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i read your post aldric and it made me feel good like i didn't have to thrive to be number one and i didn't have to feel bad if i didn't get the record i wanted.. honestly I've over estimated my self because i was only able to get 19 and today is Sunday and i started the day after i posted my last message on Tuesday, 5 days ago. ill thrive to get at least 30 by Tuesday afternoon... thank you for making this a competition because before this i was only doing like 4 or 5 a week and now I'm going hard! ill message everybody here again on tuesday and let you know what I've gotten! 
Hail Satan!Hail proculo!Hail buer!
Alright everyone result say. This week I did 35. Not near as much as last week. But I am steadily pumping out 5 a day which is a whole lot better then the one a day I was doing. 
I also want to add that these things go a lot smoother, in my opinion, if you memorize the ritual:) i have some memorized and it makes the energy flow a lot better than if you were to just read off your phone or laptop or what ever. does anyone else agree???

On Monday, December 21, 2015 2:55 PM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Alright everyone result say. This week I did 35. Not near as much as last week. But I am steadily pumping out 5 a day which is a whole lot better then the one a day I was doing. 

22 from friday saturday and sunday because i did (cause i didnt know) nonstop many RTR. Im trying to do 6-8 each day.
*Ahem* It's Tuesday today.. .__.Will we not do our counts? :p

Στις 12:41 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "peliterapeutti@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Yep i do.

Holy shit. 35? I need to step up my game. I only had 7. This week is much less busy, I'm getting it up to 10 or more this time. HAIL SATAN!!!

Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 21, 2015, at 8:44, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Alright everyone result say. This week I did 35. Not near as much as last week. But I am steadily pumping out 5 a day which is a whole lot better then the one a day I was doing. 
Yes, I'd agree with that - it is smoother for me if I can just close my eyes and vibe rather than having to read.
I did 17 this week (Monday 14 - Monday 21 December).Minimum was one a day (sigh) maximum was 4 a day. :D

Στις 5:16 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2015, ο/η "taolvanswd@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  I need a calendar.. because I simply don't remember how much I've done. So far I've done max 2 on a day and I think in total about 5 or 6 last week.

I am not sure. We need like a Board to post our scores or something. We also need a way to make this more interesting. I feel like people here are not very competitive and are turned off by it. I wish I could devise some way to make it like a game. Where everyone has fun together.  
A game. To destroy the enemy. Sounds fun.

On Wednesday, December 23, 2015 12:46 PM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I am not sure. We need like a Board to post our scores or something. We also need a way to make this more interesting. I feel like people here are not very competitive and are turned off by it. I wish I could devise some way to make it like a game. Where everyone has fun together.  

you are right on what you just expressed,but l am new here and l really some assistance and more knowledge on how to do more Satan so than he can also do more for,l knew it right from the start of my life that nothing goes for nothing.l really want to give in my time and all to Satan this time because l was accusing him before l realize the truth that he is my maker.
can anyone enlighten me how to grow and acquire power[money] and protection?l feel like l am alone here,l need some friends here to coach me.BEST REGARDS TO ALL THE WISE MEN HERE.
I was just thinking that how many of us REALLY are even doing the RTRs? Cause not many of us have told their highscores. Its only two.
Don't really worry about it. I personally do them daily, but I just don't feel like being in the competition, although I think it's a great idea :)

<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] Hi again I already did post this but apparently nobody saw it? Anyhow I repost:
The weekly/da[/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] Hey Aldr[/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] Tuesday RT#3 12 reps <a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] Wed to Fr[/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] Sat RT #1 12 reps <a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] Sunday RT #2 12 reps <a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] A[/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] About halfway throu[/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] But that sa[/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] [/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] Really exc[/IMG]
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] HS!
Hey Aldric and my other CHAMPS ;)

I think you could mock up a board or something at home on the wall (like a calendar sort of with boxes) with the handles of the participants and room for the dates, weekly and daily high scores and since we started on a monday it would end on a sunday and begin again the following monday. You could then do monthly totals which would be very interesting.

I have to say if someone is doing 30 in a day it does seem an awful lot though I'm not saying it wasn't done...however it would take all afternoon. I did 24 once and it took  3 1/2 , 4 hours counting the warm up and delay in between! And it's not about rushing madly through them. You still have to take the time to raise some energy. For those who haven't done rituals before its not just about saying the words. You raise energy, impregnate it with the intent (the vibes) and then send it via focused intent. So there are three parts to it.

