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*Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

Dec 30, 2012
This is a very important Destruction Ritual for all of us Gentiles, all us Spiritual Satanists. We have been prosecuted, censored and "hunted" for our beliefs by the jews and all their supporters. NOW is the time to end that.

Rosh Hashanah ends at sundown on Friday September 17th and is the most important and highest of all jewish holy days, yom kippur then begins. yom kippur is the jewish new year and every jew hopes to be written in the book of life for their god and for prosperity for the upcoming year. They also renounce and make void [back out of] any promises, contracts, etc., made to Gentiles on this day.

We will be performing a massive Group Destruction Ritual on both Friday the 17th as well as Saturday the 18th. The jews and their energies will be severely weekend and very open to our Attack. I am posting the Ritual for Friday the 17th [tomorrow] now and High Priestess Zildar Raasi will be posting the Ritual fro Saturday the 18th tomorrow night.

Their empire of lies and filth, built on pillars of death is now Ours to destroy! Together, my Brothers and Sisters, we will bring down these tyrants, and help begin the new age, the Age of our Father Satan!!

*And, thank you very much to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich who, with Lilith-sama and all the Mighty Demons of Hell, completely revised this Destruction Ritual for complete and utter effectiveness! - Hail Father Satan! Hail Lilith-sama! Hail All the Mighty Gods of Duat!*

Satanic Destruction Ritual: The Primary Destruction of the parasitic-jew.
-Freedom of the Gentiles, from the Tyranny of the `jew'-

Ritual Preparation:

Step 1: Creating Runic Sigil of Destruction. [You will need a black marker and two sheets of paper] and Empowering the Runes intended for Destruction.

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods in the Ritual & its processes

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual:

Step 3: Staining the Runes with your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment.

Step 4: Combining of all Energies and Chanting\Vibrating the 5th Satanic Key. [Of the Air Element]

Ritual Preparation

The first two steps are preparatory to the Grand Satanic Ritual and should be completed before the opening of the Ritual, while Steps 3 and 4 must be completed During the Grand Satanic Ritual Itself.

Step 1: Creating Sigil of Destruction.

First, begin with the Full affirmation:
"All energy raised today is constantly and permanently working to completely Destroy the jews at all times and in every way."
[Since this Ritual will be using both Raised and Personal energy -from the blood- It is important that our minds work towards both a personal and group `goal]

These Runes will be Vibrated twice, once whilst Drawing the Sigils and again whilst staining the Runes with drops of your blood. Each rune will be vibrated nine times.

A. Affirm in your mind:
"Energy raised today is destroying the jews permanently and completely"

B. With your marker, draw the Hagalaz Rune on your first sheet of paper : http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... alRune.gif

When you are finished, vibrate HAH-AH-AH-G-G-G-AH-AH-L-L-L-L 9 times
When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity.
Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune:
"All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

C. With your marker, draw the þorn\ Thurisaz Rune on your second sheet of paper:
http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... rRune2.gif

When you are finished, vibrate TH-TH-TH-U-U-U-R-R-R-S-S [Be sure to roll the R's] 9 times. When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity. Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods
in the Ritual & its processes.

Begin by writing on a small sheet of paper, the Ritual Prayer. You will be using this to ask the Assistance of you Guardian Demon\s in the Raising and Handling of the Energies as well as the successful completion of this Ritual as a whole. [If you are new or do not know your Guardian Demon yet, then ask Satan himself]

The Prayer:
"I am requesting the Powers of Hell to participate in my ritual to destroy the jews who are the absolute enemies of Satan and His Demons. I petition [Name of your Guardian Demon] to seize this energy raised and to deliver it to its intended target. This ritual is for Satan and for the Empire of Hell. To exact revenge upon, to damn, and to completely and permanently destroy Satan's most formidable enemies- the jews. The jews are cosmic and deadly enemies of the Gentile people who are the descendants of Satan himself."

Once you have finished writing the Prayer, keep it aside along with the Sigils, which will be further empowered and burnt together at the closing of the Ritual.
At the closing of the Grand Satanic Ritual, and After the Burning of The Sigil and the Written Prayer, all Energies will be released to the Powers of Hell, in order to be directed in absolute to the necessary targets.

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual

Within reason, any Ritual Format http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TUALS.html can be used for the purpose of this Destruction Ritual, However for the sake of raising the utmost energy and each Spiritual Satanist Participating to be in the same state and thought-process using the Grand Satanic Ritual is much better suited and recommended.
The Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_grand_ ... itual.html

Step 3: Staining the Sigil & Runes with 2 Drops of your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment

[At this point, the Grand Satanic Ritual has just started, and you have completed the Invocation of the Gods of Hell]

Now take both Sigils and place them in front of you. You will be staining Each Rune with blood. Only two to three drops of blood are necessary for an enormous amount of energy to be raised. The drops of blood do not have to be exact. Do the best you can.
It is best to use a sterilized razor blood, and making a small and quick slice on the tip of your left index finger, rather than sitting for ages with a pin trying to prick your finger and actually get a decent amount of blood.

First Begin with Hagalaz, With the cut finger trace over the rune, literally staining it with your Blood, whilst doing this repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Then to Thurisaz, again with the cut finger, trace over the rune, staining it with your Blood and repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Now Repeat the Following: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

[You will definitely *feel* something at this point. There will be no mistaking the Power of this Ritual and the Power of all of Satans Children working their Hardest to the same goal.]

Now as in Steps B & C, you will be vibrating Each Rune, in conjunction with the Affirmation.

[Numbers for Vibration: \Hagalaz = Nine | þorn\ Thurisaz = Nine]

So, begin with Hagalaz, we will vibrate it 9 times, and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

When complete with that Vibration, move to Thurisaz, Vibrate this 9 times and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

All the while Vibrating, be sure to trace over the intend Rune and the Sigil with the Middle and Index finger, Visualize your Energy lighting up the Rune and the Sigil with severe intensity:

Step 4: The Combining and releasing of all Energies to our Gods for Absolute Direction.

At this step you will combine all of the Energies and release them to your own Guardian Demon.

Now Stand at your Altar, and Quiet your mind. Begin to think about all the wrong that the parasitic jews have done not only to our People but to Father Satan and our Gods as well. Bring to mind how these poisonous beings first infected Egypt by creating Islam in order to destroy the Egyptian people. Bring to mind the Horrendous blasphemes against our Father and the Gods contained within the false trinity of "religions" as well as the many offshoots they have spawned.

Bring to mind the 13th Century "Christianization" – Hundreds of thousands of Pagan followers, Priests, Teachers, Monks, Naddreds, INNOCENT PEOPLE, were burned inside their temples while these filthy-reptiles pillaged and destroyed everything they possible could.

Bring to mind how every "Mythology" ever story containing the different pantheons of our Gods were changed and re-written during this Century "Christianization" How every bit of WHO and WHAT we were has been mutilated by the jews and their cohorts.

Bring to mind the Inquisition, all the pain and suffering the "church" – of jews – causes. Murder, Torture, children being raped and killed in front of their mothers in order to "confess heresy". ENTIRE FAMLIES FORCED TO WITNSESS THE TORTRE AND DEATH OF EACHOTHER BY THE HANDS OF THE FUCKING PARASITES!

Bring to mind, how every facet of our Existence form our Culture, to our Ancestry has been infiltrated and infected to the state where no matter what or no matter where you come from "The jews were the ones who started it all"

Bring to mind the Suffering of the Gentiles of Dresden, who were practically burnt alive by the allied-jews! And Bring to mind the intense suffering of animals and live-stock, under the brutal and absolutely SICK "kosher" and "halaal" slaughter regulations and industrial farming!

Bring to mind that you cannot open a book, watch a movie, read a news article or just plain open your eyes without having some bullshit about god, jezit, the "chosen" race of jews, or the "holohoax" being jammed down your throughout.

And most importantly bring to mind the fact that because of the jews, YOU cannot freely practice your beliefs, YOU cannot easily find and buy Ritual & magic Items, YOU had to suffer under a forced belief system during childhood. And, YOU cannot openly and proudly display your beliefs for the fear of never ending attack, harassment even death.

Now, take every bit of anger and hatred and utter longing for destruction that you hold for the jews and release it, either in a ball in front of you or up towards the ceiling ask your Guardian Demon, or any of the Gods to please take and Direct this energy. And loudly and FIMRLY repeat: "My Hate, My Loathing, My Energy and my full intent of destruction is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely and is UTTERRLY and COMPLETELY Destroying the jewish Race"

Now Take the Paper containing the Blood Sigil. For once last time, Trace over each Sigil with the Middle and index finger, all the while imparting your energy and repeating: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Set the Sigil Paper alight with the flames of one of the Candles, and place it in your burning bowl, WILL\SEE\VISLIZAE the intense energy moving out of the Paper and fulfilling its intended purpose.

While the paper is burning, vibrate the Fifth Enochian Key:

ZAH-pah • zee-MEE-EE
oh-bay-lee-ZOH-nuh-jzhuh • DAY
SAY-TAN'S • YAH-ruh-ruh-ee,
ee-OH-luh-kahm • vuh-GAY-ahr • OHD
guh-MEE-kah-luh-ZOH-mah • puh-RAHFF
KAH-luhts • TAH-buh-lee-ohr;
kuh-SAH-ruhm • ah-MEE-puh-zee
NAHTS • ah-RUH-tuh • MEE-ahn,
OHD • duh-luh-vuh-JZHAHR
ZEET-sohp • zuh-LEE-dah
kah-OHS-su-jzhee • toh-luh-TOH-ruh-jzhee;
OHD • ZEE • kuh-HEES • NOH-ray
OHD • PAHSS-uh-bus • DAY • SAY-TAN.
TAH-loh • OHD • tah-VEEV • OHD
kuh-ROH-ohd-zee • DAY • tu-HEE-luhd
DAHSS • kuh-HEES • guh-NOH-nuhp
pay-OH-ahl • KOH-ruh-muh-fah
kuh-HEES • kuh-ROH-ohd-zee
KAH! • nee-EESS • OHD
ZAH-kahr • KAH-AHSS!
OHD • buh-lee-OH-rah • oh-ZAH-tsuh-mah
AY-duh-nahss • KEE-kuh-lays • BAH-guh-lay?
JZHAY • boh-AH-luh-vah • SAY-TAN
BUH-vuh-zuhd, • GOH-hud!

Then, affirm: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

Then, focus on your Guardian Demon and ask him/her to seize and direct the energy.

Now, Thank Father Satan, Your Guardian Demon, and all the Mighty Gods of Duat. In addition, thank your Brothers and Sisters for participating in this Ritual with you, and raising the Energy to change the current world.
Now at this point, it would be best for you to sit quietly in front of your Altar, and take a couple of minutes to visualize the success of the Ritual as a whole. Focus specifically of the *feeling* of success, picture in your mind a World only of Gentiles, where Spiritual Satanism is the Path that all Gentiles Walk. A world where there is no blasphemy to our Father and the Gods, and A world we are Openly, Proud Spiritual Satanist.

Feel, inside, what it would be like to live in the perfect world, and feel, that because of what was done on this day, against the Tyrants of Man, we WILL and we ARE living in that perfect World!!

Hail Satan!Hail Brothers and sisters!The tyranny of the Reptilian race shall be ended!
From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 2:10:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] *Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

  This is a very important Destruction Ritual for all of us Gentiles, all us Spiritual Satanists. We have been prosecuted, censored and "hunted" for our beliefs by the jews and all their supporters. NOW is the time to end that.

Rosh Hashanah ends at sundown on Friday September 17th and is the most important and highest of all jewish holy days, yom kippur then begins. yom kippur is the jewish new year and every jew hopes to be written in the book of life for their god and for prosperity for the upcoming year. They also renounce and make void [back out of] any promises, contracts, etc., made to Gentiles on this day.

