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In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

GoldenxChild said:
Poweredbythesun said:
Thank you for the post HP:HC. This clears up where Mageson went to, as he would post frequently and hadn't for nearly a month or longer :?

It's highly disturbing that this happened for as long as it did too, but then again there were other HPs that were fake, so can't really fault y'all for that.

In all this though, just out of curiosity. Were almost all of those exercises Mageson posted in the last few months false? And on top of that, what of the chakra he talked about just under the nose (I can't remember what it was called right now :/ )?

I know there's probably a million more questions on top of the ones being asked right now, but it is curious that in the end Mageson managed to pull all sorts of new breathing exercises and information out of nowhere.

So are Mageson's posts still accurate ? I always thought he posted valuable info ? He seemed to be Pro Aryan and Satan ?

Man, no offence but its been said like 3 times the information, aside from socialism and anarchy nonsense was fine. It was him betraying the other clergy, releasing information they wanted to wait to release and taking credit for it. All of his nonsensical posts were moderated and/or removed and the ones still up are fine
Larissa666 said:
Only Father Satan matters.

If that's been the correct philosophy all along, then I shall push myself until I faint from exhaustion, in this life and the next, until I get to taste the sweet delights of Valhalla.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I do find some of those breathing exercises very effective. I'm also wondering whether we should stop doing them. :?:

This has been answered and no, these do not constitute a danger. These topics were posted on our approval and after we had studied these to make sure.
There are some posts of him being removed was it done because they had not good info?
I kinda feel sad about all of this, I've looked into the older posts and replay and I can see why he was removed, he leaked information that was not supposed to come out (like the 216 repetitions being the best number) but at the same time with some lies, like 108 is a bad number and you can't ever use it, this made a lot of members confused and worried and even nowadays there are some members who still say 108 can never be used.
I have said recently to a member that 108 seems to be a bit of a dodgy number. I would like an actual answer, with a clear, simple and short "Yes, 108 is a bad number to use", "No, 108 is not a bad number to use", or "108 is a bad number to use only in this way/these ways" reply. I am not demanding this from you, though. Where did you learn that saying 216 being a great number to use should not have been revealed yet?

This is just one example but what makes me sad is that he was not always bad, he seemed to have some type of wisdom and I really don't understand why he acted in this way. I remember when he tried to push socialism and how the National socialist where heavily socialists lol and there is more but still its quite sad.
I didn't know about that. If it was in a sermon, then - as you might have read what I said above - I didn't read it.
is Mageson banned or just demoted? Would love for him to continue to stick around regardless of whether he is a HP or not, his posts have been amazing over the years and invaluable for me personally. can't help but feel like someone I know died if hes gone for good. :|
I've only been here for 4 years and always found Mageson's posts lacking. Be it in description, insight, or blatant praise of the Jews. When your citation list is longer than your 3 paragraphs, picture included, you're doing it wrong.

I wish he would of reformed, but alas he didn't. I hope he keeps up the RTRs if he is a gentile. We deserve better and we will get it.
Ah Mageson can write perfect English :? wtf... Mageson if you read, "vaffanculo". And I hope you will receive a proper punishment. For years you have given me extra effort to translate in a way, at least, understandable for italian people. Not only to me but also to the other translators [Egon I understand you how harrowing it is] and I had to supervise their work and there is always a piece where it is not very clear and this requires extra attention [energy and time] and discussions between ourselves to decide which is the correct phrase, which leads to problems and accusations between us and other more serious problems that happened in the Italian section, while you could avoid all this by writing in a clear and understandable way. You made us waste so much big time and energy, so, i'm relieved of your ban and you rot in the sewer with your similar guys. Vaffanculo again.
But then I think about it...I am not able to get this far..that how do people like Mageson think they can get away with it? The Gods are real beings and they soon are physically here between us..so why behave like this? The answer is always only one...
Good job HP Hooded!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Does it make sense that someone who reads and cites many books [and is therefore studied], after about a hundred warnings to improve his writing, says they cannot type with proper grammar and punctuation, and writes as if their post is an asswipe, for years?
This grammar thing is something I've always noticed and find it a little irritating because it makes translation very difficult to do.
What a strange coincidence! Just yesterday I returned to this forum (actually last time when I was here it wasn’t called like this).
Got here from main website, and even main website I visited after long time (had all documents and informations safely stored on my pc years ago.)

Anyways I come here, and first thing I read, first article is regarding Traitors/Infiltrators! I read about big purge and HP Mageson not being here anymore.
Same person that banned me 5 years ago because I just questioned some of his statements, mostly on famous satanist in history, just different opinion on one topic.
He banned me without explanation. I was disappointed, did not want to fight, create new accounts, point fingers, etc.. I quit JoS. I was disappointed, not angry, so I just left.
Never quit on Satanism however, nothing can drove me away from my conviction towards our gods! I continued spiritual working, respecting the gods and father Satan.

