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Imbolc Ritual to Defend our Satanic JoS

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

Imbolc Ritual to Defend our Satanic JoS

[This Ritual is to be done TODAY or TOMMOROW]

Greetings to all our people and Comrades.

Since HPS Maxine has let everyone know, some Jews (quite a lot) and wanna be's who feel entitled by their tribal insanity, to turn and curse, defame and attempt to destroy Satanism, have decided to make a move of spiritual death sentence. That is to attack us all here. Everyone of you is of course individually hated. Why? Because you raised your head and they do not like this. Our "category" is not welcome: we are too free and too much of a spiritual threat to these incarnate excrement.

How dare these Goyim think about Satanism and finally have a Gentile Only Faith? The jews want to hijack and destroy it! Oy vey!!!

Of course all their Kabal was into it. So they had their turn. They are under the impression that you know, we are some weirdos, and that them, mighty kikes as they are, will ask "God" to kill us and so he will. Why is "god" against me and I am winning anyway? Why do they summon "Gabriel", a jewish invented thoughform with a lifespan of a few hundred years and all the rest of the shitheads (Wow, how "Satanic") to exact vengeance upon me, you and everyone here? And the only thing that happens is that as their alien masters, they drink a cup of piss instead of the wine of victory they expected?

Why is our side winning in all these seemingly "impossible" battles and "godlike" imposed "limitations"? Why do they have billions dumbfounded and still, they are getting their asses kicked towards their spiritual grave? Because guess what, as top Rabbis know they don't represent anyone but their collective and a bunch of neurotic aliens, let alone any "God". And their stupid imbecile spirituality is only a piece of jewish dirt that can do nothing to defeat real spirituality that Gentiles had for hundreds of thousands year prior. That's why.

Here we have Gentiles from all Races. Our Satanic collective ties into all, controls all, and is highly dangerous to the jewish occult powers that be. Because we are focused on Gentile, Pagan restoration, WORLDWIDE. We just want to restore the world to proper, Golden Age, Pagan Grace. We have a high purpose. The jews hate high purposes. They want your purpose to be to envision yet another kike as your 'god' and your destiny as some fruitless existence, that is menial, only existing as their cattle. Because as they admit in the Talmud, that's what all Gentiles are. Everything the jews touch, they make it succumb to this 'purpose', fake "Satanism" included.

As you can see how they paid these other fools the other time to advertise us negatively, you know which I am talking about. What did they earn? We had influxes of hundreds of members. That's where their shekels went to. Any order that be from jews wouldn't be sleeping easy on that. The enemy knows this clearly. So they reacted like the spasmodic rats they are.

What do jews love most? Scamming shekels from Gentiles. Doesn't matter how, when, or through what pretext. This is exactly the case here. For those who don't know, based upon these lies in regards to CURSING and trying to KILL Satan's Name and Legacy (as they admit in their jewish protocols of Zion where they say they want to kill "God", and of course promoting Rabbi Jesus is part of destroying Satan), they want to make money, while destroying ALL Gentile spirituality.

Win and win situation everywhere, great plan for the jews. Turn the cattle against their own God so they remain cattle. Have them worshipping a Rabbi instead. For the more 'spiritual cattle' make some fake ass "Freemasonry" and some fake ass jewish "Order of the Golden Dawn" and we hold that cattle by the balls anyway. For the even angrier, create some jewish "Satanism" and play them in the hegelian dialectic until the end of time.

The jews are laughing. Many of these so called "Satanist" organization do get people to do drugs, become cheap stupid hookers that think they are gods, and read fancy manuscripts about how amazing they are, while snorting coke and spewing communism or something. They of course ask a three number fee to get people 'in' so they can learn how to act like jewish excrement from reverse christianity, and all they spread is death, misinformation, and of course act as control for the 'evil goyim' that seek to leave the other shop of the jews: Christianity and Islam.

