, Quaker Oats Co. is changing the name and marketing image of the Aunt Jemima pancake mix and syrup. The new packaging will reach shelves by the fourth quarter of 2020. "We recognise Aunt Jemima's origins are based on a racial stereotype", the company said in a statement. The new name will be announced at a later date.

As Quaker Foods Rebrands Aunt Jemima, is There Hidden Racism in America’s Kitchens?

Quaker Oats to Retire Aunt Jemima Brand Named After Racist Stereotype

Quaker Foods to Rename "Aunt Jemima", Scrub Logo "to Make Progress Toward Racial Equality"

Aunt Jemima Brand to be Erased Over 'Racial Stereotype'


Aunt Jemima brand to receive new name, logo amid anti-racism protests

US brands Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's to change amid protests

Uncle Ben's rice to change branding in racism row
"We recognise that now is the right time to evolve the Uncle Ben’s brand, including its visual brand identity, which we will do."


Uncle Ben's rice firm to scrap brand image of black farmer


Uncle Ben's could soon change its name on all packaging

Uncle Ben's rice could ditch name as it 'evolves' to combat 'racial bias and injustices'

Racial equality. What items and brands and products are named after White people? Racist bastards! Also - regarding these mascots, if they were based on and modelled on real people did these people find it offensive, derogatory, inappropriate, waycist, etc., when they were having their name/likeness being used in/as a brand? That's flattery, is it not? When will a "newly-discovered in the depths of the archives"-ly bunch of documents come out to say that these named persons protested and didn't want it?! :roll:

Does CBS News not like keeping important articles up? Maybe it is biased.

Hash Brown?!


Hash Brown?!

"Non-racist breakfast"? Are these clever people serious? Maybe I should have named this thread to include the words "beyond" and "retarded". Oh, wait - I did. The best way to make a non-racist breakfast is to go back to your own country and make it there. I'm thinking about moving millions of penguins to a desert, and millions of camels to one of the poles...
FancyMancy said:
...whole lotta stupid...

Has humanity fallen to the level of retards? Seriously all this waycist shit is retarded.

Instead of protesting about better quality ingredients and making things non-GMO, unfermented soy free, and HFCS free. You know better products, they just pump the racist first.

It's funny the same exact shit from the 1910s-20s-30s. It's no wonder history repeats itself.

WTB National Socialism, NOW!....all these people seem like a bunch of soyboy/soygirl beta cuck loser.

Who the fuck wants to protest against racism. It's retarded, do these clowns even know what racism is?

Racism = the understanding of differences between races and sub-races, cultures and subcultures. In other words racial realist.

WTF is going on this fucking World and country. These people are SERIOUSLY going to regret turning America into a communist shithole. Your favorite communists are just gonna massacre all these useful idiots. Wait until 100 million chinese pop in and either enslaves you or pops you in the head with a pistol.

Fun times we are going through. :roll:
Gear88 said:
It's funny the same exact shit from the 1910s-20s-30s. It's no wonder history repeats itself.
You may or may not know about the jew's "the" bibleses. Among many other things, it says - and I quote - "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun" - and that is in the old testament, AKA the jew part of the jew "holy" book.

Who the fuck wants to protest against racism. It's retarded, do these clowns even know what racism is?
Dissimilation, is what it is. You have femin-ism, rac-ism, National Social-ism, [multi-]cultural-ism... The suffix "-ism" is misused deliberately, to confuse and divide. In real-life, 1+1=2, but according to the jew, sometimes 1+1=-1 or 1+1=banana, and you know why? Because the jew can be charismatic and can explain (read - bullshit) things to such a retarded, over-the-top, confusing extent that people switch off and just accept it, similar to boring preaches every week. Then, even if you don't accept it logically and consciously, it still buries within to the unconscious mind - AKA subliminal messaging. Repeat things 6 million times, and even if you know logically and consciously it is bullshit and nonsense, it would still affect you; hence, why we need Void Meditation, and other power meditations. With all of these beyond-retarded retardations, we're reaching heights of not just autism which should not be possible, but gullibility and stupidity which should not be possible. Did I say "heights"?! More like depths and reductions into shit nothing.

Racism = the understanding of differences between races and sub-races, cultures and subcultures. In other words racial realist.
As I say (check my posts) - dissimilation. Apparently, the word "dissimilation" itself doesn't exist, but if "dissimilate" exists, then so does "dissimilation". jewgle asks me did I mean "dissimulation", and because jewgle is jewgle, there is no, "No, retard, I did not mean..." option.

