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I'm so fucking Pissed off, depressed, annoyed..


Active member
Oct 2, 2017
I'm too far lost within my dreams.
So far lost that's its become a Curse.

I cant hardly even lay my head down at night because I know of the Man I could be.

I have been betrayed so many times..
Most of all by my own Weaknesses.

But it would seem necessary and vital for my own advancements that I do rely on the Foundations and blessings of Family and Community.

However, I do not feel like a Man when I must rely on others. How many times have I heard that it is embarrassing for a Man to live with his Mother, I should be greatful and proud to support her, but I am disgusted with this lifestyle.

I did create a place for myself in this world, where I may relax and be comfortable. But, again, my dreams have become my Curse.

I recently lost the most incredible job, I should have done a better job at focusing on my Spiritual Protection, but I had decided it was more important to focus on my Work temporarily In order to advance further and carve a path away from the necessity to rely upon others.

I got sick, and I got fired...

I have decided it is best for me to accept this Outcome of my actions.

It would seem again I am further reminded, the only way to succeed in this life, is to Focus 666% on spiritual Development.

Perhaps I should thank the Chaos of the Universe for Granting Me the Wisdom of what it really takes to achieve true Strength and Independence.

Do not focus so much on the negative, rather focus on how you can learn from this experience, pick yourself up and do what you have to do.

You need to find a balance between the spiritual and the physical as they are both needed.

If you haven't gotten into astrology yet, I suggest you do so, as it will help you identify these karmic patterns.

You are not cursed, you just need to take full control of your life. If you're not happy with your current circumstances, do everything in your power to create new circumstances, with magick and physical action in the material world.

Change your habits, change your routines, do what the man you'd wish to be, would do. In time you will become that man.
BlackOnyx8 said:

Change your habits, change your routines, do what the man you'd wish to be, would do. In time you will become that man.

This is exactly what I needed to hear, I had always thought, "My future self will thank me". I will do a better job of actually Being the Man I wish to become!
When thinking about an action you will take, think about the outcome in the short term and the long term. How will you feel, where will that lead you? And decide if the action is worth taking.
Aquarius said:
When thinking about an action you will take, think about the outcome in the short term and the long term. How will you feel, where will that lead you? And decide if the action is worth taking.
We are the consequences of our actions. When the consequences are unsatisfactory, the actions must be changed-resulting in a new set of consequences.
Henu the Great said:
Aquarius said:
When thinking about an action you will take, think about the outcome in the short term and the long term. How will you feel, where will that lead you? And decide if the action is worth taking.
We are the consequences of our actions. When the consequences are unsatisfactory, the actions must be changed-resulting in a new set of consequences.
Yes, Brother.
Bravera said:
I'm too far lost within my dreams.
So far lost that's its become a Curse.

I cant hardly even lay my head down at night because I know of the Man I could be.

I have been betrayed so many times..
Most of all by my own Weaknesses.

But it would seem necessary and vital for my own advancements that I do rely on the Foundations and blessings of Family and Community.

However, I do not feel like a Man when I must rely on others. How many times have I heard that it is embarrassing for a Man to live with his Mother, I should be greatful and proud to support her, but I am disgusted with this lifestyle.

I did create a place for myself in this world, where I may relax and be comfortable. But, again, my dreams have become my Curse.

I recently lost the most incredible job, I should have done a better job at focusing on my Spiritual Protection, but I had decided it was more important to focus on my Work temporarily In order to advance further and carve a path away from the necessity to rely upon others.

I got sick, and I got fired...

I have decided it is best for me to accept this Outcome of my actions.

It would seem again I am further reminded, the only way to succeed in this life, is to Focus 666% on spiritual Development.

Perhaps I should thank the Chaos of the Universe for Granting Me the Wisdom of what it really takes to achieve true Strength and Independence.

You are not the only one to struggle with this, and you will not be the last. Do not be so hard on yourself.

Their is other jobs, and perhaps even greater opportunities then you describe. Sure, you got fired from a great job. But is it really that bad?

You have an infinitely great path before you. You can continue and find an even greater advantage and I'm sure in time you'll end up somewhere that makes this missed opportunity look very small in the grand scheme of things.

I was like you. In a similar position for many years.

Difference was I was very sick, and couldn't work really. For close to 3 entire years. I had to work from home for an extremely small amount of money. I constantly came up short.

It was necessary for me at that time unfortunately. But it did give me much needed time for my advancement and making other steps forward. Which led me to the point I am now.

Keep your head up. It gets better and it may seem like the end of the road having missed something along the way.... but it is not. You have so much going for you that will be there and happen as you push forward.

Hail Satan!
Broaden your perspective when you feel limited and without hope. A stoic attitude will help and understanding each of our conditions of life must be accepted, for only then to change it.

