That's an interesting way to start a post, but I believe true racism is " The desire to treat other races less then." Which I doubt you'd do, so no your not racist but are a bit over the top in a way that's not necessary.
Now yet again, I'm from Africa. Living in Africa, the word nigger means nothing to me.
I can't say that the African descendants currently in America who are detached to any cultural roots anymore. It believe that goes, any whites living outside of Europe. And that's the issue, if we all were to return we'd have decades of corruption to fix in short amount of time in order to focus back on growing and advancing as races.
Actually the way you worded it i.e. Racist/ism = The desire to treat other races less than. Or even outright hostility etc.etc.
Is more in line with Social Communism(i.e. Social Marxism albeit I want to get away from Marxism as it outlines a specific and unfollowed rule and regulation. Simply because we have racial communism a.l.a. the strange North Korea, Pol Pot's most marxist out of all marxist, and China and other communist, quasi-communist-socialist nations containing their own subdued version of Marxism.
In fact in Social Communism I'm trying to expand it to be an umbrella term for political division systems for example we call them Lefties or Leftoids or Liberal. Liberal = wrong to call them that.
As a good friend of mine put it. Leftist people want freedoms and hence liberal properties with a right-based economic system a.l.a Democrats as an example here in the U.S. they want liberties so-called while maintaining high-taxation and taxation of the working class while booning the rich. In essence as the dupe Robert Reich who dealt in the past with "Trickle Down" economic principles. Give to the rich and the lower shall drown in riches. Nope no not at all if we were to give millionaires and billionaires and other upper echelon people they either self-invest in their industries for them or invest it in the stock market, crypto, or other and basically horde the wealth.
In Cuckservative right-winger groups they want liberties as well to a degree for example restricted abortion or no abortion i.e. christcuck mentality of maintaining population boom of everyone. While possessing a economic left position or liberal economics as with Liberterians and certain Leftist called Classical Leftist. In essence they believe in lower taxes potentially some higher taxation for rich or at least little to no income taxes as the U.S. existed for about 115 or so years without income taxes. And basically correctly again like Robert Reich changed his tune, "Trickle Up".
The problem is that while I would love a traditional pre-nifty fifties and pre-civil war capitalist system at least to stem the tide of inflation and financial rot to our system. It's capitalism again the World is predicated on three economic spheres merged together into a melange of shit. Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism.
Hence why I state [SOCIAL COMMUNISM] not [SOCIAL MARXISM]. I'd like to embrace the entire umbrella term completely and put everything under the sun about it.
This is why there is another system in place Social Capitalism.
Both Social systems Capitalism and Communism are one in the same. Raceist/Racism/Race = negative fomentation.
I believe in Social National Socialism or Social Nazism.
Raceist/Racism = A healthy sentiment of racial self-preservation. A scientific process deeply embedded in mankind.
Sheer fact is the three main systems merely use racial admixing and racial hatred to compound the issue while looking for cheap, stupid, dolt slaves or worse better yet THRALLS as Gottfried Feder explains in his discourses.
Sheer fact is Communisms and Socialisms properties of (Spread the Wealth) sicken everyone and for good reason. It's a ploy to actually control it's perfect control the opposition and doom and gloom everyone and everything.
Sheer fact is in Social Nazism we would state and Hitler as well as Feder would glee in excitement updating their technological databanks with:
[Spread the Money]
If I say wealth why does that elicit a response of horror recoil?
Because your talking about a store of wealth or objects or things that are precious to a person.
Spread the Money
I'm talking about the Medium of Exchange. Does anyone care about moving a few bucks around. It's easier to get a 1 million people to give a few bucks than it is to get 1 person to give a million.
Hence [Spread the Money] i.e. Medium of Exchange.
One reason why as Feder puts it in Collected Writings which was a book created in 2019 by a few researchers.
After sensing a reading a certain paragraph in it. I viewed [E.O.T.M.O.E.] as paramount to support the economy. Exchange of the Medium of Exchange.
If I give you a few dollars for a widget or sundry items. I'm force multiplying the economy.
Anyways I digress.
The leftoid/lefty/Liberal movements were hijacked by the enemy. Hence why they are Communist but the right is equally as foolish.
National Socialism either proposes a unified front of divisonary explanations such as for example how Hitler calls us Revolutionary and how in certain parts like Coburn incident we acted reactionary towards the communist.
I believe it gets to the point that we are not just Triple-A, (Against All Authority) but that we are in essence an all-wing, full-wing function. We do not divide ourselves much like how the entire Commu-Capitalist movements subdivide everything almost like prisons.
I don't believe Pagan's never had names or divisions for things. But certainly not for some maligned system of negativity that pits man against man all because the poor jew wants to conquer the World through words and confusing rhetoric.
Sheer fact is to return to the main topic.
I think that while sure on a foreground cursory glance Race-ist/-ism = Hatred or Contempt of another race or racial group or outright subgroup.
These are words concocted by people who manipulate reality to see it fit it follows a program of theirs of total enslavement or should I be more specific total thralldom.
I believe these quirky Social Communist, Social Socialist, and Social Capitalist wordings are merely an attempt to put the genie back in the bottle and place mankind right back on the hamster wheel to be nothing and be utter shit, live to work, die to work, your only value is money, production, and how you engineer your own doom and the doom of others.
In essence these systems encourage hatred and contempt for other races simply to confound and simply for the moolah i.e. the All Mighty Dollar.
Hence why all three systems are really the same governing body.
Try and view it from a Social Nazi perspective.