We will be performing a massive Group Destruction Ritual on both Friday the 17th as well as Saturday the 18th. The jews and their energies will be severely weekend and very open to our Attack. I am posting the Ritual for Friday the 17th [tomorrow] now and High Priestess Zildar Raasi will be posting the Ritual fro Saturday the 18th tomorrow night.

Their empire of lies and filth, built on pillars of death is now Ours to destroy! Together, my Brothers and Sisters, we will bring down these tyrants, and help begin the new age, the Age of our Father Satan!!

*And, thank you very much to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich who, with Lilith-sama and all the Mighty Demons of Hell, completely revised this Destruction Ritual for complete and utter effectiveness! - Hail Father Satan! Hail Lilith-sama! Hail All the Mighty Gods of Duat!*

Satanic Destruction Ritual: The Primary Destruction of the parasitic-jew.
-Freedom of the Gentiles, from the Tyranny of the `jew'-

Ritual Preparation:

Step 1: Creating Runic Sigil of Destruction. [You will need a black marker and two sheets of paper] and Empowering the Runes intended for Destruction.

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods in the Ritual & its processes

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual:

Step 3: Staining the Runes with your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment.

Step 4: Combining of all Energies and Chanting\Vibrating the 5th Satanic Key. [Of the Air Element]

Ritual Preparation

The first two steps are preparatory to the Grand Satanic Ritual and should be completed before the opening of the Ritual, while Steps 3 and 4 must be completed During the Grand Satanic Ritual Itself.

Step 1: Creating Sigil of Destruction.

First, begin with the Full affirmation:
"All energy raised today is constantly and permanently working to completely Destroy the jews at all times and in every way."
[Since this Ritual will be using both Raised and Personal energy -from the blood- It is important that our minds work towards both a personal and group `goal]

These Runes will be Vibrated twice, once whilst Drawing the Sigils and again whilst staining the Runes with drops of your blood. Each rune will be vibrated nine times.

A. Affirm in your mind:
"Energy raised today is destroying the jews permanently and completely"

B. With your marker, draw the Hagalaz Rune on your first sheet of paper : http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... alRune.gif

When you are finished, vibrate HAH-AH-AH-G-G-G-AH-AH-L-L-L-L 9 times
When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity.
Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune:
"All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

C. With your marker, draw the þorn\ Thurisaz Rune on your second sheet of paper:
http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... rRune2.gif

When you are finished, vibrate TH-TH-TH-U-U-U-R-R-R-S-S [Be sure to roll the R's] 9 times. When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity. Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods
in the Ritual & its processes.

Begin by writing on a small sheet of paper, the Ritual Prayer. You will be using this to ask the Assistance of you Guardian Demon\s in the Raising and Handling of the Energies as well as the successful completion of this Ritual as a whole. [If you are new or do not know your Guardian Demon yet, then ask Satan himself]

The Prayer:
"I am requesting the Powers of Hell to participate in my ritual to destroy the jews who are the absolute enemies of Satan and His Demons. I petition [Name of your Guardian Demon] to seize this energy raised and to deliver it to its intended target. This ritual is for Satan and for the Empire of Hell. To exact revenge upon, to damn, and to completely and permanently destroy Satan's most formidable enemies- the jews. The jews are cosmic and deadly enemies of the Gentile people who are the descendants of Satan himself."

Once you have finished writing the Prayer, keep it aside along with the Sigils, which will be further empowered and burnt together at the closing of the Ritual.
At the closing of the Grand Satanic Ritual, and After the Burning of The Sigil and the Written Prayer, all Energies will be released to the Powers of Hell, in order to be directed in absolute to the necessary targets.

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual

Within reason, any Ritual Format http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TUALS.html can be used for the purpose of this Destruction Ritual, However for the sake of raising the utmost energy and each Spiritual Satanist Participating to be in the same state and thought-process using the Grand Satanic Ritual is much better suited and recommended.
The Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_grand_ ... itual.html

Step 3: Staining the Sigil & Runes with 2 Drops of your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment

[At this point, the Grand Satanic Ritual has just started, and you have completed the Invocation of the Gods of Hell]

Now take both Sigils and place them in front of you. You will be staining Each Rune with blood. Only two to three drops of blood are necessary for an enormous amount of energy to be raised. The drops of blood do not have to be exact. Do the best you can.
It is best to use a sterilized razor blood, and making a small and quick slice on the tip of your left index finger, rather than sitting for ages with a pin trying to prick your finger and actually get a decent amount of blood.

First Begin with Hagalaz, With the cut finger trace over the rune, literally staining it with your Blood, whilst doing this repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Then to Thurisaz, again with the cut finger, trace over the rune, staining it with your Blood and repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Now Repeat the Following: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

[You will definitely *feel* something at this point. There will be no mistaking the Power of this Ritual and the Power of all of Satans Children working their Hardest to the same goal.]

Now as in Steps B & C, you will be vibrating Each Rune, in conjunction with the Affirmation.

[Numbers for Vibration: \Hagalaz = Nine | þorn\ Thurisaz = Nine]

So, begin with Hagalaz, we will vibrate it 9 times, and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

When complete with that Vibration, move to Thurisaz, Vibrate this 9 times and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

All the while Vibrating, be sure to trace over the intend Rune and the Sigil with the Middle and Index finger, Visualize your Energy lighting up the Rune and the Sigil with severe intensity:

Step 4: The Combining and releasing of all Energies to our Gods for Absolute Direction.

At this step you will combine all of the Energies and release them to your own Guardian Demon.

Now Stand at your Altar, and Quiet your mind. Begin to think about all the wrong that the parasitic jews have done not only to our People but to Father Satan and our Gods as well. Bring to mind how these poisonous beings first infected Egypt by creating Islam in order to destroy the Egyptian people. Bring to mind the Horrendous blasphemes against our Father and the Gods contained within the false trinity of "religions" as well as the many offshoots they have spawned.

Bring to mind the 13th Century "Christianization" – Hundreds of thousands of Pagan followers, Priests, Teachers, Monks, Naddreds, INNOCENT PEOPLE, were burned inside their temples while these filthy-reptiles pillaged and destroyed everything they possible could.

Bring to mind how every "Mythology" ever story containing the different pantheons of our Gods were changed and re-written during this Century "Christianization" How every bit of WHO and WHAT we were has been mutilated by the jews and their cohorts.

Bring to mind the Inquisition, all the pain and suffering the "church" – of jews – causes. Murder, Torture, children being raped and killed in front of their mothers in order to "confess heresy". ENTIRE FAMLIES FORCED TO WITNSESS THE TORTRE AND DEATH OF EACHOTHER BY THE HANDS OF THE FUCKING PARASITES!

Bring to mind, how every facet of our Existence form our Culture, to our Ancestry has been infiltrated and infected to the state where no matter what or no matter where you come from "The jews were the ones who started it all"

Bring to mind the Suffering of the Gentiles of Dresden, who were practically burnt alive by the allied-jews! And Bring to mind the intense suffering of animals and live-stock, under the brutal and absolutely SICK "kosher" and "halaal" slaughter regulations and industrial farming!

Bring to mind that you cannot open a book, watch a movie, read a news article or just plain open your eyes without having some bullshit about god, jezit, the "chosen" race of jews, or the "holohoax" being jammed down your throughout.

And most importantly bring to mind the fact that because of the jews, YOU cannot freely practice your beliefs, YOU cannot easily find and buy Ritual & magic Items, YOU had to suffer under a forced belief system during childhood. And, YOU cannot openly and proudly display your beliefs for the fear of never ending attack, harassment even death.

Now, take every bit of anger and hatred and utter longing for destruction that you hold for the jews and release it, either in a ball in front of you or up towards the ceiling ask your Guardian Demon, or any of the Gods to please take and Direct this energy. And loudly and FIMRLY repeat: "My Hate, My Loathing, My Energy and my full intent of destruction is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely and is UTTERRLY and COMPLETELY Destroying the jewish Race"

Now Take the Paper containing the Blood Sigil. For once last time, Trace over each Sigil with the Middle and index finger, all the while imparting your energy and repeating: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Set the Sigil Paper alight with the flames of one of the Candles, and place it in your burning bowl, WILL\SEE\VISLIZAE the intense energy moving out of the Paper and fulfilling its intended purpose.

While the paper is burning, vibrate the Fifth Enochian Key:

ZAH-pah • zee-MEE-EE
oh-bay-lee-ZOH-nuh-jzhuh • DAY
SAY-TAN'S • YAH-ruh-ruh-ee,
ee-OH-luh-kahm • vuh-GAY-ahr • OHD
guh-MEE-kah-luh-ZOH-mah • puh-RAHFF
KAH-luhts • TAH-buh-lee-ohr;
kuh-SAH-ruhm • ah-MEE-puh-zee
NAHTS • ah-RUH-tuh • MEE-ahn,
OHD • duh-luh-vuh-JZHAHR
ZEET-sohp • zuh-LEE-dah
kah-OHS-su-jzhee • toh-luh-TOH-ruh-jzhee;
OHD • ZEE • kuh-HEES • NOH-ray
OHD • PAHSS-uh-bus • DAY • SAY-TAN.
TAH-loh • OHD • tah-VEEV • OHD
kuh-ROH-ohd-zee • DAY • tu-HEE-luhd
DAHSS • kuh-HEES • guh-NOH-nuhp
pay-OH-ahl • KOH-ruh-muh-fah
kuh-HEES • kuh-ROH-ohd-zee
KAH! • nee-EESS • OHD
ZAH-kahr • KAH-AHSS!
OHD • buh-lee-OH-rah • oh-ZAH-tsuh-mah
AY-duh-nahss • KEE-kuh-lays • BAH-guh-lay?
JZHAY • boh-AH-luh-vah • SAY-TAN
BUH-vuh-zuhd, • GOH-hud!

Then, affirm: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

Then, focus on your Guardian Demon and ask him/her to seize and direct the energy.

Now, Thank Father Satan, Your Guardian Demon, and all the Mighty Gods of Duat. In addition, thank your Brothers and Sisters for participating in this Ritual with you, and raising the Energy to change the current world.
Now at this point, it would be best for you to sit quietly in front of your Altar, and take a couple of minutes to visualize the success of the Ritual as a whole. Focus specifically of the *feeling* of success, picture in your mind a World only of Gentiles, where Spiritual Satanism is the Path that all Gentiles Walk. A world where there is no blasphemy to our Father and the Gods, and A world we are Openly, Proud Spiritual Satanist.

Feel, inside, what it would be like to live in the perfect world, and feel, that because of what was done on this day, against the Tyrants of Man, we WILL and we ARE living in that perfect World!!


Hail Father Satan!! as long as i do it after sundown friday, is there any specific time? and can it be done both nites? Thanx for your help.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Vovim Baghie" <high_priest.vovim_baghie@... wrote:

This is a very important Destruction Ritual for all of us Gentiles, all us Spiritual Satanists. We have been prosecuted, censored and "hunted" for our beliefs by the jews and all their supporters. NOW is the time to end that.

Rosh Hashanah ends at sundown on Friday September 17th and is the most important and highest of all jewish holy days, yom kippur then begins. yom kippur is the jewish new year and every jew hopes to be written in the book of life for their god and for prosperity for the upcoming year. They also renounce and make void [back out of] any promises, contracts, etc., made to Gentiles on this day.

We will be performing a massive Group Destruction Ritual on both Friday the 17th as well as Saturday the 18th. The jews and their energies will be severely weekend and very open to our Attack. I am posting the Ritual for Friday the 17th [tomorrow] now and High Priestess Zildar Raasi will be posting the Ritual fro Saturday the 18th tomorrow night.

Their empire of lies and filth, built on pillars of death is now Ours to destroy! Together, my Brothers and Sisters, we will bring down these tyrants, and help begin the new age, the Age of our Father Satan!!