Do not believe that refusing reality or negative things will make them disappear. But accepting this reality, so we can understand it, can give us the power to refuse it and change/transform it.

Without accepting things how they are, we become inherently blind and retarded where the action is concerned.

So, accept that you are lacking some qualities that are supposed to NOT be there by the laws of reality, at first. This is not defeat but the beginning. Things are deserved and there only after we get there, we build this, we create this.

The human mind disables growth by the confined limited perspective it has.

The same realization and acceptance that you are not a God, you are not a bird, must happen to the things which you are not yet, but you can become. With a raw and decisive outlook on this, you can see the distance and the things that they must happen so you get there.

This applies to illnesses as well, which if the perspective is put into motion, a sense and direction of progress then ensures. Without these vectors of reality, we are unknowingly going somewhere, bad or good.

Also, being upset about something can grow and touch a more potent gravity from within you, spiritually. These two circular things of life, playfulness, and seriousness must be correctly used. So serious and important things should be treated with the according state of mind.

Do not laugh and become a daisy where your life and health is concerned. Be upset and inquisitive with your resources and actions. Leave the playfulness to its time.
Abyssos said:

The Gods may be helping you, but your arrogance is off the charts to think this is due to your "ideological superiority" and "perfect instincts", especially as you have only meditated for about 2 years or so.

It is even weirder that you claim the Gods support you in your quest which will result in "The worst fears of the general Ancient Forums userbase will be realized". You are again starting fights without any reason, then you use this to reinforce your stubbornness, in some perpetual cycle.

This bizarre behavior is definitely holding you back. Extreme arrogance is not the same thing as strong convictions, especially if this behavior only alienates you from others. You need to work on your diplomacy, rather thinking that you can just use extreme force in every scenario. Even Hitler had Venusian and 7th house activity, in addition to his Aries energy.

I support all SS on this path, but your hostility towards the forums and myself makes it incredibly hard for me to want to do that for you.
Abyssos said:
Autistic delusions

In reality you are against the White race and the Will of Satan and the Gods.

You have made it clear you are violently against around 90% of White men and 100% of against White Women.

You deny the reality that the Gods are on the side of those wanting to bring all the Gentile races to work together to be free of jewish rule. From Hitler who had non-Whites in his army, to Rockwell who did his best to have diplomacy with other racial Supremacist groups to the JoS who has a place for every Gentile around the world to have a central hub to know how to fight back which has never been seen in human history.

Be against us all you want. We are superior to you in physicality, mentally and spirituality. You are seen by all here as the chihuahua of the forums. All bark from a newbie. Nothing we haven't seen before. Some very weak tactics as well.

The only few people who take your side that you speak of that are here are people like Ancient Africa and Hyperactive Melon.

Even the White Supremacist you speak of in the majority will not take your side on many of your key points. You generalize them all like they're bots or drones. Pure projection.

You will be trampled if you get in the Joy of Satan's way and this is the Will of the Gods for anyone who dares to get in the way of Satan's plans which we here are carrying out.

Your threats carry no weight but the actions and results we have done since the birth of the JoS should give you more than an idea we are the real deal and nothing you say or do will ever change that.

We here could use less low IQ individuals like yourself who only help out the feds. So if you please stop writing your wall of tears I mean text full of fed sauce or just leave since you admitted to being against us.

We haven't even given you the luxury of expressing how you won't get the military or political power thru your autistic wet dreams. It's almost too obvious to point out but alas your are far from wise or intelligent.

Make sure to put your childish memes in your next wall of text little buddy.
Abyssos said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=456832 time=1691152346 user_id=21286]
If you think I'm implying that I'm unique, I'm only unique here at Ancient Forums. There's probably less than 5 people here who the traits I spoke of. Outside Ancient Forums, there are millions of White Men who are on my level, if not superior to me. I have landed in the challenging position of being the one who is clearly tasked with expanding Spiritual Satanism where it really need to be promoted to. I'm already in talks with several other WNs, and have introduced a few of them to Spiritual Satanism, and I'm going to expand further. I am dead set on creating the Satanic Vanguard. I was told that Ancient Forums and Joy of Satan Ministries has fulfilled it's purpose by "creating" someone like me. Those aren't my words, those were the words of someone else, and everyone present, at least 3 or 4 others unanimously agreed. All this means is that it just so happens that I got lucky enough to find JoS, spent over a year studying the site, the sermons, and the forums, and have the drive to pass the spiritual knowledge on to many more White Men who also have the qualities I have.

