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In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Your music is great and I even bought your CD when you had it posted in your signature.

If f0st4r was entitled to such ego for his music, I guess Wagner's Ego should encompass the eternity of the universe, with Mozart following closely behind.

Difference is that Wagner didn't really smoke cocaine all day long, and he was sane.

Cobra...I'm tearing up right now, you of all people bought my music?

Thank you so much, this means the absolute world to me. But I'm not in this for the profit, hell there are many NS mirror sites that host my music for free and I told them they could. I've even made them free on my bandcamp, I've even released a new album "Zenith"

A lot of spiritual and personal symbolism on that album cover, if you can see it.
Jihiji12 said:
I had a feeling something would be done with him soon. I could never read his posts.

I find it dumb how some people wont call someone out because others are okay with them or theyre 'so advanced'. People let their feelings intervene their judgment too much.

I made that mistake with Zola when it told me it would be selling those 'paintings' but never again. I simultaneously wasnt surprised but felt like an idiot, because if i hadnt let other peoples approval of it effect my desicions, it would have been outed a lot sooner.

Sometimes I also dont say things cause I get scared people will blow the infiltrator whistle at me, since I'm an outsider or 'not advanced' in their eyes still since i dont post much even though, like you said, they have no idea who really does what. But this post actually made me feel better about that and like I said, never again.

Yea I still struggle with my past and the choping mechanisms that stemmed from it and I've said some dumb things cause of it. I never thought it would be so hard to change but I'm doing a lot better in recent months and I hope that I'm starting to show that. Not only to everyone here but the God's as well

I'm not aiming to impress, except maybe Satan. I believe if someone publicly talks about their experiences too much or acts superior they're not actually having any and probably don't even meditate.

I'd just really like to give back since you all have helped me come such a long way, and I hope in the future someone will feel this way because of me. I am excited for our future as a whole

You took the words out of my mouth. I do fear looking foolish, and after the last couple days, I've witnessed something quite disturbing; it was the "am I a jew because my grandparents were" thread really disturbed me. It would hurt me greatly if someone thought I was a jew or an infiltrator because I seldom post. Mainly because I still am trying to grasp so much of this, so I usually only read and often don't even sign in to do that.

Yet, I've never worried if anyone thought I was advanced enough :mrgreen: because I'm obviously such a newbie that it never occurred to me to think I even needed to be advanced.

There's so much to learn, plus, I have some serious shit happening in my life with my only son looking at a life sentence if convicted. That in itself has kept me quiet also while I shuffle through that while trying to learn this.
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


I'm shocked that this was going on. I'm sad to see some go.

Honestly I feel this applies to me. I have made alot of mistakes, been stuck in a pattern.

I wanted to be the best. Then when I realized I was harming things, I tried humbling myself. When ones sees weakness they attack. I would then feel like a pacifist.

I hope it's not too late for me. I haven't posted in a while, because I wanted to take time to work on myself. If I could just get myself figured out, maybe I could break the pattern.

I have done one stupid thing after the next. I apologize to all my Brothers and Sisters. I dont expect everyone to like me, nor do I care for every random username.

But regardless the Family of Satan is my Family. I have a lot of insecurities and fear. Fear that one day I learn I'm a jew. A lot of times I just feel like I have to prove I'm not.

I have had so many people, people I felt was the case, but thought it was paranoia. Just morph into being known as a jew. I talked about how so many people fell that were my heroes.

I thought, watch me shine for everyone, as this strong and powerful Satanist, that never falls. But in the end this turned into a game of chasing my own ego.

I can say one positive thing about myself is money means nothing to me. I have been saving, and I just think what the hell do I do with this, and start handing it out to people.

If people knew me in person, they would know I bend over backwards to help people. I give and give until they walk away laughing at me for being a trusting idiot.

On the forums however, I have acted like a cunt. Because it feels like everyone is eventually outed as a jew or infiltrator. I do have a good intuition, but paranoia does cloud it. On another token they ARE everywhere.

When it came to Zola, I was freaking out for years, emailing the Clergy about it. But as she began to do so much work. I thought is this my sister? Then she was exposed, and that hurt. That really hurt me.

One because I knew since day one, but ignored it. But then two because I lost a close friend. Was I suppose to suspect everyone? To feel that for someone who said they were my sister.

Despite the stupidity, I never had any Agenda. I have always been lost in a sea of confusion. I feel every move and action I take, I'm always in the wrong.

Am I enemy controlled or just completely stupid. Is it a character flaw. It boggles my mind constantly. As I dedicate everything to Father Satan.

I focused on his sigil today and told him how I felt. The entire room reverberated with power and it felt like he was standing in front of me. So he always shows he cares about me.

No more excuses or chances. I dont deserve them. I just hope I can finally just do it. Be something great for everyone. So I may disappear for a while. I will work to be close to the Gods. I am an Aryan damnit. I will change this shit into something good.

Instead of being here to do it. I would rather go the source. I need to get close to them.

I really enjoyed some of you. That's why I wanted to be closer. To attempt to establish friendships. But now is not the time for that. It only breeds problems. But perhaps the Gods, I can be closer with.

Regardless if I drift off as some undesirable. Satanic Blessings to you.

For what its worth, ive seen some gentiles that can be the biggest cunts and have the worst tempers. ive seen some of your posts that were helpful and inspiring, especially when i went through a few hard times. its interesting that you post about some worries and fears because for some reason in some of your other posts too i picked up a sort of feeling that you still had that fear of being a jew deep down (hope that doesnt freak you out). the way you post here speaks to me as i suffer from "an imposter syndrome" as some call it, meaning youre not an imposter but somehow always feel like it, and this seems to suggest you often feel the same way, if i am not mistaken. From this post it looks like you might be in the same boat with the same kind of attack next to me and Kurat recently. ive had thoughts of suicide because of it, but deep down i know its bullshit, and i am sure it is as well for you and any one of us going through this type of worry. on top of that seeing more and more members post about this fear around the same time reinforces it really is an enemy attack and not real. They are hitting hard and as alot can see the forums are prettty turbulent with alot of members at each others throats. the enemy wants us torn the fuck up. We just have to give them the finger and keep going and especially with RTR'S. the bad guys are freaking out and i think thats a good sign.
I never said they did not meditate or something of that regard, it appears that they did at least meditate. I would say that probably yes, they did. Not everything "is a lie".

HPS Maxine had also shared many of her own experiences with the Pineal Gland, so it is not difficult to write something to claim this, since this is all over the Yogic books anyway.

Yet in this case most of the issues were with behavior, treatment of other clergy, jumping the boat on the bad time, not taking warnings of the Gods seriously, and an array of other issues which reached a final point.