*And, thank you very much to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich who, with Lilith-sama and all the Mighty Demons of Hell, completely revised this Destruction Ritual for complete and utter effectiveness! - Hail Father Satan! Hail Lilith-sama! Hail All the Mighty Gods of Duat!*

Satanic Destruction Ritual: The Primary Destruction of the parasitic-jew.
-Freedom of the Gentiles, from the Tyranny of the `jew'-

Ritual Preparation:

Step 1: Creating Runic Sigil of Destruction. [You will need a black marker and two sheets of paper] and Empowering the Runes intended for Destruction.

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods in the Ritual & its processes

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual:

Step 3: Staining the Runes with your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment.

Step 4: Combining of all Energies and Chanting\Vibrating the 5th Satanic Key. [Of the Air Element]

Ritual Preparation

The first two steps are preparatory to the Grand Satanic Ritual and should be completed before the opening of the Ritual, while Steps 3 and 4 must be completed During the Grand Satanic Ritual Itself.

Step 1: Creating Sigil of Destruction.

First, begin with the Full affirmation:
"All energy raised today is constantly and permanently working to completely Destroy the jews at all times and in every way."
[Since this Ritual will be using both Raised and Personal energy -from the blood- It is important that our minds work towards both a personal and group `goal]

These Runes will be Vibrated twice, once whilst Drawing the Sigils and again whilst staining the Runes with drops of your blood. Each rune will be vibrated nine times.

A. Affirm in your mind:
"Energy raised today is destroying the jews permanently and completely"

B. With your marker, draw the Hagalaz Rune on your first sheet of paper : http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... alRune.gif

When you are finished, vibrate HAH-AH-AH-G-G-G-AH-AH-L-L-L-L 9 times
When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity.
Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune:
"All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

C. With your marker, draw the þorn\ Thurisaz Rune on your second sheet of paper:
http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... rRune2.gif

When you are finished, vibrate TH-TH-TH-U-U-U-R-R-R-S-S [Be sure to roll the R's] 9 times. When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity. Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods
in the Ritual & its processes.

Begin by writing on a small sheet of paper, the Ritual Prayer. You will be using this to ask the Assistance of you Guardian Demon\s in the Raising and Handling of the Energies as well as the successful completion of this Ritual as a whole. [If you are new or do not know your Guardian Demon yet, then ask Satan himself]

The Prayer:
"I am requesting the Powers of Hell to participate in my ritual to destroy the jews who are the absolute enemies of Satan and His Demons. I petition [Name of your Guardian Demon] to seize this energy raised and to deliver it to its intended target. This ritual is for Satan and for the Empire of Hell. To exact revenge upon, to damn, and to completely and permanently destroy Satan's most formidable enemies- the jews. The jews are cosmic and deadly enemies of the Gentile people who are the descendants of Satan himself."

Once you have finished writing the Prayer, keep it aside along with the Sigils, which will be further empowered and burnt together at the closing of the Ritual.
At the closing of the Grand Satanic Ritual, and After the Burning of The Sigil and the Written Prayer, all Energies will be released to the Powers of Hell, in order to be directed in absolute to the necessary targets.

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual

Within reason, any Ritual Format http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TUALS.html can be used for the purpose of this Destruction Ritual, However for the sake of raising the utmost energy and each Spiritual Satanist Participating to be in the same state and thought-process using the Grand Satanic Ritual is much better suited and recommended.
The Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_grand_ ... itual.html

Step 3: Staining the Sigil & Runes with 2 Drops of your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment

[At this point, the Grand Satanic Ritual has just started, and you have completed the Invocation of the Gods of Hell]

Now take both Sigils and place them in front of you. You will be staining Each Rune with blood. Only two to three drops of blood are necessary for an enormous amount of energy to be raised. The drops of blood do not have to be exact. Do the best you can.
It is best to use a sterilized razor blood, and making a small and quick slice on the tip of your left index finger, rather than sitting for ages with a pin trying to prick your finger and actually get a decent amount of blood.

First Begin with Hagalaz, With the cut finger trace over the rune, literally staining it with your Blood, whilst doing this repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Then to Thurisaz, again with the cut finger, trace over the rune, staining it with your Blood and repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Now Repeat the Following: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

[You will definitely *feel* something at this point. There will be no mistaking the Power of this Ritual and the Power of all of Satans Children working their Hardest to the same goal.]

Now as in Steps B & C, you will be vibrating Each Rune, in conjunction with the Affirmation.

[Numbers for Vibration: \Hagalaz = Nine | þorn\ Thurisaz = Nine]

So, begin with Hagalaz, we will vibrate it 9 times, and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

When complete with that Vibration, move to Thurisaz, Vibrate this 9 times and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

All the while Vibrating, be sure to trace over the intend Rune and the Sigil with the Middle and Index finger, Visualize your Energy lighting up the Rune and the Sigil with severe intensity:

Step 4: The Combining and releasing of all Energies to our Gods for Absolute Direction.

At this step you will combine all of the Energies and release them to your own Guardian Demon.

Now Stand at your Altar, and Quiet your mind. Begin to think about all the wrong that the parasitic jews have done not only to our People but to Father Satan and our Gods as well. Bring to mind how these poisonous beings first infected Egypt by creating Islam in order to destroy the Egyptian people. Bring to mind the Horrendous blasphemes against our Father and the Gods contained within the false trinity of "religions" as well as the many offshoots they have spawned.

Bring to mind the 13th Century "Christianization" – Hundreds of thousands of Pagan followers, Priests, Teachers, Monks, Naddreds, INNOCENT PEOPLE, were burned inside their temples while these filthy-reptiles pillaged and destroyed everything they possible could.

Bring to mind how every "Mythology" ever story containing the different pantheons of our Gods were changed and re-written during this Century "Christianization" How every bit of WHO and WHAT we were has been mutilated by the jews and their cohorts.

Bring to mind the Inquisition, all the pain and suffering the "church" – of jews – causes. Murder, Torture, children being raped and killed in front of their mothers in order to "confess heresy". ENTIRE FAMLIES FORCED TO WITNSESS THE TORTRE AND DEATH OF EACHOTHER BY THE HANDS OF THE FUCKING PARASITES!

Bring to mind, how every facet of our Existence form our Culture, to our Ancestry has been infiltrated and infected to the state where no matter what or no matter where you come from "The jews were the ones who started it all"

Bring to mind the Suffering of the Gentiles of Dresden, who were practically burnt alive by the allied-jews! And Bring to mind the intense suffering of animals and live-stock, under the brutal and absolutely SICK "kosher" and "halaal" slaughter regulations and industrial farming!

Bring to mind that you cannot open a book, watch a movie, read a news article or just plain open your eyes without having some bullshit about god, jezit, the "chosen" race of jews, or the "holohoax" being jammed down your throughout.

And most importantly bring to mind the fact that because of the jews, YOU cannot freely practice your beliefs, YOU cannot easily find and buy Ritual & magic Items, YOU had to suffer under a forced belief system during childhood. And, YOU cannot openly and proudly display your beliefs for the fear of never ending attack, harassment even death.

Now, take every bit of anger and hatred and utter longing for destruction that you hold for the jews and release it, either in a ball in front of you or up towards the ceiling ask your Guardian Demon, or any of the Gods to please take and Direct this energy. And loudly and FIMRLY repeat: "My Hate, My Loathing, My Energy and my full intent of destruction is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely and is UTTERRLY and COMPLETELY Destroying the jewish Race"

Now Take the Paper containing the Blood Sigil. For once last time, Trace over each Sigil with the Middle and index finger, all the while imparting your energy and repeating: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Set the Sigil Paper alight with the flames of one of the Candles, and place it in your burning bowl, WILL\SEE\VISLIZAE the intense energy moving out of the Paper and fulfilling its intended purpose.

While the paper is burning, vibrate the Fifth Enochian Key:

ZAH-pah • zee-MEE-EE
oh-bay-lee-ZOH-nuh-jzhuh • DAY
SAY-TAN'S • YAH-ruh-ruh-ee,
ee-OH-luh-kahm • vuh-GAY-ahr • OHD
guh-MEE-kah-luh-ZOH-mah • puh-RAHFF
KAH-luhts • TAH-buh-lee-ohr;
kuh-SAH-ruhm • ah-MEE-puh-zee
NAHTS • ah-RUH-tuh • MEE-ahn,
OHD • duh-luh-vuh-JZHAHR
ZEET-sohp • zuh-LEE-dah
kah-OHS-su-jzhee • toh-luh-TOH-ruh-jzhee;
OHD • ZEE • kuh-HEES • NOH-ray
OHD • PAHSS-uh-bus • DAY • SAY-TAN.
TAH-loh • OHD • tah-VEEV • OHD
kuh-ROH-ohd-zee • DAY • tu-HEE-luhd
DAHSS • kuh-HEES • guh-NOH-nuhp
pay-OH-ahl • KOH-ruh-muh-fah
kuh-HEES • kuh-ROH-ohd-zee
KAH! • nee-EESS • OHD
ZAH-kahr • KAH-AHSS!
OHD • buh-lee-OH-rah • oh-ZAH-tsuh-mah
AY-duh-nahss • KEE-kuh-lays • BAH-guh-lay?
JZHAY • boh-AH-luh-vah • SAY-TAN
BUH-vuh-zuhd, • GOH-hud!

Then, affirm: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

Then, focus on your Guardian Demon and ask him/her to seize and direct the energy.

Now, Thank Father Satan, Your Guardian Demon, and all the Mighty Gods of Duat. In addition, thank your Brothers and Sisters for participating in this Ritual with you, and raising the Energy to change the current world.
Now at this point, it would be best for you to sit quietly in front of your Altar, and take a couple of minutes to visualize the success of the Ritual as a whole. Focus specifically of the *feeling* of success, picture in your mind a World only of Gentiles, where Spiritual Satanism is the Path that all Gentiles Walk. A world where there is no blasphemy to our Father and the Gods, and A world we are Openly, Proud Spiritual Satanist.

Feel, inside, what it would be like to live in the perfect world, and feel, that because of what was done on this day, against the Tyrants of Man, we WILL and we ARE living in that perfect World!!

So long as the Ritual is done on the 17th and the next Ritual is done on the 18th all in a 24 hour period each, it is entirely up to you. Just trust your Satanic Intuition and do the Ritual when the time *feels* right to you.


-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote:

Hail Father Satan!! as long as i do it after sundown friday, is there any specific time? and can it be done both nites? Thanx for your help.
Im going to perform mine early on friday cause i cant' in the afternoon on friday nor saturday..i have family coming over. hail Lucifer!!

From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 11:23:49 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: *Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

  So long as the Ritual is done on the 17th and the next Ritual is done on the 18th all in a 24 hour period each, it is entirely up to you. Just trust your Satanic Intuition and do the Ritual when the time *feels* right to you.


-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote:

Hail Father Satan!! as long as i do it after sundown friday, is there any specific time? and can it be done both nites? Thanx for your help.
What is the runic sigil of destruction, is it THURISAZ(Thorn) ?

From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 2:10:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] *Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

  This is a very important Destruction Ritual for all of us Gentiles, all us Spiritual Satanists. We have been prosecuted, censored and "hunted" for our beliefs by the jews and all their supporters. NOW is the time to end that.

Rosh Hashanah ends at sundown on Friday September 17th and is the most important and highest of all jewish holy days, yom kippur then begins. yom kippur is the jewish new year and every jew hopes to be written in the book of life for their god and for prosperity for the upcoming year. They also renounce and make void [back out of] any promises, contracts, etc., made to Gentiles on this day.

We will be performing a massive Group Destruction Ritual on both Friday the 17th as well as Saturday the 18th. The jews and their energies will be severely weekend and very open to our Attack. I am posting the Ritual for Friday the 17th [tomorrow] now and High Priestess Zildar Raasi will be posting the Ritual fro Saturday the 18th tomorrow night.