Here at Ancient Forums, I will of course appear arrogant, because ideologically I have the right to be. Ancient Forums has not expanded into quality WN territory, and no one with an IQ higher than 120 has ever heard of this place, until I did (assuming I have an IQ over 120, but I don't need to bother speculating about myself, all I care about is the mission). Out in the real world where there are millions of strong, hardy, intelligent, wise, and radical White Men, I am among my peers, and thus the "arrogance" doesn't apply, because /we're/ all on the same side, and have the same convictions.

I've already had quite enough negative experiences with users here that I have already came to my final conclusions about the overall userbase here. I am not on your side. We are not on the same team. I am on the side of Satan and the White Race, which means that I am obligated to hold the political doctrines that will keep the White Race alive and thriving. Ancient Forums is one of the only "white nationalist" spaces I have ever laid eyes on that is willfully blind to even the most basic ideas and facts pertaining to the real world and our real problems. I shall not bother even pretending that most people here are my ideological equals. It's probably people's gut microbiomes. The bacteria in the gut has a massive effect on the mental health. Maybe some people are just naturally predisposed to have acceptably healthy gut microbiomes.

I didn't bother reading The(((fellow "white")))gnat's most recent post in that other topic. That specimen is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I will only become more condescending, and my will remains absolute.

I must make clear that I have seen more than enough at Ancient Forums to have come to my final conclusions. That's why I'm condescending, and why I have made my final decisions. My fate is set in stone, and I accept it. I cannot and shall not compromise the Truth, nor reality, nor my morals and convictions. I am obligated to do what I must, even if it kills me, and it probably will. No cost is too great. All that matters is that I win. That doesn't have to include my survival. The more I interact with people here, the more I see how great the cost of victory will truly be. However, talking to my Folk outside of here always encourages me and gives me hope. I am ready to fight the entire fight alone, but it's good to fight alongside friends, all of whom are outside of here, although Bravera and sshivafr are agreeable to me. I will always make sure it's known that sshivafr is unfathomably based, and is an existing archetype of the Uberfrau. I still do not understand why Bravera lack reading comprehension for several days, but he saw the light, and for that, I have retraced my condescension towards him, and I exclude him from my judgement of most of the rest of the userbase here.

Figure it out. Why do you think I am increasingly hardened here? It's obviously because I know I'm not among friends and allies. I am able to relax when talking to Good White Men outside of here, as they instantly understand everything I'm talking about, and contribute their own viewpoints, most of which are perfectly agreeable to me, or that I enthusiastically support, and whatever isn't agreeable can be smoothed over. In such circles, I can relax, because I am indeed among friends, allies, and Brothers. I am increasing my engagement with such Men, and I am continuing to do so.

Please, do not be condescending towards our members again. Your intelligence is not stellar here, please do not stretch the lines of which a stronger realization may come. The maniac obsession with your identity and your being and purpose is delusional, extremely tense, and forcibly wanting to appear intense and absolute, which is not the case.

Do what you think you have to do while not addressing negatively with stupid rhetoric any members as none gives any shit about these things, as you made them be seen as extremely dumb.

You don't have any right to be arrogant here, as nothing of what you wrote shows any spark of higher IQ or something, but showed that one forgot to put a hand on woman's ass for a few years already. This is the archetype of the arrogant nerd. Snap out of this, please.
Waiting for your army to be built. Hopefully everyone will think the same, do the same, and be a total copy of your superior self, otherwise they might get punished by your unsurpassable power. The Gods definitely provides you a straight obstacle-free road, as you are the true prophet of the gods, no real followers of the gods exist yet, the JoS is just a starting point, where people can't advance to your glory, it's a gift from the gods.

Anyways, good luck.
Abyssos said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=456832 time=1691152346 user_id=21286]
If you think I'm implying that I'm unique, I'm only unique here at Ancient Forums. There's probably less than 5 people here who the traits I spoke of. Outside Ancient Forums, there are millions of White Men who are on my level, if not superior to me. I have landed in the challenging position of being the one who is clearly tasked with expanding Spiritual Satanism where it really need to be promoted to. I'm already in talks with several other WNs, and have introduced a few of them to Spiritual Satanism, and I'm going to expand further. I am dead set on creating the Satanic Vanguard. I was told that Ancient Forums and Joy of Satan Ministries has fulfilled it's purpose by "creating" someone like me. Those aren't my words, those were the words of someone else, and everyone present, at least 3 or 4 others unanimously agreed. All this means is that it just so happens that I got lucky enough to find JoS, spent over a year studying the site, the sermons, and the forums, and have the drive to pass the spiritual knowledge on to many more White Men who also have the qualities I have.

Here at Ancient Forums, I will of course appear arrogant, because ideologically I have the right to be. Ancient Forums has not expanded into quality WN territory, and no one with an IQ higher than 120 has ever heard of this place, until I did (assuming I have an IQ over 120, but I don't need to bother speculating about myself, all I care about is the mission). Out in the real world where there are millions of strong, hardy, intelligent, wise, and radical White Men, I am among my peers, and thus the "arrogance" doesn't apply, because /we're/ all on the same side, and have the same convictions.