The thing is, was it coincidence for me to return in this exact moment? I don’t think so. Father Satan guided me back here at the right time as it seems.
Anyways I am glad to be back, because I feel things are going for the better.
Will now check RTR, I didn’t to them in a while, eager now to fight back with all of you. It is much better doing it in numbers then alone. :)

luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I do find some of those breathing exercises very effective. I'm also wondering whether we should stop doing them. :?:

This has been answered and no, these do not constitute a danger. These topics were posted on our approval and after we had studied these to make sure.
There are some posts of him being removed was it done because they had not good info?
I kinda feel sad about all of this, I've looked into the older posts and replay and I can see why he was removed, he leaked information that was not supposed to come out (like the 216 repetitions being the best number) but at the same time with some lies, like 108 is a bad number and you can't ever use it, this made a lot of members confused and worried and even nowadays there are some members who still say 108 can never be used.

This is just one example but what makes me sad is that he was not always bad, he seemed to have some type of wisdom and I really don't understand why he acted in this way. I remember when he tried to push socialism and how the National socialist where heavily socialists lol and there is more but still its quite sad. Hopefully, in the future we can have better HP's that can help us, especially now that they need to be verified spiritually before, I'm sure things like this will not happen again.
It does make me sad as well, mostly because I did look up to Mageson to a degree, as I'm sure many of us did... I remember all too well his pushing of Socialism and even getting rid of money, etc. The thing is these posts did make me have second thoughts on if Socialism was a stepping stone to National Socialism or not, but it appears that was never the case in reality.

I feel tricked and betrayed even, as I thought he was this genius book delver finding all of this new knowledge, etc. But it turns out he was releasing wisdom that he didn't even procure, and releasing it without permission... This all makes me sad, but also only makes me want to do more RTR's to be honest. :p
GoldenxChild said:
Poweredbythesun said:
Thank you for the post HP:HC. This clears up where Mageson went to, as he would post frequently and hadn't for nearly a month or longer :?

It's highly disturbing that this happened for as long as it did too, but then again there were other HPs that were fake, so can't really fault y'all for that.

In all this though, just out of curiosity. Were almost all of those exercises Mageson posted in the last few months false? And on top of that, what of the chakra he talked about just under the nose (I can't remember what it was called right now :/ )?

I know there's probably a million more questions on top of the ones being asked right now, but it is curious that in the end Mageson managed to pull all sorts of new breathing exercises and information out of nowhere.

So are Mageson's posts still accurate ? I always thought he posted valuable info ? He seemed to be Pro Aryan and Satan ?

I hope it was at least somewhat accurate. I thought somethings from him were not but I thought he was helping and on our side.

I am also hoping none of these people straight up sided with the enemy though. I can't tell from what i am reading here If they did that would call to question more of what they said cause that would mean they had a lot of programming of the enemy in their mind still.

I did know a lot of people are programmed by the enemy way more than they think and this will be changed in the new world to get back to pagan values fully. However they still could change it now if they wanted.

However anyone that truely has programmed thinking wont listen to reason so it probably will not happen till they realize it or it's forced on them.

It takes a lot of effort to deprogram and let go of all hang ups and truly come into your own like Maxine did.

I know there are some on here who did that but we must be aware no time like the present to start and just accept who you are let go of negative habits and thinking and be human again.
So finally, the days of "thought" instead of "through out" are over... I always wondered how some HPs don't seem to improve their English and writing skills even though they supposedly spend most of their time researching. I understand that people make grammatical mistakes by accident or due to it not being their native language and I'm no exception, but writing and reading with a language, which is supposedly your native language, for years without improving a little was very odd to me. I never dared to correct him because he always flipped his shit over when people dared to challenge his words.

All in all I can't help but still feel sad as my image of him was mostly positive. Hopefully this means we're going to have new HPs who will actively participate in expanding and improving the JoS community.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Wait so mageson too was purged? So he wasn't illiterate but did it on purpose?

Does it make sense that someone who reads and cites many books [and is therefore studied], after about a hundred warnings to improve his writing, says they cannot type with proper grammar and punctuation, and writes as if their post is an asswipe, for years?

However, when threatened with removal for this, they come the next day writing in perfect Academic English. What does this tell someone? Or when they argue with you they argue like an academic jew does, even changing their so called "mistakes" they do when they post publicly, for thousands to see?

If someone builds houses and has built a thousand, and comes to yours and builds it sloppily and like shit, does that not ring a couple bells?

But no, the above was not definitive or the main reason the person was removed, there were too many other reasons in conclusion to this. We were ready to tolerate an epileptic fit everytime we were to do the editing of the texts to make them proper, but all the rest thanks but not anymore.