As explained in the topic simply meditating is not sufficient, there are other factors in regards to Clergy, and other expectations too. These aren't so high that it's impossible to be one, on the contrary, the Gods are really helpful, merciful and so forth, they always point mistakes before disasters, so abusing this patience is a terrible thing to do.

NakedPluto said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Poweredbythesun said:


So this individual also never felt the pineal gland fire up? As he said that he feels his pineal secreting and "dripping" to the solar and there fires up? How can you lie with something like this, how can you be not ashamed of this behaviour. I remember so clear that one, because I had very small and little occasions when for a couple of seconds the pineal "opened" and like water inundated the back of my skull but going nowhere...that feeling of goodness and nervous pleasantness is absolute, it heals the muscles.... I thought about how this individual has this feeling to its full potential..going to his Solar..he must be so much more advanced than me. But they are lies apparently. What a clown.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Eric13 said:
I’ve seen even Mageson give the benefit of the doubt to that fosterchild guy a while back who turned out to be traitor. It’s a tough situation.

I still laugh at him. He made such shitty music, and as an artist I'm absolutely insulted by how much reverb, delay, and choral effects were in his songs.

Would you rather listen to off-beat rapping over a crappily made if not ripped then butchered instrumental? Or would you rather listen to this? https://clyp.it/ou3olenr

Didn't it turn out that he was addicted to Adderall or something?

Your music is great and I even bought your CD when you had it posted in your signature.

If f0st4r was entitled to such ego for his music, I guess Wagner's Ego should encompass the eternity of the universe, with Mozart following closely behind.

Difference is that Wagner didn't really smoke cocaine all day long, and he was sane.

I hope ShadowTheRaven gets this notification as well, I'm sure you have better things to do than reply to this. But is there still a link to purchase said CD? I clicked the link and I didnt mind it myself. While I'm broke for the foreseeable future I wouldnt mind eventually supporting a fellow ss myself. Mainstream music is distracting during meditation and i feel this would be a nice alternative
You are a like a homeless person at the gas station, high out of your mind, screaming at me because you think I’m a shapeshifter.

So stop acting like a Jew trying to subvert the thread, this is about infiltrators and such, keep it that way. I’m not an infiltrator, I don’t think you are either, just a very dumb person.
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Regardless if I drift off as some undesirable. Satanic Blessings to you.

This wasn't written to make you feel bad. Anyway, just consider this, nobody asked you to be perfect or become Mr. Perfect so that you stand there like a statue for people to look at, and everyone does errors.

So there is really nothing to worry about and there is no need to break your own back in trying to be "perfect" so that you are worshiped as a golden statue for whatever reason or something.

You put some extremely unrealistic standards and you're judging yourself too hard.

All one has to do is just help around here, advance, study, and so forth.
Nammu said:
Jihiji12 said:
I had a feeling something would be done with him soon. I could never read his posts.

I find it dumb how some people wont call someone out because others are okay with them or theyre 'so advanced'. People let their feelings intervene their judgment too much.

I made that mistake with Zola when it told me it would be selling those 'paintings' but never again. I simultaneously wasnt surprised but felt like an idiot, because if i hadnt let other peoples approval of it effect my desicions, it would have been outed a lot sooner.

Sometimes I also dont say things cause I get scared people will blow the infiltrator whistle at me, since I'm an outsider or 'not advanced' in their eyes still since i dont post much even though, like you said, they have no idea who really does what. But this post actually made me feel better about that and like I said, never again.

Yea I still struggle with my past and the choping mechanisms that stemmed from it and I've said some dumb things cause of it. I never thought it would be so hard to change but I'm doing a lot better in recent months and I hope that I'm starting to show that. Not only to everyone here but the God's as well

I'm not aiming to impress, except maybe Satan. I believe if someone publicly talks about their experiences too much or acts superior they're not actually having any and probably don't even meditate.

I'd just really like to give back since you all have helped me come such a long way, and I hope in the future someone will feel this way because of me. I am excited for our future as a whole

You took the words out of my mouth. I do fear looking foolish, and after the last couple days, I've witnessed something quite disturbing; it was the "am I a jew because my grandparents were" thread really disturbed me. It would hurt me greatly if someone thought I was a jew or an infiltrator because I seldom post. Mainly because I still am trying to grasp so much of this, so I usually only read and often don't even sign in to do that.

Yet, I've never worried if anyone thought I was advanced enough :mrgreen: because I'm obviously such a newbie that it never occurred to me to think I even needed to be advanced.

There's so much to learn, plus, I have some serious shit happening in my life with my only son looking at a life sentence if convicted. That in itself has kept me quiet also while I shuffle through that while trying to learn this.

I think its partly the enemy instilling doubt and fear of not being accepted. But I'm glad you could resonate with it, and i hope to see you around more.

Something I've come to realize is I would rather look foolish and learn from it than not say anything and possibly believe some things that aren't true and possibly harmful to my advancement.

Community and criticism is very important to personal growth, learning, and advancement.

I'm sorry to hear about your son. That must be quite hard to watch your offspring go down a path that has led him there.

I know you didnt ask for advice or help, but since youre new and might not be aware, there is a page on Joy of Satan that shows demons specialisations and I distinctly remember one being with legal matters. If you would like to help your son I'd suggest looking through it and asking for help with a lighter sentence, so that your son may be able to turn his life around

Here is said link:

How to summon a demon: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONOLATRY.html

Apologies if youre already aware of these.
Jihiji12 said:
I hope ShadowTheRaven gets this notification as well, I'm sure you have better things to do than reply to this. But is there still a link to purchase said CD? I clicked the link and I didnt mind it myself. While I'm broke for the foreseeable future I wouldnt mind eventually supporting a fellow ss myself. Mainstream music is distracting during meditation and i feel this would be a nice alternative


But I wouldn't recommend purchasing it directly from Bandcamp, it's free to download. If you still want to make a donation, I have a CashApp set up. It's a shoddy set up, but it'll have to do because Paypal shut down my account, won't explain why, won't let me reopen it, and won't let me open up another one.

It'll do as a workaround for now.

Valkyries is my debut album, Reborn EP is the second, Zenith is the third and most recent.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jihiji12 said:
I hope ShadowTheRaven gets this notification as well, I'm sure you have better things to do than reply to this. But is there still a link to purchase said CD? I clicked the link and I didnt mind it myself. While I'm broke for the foreseeable future I wouldnt mind eventually supporting a fellow ss myself. Mainstream music is distracting during meditation and i feel this would be a nice alternative


But I wouldn't recommend purchasing it directly from Bandcamp, it's free to download. If you still want to make a donation, I have a CashApp set up. It's a shoddy set up, but it'll have to do because Paypal shut down my account, won't explain why, won't let me reopen it, and won't let me open up another one.