WTF is going on this fucking World and country. These people are SERIOUSLY going to regret turning America into a communist shithole.
Well, the American Founding Fathers had the knowledge, wherewithal, insite and foresight to realise some things, so as to word things accordingly.

Fun times we are going through. :roll:
Because there are so many different types of people, some who exist in the future might look back and say it was a blast during these times.
Posting a black square, but not Black faces

Black squares on social media accounts were meant to proclaim travel companies as allies.

On social media, many travel companies were quick to proclaim their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, but some have been criticized for a history of leaving black people out.

When the protests over George Floyd’s killing by police were at their height, the suitcase brand Away posted an Instagram message saying that its team was “doing the work to educate ourselves on becoming actively anti-racist,” and that the company would donate money to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and other organizations. The message made the rounds in Instagram direct messages among black travelers and influencers, and was shared in their group chats and Facebook groups.

Not in a good way.

A Taco Bell employee says he was fired for supporting Black Lives Matter: Could your company fire you for the same reason?


Surveys show a dramatic increase in Americans’ support for the Black Lives Matter movement over time. Employers are walking a fine line as they decide whether workers should be allowed to demonstrate support for the movement.

A Taco Bell employee said he was fired after wearing a Black Lives Matter face mask. Starbucks recently reversed its ban on Black Lives Matter apparel

Let’s put Big Tech’s Black Lives Matter pledges into perspective

It took almost six years for corporate America to say that Black Lives Matter. You don’t have to tell this journalist that words matter. Still, I’ve always been more interested in whether companies put their money where their mouths are. Don’t get me wrong — it’s encouraging to see so many companies go on the record. But words can ring hollow when they all coincide with the PR message of the month (VentureBeat included). That’s especially true when those words come from Big Tech and its billions in the bank.

This month, we saw notable cash commitments to support the Black community from three tech giants: Alphabet, Apple, and Facebook. On June 1, Facebook offered $10 million to groups working on racial justice. On June 3, Alphabet’s Google donated $14.5 million to address racial inequities. On June 11, Apple upped the ante with a $100 million commitment to a new Racial Equity and Justice Initiative. The same day, Alphabet’s YouTube announced a $100 million fund dedicated to amplifying and developing the voices of Black creators and artists. On June 17, Google announced a $175 million economic opportunity package to support Black business owners, startup founders, job seekers, and developers. On June 18, Facebook committed $200 million to support Black-owned businesses and organizations.


Surge of criticism led Snapchat to remove the Juneteenth filter

On Friday, Snapchat released a filter to honour Juneteenth - also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and Emancipation Day - a holiday celebrated on the 19th of June commemorating the emancipation of those who had been enslaved in the United States. The holiday was first celebrated in Texas, where on that date in 1865, in the aftermath of the Civil War, slaves were declared free under the terms of the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation. The Snapchat lens required the user to smile which would then lead to the breaking of animated chains. The filter received a great deal of criticism with users tagging Snapchat as being "insensitive". The filter was taken down immediately followed by an apology from Snapchat.

Snapchat apologizes for Juneteenth filter that asked users to break chains by smiling
This link (on the actual article site) loaded, then changed to a 404 page (not redirected to a different link), but it still works a bit.

Snapchat apologizes for Juneteenth filter that asked users to smile to break chains

Snapchat removed a Juneteenth filter that made users smile to break chains
guess they thought this was gonna be our reaction pic.twitter.com/TNsq2W6QBG

— Kane⚡️ (@SaintLouisNigga) June 19, 2020
FYI - that pic.twitter.com link, as you can also see in the @ username, goes to https://twitter.com/SaintLouisNigga/status/1273977071136641029/video/1 Notice "nigga" in the link. That nigga is being waycist against themself and their Race. I wonder how long it will be before they are put in jail for that - or a bunch of Whites are instead, because dat nigguh somehow managed to be confused and offended into calling themself a nigguh in a waycist manna.

Snapchat Removes Juneteenth Filter After Backlash, Apologises
We deeply apologize for the offensive Juneteenth Lens. The Lens that went live hadn't been approved through our review process. We are investigating so this doesn't happen again.
— Snapchat (@Snapchat) June 19, 2020

Maybe it's just me, but kneeling on someone's neck symbolically, which is what every individual kneeling in that context is/was actually doing, is nice, lovely and beautiful, but smiling to break chains symbolically is offensive and insensitive. Well, seeing as "master" and "slave", etc., are..., then yeah... or something...
FancyMancy said:

Seems like a whole lotta shekelberging and shekelsteining going around behind the scenes.