The weeknd song which he tried to explain about weeknd preferring money over immortality does make sense now :p
mercury_wisdom said:
Throw a fist was super lit bro! :twisted:
Thanks brother glad you liked it :D

Necrorifter said:
Here you are my friend: https://soundcloud.com/bigotboy/holodomor-prod-bigot-boy
Things are beginning to make much more sense. I was always really curious about how his posts were so detailed and informative but didn’t really follow in tune with what’s been going on. Guided by others senses it worked out. Some of his posts (which I guess were also your guyses posts/other clergies posts as well) were really helpful. Will some posts still be around?
Egon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It also can no longer be the case that HP individuals who are from Canada, the United States, and other English speaking countries, write posts for decades that contain the most severe of grammatical errors [we wuz Satanic retards n shiet, or we are infiltrators who want to give this idea to VIP readers, hehe], while when repeatedly called for this, they simply ignored and shrugged for tens of times, until the day we threatened them with removal from the Ministry for said reason, in which the next day, unironically, they wrote perfect academic English.
A relief because that person's sermons "where" a nightmare to translate, lacking any logical use of punctuation to make sense out of some sentences (and I say from the perspective of a non-native speaker and Mercury retro person).

I've had exactly the same problem translating his sermons.
Besides I'm also very angry with him for a personal reason that I don't want to comment on in the forum, but I'd like to talk about it privately with HC.
Mageson copied some interesting things from some books. But it seems like most of what he did was just writing Slothz Tales and arguing with everyone. I seen him start fights with several people.

This is really my 3rd or 4th account here. I think 3rd. My first ones were each banned within about a week of having them, or even less than a week. All for no real reason. So looks like he was the one banning me. Good thing I really care about all this, because if I didn't care so much or if I was unsure, I might have not kept coming back after that. He probably turned away a lot of good people by doing that, and now some of them might never know the truth.

It was strange seeing him talk about those Universal Basic Communist Shekel-crumbs like it was some amazing important idea. Because the Chinese Communist agent Andrew Yang said it's a good idea, as his work for his country is to subvert our country into communism to be swallowed by China. Maybe Mageson is now some Antifa freak, throwing a brick through a store window to loot and pass out Universal Basic Nike Shoes to the other rioters.

That's why I don't ever judge any information by who is saying it, and I don't automatically trust anything that anyone says. Because the dumbest people can be right sometimes, and the smartest [or pretending to be smartest] are able to have the worst ideas. Judge the information by what the information is, agree with it if it is correct, and disagree if it is incorrect. Almost everyone in the world, all they do is repeat what someone else did or said first. So it doesn't matter who they are, if there is a line of 10,000 people all copying each other, and the one who started it was wrong, they are all wrong now because they just trust without thinking. I repeat things too, but at least I think about it first and only repeat the true things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Regardless if I drift off as some undesirable. Satanic Blessings to you.

This wasn't written to make you feel bad. Anyway, just consider this, nobody asked you to be perfect or become Mr. Perfect so that you stand there like a statue for people to look at, and everyone does errors.

So there is really nothing to worry about and there is no need to break your own back in trying to be "perfect" so that you are worshiped as a golden statue for whatever reason or something.

You put some extremely unrealistic standards and you're judging yourself too hard.

All one has to do is just help around here, advance, study, and so forth.

Thank you for always being understanding Cobra, I appreciate your advice. I had no idea any of this was going on. When I got here Jake was Clergy and Don was a Reverend. I saw them as Elders and defended their words.

But ultimately my loyalty goes too Maxine and the Joy of Satan. I do recognize you two being at the top of everything the last few years.

There is a huge surge of energy since this was done. Probably the distribution of energy. Like a Coven you're as strong as the weakest link. I can definitely tell this decision was a very good one.
First off, full thanks go to you HP Cobra, for being so transparent about the issue. Obviously you kept a sensible moderation and didn't go into needless personal details, but you still stated enough of the situation for the JoS at large to know why these decisions were made. I know a few people are probably going to kneejerk react to the news and assume somehow the sky is falling, but it's as you said, the health and hygiene of the movement can only benefit from the actions taken. It's probably somewhat surprising for some, but myself, and most likely many other seasoned members, did notice an apparent disconnect with the movement and the continued behavior of the two HPs in question, particularly in the quality and focus of their writings. Speaking for myself here but I'll assume others felt the same way, there never felt a pressing need to actively point it out and create a fuss, it always felt like something the Clergy would work out behind the scenes instead of making a public spectacle which plenty of other movements fall prey to.