Even if the creator of these 'organizations' were alive today and did a google search, they would turn to us. That's how RETARDED these people are. The jewish hijacking has went into their midst so deeply that they have lost all roots and compass from some great, old Satanists that did their best to re-instate a faith for those who wanted to practice magick etc. They are in few words, failures. The same thing happens too every organization and state, or entity, that allows too much 'judaism' into their 'head'. There is decay and collapse. Even world empires fell that way. They always hijack their enemies and try to defame them and destroy them from their own Gentile structures.

What do these beings do? All the same they do in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Promote stupidity, death, lack of purpose, direction and anything useful in life. They are weak jews, with a big so called "ego", taught them by the torah since they were 5 years old, deeply encoded into their very 'genes', and a slaver complex, just expressing their rotten genetics in everything they 'represent' and 'touch'. Because they are kikes, and that's what they always do. No matter where they just promote the interests of their own race, and seek to the survival of it.

Part of this is to defame the Creator of non jewish Humanity, and drive people away from Him and the other Gods. Because all along, it was an act of vengeance against Him, and all Pagans (The code word for religious non jews who believe in what is summed up as 'Satanism').

Spiritual Satanists see the naked Truth. In the literal sense. We see the 'puppet holder' but what makes the enemy afraid is that our SS here do also learn the art of the puppetry and can no longer be fooled by these alien garbage. Others they can confuse and lie to, but people here know and they cannot be lied to.

It's time Gentiles just take revenge and protect what belongs to them, be it their religion, their ministries here, their Soul. These people just robbed your Soul and your future as well. Those who have advanced can no longer fathom how it is to live as a slave, beaten for all eternity. The enemy is to where they have people as baseless cattle that hardly even owns their body. As so many others here we are opposed to this.

The Jews are under the falsified impression that Satanists, like all other 'goyim' are to be their cattle. They used to infiltrate and run this stable. The staggering arrogance of this debilitated and accursed race has shown itself around here in the form of infiltration, while now these fools, imagining they are still powerful try to attack us. Guess what, they are no longer powerful, and their short time is coming to an end. How they try to own any group, they try to pull the same here, eventhough they have lost the battle here a long time ago. Hoaxes, billions, and many other adversities could not bring this small gathering place of Souls? How? Because we have Satan, and these cockroaches will now run for hiding.

According to the jews, Satan doesn't exist. 2017 years of everyday, single warfare, infiltration and attacks, only to subdue some "Archetype" that doesn't even exist. Again, the "TRIBE" makes total sense! Even when the Rabbis themselves admit that the one called by the alias SATAN is a being and spiritual master living in another planet, and admittedly an alien. But that's all gibberish goyim! Didn't you listen to the jew? It said it was an archetype.

We will fight for our side. This of course includes everyone of you. The inexcusable mistake is that the JoS accepts only Gentiles, and we have been waging spiritual war on them and their abrahamic haoxes, looking for a better world. Even worse, we are building it. So in reverse revenge, they have actively tried to do what they have been doing for 2000 years over: defame Satan.

Additionally however heavy magick was involved, maybe even of the most abominational sense, to "kill" those who they assume are their "obstacle" in completely running the "Satanic game", which to them Jews of course is a high paying business and a perfect bulwark for defaming their Ancient enemy, demoralizing those who are against them, and making Satan their dirtbag as to pin all the shit their race does. The fact that we defend Satan and set hundreds and thousands free everyday, is something they cannot tolerate, same as they do not tolerate nobody here.

In the past it was easier for the enemy. They invaded the temple by rallying degenerate gentile slaves and useless garbage, attacked, raped and killed children on their pilgrimage, spiritual people living peacefully and advancing etc, brought down the statues of the Gentiles. Now we are international entity as JoS and Gentile Satanists. Satan's figure stands as a figure of unity and an image for us, as admitted Father of Truth.

So this is the last temple they try to destroy. Satanism has stood throught the centuries. From the dark dens they have created, they created their own spiritual death unwillingly.

Too important to be destroyed and irreplaceable, they just try to bastardized it into Jewish excrement and crap. The Gods have survived even behind closed gates in the mind of humanity. A Truth so great cannot be secluded or hidden for long. But the enemy tries to prolong it until their communist pipe dream comes true and all identities are destroyed forever, trying to hide "Satan" forever.