I've already had quite enough negative experiences with users here that I have already came to my final conclusions about the overall userbase here. I am not on your side. We are not on the same team. I am on the side of Satan and the White Race, which means that I am obligated to hold the political doctrines that will keep the White Race alive and thriving. Ancient Forums is one of the only "white nationalist" spaces I have ever laid eyes on that is willfully blind to even the most basic ideas and facts pertaining to the real world and our real problems. I shall not bother even pretending that most people here are my ideological equals. It's probably people's gut microbiomes. The bacteria in the gut has a massive effect on the mental health. Maybe some people are just naturally predisposed to have acceptably healthy gut microbiomes.

I didn't bother reading The(((fellow "white")))gnat's most recent post in that other topic. That specimen is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I will only become more condescending, and my will remains absolute.

I must make clear that I have seen more than enough at Ancient Forums to have come to my final conclusions. That's why I'm condescending, and why I have made my final decisions. My fate is set in stone, and I accept it. I cannot and shall not compromise the Truth, nor reality, nor my morals and convictions. I am obligated to do what I must, even if it kills me, and it probably will. No cost is too great. All that matters is that I win. That doesn't have to include my survival. The more I interact with people here, the more I see how great the cost of victory will truly be. However, talking to my Folk outside of here always encourages me and gives me hope. I am ready to fight the entire fight alone, but it's good to fight alongside friends, all of whom are outside of here, although Bravera and sshivafr are agreeable to me. I will always make sure it's known that sshivafr is unfathomably based, and is an existing archetype of the Uberfrau. I still do not understand why Bravera lack reading comprehension for several days, but he saw the light, and for that, I have retraced my condescension towards him, and I exclude him from my judgement of most of the rest of the userbase here.

Figure it out. Why do you think I am increasingly hardened here? It's obviously because I know I'm not among friends and allies. I am able to relax when talking to Good White Men outside of here, as they instantly understand everything I'm talking about, and contribute their own viewpoints, most of which are perfectly agreeable to me, or that I enthusiastically support, and whatever isn't agreeable can be smoothed over. In such circles, I can relax, because I am indeed among friends, allies, and Brothers. I am increasing my engagement with such Men, and I am continuing to do so.

What WN groups you are talking about?

If the groups you talk about are WN groups that want to eliminate ancient-forums, then sorry, that is not going to work as ancient-forums and JoS itself has been resistant for over 21 years and still continues to resist, in spite of the modern cyber-disasters that are there.

I completely agree with the fact that you want to support White Nationalism (WN) but the fact that you are not trying to collaborate with ancient-forums and instead develop an unjustified level of antipathy towards the community is a very unpleasant thing.

You must understand that today's groups are very controlled by the Jews. Jews have infiltrated in a lot of WN groups in order to undermine the men with NS values and then, after that, making such groups a total disaster.

Violence should never be a key component when operating such groups. Like, attack spiritually, not physically, don't get involved in illegal activities, just as we do here.

Regarding your claims about our userbase: Trust me that in every community, whether it is your WN groups or here, there will always be an underminer either posing as a troll, or posing as a wanna-be infiltrator.

The moderation team here clearly finds out such things and cuts them off before there could be any disaster happening.

Mageson the Jewish enemy of JoS has been immediately demoted after seen promoting lies both related to Satan and also the values of NS. Hitler was indeed a Satanist and not a Xian as Magetard claimed.

Please consider collaborating with us as ancient-forums begins to evolve further and so, remember that we are the ones who discovered the values of NS and managed to keep them alive for such a long year.

Plus, no one said that you should be friends with everyone here, or that you should only take one's opinion only. After all, we all have right to our opinion and keeping the legitimacy of our intentions, of course.
Abyssos said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=456832 time=1691152346 user_id=21286]

Seems to me you lost by revealing your role as an Infiltrator.
My loyalties are with JOS.

Maybe you actually tried to do some meditations and you have too much imbalance in your chakras.
Try again.

Or I can laugh as the Universe wipes you from its memory xDDD
Abyssos said:

The reason why everyone has a vague conception of your ideas is because you have not defined them in any way, aside from your tantrums about forcing everyone to eat meat and have kids.

Spiritual quality precedes philosophical understanding, and this is why Hitler was able to do what he did. It was not because he read a good book or something, but due to previous and current life of advancement. These WN circles put zero effort at spiritual advancement, yet we are supposed to bow down to their superior logic.

Most of your concerns do not take into account the fact that JoS has not had people to do most of the work you call for, as it has been decentralized for some time. Along the same lines, you take random people's posts as a reflection of JoS itself, using the free discussions here as "proof" of everyone's ideas, rather than just of the person posting.