For what it's worth too, the decision to maintain a standard of quality in regards to sermons is actually more important than what someone may initially assume. Part of the benefit of the forums is being able to link potential members valuable information, and I know from my own doings, discussing Satanism/Paganism and history with friends, I always had to warn them upfront "ignore the grammatical errors, there's still good information in here". It did grow somewhat tiresome, and as hilarious as this may sound, I ultimately resorted to actually rewriting his sermons in pastebin just so I could offer my friends greater clarity. For a lot of intelligent people who may eventually consider the movement, first impression does count for something, and if I'm linking say, a sermon where every second word is misspelled and the point is borderline illegible, yeah, it becomes a slightly harder task to dismiss skepticism, and a lot of people are genuinely worth investing time into even in spite of said initial skepticism on their part. I know how much I value my own ability to speak and portray my thoughts with lucidity, and hopefully I've managed to mostly come across that way.

All this said, regarding spiritual advancement, reading this post did give me (and judging by the thread, many others) a moment to pause and self reflect on our own progress. I always found lying about one's progress to be an incredibly redundant thing. Earning clout among the JoS is intrinsically worthless if the Gods know you're a lying fraud. My own reaction to all of this was an urge to do better, to truly become a reliable instrument, because some part of me felt a little forlorn that in this world, the Gods can rely on so precious few. I don't find this cause to despair, but it is an opportunity to distinguish myself, and I know a lot of people would feel the same.

With that said, I'm definitely looking forward to the new meditations you share, also understanding you'll present them organically and not just barfing them out into the wild willy-nilly, clogged in a myriad of typos and vague phrasing.

As a bottom line to all of this, I think what I want to say is, speaking on my own feelings and also presuming the feelings of other members I hold in high esteem, is that we have your back, HP Cobra, as well as Maxine's, and Shannon's, and what other HPs remain. Of course you know this, but, it's worth saying, even just out of sentiment. Part of me often ponders the sheer workload you have to deal with, and although I know you don't begrudge it for a second, I still feel compelled to provide the movement with what I can in a hope of easing that weight, if even a little, and I know I'm not alone there. With this news being stated, I know I for one will try to make a more active effort. In spite of a deluge of random passerby lunatics you have to see on a daily basis, claiming they can turn off the sun with their superpowers, conjure astral entities with a click of their fingers and other schizophrenic nonsense, I'd like to make an arrogant claim and say there's a lot of us aware and experienced enough that we can guide others where we can, and I know you'll take heart in that.

Really though, thank you for everything. Were it not for you and Maxine my life would be extraordinarily different. I'll also give thanks to Lady Astarte, for guiding me here so many years ago, and giving me the chance to take part in this. The future I've been allowed to glimpse is a beautiful one, an idea I've spent a lifetime being loyal to, and you've given me the ability to see it through. There are really no words to articulate my gratitude. Once upon a time I was a young child who didn't understand why he felt and saw things others did not, and this has provided me with context for everything I held dear. So, thank you again. And although I know things will come in due time, and when appropriate, I still hope the next phase of our goal comes swiftly.

Hail Satan, Hail Astarte, Hail to all the Pagan Gentile Gods, and infinite thanks to the Clergy that has worked tirelessly to bring us this far. Its been an honor.
Wow, I had no idea any of this was going on. I must say it's pretty shocking to find out about it, but I suppose it's over now at least. I feel a little hurt if I'm honest, knowing that mageson was behaving in such a way, but I guess I'm glad he's gone if that's how he's going to conduct himself. Thank you for taking such good care of us all HP Hoodedcobra, I know you work very hard for all our benefits and I'm grateful.
I've been with jos for a very long time and if I were to talk about infiltrators, I would say that they clearly have always been excused and ignored by the clergy considering many things in mind of obvious nature - many who join the forums are mostly childrens and teenagers and even with elder members, there's the problem with them having no spiritual background. (xians/muslims)
Also, many come here with hopes to get rid of their personal and financial issues, and I have hope the gods too have favoured many of such souls greatly.

With such peoples, the Jos have done a very impressive job to help and keep the forums healthy. We can only hope the deluded will improve over time for their own good.

You really pumped me up taking about a revolution in our forums for better knowledge HP cobra. If I were to start, I might consider giving updates to our official site first.
Hopefully new HPs will take seats to help with such herculean task.

As for the HP situation, we clearly need someone like you Cobra & Maxine. I'm actually very excited to see newer clergy members posting. I mean with time, that's a necessity to keep on changing.

Hail Satan Forever!
Shrouded said:

Don't beat yourself up too bad, just focus on becoming better. As far as laziness or other unwelcome feelings, there is always a solution. It could be physical or mental in nature. With video games, youtube, TV, phone apps, etc, it is way too easy to be lazy. Poor diet due to consuming addictive food items (mainly sugar) can also affect you both mentally and physically. Removing these from your life will go a long way in allowing you to focus on other more "monotonous" activities. Void/focus meditation also forces your brain to do something boring, which makes it adapt in a similar manner.