The JoS does SIMPLY belongs to members. Nobody is asked of one buck to pay for a ticket to heaven, or to learn, or advance. It belongs as a home or teaching place, however you see it, to any Gentile who just seeks to advance spiritually and gives back to it. I took a round on the internet a found Jewish 'rituals' to 'summon entities' for like 8000$. Talk to your deceased grandma for 15,0000$. What's next?

Talk to the 6 trillion lampshades for only 6,000,000$, on 42 installments (Cancel Anytime Goy), and get straight to heaven! Your new spirituality! Their Jewish cousins want to do this to Satanism as well and have been doing this for decades. It has made useless jewish fools, rich and important, and guided. Jewish (((Satanism))) is a serious business. Like the Shoah Holohoax Business, the jews aren't going to leave it at that. They will 'fight' for it. Hebrew shirts, the Quran and Bible all revolve around the myth of an evil "Satan". Debunking this Myth destroys the enemy like a potent neurotoxin. If people learn these are their Gods, it's over for the Jewish Kabul scammers.

Because excuse these kikes: they were fighting to restore (((Satanism))) but the real SATANISM has won. In fact all of this is admitting they have lost horribly in that so called game. Oy Vey Muh Censorship, Oy Vey Muh Satanic Panic, Oy Vey Muh Judaism in Satanic- all have failed. So they went in desperation mode, naturally being kikes as they are.

Nobody believes or even listens to jews anymore where Satanism is concerned. Because in reality they never practiced Satanism for real and purely, but always attempted to put their racial kabal into it. So now they try to attack those who have uncovered their crap, hoping to regain the grouns for flaming, defaming, and mistreating Satanists. Of course not by skill or essence, but with cunning, jewish methods. That only comply with the biblical verse of Satan being divided on his own house. Because that's what the jews do: The want to DESTROY Satanism and therefore God, who is Satan.

What remains out of this? We will turn the things these foolish kikes have sent to us, back at them. Whats EVEN better? Nobody will deviate one inch from the RTR's and the warfare, as guess what, these Rituals are fast.

Do jews think they can mess with the real spiritual Gentile elite of the planet?

Let's see to it.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!

I don't want to keep anyone for more than necessary.

Added in HPS Maxine's Ritual, we will repeat this Ritual. This Ritual below plus HPS Maxine's Ritual should not take much time at all. HPS Maxine Ritual is quite fast once you get the hang of it. We add this for maximum effects. Both Rituals once you get the hand of these can take from 15 to no more than 20 minutes.


Excellent- *If done with the Ritual by HPs Maxine, it will cause further anguish*.

Remember" all these are because hey want to divert our attention from their tribe, that gets their asses kicked. Satan is with all of us and we will clear the clutter. The RTR Schedule remains the recent for those who go for the RTRs.

Below is the simple and easy to do Ritual.


Runic Vibrations-

The runes are to be vibrated one after in this order.

Algiz x18 Sowilo x18 - Tyr x18 -18 times. [or multiplies of 18, such as 36, 72, etc etc times, however many you desire/are able to]

x18 each Rune:




After you raise the energy of the Runes, focus on it and:

VIBRATE SATANAS and Then affirm

"The Joy of Satan Ministries are always protected and completely safe,
in every and all ways from any and all forms of harm and negativity.

All those who curse the Joy of Satan are cursed, and all those who bless the Joy of Satan are blessed."


The above Satanas-Affirmation-Satanas is to be repeated either 10 times, or you can do it just once. Satanas - Affirm - Satanas is ONE round. This must be done 10 times.


A big thank you to all our People, and Satanic Comrades. With all of us and the Satanic and Demonic army on our side, we will deliver justice to the enemy adominations.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

They shed first blood. For over 2000 years they've been shedding SS blood. 

I cannot, will not be nice. I will not rest until their blood is gone. 
Hail SatanHail Lilith
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 1:06 PM, hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic18189.html

Imbolc Ritual to Defend our Satanic JoS

[This Ritual is to be done TODAY or TOMMOROW]

Greetings to all our people and Comrades.