It'll do as a workaround for now.

Valkyries is my debut album, Reborn EP is the second, Zenith is the third and most recent.

im checking out the link now...nice stuff :D. u'll see a donation comin your way pretty soon
Alderick, Just that frame of mind right there... “I don’t deserve xyz, I am this I am that I’ll oust myself before I get ousted” sounds self destructive.

Not to say you have a saturn in Pisces but it sounds like a saturn Pisces frame of mind. It can be difficult to see these traits in ourselves but remember that Satanism is also not a race.

Whether or not ones place is in the actual forums, our work still carries out in real life and the day may come for someone. It took Maxine years to master what she’s done, it’s a long road and no one said it would be easy. Just because one isn’t in a position to be educating others doesn’t mean they can’t continue to sit back, listen, and look at the life they have in front of them as it is, not how they wish it were. Sometimes, all you have to do is look up and realize the person in the mirror truly is good enough and who you need more than anything. The forums are here for guidance. If you’re learning, you’re learning. That’s that. Things are just getting to a more serious and real point, the lights are shining too. Wherever the gods call you, follow. Not everyone is going to be clergy or great at relating information. The gods lie within every positive feeling you have about yourself and them. The gods lie within your trust for themselves and yourself. The gods don’t lie within thoughts that arise from a place of self doubt or fear. Sometimes, the communication with the gods may be distorted by the curses that’ve been sent, which can come through as a twisted form of what they’re trying to say or the operator can take it the wrong way. Stay objective, and as always... take it easy. I hope that’s helpful. Also, RTR it up and free the soul.

Was this thread created because of the recent "Slyscorpion" thread that was deleted?

I tried replying to it but the thread was removed. Not sure if it was to avoid a situation or for example show a situation. I basically replied saying "Realistically speaking you can't stop anyone or any group from using your information in said manner". In accordance to youtube video posted.

It's just like the previous thread with the Turkish member and discord.

I think in my personal opinion too many people are willing to personalize their JoSness, remember some people want to kill you for even knowing about this stuff especially in "Allah Snackbar" nations.

I really have nothing to state. Personally I feel like an infiltrator being on these forums as I've never progressed or advanced. I recall one person stating that is "unacceptable" in the first page. Be that as it may and I agree but when people are stating you gotta struggle hard as hell everyday of everyday, I'm not a machine. Anyways I'm just not gonna say anymore as my forum posts have a habit of stepping on people's toes.

This is probably one of the reasons why I spent so many years just lurking the forums(2014 -to- about a month and a half before F-RTR in 2018) and not being a member to contribute. I honestly don't like posting on the forums and funny enough like I mentioned my posts have a habit of creating issues or heating arguments.

So why bother in the end.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Eric the situation is different...
Understood. Obviously this is very saddening and hard info to digest. Hopefully when the time is right we can get an actual name/s to the individual/s in question. Thank you.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
You are a like a homeless person at the gas station, high out of your mind, screaming at me because you think I’m a shapeshifter.

So stop acting like a Jew trying to subvert the thread, this is about infiltrators and such, keep it that way. I’m not an infiltrator, I don’t think you are either, just a very dumb person.

So why don't you guys take this opportunity to make amends? HP Cobra said the argument was fueled by both parties. There is no need to exact harsh punishment upon another for this to end, just agree to drop it. Nothing good can come out of continuing this feud.
Jihiji12 said:
Nammu said:
Jihiji12 said:
I had a feeling something would be done with him soon. I could never read his posts.

I find it dumb how some people wont call someone out because others are okay with them or theyre 'so advanced'. People let their feelings intervene their judgment too much.

I made that mistake with Zola when it told me it would be selling those 'paintings' but never again. I simultaneously wasnt surprised but felt like an idiot, because if i hadnt let other peoples approval of it effect my desicions, it would have been outed a lot sooner.

Sometimes I also dont say things cause I get scared people will blow the infiltrator whistle at me, since I'm an outsider or 'not advanced' in their eyes still since i dont post much even though, like you said, they have no idea who really does what. But this post actually made me feel better about that and like I said, never again.

Yea I still struggle with my past and the choping mechanisms that stemmed from it and I've said some dumb things cause of it. I never thought it would be so hard to change but I'm doing a lot better in recent months and I hope that I'm starting to show that. Not only to everyone here but the God's as well

I'm not aiming to impress, except maybe Satan. I believe if someone publicly talks about their experiences too much or acts superior they're not actually having any and probably don't even meditate.

I'd just really like to give back since you all have helped me come such a long way, and I hope in the future someone will feel this way because of me. I am excited for our future as a whole

You took the words out of my mouth. I do fear looking foolish, and after the last couple days, I've witnessed something quite disturbing; it was the "am I a jew because my grandparents were" thread really disturbed me. It would hurt me greatly if someone thought I was a jew or an infiltrator because I seldom post. Mainly because I still am trying to grasp so much of this, so I usually only read and often don't even sign in to do that.

Yet, I've never worried if anyone thought I was advanced enough :mrgreen: because I'm obviously such a newbie that it never occurred to me to think I even needed to be advanced.

There's so much to learn, plus, I have some serious shit happening in my life with my only son looking at a life sentence if convicted. That in itself has kept me quiet also while I shuffle through that while trying to learn this.

I think its partly the enemy instilling doubt and fear of not being accepted. But I'm glad you could resonate with it, and i hope to see you around more.

Something I've come to realize is I would rather look foolish and learn from it than not say anything and possibly believe some things that aren't true and possibly harmful to my advancement.

Community and criticism is very important to personal growth, learning, and advancement.

I'm sorry to hear about your son. That must be quite hard to watch your offspring go down a path that has led him there.

I know you didnt ask for advice or help, but since youre new and might not be aware, there is a page on Joy of Satan that shows demons specialisations and I distinctly remember one being with legal matters. If you would like to help your son I'd suggest looking through it and asking for help with a lighter sentence, so that your son may be able to turn his life around

Here is said link:

How to summon a demon: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONOLATRY.html

Apologies if youre already aware of these.

Thank you, I hadn't seen that yet. I'm in a pickle, I don't want to ask Satan for help since I haven't much of a relationship with him yet. I don't want he or myself to think I am using him like I used the jesus thing; give me, give me, give me. I want a relationship where I respect him and not look at him like a Spiritual Santa, which is so hard considering my complete broken heartedness.

I guess I just need to purge and this seems like the time to do it. My son shot someone in our home in March and he and his wife went on the run. Of course, it broke his parole agreement; so this isn't my first dance with watching him being carried off to prison. They were both arrested a couple weeks ago and the pain is excruciating.