You have made like 5 posts now where you were surprised at the "political competence" of certain members, which shows that you basically made a snap judgement of everyone and are having to backtrack. Yet, you still want to paint yourself as the superior person, so you continue to write massive paragraphs attacking us and professing your own intelligence.

Rather than try to explain or teach, you have written massive posts attacking everyone, using lots of bright memes and colors. When I read your posts, it is basically 80% fluff and 20% content. You even tried to claim a meme was a viable substitute for your words, which further contributes to the poor understanding of your messages.

You pretend to know the situation of moderation, evenly falsely twisting the story of Meteor, as if you were there to watch it or something. Within HPHC's post itself, he literally explains how this happened all OFF THE FORUMS:

"Apparently all of this began in a discord, where many lunatics were convening together, but the unfortunate victim of this was this SS who for all intents was a great Satanist as far as I know. He also had a lot of contributions for JoS on the programming area.

Meteor was never in JoS but came after she destroyed him, and after certain kike places they dwelled into did unravel. I was shocked to see how many jews and other nasty people had been active in this so called "Discord" that was like a fake JoS. Then they came here to evoke false mercy and cry in front of me after having brutalized this person and ruined their life."

I find it funny how on one side you claim Ancient forums is "corrupted", yet you also admit that it has evolved, even though these are conflicting statements. Of course, if the mod team deletes things or talks in private, you do not see this, so that is why you think it just evolved on "its own".

You talk about optics and slander, but you are one of the worst offenders, making up stories of Ancient Forums "unspeakable degeneracy". No wonder your WN friends are telling you to leave. As you have shown me with how you handled the discussion on children, you have a tendency to amplify your concerns to very dramatic heights, regardless of the damage you have inflicted to the image of JoS.

Rather than trying to uplift the community, you are seemingly intent on fracturing it. With zero sense for constructive criticism, you create some of the most slanderous attacks against us. You talk about solutions, but present nothing, then try to claim others are degenerative to the movement, despite your posts being hostile to the maximum degree.

I was all for listening to you and figuring out what concerns you had, but you were unable to give me any sort of actionable suggestions. Instead, you would rant for hours about how people just don't know things, and only you know, then you started creating these massive attacks against JoS, claiming you are our total enemy, and all this crap.

Your "brilliant solutions" will never be incorporated through this off-the-walls behavior, because you have made it impossible for anyone to work with you. The degree with which you attack and slander us is crazy, and this damages the reception of your message.

What is anyone supposed to do in the face of these attacks? You should simply save your time instead of writing for hours attacking us, as this will only create justified backlash and further your extremist mindset.
Abyssos said:
In reading your post, I can tell that you're not aware of what Ancient Forums has been like as a culture. You're only familiar with the party line and the official canon of events. This naivety is not a bad thing, but gives me the impression that you're innocent of the degeneracy that countless people at Ancient Forums have exhibited for over 2 years.

I have seen pretty degenerated people here. These people are usually newcomers and English is not their prior language. Besides these phenomenon I never seen a more advanced member, like NakedPluto, Blitzkreig, ect.. writing anything that can fit in your statement.

Joy of Satan Ministries made a crippling mistake in how it marketed itself to gain new members. It's already known that most people who find the general idea of Satanism appealing are those who want to be degenerates and rebel against all authority. These are not the kind of people that anyone in their right mind wants in their movement. Libertarian ideals are a direct threat to the existence of the White Race. High Priestess Dietrich Maxine did have an awareness of some of the problems of Satanism's stereotypical appeal when she stated that Satanism attracts a lot of mentally ill people. Unfortunately, JoS only focused on one aspect of this problem, and left the door wide open for the other elements that should have also been gatekept.

We always emphasize that we are not following the "evil" and we are not degenerated teenagers who wants to kill kids or drink blood. This has been said many many times on the JoS main. People who click here to join something brutal cult, will end up leaving in disappointment.
Yes, most people who find the GENERAL IDEA of """Satanism""" good, are idiot degenerates. Yet you fail to see in this statement, that JoS is not the "general" idea of "Satanism". These are not the kind of people ANYBODY WANTS here, and they are get kicked out quickly. It's not like we agree with them in any way.
We could not advance in a mean you would do this. We need to reach as many people as we can. Note that, degenerated people can still learn and become a good follower of Satan.