I just wonder what these people are gonna be thinking when the Gods arrive and they hear the racialist talk.

It's a shame the old Chesspawns website was taken down and no one downloaded it. Not all black lives matter...

I never knew who created the Chesspawns website but whoever did it created something which would fit in current times. It was created too early as a means to counter the growing BLM movement but unfortunately they shut it down.
These may or may not be retarded, but I'm adding them because it is also during the same time of these things happening.

Taylor Swift supports making Juneteenth a national holiday
Taylor Swift calls for Juneteenth to be celebrated as a national holiday as she pledges 'to stand up for what's right'
She's taken to speaking out more and more about political and social issues she cares about.
National Socialism is Right, but I bet she didn't mean that.

'Miss Juneteenth' stars: Holiday is vitally important
The stars and director of "Miss Juneteenth" say it's important to recognize the holiday commemorating when the last slaves were freed in the United States on a much wider scale.

More U.S. workers getting Juneteenth off as awareness grows
A unprecedented number of U.S. companies are giving employees off for Juneteenth this year

New York Declares Juneteenth a Holiday for State Employees

This 18th Feb 2005 file photo shows the original Emancipation Proclamation on display in the Rotunda of the National Archives in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

Google marks Juneteenth with a video doodle and historical information

In celebration of the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth, Google has produced a video Doodle set to the first verse of the poem 'Lift Every Voice and Sing', often called 'The Black National Anthem'. A state holiday or special day of observance in 48 US states, Juneteenth takes place every 19th of June in honour of the day in 1865 when a Union general proclaimed all slaves in the state were now free.

Google Doodle celebrates the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth

Google Doodle marks 155th anniversary of Juneteenth, end of slavery in US

Google Doodle celebrates Juneteenth with video highlighting 'Lift Every Voice and Sing' poem

Google marks Juneteenth with a video doodle and historical information
The 'second Independence day' is taking the spotlight.
If this is a "second Independence Day" (despite many Blacks remaining in America...), then based on the jew's 3 temples of faeces, what will the "3rd Independence Day" be, then? Will it be when Will Smith realises finally that aliens just might fly 90 billion light-years to come down here and start a fight?!

Our Race is Our Nation; Blacks can have a Nation-al anthem? Is that fair and unracist?

Tesla tells workers they can take Juneteenth off without pay — on Juneteenth

Tesla informs employees on Juneteenth that they can take off holiday unpaid

Tesla Told Employees on Juneteenth That it's a Holiday, but They Still Had to Use PTO
"It does require use of a paid-time-off day, which is true of many other holidays," Elon Musk said.
Apparently, the workers also have an extra paid day off, as well.
FancyMancy said:
Gear88 said:
In real-life, 1+1=2, but according to the jew, sometimes 1+1=-1 or 1+1=banana, and you know why? Because the jew can be charismatic and can explain (read - bullshit) things to such a retarded, over-the-top, confusing extent that people switch off and just accept it, similar to boring preaches every week.

I can’t find the article but one the heads of Black lives matter said that 2+2 is only 4 because of white imperialism or some other retarted shit.

This is all about breaking our will by making things so insane and ridiculous that you just want to give up.

All of this for the past 60 years has just been a huge demoralization campaign.
Gear88 said:
FancyMancy said:

Seems like a whole lotta shekelberging and shekelsteining going around behind the scenes.

I just wonder what these people are gonna be thinking when the Gods arrive and they hear the racialist talk.

It's a shame the old Chesspawns website was taken down and no one downloaded it. Not all black lives matter...

I never knew who created the Chesspawns website but whoever did it created something which would fit in current times. It was created too early as a means to counter the growing BLM movement but unfortunately they shut it down.
I didn't know about that site, but if it was upped it could be re-upped elsewhere. Maybe it is but we just don't know the name or URL of it.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
FancyMancy said:
Gear88 said:
In real-life, 1+1=2, but according to the jew, sometimes 1+1=-1 or 1+1=banana, and you know why? Because the jew can be charismatic and can explain (read - bullshit) things to such a retarded, over-the-top, confusing extent that people switch off and just accept it, similar to boring preaches every week.