Since HPS Maxine has let everyone know, some Jews (quite a lot) and wanna be's who feel entitled by their tribal insanity, to turn and curse, defame and attempt to destroy Satanism, have decided to make a move of spiritual death sentence. That is to attack us all here. Everyone of you is of course individually hated. Why? Because you raised your head and they do not like this. Our "category" is not welcome: we are too free and too much of a spiritual threat to these incarnate excrement.

How dare these Goyim think about Satanism and finally have a Gentile Only Faith? The jews want to hijack and destroy it! Oy vey!!!

Of course all their Kabal was into it. So they had their turn. They are under the impression that you know, we are some weirdos, and that them, mighty kikes as they are, will ask "God" to kill us and so he will. Why is "god" against me and I am winning anyway? Why do they summon "Gabriel", a jewish invented thoughform with a lifespan of a few hundred years and all the rest of the shitheads (Wow, how "Satanic") to exact vengeance upon me, you and everyone here? And the only thing that happens is that as their alien masters, they drink a cup of piss instead of the wine of victory they expected?

Why is our side winning in all these seemingly "impossible" battles and "godlike" imposed "limitations"? Why do they have billions dumbfounded and still, they are getting their asses kicked towards their spiritual grave? Because guess what, as top Rabbis know they don't represent anyone but their collective and a bunch of neurotic aliens, let alone any "God". And their stupid imbecile spirituality is only a piece of jewish dirt that can do nothing to defeat real spirituality that Gentiles had for hundreds of thousands year prior. That's why.

Here we have Gentiles from all Races. Our Satanic collective ties into all, controls all, and is highly dangerous to the jewish occult powers that be. Because we are focused on Gentile, Pagan restoration, WORLDWIDE. We just want to restore the world to proper, Golden Age, Pagan Grace. We have a high purpose. The jews hate high purposes. They want your purpose to be to envision yet another kike as your 'god' and your destiny as some fruitless existence, that is menial, only existing as their cattle. Because as they admit in the Talmud, that's what all Gentiles are. Everything the jews touch, they make it succumb to this 'purpose', fake "Satanism" included.

As you can see how they paid these other fools the other time to advertise us negatively, you know which I am talking about. What did they earn? We had influxes of hundreds of members. That's where their shekels went to. Any order that be from jews wouldn't be sleeping easy on that. The enemy knows this clearly. So they reacted like the spasmodic rats they are.

What do jews love most? Scamming shekels from Gentiles. Doesn't matter how, when, or through what pretext. This is exactly the case here. For those who don't know, based upon these lies in regards to CURSING and trying to KILL Satan's Name and Legacy (as they admit in their jewish protocols of Zion where they say they want to kill "God", and of course promoting Rabbi Jesus is part of destroying Satan), they want to make money, while destroying ALL Gentile spirituality.

Win and win situation everywhere, great plan for the jews. Turn the cattle against their own God so they remain cattle. Have them worshipping a Rabbi instead. For the more 'spiritual cattle' make some fake ass "Freemasonry" and some fake ass jewish "Order of the Golden Dawn" and we hold that cattle by the balls anyway. For the even angrier, create some jewish "Satanism" and play them in the hegelian dialectic until the end of time.

The jews are laughing. Many of these so called "Satanist" organization do get people to do drugs, become cheap stupid hookers that think they are gods, and read fancy manuscripts about how amazing they are, while snorting coke and spewing communism or something. They of course ask a three number fee to get people 'in' so they can learn how to act like jewish excrement from reverse christianity, and all they spread is death, misinformation, and of course act as control for the 'evil goyim' that seek to leave the other shop of the jews: Christianity and Islam.

Even if the creator of these 'organizations' were alive today and did a google search, they would turn to us. That's how RETARDED these people are. The jewish hijacking has went into their midst so deeply that they have lost all roots and compass from some great, old Satanists that did their best to re-instate a faith for those who wanted to practice magick etc. They are in few words, failures. The same thing happens too every organization and state, or entity, that allows too much 'judaism' into their 'head'. There is decay and collapse. Even world empires fell that way. They always hijack their enemies and try to defame them and destroy them from their own Gentile structures.