I do the 666 and then the EO and EA forty reps each and the invocation before I even start the RT ritual. Don't neglect that part - raising energy. Its important. (I'm saying this for someone who hasn't done it ever before and isn't sure - obviously the rest of you know and understand). You may want to do the RAUM, or whatever else works for YOU. We are all individuals. But at any rate, then when you start vibrating, take your time and concentrate totally on the vibrating and saying them with as much focused intent and energy as well as you can - this is programming/impregnating it with the vibes worked out for us by HP MD, Satan and Lillith - for myself I 'see' myself in my astral temple before a bowl of fire, I imagine the phrases I'm vibing literally being sent out into a sort of tornado swirling around the temple. Of course this is just what I do if anyone can correct or improve on it please do, eh?

Its not about quantity to the point where the purpose is negated! This is the impregnating part and its very important to do. That's why when you have the phrases memorized it works even better - you aren't worried about: did I get that right....did I say this ok?....am I doing this right?...you relax and just let it roll off the tongue, and so because you aren't in the background of your mind worrying, you are more fully concentrating - fully present - in the void - its easier to visualize - so it all goes easier and probably has a lot more power too. I think there is also a positive benefit for the viber when you take the time to do it well - you fall into a sort of trance after a ton of repetitions and this is a form of meditation and working on altering your consciousness so it works out that you benefit too.

So for someone who wants to participate and hasn't yet, feels like maby since they are really new somehow this means they can't participate - don't think that - its not true! YOU CAN DO THIS TOO! And you should be doing it! Satan wants you to do it! Don't be afraid to just do it, it gets easier as you go and when you reach the point where you can just close your eyes and concentrate totally on the vibe you will feel it (who knows even before then you may start feeling it), even if you begin and feel nothing at first and perhaps feel self conscious and silly - because this is something new you never tried before - because its coming from the intuitive part of the brain and western civilization is trained and enforced to almost always be in the left logic side - remember, again, this is done deliberately to create unbalance and thus take away our power. So you fight against that too.

I feel this gives people who are self conscious and shy about trying to do ritual and so on a really good reason to do it - you do it for Satan, the Gods, our Earth and our fellow Gentiles - its very unselfish. It's a good thing. You should know you are doing something extremely important and worthwhile! Even if you don't feel you are, you are! HP HC said Satan told him once that JoS (that's US) is "My major fighting unit on Earth."  Satan said that! If I want to procrastinate I remind myself now of that. I just found that quote last night.

So you charge up the tornado of energy and then at the end with the last AUM and Hail Satan you direct it out to Pissrael. Visualize it heading out to cover, envelop them and DESTROY them. That sends it via focused intent. Does this make sense?

So think about THAT! Knowing what Satan said will help you get over the discomfort of the initial voice in your head probably saying: OMG - you sound like such a dork! I don't feel anything, it must not be working! I'm doing this all wrong, I'm sure! - Push that thing aside - its enemy BS - and just allow yourself to get into it - remember HP MD has said many times to "Just do the best you can!"

Do the best you can and you will find you know instinctively what to do. Because we all have the knowing inside us - this is Satan!

Sorry I seem to have gone off on a bit of a rant here...I hope it was a helpful one though for people who have never done any sort of thing like this before and that I hit on some of the things perhaps holding you back.

Come on people, get into this thing! Its like Aldric said in the beginning.....imagine what could happen if we ALL go all out!! It IS exciting!

HS! 88!
Hey even though there may not be many people posting about what we are doing and such, many of us are grouping up and working hard at it. During times that our brother/sisterhood is apart, we still do the rituals whenever possible and when we are together we all put our energies in together and the strength is growing and we all have our own lives too so just because we don't all post about it online it should be known that there are many people out there doing these for the sake of humanity and for Father Satan. Many may not have the time to post or just may not want to, but the work is getting done whether it is being spoken about or not. Have faith in our Satanic family! We are all on our own paths but we fight for the same cause because it is worth something far greater than what the enemy has tried to set up for us. Know that these rituals are working and that they are getting done! We all got this!
Hey, I usually aim for one or two a day, right now. Earlier this year it was like three a day ish, but right now you could say my high score is two... nothing spectacular but. Yeah, a lot of people are doing them and not saying anything here of course. We could have people who may be completely unheard of here who are doing some of the toughest work. 
Zola, very motivational and you're right, you can't let them convince you its bunk just because you don't feel it at first or whatever. Or anything like that. Even just making the sound and repeating it like a robot is way better than doing nothing... and same thing with Raums; if you're sick with a cold you can just do it or any other sun mantra 108 times without even thinking about it and it will still work. So its no different with these if you're dedicated and that's why everybody should do it.
Thank you vepvovin. I realize most dont want to post. When things are scheduled and fun people dont feel alone. I want to make this enjoyable.
Thanks thisisafalsealias. I was only trying to motivate. Vepvovin. You said it nicely but it just felt like you threw a big wet blanket over me. But perhaps I am sensitive. Sigh.