Additionally, there can be elemental reasons why you may feel lazy at times. I suggest looking at mantras and runes, as well as hypnosis tapes for combating these negative characteristics. Sun-based mantras can give you some fire. Plutonian items like Aum Yamaya Svaha/Nama or Eihwaz can aid in transforming yourself in a positive manner. Uruz or nauthiz can also aid this in their own ways.

Lastly, make a daily schedule for yourself. Don't make it rigid, just make it so you know exactly what you want to do and generally when you want to. Start with the essentials and gradually add more stuff, keeping in mind what you can realistically accomplish. Also, give yourself needed breaks within your day. According to research of office workers, operate on a 52 min work / 17 min break schedule, taking true breaks for yourself (not half-working). This should allow, in theory, 100% focus during the work period. Obviously this can be adjusted as you get better with void meditation and you have more bioenergy to call upon.
That really sucks to hear about Mageson, I had really liked what he wrote in one sermon on Ganesh. I had also wanted to read more about ancient Indian culture and Shiva. Same about Carlson, this puts things into a whole new perspective for me. But the cleansing was necessary, so thank you HPHC for giving the forums a clean new start.

Just out of curiosity, do they get replaced? If he could throw a pie in my face for being a clown he probably would but Ghost in the Machine would make a fine HP. Ghost, if you’re reading this, sorry for the spotlight :lol: :lol: :lol:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I'm confused too. Why would someone that isn't Jewish act the way they did with the knowledge they had?

He must've fallen under some sort of influence by the enemy, either before or after he became involved with JOS. Either that or character flaws. Probably both. I hope for their sake both of these individuals can learn from this.
GoldenxChild said:
Its rather apparent how many members squirm when HP Cobra makes a post on subversion and infiltration. Its a necessity for us to to separate the weak from the strong , no matter how much compassion or empathy you may have it should only be used for your "own". I understand people are new and this is an exception to questions and confusion but this isn't about them , its about the 'Legends in their own Minds" type of people and actual Judeo.Xian/Islam fools who are consistently sympathetic to the enemy.

When you read HP's post and you feel fear or intolerance its an indication something is afoot within yourself, or you're just a Kike and feeling "attacked" like most Jews. Father Satan knows those who are Loyal and who are heretics. If you truly love Satan and the Gods then there is nothing to worry about.

Hail Satan

Awesome and totally on board to what you said because you took words out of my mouth
Larissa666 said:
Only Father Satan matters.

If any HP has an agenda to make people stray away from Satan’s Path, no matter how subtle or obvious that agenda is, he deserves to be cast out.

That’s all I have to say. Now, let’s continue where we all left off.

Hail Satan!!! Forever!

Not just HPs but other people claiming to be SS and do the same thing.
Wait. Is Mageson/Danko was also Dan from like 2003? If they are the same person I remember a lot of stuff he promoted like vegetarian and among other things IF they are the same person that is. If not, was Mageson/Danko really banned?
Henu the Great said:
I was under impression that all of the Clergy was astrally able, and that it was a prequisite.

Well, it is now. Good for us.

Same here. It's kind of hard to digest but I suppose it's just text and transfers of knowledge after all- not the be all and end all. Still though, it's odd having this semantic association of the name Mageson with someone fully credible and have that turned upside down. Then again I suppose, not a new feeling for most here and me likewise.

I didn't know about him posting a lot about the whole anarchism-syndicalism thing- thought that was a one off. Relevant in certain contexts which aren't exactly currently so. Now is not the time for pushing for stuff like that, considering the circumstances nowadays. The focus on tradition and responsibility this forum had was one of the things that actually stopped me going into a downspiral of drugs and a general cesspit when I was first here. A number of posts from Mageson too. Recently I felt quite crappy reflecting on when I first came to these forums; I was in all sorts of trouble, with the police, sex problems, drug problems and other stuff related. My first serious actions for Satan were done in a state of essentially wanting to suicide myself, as I had inverted associations of Satanism in the first place and a lot of angst at the time. The balance to that for me was the sensibility of the people on these forums here, it sort of counteracted my own nature. I had this complete 180 to what I thought was the truth effectively, I had always known deep in my heart there was something strong and just in this world that made things right. Was gobsmacked, but still in this state of alienation and general anti-social behaviour because of the schooling system and how my natural disposition was treated by others.