The actual Satanic Doctrine at joyofsatan.org is excellent. The information provided in the sermons are excellent, despite the HORRIFYING SPELLING, GRAMMAR, AND SENTENCE STRUCTURE (this is mainly referring to "mageson's" sermons). It's sad that such good information is also utterly lacking in good citations, and doesn't appear credible to people with any sense of academic rigor and intelligence. This is a problem that could easily be solved by refinement of the texts, additional research, and thoroughness in matching citations to the claims, and forming comprehensive bibliographies. No other organization has such a thorough set of instructions on Magick that JoS does, as well as encouraging information on the nature of the Gods and the Demons of Hell, and this is by far one of it's greatest strengths.

A lot of information and sermons are outdated on the JoS main, and they will be replaced or/and will be added a lot of sermons from HPHC.

With all the above positive things and caveats being said, where JoS truly suffers, is in the degenerate and midwit community that has formed around the doctrine. Ancient Forums as a community is fundamentally broken all the way up to the administrative level. One problem is that the sizable majority of members that find their way here display strong signs of being gullible and easily swayed, which doesn't help the JoS's appearance pertaining to any accusations that they are a "cult" that manipulates people. This wouldn't be that hard to solve, but it would require a complete overhaul of the ideological and political priorities of the leadership that runs Ancient Forums, and that is never going to happen.

You ONLY find the administrative level degenerated, because you failing to take in ANY critics. Sadly, not everyone passes your ultimate expectations, especially newcomers, but It would be very arrogant and stupid to call the JG's and HPHC degenerated, as you have no idea how many people they have helped. HPHC helps people, and not only with his thousands of well written article, but as well as private help. He has been doing this for more than 10 years. Not only HPHC, but a lot more members also. You probably had no fucking idea of anything related to Satanism or NS when these people have been in it for more than you do now.

I'm also sure you haven't read these people's article, and assume everything from the answers you got for your delusional posts.

A chaotic mishmash of ideas that are utterly incompatible with a National Socialist Doctrine abound here, and the groupthink that has formed at Ancient Forums is diametrically opposed to White Nationalism, for as much as they try to present as being pro-Ethnonationalism. There is no realistic conception of the struggle that will occur in order for Ethnonationalism to be achieved. There is also a complete ignorance of just how degenerate the broad masses are, but this is in reality because most people here are degenerates who share the exact same ideals as every single person in the (((UK))).

You think that NS is 1937. In reality, NS always changing, and adapts to the current situation on earth. back in the vedic times, no one was against Jews, nor they recognized them, yet in these times NS is a lot about Jews. We can't follow the 1937 NS because it is "outdated" and it should adopt to the current situation. We did not never said anything that is against the fundamentals of NS which is the Dharma. Yet, you think we are completely opposite of NS or 1937 NS which is not true.

Never before in my life have I ever seen such a community with glaring contradictions in their ideology, with the exception of (((Richard Spencer's))) community. I bet that a lot of people here would love Richard Spencer if they'd even heard of him. There's even people here who like Destiny. In fact, Destiny is the perfect archetypical description of the overall userbase at Ancient Forums.

You would be a fan of Darth Vader. Oh wait..

I could keep elaborating, but in order to really get at the heart of what's wrong with Ancient Forums would require digging through the mud, which I'm no trying to do right now, and it would be a lengthy project anyway, which I'm actually getting ready to do. I compiled a long list of topics that display my impression of what Ancient Forums is really like, and merely glancing at the horrorscape filled me with murderous rage. There are several reasons why such a horrifying journey will be necessary, but it certainly won't be easy. By doing this however, over a period of weeks or months, I'll be able to work with my Comrades to formulate a thorough and blunt conception of our ideals, using our disgust at much of what we'll see in the threads I've gathered as a springboard. Necessity is the mother of invention. When I see degeneracy at Ancient Forums, I am driven to action, as I sense a danger to my Folk.

HPHC is always ready to take in good ideas and eventually make it happen.

With all that being said, there is another strange factor that I've discussed before. Ancient Forums and JoS have not broken into the public White Mass Consciousness. No one in any WN circles has ever heard of Joy of Satan Ministries. It cannot possibly be that hard to get well known in WN circles. The fucking ORDER OF NINE ANGLES is a well-known name in all WN circles, and they make fun of them. Many times when I introduced a WN to Satanism, they said "Wait, this isn't some O9A shit, is it?" Differentiating JoS from O9A was a task that I needed to do, which wasn't that hard, but this illustrates just how far behind JoS is in it's marketing.

We have been trying to advertise in WN circles, especially if they have a forum or anything on the internet. It is dangerous to advertise in real life, they can easily gather and smack the shit out of you, if you go the wrong group. Especially that they are mostly filled with enemy filth.