I can’t find the article but one the heads of Black lives matter said that 2+2 is only 4 because of white imperialism or some other retarted shit.

This is all about breaking our will by making things so insane and ridiculous that you just want to give up.

All of this for the past 60 years has just been a huge demoralization campaign.
It's interesting that numbers didn't exist before Whites were imperial. Much trollage and lollage.
Oregon county allows non-Whites ("people of colour") to not wear facial coverings in public
Amid "heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment", Lincoln County, Oregon (Pop. 49,000) is allowing its residents of colour to be in public without coronavirus face coverings, according to reports. "This is in the larger context of Black men fitting the description of a suspect who has a hood on, who has a face covering on", Trevon Logan, an economics professor at Ohio State University said.

People of color are exempt from Oregon county's mandatory mask order

Oregon county says non-white people don't need to wear coronavirus face masks if they have 'concerns about racial profiling and harassment'

Oregon county's coronavirus mask order exempts 'people of color' who have 'heightened concerns about racial profiling'

'How is this legal?' Oregon county exempts 'people of color' from mandatory face mask rule

Disney will overhaul Splash Mountain ride following criticism over connections to racist film; remaking Splash Mountain to feature its first Black princess
Disney has said it is reimagining Splash Mountain, one of its most-beloved theme park rides, to feature the first Black princess from the 2009 animated hit 'The Princess and the Frog'. Both Disneyland in California and Walt Disney World in Florida will re-theme the rides, a plan the company says have been in the works since last year. The current log flume ride was created in 1989.

Disney’s Splash Mountain to Drop ‘Song of the South’ Depictions

A rendering of New Adventures With Princess Tiana, which will have a bayou theme. Walt Disney Imagineering

A Rebrand for Disney’s Splash Mountain May Give 'Princess and the Frog' the Respect it Deserves


Disney's Splash Mountain to get 'Princess and the Frog' makeover

Disney will overhaul Splash Mountain ride amid criticism over connections to racist film — here’s the movie they chose

Black Lives Matter: Disney ditches controversial theme of Splash Mountain ride

Disney is remaking Splash Mountain to feature its first black princess

Disney announces it will ditch Splash Mountain's 'racist' 'Song of the South' theme and reimagine the attraction based on 'Princess and the Frog' which features their first Black princess

Unilever to drop 'Fair & Lovely' skin-lightening product name
Unilever is set to drop the word 'fair' from its 'Fair & Lovely' brand of skin-lightening products which are popular in South Asia. "We recognise that the use of the words 'fair', 'white' and 'light' suggest a singular ideal of beauty that we don’t think is right", the president of the beauty and personal care division said. Alternatives such as 'Dare & Lovely' or 'Care & Lovely' were being considered.

Unilever to drop 'Fair & Lovely' skin lightening product name

Unilever product Fair and Lovely skin fairness cream.

Unilever to Rename 'Fair & Lovely' Skin Lightening Cream; Critics Call for its Discontinuation

Unilever to drop terms like ‘whitening’ from beauty products

More on Unilever
Facebook boycott leaders want European companies to join
Unilever stays true to mission to 'to do good in the world' amid pandemic
Party's over: Unilever may dump struggling tea brands
Ben & Jerry's sued over 'happy cow' characterisation
Why? Is it that anything which produces White things (milk, White Babies...) has to be miserable instead? :roll:

Unilever drops ‘fair’ from Fair & Lovely skin lightening cream

Hindustan Unilever to drop 'Fair' from 'Fair & Lovely'

Unilever to rename Fair & Lovely skin-lightening cream in India


Do you know what I feel like? I don't feel like chicken tonight. I'll tell you what I feel like. I feel like Michael Jackson - Black or White.mp3. That's what I feel like. What about some Asians and some Blacks? They want lighter skin...

Nestlé to rename sweets amid race debate
Nestlé plans to change the name of two popular Australian confectionery products, Red Skins and Chicos sweets. 'These names have overtones which are out of step with Nestlé’s values', the company said in a statement on its website. Redskin is a slang term deemed offensive widely which refers to Native Americans, while chico may be considered offensive to those of Latin American descent.