What do these beings do? All the same they do in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Promote stupidity, death, lack of purpose, direction and anything useful in life. They are weak jews, with a big so called "ego", taught them by the torah since they were 5 years old, deeply encoded into their very 'genes', and a slaver complex, just expressing their rotten genetics in everything they 'represent' and 'touch'. Because they are kikes, and that's what they always do. No matter where they just promote the interests of their own race, and seek to the survival of it.

Part of this is to defame the Creator of non jewish Humanity, and drive people away from Him and the other Gods. Because all along, it was an act of vengeance against Him, and all Pagans (The code word for religious non jews who believe in what is summed up as 'Satanism').

Spiritual Satanists see the naked Truth. In the literal sense. We see the 'puppet holder' but what makes the enemy afraid is that our SS here do also learn the art of the puppetry and can no longer be fooled by these alien garbage. Others they can confuse and lie to, but people here know and they cannot be lied to.

It's time Gentiles just take revenge and protect what belongs to them, be it their religion, their ministries here, their Soul. These people just robbed your Soul and your future as well. Those who have advanced can no longer fathom how it is to live as a slave, beaten for all eternity. The enemy is to where they have people as baseless cattle that hardly even owns their body. As so many others here we are opposed to this.

The Jews are under the falsified impression that Satanists, like all other 'goyim' are to be their cattle. They used to infiltrate and run this stable. The staggering arrogance of this debilitated and accursed race has shown itself around here in the form of infiltration, while now these fools, imagining they are still powerful try to attack us. Guess what, they are no longer powerful, and their short time is coming to an end. How they try to own any group, they try to pull the same here, eventhough they have lost the battle here a long time ago. Hoaxes, billions, and many other adversities could not bring this small gathering place of Souls? How? Because we have Satan, and these cockroaches will now run for hiding.

According to the jews, Satan doesn't exist. 2017 years of everyday, single warfare, infiltration and attacks, only to subdue some "Archetype" that doesn't even exist. Again, the "TRIBE" makes total sense! Even when the Rabbis themselves admit that the one called by the alias SATAN is a being and spiritual master living in another planet, and admittedly an alien. But that's all gibberish goyim! Didn't you listen to the jew? It said it was an archetype.

We will fight for our side. This of course includes everyone of you. The inexcusable mistake is that the JoS accepts only Gentiles, and we have been waging spiritual war on them and their abrahamic haoxes, looking for a better world. Even worse, we are building it. So in reverse revenge, they have actively tried to do what they have been doing for 2000 years over: defame Satan.

Additionally however heavy magick was involved, maybe even of the most abominational sense, to "kill" those who they assume are their "obstacle" in completely running the "Satanic game", which to them Jews of course is a high paying business and a perfect bulwark for defaming their Ancient enemy, demoralizing those who are against them, and making Satan their dirtbag as to pin all the shit their race does. The fact that we defend Satan and set hundreds and thousands free everyday, is something they cannot tolerate, same as they do not tolerate nobody here.

In the past it was easier for the enemy. They invaded the temple by rallying degenerate gentile slaves and useless garbage, attacked, raped and killed children on their pilgrimage, spiritual people living peacefully and advancing etc, brought down the statues of the Gentiles. Now we are international entity as JoS and Gentile Satanists. Satan's figure stands as a figure of unity and an image for us, as admitted Father of Truth.

So this is the last temple they try to destroy. Satanism has stood throught the centuries. From the dark dens they have created, they created their own spiritual death unwillingly.

Too important to be destroyed and irreplaceable, they just try to bastardized it into Jewish excrement and crap. The Gods have survived even behind closed gates in the mind of humanity. A Truth so great cannot be secluded or hidden for long. But the enemy tries to prolong it until their communist pipe dream comes true and all identities are destroyed forever, trying to hide "Satan" forever.