However, due to the fact that JoS is not politically presentable to WNs in it's current state, this is a strange stroke of luck. It's a good thing that JoS hasn't broken into mass WN awareness yet, because you people have never experienced such pushback. JoS as an organization is highly accustomed to pushback and criticism from retards, midwits, and subhumans. They love to put these arguments on display in announcements and pat themselves on the back. But what if an organization like the National Justice Party learned of the existence of JoS? What if some of them actually considered an analysis of Ancient Forums as something worth doing (spoiler, they wouldn't. No one in their ranks would care about JoS). They would actually take a brief glance at Ancient Forums, and would almost immediately dismiss it. Maybe if they looked at the JoyofSatan.org site, they'd probably be more forgiving, but it wouldn't take long in looking through the topics of Ancient Forums for them to disavow JoS as a community and decide that there's no more need to look into Satanism any further.

You are not the only one who trying to advertise JoS in these groups. You seems to have a big ick with JoS, yet you are advertising it. How kind you are <3

Ancient Forums conforms to every single stereotype that people in WN circles have about Satanism. I could put together a list, and I should. People here don't like being called out on it, but they doth protest too much. Again, this could easily be solved by ideological changes and a recognition of the necessity to conduct themselves in a way that dispels these stereotypes, but it will never happen.

you should because I disagree. You basically saying that JoS conforms everything that the enemy say about us. Yeah.. Most definitely captain.

The very nature of the Ancient Forums userbase is that of infiltration. It already happened. There's no going back from that. The moderation team does not know how to spot subversion, and has allowed it for years. They only go after the "obvious trolls," and then pat themselves on the back over it and have a circle jerk. I would be impressed if they demonstrated a capability to spot the subtle infiltration, but that will never happen. All this is because the community that has formed around Spiritual Satanism at Ancient Forums believes in the same ideals that such subversives and infiltrators would promote, all the way up to the administrative level.

You would be the same person abusing JoS, if it would ban everything that is not the exact path Satanism is about, as it is not free speech, and we are with free speech. If this moderation rule would be in your hand, JoS would fast become a disaster, and would never ever advance to anything besides it the userbase would be enemy filth neo nazist, with far right ideologies, just as banning everything that is not exactly right for you.

Anyone who is truly on the side of Satan and wants the Gentiles and especially the White Race to succeed will be glad when these developments I'm talking about start producing results. Everyone else will be horrified, and I have no intention of alleviating their fears. As I said, their worst fears will be realized.

I've explained quite enough for now. This mostly amounts to repeating myself, but since you're new here and appear to be innocent, I figure you should at least get this introduction. Much more can be elaborated, but that would be a longterm endeavor. I need to get going and fulfil my spiritual and wordly responsibilities. There is so much to do, and since my life is getting better, I do have more energy and time, thanks to Satan and the Power of Hell.

Satan onji luvs the Vithes!
Bravera said:
However, I do not feel like a Man when I must rely on others. How many times have I heard that it is embarrassing for a Man to live with his Mother, I should be greatful and proud to support her, but I am disgusted with this lifestyle.
There's nothing wrong with living with your mother, as long as you support her and help with the chores. The economy is not doing very well and the last thing you need is to feel bad because of something that a lot of young people do. It's wise to save money, specially in these concerning and chaotic times, also, I bet your mom it's happy to have her son near her.

A man has to accept that he sometimes needs help, independence is good, yes, but we're social beings, you are going to need help from other people, and that doesn't make you less of a man or an effeminate person (people are going to need your help too!). You are going to stop your progress if you keep trying to do everything by yourself.

Bravera said:
I recently lost the most incredible job, I should have done a better job at focusing on my Spiritual Protection, but I had decided it was more important to focus on my Work temporarily In order to advance further and carve a path away from the necessity to rely upon others.

I got sick, and I got fired...
That really sucks, but maybe soon you'll find an even better job. Don't think it's over yet, keep trying and you'll be back on your feet in no time! Hope you feel better soon.
Abyssos said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=456832 time=1691152346 user_id=21286]

You know what? Let me take a stab at this Anton Slavik wannabe too. I too am just as annoyed about this guy as every other SS here is for more than about ten threads that FUCKER polluted. I was here wanting to try to see if there is some advice here with my own vices just to bump into THIS GUY for like about the 30th time in his schizo bitchy ranting episodes.

I have been watching you for too long, Abyssos, as the piece of shit you still are, trying to quack your kike made version of nazism and mix it up with our faith. Are you even serious with us at THIS point? I am still surprised that people here have so much patience for you while everything you write is just total nonsense even if you had articles that were great to read. These parts of you tick off every fiber of my body, watching you desecrate our faith like this and even try to push your sick agendas here.

I've seen it for far too long now that you 100% can't be helped, and I wish you never visit this holy site ever again with your prolonged record of toxic idiocy. I don't see a single shred of genuine Satanism in all your autistic rants and so does every advanced member here that has begun to respond to your hostility the same way. You should have stayed and improved upon journalism with your race and slowly quit delving into other sick philosophies like your love for being some carnivore. You're no reptilian are you? And I'm not telling you to be a herbivorous grasshopper either.