I will go read both of those links right now. Thank you again.
Guys come on, it cannot be everytime someone writes something one doesn't like, unless it's extreme disinfo, this thing repeats itself, "I was cursed", "They are of the enemy", or this and that. Grow up and please do not do these things randomly to people, or cause random fights for no reason.

The enemy does 9.8 out of 10 of these things and then they put random Satanists to fight. For the rest 0.2 which are stupid to engage in such things, which may be actual offenses, the Gods will even these matters out.

The enemy constantly does these things and they know many methods to cause deception.

slyscorpion said:
Talk about infiltrators very soon your going to know about another one this person even cursed me multiple times and it took quite some time to cleanse myself and destroy this thoughtform they sent me. The Gods don't even like or care about that person so they won't stop you or lift a finger its fine not wanting to continue the drama but I am just saying. Go ahead curse him or vibrate the final rtr into his soul since hes not gentile it weakens his power somewhat and messes with him and btw vibrating the rtr a bunch of times weakens any thoughtforms or curses this person may send as well.
Thank you, I hadn't seen that yet. I'm in a pickle, I don't want to ask Satan for help since I haven't much of a relationship with him yet. I don't want he or myself to think I am using him like I used the jesus thing; give me, give me, give me. I want a relationship where I respect him and not look at him like a Spiritual Santa, which is so hard considering my complete broken heartedness.

I guess I just need to purge and this seems like the time to do it. My son shot someone in our home in March and he and his wife went on the run. Of course, it broke his parole agreement; so this isn't my first dance with watching him being carried off to prison. They were both arrested a couple weeks ago and the pain is excruciating.

I will go read both of those links right now. Thank you again.[/quote]

Thats a good state of mind to have. But also undertand this isn't a give/take relationship. If you ask the God's for help, you also help them in return.

For example you can offer to do spiritual warfare in return if you dont already, if you do, you can offer to do extra reps of the final rtr until this legal matter is over. Just dont offer something you wont be able to handle.

Other things can be paintings, music, art in general dedicated to them and their memory. They do not want to be forgotten and appreciate these things as well

I hope everything works out for you and your family
BoooTitan said:
I told you before HoodedCobra ...shieet

Look at me. I have a lot of money and I am tithing a lot of money to jewsus!
BoooTitan said:
I told you before HoodedCobra the gods were never bound. Now that the curses Will be lifted we Will grow in physical strenght and we are approaching groundzero the the first stage of the apocalypse is coming this year and all jews and whole bunch of darkies Will be killed by the demons. Because the gods would never allow us to fight such worthless spineless parasitas. And yes I Will be taking over after the first stage of the apocalypse this year. I know a lot of you clowns dont believe me.... So lets have this conversation... Next week!! I do agree With you on One thing though those communist posts from mageson were cringe as hell it was only a matter of time till mr ubi got the boot. Dont brother disapproving this post the demons Will make sure this gods through HoodedCobra... Aka mr "risen serpent". When groundzero is here the Voice of Satan Will be me.

Why TF is this Christian deluded racist troll not banned?
Poweredbythesun said:
Thank you for the post HP:HC. This clears up where Mageson went to, as he would post frequently and hadn't for nearly a month or longer :?

It's highly disturbing that this happened for as long as it did too, but then again there were other HPs that were fake, so can't really fault y'all for that.

In all this though, just out of curiosity. Were almost all of those exercises Mageson posted in the last few months false? And on top of that, what of the chakra he talked about just under the nose (I can't remember what it was called right now :/ )?

I know there's probably a million more questions on top of the ones being asked right now, but it is curious that in the end Mageson managed to pull all sorts of new breathing exercises and information out of nowhere.
I do find some of those breathing exercises very effective. I'm also wondering whether we should stop doing them. :?:
Blitzkreig said:

So why don't you guys take this opportunity to make amends? HP Cobra said the argument was fueled by both parties. There is no need to exact harsh punishment upon another for this to end, just agree to drop it. Nothing good can come out of continuing this feud.

This was never a serious feud to begin with. Just a drug addict that has his mind set on me. I’m willing to make amends but it’s clear he does not want to do that. I don’t care about that anyway, I just want him to stop following me around and derailing threads.

So I’m not going to be badgered by this prick and allow him to slander me, because after this he will certainly go after someone else IF he isn’t stopped.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
You are a like a homeless person at the gas station, high out of your mind, screaming at me because you think I’m a shapeshifter.

So stop acting like a Jew trying to subvert the thread, this is about infiltrators and such, keep it that way. I’m not an infiltrator, I don’t think you are either, just a very dumb person.
You really nailed it. Your description is totally accurate of this guy. lol
Shadowcat said:
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


I'm shocked that this was going on. I'm sad to see some go.

Honestly I feel this applies to me. I have made alot of mistakes, been stuck in a pattern.

I wanted to be the best. Then when I realized I was harming things, I tried humbling myself. When ones sees weakness they attack. I would then feel like a pacifist.

I hope it's not too late for me. I haven't posted in a while, because I wanted to take time to work on myself. If I could just get myself figured out, maybe I could break the pattern.

I have done one stupid thing after the next. I apologize to all my Brothers and Sisters. I dont expect everyone to like me, nor do I care for every random username.

But regardless the Family of Satan is my Family. I have a lot of insecurities and fear. Fear that one day I learn I'm a jew. A lot of times I just feel like I have to prove I'm not.

I have had so many people, people I felt was the case, but thought it was paranoia. Just morph into being known as a jew. I talked about how so many people fell that were my heroes.

I thought, watch me shine for everyone, as this strong and powerful Satanist, that never falls. But in the end this turned into a game of chasing my own ego.

I can say one positive thing about myself is money means nothing to me. I have been saving, and I just think what the hell do I do with this, and start handing it out to people.

If people knew me in person, they would know I bend over backwards to help people. I give and give until they walk away laughing at me for being a trusting idiot.

On the forums however, I have acted like a cunt. Because it feels like everyone is eventually outed as a jew or infiltrator. I do have a good intuition, but paranoia does cloud it. On another token they ARE everywhere.

When it came to Zola, I was freaking out for years, emailing the Clergy about it. But as she began to do so much work. I thought is this my sister? Then she was exposed, and that hurt. That really hurt me.

One because I knew since day one, but ignored it. But then two because I lost a close friend. Was I suppose to suspect everyone? To feel that for someone who said they were my sister.

Despite the stupidity, I never had any Agenda. I have always been lost in a sea of confusion. I feel every move and action I take, I'm always in the wrong.

Am I enemy controlled or just completely stupid. Is it a character flaw. It boggles my mind constantly. As I dedicate everything to Father Satan.