The JoS does SIMPLY belongs to members. Nobody is asked of one buck to pay for a ticket to heaven, or to learn, or advance. It belongs as a home or teaching place, however you see it, to any Gentile who just seeks to advance spiritually and gives back to it. I took a round on the internet a found Jewish 'rituals' to 'summon entities' for like 8000$. Talk to your deceased grandma for 15,0000$. What's next?

Talk to the 6 trillion lampshades for only 6,000,000$, on 42 installments (Cancel Anytime Goy), and get straight to heaven! Your new spirituality! Their Jewish cousins want to do this to Satanism as well and have been doing this for decades. It has made useless jewish fools, rich and important, and guided. Jewish (((Satanism))) is a serious business. Like the Shoah Holohoax Business, the jews aren't going to leave it at that. They will 'fight' for it. Hebrew shirts, the Quran and Bible all revolve around the myth of an evil "Satan". Debunking this Myth destroys the enemy like a potent neurotoxin. If people learn these are their Gods, it's over for the Jewish Kabul scammers.

Because excuse these kikes: they were fighting to restore (((Satanism))) but the real SATANISM has won. In fact all of this is admitting they have lost horribly in that so called game. Oy Vey Muh Censorship, Oy Vey Muh Satanic Panic, Oy Vey Muh Judaism in Satanic- all have failed. So they went in desperation mode, naturally being kikes as they are.

Nobody believes or even listens to jews anymore where Satanism is concerned. Because in reality they never practiced Satanism for real and purely, but always attempted to put their racial kabal into it. So now they try to attack those who have uncovered their crap, hoping to regain the grouns for flaming, defaming, and mistreating Satanists. Of course not by skill or essence, but with cunning, jewish methods. That only comply with the biblical verse of Satan being divided on his own house. Because that's what the jews do: The want to DESTROY Satanism and therefore God, who is Satan.

What remains out of this? We will turn the things these foolish kikes have sent to us, back at them. Whats EVEN better? Nobody will deviate one inch from the RTR's and the warfare, as guess what, these Rituals are fast.

Do jews think they can mess with the real spiritual Gentile elite of the planet?

Let's see to it.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!

I don't want to keep anyone for more than necessary.

Added in HPS Maxine's Ritual, we will repeat this Ritual. This Ritual below plus HPS Maxine's Ritual should not take much time at all. HPS Maxine Ritual is quite fast once you get the hang of it. We add this for maximum effects. Both Rituals once you get the hand of these can take from 15 to no more than 20 minutes.


Excellent- *If done with the Ritual by HPs Maxine, it will cause further anguish*.

Remember" all these are because hey want to divert our attention from their tribe, that gets their asses kicked. Satan is with all of us and we will clear the clutter. The RTR Schedule remains the recent for those who go for the RTRs.

Below is the simple and easy to do Ritual.


Runic Vibrations-

The runes are to be vibrated one after in this order.

Algiz x18 Sowilo x18 - Tyr x18 -18 times. [or multiplies of 18, such as 36, 72, etc etc times, however many you desire/are able to]

x18 each Rune:




After you raise the energy of the Runes, focus on it and:

VIBRATE SATANAS and Then affirm

"The Joy of Satan Ministries are always protected and completely safe,
in every and all ways from any and all forms of harm and negativity.

All those who curse the Joy of Satan are cursed, and all those who bless the Joy of Satan are blessed."


The above Satanas-Affirmation-Satanas is to be repeated either 10 times, or you can do it just once. Satanas - Affirm - Satanas is ONE round. This must be done 10 times.


A big thank you to all our People, and Satanic Comrades. With all of us and the Satanic and Demonic army on our side, we will deliver justice to the enemy adominations.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks a lot HP Hoodedcobra and Maxine for your help.

I knew there was something wrong going on since about a week. Meditating and doing RTR's suddenly have become a hard tasks to do, plus i started feeling spiritually "ill". All of these suddenly have started to occur lately.

It's time to return this curse, and even return it x100 stronger. We'll show them who they're messing with.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