And after it all ran it's course because of my fascination with these forums I could just plateau and return to a state of calm, the words of the HPs- they always made sense to me regardless of how it was being written. It was more what they were communicating in general, it made and makes so much more sense than anything else out there and I think it's everyones responsibility not just the HPs to keep the momentum. I guess it was more that I was reading this forum than necessarily who was behind the posts. I saw the Gods in some of the writings, and understood things about myself and the world in that emotional way that words can't really convey too clearly. I think there's a reason bad stuff like this is allowed (by the Gods) to occur, the rise and the fall. With issues and faults cropping up, you learn to appreciate perfection much more, the darkness is as dark as the light is bright. Like covering your eyes and hearing a little better. You have to watch out you don't trip over or get into an accident. If you do or if you don't, either way by the time you open your eyes again you appreciate your vision much more. In this case I would say the potential accident got avoided, but quite a lot of bumps also got made along the way. It's like Al Pacino in the film Scent of a Woman "The day we stop looking Charlie is the day we die".

Never thought I would write like this for example on a forum(First forum I ever used), or before Satanism- I didn't know I was naturally a confident person. My whole life I had cared too much about people and been very shy and tentative towards impressions, trodden on. As it turns out I'm actually an asshole lol, and have always had a very forceful nature which am only now properly observing and have met through astrology. I'm now at a precipice of dealing with the force of my own ego which was so removed from me as a youth, to this new understanding about responsibility, patience and time. Learning how to act in my own favour and off of my own accord, not just going with the flow but branching out a new river of my own. That's the thing with this notion of egolessness and detachment in the malefic wish-washy sense, it doesn't meet with the pressure and force of reality and that you have your own responsibilities to tend to. When you base these values around Satan, it should become the absolute centre of everything you dictate your actions on, no less than with absolute perfection. Time doesn't just stop for you, everything keeps moving and growing for better or worse- but you can make anything out of anything within a situation, given what resources you have access to. If you are someone representing Satan and everything that is the most highest and noble for the future, you need to ensure to the tee that you are covering absolutely everything virtuous that is possible and are devoted. There is no room for error. There is no greater state of being, and effectively everyone who has advanced understands this notion and flirts with it every now and then, but honestly it should be fresh in the mind at the dawn of every new day. Every Satanist should be like that, like their own HP within their own right and strive to the highest standard within the foundations the knowledge of the Gods gives you.

Overall, I just wanted to say that I'm still alive a large part because of this forum, and also- safe and sane. There was only one way for me in life due to love issues and the feeling that I was being led into to associate screwed up things to myself. I only probably had a few years. I've always been odd and could only ever really talk to or consult things that are serious, deep and more meaningful than society today can provide. After ending up here then there was 2 ways, and now I'm on the right path and the other is getting pretty far away from me now, I want to ensure it stays that way. Luckily I had friends in real life, but I don't know them the same anymore and they are still in ways that are leading nowhere or the general dull life and existence. I strive for more (in myself), but this whole thing with the world going to chaos agitates me a bit, because I don't know how I'm going to react to it. I don't have a good nature, I need to do a lot of work on my soul as this world is going to start clamping down once more and drive me up the wall again. They might be forcing vaccines in my country and I simply won't have it. Like a racoon backed up in a cage, I won't have it from anyone, and don't care if I die not one bit especially now as a Satanist and knowing about the reality of death. It's a wrong fearlessness to have, because it's unintelligent, silly and baseless, what I should do is improve my situation so I don't have to deal with this problem and clean out my soul. Time and Saturn is definitely knocking on my door this year.

I want to be a musician, but I can barely play(normally) or sing I just know I have the capacity and contentedness to shock people a lot and now the most perfect and dangerous time to do it in. The weird thing about the GG Allin user here for me was because I got into GG Allin at that time (along with a small wave of other alternative kids on the net) and he happened to just pop up here at that same juncture. Iggy and the Stooges are a better role model, but even they have their issues. I also want to be an astrologer, I recently even made a bit of money doing it, far too little for the work I did because I've yet to understand how business even works. Programming as well, or writing articles about history. School never even mattered to me when now I'm looking into programming a numerology machine for the people here. What depresses me is that you have this forum and that so few people utilise the connection made, or only for phatic and trite things in a casual way like they're a toddler on snapchat. Unappreciative. How little interest there is shown in astrology, on the page itself anyway. I had a thought recently, about how the website 4chan seems to initiate every trend on the internet, from 4chan to reddit to everywhere else. Well anyways, I think it's actually Ancient forums to 4chan etc. The other day that post about the CIA where they exposed the protocols on Twitter, I know that was first noticed and revealed on here.