Nestle’s Red Skins & Chicos to be renamed in latest corporate wokeness virtue signalling effort


Nestle to rename two Australian sweets with racist 'overtones'
'This decision acknowledges the need to ensure that nothing we do marginalises our friends, neighbours and colleagues'

Red Skins and Chicos sweets to be renamed, with Nestlé calling brands 'out of step'

"The toppling of statues overseas might give Australia pause to reconsider who we celebrate"

Nestle to rename Aussie candies amid race debate

Nestle to rename Aussie candies amid race debate

Nestle to rename Aussie candies amid race debate


Yet they used to be in-step with Nestlé's values. So some brown-coloured sweets are offensive to Mexicans, allegedly. Is that because Mexicans are or are not Brown? Also some Whites, namely in the southern states of North America, might be offended by "redskin". You know the ones I mean. Those "rednecks". Those Whites would be offended by an anti-Indian term. /sarcasm

Evidently, all of these brands, names, slogans, logos, etc. - both food and non-food - were all created deliberately, with future-racism in mind. So Nestlé has a logo of pure-breed Animals living pure-breed Animal life in their own pure communities, while at the same time with that pure-breed logo Nestlé is also encouraging Race-mixing, die-versity, equality, racism, etc. at the same time. Does anyone know what it feels like to be a pinball?
FancyMancy said:
...fair and lovely...

Exactly like the biblical communism, Liberation Theology. I recall a while back perhaps the old forums how someone maybe an HP mentioned the original bible verses of "fair". In other words the Gods(Orion) were fair, and social marxism back in around 1953-1954 changed it to "beautiful". I believe it was the KJV version that originally started the wave.

Lulz at all this hopefully this shit wakes people up. How can companies and people be such pussies. Gosh it's like everyone is out of touch with reality.

I'm gonna love the day true racism rises up. Like when people learn the truth about National Socialism. THAT'S racism, THAT'S NS, WTF have they been teaching people.

Gear88 said:
FancyMancy said:
...fair and lovely...

Exactly like the biblical communism, Liberation Theology. I recall a while back perhaps the old forums how someone maybe an HP mentioned the original bible verses of "fair". In other words the Gods(Orion) were fair, and social marxism back in around 1953-1954 changed it to "beautiful". I believe it was the KJV version that originally started the wave.

Lulz at all this hopefully this shit wakes people up. How can companies and people be such pussies. Gosh it's like everyone is out of touch with reality.

I'm gonna love the day true racism rises up. Like when people learn the truth about National Socialism. THAT'S racism, THAT'S NS, WTF have they been teaching people.

Keep the eyerolls coming, matey. Sometimes - and these beyond-retarded j/news times being part of those times - I need the equivalent of :D is to :) as blank is to :roll: Keep 'em comin'; I have more articles to post yet...
FancyMancy said:
Disney will overhaul Splash Mountain ride following criticism over connections to racist film; remaking Splash Mountain to feature its first Black princess
See also -
A Black Woman and Son were appologised to by a restaurant because the Son wore clothes against the dress code
A Baltimore restaurant group apologised after a video surfaced of a Black Woman and her Son being denied service because her 9-year-old Son was wearing clothes which did not adhere to their dress code. Marcia Grant is seen in the video being told by the Ouzo Bay manager that they would be unable to eat there. In the same video, a White Child, recorded eating, was wearing similar clothes.

Baltimore restaurant apologizes after a black woman and her son, nine, are REFUSED service because of his casual clothes - despite a white boy dining there in a SIMILAR outfit



Restaurant apologizes after Black woman, son denied service

Baltimore restaurant apologizes after video shows Black woman and son denied service

Restaurant apologizes after Black woman, son denied service

Baltimore restaurant apologizes to Black woman, son after denying them service over clothes

Restaurant fires two managers for barring black child over clothing

Was it two different workers greeting/bouncer-ing the door or was it the same worker allowing these two in? Apparently, the manager didn't see the White Child's clothes. Was it done deliberately, on purpose, just to incite things into action?

Amazon censors 'Killing Free Speech' documentary
Amazon has removed the first part of 'Killing Free Speech', a documentary about the threats to freedom of expression. This is the second time that the documentary’s maker, Michael Hansen, has been censored by Amazon. Hansen’s previous documentary, about mass migration and islam in Europe, was also censored by the platform.

Amazon Censors ‘Killing Free Speech’ Documentary About Censorship


(((amazon))) is proving it right, then, and according to a commenter, it also has a programme coming out where Blacks enslave Whites. If that is true, then let's see how quickly that does not be stopped and censored.