Their empire of lies and filth, built on pillars of death is now Ours to destroy! Together, my Brothers and Sisters, we will bring down these tyrants, and help begin the new age, the Age of our Father Satan!!

*And, thank you very much to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich who, with Lilith-sama and all the Mighty Demons of Hell, completely revised this Destruction Ritual for complete and utter effectiveness! - Hail Father Satan! Hail Lilith-sama! Hail All the Mighty Gods of Duat!*

Satanic Destruction Ritual: The Primary Destruction of the parasitic-jew.
-Freedom of the Gentiles, from the Tyranny of the `jew'-

Ritual Preparation:

Step 1: Creating Runic Sigil of Destruction. [You will need a black marker and two sheets of paper] and Empowering the Runes intended for Destruction.

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods in the Ritual & its processes

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual:

Step 3: Staining the Runes with your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment.

Step 4: Combining of all Energies and Chanting\Vibrating the 5th Satanic Key. [Of the Air Element]

Ritual Preparation

The first two steps are preparatory to the Grand Satanic Ritual and should be completed before the opening of the Ritual, while Steps 3 and 4 must be completed During the Grand Satanic Ritual Itself.

Step 1: Creating Sigil of Destruction.

First, begin with the Full affirmation:
"All energy raised today is constantly and permanently working to completely Destroy the jews at all times and in every way."
[Since this Ritual will be using both Raised and Personal energy -from the blood- It is important that our minds work towards both a personal and group `goal]

These Runes will be Vibrated twice, once whilst Drawing the Sigils and again whilst staining the Runes with drops of your blood. Each rune will be vibrated nine times.

A. Affirm in your mind:
"Energy raised today is destroying the jews permanently and completely"

B. With your marker, draw the Hagalaz Rune on your first sheet of paper : http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... alRune.gif

When you are finished, vibrate HAH-AH-AH-G-G-G-AH-AH-L-L-L-L 9 times
When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity.
Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune:
"All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

C. With your marker, draw the þorn\ Thurisaz Rune on your second sheet of paper:
http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... rRune2.gif

When you are finished, vibrate TH-TH-TH-U-U-U-R-R-R-S-S [Be sure to roll the R's] 9 times. When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity. Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods
in the Ritual & its processes.

Begin by writing on a small sheet of paper, the Ritual Prayer. You will be using this to ask the Assistance of you Guardian Demon\s in the Raising and Handling of the Energies as well as the successful completion of this Ritual as a whole. [If you are new or do not know your Guardian Demon yet, then ask Satan himself]

The Prayer:
"I am requesting the Powers of Hell to participate in my ritual to destroy the jews who are the absolute enemies of Satan and His Demons. I petition [Name of your Guardian Demon] to seize this energy raised and to deliver it to its intended target. This ritual is for Satan and for the Empire of Hell. To exact revenge upon, to damn, and to completely and permanently destroy Satan's most formidable enemies- the jews. The jews are cosmic and deadly enemies of the Gentile people who are the descendants of Satan himself."

Once you have finished writing the Prayer, keep it aside along with the Sigils, which will be further empowered and burnt together at the closing of the Ritual.
At the closing of the Grand Satanic Ritual, and After the Burning of The Sigil and the Written Prayer, all Energies will be released to the Powers of Hell, in order to be directed in absolute to the necessary targets.

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual

Within reason, any Ritual Format http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TUALS.html can be used for the purpose of this Destruction Ritual, However for the sake of raising the utmost energy and each Spiritual Satanist Participating to be in the same state and thought-process using the Grand Satanic Ritual is much better suited and recommended.
The Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_grand_ ... itual.html

Step 3: Staining the Sigil & Runes with 2 Drops of your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment

[At this point, the Grand Satanic Ritual has just started, and you have completed the Invocation of the Gods of Hell]

Now take both Sigils and place them in front of you. You will be staining Each Rune with blood. Only two to three drops of blood are necessary for an enormous amount of energy to be raised. The drops of blood do not have to be exact. Do the best you can.
It is best to use a sterilized razor blood, and making a small and quick slice on the tip of your left index finger, rather than sitting for ages with a pin trying to prick your finger and actually get a decent amount of blood.

First Begin with Hagalaz, With the cut finger trace over the rune, literally staining it with your Blood, whilst doing this repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Then to Thurisaz, again with the cut finger, trace over the rune, staining it with your Blood and repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Now Repeat the Following: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

[You will definitely *feel* something at this point. There will be no mistaking the Power of this Ritual and the Power of all of Satans Children working their Hardest to the same goal.]

Now as in Steps B & C, you will be vibrating Each Rune, in conjunction with the Affirmation.

[Numbers for Vibration: \Hagalaz = Nine | þorn\ Thurisaz = Nine]

So, begin with Hagalaz, we will vibrate it 9 times, and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

When complete with that Vibration, move to Thurisaz, Vibrate this 9 times and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

All the while Vibrating, be sure to trace over the intend Rune and the Sigil with the Middle and Index finger, Visualize your Energy lighting up the Rune and the Sigil with severe intensity:

Step 4: The Combining and releasing of all Energies to our Gods for Absolute Direction.

At this step you will combine all of the Energies and release them to your own Guardian Demon.

Now Stand at your Altar, and Quiet your mind. Begin to think about all the wrong that the parasitic jews have done not only to our People but to Father Satan and our Gods as well. Bring to mind how these poisonous beings first infected Egypt by creating Islam in order to destroy the Egyptian people. Bring to mind the Horrendous blasphemes against our Father and the Gods contained within the false trinity of "religions" as well as the many offshoots they have spawned.

Bring to mind the 13th Century "Christianization" – Hundreds of thousands of Pagan followers, Priests, Teachers, Monks, Naddreds, INNOCENT PEOPLE, were burned inside their temples while these filthy-reptiles pillaged and destroyed everything they possible could.

Bring to mind how every "Mythology" ever story containing the different pantheons of our Gods were changed and re-written during this Century "Christianization" How every bit of WHO and WHAT we were has been mutilated by the jews and their cohorts.

Bring to mind the Inquisition, all the pain and suffering the "church" – of jews – causes. Murder, Torture, children being raped and killed in front of their mothers in order to "confess heresy". ENTIRE FAMLIES FORCED TO WITNSESS THE TORTRE AND DEATH OF EACHOTHER BY THE HANDS OF THE FUCKING PARASITES!

Bring to mind, how every facet of our Existence form our Culture, to our Ancestry has been infiltrated and infected to the state where no matter what or no matter where you come from "The jews were the ones who started it all"

Bring to mind the Suffering of the Gentiles of Dresden, who were practically burnt alive by the allied-jews! And Bring to mind the intense suffering of animals and live-stock, under the brutal and absolutely SICK "kosher" and "halaal" slaughter regulations and industrial farming!

Bring to mind that you cannot open a book, watch a movie, read a news article or just plain open your eyes without having some bullshit about god, jezit, the "chosen" race of jews, or the "holohoax" being jammed down your throughout.

And most importantly bring to mind the fact that because of the jews, YOU cannot freely practice your beliefs, YOU cannot easily find and buy Ritual & magic Items, YOU had to suffer under a forced belief system during childhood. And, YOU cannot openly and proudly display your beliefs for the fear of never ending attack, harassment even death.

Now, take every bit of anger and hatred and utter longing for destruction that you hold for the jews and release it, either in a ball in front of you or up towards the ceiling ask your Guardian Demon, or any of the Gods to please take and Direct this energy. And loudly and FIMRLY repeat: "My Hate, My Loathing, My Energy and my full intent of destruction is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely and is UTTERRLY and COMPLETELY Destroying the jewish Race"

Now Take the Paper containing the Blood Sigil. For once last time, Trace over each Sigil with the Middle and index finger, all the while imparting your energy and repeating: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Set the Sigil Paper alight with the flames of one of the Candles, and place it in your burning bowl, WILL\SEE\VISLIZAE the intense energy moving out of the Paper and fulfilling its intended purpose.

While the paper is burning, vibrate the Fifth Enochian Key:

ZAH-pah • zee-MEE-EE
oh-bay-lee-ZOH-nuh-jzhuh • DAY
SAY-TAN'S • YAH-ruh-ruh-ee,
ee-OH-luh-kahm • vuh-GAY-ahr • OHD
guh-MEE-kah-luh-ZOH-mah • puh-RAHFF
KAH-luhts • TAH-buh-lee-ohr;
kuh-SAH-ruhm • ah-MEE-puh-zee
NAHTS • ah-RUH-tuh • MEE-ahn,
OHD • duh-luh-vuh-JZHAHR
ZEET-sohp • zuh-LEE-dah
kah-OHS-su-jzhee • toh-luh-TOH-ruh-jzhee;
OHD • ZEE • kuh-HEES • NOH-ray
OHD • PAHSS-uh-bus • DAY • SAY-TAN.
TAH-loh • OHD • tah-VEEV • OHD
kuh-ROH-ohd-zee • DAY • tu-HEE-luhd
DAHSS • kuh-HEES • guh-NOH-nuhp
pay-OH-ahl • KOH-ruh-muh-fah
kuh-HEES • kuh-ROH-ohd-zee
KAH! • nee-EESS • OHD
ZAH-kahr • KAH-AHSS!
OHD • buh-lee-OH-rah • oh-ZAH-tsuh-mah
AY-duh-nahss • KEE-kuh-lays • BAH-guh-lay?
JZHAY • boh-AH-luh-vah • SAY-TAN
BUH-vuh-zuhd, • GOH-hud!

Then, affirm: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

Then, focus on your Guardian Demon and ask him/her to seize and direct the energy.

Now, Thank Father Satan, Your Guardian Demon, and all the Mighty Gods of Duat. In addition, thank your Brothers and Sisters for participating in this Ritual with you, and raising the Energy to change the current world.
Now at this point, it would be best for you to sit quietly in front of your Altar, and take a couple of minutes to visualize the success of the Ritual as a whole. Focus specifically of the *feeling* of success, picture in your mind a World only of Gentiles, where Spiritual Satanism is the Path that all Gentiles Walk. A world where there is no blasphemy to our Father and the Gods, and A world we are Openly, Proud Spiritual Satanist.

Feel, inside, what it would be like to live in the perfect world, and feel, that because of what was done on this day, against the Tyrants of Man, we WILL and we ARE living in that perfect World!!


I use Thurisaz, Isa, and Hagalaz.
On my person, I use Uruz to bring me strong.
"Why should I love God? He strung up his Son like a side of veal. I shudder to think what he would do to me."

From: Blacklegions Of satan <blacklegionsofsatan@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 6:48:53 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] *Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

  What is the runic sigil of destruction, is it THURISAZ(Thorn) ?

From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 2:10:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] *Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

  This is a very important Destruction Ritual for all of us Gentiles, all us Spiritual Satanists. We have been prosecuted, censored and "hunted" for our beliefs by the jews and all their supporters. NOW is the time to end that.

Rosh Hashanah ends at sundown on Friday September 17th and is the most important and highest of all jewish holy days, yom kippur then begins. yom kippur is the jewish new year and every jew hopes to be written in the book of life for their god and for prosperity for the upcoming year. They also renounce and make void [back out of] any promises, contracts, etc., made to Gentiles on this day.

We will be performing a massive Group Destruction Ritual on both Friday the 17th as well as Saturday the 18th. The jews and their energies will be severely weekend and very open to our Attack. I am posting the Ritual for Friday the 17th [tomorrow] now and High Priestess Zildar Raasi will be posting the Ritual fro Saturday the 18th tomorrow night.

Their empire of lies and filth, built on pillars of death is now Ours to destroy! Together, my Brothers and Sisters, we will bring down these tyrants, and help begin the new age, the Age of our Father Satan!!