There is actually a lot of power held in this group, and because of the current mentality in people overall today, nothing gets taken too seriously, maybe once everytime the Moon falls a certain way, but the overall feeling here as with outside often, is that everything's fine and just casual stuff. People have died for this, and experienced excruciating pain and hardship to get this website here. I am just as guilty of inaction, but also am not the only one, coming from my own issues. The bindings either way are being undone, and sooner or later there's gonna be a standard of stronger writing and posters across the board. The world needs a proper example of Satanism sooner. There currently is no later, it's now or never.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Cobra, I've been meaning to email you for a while but couldn't bring myself to do it/got around to it outside of those chart orders. I want to ask you a question about the degrees in my chart and what exactly they mean, just want to make sure I'm not some inverse Anton Lavey case. I'm activating an encrypted email account at the moment and will message you soon. I don't know anyone on the community outside of these forums personally (don't know no faces or whatever) as I'm fairly new and young here. Because I'm posting more recently, I don't want to jeopardise the forum in anyway for Satan, on the spiritual level, you already have access to my chart and I'll send you some more info to verify this.

Hail Satan, Aini, Lerajie and Azazel
हिल स्तन ऐनि ळेरजिए अन्द् आशशेल्

Oh and by the way I look up to you a lot. The people talking about your writing quality, I'm not sure if some of them can separate it from the message you actually have been communicating all these years from that. It took a lot of effort in other ways to write what you did, not necessarily so important to write it looking nice. When you focus on the details of a text, it becomes much more packed full of isms and intricacies which makes it a lot less readable for people on the baseline, It's more of a thing that had to be expressed in the way you did. For a specific time and state. You helped me out a lot and actually made a part of my secondary school education, lol. Thank you so much for the work you and Maxine have done. Know that it's valued in ways that extend into serious life and death for some people here. So it goes anyway.
It's very nice to have to sit like hours and hours to try to edit things other people simply don't give a fuck for. It feels like you go to clean a bathroom in the military, then next thing you know, another person comes in and smears shit on the walls. Then you got to clean again.

As the person smears the shit on the wall, they are like "BuT dIs WuZ inf0Rmat1on" and that is all there is to it. Rinse and repeat goy. And make sure everyone sees the shit so that everyone knows it's a shitty place here.

After explaining the above around tens and tens of times, we had to resort to penalties. None of it came to nothing for years, until the ramifications started to kick in.

After however the ramifications started coming in, oh, perfect English all of a sudden, after ten fucking years. It had to take around 5 years to think that this was even remotely a serious thing to do.

However, personal e-mails with rage fits and other abominations, were written in perfect grammar. Strange, we thought to ourselves.

In regards to some posts, let's write shit like "Whites Where Geniuses". Geniuses that can't fucking write Were and Where? Who the fuck takes this seriously if at all?

Then let's have a lecture about how much one cares about Satan and the Groups in general. Other HPS had English as second and third language and have done titanic efforts to be coherent to everyone. But who cares, right? These are the idiots that will edit the post for you while you just waste their life.

Cfecit said:
Ah Mageson can write perfect English :? wtf... Mageson if you read, "vaffanculo". And I hope you will receive a proper punishment. For years you have given me extra effort to translate in a way, at least, understandable for italian people. Not only to me but also to the other translators [Egon I understand you how harrowing it is] and I had to supervise their work and there is always a piece where it is not very clear and this requires extra attention [energy and time] and discussions between ourselves to decide which is the correct phrase, which leads to problems and accusations between us and other more serious problems that happened in the Italian section, while you could avoid all this by writing in a clear and understandable way. You made us waste so much big time and energy, so, i'm relieved of your ban and you rot in the sewer with your similar guys. Vaffanculo again.
But then I think about it...I am not able to get this far..that how do people like Mageson think they can get away with it? The Gods are real beings and they soon are physically here between us..so why behave like this? The answer is always only one...
Good job HP Hooded!
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
Wait. Is Mageson/Danko was also Dan from like 2003? If they are the same person I remember a lot of stuff he promoted like vegetarian and among other things IF they are the same person that is. If not, was Mageson/Danko really banned?

Oh, yes. We also had fights over vegeterianism and imposing dietary norms to people. We were constantly in the point of repeating about not pushing these things, and that these are dangerous. After me and HPS Maxine threw a few rage fits to stop this madness [THERE ARE NO DIETARY RESTRICTIONS TO SATANISM], it took a few years of having to repeat and repeat, then these people suddenly became the greater promoters of meat or just left the matter be.

I think Dan was another person that simply turned full fledged traitor. Who knows what happened to this poor soul also after all this time...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
Wait. Is Mageson/Danko was also Dan from like 2003? If they are the same person I remember a lot of stuff he promoted like vegetarian and among other things IF they are the same person that is. If not, was Mageson/Danko really banned?

Oh, yes. We also had fights over vegeterianism and imposing dietary norms to people. We were constantly in the point of repeating about not pushing these things, and that these are dangerous. After me and HPS Maxine threw a few rage fits to stop this madness [THERE ARE NO DIETARY RESTRICTIONS TO SATANISM], it took a few years of having to repeat and repeat, then these people suddenly became the greater promoters of meat or just left the matter be.