I focused on his sigil today and told him how I felt. The entire room reverberated with power and it felt like he was standing in front of me. So he always shows he cares about me.

No more excuses or chances. I dont deserve them. I just hope I can finally just do it. Be something great for everyone. So I may disappear for a while. I will work to be close to the Gods. I am an Aryan damnit. I will change this shit into something good.

Instead of being here to do it. I would rather go the source. I need to get close to them.

I really enjoyed some of you. That's why I wanted to be closer. To attempt to establish friendships. But now is not the time for that. It only breeds problems. But perhaps the Gods, I can be closer with.

Regardless if I drift off as some undesirable. Satanic Blessings to you.

For what its worth, ive seen some gentiles that can be the biggest cunts and have the worst tempers. ive seen some of your posts that were helpful and inspiring, especially when i went through a few hard times. its interesting that you post about some worries and fears because for some reason in some of your other posts too i picked up a sort of feeling that you still had that fear of being a jew deep down (hope that doesnt freak you out). the way you post here speaks to me as i suffer from "an imposter syndrome" as some call it, meaning youre not an imposter but somehow always feel like it, and this seems to suggest you often feel the same way, if i am not mistaken. From this post it looks like you might be in the same boat with the same kind of attack next to me and Kurat recently. ive had thoughts of suicide because of it, but deep down i know its bullshit, and i am sure it is as well for you and any one of us going through this type of worry. on top of that seeing more and more members post about this fear around the same time reinforces it really is an enemy attack and not real. They are hitting hard and as alot can see the forums are prettty turbulent with alot of members at each others throats. the enemy wants us torn the fuck up. We just have to give them the finger and keep going and especially with RTR'S. the bad guys are freaking out and i think thats a good sign.
Yeah I've been experiencing it too but I'm over it
Disappointing to know, but I'm happy to know that the dross has been taken care of. We, the proper SS are the elites, we can't have what is less than the Elite as leaders, it just doesn't work.
Thank you HP HoodedCobra666 and HPS Maxine for your work, you deserve more than gold for your deeds.
ShadowTheRaven said:
I still laugh at him. He made such shitty music, and as an artist I'm absolutely insulted by how much reverb, delay, and choral effects were in his songs.

Would you rather listen to off-beat rapping over a crappily made if not ripped then butchered instrumental? Or would you rather listen to this? https://clyp.it/ou3olenr

Didn't it turn out that he was addicted to Adderall or something?
That's a nice beat man, the mixing/mastering is spot on. :)

I was making Satanic music myself a few years ago, here's one I'm quite proud of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ94UsPGVIc

Holodomor, it was real- it was real
All recall the hunger, bitches steal- every meal

Farm a lot of long work, in the field- in the field
Lost the lot to hoarders, no repeal- what a deal

Oligarchs are all turnt, bitches spiel- bitches spiel
Barking off their orders, men to kneel- then to keel

Cold blooded vultures, on our heels- on our heels
Want all of our hors d'oeuvres, wow for real- how surreal

Verse 1
They holocaust fakin, reparation takin
Usurer raking, your jewels and your savings

Your pockets aching, from the culprits with the fake grin
Don't look the other way, when the Yids stock breaking

Best run away kid, if you're a young kike kid
Put your head on a pike and, parade around striking

Take hold the mic and, recreate Kristallnacht I can
Militia my clan, break in finish ya off by hand

Form of a Viking, Ima storm ya under my king
War on your psyche, tore your Torah up piece by piece

No longer Pisces, a new era on the high seas
World hunger crises, disappear withoutch'ya posses

Verse 2
Go ahead and ask, they'll shake their head and pass
The question on- to their friend, then on and on again

Cus it's all part of the plan, you're a goyim not a man
You got 4 hooves not a hand, can not lift a fist or stand

Against- tyranny, chosen ones in here decree
Their of God and we're beneath, work us pawns so wearily

Bitch please, we can see
The shit you preach is shit indeed

Medieval couldn't read
But this thee new century

We know what Kalergi said, we are what your clergy dread
Aryan you want outbred, by an- Asian Negro hybrid

Evil G dash D, a holy creep purging the sheep
Upheaval we shall see, he won't defeat our heathenry
Blackdragon666 said:
Poweredbythesun said:
Thank you for the post HP:HC. This clears up where Mageson went to, as he would post frequently and hadn't for nearly a month or longer :?

It's highly disturbing that this happened for as long as it did too, but then again there were other HPs that were fake, so can't really fault y'all for that.

In all this though, just out of curiosity. Were almost all of those exercises Mageson posted in the last few months false? And on top of that, what of the chakra he talked about just under the nose (I can't remember what it was called right now :/ )?

I know there's probably a million more questions on top of the ones being asked right now, but it is curious that in the end Mageson managed to pull all sorts of new breathing exercises and information out of nowhere.
I do find some of those breathing exercises very effective. I'm also wondering whether we should stop doing them. :?:

This has been answered and no, these do not constitute a danger. These topics were posted on our approval and after we had studied these to make sure.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


I too have lots and lots of amends to make.
Sometimes I dont even feel like visiting the forums ir just cancelling texts or deleting posts.
Staying strong is all we can do.
Hail Satan .
Bigot Boy said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I still laugh at him. He made such shitty music, and as an artist I'm absolutely insulted by how much reverb, delay, and choral effects were in his songs.

Would you rather listen to off-beat rapping over a crappily made if not ripped then butchered instrumental? Or would you rather listen to this? https://clyp.it/ou3olenr

Didn't it turn out that he was addicted to Adderall or something?
That's a nice beat man, the mixing/mastering is spot on. :)

I was making Satanic music myself a few years ago, here's one I'm quite proud of: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=VZ94UsPGVIc

Holodomor, it was real- it was real
All recall the hunger, bitches steal- every meal

Farm a lot of long work, in the field- in the field
Lost the lot to hoarders, no repeal- what a deal

Oligarchs are all turnt, bitches spiel- bitches spiel
Barking off their orders, men to kneel- then to keel

Cold blooded vultures, on our heels- on our heels
Want all of our hors d'oeuvres, wow for real- how surreal

Verse 1
They holocaust fakin, reparation takin
Usurer raking, your jewels and your savings

Your pockets aching, from the culprits with the fake grin
Don't look the other way, when the Yids stock breaking

Best run away kid, if you're a young kike kid
Put your head on a pike and, parade around striking

Take hold the mic and, recreate Kristallnacht I can
Militia my clan, break in finish ya off by hand

Form of a Viking, Ima storm ya under my king
War on your psyche, tore your Torah up piece by piece

No longer Pisces, a new era on the high seas
World hunger crises, disappear withoutch'ya posses