*And, thank you very much to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich who, with Lilith-sama and all the Mighty Demons of Hell, completely revised this Destruction Ritual for complete and utter effectiveness! - Hail Father Satan! Hail Lilith-sama! Hail All the Mighty Gods of Duat!*

Satanic Destruction Ritual: The Primary Destruction of the parasitic-jew.
-Freedom of the Gentiles, from the Tyranny of the `jew'-

Ritual Preparation:

Step 1: Creating Runic Sigil of Destruction. [You will need a black marker and two sheets of paper] and Empowering the Runes intended for Destruction.

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods in the Ritual & its processes

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual:

Step 3: Staining the Runes with your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment.

Step 4: Combining of all Energies and Chanting\Vibrating the 5th Satanic Key. [Of the Air Element]

Ritual Preparation

The first two steps are preparatory to the Grand Satanic Ritual and should be completed before the opening of the Ritual, while Steps 3 and 4 must be completed During the Grand Satanic Ritual Itself.

Step 1: Creating Sigil of Destruction.

First, begin with the Full affirmation:
"All energy raised today is constantly and permanently working to completely Destroy the jews at all times and in every way."
[Since this Ritual will be using both Raised and Personal energy -from the blood- It is important that our minds work towards both a personal and group `goal]

These Runes will be Vibrated twice, once whilst Drawing the Sigils and again whilst staining the Runes with drops of your blood. Each rune will be vibrated nine times.

A. Affirm in your mind:
"Energy raised today is destroying the jews permanently and completely"

B. With your marker, draw the Hagalaz Rune on your first sheet of paper : http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... alRune.gif

When you are finished, vibrate HAH-AH-AH-G-G-G-AH-AH-L-L-L-L 9 times
When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity.
Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune:
"All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

C. With your marker, draw the þorn\ Thurisaz Rune on your second sheet of paper:
http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... rRune2.gif

When you are finished, vibrate TH-TH-TH-U-U-U-R-R-R-S-S [Be sure to roll the R's] 9 times. When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity. Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods
in the Ritual & its processes.

Begin by writing on a small sheet of paper, the Ritual Prayer. You will be using this to ask the Assistance of you Guardian Demon\s in the Raising and Handling of the Energies as well as the successful completion of this Ritual as a whole. [If you are new or do not know your Guardian Demon yet, then ask Satan himself]

The Prayer:
"I am requesting the Powers of Hell to participate in my ritual to destroy the jews who are the absolute enemies of Satan and His Demons. I petition [Name of your Guardian Demon] to seize this energy raised and to deliver it to its intended target. This ritual is for Satan and for the Empire of Hell. To exact revenge upon, to damn, and to completely and permanently destroy Satan's most formidable enemies- the jews. The jews are cosmic and deadly enemies of the Gentile people who are the descendants of Satan himself."

Once you have finished writing the Prayer, keep it aside along with the Sigils, which will be further empowered and burnt together at the closing of the Ritual.
At the closing of the Grand Satanic Ritual, and After the Burning of The Sigil and the Written Prayer, all Energies will be released to the Powers of Hell, in order to be directed in absolute to the necessary targets.

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual

Within reason, any Ritual Format http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TUALS.html can be used for the purpose of this Destruction Ritual, However for the sake of raising the utmost energy and each Spiritual Satanist Participating to be in the same state and thought-process using the Grand Satanic Ritual is much better suited and recommended.
The Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_grand_ ... itual.html

Step 3: Staining the Sigil & Runes with 2 Drops of your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment

[At this point, the Grand Satanic Ritual has just started, and you have completed the Invocation of the Gods of Hell]

Now take both Sigils and place them in front of you. You will be staining Each Rune with blood. Only two to three drops of blood are necessary for an enormous amount of energy to be raised. The drops of blood do not have to be exact. Do the best you can.
It is best to use a sterilized razor blood, and making a small and quick slice on the tip of your left index finger, rather than sitting for ages with a pin trying to prick your finger and actually get a decent amount of blood.

First Begin with Hagalaz, With the cut finger trace over the rune, literally staining it with your Blood, whilst doing this repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Then to Thurisaz, again with the cut finger, trace over the rune, staining it with your Blood and repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Now Repeat the Following: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

[You will definitely *feel* something at this point. There will be no mistaking the Power of this Ritual and the Power of all of Satans Children working their Hardest to the same goal.]

Now as in Steps B & C, you will be vibrating Each Rune, in conjunction with the Affirmation.

[Numbers for Vibration: \Hagalaz = Nine | þorn\ Thurisaz = Nine]

So, begin with Hagalaz, we will vibrate it 9 times, and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

When complete with that Vibration, move to Thurisaz, Vibrate this 9 times and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

All the while Vibrating, be sure to trace over the intend Rune and the Sigil with the Middle and Index finger, Visualize your Energy lighting up the Rune and the Sigil with severe intensity:

Step 4: The Combining and releasing of all Energies to our Gods for Absolute Direction.

At this step you will combine all of the Energies and release them to your own Guardian Demon.

Now Stand at your Altar, and Quiet your mind. Begin to think about all the wrong that the parasitic jews have done not only to our People but to Father Satan and our Gods as well. Bring to mind how these poisonous beings first infected Egypt by creating Islam in order to destroy the Egyptian people. Bring to mind the Horrendous blasphemes against our Father and the Gods contained within the false trinity of "religions" as well as the many offshoots they have spawned.

Bring to mind the 13th Century "Christianization" – Hundreds of thousands of Pagan followers, Priests, Teachers, Monks, Naddreds, INNOCENT PEOPLE, were burned inside their temples while these filthy-reptiles pillaged and destroyed everything they possible could.

Bring to mind how every "Mythology" ever story containing the different pantheons of our Gods were changed and re-written during this Century "Christianization" How every bit of WHO and WHAT we were has been mutilated by the jews and their cohorts.

Bring to mind the Inquisition, all the pain and suffering the "church" – of jews – causes. Murder, Torture, children being raped and killed in front of their mothers in order to "confess heresy". ENTIRE FAMLIES FORCED TO WITNSESS THE TORTRE AND DEATH OF EACHOTHER BY THE HANDS OF THE FUCKING PARASITES!

Bring to mind, how every facet of our Existence form our Culture, to our Ancestry has been infiltrated and infected to the state where no matter what or no matter where you come from "The jews were the ones who started it all"

Bring to mind the Suffering of the Gentiles of Dresden, who were practically burnt alive by the allied-jews! And Bring to mind the intense suffering of animals and live-stock, under the brutal and absolutely SICK "kosher" and "halaal" slaughter regulations and industrial farming!

Bring to mind that you cannot open a book, watch a movie, read a news article or just plain open your eyes without having some bullshit about god, jezit, the "chosen" race of jews, or the "holohoax" being jammed down your throughout.

And most importantly bring to mind the fact that because of the jews, YOU cannot freely practice your beliefs, YOU cannot easily find and buy Ritual & magic Items, YOU had to suffer under a forced belief system during childhood. And, YOU cannot openly and proudly display your beliefs for the fear of never ending attack, harassment even death.

Now, take every bit of anger and hatred and utter longing for destruction that you hold for the jews and release it, either in a ball in front of you or up towards the ceiling ask your Guardian Demon, or any of the Gods to please take and Direct this energy. And loudly and FIMRLY repeat: "My Hate, My Loathing, My Energy and my full intent of destruction is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely and is UTTERRLY and COMPLETELY Destroying the jewish Race"

Now Take the Paper containing the Blood Sigil. For once last time, Trace over each Sigil with the Middle and index finger, all the while imparting your energy and repeating: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Set the Sigil Paper alight with the flames of one of the Candles, and place it in your burning bowl, WILL\SEE\VISLIZAE the intense energy moving out of the Paper and fulfilling its intended purpose.

While the paper is burning, vibrate the Fifth Enochian Key:

ZAH-pah • zee-MEE-EE
oh-bay-lee-ZOH-nuh-jzhuh • DAY
SAY-TAN'S • YAH-ruh-ruh-ee,
ee-OH-luh-kahm • vuh-GAY-ahr • OHD
guh-MEE-kah-luh-ZOH-mah • puh-RAHFF
KAH-luhts • TAH-buh-lee-ohr;
kuh-SAH-ruhm • ah-MEE-puh-zee
NAHTS • ah-RUH-tuh • MEE-ahn,
OHD • duh-luh-vuh-JZHAHR
ZEET-sohp • zuh-LEE-dah
kah-OHS-su-jzhee • toh-luh-TOH-ruh-jzhee;
OHD • ZEE • kuh-HEES • NOH-ray
OHD • PAHSS-uh-bus • DAY • SAY-TAN.
TAH-loh • OHD • tah-VEEV • OHD
kuh-ROH-ohd-zee • DAY • tu-HEE-luhd
DAHSS • kuh-HEES • guh-NOH-nuhp
pay-OH-ahl • KOH-ruh-muh-fah
kuh-HEES • kuh-ROH-ohd-zee
KAH! • nee-EESS • OHD
ZAH-kahr • KAH-AHSS!
OHD • buh-lee-OH-rah • oh-ZAH-tsuh-mah
AY-duh-nahss • KEE-kuh-lays • BAH-guh-lay?
JZHAY • boh-AH-luh-vah • SAY-TAN
BUH-vuh-zuhd, • GOH-hud!

Then, affirm: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

Then, focus on your Guardian Demon and ask him/her to seize and direct the energy.

Now, Thank Father Satan, Your Guardian Demon, and all the Mighty Gods of Duat. In addition, thank your Brothers and Sisters for participating in this Ritual with you, and raising the Energy to change the current world.
Now at this point, it would be best for you to sit quietly in front of your Altar, and take a couple of minutes to visualize the success of the Ritual as a whole. Focus specifically of the *feeling* of success, picture in your mind a World only of Gentiles, where Spiritual Satanism is the Path that all Gentiles Walk. A world where there is no blasphemy to our Father and the Gods, and A world we are Openly, Proud Spiritual Satanist.

Feel, inside, what it would be like to live in the perfect world, and feel, that because of what was done on this day, against the Tyrants of Man, we WILL and we ARE living in that perfect World!!


Also, The Norse used what was called a Nitting Stick.
It was inscribed with Thurisaz and Isa, pointed in the direction of the enemy and pounded into the ground.
A horses head was placed on it and the Gothi (Priest) would hurl curses in the direction of the enemy.
 VERY effective. But, I DO NOT use nor DO I CONDONE THE USE OF any animal heads on mine. I use my own blood to smear on it.
"Why should I love God? He strung up his Son like a side of veal. I shudder to think what he would do to me."

From: Blacklegions Of satan <blacklegionsofsatan@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 6:48:53 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] *Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

  What is the runic sigil of destruction, is it THURISAZ(Thorn) ?

From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 2:10:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] *Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

  This is a very important Destruction Ritual for all of us Gentiles, all us Spiritual Satanists. We have been prosecuted, censored and "hunted" for our beliefs by the jews and all their supporters. NOW is the time to end that.

Rosh Hashanah ends at sundown on Friday September 17th and is the most important and highest of all jewish holy days, yom kippur then begins. yom kippur is the jewish new year and every jew hopes to be written in the book of life for their god and for prosperity for the upcoming year. They also renounce and make void [back out of] any promises, contracts, etc., made to Gentiles on this day.

We will be performing a massive Group Destruction Ritual on both Friday the 17th as well as Saturday the 18th. The jews and their energies will be severely weekend and very open to our Attack. I am posting the Ritual for Friday the 17th [tomorrow] now and High Priestess Zildar Raasi will be posting the Ritual fro Saturday the 18th tomorrow night.

Their empire of lies and filth, built on pillars of death is now Ours to destroy! Together, my Brothers and Sisters, we will bring down these tyrants, and help begin the new age, the Age of our Father Satan!!