So hows this for something fun? what if we had a time and date to do a RT ritual, 'together'? it would be interesting to see if we could feel each other. I think it would be fun to sync up and see if you could feel it. Just a thought.
Awesome, couldn't agree anymore. I feel like my life has been better pumping out more and more RTRs. Heck just now I did RTR #3 with 54 vibrations for Astaroth helping me with my heart chakra. Even if it might have been my mind speaking or if she wasn't invoked or evoked I still did the RTR as thanks for helping. Even so I still do at-least 1 a day to become protected too. I don't want to be left out when the economy collapses or war erupts. If you cant defend yourself, help the one who can after-all ^^
Couldnt we make an competition or reward of some kind to get all these lazy bummers to work for their immortality and saving the world? Could someone make that happe? PLEASE?!

I have put like MILLIONS of moral boost speeches so that you guys would work harder and harder! Everyone of you who do RTRS at 100% PLEASE do 110%! Do one more RTR that you have done before!

We really should make an competition of some kind to boost our making of RTRS. Do you remember how many were EXITED about that cometition Aldric Strickland made last year?? We JUST need a good prize for it! Okay, if you beat MY High score i PROMISE to work EVEN harder for Satan! How about that?? Or you could share your favourite prize that you would want us to do! Please participate in this! I said we should start in next Monday and give a small prize to whoever wins it! And by the end of every month we should give the winner even bigger prize! So lets ALL start next Monday and by the end of the week in Sunday at of our time-zones at 8 in the evening say how much we have done. And in next months 23 say how much we have done in a month. And then award the winner about what we can do and what he/she would want us to do. Of course what we CAN do for him/her, like a video or something. So please make a new topic saying you participate, cause i cant make a new topic somehow :( . I can only post on a old topic.
How many RTRs you do is not a competition and achieves nothing.
Instead of saying "If you do this more than me, I will do more", do the more anyway, you do you need someone to do more for you to do more? There is no competition in Satanism. Everyone has their own capabilities and their own time constraints, so you can't impose yourself on people and then make them"competition" losers. That's why no one is answering your questions. Posting multiple posts in block letters shouting at people to do a "competition" is flat out annoying.
The rule with these RTRs is to do them as many as possible as often as possible. That's why it's quite a pointless act that some do by posting how they did 64 or whatever rtrs in one day or shabbily do them in 20 minutes, then putting in block capitals "you must all be doing this as much as I am" simply for bragging purposes,which are also stupid.
Dont post about how many thousand RTRs you did, that does nothing and every one knows you're trying to imply you are above them for it and at times is an obvious lie as some claim they did so many in such a short time period, instead, tell people about what happens if we don't do them and why we should do them. I'm not saying this in regards to you, but the others who constantly post about the thousand RTRs they shabbily did and tell people that they must be doing this - only for bragging as it seems toake them feel more important 
If you're doing 10 a day good job, of you're doing 5 a day, good job, if your doing 100 a day, good job, but posting about it 10 times a week blatantly to brag and then in future be able to use "I did more RTRs than you" as an argument is absolutely pointless and stupid. The only prize from these rituals is the Salvation of our people. And if any Satanist truly cares, that's the only prize for encouragement he needs.
Besides, you should be doing RTRs for the destruction of your enemy, not to get more RTRs done then Jonny in 10 minutes.
Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!
-fourtheich666 http://fourthreich666.com http://fourthreich666.com/naziarchive
On Mon, 30 May, 2016 at 6:16, harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Couldnt we make an competition or reward of some kind to get all these lazy bummers to work for their immortality and saving the world? Could someone make that happe? PLEASE?!

I have put like MILLIONS of moral boost speeches so that you guys would work harder and harder! Everyone of you who do RTRS at 100% PLEASE do 110%! Do one more RTR that you have done before!

We really should make an competition of some kind to boost our making of RTRS. Do you remember how many were EXITED about that cometition Aldric Strickland made last year?? We JUST need a good prize for it! Okay, if you beat MY High score i PROMISE to work EVEN harder for Satan! How about that?? Or you could share your favourite prize that you would want us to do! Please participate in this! I said we should start in next Monday and give a small prize to whoever wins it! And by the end of every month we should give the winner even bigger prize! So lets ALL start next Monday and by the end of the week in Sunday at of our time-zones at 8 in the evening say how much we have done. And in next months 23 say how much we have done in a month. And then award the winner about what we can do and what he/she would want us to do. Of course what we CAN do for him/her, like a video or something. So please make a new topic saying you participate, cause i cant make a new topic somehow :( . I can only post on a old topic.
"How many RTRs you do is not a competition and achieves nothing" to avoid misunderstandings, the competition avoids nothing, the amount you do does achieve something.

Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!
-fourtheich666 http://fourthreich666.com http://fourthreich666.com/naziarchive
On Tue, 31 May, 2016 at 7:05, Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   How many RTRs you do is not a competition and achieves nothing.
Instead of saying "If you do this more than me, I will do more", do the more anyway, you do you need someone to do more for you to do more? There is no competition in Satanism. Everyone has their own capabilities and their own time constraints, so you can't impose yourself on people and then make them"competition" losers. That's why no one is answering your questions. Posting multiple posts in block letters shouting at people to do a "competition" is flat out annoying.
The rule with these RTRs is to do them as many as possible as often as possible. That's why it's quite a pointless act that some do by posting how they did 64 or whatever rtrs in one day or shabbily do them in 20 minutes, then putting in block capitals "you must all be doing this as much as I am" simply for bragging purposes,which are also stupid.
Dont post about how many thousand RTRs you did, that does nothing and every one knows you're trying to imply you are above them for it and at times is an obvious lie as some claim they did so many in such a short time period, instead, tell people about what happens if we don't do them and why we should do them. I'm not saying this in regards to you, but the others who constantly post about the thousand RTRs they shabbily did and tell people that they must be doing this - only for bragging as it seems toake them feel more important 
If you're doing 10 a day good job, of you're doing 5 a day, good job, if your doing 100 a day, good job, but posting about it 10 times a week blatantly to brag and then in future be able to use "I did more RTRs than you" as an argument is absolutely pointless and stupid. The only prize from these rituals is the Salvation of our people. And if any Satanist truly cares, that's the only prize for encouragement he needs.
Besides, you should be doing RTRs for the destruction of your enemy, not to get more RTRs done then Jonny in 10 minutes.
Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
Long live National Socialism!
-fourtheich666 http://fourthreich666.com http://fourthreich666.com/naziarchive
  Couldnt we make an competition or reward of some kind to get all these lazy bummers to work for their immortality and saving the world? Could someone make that happe? PLEASE?!

I have put like MILLIONS of moral boost speeches so that you guys would work harder and harder! Everyone of you who do RTRS at 100% PLEASE do 110%! Do one more RTR that you have done before!

We really should make an competition of some kind to boost our making of RTRS. Do you remember how many were EXITED about that cometition Aldric Strickland made last year?? We JUST need a good prize for it! Okay, if you beat MY High score i PROMISE to work EVEN harder for Satan! How about that?? Or you could share your favourite prize that you would want us to do! Please participate in this! I said we should start in next Monday and give a small prize to whoever wins it! And by the end of every month we should give the winner even bigger prize! So lets ALL start next Monday and by the end of the week in Sunday at of our time-zones at 8 in the evening say how much we have done. And in next months 23 say how much we have done in a month. And then award the winner about what we can do and what he/she would want us to do. Of course what we CAN do for him/her, like a video or something. So please make a new topic saying you participate, cause i cant make a new topic somehow :( . I can only post on a old topic.
I motivated myself to reach 18.000 members in main group. As i do with 17, 16. I set goal to reach 100 more people that come here, so i spread links like crazy do reach that 100,  and l really manage to bring people here. And to that then times.

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: "harrilehtosaari@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 30/05/2016 07:16 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Important

  Couldnt we make an competition or reward of some kind to get all these lazy bummers to work for their immortality and saving the world? Could someone make that happe? PLEASE?!

I have put like MILLIONS of moral boost speeches so that you guys would work harder and harder! Everyone of you who do RTRS at 100% PLEASE do 110%! Do one more RTR that you have done before!

We really should make an competition of some kind to boost our making of RTRS. Do you remember how many were EXITED about that cometition Aldric Strickland made last year?? We JUST need a good prize for it! Okay, if you beat MY High score i PROMISE to work EVEN harder for Satan! How about that?? Or you could share your favourite prize that you would want us to do! Please participate in this! I said we should start in next Monday and give a small prize to whoever wins it! And by the end of every month we should give the winner even bigger prize! So lets ALL start next Monday and by the end of the week in Sunday at of our time-zones at 8 in the evening say how much we have done. And in next months 23 say how much we have done in a month. And then award the winner about what we can do and what he/she would want us to do. Of course what we CAN do for him/her, like a video or something. So please make a new topic saying you participate, cause i cant make a new topic somehow :( . I can only post on a old topic.
Just search up groups or chat apps that are not really popular and spread links, like exposingchristianity, the main jos website (not ministries, the joyofsatan.org web), Black Sun 666 website, etc. You get the point.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