I think Dan was another person that simply turned full fledged traitor. Who knows what happened to this poor soul also after all this time...

Holy shit! I remember everything. I remember the bullshit. I also remember some other shit he promoted. Anyway I think my screen name at the time was beareroflightandtruth@ yahoo which I don’t Have anymore. Crazy. You might remember me because I recall ex Salem Burke at the time. Do you remember?
Found footage of him being 100% right over everyone else in the forum:

Never liked that asshole, he almost drove Edward and others to leave the groups.
All the complaints I wrote to the clergy (that includes to the said person himself, and not behing his back) and for times I thougth "maybe I'm going overboard here, he is a 'high priest' and at least he writes some stuff" (even though repeated), then I thought he moved on with that, when actually it was much worse than I thought with the RTR slander thing, like WTF, and the only thing I respected him for was actually stolen work from other HPs. Good riddance.

Cfecit said:
But then I think about it...I am not able to get this far..that how do people like Mageson think they can get away with it? The Gods are real beings and they soon are physically here between us..so why behave like this? The answer is always only one...
Good job HP Hooded!
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
You are a like a homeless person at the gas station, high out of your mind, screaming at me because you think I’m a shapeshifter.

So stop acting like a Jew trying to subvert the thread, this is about infiltrators and such, keep it that way. I’m not an infiltrator, I don’t think you are either, just a very dumb person.

I saw his psycho comments about you on another thread. I think he probably isnt an infiltrator either, just really unintelligent and insecure. Seems like he is just trying to be a hero and get the approval of the HP's are something so he can get some sort of validation for himself.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's very nice to have to sit like hours and hours to try to edit things other people simply don't give a fuck for. It feels like you go to clean a bathroom in the military, then next thing you know, another person comes in and smears shit on the walls. Then you got to clean again.
After explaining the above around tens and tens of times, we had to resort to penalties. None of it came to nothing for years, until the ramifications started to kick in.
After however the ramifications started coming in, oh, perfect English all of a sudden, after ten fucking years. It had to take around 5 years to think that this was even remotely a serious thing to do.
However, personal e-mails with rage fits and other abominations, were written in perfect grammar. Strange, we thought to ourselves.

Cfecit said:
Ah Mageson can write perfect English :? wtf... Mageson if you read, "vaffanculo". And I hope you will receive a proper punishment. For years you have given me extra effort to translate in a way, at least, understandable for italian people. Not only to me but also to the other translators [Egon I understand you how harrowing it is]...

Sorry, but the mental image of a translator having to translate already broken English made me laugh. I feel bad too, in the sense that it was probably stressful, since you didn't want to screw it up.

I am sorry you, HPHC, and the other HP(S)s, had to go through this, but I support your actions and your call for an increase in quality. I am happy we have you guys. I consider everyone very lucky to have the kind of leadership we have here. Through your efforts, conduct, and levelheadedness I see a role model for what a true Gentile leader should be.
Do you happen to know WHY he wrote in the way he did? I always found it funny that there are Italians and other users with English as their second language that are typing way better than him and are actually making coherent posts.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Do you happen to know WHY he wrote in the way he did? I always found it funny that there are Italians and other users with English as their second language that are typing way better than him and are actually making coherent posts.

Short forward to the actual reason, because he didn't give a damn, and because this makes a community look stupid. This is a subversion tactic that links with the lie that "Nazis are illiterate", "Nazis cannot even type", or the other slander of the left wing in regards to everyone of our own being trailer trash.

The reality is, many of our own have been doctors, scientists, businessmen, and so forth. The monopoly of science and education is a meme of the left, and the left pretends they have the "literate", while the "right wing" [What National Socialism falls into assosciation in for the average normie] is the "Trash" people.

You are a decent person, you have like 20 minutes to come in here, and read some actual guidance from Satan's own in your day. For all purposes, a most valuable guidance, from the Greatest God THERE IS.

You open the post of a so called "Priest", and you read a text lower than an imbecile, you almost get a seizure from it. What exactly do you deduct out of this, that anything is taken seriously? How does that reflect on Satan? When one is warned tens and tens of times, shouldn't a person such as this in said position INSTANTLY take notice of this?

If one cared for Satan, even if they had the worst disorders of the body or mind [I knew one person who remained half paralyzed, a moderator did TRANSLATIONS with a COLLAR after an almost fatal accident, and another blind SS who had visual impairment and had to write with software] and they did perfectly fine.

As for excuses, I think we heard numerous over the years, until we simply lost it on that one and none any longer worked.
Just to be clear I don't want Grammar Nazis to hunt people down in the forums, this is only a situation which is mandated for specific people, for fairly obvious reasons.

Everyone does mistakes but honestly, Grammar Nazis are very correct in their views. I took their oppression in consideration and I became more effective in writing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