*And, thank you very much to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich who, with Lilith-sama and all the Mighty Demons of Hell, completely revised this Destruction Ritual for complete and utter effectiveness! - Hail Father Satan! Hail Lilith-sama! Hail All the Mighty Gods of Duat!*

Satanic Destruction Ritual: The Primary Destruction of the parasitic-jew.
-Freedom of the Gentiles, from the Tyranny of the `jew'-

Ritual Preparation:

Step 1: Creating Runic Sigil of Destruction. [You will need a black marker and two sheets of paper] and Empowering the Runes intended for Destruction.

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods in the Ritual & its processes

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual:

Step 3: Staining the Runes with your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment.

Step 4: Combining of all Energies and Chanting\Vibrating the 5th Satanic Key. [Of the Air Element]

Ritual Preparation

The first two steps are preparatory to the Grand Satanic Ritual and should be completed before the opening of the Ritual, while Steps 3 and 4 must be completed During the Grand Satanic Ritual Itself.

Step 1: Creating Sigil of Destruction.

First, begin with the Full affirmation:
"All energy raised today is constantly and permanently working to completely Destroy the jews at all times and in every way."
[Since this Ritual will be using both Raised and Personal energy -from the blood- It is important that our minds work towards both a personal and group `goal]

These Runes will be Vibrated twice, once whilst Drawing the Sigils and again whilst staining the Runes with drops of your blood. Each rune will be vibrated nine times.

A. Affirm in your mind:
"Energy raised today is destroying the jews permanently and completely"

B. With your marker, draw the Hagalaz Rune on your first sheet of paper : http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... alRune.gif

When you are finished, vibrate HAH-AH-AH-G-G-G-AH-AH-L-L-L-L 9 times
When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity.
Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune:
"All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

C. With your marker, draw the þorn\ Thurisaz Rune on your second sheet of paper:
http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... rRune2.gif

When you are finished, vibrate TH-TH-TH-U-U-U-R-R-R-S-S [Be sure to roll the R's] 9 times. When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity. Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods
in the Ritual & its processes.

Begin by writing on a small sheet of paper, the Ritual Prayer. You will be using this to ask the Assistance of you Guardian Demon\s in the Raising and Handling of the Energies as well as the successful completion of this Ritual as a whole. [If you are new or do not know your Guardian Demon yet, then ask Satan himself]

The Prayer:
"I am requesting the Powers of Hell to participate in my ritual to destroy the jews who are the absolute enemies of Satan and His Demons. I petition [Name of your Guardian Demon] to seize this energy raised and to deliver it to its intended target. This ritual is for Satan and for the Empire of Hell. To exact revenge upon, to damn, and to completely and permanently destroy Satan's most formidable enemies- the jews. The jews are cosmic and deadly enemies of the Gentile people who are the descendants of Satan himself."

Once you have finished writing the Prayer, keep it aside along with the Sigils, which will be further empowered and burnt together at the closing of the Ritual.
At the closing of the Grand Satanic Ritual, and After the Burning of The Sigil and the Written Prayer, all Energies will be released to the Powers of Hell, in order to be directed in absolute to the necessary targets.

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual

Within reason, any Ritual Format http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TUALS.html can be used for the purpose of this Destruction Ritual, However for the sake of raising the utmost energy and each Spiritual Satanist Participating to be in the same state and thought-process using the Grand Satanic Ritual is much better suited and recommended.
The Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_grand_ ... itual.html

Step 3: Staining the Sigil & Runes with 2 Drops of your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment

[At this point, the Grand Satanic Ritual has just started, and you have completed the Invocation of the Gods of Hell]

Now take both Sigils and place them in front of you. You will be staining Each Rune with blood. Only two to three drops of blood are necessary for an enormous amount of energy to be raised. The drops of blood do not have to be exact. Do the best you can.
It is best to use a sterilized razor blood, and making a small and quick slice on the tip of your left index finger, rather than sitting for ages with a pin trying to prick your finger and actually get a decent amount of blood.

First Begin with Hagalaz, With the cut finger trace over the rune, literally staining it with your Blood, whilst doing this repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Then to Thurisaz, again with the cut finger, trace over the rune, staining it with your Blood and repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Now Repeat the Following: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

[You will definitely *feel* something at this point. There will be no mistaking the Power of this Ritual and the Power of all of Satans Children working their Hardest to the same goal.]

Now as in Steps B & C, you will be vibrating Each Rune, in conjunction with the Affirmation.

[Numbers for Vibration: \Hagalaz = Nine | þorn\ Thurisaz = Nine]

So, begin with Hagalaz, we will vibrate it 9 times, and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

When complete with that Vibration, move to Thurisaz, Vibrate this 9 times and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

All the while Vibrating, be sure to trace over the intend Rune and the Sigil with the Middle and Index finger, Visualize your Energy lighting up the Rune and the Sigil with severe intensity:

Step 4: The Combining and releasing of all Energies to our Gods for Absolute Direction.

At this step you will combine all of the Energies and release them to your own Guardian Demon.

Now Stand at your Altar, and Quiet your mind. Begin to think about all the wrong that the parasitic jews have done not only to our People but to Father Satan and our Gods as well. Bring to mind how these poisonous beings first infected Egypt by creating Islam in order to destroy the Egyptian people. Bring to mind the Horrendous blasphemes against our Father and the Gods contained within the false trinity of "religions" as well as the many offshoots they have spawned.

Bring to mind the 13th Century "Christianization" – Hundreds of thousands of Pagan followers, Priests, Teachers, Monks, Naddreds, INNOCENT PEOPLE, were burned inside their temples while these filthy-reptiles pillaged and destroyed everything they possible could.

Bring to mind how every "Mythology" ever story containing the different pantheons of our Gods were changed and re-written during this Century "Christianization" How every bit of WHO and WHAT we were has been mutilated by the jews and their cohorts.

Bring to mind the Inquisition, all the pain and suffering the "church" – of jews – causes. Murder, Torture, children being raped and killed in front of their mothers in order to "confess heresy". ENTIRE FAMLIES FORCED TO WITNSESS THE TORTRE AND DEATH OF EACHOTHER BY THE HANDS OF THE FUCKING PARASITES!

Bring to mind, how every facet of our Existence form our Culture, to our Ancestry has been infiltrated and infected to the state where no matter what or no matter where you come from "The jews were the ones who started it all"

Bring to mind the Suffering of the Gentiles of Dresden, who were practically burnt alive by the allied-jews! And Bring to mind the intense suffering of animals and live-stock, under the brutal and absolutely SICK "kosher" and "halaal" slaughter regulations and industrial farming!

Bring to mind that you cannot open a book, watch a movie, read a news article or just plain open your eyes without having some bullshit about god, jezit, the "chosen" race of jews, or the "holohoax" being jammed down your throughout.

And most importantly bring to mind the fact that because of the jews, YOU cannot freely practice your beliefs, YOU cannot easily find and buy Ritual & magic Items, YOU had to suffer under a forced belief system during childhood. And, YOU cannot openly and proudly display your beliefs for the fear of never ending attack, harassment even death.

Now, take every bit of anger and hatred and utter longing for destruction that you hold for the jews and release it, either in a ball in front of you or up towards the ceiling ask your Guardian Demon, or any of the Gods to please take and Direct this energy. And loudly and FIMRLY repeat: "My Hate, My Loathing, My Energy and my full intent of destruction is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely and is UTTERRLY and COMPLETELY Destroying the jewish Race"

Now Take the Paper containing the Blood Sigil. For once last time, Trace over each Sigil with the Middle and index finger, all the while imparting your energy and repeating: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Set the Sigil Paper alight with the flames of one of the Candles, and place it in your burning bowl, WILL\SEE\VISLIZAE the intense energy moving out of the Paper and fulfilling its intended purpose.

While the paper is burning, vibrate the Fifth Enochian Key:

ZAH-pah • zee-MEE-EE
oh-bay-lee-ZOH-nuh-jzhuh • DAY
SAY-TAN'S • YAH-ruh-ruh-ee,
ee-OH-luh-kahm • vuh-GAY-ahr • OHD
guh-MEE-kah-luh-ZOH-mah • puh-RAHFF
KAH-luhts • TAH-buh-lee-ohr;
kuh-SAH-ruhm • ah-MEE-puh-zee
NAHTS • ah-RUH-tuh • MEE-ahn,
OHD • duh-luh-vuh-JZHAHR
ZEET-sohp • zuh-LEE-dah
kah-OHS-su-jzhee • toh-luh-TOH-ruh-jzhee;
OHD • ZEE • kuh-HEES • NOH-ray
OHD • PAHSS-uh-bus • DAY • SAY-TAN.
TAH-loh • OHD • tah-VEEV • OHD
kuh-ROH-ohd-zee • DAY • tu-HEE-luhd
DAHSS • kuh-HEES • guh-NOH-nuhp
pay-OH-ahl • KOH-ruh-muh-fah
kuh-HEES • kuh-ROH-ohd-zee
KAH! • nee-EESS • OHD
ZAH-kahr • KAH-AHSS!
OHD • buh-lee-OH-rah • oh-ZAH-tsuh-mah
AY-duh-nahss • KEE-kuh-lays • BAH-guh-lay?
JZHAY • boh-AH-luh-vah • SAY-TAN
BUH-vuh-zuhd, • GOH-hud!

Then, affirm: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

Then, focus on your Guardian Demon and ask him/her to seize and direct the energy.

Now, Thank Father Satan, Your Guardian Demon, and all the Mighty Gods of Duat. In addition, thank your Brothers and Sisters for participating in this Ritual with you, and raising the Energy to change the current world.
Now at this point, it would be best for you to sit quietly in front of your Altar, and take a couple of minutes to visualize the success of the Ritual as a whole. Focus specifically of the *feeling* of success, picture in your mind a World only of Gentiles, where Spiritual Satanism is the Path that all Gentiles Walk. A world where there is no blasphemy to our Father and the Gods, and A world we are Openly, Proud Spiritual Satanist.

Feel, inside, what it would be like to live in the perfect world, and feel, that because of what was done on this day, against the Tyrants of Man, we WILL and we ARE living in that perfect World!!



The **knitting** [not nitting] stick was inscribed with Runes and stained with the blood of the Warrior\Priest who was leading the Curse. NEVER were Animals hurt or Sacrificed. That is utter bullshit and a complete corruption of the Truth. [And never was external body fluids used, only blood\semen form the leader of the Rite]

Remember, the kikes always put misinformation like this, even accusing the Mayans of human sacrifice and eating people's organs. This is all lies and is used to scare people away from our Pagan Roots and drive people to slavery.

Also, all knowledge that can be found with Regards to Ancient Pagan Religions, such as the Norse, is *after* the 13th centaury christianization, where all pagan Priests, Priestess' and followers WERE ALL BURNED ALIVE IN THEIR TEMPLES!!

Never trust information form jewish sources, which would be 99& of all public knowledge, such as wikipedia –home of the jew-.


-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Chris Ostrowski <cplox@... wrote:

Also, The Norse used what was called a Nitting Stick.
It was inscribed with Thurisaz and Isa, pointed in the direction of the enemy
and pounded into the ground.

A horses head was placed on it and the Gothi (Priest) would hurl curses in the
direction of the enemy.
VERY effective. But, I DO NOT use nor DO I CONDONE THE USE OF any animal heads
on mine. I use my own blood to smear on it.

"Why should I love God? He strung up his Son like a side of veal. I shudder to
think what he would do to me."
I have preformed by right, the end result is great happiness an overwhelming of joy the feeling of true freedom, for the lies will stop I can feel it in the air sucess of the gentile HAIL SATAN!HAIL BALAM!HAIL ALL GOD OF THE DUAT!HAIL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS!truth and freedom is upon us
From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 2:10:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] *Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

  This is a very important Destruction Ritual for all of us Gentiles, all us Spiritual Satanists. We have been prosecuted, censored and "hunted" for our beliefs by the jews and all their supporters. NOW is the time to end that.