Verse 2
Go ahead and ask, they'll shake their head and pass
The question on- to their friend, then on and on again

Cus it's all part of the plan, you're a goyim not a man
You got 4 hooves not a hand, can not lift a fist or stand

Against- tyranny, chosen ones in here decree
Their of God and we're beneath, work us pawns so wearily

Bitch please, we can see
The shit you preach is shit indeed

Medieval couldn't read
But this thee new century

We know what Kalergi said, we are what your clergy dread
Aryan you want outbred, by an- Asian Negro hybrid

Evil G dash D, a holy creep purging the sheep
Upheaval we shall see, he won't defeat our heathenry
Throw a fist was super lit bro! :twisted:
xudomode said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

now that you coincidentally talking about infiltrators and such mind wanna take out southerngenitile from here, he is proven to be 1. Making jokes about suicide, and taking your stand on the white race while twisting and corrupting it with lies and over the top aggression. He made fun of me trying to suicide, while aguarias and ol agredo lucifitus joined in on the fun to further harrass me. THERE INFILTRATORS AND ITS NOT COINCIDENCE THAT YOU MADE THIS POST RIGHT AFTER I DECIDED TO EXPOSE PPL LIKE SOUTHERNLIZARDINEKIKE, he is also an infiltrator I have proof.
You have proof, yet you end the reply there on a cliffhanger deliberately. sigh-in Oy... sigh-out

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Xudo you keep posting the same thing. You were in an argument on both sides and he may have been rude, but you also have been rude. You yourself are also acting bad towards him by slandering him.

This is the continuation of this argument and no legitimate proof of anything. Please also clean your signature, and don't dwell on it anymore, as so far it can be seen, you yourself aren't being rudely treated by others right now. You just continue it for no reason.

If you don't want to see the user's posts, then don't follow them and don't answer them.

xudomode said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


now that you coincidentally talking about infiltrators and such mind wanna take out southerngenitile from here, he is proven to be 1. Making jokes about suicide, and taking your stand on the white race while twisting and corrupting it with lies and over the top aggression. He made fun of me trying to suicide, while aguarias and ol agredo lucifitus joined in on the fun to further harrass me. THERE INFILTRATORS AND ITS NOT COINCIDENCE THAT YOU MADE THIS POST RIGHT AFTER I DECIDED TO EXPOSE PPL LIKE SOUTHERNLIZARDINEKIKE, he is also an infiltrator I have proof.
Signature cleared to have it be put in the Location field under the username. Oh-oh - the ban hammer is winding up! (Well, of course, I don't know that it is winding up, ready to be released, but you know.)

Poweredbythesun said:
Thank you for the post HP:HC. This clears up where Mageson went to, as he would post frequently and hadn't for nearly a month or longer :?
Based on what HPHC said, I did suspect, but should I take that as naming, then? Just as,
Jihiji12 said:
I had a feeling something would be done with him soon. I could never read his posts.
if that is the same unnamed person, then I also couldn't read his posts. I did mention something once about typing and mistakes, and the reply I got (which was a rare thing) was something that I was forgetting about something to do with those illiterate individuals or something. What I think he was saying, but not saying actually, was that he typed with mistakes for unintelligent individuals. I had mentioned several weeks ago to someone who is not a HP nor a HPS in an email that if you're a HP and are able to use your Brain more than others, then you know how to type sentences properly. I found it -

https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=11304 -

Hp Mageson666 said:
Fancy mein Juggalo your not keeping up with Clown culture its Once and awhile now. If you complain you will not get two rations of Faygo soda. If your going to the gathering of the Juggalo's you need to learn how to represent to show your down with da clowns. If you ask why just remember Magic everywhere in this bitch....That's why.

FancyMancy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Once and awhile some spam gets though just report it. Sometimes we get hundreds of spam comments a day and none of them are of the forum. So just chill out its not a big deal.
Once in a while*

FancyMancy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Fancy mein Juggalo your not keeping up with Clown culture its Once and awhile now. If you complain you will not get two rations of Faygo soda. If your going to the gathering of the Juggalo's you need to learn how to represent to show your down with da clowns. If you ask why just remember Magic everywhere in this bitch....That's why.

FancyMancy said:
Once in a while*
Bish* :p (Lol.)

Darkpagan666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Fancy mein Juggalo your not keeping up with Clown culture its Once and awhile now. If you complain you will not get two rations of Faygo soda. If your going to the gathering of the Juggalo's you need to learn how to represent to show your down with da clowns. If you ask why just remember Magic everywhere in this bitch....That's why.

FancyMancy said:
Once in a while*

Oh my gushness :lol: :lol: :lol: Fucking spot on! I almost died for laughing so hard!

Never underestimate the High Priests :cool:

Stormblood said:
FancyMancy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Once and awhile some spam gets though just report it. Sometimes we get hundreds of spam comments a day and none of them are of the forum. So just chill out its not a big deal.
Once in a while*

it's look like a neologism. Just like "one and the same" somehow got turned into "one in the same" lol

Stormblood said:
Stormblood said:
FancyMancy said:
Once in a while*

it's look like a neologism. Just like "one and the same" somehow got turned into "one in the same" lol
*it looks

FancyMancy said:
Stormblood said:
FancyMancy said:
Once in a while*

it's look like a neologism. Just like "one and the same" somehow got turned into "one in the same" lol
I'm still waiting for someone to realise and say that Sanskrit is the oldest language, which is a language of Nature itself, and that dissimilation/corruption of other languages doesn't matter.

Seeing as no-one has - let's go to jewmerica to learn English, and let's go to Zimbabwe to learn Japanese, mon.

[end quotes]

As for "juggalo" - as far as I know I have never heard anything by the Insane Clown Posse. At least, if you mention, say, Michael Jackson, the Beatles (as rubbish and overhyped as they are), Elton John, Elvis Presley... even Britney Speares, Blue, Backstreet Boys, etc., (yes, yes, berate me for these later!) then I'd be able to name some songs (not albums, though, unless "greatest hits" count). For the ICP, I have no idea if I've heard any by them or not still to this day, and that thread was in mid-2018.

See? I've been making these points for so long. Sorry for being so effking critical. Someone has to be. English might be a bastardised language, but there's no excuse for taking millenia to learn how to type properly - or "correctly", as some prefer. I say "properly" because "correctly" is overused. I know mistypes happen - and that's why there is the ability to proof-read and preview before subitting the post - but-- well, actually, I'll repeat what HPHC said - if it keeps happening enough times, then (and I'm paraphrasing here, adding my own embellished spin on it) you're a lazy bastard and need to fuck off - if you're supposed to be a 'high' member of the SS community. Of course, some need time to be able to do things, but typing properly/correctly takes very little effort, unless some serious dane bramage or some serious, fucked-up mind-cajiggering has occured. I won't bother also getting into tomaydo/tomato, either... :roll: It just makes the JoS look like foolish idiots. If I could handle it, I'd go through each and every post and make them able to be read.