Give up staying here at this point if you're infiltrating, flailing your arrogance with statements like we're of the enemy if WE HAVE BEEN KICKING THE KIKE FOR TOO LONG. Open your damn eyes or fucking leave at this point, leave this path that would have made you a true winner in this world if only you decided to sincerely follow it. Shove your skinhead edgy wannabe ass kike neo-nazism elsewhere within your groups, the JoS is to not play into the kike paradigms or kike games like you are, the JoS is to tear down and put a final end to kikedom and all its machinations and restore mankind's planet, which kikedom and its parasite creators tries to destroy, with a united Gentile one where all races will restore this planet into a far more better one but however will still have every race help their own respective races without any need to quarrel pointlessly like what you incessantly rave around here. Isn't that so much better than the philosophy you follow and made by sticking your own head up your ass? Quit disturbing the JoS with your total humungous record of lunacy, snap out of it, grow a fucking genuine pair for once, or just give up trying to convert any of us into your sick agendas.

YOUR CHOICE, ABYSSOS. Are you even a dedicated Satanist at this point? WELL FUCK YOU EVEN MORE if it turns out you aren't. Means you really didn't come here with any serious business at all on your fucking part but to just keep bitching and being a total fucking derision.
Wildfire said:

Agreed. The presence of this person is completely worthless here on our forum.

If anything, I believe harboring them is harmful for the overall impression of our Ancient forum.

Imagine someone comes here, and the first things he sees are this schizo posting idiot? They will just leave.

Not to mention that nothing they have ever said holds any value whatsoever to anyone here or to anyone who seeks the answers from the JoS.

People like him should make their own blog.

The Ancient forums are not the personal blog of every egomaniac sociopath and other idiot out there.
VoiceofEnki said:
Wildfire said:

Agreed. The presence of this person is completely worthless here on our forum.

If anything, I believe harboring them is harmful for the overall impression of our Ancient forum.

Imagine someone comes here, and the first things he sees are this schizo posting idiot? They will just leave.

Not to mention that nothing they have ever said holds any value whatsoever to anyone here or to anyone who seeks the answers from the JoS.

People like him should make their own blog.

The Ancient forums are not the personal blog of every egomaniac sociopath and other idiot out there.

That's why I stopped talking about my life anymore and instead went on fixing it myself.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Wildfire said:

I told y'all already. He's a real life MmGoodboy.


GOD DAMN ABYSSOS IS ATE!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wildfire said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Wildfire said:

Agreed. The presence of this person is completely worthless here on our forum.

If anything, I believe harboring them is harmful for the overall impression of our Ancient forum.

Imagine someone comes here, and the first things he sees are this schizo posting idiot? They will just leave.

Not to mention that nothing they have ever said holds any value whatsoever to anyone here or to anyone who seeks the answers from the JoS.

People like him should make their own blog.

The Ancient forums are not the personal blog of every egomaniac sociopath and other idiot out there.

That's why I stopped talking about my life anymore and instead went on fixing it myself.

Well...this didn't age well when I posted that stupid losing will and motivation post...but that's totally over now.
Wildfire said:
Well...this didn't age well when I posted that stupid losing will and motivation post...but that's totally over now.

For what it’s worth, it’s not uncommon for SS to go through these sort of motions granted you did some uncommon things, but at the end of the day it’s our mistakes that make us who we are.
Not to scorned but to see how far we’ve come.
Not to be overly regretful because now you can help others in similar situations.

You seem like a cool guy if only a little Wild(fire)… okay I’ll leave :lol:
I’m glad you’re doing better, That avatar suits you.
Matt.TheEnvoyOfSol_ said:
Wildfire said:
Well...this didn't age well when I posted that stupid losing will and motivation post...but that's totally over now.
I’m glad you’re doing better, That avatar suits you.


Wildfire said:
Matt.TheEnvoyOfSol_ said:
Wildfire said:
Well...this didn't age well when I posted that stupid losing will and motivation post...but that's totally over now.
I’m glad you’re doing better, That avatar suits you.



I think I Laughed a little too hard at this. the fox literally sounds like they’re faking it :lol:
Bravera said:
I got sick, and I got fired...

Get a new job. Doing so would mean new challenges and things to learn and grow from.

The more comfortable life you have, the more comfortable you become.
This is something many people do not realize, as they constantly seek comfort and fear discomfort.
They are overlooking the fact that the most successful people in this world have gone through massive amounts of discomfort in order to become the legends they are now. Adolf Hitler is one such example.

Don't let any pain break you. Instead let it make you stronger and, invest in failures.
Get back on the horse, and don't forget that constant meditation/yoga is important for helping you achieve this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