Rosh Hashanah ends at sundown on Friday September 17th and is the most important and highest of all jewish holy days, yom kippur then begins. yom kippur is the jewish new year and every jew hopes to be written in the book of life for their god and for prosperity for the upcoming year. They also renounce and make void [back out of] any promises, contracts, etc., made to Gentiles on this day.

We will be performing a massive Group Destruction Ritual on both Friday the 17th as well as Saturday the 18th. The jews and their energies will be severely weekend and very open to our Attack. I am posting the Ritual for Friday the 17th [tomorrow] now and High Priestess Zildar Raasi will be posting the Ritual fro Saturday the 18th tomorrow night.

Their empire of lies and filth, built on pillars of death is now Ours to destroy! Together, my Brothers and Sisters, we will bring down these tyrants, and help begin the new age, the Age of our Father Satan!!

*And, thank you very much to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich who, with Lilith-sama and all the Mighty Demons of Hell, completely revised this Destruction Ritual for complete and utter effectiveness! - Hail Father Satan! Hail Lilith-sama! Hail All the Mighty Gods of Duat!*

Satanic Destruction Ritual: The Primary Destruction of the parasitic-jew.
-Freedom of the Gentiles, from the Tyranny of the `jew'-

Ritual Preparation:

Step 1: Creating Runic Sigil of Destruction. [You will need a black marker and two sheets of paper] and Empowering the Runes intended for Destruction.

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods in the Ritual & its processes

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual:

Step 3: Staining the Runes with your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment.

Step 4: Combining of all Energies and Chanting\Vibrating the 5th Satanic Key. [Of the Air Element]

Ritual Preparation

The first two steps are preparatory to the Grand Satanic Ritual and should be completed before the opening of the Ritual, while Steps 3 and 4 must be completed During the Grand Satanic Ritual Itself.

Step 1: Creating Sigil of Destruction.

First, begin with the Full affirmation:
"All energy raised today is constantly and permanently working to completely Destroy the jews at all times and in every way."
[Since this Ritual will be using both Raised and Personal energy -from the blood- It is important that our minds work towards both a personal and group `goal]

These Runes will be Vibrated twice, once whilst Drawing the Sigils and again whilst staining the Runes with drops of your blood. Each rune will be vibrated nine times.

A. Affirm in your mind:
"Energy raised today is destroying the jews permanently and completely"

B. With your marker, draw the Hagalaz Rune on your first sheet of paper : http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... alRune.gif

When you are finished, vibrate HAH-AH-AH-G-G-G-AH-AH-L-L-L-L 9 times
When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity.
Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune:
"All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

C. With your marker, draw the þorn\ Thurisaz Rune on your second sheet of paper:
http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... rRune2.gif

When you are finished, vibrate TH-TH-TH-U-U-U-R-R-R-S-S [Be sure to roll the R's] 9 times. When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity. Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods
in the Ritual & its processes.

Begin by writing on a small sheet of paper, the Ritual Prayer. You will be using this to ask the Assistance of you Guardian Demon\s in the Raising and Handling of the Energies as well as the successful completion of this Ritual as a whole. [If you are new or do not know your Guardian Demon yet, then ask Satan himself]

The Prayer:
"I am requesting the Powers of Hell to participate in my ritual to destroy the jews who are the absolute enemies of Satan and His Demons. I petition [Name of your Guardian Demon] to seize this energy raised and to deliver it to its intended target. This ritual is for Satan and for the Empire of Hell. To exact revenge upon, to damn, and to completely and permanently destroy Satan's most formidable enemies- the jews. The jews are cosmic and deadly enemies of the Gentile people who are the descendants of Satan himself."

Once you have finished writing the Prayer, keep it aside along with the Sigils, which will be further empowered and burnt together at the closing of the Ritual.
At the closing of the Grand Satanic Ritual, and After the Burning of The Sigil and the Written Prayer, all Energies will be released to the Powers of Hell, in order to be directed in absolute to the necessary targets.

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual

Within reason, any Ritual Format http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TUALS.html can be used for the purpose of this Destruction Ritual, However for the sake of raising the utmost energy and each Spiritual Satanist Participating to be in the same state and thought-process using the Grand Satanic Ritual is much better suited and recommended.
The Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_grand_ ... itual.html

Step 3: Staining the Sigil & Runes with 2 Drops of your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment

[At this point, the Grand Satanic Ritual has just started, and you have completed the Invocation of the Gods of Hell]

Now take both Sigils and place them in front of you. You will be staining Each Rune with blood. Only two to three drops of blood are necessary for an enormous amount of energy to be raised. The drops of blood do not have to be exact. Do the best you can.
It is best to use a sterilized razor blood, and making a small and quick slice on the tip of your left index finger, rather than sitting for ages with a pin trying to prick your finger and actually get a decent amount of blood.

First Begin with Hagalaz, With the cut finger trace over the rune, literally staining it with your Blood, whilst doing this repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Then to Thurisaz, again with the cut finger, trace over the rune, staining it with your Blood and repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Now Repeat the Following: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

[You will definitely *feel* something at this point. There will be no mistaking the Power of this Ritual and the Power of all of Satans Children working their Hardest to the same goal.]

Now as in Steps B & C, you will be vibrating Each Rune, in conjunction with the Affirmation.

[Numbers for Vibration: \Hagalaz = Nine | þorn\ Thurisaz = Nine]

So, begin with Hagalaz, we will vibrate it 9 times, and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

When complete with that Vibration, move to Thurisaz, Vibrate this 9 times and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

All the while Vibrating, be sure to trace over the intend Rune and the Sigil with the Middle and Index finger, Visualize your Energy lighting up the Rune and the Sigil with severe intensity:

Step 4: The Combining and releasing of all Energies to our Gods for Absolute Direction.

At this step you will combine all of the Energies and release them to your own Guardian Demon.

Now Stand at your Altar, and Quiet your mind. Begin to think about all the wrong that the parasitic jews have done not only to our People but to Father Satan and our Gods as well. Bring to mind how these poisonous beings first infected Egypt by creating Islam in order to destroy the Egyptian people. Bring to mind the Horrendous blasphemes against our Father and the Gods contained within the false trinity of "religions" as well as the many offshoots they have spawned.

Bring to mind the 13th Century "Christianization" – Hundreds of thousands of Pagan followers, Priests, Teachers, Monks, Naddreds, INNOCENT PEOPLE, were burned inside their temples while these filthy-reptiles pillaged and destroyed everything they possible could.

Bring to mind how every "Mythology" ever story containing the different pantheons of our Gods were changed and re-written during this Century "Christianization" How every bit of WHO and WHAT we were has been mutilated by the jews and their cohorts.

Bring to mind the Inquisition, all the pain and suffering the "church" – of jews – causes. Murder, Torture, children being raped and killed in front of their mothers in order to "confess heresy". ENTIRE FAMLIES FORCED TO WITNSESS THE TORTRE AND DEATH OF EACHOTHER BY THE HANDS OF THE FUCKING PARASITES!

Bring to mind, how every facet of our Existence form our Culture, to our Ancestry has been infiltrated and infected to the state where no matter what or no matter where you come from "The jews were the ones who started it all"

Bring to mind the Suffering of the Gentiles of Dresden, who were practically burnt alive by the allied-jews! And Bring to mind the intense suffering of animals and live-stock, under the brutal and absolutely SICK "kosher" and "halaal" slaughter regulations and industrial farming!

Bring to mind that you cannot open a book, watch a movie, read a news article or just plain open your eyes without having some bullshit about god, jezit, the "chosen" race of jews, or the "holohoax" being jammed down your throughout.

And most importantly bring to mind the fact that because of the jews, YOU cannot freely practice your beliefs, YOU cannot easily find and buy Ritual & magic Items, YOU had to suffer under a forced belief system during childhood. And, YOU cannot openly and proudly display your beliefs for the fear of never ending attack, harassment even death.

Now, take every bit of anger and hatred and utter longing for destruction that you hold for the jews and release it, either in a ball in front of you or up towards the ceiling ask your Guardian Demon, or any of the Gods to please take and Direct this energy. And loudly and FIMRLY repeat: "My Hate, My Loathing, My Energy and my full intent of destruction is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely and is UTTERRLY and COMPLETELY Destroying the jewish Race"

Now Take the Paper containing the Blood Sigil. For once last time, Trace over each Sigil with the Middle and index finger, all the while imparting your energy and repeating: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Set the Sigil Paper alight with the flames of one of the Candles, and place it in your burning bowl, WILL\SEE\VISLIZAE the intense energy moving out of the Paper and fulfilling its intended purpose.

While the paper is burning, vibrate the Fifth Enochian Key:

ZAH-pah • zee-MEE-EE
oh-bay-lee-ZOH-nuh-jzhuh • DAY
SAY-TAN'S • YAH-ruh-ruh-ee,
ee-OH-luh-kahm • vuh-GAY-ahr • OHD
guh-MEE-kah-luh-ZOH-mah • puh-RAHFF
KAH-luhts • TAH-buh-lee-ohr;
kuh-SAH-ruhm • ah-MEE-puh-zee
NAHTS • ah-RUH-tuh • MEE-ahn,
OHD • duh-luh-vuh-JZHAHR
ZEET-sohp • zuh-LEE-dah
kah-OHS-su-jzhee • toh-luh-TOH-ruh-jzhee;
OHD • ZEE • kuh-HEES • NOH-ray
OHD • PAHSS-uh-bus • DAY • SAY-TAN.
TAH-loh • OHD • tah-VEEV • OHD
kuh-ROH-ohd-zee • DAY • tu-HEE-luhd
DAHSS • kuh-HEES • guh-NOH-nuhp
pay-OH-ahl • KOH-ruh-muh-fah
kuh-HEES • kuh-ROH-ohd-zee
KAH! • nee-EESS • OHD
ZAH-kahr • KAH-AHSS!
OHD • buh-lee-OH-rah • oh-ZAH-tsuh-mah
AY-duh-nahss • KEE-kuh-lays • BAH-guh-lay?
JZHAY • boh-AH-luh-vah • SAY-TAN
BUH-vuh-zuhd, • GOH-hud!

Then, affirm: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

Then, focus on your Guardian Demon and ask him/her to seize and direct the energy.

Now, Thank Father Satan, Your Guardian Demon, and all the Mighty Gods of Duat. In addition, thank your Brothers and Sisters for participating in this Ritual with you, and raising the Energy to change the current world.
Now at this point, it would be best for you to sit quietly in front of your Altar, and take a couple of minutes to visualize the success of the Ritual as a whole. Focus specifically of the *feeling* of success, picture in your mind a World only of Gentiles, where Spiritual Satanism is the Path that all Gentiles Walk. A world where there is no blasphemy to our Father and the Gods, and A world we are Openly, Proud Spiritual Satanist.

Feel, inside, what it would be like to live in the perfect world, and feel, that because of what was done on this day, against the Tyrants of Man, we WILL and we ARE living in that perfect World!!


Excellent! This is truly the end of those tyrannical parasites! Hail Father Satan and the Gentiles Spiritual Satanists!


-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shayne Willis <shayne.willis@... wrote:

I have preformed by right, the end result is great happiness an overwhelming of
joy the feeling of true freedom, for the lies will stop I can feel it in the air
sucess of the gentile
truth and freedom is upon us
Because of Time restraints due to work and home life, I will not be able to physically perform the rituals. I will, however perform them on the Astral Plane. I hope Father and you my Brothers and sisters will understand and find my "compromise" acceptable.
i hope my ritual worked because i forgot to visualize the ball of energy directed to the jews and i was kind of in a hurry because my damn parents come in if they smell smoke. at the end my dad did come in rite after the ritual which is a good thing but the papers didnt really burn 100% because he put water in my bowl. i really hoped it wored:/

From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 4:10:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] *Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

  This is a very important Destruction Ritual for all of us Gentiles, all us Spiritual Satanists. We have been prosecuted, censored and "hunted" for our beliefs by the jews and all their supporters. NOW is the time to end that.