I also don't understand why users feel the need to move the cursor to the beginning of the text field and put a few line breaks before those who they are quoting, then move the cursor back up the the top of the field, then begin typing. I don't read stories backwards or books from the last page to the first; there aren't any hidden, ghostly messages in backmasking while doing that... Moving your cursor to the beginning of the text field (or in a text document which you save on your computer/device, or whatever) and adding a few line breaks makes it difficult to follow the quoting, and it interrupts the flow. We have enough meanders and groynes (google it) in life as it is. I'm critical. Good. Someone has to be, instead of flowing easily along a river of shit. Well, I say "easily"...

You know what? I'm going to liken these lazy typed posts to those who try to make videos when they have no idea what the fuck they are trying to talk about, say "erm..." 50 times per sentence, and are unable to make a decent video - while sounding like they're doped-up. If you're going to make a video, know your shit and if necessary know you're shit first, and get better - and also get a script. Type out what you want to say, practice it a few times, then make a frickin' video. Likewise, if you're going to type some things, don't be stupid, but instead do it properly.

By the way - "soda" is pronounced "pop"! I'm not baking anything here! Also on a non-silly note - there is 0 need to add an apostrophe before every single fecking letter S in every single word which has the letter S in it at the end. Any plural of a word requires an S at the end - and that's it, no apostrophes or anything else. Is that too difficult to understand? There are multiple HPs and HPSs; if we are talking about, e.g. HPHC, then there are multiple posts of HPHC's; there are not multiple HPHCs, but there are multiple posts of HPHC's; or HPS Maxine, then there are multiple posts of HPS Maxine's; there are not multiple HPS Maxines, but there are multiple posts of HPS Maxine's.

"It's" means "it is"; "its" means "its". "I love football. It's such a great game - you might call it 'the beautiful game'. Football's so great that its worth is unbound by its fans." I could add a gif here of Ross from Friends telling (rather, shouting at) Rachel "Y-O-U-'-R-E means 'you are'; Y-O-U-R means 'your'... Of course, there are other things which some poeple need educating about typing...

I am (or was) certain that mere secondary school-level (and equivalents in countries) English taught these types of things, so anyone who is ignoring it is choosing to be lazy, ignorant and - to be honest - stupid. Choosing to be. Of course, if they didn't do well in school, or didn't attend school, then they still hardly have any excuses - they have the Internet at their fingertips to learn things... They surely read some things, so they can see some things... Search my posts and see how many times I have mentioned "dissimilation". According to google, I meant "dissimulation". If "dissimilate" is a word, basically meaning to change things, then the dissimilate-ance of things would be called dissimilation. Also according to google, for "dissimilate" I meant "disseminate". Dissimulation has been disseminated.

It's highly disturbing that this happened for as long as it did too, but then again there were other HPs that were fake, so can't really fault y'all for that.
Things take time.

In all this though, just out of curiosity. Were almost all of those exercises Mageson posted in the last few months false? And on top of that, what of the chakra he talked about just under the nose (I can't remember what it was called right now :/ )?

I know there's probably a million more questions on top of the ones being asked right now, but it is curious that in the end Mageson managed to pull all sorts of new breathing exercises and information out of nowhere.
I know it has been answered already, but some had said that they felt some things with the nose Chakra thing. It is here, but the OP has disappeared - and as others have been posting threads asking to find posts/threads, apparently these posts have been deleted/edited, but obviously they have not been finished or restored yet...

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
and who cares who post these, since it's just teamwork.
Well... members and lurkers reading the forum and sites. I realise what you mean, sort of like if you were together in a room with dusty, old papers full of dirt, and mountains of books which have fallen to pieces and have squashed spiders in them, and one of you asked, "So who wants to post this one? I'll post this, you can post that.", but I think it is safe to say that the non-staff users care about who posts what, actually. In each of our Minds, we have pictures of who and what we think the HPs and HPSs are, look like, do, behave like, etc., and if a n00b HP/HPS posts something, it might not be met with the same fervour as the... well, 'top' HPs/HPSs posting things. By "top" I mean those who have more respect - reverence, even - and trust by non-staff.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yet in this case most of the issues were with behavior, treatment of other clergy, jumping the boat on the bad time, not taking warnings of the Gods seriously, and an array of other issues which reached a final point.


These aren't so high that it's impossible to be one, on the contrary, the Gods are really helpful, merciful and so forth, they always point mistakes before disasters, so abusing this patience is a terrible thing to do.
If one can communicate with the Gods and Goddesses, they wouldn't... What the fuck? Ohh. I can't understand it. If they're verified to be able to communicate with the Gods and Goddesses and other HPs/HPSs Spiritually, then... Is there... like... some sort of block in their Minds or something? :?

I think I'm too sceptical for my own good. Things can get annoying - and without actually naming who was meant in the descriptions of things, I am reluctant to say some things, despite saying it already, but they/things just should be better. Maybe if I was of the title and rank of "Satisfactorian" things might be better (if I was able to influct punishment upon those failing to achieve satisfactory anything) (OK, maybe not; we don't need "god" to punish us for the slightest little thing!). We're supposed to be elite here... It's not difficult to realise that the jew is well-spoken, eloquent, charismatic, and everyone worships the words the jew speaks (well, used to). If we actually are powerful and elite and better, and helping others to also be so, then posts, typing, sentences, paragraphs need to be done properly. It's not difficult. (Again - where does individuality stop and convention begin?!)
I knew for years that Mageson was a joo but I didn't want to lose my account over it.

I lost more than one account calling him out already a long time ago.

The Joo is not to be questioned according to their doctrines.

And I questioned.

Finally justice is served.


Those who took out the trash THANK YOU!

Esn drek shtik drek.

The goyim know!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HPS Maxine distilled the information herself, and gave the accurate and proper ways for meditations, mantras and so forth. These were later publicized without mentioning none of this or that she was the reason for it all, or giving any credit, but presented as "one's own", without of course explicitly mentioning that. We accepted this for years, by simply saying to ourselves it was "teamwork", and accepting it without thinking of where this could lead in member confusion, until later the situation became clearer on where it was going which was nowhere good.

For this reason I always feel like it is important to give credit where credit is due. Not only so that your work can be acknowledged as I feel is very deserved, even if fame and what could be considered “petty” approval and the like are of little to no importance to you or Maxine, most importantly it would prevent charlatans and others simply trying to take advantage of things for their own benefit and egoistical reasons from taking credit for things they had nothing to do with.