Epic removed police cars from Fortnite due to BLM protests
Epic Games reportedly has removed police cars in its latest edition of Fortnite. As per the Wall Street Journal, this was in response to Black Lives Matter protests over police violence. WSJ quoted an Epic source which said that this wasn’t done to make a 'political statement', but instead the company was trying to be 'sensitive about the issues' players are dealing with.

Epic pulls police cars from Fortnite



Fortnite reportedly removes police cars in new season

Video game 'Fortnite' appears to remove police cars

Epic removed police cars from 'Fortnite'
The broader game industry has endorsed the Black Lives Matter cause, including a message in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and temporary shutdowns of GTA Online and Red Dead Online. Epic appears to be taking a milder approach with Fortnite, acknowledging the outrage without explicitly advocating for a cause. The company previously stressed that it wouldn’t ban players for political speech.

Copenhagen’s Little Mermaid was vandalised with graffiti - "racist fish"
The words "racist fish" were scrawled across the base of the Little Mermaid, the bronze statue honouring Hans Christian Andersen’s famous fairy tale, which sits on a rock off a pier in Copenhagen. Police have not yet identified the perpetrators. "I am having a hard time seeing what is particularly racist in the fairy tale 'The Little Mermaid'", a researcher at University of Southern Denmark said.

'RACIST FISH': Little Mermaid statue in Denmark vandalized again



Famous Little Mermaid statue in Denmark is vandalised with 'Racist Fish' graffiti - leaving entire country baffled



'Little Mermaid' statue vandalized with 'racist fish' in Denmark

Copenhagen's Little Mermaid labelled 'racist fish'

Copenhagen's Little Mermaid labelled 'racist fish'

Copenhagen's Little Mermaid branded 'racist fish' in graffiti attack

Was it some muslims by any chance?!

BoJo won't 'bend the knee'
Boris Johnson condemned supporters of Black Lives Matter for 'bullying' police officers into bending their knees. Talking to LBC, Johnson said that he did not want people to be bullied into doing things "that they don’t necessarily want to do". He further said he would not bend the knee since he believes in "substance", not "gestures".

Boris Condemns Black Lives Matter 'Bullying' Police into Take the Knee


As BLM Reveals its Radical Agenda, Major UK Organisation Begins Distancing Itself
The BBC and other U.K. companies appear to be distancing themselves from the Black Lives Matter movement. For instance, officials at BBC have reportedly told their reporters not to wear BLM badges.

“The BBC cannot be seen to support any kind of cause over another, and Black Lives Matter is certainly a campaign”, an anonymous senior source at the BBC told The Daily Telegraph.

If you checked the links, you'd see a UK j/news site misspelling "apologise" deliberately. Is that jewmericanisation?! If Our Race is Our Nation, then DailyMail is RACIST! ( :roll: ) You would then see the same UK site spelling an -ise word correctly. Then in the same article in a bullet point, they misspelled it again. Come on, DailyMail. Talk about playing both sides, fake news, and sensationalist propaganda bullshit. Maybe "-ise" is rAyCiSt or oFfEnSiVe or CoNtRoVeRsIaL but "-ize" isn't? Why don't you try that on for 'sise'.
US Surgeon General's 4th of July message - wearing a mask means "more freedom"
Surgeon General Jerome Adams offered a Fourth of July message ahead of the holiday, making the case that wearing a mask means "we will actually have more independence and more freedom". This is the second time in a week that Adams stressed the need for masks. He implored Americans to wear masks, with a focus on younger Americans.

Surgeon General offers 4th of July message: Wearing a mask means 'more freedom'


US Surgeon General Ahead of Fourth of July: Wearing a Mask Will Give People 'More Independence'

Surgeon General Adams on Fourth of July Celebrations: Wear a Mask if You Want 'Independence', 'Freedom'



So Blacks don't have to wear a mask because that would be waycist, but a Black big doctor says you - including Blacks - should. OK... with all of these retardations, nonsenses, etc., and not just recently but [check my other posts]... are we in the Twilight Zone? :?

The Simpsons to stop using White actors and actresses to voice non-White characters
Producers for The Simpsons have said the programme will no longer use White actors for the voices of non-White characters. In previous years, the programme has been criticised for White-looking jew actor Hank Azaria’s voiceover of Indian-American Apu. In January, Azaria said he would no longer be performing the voice of Apu, a role he had played since the character was created in 1990.