Rosh Hashanah ends at sundown on Friday September 17th and is the most important and highest of all jewish holy days, yom kippur then begins. yom kippur is the jewish new year and every jew hopes to be written in the book of life for their god and for prosperity for the upcoming year. They also renounce and make void [back out of] any promises, contracts, etc., made to Gentiles on this day.

We will be performing a massive Group Destruction Ritual on both Friday the 17th as well as Saturday the 18th. The jews and their energies will be severely weekend and very open to our Attack. I am posting the Ritual for Friday the 17th [tomorrow] now and High Priestess Zildar Raasi will be posting the Ritual fro Saturday the 18th tomorrow night.

Their empire of lies and filth, built on pillars of death is now Ours to destroy! Together, my Brothers and Sisters, we will bring down these tyrants, and help begin the new age, the Age of our Father Satan!!

*And, thank you very much to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich who, with Lilith-sama and all the Mighty Demons of Hell, completely revised this Destruction Ritual for complete and utter effectiveness! - Hail Father Satan! Hail Lilith-sama! Hail All the Mighty Gods of Duat!*

Satanic Destruction Ritual: The Primary Destruction of the parasitic-jew.
-Freedom of the Gentiles, from the Tyranny of the `jew'-

Ritual Preparation:

Step 1: Creating Runic Sigil of Destruction. [You will need a black marker and two sheets of paper] and Empowering the Runes intended for Destruction.

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods in the Ritual & its processes

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual:

Step 3: Staining the Runes with your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment.

Step 4: Combining of all Energies and Chanting\Vibrating the 5th Satanic Key. [Of the Air Element]

Ritual Preparation

The first two steps are preparatory to the Grand Satanic Ritual and should be completed before the opening of the Ritual, while Steps 3 and 4 must be completed During the Grand Satanic Ritual Itself.

Step 1: Creating Sigil of Destruction.

First, begin with the Full affirmation:
"All energy raised today is constantly and permanently working to completely Destroy the jews at all times and in every way."
[Since this Ritual will be using both Raised and Personal energy -from the blood- It is important that our minds work towards both a personal and group `goal]

These Runes will be Vibrated twice, once whilst Drawing the Sigils and again whilst staining the Runes with drops of your blood. Each rune will be vibrated nine times.

A. Affirm in your mind:
"Energy raised today is destroying the jews permanently and completely"

B. With your marker, draw the Hagalaz Rune on your first sheet of paper : http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... alRune.gif

When you are finished, vibrate HAH-AH-AH-G-G-G-AH-AH-L-L-L-L 9 times
When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity.
Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune:
"All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

C. With your marker, draw the þorn\ Thurisaz Rune on your second sheet of paper:
http://theageofsatan.webs.com/runesford ... rRune2.gif

When you are finished, vibrate TH-TH-TH-U-U-U-R-R-R-S-S [Be sure to roll the R's] 9 times. When you are performing the vibration, visualize energy lighting up the Rune with severe intensity. Then affirm, while focusing intently upon the Rune: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Step 2: Writing of the Ritual Prayer, for the Assistance of the Gods
in the Ritual & its processes.

Begin by writing on a small sheet of paper, the Ritual Prayer. You will be using this to ask the Assistance of you Guardian Demon\s in the Raising and Handling of the Energies as well as the successful completion of this Ritual as a whole. [If you are new or do not know your Guardian Demon yet, then ask Satan himself]

The Prayer:
"I am requesting the Powers of Hell to participate in my ritual to destroy the jews who are the absolute enemies of Satan and His Demons. I petition [Name of your Guardian Demon] to seize this energy raised and to deliver it to its intended target. This ritual is for Satan and for the Empire of Hell. To exact revenge upon, to damn, and to completely and permanently destroy Satan's most formidable enemies- the jews. The jews are cosmic and deadly enemies of the Gentile people who are the descendants of Satan himself."

Once you have finished writing the Prayer, keep it aside along with the Sigils, which will be further empowered and burnt together at the closing of the Ritual.
At the closing of the Grand Satanic Ritual, and After the Burning of The Sigil and the Written Prayer, all Energies will be released to the Powers of Hell, in order to be directed in absolute to the necessary targets.

Opening of the Ritual - The Grand Satanic Ritual

Within reason, any Ritual Format http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TUALS.html can be used for the purpose of this Destruction Ritual, However for the sake of raising the utmost energy and each Spiritual Satanist Participating to be in the same state and thought-process using the Grand Satanic Ritual is much better suited and recommended.
The Grand Satanic Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_grand_ ... itual.html

Step 3: Staining the Sigil & Runes with 2 Drops of your Blood for Dramatic Empowerment

[At this point, the Grand Satanic Ritual has just started, and you have completed the Invocation of the Gods of Hell]

Now take both Sigils and place them in front of you. You will be staining Each Rune with blood. Only two to three drops of blood are necessary for an enormous amount of energy to be raised. The drops of blood do not have to be exact. Do the best you can.
It is best to use a sterilized razor blood, and making a small and quick slice on the tip of your left index finger, rather than sitting for ages with a pin trying to prick your finger and actually get a decent amount of blood.

First Begin with Hagalaz, With the cut finger trace over the rune, literally staining it with your Blood, whilst doing this repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

Then to Thurisaz, again with the cut finger, trace over the rune, staining it with your Blood and repeat the affirmation [9 times]: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Now Repeat the Following: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

[You will definitely *feel* something at this point. There will be no mistaking the Power of this Ritual and the Power of all of Satans Children working their Hardest to the same goal.]

Now as in Steps B & C, you will be vibrating Each Rune, in conjunction with the Affirmation.

[Numbers for Vibration: \Hagalaz = Nine | þorn\ Thurisaz = Nine]

So, begin with Hagalaz, we will vibrate it 9 times, and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

When complete with that Vibration, move to Thurisaz, Vibrate this 9 times and repeat the Affirmation "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."

All the while Vibrating, be sure to trace over the intend Rune and the Sigil with the Middle and Index finger, Visualize your Energy lighting up the Rune and the Sigil with severe intensity:

Step 4: The Combining and releasing of all Energies to our Gods for Absolute Direction.

At this step you will combine all of the Energies and release them to your own Guardian Demon.

Now Stand at your Altar, and Quiet your mind. Begin to think about all the wrong that the parasitic jews have done not only to our People but to Father Satan and our Gods as well. Bring to mind how these poisonous beings first infected Egypt by creating Islam in order to destroy the Egyptian people. Bring to mind the Horrendous blasphemes against our Father and the Gods contained within the false trinity of "religions" as well as the many offshoots they have spawned.

Bring to mind the 13th Century "Christianization" – Hundreds of thousands of Pagan followers, Priests, Teachers, Monks, Naddreds, INNOCENT PEOPLE, were burned inside their temples while these filthy-reptiles pillaged and destroyed everything they possible could.

Bring to mind how every "Mythology" ever story containing the different pantheons of our Gods were changed and re-written during this Century "Christianization" How every bit of WHO and WHAT we were has been mutilated by the jews and their cohorts.

Bring to mind the Inquisition, all the pain and suffering the "church" – of jews – causes. Murder, Torture, children being raped and killed in front of their mothers in order to "confess heresy". ENTIRE FAMLIES FORCED TO WITNSESS THE TORTRE AND DEATH OF EACHOTHER BY THE HANDS OF THE FUCKING PARASITES!

Bring to mind, how every facet of our Existence form our Culture, to our Ancestry has been infiltrated and infected to the state where no matter what or no matter where you come from "The jews were the ones who started it all"

Bring to mind the Suffering of the Gentiles of Dresden, who were practically burnt alive by the allied-jews! And Bring to mind the intense suffering of animals and live-stock, under the brutal and absolutely SICK "kosher" and "halaal" slaughter regulations and industrial farming!

Bring to mind that you cannot open a book, watch a movie, read a news article or just plain open your eyes without having some bullshit about god, jezit, the "chosen" race of jews, or the "holohoax" being jammed down your throughout.

And most importantly bring to mind the fact that because of the jews, YOU cannot freely practice your beliefs, YOU cannot easily find and buy Ritual & magic Items, YOU had to suffer under a forced belief system during childhood. And, YOU cannot openly and proudly display your beliefs for the fear of never ending attack, harassment even death.

Now, take every bit of anger and hatred and utter longing for destruction that you hold for the jews and release it, either in a ball in front of you or up towards the ceiling ask your Guardian Demon, or any of the Gods to please take and Direct this energy. And loudly and FIMRLY repeat: "My Hate, My Loathing, My Energy and my full intent of destruction is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely and is UTTERRLY and COMPLETELY Destroying the jewish Race"

Now Take the Paper containing the Blood Sigil. For once last time, Trace over each Sigil with the Middle and index finger, all the while imparting your energy and repeating: "All energy raised today is constantly and continuously working to completely Destroy the jews permanently and in every way."
Set the Sigil Paper alight with the flames of one of the Candles, and place it in your burning bowl, WILL\SEE\VISLIZAE the intense energy moving out of the Paper and fulfilling its intended purpose.

While the paper is burning, vibrate the Fifth Enochian Key:

ZAH-pah • zee-MEE-EE
oh-bay-lee-ZOH-nuh-jzhuh • DAY
SAY-TAN'S • YAH-ruh-ruh-ee,
ee-OH-luh-kahm • vuh-GAY-ahr • OHD
guh-MEE-kah-luh-ZOH-mah • puh-RAHFF
KAH-luhts • TAH-buh-lee-ohr;
kuh-SAH-ruhm • ah-MEE-puh-zee
NAHTS • ah-RUH-tuh • MEE-ahn,
OHD • duh-luh-vuh-JZHAHR
ZEET-sohp • zuh-LEE-dah
kah-OHS-su-jzhee • toh-luh-TOH-ruh-jzhee;
OHD • ZEE • kuh-HEES • NOH-ray
OHD • PAHSS-uh-bus • DAY • SAY-TAN.
TAH-loh • OHD • tah-VEEV • OHD
kuh-ROH-ohd-zee • DAY • tu-HEE-luhd
DAHSS • kuh-HEES • guh-NOH-nuhp
pay-OH-ahl • KOH-ruh-muh-fah
kuh-HEES • kuh-ROH-ohd-zee
KAH! • nee-EESS • OHD
ZAH-kahr • KAH-AHSS!
OHD • buh-lee-OH-rah • oh-ZAH-tsuh-mah
AY-duh-nahss • KEE-kuh-lays • BAH-guh-lay?
JZHAY • boh-AH-luh-vah • SAY-TAN
BUH-vuh-zuhd, • GOH-hud!

Then, affirm: "My life-force, which is tied to my Blood, The blood of a Gentile, the Blood of Satan himself, is connecting Myself and this ritual with that of ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, Severely empowering and driving all energies raised today to constantly and permanently work to completely Destroy the jewish Race at all times and in every way"

Then, focus on your Guardian Demon and ask him/her to seize and direct the energy.

Now, Thank Father Satan, Your Guardian Demon, and all the Mighty Gods of Duat. In addition, thank your Brothers and Sisters for participating in this Ritual with you, and raising the Energy to change the current world.
Now at this point, it would be best for you to sit quietly in front of your Altar, and take a couple of minutes to visualize the success of the Ritual as a whole. Focus specifically of the *feeling* of success, picture in your mind a World only of Gentiles, where Spiritual Satanism is the Path that all Gentiles Walk. A world where there is no blasphemy to our Father and the Gods, and A world we are Openly, Proud Spiritual Satanist.

Feel, inside, what it would be like to live in the perfect world, and feel, that because of what was done on this day, against the Tyrants of Man, we WILL and we ARE living in that perfect World!!



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