Attributing people’s accomplishments to their own would give a clearer picture of the hierarchy and make it more difficult for any infiltrator to get away with things or take any credit for anything they had nothing to do with, it also makes it easy to identify who is really doing the most important work and why said with is so important.

Even in a team, individual merits are important to acknowledge I believe, as hierarchy that forms based on merit makes it easier to have a solid leadership and allows for less mistakes or sidetracking.

If all members knew of how much you and Maxine had really done, any egoistical attempts to take credit would hold no weight whatsoever and would never succeed or confuse anyone, and nobody would be able to put themselves on a paper throne, parading in front of others some imaginary delusional greatness.

I’m not saying this to criticize your or Maxine’s conduct in any way however, just personally I am someone who believes strongly in giving credit where it is due, and it sickens me when others try to get credit for other people’s work, as this has happened too damn many times already to amazing and mostly forgotten gentiles all around the world.

We cannot let this happen to the JoS in my opinion, and with this announcement it seems it won’t happen anymore, which I’m very glad about because your work deserves more credit even if individually you do not aim for such recognition as everything you do is for the JoS and by extension, the Gods and not your own, in your eyes, as far as I can tell.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This is truly sad news to hear, I'm quite astonished to see these types of problems still arise. The good thing is that they will no longer be an issue.
I'm sure a lot of us are taken aback by this new development in the clergy.

Thank you for continuing to protect this avenue of communication we all share.

On another note, I think that these kind of issues are what prevent a lot of people (myself included) to feel open enough to share things of interest we have discovered along our path.

I understand that tensions can be high in some circumstances due to the topic at hand (not just of this post topic but in general) and individuals have a difficult time setting aside preconceptions or false truths they have come across.

However, I feel it is an extreme disservice to all of us when people are so quick to shout "Infiltrator" and "Enemy Shill" or anything of the sort when someone presents an opposing viewpoint. I am not the most talkative person by any means but this type of behavior specifically makes me not want to say anything at all.

That being said, I'm in high hopes that we can break that cycle of things here and start to update all of our information to a more current state for all of the JoS sites as well as make the forums more desirable to be a part of.

I have a tendency to lurk on the forums without posting, even at times I feel I could provide some sort of input. This has slowly been changing and I want to provide my SS family with tangible information and suggestions.

Also, thank you to the members who have been so helpful and continue to provide feedback.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wait so it's Mageson, or [also] the Jake Carlson guy? Because if I recall correctly, Jake was the one who made that other website with tons upon tons of completely wrong and misleading information on it, including about spirit sex and incubi/succubi. I was angry at him for this for a long time, since it hampered my progress with my Succubus way back in my first 1-2 years.

As for Mageson, if it's him then I'm partly glad, because he never really answered questions properly and only talked in enigmatic ways for whatever reason. But also partly sad because he was the only HP to actually call Jack out on his shilling and not just constantly give him the benefit of the doubt.

My personal opinion, just for the sake of "feedback", if you will, is that people shouldn't be given like 10+ chances in the first place before any kind of action is taken, and that some serious warnings or punishments should be done beforehand so these individuals realize they must change or there will be consequences. Letting them run free as long as they pretend they're sorry afterwards, will act as passive approval and make more people act like this. Back in the yahoogroups, people would get banned much more easily if they behaved shittily, but were allowed to make a new account. I liked that system a lot more as there was atleast some consequence to behaving like an idiot. Nowadays you have to be directly attacking an HP or Lydia, or very obviously shill for jewish things, in order to ever get banned.
It’s not just former clergy but other forum members too. I have had to watch what I say on an open certain topics because I have had to deal with harassment and attacks and been accused of being a kike. It seems like an enemy will use something an SS would say Or do against another SS In order to break that person and keep them from advancing. Especially to use weaknesses and insecurities against someone.
It’s not just former clergy but other forum members too. I have had to watch what I say on an open certain topics because I have had to deal with harassment and attacks and been accused of being a kike. It seems like an enemy will use something an SS would say Or do against another SS In order to break that person and keep them from advancing. Especially to use weaknesses and insecurities against someone.
It’s not just former clergy but other forum members too. I have had to watch what I say on an open certain topics because I have had to deal with harassment and attacks and been accused of being a kike. It seems like an enemy will use something an SS would say Or do against another SS In order to break that person and keep them from advancing. Especially to use weaknesses and insecurities against someone.
Gear88 said:

Was this thread created because of the recent "Slyscorpion" thread that was deleted?

I tried replying to it but the thread was removed. Not sure if it was to avoid a situation or for example show a situation. I basically replied saying "Realistically speaking you can't stop anyone or any group from using your information in said manner". In accordance to youtube video posted.

It's just like the previous thread with the Turkish member and discord.

I think in my personal opinion too many people are willing to personalize their JoSness, remember some people want to kill you for even knowing about this stuff especially in "Allah Snackbar" nations.

I really have nothing to state. Personally I feel like an infiltrator being on these forums as I've never progressed or advanced. I recall one person stating that is "unacceptable" in the first page. Be that as it may and I agree but when people are stating you gotta struggle hard as hell everyday of everyday, I'm not a machine. Anyways I'm just not gonna say anymore as my forum posts have a habit of stepping on people's toes.

This is probably one of the reasons why I spent so many years just lurking the forums(2014 -to- about a month and a half before F-RTR in 2018) and not being a member to contribute. I honestly don't like posting on the forums and funny enough like I mentioned my posts have a habit of creating issues or heating arguments.

So why bother in the end.

You can turn it all around today or this morning if you want. Its never too late to actually be serious and advance. To drop like a bad habit that whis is holding you back and have confidence in yourself.

Its never too late to do the rtr and to take some time to meditate and be quiet. You actually can do this. No matter what the trauma or whats going on in your life the ups the downs you can do this. We are in this till the end.

So instead of a frown turn it upside down and smile.

Have faith in yourself and start doing the meditations. There really isn't an excuse not to do the meditations and/or rtr.

Join the fight brother and good luck.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you for this powerful reminder HP Cobra. HAIL FATHER SATAN!
Whilst I appreciated the sentiments of Carlson's sermons and posts I did find them damn awful to read through and can only imagine what others from outside must have thought when reading them, they were done in a very juvenile manner whereas that is never the case with Shannon or Maxine for example. It just makes the case for mundanes and certain order of nine angles (who I happen to respect) nexions to dismiss us or easily slander us.

As for Mageson, I liked some of the knowledge but also he seemed a bit off. Are these people no longer with us? I see their names in the description of the newsletter still. It'd be good to know who the active clergy are.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