The Simpsons to stop White actors voicing non-White characters


The Simpsons ditches using White voices for characters of colour


Simpsons ends use of White actors to voice people of colour


The Simpsons stops using White actors to voice non-White characters


I think we should get a Baby to play the voice of Maggie; dog to play the voice of Brian Griffin; a criminal cat (maybe a burglar) to play the voice of Salem Saberhagen; another cat to play the voice of the Cheshire Cat; yet another cat to play the voice of Sassy, another dog to play the voice of Chance, and yet another dog to play the voice of Shadow; a... dragon to play the voice of Toothless; a... erm... an alien to play the voice of Lord Nibbler... A... robot to play the voice of Bender... Such ageism, intelligism, racism, specism, alieism, sentism... (If you don't understand, just ask. ¬¬)

JPMorgan drops the terms "master" and "slave"

JPMorgan Chase is eliminating terms such as 'blacklist', 'master' and 'slave' from its internal tech materials and code as it seeks to address racism within the company. The terms appear in some of the bank’s tech policies, standards, and control procedures. Other companies such as Twitter and GitHub adopted similar changes recently.

Exclusive: JPMorgan drops terms 'master,' 'slave' from internal tech code and materials


JPMorgan drops terms 'master,' 'slave' from internal tech code and materials

JPMorgan drops terms 'master', 'slave'
That black flag is raycist.

A Metro station in Berlin is to change its "derogatory" name
Berlin’s public transport company plans to complete the renaming of a metro station with a name based on a derogatory word for Black people, by the end of the year. 'Mohrenstrasse' metro station translates as "Moor Street", the Medieval term for people from North Africa. Activists taped over the station’s entrance, naming it "George Floyd Street" temporarily.

Berlin metro station to be renamed after pushback over racist term


Berlin drops derogatory name for metro station after protests

Berlin metro to change derogatory station name by end of year

Berlin metro to complete change of derogatory station name by year-end

Berlin metro to change derogatory station name by end of year

Do we still speak Medievally? So "Satan" doesn't mean "enemy, adversary", then! :roll: Would not naming it George Floyd Street be waycist in and of itself?! :roll: Maybe they should rename it Osama bin Laden Street. :roll: No? What about Anthony Johnson Street? :roll: How many more :roll:s can I do before my eyes fall out or I get eye ache?

My faith in humanity is sinking lower. I know the Simpsons is a psy-ops but I did watch it albeit sometimes I pretty much spent like 3 years during the 97-99-00 watching it then no more. Hell I even waited for new episodes on Sunday.

As a child I didn't know but it's like "Why?".

Gosh like Hitler states in Mein Kampf "pusillanimity". The slightest thing and it's waycist.

The German train station is funny. Is the name Moor, Moore now bannable as well. The late and great James Bond, Roger Moore, is his name waycist. Oy gevalt it is cuz he wuz white and sheit.

When is this shit gonna back fire on them?

Keep'em coming Fancy.
Gear88 said:
Gosh like Hitler states in Mein Kampf "pusillanimity". The slightest thing and it's waycist.
So that might be where the term "pussy", in the sense of being a scaredy cat, might come from! "Pussy" would be Adult, whereas "scaredy cat" would be Child/clean. (This just made me realise more about biblical crap - to have "Child-like faith", that to be pure and holy and clean, you have to be wimpy/not as strong, smaller, lower, weaker, immature... (No offence to Children.) Oy...)

When is this shit gonna back fire on them?
When we oy once too often and through jew dissimilation we say "yo" accidentally, reversing the jew oy.

Keep'em coming Fancy.
It'll be a sad day...not when I don't have any more to share but when we realise after that, that "Fancy's not shared any for a while, so he must have ran-out. Aww. :(".
These might be a bit out-of-date now, but I still have them to do, because I've been doing other things.

Black Lives Matter protester died after being hit by a car while on a motorway
Summer Taylor, 24, a protester taken to hospital after a car struck her while on a motorway, has died. The driver, Dawit Kelete, 27, is being held on $1.2M bail. The section of I-5 had been closed for 19 days of the protest but Seattle announced they would arrest any pedestrians on the motorway.

Black Lives Matter: Protester, 24, dies after being hit by car driven through crowds in Seattle
Summer Taylor died after being hit by a white Jaguar during a peaceful protest against police brutality on 4 July.


Scrabble bans racist & homosexualoprejudice* slurs from official list
The North American Scrabble Players Association is removing a total of 236 "bigoted" words from the official Scrabble word list used at tournaments. The list includes the "N-word" as well as homosexualoprejudiced and transsexualoprejudiced terms including "bumboy", CEO John Chew said; however, members of the association remain split on the verdict. "It’s just a word", the 2015 World champion said.


Scrabble just got W-O-K-E.

Scrabble players look to ban racist, homophobic slurs in game


Scrabble Association Bans Racial, Ethnic Slurs from its Official Word List


I am bisexual but prefer Males. For any Males I'd sleep with, we would be each others' "bumboy". It's not offensive. Only retarded (((entities/groups/bodies))) are trying to make me be offended by being non-heterosexual.

*"homophobia" means "fear of those of the same sex as you"; "homo" - same; "phobia" - fear of; it does not mean "discrimination/prejudice against homosexuals" Maybe no-one finds it funny that a word game, with an actual association, is "correcting" itself, yet it uses "homophobia" incorrectly. Like... lol, I suppose.

Ford workers want to stop making US police cars; the CEO dismissed the idea
Ford employees reportedly have asked the automaker to stop building police cars, in the wake of the protests across the country over racial injustice and police brutality; however, Ford CEO Jim Hackett dismissed the idea writing to the employees that he doesn’t think it is "controversial that the Ford Police Interceptor helps officers do their job" and that Ford will continue the business.

Ford employees ask the company to stop making police cars


Ford workers want to stop making US police cars, CEO dismisses idea

Ford CEO defends law enforcement use of Police Interceptor vehicle

Ford workers ask to stop making police cars amid brutality protests

Ford rejects workers' suggestion it stop making police vehicles

Ford Employees Ask Company to Stop Building Police Vehicles

Maybe Ford should change its name because it is named after Jerry and Betty.

Washington Redskins were forced to change their name
Washington’s NFL team will get rid of the name "Redskins", multiple news publications reported. The decision followed the completion of a "thorough review" the team had announced on the 3rd of July after prominent sponsors FedEx, Nike, PepsiCo and Bank of America had asked the team to change the name. Washington won’t announce its new name because trademark matters are still pending.

Washington Redskins: NFL team dropping controversial name and logo after decades of criticism

Native American rights groups have long criticised the name and logo but the team's owner had previously refused to change them.

Football fans react to Redskins "retiring" name

Report: Washington to Shed ‘Redskins’ Name Monday

Washington Redskins "Retire" Hurtful Name & Logo, Will Reveal New Name Later

Indians, Braves and Chiefs: what now for US sports' other Native American names?

Amazon joins Target and Walmart in removing Washington Redskins merchandise

Amazon said it will no longer sell Washington Redskins merchandise on its website, joining major retailers such Walmart and Target as pressure grows on the NFL team to change its name. The name currently is being reviewed by the NFL team. Amazon has communicated the decision to its third-party sellers, giving them 48 hours to review and remove any items flagged by the company.

Amazon joins Target and Walmart in removing Washington Redskins merchandise

Amazon will stop selling Redskins merchandise

Amazon Pulls Redskins Merch As Pressure Grows to Change Team Name

Amazon pulling Washington Redskins gear from stores

A Black Lives Matter mural in Chicago was defaced to read "All Lives Matter"

A Black Lives Matter mural was defaced and painted over to read ’All Lives Matter’ in Oak Park, near Chicago. Community groups washed the graffiti off the mural with a power hose the next morning. It was designed and painted by local volunteers under the guidance of the Oak Park Area Arts Council. The incident is being investigated by police as an act of vandalism.

Black Lives Matter mural in Chicago is defaced to read 'All lives matter' - as cops hunt vandals who could be charged with hate crimes over the act

Black Lives Matter painted outside Trump Tower in New York

Despite Fart saying that it is a symbol of hate.

White staff in Seattle are being trained to "undo Whiteness"


A segregated training workshop for White staff was organised by the city of Seattle, in which the workers were instructed about the ways to "undo their Whiteness". The training session allegedly was organised by the Office of Civil Rights, on the 12th of June and was titled "Interrupting Internalised Racial Superiority and Whiteness".

'UNDO THEIR WHITENESS' City of Seattle held ‘segregated’ training session for White staffers to learn to be an ‘accomplice’ for racial justice


City of Seattle held segregated training session for white staff aimed at 'undoing their whiteness' and told them 'not to take undeserved promotions' to be better allies for racial justice

Seattle held 'segregated' training session on 'undoing Whiteness,' encouraged staffers to forfeit 'guaranteed physical safety'

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
